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Shoot growth attributes, leaf anatomical changes and net photosynthetic rates were determined in young coffee plants fertilized at high and low levels and subjected to shade or full sunlight. High nitrogen supply increased plant height irrespective of the light level imposed during growth, and promoted a larger leaf area in plants of the shade treatment. Specific leaf weight was 15% higher in plants grown in full sunlight than in shaded plants, at both nitrogen levels. The number of leaves developed on the orthotropic stem increased significantly under full irradiance and high nitrogen availability. Leaves were 11% thicker ih unshaded plants than in shaded ones, because of the increased size of the palisade and spongy parenchyma tissues. More thylakoids per granum and more grana per chloroplast were observed in shade-grown plants, mainly in those given high nitrogen treatment. Total nitrogen content expressed on a leaf-area basis was higher in sun plants supplemented with nitrogen, whereas chlorophyll a and b and protochlorophyll contents increased in shade-grown plants. Net photosynthetic rate in high nitrogen plants reached 7.19 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in the full irradiance treatment, and 5.46 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in shaded plants. Maximum net photosynthetic rates in the low nitrogen plants were 5.28 and 4.90 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in sun and shade plants, respectively. Increased photosynthetic light saturation was observed in high irradiance plants (628 µmol m?2 s?1) relative to shade plants (359 µmol m?2 s?1) in the high nitrogen treatment. The same pattern was observed in low nitrogen plants. The apparent quantum yield of shade acclimated plants was 14% higher than in those grown in full sunlight. Our results indicate that coffee may be classified as a facultative shade species, exhibiting features of sun adapted plants coupled with shade acclimation attributes, this fairly high adaptive capacity to shade:sun transition being strongly influenced by the level of nitrogen nutrition given to the plants.  相似文献   


Changes in apical morphology during floral initiation and development in pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariaefolium L.) were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The sequence of events may be divided into eleven stages of apical development which are distinctive in both morphology and size. The environmental stimulus promoting rapid flower initiation was demonstrated to be vernalization. Flower initiation occurred after four months under non-vernalizing conditions through an autonomous flower induction process. Devernalization was observed under short day (10 h daylength), low photon flux density (200 µmol m2 s?1) conditions. Apices were never observed to revert to vegetative growth after the initiation of the first involucral bract and therefore this was considered to be the developmental stage at which the apex was committed to generative development.  相似文献   


Cherry yield of eleven elite clones of Arabica coffee was evaluated over a five-year period at three locations in a continuing study to detenriine the extent and influence of Clone X Environment interactions on coffee breeding lines developed in Kenya. Clone mean yield comparisons indicated a better performance of all the improved clones compared with the Standard. In analysis of variance (ANOVA) significant main effects and non-significant Clone X Environment interactions (P<0.05) were found. Interactions were however, further investigated using ecovalence values, the Eberhart and Russell (1966) regression model as well as the Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction effects (AMMI) model. The clones were then clustered according to their response patterns using principal components and cluster analyses to obtain a delineation of ecological districts and more accurate predictions of clone performance. The main effects for clones reflected breeding advances with the standard variety having the smallest mean. Improved materials from the hybridization scheme appeared to do better than their pure-line counterparts with clones 8,3,1 and 2 being the most advanced of the 11 clones. Similarly, the main effects for the environment reflected the overall site/year quality with Kiambu having the best production conditions particularly due to the favourable weather in 1983. This indicates that the coffee growing upper zone may be favourable for the clones especially when they are raised by top-working old coffee. Makuyu environments had the least interaction effects.  相似文献   

Coffee plants of five Arabica and one Canephora genotypes were raised in containers with 0.02 nr1 of soil, under a clear plastic shelter. When they were 18 months old, irrigation was withheld until the first signs of wilting appeared. This occurred four to five days after withholding irrigation, when the pre-dawn water potential of young fully expanded leaves of the plagiotropic branches was about -2.4 MPa. Control plants remained under daily irrigation. The pressure-volume technique was used to estimate volume averaged water relations properties of sample leaves. The turgor loss point was approximately -1.6 MPa for control plants and -2.0 MPa for stressed plants, an osmotic adjustment of approximately 22%. The Canephora genotype showed a slightly higher adjustment. The relative water content at the turgor loss point remained at approximately 93%, irrespective of genotype or treatment. The maximum bulk modulus of elasticity did not change significantly with water deficit, remaining at about 24 MPa, except for a slight increase in the Canephora genotype. The specific leaf area of the Arabica genotypes decreased about 20%, as compared with a 10% decrease for the Canephora genotype.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2004,99(2):187-197
Differences in ethylene sensitivity among carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cultivars were evaluated using a time-lapse video recording system. Measurement of time to petal inrolling of ‘White Sim’, ‘Nora’, ‘Chinera’, and line 64-54 flowers subjected to a range of 1–20 μl l−1 ethylene showed that 10 μl l−1 was the optimum concentration for sensitivity evaluation with our video system. With this system we found clear differences in ethylene sensitivity among 10 cultivars and one line. ‘Candy’, ‘Pallas’, ‘Chinera’, and line 64-54 had lower ethylene sensitivities than the other seven cultivars. Line 64-54 had the longest ethylene response time (20.6 h to start of petal inrolling). Video monitoring is a simple and accurate way of evaluating ethylene sensitivity. We have also used the system to study changes in the ethylene sensitivity of carnation flowers after anthesis. We were able to detect a shift in responsiveness to ethylene that was impossible to detect by previous methods. In the Sim-type carnation cultivars tested (‘White Sim’, ‘Scania’, ‘U Conn Sim’, and ‘Nora’), ethylene sensitivity after anthesis decreased significantly with age in both early-cut and late-cut flowers. These results clearly showed that decline of ethylene sensitivity is caused by the increasing physiological age of flowers. Ethylene sensitivity after anthesis decreased with age in normal Sim-type carnations in the same way as in long-vase-life variants such as ‘Sandrosa’.  相似文献   

Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruits exhibit three growth stages associated with distinct biological processes. During these periods, water and carbon accumulate in the fruit, determining quality traits such as fruit size and sugar concentration. We adapted the Fishman-Génard model to blueberry and used it to analyse the effect of fruit load on fruit fresh mass and water dynamics, based on empirical observations of dry mass and sugar content performed throughout the fruit growth period. Different fruit load treatments were imposed during two seasons on ‘Brigitta’ blueberry plants growing under different culture systems. Increasing fruit load significantly reduced the fresh mass of the fruits at harvest, but did not affect sugar concentration, which was simulated and validated with a mean error of 7% for fresh mass and 15% for sugar concentration for the tested conditions. The most sensitive model parameters were those related to cell wall extensibility and sugar uptake. The simulations indicated that larger fresh mass of the fruit was mainly caused by increases in water fluxes rather than pressure differences. The model implementation provides the first estimates of a set of parameters which govern blueberry fruit water dynamics from fruit set to harvest.  相似文献   

Two cationic, butanol-soluble, cytokinin fractions were resolved from purified coffee flower bud and xylem sap extracts. Dormant buds yielded only the more polar fraction and xylem sap collected during drought the less polar fraction, levels of the latter fraction decreasing as drought proceeded. When bud dormancy was broken by irrigation or rainfall, a rapid increase occurred in the more polar cytokinin of the xylem sap. Activity of both cytokinin fractions increased in the buds also, but more slowly at first. The pattern of changes in both bud and sap cytokinin indicate that, when water stress in coffee trees is relieved, cytokinin, which may be required by the buds for further development to anthesis, is released from within the xylem. This, it is suggested, explains why water stress usually must be relieved before the buds can emerge from dormancy. Using thin-layer chromatography, the more polar cytokinin was found to be chromatographically indistinguishable from zeatin riboside in the six different solvent systems tried, while the mobility of the less polar one was similar, but not identical, to 6γγ (dimethylallyl) amino purine. A technique for the sequential extraction of gibberellins, abscisic acid and cytokinin is described.  相似文献   

Olive (Olea europaea) demonstrates a high tendency toward alternate fruit production, with significant negative consequences on the industry. Fruit load is one of the main cause-and-effect factors in the phenomenon of biennial bearing, often disrupting the balance between reproductive and vegetative processes. The objectives of the present study were to identify the time range during which heavy fruit load reversibly interrupts the reproductive processes of the following year. The linkage between timing of fruit removal, vegetative growth, return bloom, and fruit yield was studied. Complete fruit removal in cv. Coratina until about 120 days after full bloom (August 15) caused an immediate resumption of vegetative growth. The new shoots grew to twice the length of those on trees that underwent later fruit removal. Moreover, a full return bloom, corresponding with high subsequent yields, was obtained by early fruit removal, while poor or no bloom developed on late-defruited or control trees. Thus, the critical time to affect flowering and subsequent fruiting in the following year by fruit thinning occurs in olive trees even weeks after pit hardening—much later than previously suggested. Furthermore, the data indicate that flowering-site limitation, due to insufficient or immature vegetative growth during the On-year, is a primary factor inducing alternate bearing in olive.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,88(2):133-145
Two cultivars of Ipomoea purpurea (Morning Glory) differing in flower colour and corolla morphology were investigated for artificial mutagenesis. The violet blue (VB) cultivar bears flowers with a typical gamopetalous corolla. The red purple (RP) cultivar has flowers with an incised corolla at one or more places at the petal union, i.e. incompletely gamopetalous and has petaloid appendages borne on the outer side. It has been described as petalomaniatic. The petaloid appendages were part and parcel of the petal itself. The mutagens used were ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NMG) and sodium azide (SA). Mutants affecting the petal union and petalomaniatic tendency were discussed. It was possible to induce an incompletely gamopetalous petalomaniatic mutant in cultivar VB as well as the typical gamopetalous corolla morphotype in cultivar RP. Preliminary hybridization studies were made using cv. RP and its white colour mutant as one of the parents and crossed with cv. VB. Hybridization studies revealed that independent loci exist for the incomplete gamopetalous nature of the corolla and its petalomaniatic tendency. The mutants obtained were corolla whorl specific and were described as meristic mutations in I. purpurea.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(2):223-240
Endogenous carbohydrate contents and availability in structures near the meristematic zone (scales, cushion, part of stem) during winter with and without sufficient chilling were investigated. Insufficient chilling is known to provoke an abnormal pattern of budbreak and development in temperate zone fruit trees cultivated in warm climates. Mild temperatures applied during winter to strictly floral buds, as is the case in peach, are known to provoke the necrosis of flower primordia in the buds. One of the hypotheses to explain this is that carbohydrate fluxes to the buds are impeded and/or that internal reserves are completely used up. Carbohydrate availability and bud survival were compared between peach trees under natural temperate conditions and under complete deprivation of cold, by keeping trees in a greenhouse with temperature constantly above 15 °C from early October to the first sign of necrosis in flower buds. Concentrations and carbohydrate contents were compared during a little more than 2 months (beginning mid-December) before the first signs of necrosis in flower buds. Results showed that cold deprivation deeply disturbed carbohydrate dynamics, blocking the import of carbohydrates into vegetative and floral primordia, even though sucrose and sorbitol concentrations within these structures remained high. Conversely, soluble carbohydrates accumulated strongly in bud scales and in the cushion beneath the primordia. This suggests a strong diversion towards structures close to the primordia under cold deprivation. However, since sucrose and sorbitol concentrations in the floral primordia remained high, necrosis could be the consequence of the inability to use sucrose and sorbitol reserves rather than the result of a lack of available carbohydrates.  相似文献   

A perusal of literature showed that a little is known about the metabolic changes related to senescence in orchid flowers. It was observed that unpollinated flowers of Cymbidium pendulum (Roxb.) Sw. remained fresh for 20 days and senesced within 8 days after pollination (DAP), while that of Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw. took 18 days when unpollinated but showed senescence in 7 DAP. A higher level of electrolyte leakage was recorded in all the floral organs of pollinated flowers in both the species. There was a concomitant increase in levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); indicators of oxidative damage, in all the organs for both the species. Ascorbic acid, on the other hand, decreased significantly. Higher amount of electrolyte leakage, MDA and H2O2 content were recorded in C. pendulum as compared of the other species while the ascorbic acid, on the other hand, was observed to be decreased and this decrease was more in C. pendulum than C. aloifolium suggesting a higher oxidative damage to the floral organs in the former species than the latter. TIBA, i.e. tri-iodobenzoic acid (an auxin inhibitor; 0.25 μM) and silver nitrate (ethylene inhibitor; 0.25 μM) application to pollinated flowers partially prevented the elevation of oxidative damage and consequently senescence suggesting the involvement of these hormones in governing these changes in orchid flowers. Comparatively, AgNO3 was more effective than TIBA in delaying senescence.  相似文献   

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is grown commercially and as an ornamental plant. Floral colour and inflorescence type are important traits in the breeding of ornamental sunflower. Sunflowers consist of ray florets, which are arranged around the perimeter with disc florets in the centre. The colour of the ray florets can vary from various shades of red to lemon-yellow. The inheritance of ray floret colour was studied through diallel crossing of inbred lines with red, yellow, or lemon-yellow coloured florets. In the F1 generations, the red colour was partially dominant over yellow and lemon-yellow ray florets, forming a ‘Gaillardia‘ pattern, while yellow was dominant over lemon-yellow. The segregation ratios in the F2 generations were 9:7 (red × yellow) and 3:1 (red × lemon-yellow and yellow × lemon-yellow), indicating control by one or two genes, respectively. The colour of the disc florets depended on the presence or absence of anthocyanin pigmentation. Disc florets that lacked anthocyanin pigmentation were usually different shades of yellow. Anthocyanin pigmentation was dominant over yellow and lemon-yellow, showing monohybrid inheritance with a segregation ratio of 3:1 in the F2 generation. Chrysanthemum-type inflorescences had elongated disc florets. In crosses between chrysanthemum-type and normal-type inflorescences, the segregation ratio in the F2 populations corresponded to the theoretical ratio of 3:1 for chrysanthemum-type:normal-type inflorescences. We conclude that the genes controlling floral colour and inflorescence type are inherited independently and have different effects. The interaction of these genes revealed new combinations of floral colour and type, which can increase variability in ornamental sunflowers.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,87(1-2):147-151
Catecholase and cresolase (PPO) enzyme activities and phenolic content were measured in different mango cultivars at panicle initiation. Enzyme activity and phenolic content varied widely amongst eight cultivars, the maximum being in Bhadauran and minimum in Tommy Atkins. Floral malformation incidence was maximum (53.75%) in ‘Tommy Atkins’ and minimum in ‘Bhadauran’ (1.10%). A strong negative correlation was found between both the enzyme activity, phenolic content at panicle initiation and the incidence of floral malformation. Thus, PPO activity and level of phenolic compounds at panicle initiation may give a possible estimate of malformation incidence in mango.  相似文献   


Low-temperature sweetening of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) roots, which may occur both pre-harvest and post-harvest, is a well-known phenomenon, but is poorly understood. ‘White King’ parsnip roots were analysed over two seasons (2008 and 2009) during field growth and over six months cold storage at 1ºC for their dry matter content, as well as their starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and malto-oligosaccharide (MOS) concentrations and for their changes in amylolytic enzyme activities (2009 only). In 2008, when the air temperature fell below 5ºC for 12 d in the last 8 weeks before harvest, the concentration of starch decreased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) and the concentration of total sugar increased significantly. In 2009, when temperatures did not fall below 5°C during the last 8 weeks before harvest, the concentrations of starch (339 + 17 mg g–1 DW) and total sugars (168 + 12 mg g–1 DW) did not change significantly. However, in both years, during 24 weeks in cold storage at 1ºC, starch levels were almost completely depleted, whereas sucrose concentrations and, to a lesser extent, MOS concentrations increased at least two-fold. Glucose and fructose concentrations also increased significantly during 24 weeks in cold storage, but to a much lower level than sucrose or MOS. Total amylolytic activity and α-amylase activity doubled during the first 8 weeks in cold storage, whereas β-amylase activity did not change significantly. As products of α-amylase activity, changes in MOS concentration paralleled the changes in α-amylase activity. The accumulation of sucrose and MOS may raise the culinary quality of cold-stored parsnip.  相似文献   

The importance of root size system has long been recognized as crucial to cope with drought conditions. This investigation was conducted to: (i) evaluate the variability in root size system of hot pepper at maturity; (ii) estimate the effect of root size system on yield under drought conditions; and (iii) effect of water stress on xylem vessel development and total xylem cross-sectional area in roots of hot pepper cultivars. Twelve diverse hot pepper cultivars were grown in wooden boxes with two different water treatments, normal and in 50% water application as water deficit condition. Mean primary root length (PRL) showed a significant positive correlation with final fruit yield at normal as well as stressed condition. Total dry mass of fruit was reduced by 34.7% in drought treatments (DI) compared to full watered treatment (FI). At harvest, water-stressed plants had 21% lower root dry weight mass but higher root:shoot ratio other than FI. PRL, lateral root density, total xylem area per root cross-section showed a significant positive relationship with fruit yield. Also, lateral root density was higher in cultivars with higher xylem density, particularly in tolerant cultivars. Lateral root density (r = 0.847, P < 0.001) and total xylem cross-sectional area in root (r = 0.926, P < 0.001) were tightly related with total biomass production. The importance of root traits contributing to withstand drought in hot pepper is discussed.  相似文献   


To control the bolting of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) photoperiodically, the effect of photoperiods before, during and after vernalization on flower initiation and development and the varietal differences were investigated using the two mid-season flowering cvs Kincho and Asagi-kujo, and a late-season flowering cv. Cho-etsu. A long-day photoperiod (LD, 16 h) given before vernalization inhibited flower initiation. Especially, the bolting rate of ‘Asagi-kujo’ decreased by about a half, compared with the short-day photoperiod (SD, 8 h). The interaction between the effect of night temperature (3°C, 7°C, 11°C or 15°C) and the effect of the photoperiod (SD and LD) during vernalization was also investigated. In ‘Kincho’, LD did not affect flower initiation at 3°C, but inhibited flower initiation at 7°C, 11°C and 15°C. In ‘Asagi-kujo’, flower initiation was significantly inhibited by LD under all temperature conditions. This inhibitory effect was stronger at 11°C and 15°C than at 3°C and 7°C. In ‘Cho- etsu’, LD significantly inhibited flower initiation at 3°C and 7°C, and flower initiation rarely occurred at 11°C and 15°C. In this study, generally, LD during vernalization inhibited flower initiation in all cultivars. Thus Japanese bunching onion required a short-day photoperiod in flower initiation, which was stronger in ‘Asagi-kujo’ and ‘Cho-etsu’ than in ‘Kincho’. From these results, we conclude that low temperature and a short-day photoperiod complementarily induce flower initiation in Japanese bunching onion. Varietal differences exist in the requirement of low temperature and a short-day photoperiod: the primary requirement in ‘Kincho’ is low temperature and that in ‘Asagi-kujo’ is a short-day. After flower initiation, the early stage of flower development is day-neutral, and after the floret formation stage, a long-day photoperiod promotes flower development and elongation of the seedstalk.  相似文献   


The main objective of this work was to investigate shoot and root morphology of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) (cvs Early Calwonder, Keystone Resistant Giant, Jupiter, Shamrock and Gator Belle) grown in sand culture at three N-levels, 56,84 and 112 mg l?1. Shoot, root, and root components were evaluated 40, 50 and 60 days after seeding. Tap, basal and lateral root accounted for 1%, 40% and 53%, respectively, of the total root dry weight. Shoot: root ratios did not differ between cultivars. Basal root length, basal root number and first-order lateral root number increased with increasing N. Cultivars with either long lateral roots or basal roots had short basal roots or lateral roots respectively, although only small differences were observed in other root and shoot characteristics. In this greenhouse environment, shoot/root ratio was constant. Nitrogen stimulated root and shoot growth, and this effect was significantly different for the root components.  相似文献   

Leaf structural adaptations for the reduction of water loss were examined in two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars (Chemlali and Chétoui) growing under water stress conditions. Leaf measurements included leaf tissue thickness, stomatal density, trichome density, specific leaf area, leaf density, water relations, and gas exchange. We found considerable genotypic differences between the two cultivars. Chemlali exhibited more tolerance to water stress, with a thicker palisade parenchyma, and a higher stomatal and trichome density. Chemlali leaves also revealed lower specific leaf area and had higher density of foliar tissue and lower reduction in net CO2 assimilation rate. The mechanisms employed by these two cultivars to cope with water deficit are discussed at the morpho-structural level. The morphological and structural characteristics of the leaves are in accordance with physiological observations and contribute to the interpretation of why the olive cv. Chemlali is more drought-tolerant than cv. Chetoui. Furthermore, from the behaviour of Chemlali plants we consider this cultivar very promising for cultivation in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   


Male wild bees visit flowers to feed and, despite their lack of specialised organs for carrying pollen, simultaneously pollinate them. We analysed the pollinating efficiency of the males of two bee species for blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.): red mason bee (Osmia rufa L.) and bufftailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris terrestris L.). Both bee species are commercial pollinators and many males are produced during their rearing. Gauze sleeves were used to isolate the inflorescences and to keep the males inside (one per sleeve). In each experimental group, there were six shoots with four neighbouring inflorescences (n = 24). The sleeves were also used to prevent other bees from reaching the flowers, and to allow self-pollination. Non-isolated flowers were pollinated by free-range bees. The effect of male bee pollination was similar to that of free-range bee pollination. The percentages of flowers that developed into fruit were as follows: male bufftailed bumblebee pollination, 79.5%; free-range bee pollination, 71.1%; male red mason bee pollination, 65.1%; and self-pollination, 46.4%; while the mean numbers of fruit per raceme were 5.0, 4.4, 3.6, and 2.4, respectively. The number of non-pollinated flowers per raceme (ranging from 1.3 – 2.8) exhibited an inverse relationship to these numbers of fruit. Our observations showed that male wild bees can pollinate blackcurrant flowers successfully, and could potentially be useful in other crops.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2003,98(2):113-119
Leafy vegetables accumulate higher amount of heavy metals like nickel (Ni) due to their more leafy vegetative growth. Therefore, a screenhouse experiment was conducted using an alkaline sandy loam soil equilibrated with graded levels of Ni (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 mg kg−1 soil) to assess the Ni accumulation pattern and its influence on growth and micronutrient distribution in fenugreek plants. Green as well as the dry matter yields of fenugreek increased slightly up to 20 g Ni kg−1 soil but decreased significantly with the application ≥40 mg Ni kg−1 soil. Crops showed characteristic toxicity symptoms of interveinal chlorosis in pots receiving ≥40 mg Ni kg−1 soil. While the total content of Ni in the plant tissues increased consistently with increasing rates of applied Ni, the roots accumulated much higher amount of this element compared to the shoot. The content of Fe in plants showed an increase whereas that of Cu and Zn experienced a decrease with the rise in the applied Ni.  相似文献   

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