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大豆疫霉多态性SSR标记开发及遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 用FastPCR软件在大豆疫霉全基因组中搜索到1 234个含2~4个重复基元精确SSRs。选择260个SSRs设计引物,经对大豆疫霉5个分离物的基因组DNA检测,有212对(81.5%)有效扩增出SSR特征条带,112对(52.8%)扩增多态性。用18对多态性SSR引物分析了来自美国、中国黑龙江省和福建省大豆疫霉分离物的遗传多样性,在73个分离物中共扩增出112个等位变异,变异范围为4~9,平均为6.22个,表明选择的引物对具有高的多态性。在3个大豆疫霉群体中,黑龙江省和福建省分离物的遗传距离最近,美国和福建省分离物的遗传距离最远。UPGMA聚类将73个分离物划分为6组,其中8个美国分离物(72.73%)和53个中国分离物(85.48%)被聚类在一起,表明大豆疫霉中国分离物与美国分离物可能具有共同的祖先,中国分离物可能为外来种。  相似文献   

南京地区夏大豆田的定殖蚜虫主要是大豆蚜(Aphis glycines)。1987和1988两年黄皿共诱到29种蚜虫,其中以大豆蚜数量最多,是传播SMV的主要介体,其他介体蚜虫有:绣线菊蚜(A.citricola),豆蚜(A.craccivora)、棉蚜(A.gossypii)、萝卜蚜(Lipaphis erysimi)、桃蚜(Myzus persicae)、玉米蚜(Rhopalosiphum maidis)、麦二叉蚜(Schizaphis graminum)和二叶草彩斑蚜(Therioaphis trifolii)。1987年蚜虫迁飞峰出现在大豆花期以前,2周后田间出现发病高峰,SMV发病增长率与蚜虫迁飞量呈显著的线性正相关(P<0.01);1988年蚜虫迁飞峰发生在大豆花期以后,其迁飞量与SMV的流行无显著线性相关(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

[目的] 利用SSR标记分析我国几大小麦产区主栽品种中抗锈品种的遗传多样性,为小麦抗条锈育种亲本材料的选择提供参考。[方法] 以当前条锈菌优势小种接种成株期小麦,从几大小麦产区主栽品种中筛选出抗条锈品种。然后利用SSR标记对筛选出的抗锈品种的遗传多样性进行分析。[结果] 27对SSR引物在上述抗锈品种中共检测到104个等位变异,平均为3.85个;引物的多态信息含量(PIC)在0.210~0.712之间,平均为0.455;抗锈品种间遗传相似系数平均为0.723,表明筛选出的抗锈品种遗传多样性较低,亲缘较近。[结论] 聚类分析的结果将抗锈品种分为了4个类群,类群的分布与亲缘的远近和品种的地域有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

南京地区夏大豆田的定殖蚜虫主要是大豆蚜(Aphis glycines)。1987和1988两年黄皿共诱到29种蚜虫,其中以大豆蚜数量最多,是传播SMV的主要介体,其他介体蚜虫有:绣线菊蚜(A.citricola),豆蚜(A.craccivora)、棉蚜(A.gossypii)、萝卜蚜(Lipaphis erysimi)、桃蚜(Myzus persicae)、玉米蚜(Rhopalosiphum maidis)、麦二叉蚜(Schizaphis graminum)和二叶草彩斑蚜(Therioaphis trifolii)。1987年蚜虫迁飞峰出现在大豆花期以前,2周后田间出现发病高峰,SMV发病增长率与蚜虫迁飞量呈显著的线性正相关(P<0.01);1988年蚜虫迁飞峰发生在大豆花期以后,其迁飞量与SMV的流行无显著线性相关(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

田间飞翔蚜虫传染大豆花叶病毒(SMV)的模型预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文提出一个飞翔蚜虫非持久性传染植物病毒的侵染概率模型。设置绿色诱盘捕捉着落大豆株冠的蚜虫估计飞翔翅蚜日平均着落株冠次数。采用诱饵植株测定田间一定传染性病株率和飞翔蚜量条件SMV的日侵染率,对迁飞着落蚜虫群体传染SMV的效率进行估计,实现模型对SMV日侵染率的预测。结合显症率预测,对两年三个区的SMV病株率发展动态用模型拟合回测,平均准确度为90.18%,对两年非建模的两区病株率发展动态拟合预测,平均准确度为88.41%。  相似文献   

为明确江西省稻瘟病菌Magnaporthe oryzae群体遗传结构及其多样性水平,选用13对SSR引物对分离自5个不同生态地理县(市)水稻穗颈瘟标样的稻瘟病菌单孢菌株的全基因组进行PCR扩增,利用最长距离法和POPGENE 32生物学软件对其进行聚类分析和群体遗传多样性分析。结果显示,共分离获得189株稻瘟病菌菌株,13对SSR引物对其均能扩增出1条大小相同且清晰的条带,多态性位点百分率高达100.00%。供试189株稻瘟病菌菌株在相似系数为0.74时可划分为15个遗传宗谱,其中宗谱JXL01包含71株菌株,占总菌株数的37.57%,为优势宗谱;宗谱JXL02、JXL14为亚优势宗谱,分别包含31、26株菌株,占总菌株数的16.40%和13.76%;宗谱JXL03、JXL08、JXL10为次要宗谱,包含10~17株菌株;其它9个宗谱为小宗谱,包含菌株都在5株以下。在群体水平上,来源于不同生态型地区的5个稻瘟病菌群体的Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.375,Shannon信息指数为0.558,具有丰富的遗传多样性,且群体间差异较大;这5个种群基于非加权配对平均法大多聚为一类,种群遗传谱系与地理区域分布呈一定相关性,群体遗传多样性均值为0.373,存在一定的遗传分化,且群体内多样性大于群体间多样性,总遗传变异的64.56%存在于群体内。表明江西省稻瘟病菌群体结构既包含明显的优势宗谱,又存在复杂多变的特异性小宗谱,遗传多样性丰富,且与地理分布有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

为探明湖南烟草上发生的黄瓜花叶病毒Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV)的遗传多样性及分子进化特征,对来自湖南烟区的303份疑似感染病毒的烟草样品进行检测,分析CMV系统发育、遗传变异和群体结构等特征。结果表明:部分分离物的外壳蛋白(coat protein, CP)基因与NCBI上登录的CMV分离物的一致性为86.34%~98.42%;系统发育分析发现湖南烟草CMV分离物属ⅠB组,不同组间的分离物地理特征不明显,无重组现象,进化的主要驱动力是负选择;组间遗传变异比较明显,基因交流频率较低,受到遗传漂变影响,遗传多样性高,群体趋于扩张。研究结果为烟草抗CMV育种提供了理论依据,对病害防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

大豆花叶病毒(SMV)病显症率的模型预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
 大豆感染SMV系统量症前介体不能传毒。接种稀释10倍SMV病液显症率与介体传毒相似。介体和人工接种SMV于5个感病品种V1-R5 9个生长时期共30余批次,结果表明SMV显症率主要决定于温度。显症起始温度为9℃,最适温度约26℃.V1-R2时期的植株显症所需有效积温基本一致;R3-R5时期比前者略有增加。累积显症率与累积有效积温的相关点图呈"S"型曲线分布,通过Weibull和Gompertz等8组曲线拟合选出拟合最优模型。V1-R2时期显症预测Gompertz拟合最好,得预测式:PP11=Exp[-103021.196×Exp(-0.1329TT1)]R3-R5时期Weibull拟合最好,得预测式:PP12=1-Exp{-[0.02222(TT1-65)2.581]}  相似文献   

苹果黑星病菌遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 Apple scab caused by Venturia inaequalis has a tendency to spread and threatens the development of apple production in recent years in China. The genetic diversity and population structure were investigated by using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. 51 strains were classified into 3 groups by UPGMA method as Xunyi, Xingping and U. K. population, each of them mainly including strains from its original place. A relatively high level of genetic diversity was revealed:H=0.425 3, I=0.675 8, PPL=66.67% (at species level); H=0.149 1, I=0.228 0, PPL=44.44% (at population level). A high level of genetic differentia-tion was detected among/within populations with Nei's Gst analysis and AMOVA. Molecular genetic variance within populations was greater than that among populations. Genetic variance among populations might result from barriers to gene flow (Nm=0.675 8). Genetic variance within populations might result from sexual propagation of V. inaequalis.  相似文献   

The research reported here had the objective of evaluating the effect of trifluralin (2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-trifluoromethylaniline), bifenox (methyl-5-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-2-nitrobenzoate) and vernolate (S-propylN,N-dipropyl-(thiocarbamate)) on soyabean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) leaf wax production. The applications of vernolate at 3.36 and 5.4 kg ai ha?1 reduced the chloroform-soluble extraction of the soyabean leaves to 90% and 88%, respectively, under glasshouse conditions and to 83% and 81%, respectively, under field conditions, when compared to the untreated control taken as 100%. Trifluralin, bifenox and vernolate at 1.68 kg ai ha?1 did not reduce leaf wax production. Effet de traitements herbicides sur la fraction soluble dans le chloroforme des feuilles de soja (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) Le présent travail a pour but d'évaluer l'effet de la trifluraline (2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-trifluor-omethylaniline), du bifénox (méthyl-5-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-2-nitrobenzoate) et du vernolate (S-propyl-N-N-dipropyl thiocarbamate) sur la production des cires foliaires chez le soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). L'application de vernolate à 3,36 et 5,04 kg m.a. ha?1 a réduit l'extrait chloroformique foliaire à 90 et 88%, respectivement, chez des plantes cultivées en serre, et à 83% et 81%, respectivement, chez des plantes cultivées au champ, par rapport aux 100% trouvées chez les téemoins non traités. La trifluraline, le bifénox et le vernolate à la dose de 1,68 kg/ha n'ont pas réduit la production de cires foliaires. Ueber die chloroformlösliche Fraktion von Sojabohnenblättern nach Herbizidapplikationen In den hier publizierten Versuchen wurde der Einfluss von Trifluralin (2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-trifluoromethylaniline), Bifenox (Methyl-5-(2,4-dichlorphenoxy)-2-nitrobenzoate) und Vernolat (S-propyl N,N-thiocarbamate) auf die Ausbildung der Wachsschicht auf den Blättern von Soyabohnen (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) untersucht. Die Anwendung von 3,36 und 5,04 kg ai ha?1 Vernolat verminderte die durch Chloroform extrahierbaren Anteile von Soyablättern im Gewächshaus auf 90 resp. 88%, in Freilandversuchen auf 83 resp. 81%, im Vergleich zu den mit 100% eingesetzten Extrakten aus unbehandelten Pflanzen. Trifluralin, Bifenox und 1, 68 kg ai ha?1 Vernolat verursachten keine Verringerung der Wachsproduktion der Blätter.  相似文献   

Chlorimuron ethyl uptake into excised soybean root tissue was investigated using 14C-labelled herbicide. Chlorimuron ethyl accumulated in the root tissue, reaching a maximum concentration after 2 h and then declining over the next 2 h. The herbicide did not accumulate against a concentration gradient. The tissue concentration was linearly correlated with the external herbicide concentration. The Q10 between 15 and 25°C was 1.6. Addition of KCN and anoxia reduced uptake. The efflux of 14C that had accumulated in root tissue segments occurred in two phases: a rapid phase with a T½ value of 6.3 min and a slower phase with a T½ value of 172 min. Chlorimuron ethyl uptake and efflux in excised soybean root tissue closely resembled that previously observed in velvetleaf, a sensitive weed species.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were conduced to evaluate the effect of Abutilon theophrasti on dry matter, branching and flowering node, and seed production of soybean. Low populations (2.4–4.7 plants m?2) of the weed reduced soybean dry matter, flowering node and seed production. The effect was most pronounced on soybean seed yield, and less on flowering node and dry weight production. These effects were due to the presence of A. theophrasti with soybean, and not to changes in plant population. The effect on soybean branching node production was inconsistent between years.  相似文献   

The effects of soyabean Glycine max (L.) Merr. row width, date of planting and year on threshold levels of jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) and on jimsonweed seed production were examined over 3 years. Natural infestations of jimsonweed were employed and densities were determined at 3 weeks after planting and also at soyabean harvest. Date of planting affected emergence of both soyabean and jimsonweed seedlings, whereas row width affected weed seedling mortality. Percentage soyabean yield losses attributable to jimsonweed, over all treatments, were greater in the 2 years with above-average rainfall than in the one dry year. Slopes of regression equations and estimates of threshold densities varied significantly among years and between initial and final density counts. The number of jimsonweed seed capsules produced per plant and the number of seeds per capsule declined with jimsonweed density, but the mean number of seeds produced per m2 remained fairly constant over a wide density range. Jimsonweed seed production did not decline significantly until well below the threshold densities determined for soyabean yields. Les facteurs du seuil de nuisibilité et de la production de graines chez Datura stramonium L. dans les cultures de soja (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) L'influence de l'écartement des rangs de soja, Glycine max (L) Merr., de la date de semis, et de l'année, sur le seuil de nuisibilité et la production de graines chez le Datura stramonium L., a étéétudiée durant 3 années. Les études ont été effectuées sur des infestations naturelles de datura, dont les densités ont été déterminées 3 semaines après le semis ainsi qu'à la récolte. La date du semis influence à la fois la levée du soja et celle du datura, alors que l'écartement des rangs influe sur la mortalité des graines de l'adventice. Dans tous les traitements, les pertes de rendement attribuables au datura ont été plus importantes durant les 2 années où les précipitations on été supérieures à la moyenne que durant une année sèche. Les pentes des équations de régression et les estimations de seuils de nuisibilité variaient d'une manière significative selon les années et entre les comptages initiaux et finaux. Le nombre de capsules par plane et le nombre de graines par capsule diminuaient avec la densité des datura, mais le nombre moyen de graines produites par m2 est resté assez constant dans une large gamme de densité. La production de graines de datura n'a décliné significativement que pour une densité de plantes située bien en dessous du seuil de nuisibilitéà l'égard des rendements du soja. Faktoren, welche die Schädigungsschwelle und Samenproduktion von Stechapfel (Datura Stramonium L.) in Sojabohnen (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) beeinflussen Während drei Jahren wurde in Sojabohnen der Einfluss von Reihendistanz und Saatzeitpunkt auf die Schädigungsschwelle und Samenproduktion von Stechapfel (Datura stramonium L.) untersucht. Diese Studie basierte auf den natürlichen Stechapfelpopulationen; die Zählungen der Populationsdichten erfolgten drei Wochen nach der Sojasaat und bei der Ernte. Der Saattermin beeinflusste das Auflaufen der Sojabohnen und der Stechapfelsämlinge, während die Reihendistanz die Mortalität der Unkrautsämlinge veränderte. Die Steigung der Regressionsgeraden und die Schätzungen der schädigenden Populationsdichte variierten signifikant in den einzelnen Jahren und zwischen der ersten und letzten Zählung. Die Anzahl der von den Stechapfelindividuen produzierten Samenkapseln pro Pflanze und Samenmenge pro Kapsel nahm mit zunehmender Populationsdichte ab; die pro m2 gebildete Samenzahl blieb jedoch über einen weiten Bereich verschiedener Populationsdichten relativ konstant. Die von der Stechapfelpopulation produzierte Samenmenge nahm bis weit unter die für die Sojabohen schädigende Populationsschwelle nicht signifikant ab.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of changes in Abutilon theophrasti and soybean population numbers through the growing season on soybean dry weight and seed yields. Whether in mixtures or monoculture, the rate of mortality of both species was constant through the growing season. In general, the greater the initial population of either species the greater the rate of mortality through the growing season. Evidence presented supports the hypothesis that A. theophrasti has the adaptive ability of differential mortality at different populations when in mixed stands with soybean and when grown alone and that soybean lacks this ability when mixed with A. theophrasti. This results in smaller, less productive, individual soybean plants.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Infection of soybean (Glycine max) plants inoculated with particles of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) isolate 425 at 12 days after germination was monitored throughout the life cycle of the plant (vegetative growth, flowering, seed formation, and seed maturation) by western blot analysis of tissue samples. At 8 to 10 days after inoculation, the upper uninoculated leaves showed symptoms of virus infection and accumulation of viral coat protein (CP). Virus CP was detectable in leaves, stem, roots, seedpods, and seed coat up to 45 days postinoculation (dpi), but only in the seedpod and seed coat at 65 dpi. No virus accumulation was detected in embryos and cotyledons at any time during infection, and no seed transmission of virus was observed. Soybean plants inoculated with recombinant AlMV passaged from upper uninoculated leaves of infected plants showed accumulation of full-length chimeric AlMV CP containing rabies antigen in systemically infected leaves and seed coat. These results suggest the potential usefulness of plants and plant viruses as vehicles for producing proteins of biomedical importance in a safe and inexpensive manner. Moreover, even the soybean seed coat, treated as waste tissue during conventional processing for oil and other products, may be utilized for the expression of value-added proteins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Leaf wettability considerably defines the degree of retention of water and agrochemical sprays on crop and non‐target plant surfaces. Plant surface structure varies with development therefore the goal was to characterise the wettability of soybean leaf surfaces as a function of growth stage (GS). RESULTS: Adaxial surfaces of leaves developed at GS 16 (BBCH) were 10 times more wettable with water than leaves at the lower canopy (GS 13). By measuring contact angles of a liquid having an intermediate surface tension on different leaf patches, an illustrative wetting profile was elucidated, showing to what degree wetting varies (from > 120° to < 20°) depending on leaf patch and GS. While the critical surface tension of leaf surfaces at different GSs did not correlate with the observed changes, the slope of the Zisman plot accurately represented the increase in wettability of leaves at the upper canopy and lateral shoots (GSs 17 to 19, 21 and 24). The discrimination given by the slopes was even better than that by water contact angles. SEM observations revealed that the low wettability observed at early GSs is mainly due to a dense layer of epicuticular wax crystals. The Zisman plot slope does not represent the changes in leaf roughness (i.e. epicuticular wax deposition), but provides an insight into chemical and compositional surface characteristics at the droplet–leaf interface. CONCLUSIONS: The results with different wettability measurement methods demonstrated that wetting is a feature that characterises each developmental stage of soybean leaves. Positional wettability differences among leaves at the same plant and within the same leaf are relevant for performance, selectivity and plant compatibility of agrochemicals. Implications are discussed. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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