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Relationships between french fry color and sugar composition of Russet Burbank and Shepody potatoes harvested at various chemical maturities (i.e., sucrose concentrations) and exposed to various temperature regimes during 8 to 9 months storage were examined. Combined data from 3 years of study showed fry color to be more closely associated with glucose during 8 C storage for Russet Burbank (r2=0.65) and Shepody (r2=0.62) than with fructose, total reducing sugars, sucrose, or total sugars. Glucose > 1.6 mg g?1 in Russet Burbank and > 1.2 mg g?1 in Shepody resulted in fries which were too dark to be eligible for maximum bonus paid by processors for good color. Russet Burbank harvested with sucrose > 3.1 mg g?1 and Shepody harvested with sucrose > 1.6 mg g?1 and preconditioned for 14 d at 15 C before storage at 8 C accumulated enough glucose in storage to result in fries which were darker than was acceptable for maximum bonus payment. Preconditioning at 15 C for 70 d was necessary to prevent Russet Burbank with sucrose of 3.9 mg g?1 at harvest from accumulating unacceptably high glucose during storage. Glucose determined with enzymatic test strips was in close agreement with that by HPLC for both cultivars. The test strips could be used to estimate fry color of Russet Burbank.  相似文献   

The effect of low storage temperature (4 to 8 C) and maleic hydrazide (MH) treatment on sprouting, sucrose and reducing sugar (glucose and fructose) concentrations in tubers, and fry color-sugar relationships of Shepody were determined and compared to Russet Burbank. Sprouting of Shepody was delayed by 3 to 15 weeks when the temperature was lowered from 8 to 6 or 5 C, respectively. Shepody accumulated more sugars at all storage temperatures than Russet Burbank. The reducing sugars accumulated in Shepody at 5 and 6 C could be lowered to levels acceptable for processing for about 24 weeks after harvest by reconditioning at 18 C for at least two weeks. MH increased glucose in Shepody stored at 5 C compared to untreated tubers. Excessive sprouting (> 10 cm sprout length) of nonsprout inhibited Shepody occured late in storage with four weeks reconditioning. Although not statistically significant, MH tended to cause darker fry color per unit of reducing sugar in Shepody compared to tubers from untreated plants. Storage of Shepody tubers not treated with MH could be extended a few weeks by temperatures < 8 C only if there is precise control over temperature, sugars are closely monitored, and reconditioning is rapid to minimize sprouting.  相似文献   

Residue concentrations of chlorpropham (CIPC) on stored Russet Burbank potatoes were evaluated after thermal aerosol treatment at maximum labeled rates. The aerosol was applied after the potatoes had been placed in the storage structure and the wound healing process was complete. Average residue concentrations four days after the initial application ranged from 6 to 8 mg/kg fresh tuber weight depending on the storage temperature and the application rates. A second aerosol treatment applied 90 days after the first treatment kept the residue concentrations above 5 mg/kg for the duration of the storage period. A direct spray application to the tubers at various times during the study raised the average CIPC concentration an additional 2 to 3 mg/kg. All CIPC residue concentrations measured on tubers in this study were below the EPA established (1996) tolerance of 30 mg/kg. Residue concentrations of CIPC were greater on potatoes near the bottom of the pile than near the top of the pile. These variations in CIPC residue concentrations (3–8 mg/kg between top and bottom of the bulk pile) are appropriate justification for the development of improved application methodology.  相似文献   

Transformed Russet Burbank and Lemhi Russet clones which contained three different transgene constructs were evaluated for performance under field conditions in Idaho. The transgenic lines were characterized over two growing seasons, using plants grown from both greenhouse produced minitubers (first year) and field grown seed (second year). Individual clones were evaluated for a variety of agronomic and quality properties. Many of the transformed clones showed reduced yield and increases in percent malformed and undersized tubers. Other characteristics, such as specific gravity and fry color, showed less variability. The variation observed in non-transgenic clones regenerated from tissue culture was less than that of the transformed lines. Out of an original population of 57 transgenic lines in tissue culture, maintenance of key agronomic and quality properties of the parental material was observed in only four clones. These results suggest that experiments designed to generate transgenic lines for the marketplace should be initiated with a large number of transgenic clones.  相似文献   

Studies were made on the influence of growing season and low fertility on reducing sugar accumulation in storage of the stem and bud portions of Russet Burbank and Norgold Russet potatoes separated into different specific gravity groups. The stem portion of Russet Burbank had a significantly different intercept and slope of regression line (between specific gravity and reducing sugar accumulation) than the bud portions of the same tubers indicating higher reducing sugar accumulation in the stem portion as well as differences in behavior as to amount accumulated at the different specific gravity levels. No significant difference in sugar content or behavior at the different specific gravity levels was obtained between stem and bud portions of Norgold Russet. Growing season did not cause significant differences in total sugar content or slope of the regression lines within the stem or bud portions of Russet Burbank. Low fertility level resulted in significantly higher sugar accumulation in the stem portion of Russet Burbank as compared to adequate fertility and there was also a trend toward less influence of specific gravity on sugar accumulation at the lower fertility level. Low specific gravity Russet Burbank potatoes tended to be more variable in sugar accumulation from year to year and also had wider differences in sugar accumulation between stem and bud portions than high specific gravity potatoes.  相似文献   

The sensory properties of Russet Burbank potatoes treated with three naturally occurring volatile compounds, as alternatives to CIPC for sprout inhibition, were evaluated. Potatoes from the 1995 and 1996 crop years were treated with salicylaldehyde, 1,8-cineole, 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene, or CIPC prior to dormancy break during storage and stored for up to 16 wk. Sensory differences between potatoes treated with alternative sprout inhibitors and CIPC-treated or untreated potatoes and inhibitor concentration were determined at 2-wk intervals. Potatoes treated with 1,8-cineole or salicylaldehyde, but not 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene, were significantly different from the untreated potatoes or potatoes treated with CIPC. Sensory detection threshold levels for the alternative inhibitors were measured in a model potato system. The residual levels of the sprout inhibitors were within the detection threshold range for 1,8-cineole (0.02–0.04 ppm), but not for salicylaldehyde (0.0–0.10 ppm) or 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene (0.80–1.40 ppm). The presence of the residual sprout inhibitors and/or the influence of sprout inhibitors on potato metabolism during storage contributed to observed differences in sensory quality of stored potatoes.  相似文献   

Norgold Russet did not increase in shear force readings with growth and development as did the raw product of Russet Burbank which showed a progressive increase in readings with growth during the latter half of the season. Seasonal differences were apparent with Russet Burbank, but not for Norgold Russet during the 3 years of this study. Higher shear force readings were recorded with an increase of specific gravity of Russet Burbank, but not for Norgold Russet. Low fertility level resulted in slightly higher shear force values possibly because of enhanced maturity. No major influence of moisture stress was evident. Higher shear force values resulted from longer periods of storage and with higher storage temperatures of Russet Burbank within the range of 34F to 45F.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen rates on the yield of Russet Burbank potatoes was studied in field experiments in Idaho. Petioles were sampled at the 6-to-8 leaf stage and thereafter at two week intervals until mid August. Petiole nitrate concentrations were very high early but decreased rapidly as the season progressed and declined to a very low level as the plants matured. The nitrate content of the petioles reflected the amount of N applied to both locations. Nitrogen applications increased total yield and the quantity of the larger size tubers. A highly significant correlation was found between the early season petiole nitrate concentrations and total yield. Suggested ranges of petiole nitrate concentrations were developed as a guide to efficient N fertilization of Russet Burbank potatoes in Idaho.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank and Shepody potatoes of different chemical maturities (i.e. varying sucrose concentrations) at harvest were preconditioned by holding at 15 C for various durations to lower the concentration of reducing sugars to levels acceptable for processing as french fries out of 8 C storage. In chemically immature tubers (i.e. those harvested with a high sucrose), sucrose declined after harvest and stabilized in storage regardless of the preconditioning period. However, there was a temporary small increase in sucrose after harvest in more chemically mature tubers. The concentrations of the reducing sugars glucose and fructose were low at harvest, usually < 1.0 mg g?1, but increased rapidly during the first 30 to 45 d of storage in tubers with more than 2.0 mg g?1 sucrose at harvest. Preconditioning for up to 70 d at 15 C either limited the increase in reducing sugars or lowered them more rapidly during storage than when preconditioned for only 14 d. Fresh weight loss of Russet Burbank and Shepody was greater in physically and chemically immature tubers compared to more mature tubers. Extended preconditioning of Russet Burbank and Shepody resulted in minimal additional weight loss.  相似文献   

A total of 112 combinations of 13 fumigants, fertilizers, and a fungicide was tested in replicated plots in eastern Washington in 1963 and 1964 to determine their effects on the net necrosis produced in Russet Burbank potatoes by the leafroll virus. Plots treated with Telone® (dichloropropenes) or Telone+chloropicrin had significantly fewer tubers discolored with leafroll net necrosis than untreated plots; plots treated with lower rates of various chlorinated propenes and propanes or ethylene dibromide had fewer discolored tubers than plots treated with higher rates of these chemicals; and plots treated with higher rates of various combinations of dichloropropenes with methyl isothiocyanate or 3-bromo-1-propyne had fewer discolored tubers than plots treated with lower rates of these chemicals. An interaction took place between the chemicals and the leafroll virus that either increased or decreased the amount of net necrosis in the tubers. Other types of internal discoloration (OID) in the tubers were significantly increased by Telone treatments in some tests. Telone treatments showed no effects on OID in other tests compared to untreated tubers. Also, nitrogen, at 100 lb/acre and over, significantly increased the other types of discoloration over no nitrogen, but potassium at 0 to 150 lb/acre and pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) at 0 to 30 gal/acre showed no significant effect.  相似文献   

Five storage temperatures and three planting dates were used to obtain differences in seed performance. As seed storage temperature increased, average stem number per seed piece significantly increased. Stem number also increased with later planting dates. Germination tests, conducted under controlled temperatures, resulted in a curvilinear response with the least stems per seed piece at 10°C. a maximum stem number at 16°C and a slight decline in number at 21°C. The major effect of planting date was manifested through differences in germinating temperatures which resulted in increased stem number with later plantings. Yield of U.S. No. 1 tubers (5cm or 112 gm minimum) declined significantly as stem number increased. In the first planting, the correlation coefficient between stem number per seed piece and yield was r = ?0.95. Increased stem number and declining yield were attributed to advanced physiological age resulting from exposure to higher temperatures in storage and in the field. As stem number increased with planting date, tuber number also increased. The correlation coefficient between stem and tuber number for the first planting date was r = 0.92. The relationship declined significantly on the third planting date to r = 0.46. From these results it was concluded that economic yields are influenced by stem and tuber number which in turn can be manipulated by control of seed storage temperatures and planting dates.  相似文献   

Two field studies were conducted to determine the effects of soil fumigation on the response of Russet Burbank potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to NH4-N or NH4NO3 fertilizers. In one study fumigation increased yields but N source had no effect. In the other study fumigation had no effect but NH4-N provided higher yields than NH4NO3. Microbial studies indicated that although populations of nitrifying bacteria were initially altered by fumigation, nitrification rates were similar to those in non-fumigated soil. In a controlled environment study in which potatoes were grown in fumigated field soil, neither N source nor fumigation had any effect on growth or yield. These studies indicated that fumigation had no effect on the response of potatoes to NH4-N or NH4NO3 fertilizers.  相似文献   

Studies were made over a 4-year period of some factors affecting the dry matter content of the apical and basal portions of growing Russet Burbank potatoes. The greatest difference between portions was obtained from tubers of the normally irrigated plots of 1969. The amounts in the two portions in 1970 were nearly equal throughout the growing season. The major differences between the 2 years was a slightly cooler June and warmer maximum temperatures in July of the 1970 growing season. Moisture stress, particularly, early in the stage of tuber development (1972 season) caused a switch in amount of dry matter in the apical and; basal portions. Stress later in the development stage (1969 season) did not cause a switch. Fertility level was not as influential as moisture stress in affecting the ratio of dry matter in the two ends, whether under stress or normal moisture conditions.  相似文献   

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