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In anAbies homolepis Sieb. et Zucc. forest at Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., cumulative damage byXylotrechus villioni (Villard) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) was observed on tree branches. Of the 14 major branches in one sample tree, six had cumulative damage by boring larvae, of which 3 had been bored by multiple larvae. No adult emergence holes were found on the whole tree, suggesting very low survivorship from boring larva to emerging adult. Galleries made by single larvae were often observed to be terminated by a depression apparently carved by a picid woodpecker, suggesting that they are important predators of the cerambycid. The manner of cicatrix formation with phloem tissue over the larval gallery in anAbies veitchii Lindl. branch at Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi Pref. is presented. Studies onXylotrechus villioni (Villard) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a primary borer of coniferous trees in Japan (III). This work was presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society at Morioka (April, 1993) and 20th International Congress of Entomology at Firenze (August, 1996). This work is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.02660163) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of thinning on allometry and needle-age distribution in natural stands of Abies sachalinensis Masters by comparing a thinned stand to an unthinned, control stand. Specifically, we attempted to clarify how allometry was altered after a thinning. We assumed that the needle-age distribution of trees in the thinned stand would show a younger composition than in the control stand, given the effect of improved light conditions on needle dynamics following a thinning. These investigations were conducted in dense Abies stands located in central Hokkaido, northern Japan, 19 years post-thinning. In the thinned stand, the ratio of individual needle mass to stem mass increased significantly, as compared to the control. A difference in the H–DBH relationship between the stands was probably related to this tendency. Mean needle age of trees differed significantly between the two stands, and the thinned stand showed a younger needle age than the control. Within each stand, dominant trees showed older mean needle age than codominant or suppressed trees. These tendencies may have been caused by differential needle dynamics affected by light conditions in the stands, and by different crown positions among the trees within a stand. In summary, trees in the thinned stand showed increased growth rates after thinning, which were caused by increased needle mass, younger composition of needles, and improved light conditions.  相似文献   

The decline of virgin fir (Abies firma) forest at Mt. Oyama has been reported. Related field observations suggest that high acidity fog is linked with its decline. However, cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) in the same area shows no symptoms of decline. For assessing effects of acid fog on membrane-bound calcium (mCa) of the leaf mesophyll cells, 9-year-old seedlings of fir (Abies firma) and 8-year-old seedlings of cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) were exposed twice a week to simulated acid fog (SAF at pH 3 with pH 5 as control) for 2 h per day in a chamber during May–December 2007 (except August). Current and 1-year-old needles were collected from seedlings and analyzed at 1-month intervals. For current-year needles of fir, mCa levels in cells exposed to SAF at pH 3 were significantly lower than in cells exposed to pH 5, especially during September 2007–March 2008. In contrast, it is noteworthy that mCa levels of cedar were maintained as virtually constant irrespective of SAF acidity, indicating that fir is more sensitive to acid fog than is cedar. Based on these results, mCa loss by acid fog might also be caused in the declining virgin fir forest at Mt. Oyama.  相似文献   

This paper reports three newly recorded species, Diphascon modestum Binda, Pilato and Dastych, 1984, Diphascon nobilei Binda, 1969, and Diphascon triodon Maucci, 1996, of the genus Diphascon (Tardigrada; Hypsibiidae) from China. Five specimens of Diphascon modestum were collected from Taibai Mt. (34°18′N, 107°42tpE) at 2,500 m above the sea level (a.s.l.), two specimens of Diphascon nobilei were collected from Tonggu County, Jiangxi Province (28°31’N, 114°26′E) at 900 m a.s.l, and one specimen of Diphascon triodon was collected from Linzhi County, Tibet (29°40′N, 94°23′E) at 3,500 m a.s.l. All specimens are deposited at the College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, China. A key to the Chinese species of Diphascon was also given. Foundation project: This study was supported by scientific research foundation project of Shaanxi Institute of Education (No. 07KJ37Q)  相似文献   

Successful regeneration of coastal montane sites harvested using alternative silvicultural systems may depend on the degree to which tree species can acclimate morphologically and physiologically to a variety of light environments. In a study to determine shade acclimation in montane conifers, one-year-old amabilis fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl.) Forbes) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) seedlings were grown in a nursery under four shade treatments: full sunlight (0% shade), 60% and 30% shade using shade cloth, and 30% shade using lath slats. Shading influenced shoot development, foliar physiology and morphological characteristics of both amabilis fir and western hemlock but in general, the effects were small. Shade levels of 60% were required to induce significant acclimation, and western hemlock appeared to respond more positively than amabilis fir and therefore was considered more shade tolerant than amabilis fir. Light quality had little influence on growth and development, as indicated by a lack of significant differences in physiology or morphology between seedlings grown under shade cloth or lath slats. There were indications that adequate nutrition levels may mitigate the effects of shade on seedling morphology and physiology.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of varieties (clones) and knowledge of their genetic relationships are essential for poplar breeding and variety management. In this study, 21 elite poplar varieties of Tacamahaca and Aigeiros in China were fingerprinted using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Four AFLP primer pairs developed generated totally 181 AFLP polymorphic fragments, and in particular, each primer pair generated fingerprint profiles specific to each of the tested varieties. The genetic relationships among the varieties were evaluated by dendrograms and multidimensional scaling (MDS). The results showed that the tested poplar can be classified into five groups, and indicated the clear separation of varieties of different sections of poplar and the primary distinction between native and exotic poplar varieties. This study indicated that tested poplar varieties could be identified by their fingerprint profiles and that genetic relationships deduced from the study were consistent with their genealogy. In addition, our results demonstrated that AFLP could be used to construct DNA fingerprints of polar clones at a large-scale level and to determine genetic relationships of poplar varieties. __________ Translated from Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 2006, 28(1): 85–90 [译自: 云南植物研究]  相似文献   

The spatial distribution patterns of the attack on fresh logs ofPasania edulis was studied for the oak borer,Platypus quercivorus (Murayama), and two species of Scolytid ambrosia beetles,Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) andXyleborus attenuatus Blanford, in 1994 and 1995. On the logs where onlyP. quercivorus attacked, the entry holes were distributed uniformly when attack intensity was low. However, the distribution pattern became more aggregated with the increase in attack intensity. On logs where bothP. quercivorus and the two Scolytid species attacked, there was a negative association between the spatial distribution of the entry holes ofP. quercivorus and that of scolytids. Simultaneous attack of two scolytids also increased the degree of aggregation of the entry holes ofP. quercivorus. The entry holes of scolytids were distributed in groups irrespective of the attack intensity of scolytids andP. quercivorus. These results suggest an asymmetrical interspecific relationship betweenP. quercivorus and scolytids. Concentration of the entry holes ofP. quercivorus in a small area may cause a considerable decline in the reproductive success in the galleries constructed there.  相似文献   

Kärki  Timo  Maltamo  Matti  Eerikäinen  Kalle 《New Forests》2000,20(1):65-86
Stand-level predictions of basal-areadiameter distributions, height, positions of lowestdead and live branches and stem-rot are provided forgrey alder in eastern Finland. The usability of modelswas tested by calculating the accuracy of predictedvolume characteristics. The data were collected from 33stands situated in the provinces of North Karelia andNorth Savo in eastern Finland. These stands wereregenerated naturally, but some have been managed. Oneto three angle-count sample plots were placedsystematically in each stand using a 1 m2 ha–1 basal-area factor. The models can beapplied in two settings: tree diameters are eithermeasured or not. The prediction of branch heightcharacteristics, especially height to the lowest deadbranch, proved problematic due to weak correlationsbetween these characteristics and other treedimensions. Compared to previous studies it was foundthat stem-rot was higher in grey alder than in sprucebut lower than in white birch.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanism by which overstory trees shade understory saplings, we investigated the relationships among light conditions of the saplings (measured as indirect site factor; ISF and direct site factor; DSF), the calculated competition effects of overstory trees on the saplings (W), and relative height growth rate of the saplings (RHGR). We calculated several W values in order to find a W value which can express the light conditions as appropriately as possible, and the results indicated that W explained only 21.9%–24.7% of the total variance of light conditions in the cases where W gave the best fit. In this study, W was calculated based on the basal areas of overstory trees. However, it is known that canopy structure also affects the light regimes in the forest understory, and this might yield the possible errors even within W representing the shading effects most adequately. Therefore, although W significantly represents the shading effect from overstory trees, a great proportion of the variance remained without being explained by W. RHGR was negatively correlated with W, and the W value which had the most adequate explanation of the shading effect also showed the best negative correlation with RHGR. This provides the evidence that the competitive effect of overstory trees on sapling growth is mediated by the shading effect, indicating that competition for light clearly exists within this forest. Such competition for light may closely relate to the well-known phenomenon of gap regeneration in subalpine forests in central Japan.  相似文献   

Casmara patrona is one of the main borer pests damaging Camellia oleifera in China. Few reports about this insect were published. The life history, biological characteristics and natural enemies of C. patrona were investigated through field survey and laboratory observation in this study. The results showed that C. patrona had one generation in one year or two years, and overwintered as 3rd-5th instar larva in Zhejiang Province. About 88 percent of larvae began to pupate in early May, and the rest kept feeding till the next year. The adults could be observed from early June to early July, and the peak of emergence occurred in late June. The adults began to oviposit in late June and terminated in early July. The eggs started hatching in early July, and then the larvae bored into the branch to feed. The entrance holes of the larvae distributed predominately in the middle of the eastern and southern part of C. oleifera tree. The larva had five instars, and there were 10-50 days when the larva did not feed between consecutive instars.  相似文献   

As one of five survived tiger subspecies, the South-China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis) specially disperses in China. This paper dedicated distribution and quantity of wild South-China tiger, and also introduced distribution, quantity and pedigree of captive South-China tiger. In the middle of this century, about several thousands South-China tiger distributed in following provinces, such as Hunan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Hubei, Sichuan, Henan, Shanxi, Shanxi, Gansu. etc. Until now, there are only about 20–30 wild South-China tigers distributing in the provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, and Hunan, Sichuan, and 50 captive South-China tiger are raised in zoos of China. This subject is supported by Department of Wildlife and Forest Plant Conservation, Ministry of Forestry (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of resinous stem canker disease were investigated in hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) and sawara (C. pisifera) at a progeny test located in Yamatsuri Town, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Symptoms of the disease were observed in 307 trees out of 933 investigated trees (32.9%). The damage was more severe on lower slopes than on upper slopes, indicating that micro-environmental factors are causally associated with the occurrence of the disease. The severity of the disease varied both among nine open-pollinated progenies derived from hinoki plus-tree clones and among 13 progenies derived from pollination between hinoki plus-tree clones and the mixed-pollen of hinoki plus-tree clones. The severity of the disease also varied with height above the ground. This tendency was most obvious where the disease was most severe. An estimation of the narrow sense heritability,h 2, of 0.214, was obtained from analysis of the 13 progenies derived from pollination with mixed-pollen. The heritability derived from material that had not been subjected to selection against the disease, indicated that breeding to enhance resistance would be possible to control the disease. The interaction between environments and progenies in relation to severity of the disease is also discussed. Ms. Setsuko Chiba and Mr. Mamoru Ueta gave us vigorous supports, and Mr. Haruki Orita, Dr. Tomiyasu Miyaura, and Dr. Shinichiro Ito gave us many helpful comments. We deeply appreciated their cooperation. The study was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry. and Fisheries of Japan.  相似文献   

We examined rodent dispersal of Dioscorea japonica bulbils. Bulbils dispersed by rodents may travel farther from their parent plants than those dispersed by gravity alone. To confirm the presence of secondary dispersal and the types of vector, we used an automatic camera to photograph animals that approached bulbils. To clarify secondary dispersal distance, we set marked bulbils at eight sites and searched for the bulbils once they were removed from their original locations by a disperser. We took photographs of mice (Apodemus speciosus) approaching the bulbils. In June, 10 of 333 bulbils that were moved germinated. We also measured the primary dispersal distance at four sites by dropping bulbils from heights of 0.5, 3.0, and 12.0 m. We then compared primary and secondary dispersal distances. The mean secondary dispersal distance was significantly greater than the primary dispersal distance for dispersal heights of 0.5 and 3.0 m, but less than that for a 12.0-m dispersal height. This indicates that rodents may disperse bulbils farther than gravity alone when bulbils drop from lower heights but they contribute little to dispersal for bulbils that drop from greater heights (e.g., from the top of the canopy). Thus, we confirmed the occurrence of rodent dispersal of bulbils and rodents might to some extent contribute to the dispersal and establishment of bulbils.  相似文献   

In this paper, four species ofEncarsia Foerster collected from northeastern China are reported, and a key is given for females. Except.E gigas (Tshumakova), most of the species are first time reported in this region. The research is supported by Natural Science Fundation of Heilongjiang Province. (Reponsible Editor: Chai Ruihai)  相似文献   

Defined populations of American (Periplaneta americana), German (Blattella germanica), and Oriental (Blatta orientalis) cockroaches, and silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) were observed after exposure to deposits (25 g/m2) of a new 1,1,1–trimethyl-N-trimethylsilane-modified, highly hydrophobic diatomaceous earth (DE) formulation by using a computer-aided device measuring motility, circadian rhythm, and mortality under defined environmental and climatic field-simulating and exposure-enforced conditions. In a humid climate (85% relative humidity) with water and food offered ad libitum, complete population eradication could be achieved on the sixth day against B. germanica, on the eighth day against P. americana, and on the ninth day against L. saccharina, respectively. No population eradication occurred within 10 days of exposure when testing B. orientalis, showing a mean survival rate of 29.4 ± 6.7 % of the populations. When comparing the species-specific mortality rates with the results obtained from corresponding reference control groups, significantly higher mortality rates could be observed in B. germanica (F = 66; df = 52; P < 0.00001), P. americana (F = 344; df =66; P < 0.00001), L. saccharina (F = 253; df = 24; P < 0.00001), and B. orientalis (F = 422; df = 11; P < 0.00001). Overall, the efficacy of the hydrophobised DE examined ranked as follows: B. germanica > P. americana (F = 51; df = 24; P < 0.00001) > L. saccharina (F = 43; df = 24; P < 0.00001) >> B. orientalis (F = 9; df = 15; P < 0.000001). DE exposure resulted in complete disruption of the circadian activity in B. germanica and P. americana, but not when tested against B. orientalis, where the species-specific circadian motility peak was still preserved at lower levels after 10 days of exposure. In contrast to the cockroach species examined, no specific circadian rhythm could be measured in the L. saccharina control and treatment groups. Results indicate that hydrophobised DE originating from freshwater diatoms modified with 1,1,1-trimethyl-N-trimethylsilane can be successfully used for the control of infestations with German and American cockroaches as well as silverfish, but not against Oriental cockroaches. It is concluded that species-specific morphological, physiological and behavioural characteristics of insects influencing DE efficacy as well as the toxicological risk of modified DE to humans deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

Alkaloids comprise one of the largest groups of plant secondary metabolites including vinca alkaloids. The ability of six alkaloids from Veratrum lobelianum, one from Veratrum nigrum and three from Peganum nigellastrum to modify transport activity of MDR1 was studied. Flow-cytometry in a multidrug-resistant human MDR1-gene-transfected mouse lymphoma cells (L5178Y) was applied. The inhibition of multidrug resistance was investigated by measuring the accumulation of rhodamine-123 in cancer cells.Veralosinine and veranigrine were the most effective resistance modifiers. In a checkerboard method veralosinine and veranigrine enhanced the antiproliferative effects of doxorubicin on MDR cells in combination. The structure-activity relationships were discussed.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the chloroplast spacer region between thetrnP andtrnW genes (234 bps) were determined for two Japanese fir species,Abies firma Sieb. et Zucc. andA. homolepis Sieb. et Zucc., using four individuals from each species. No intraspecific variation was found in either species, but interspecific sequence polymorphism was detected between the two species. The interspecific variation was three nucleotide changes, from the 148th to 150th nucleotide position. These three nucleotides were TAC inA. firma and GTA inA. homolepis, which were inverted. In order to identify the cpDNA haplotypes between the two species, this inversion polymorphism was utilized to develop a new marker. Species-specific primers were designed so that the 3′ ends of the primers would anneal to the mutation site, in order for the two haplotypes to be easily identified by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR).  相似文献   

[目的]由于激光雷达技术已经能准确测定立木树高及相关树冠因子,应用该技术建立基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积模型,为激光技术在森林蓄积估计中提供技术支撑.[方法]利用云杉、冷杉、栎树、桦树4个树种组的3 010株实测样木数据,分析了立木材积与胸径、树高、树冠因子之间的相关关系;并通过对数回归方法构建了基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积模型,用确定系数R2和平均预估误差MPE等6项指标对模型进行评价.[结果]表明,立木材积与单一因子之间的相关,以胸径最为紧密,其次是树高,再次是冠长和冠幅.基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积模型中,以树高和冠幅作为解释变量的二元模型效果较好,再增加冠长因子的三元模型改进不大.云杉、冷杉、栎树、桦树4个树种组基于树高冠幅的立木材积模型,其R2分别为0.81、0.80、0.76和0.77,MPE分别为4.7%、5.3%、5.4%和5.3%,模型预估精度均能达到95%左右.[结论]本文对材积与林木因子之间相关关系的定量分析,建立了云杉、冷杉、栎树、桦树4个树种的立木材积模型,模型预估精度高.为激光雷达技术定量估测森林参数提供了依据.  相似文献   

Abtract The system Vicia faba–Aphis fabae fabae was studied under the influence of Ocimum basilicum (basil) and Satureja hortensis, in a wind tunnel, in the greenhouse and in field experiments. In the wind tunnel at 20°C both Lamiaceae were deterrent for A. fabae, and S. hortensis proved to be more deterrent than O. basilicum. In experiments in the greenhouse at low temperatures (average minimum 14.6°C, average maximum 24.1°C), A. fabae colonised first and significantly more intense Vicia fabae (field beans) not surrounded by O. basilicum or S. hortensis. At high temperatures (average minimum 18.0°C, average maximum 38.5°C) this relation was inverted: Vicia faba surrounded by the two Lamiaceae were preferred for colonisation (Ocimum basilicum significantly). It showed that pots with Lamiaceae were no obstacle for the aphids to reach Vicia faba. In strip cropping in the field, the repellent effect of Ocimum basilicum proved to be stronger than of Satureja hortensis. In 2002 there was observed only a tendency of lower aphid attack of field beans intercropped with Lamiaceae, while in 2004 and 2005 the infestation of Vicia faba by Aphis fabae was significantly lower in plots intercropped with basil. In plots with Satureja hortensis as intercrop, Vicia faba were significantly lower infested, after 3 weeks. The differences between the results of the wind tunnel/greenhouse at low temperatures, and the field experiments concerning the deterrence by Satureja hortensis cannot be explained. But basing on our results with Ocimum basilicum and those published by other authors, it is recommended to follow up intercropping, after a sincere analysis in every case, in favour of agronomists.  相似文献   

An ongoing expansion of Myzocallis (L.) walshii (Monell) in the NE Iberian Peninsula was detected. The aphid species was recorded in Catalonia, Andorra and Navarra. Adaptation of local native parasitoids (at least Trioxys pallidus Haliday and T. tenuicaudus Stary) to the new immigrant was documented, together with background information on their host range in the native environments. The detection of parasitoids of M. walshii is the first published evidence in Europe. The new evidence for M. walshii in the NE Iberian Peninsula also supports the warning of the expansion of the aphid as a pest of Quercus rubra over Europe.  相似文献   

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