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Influence of compost and Fe-compunds on the uptake of Fe, Zn and Mn by sunflower and maize in pot experiments The influence of compost and different iron compounds on the uptake of Fe, Zn and Mn from calcareous soils was investigated in a pot experiment using sunflower and maize. Regardless of the iron compounds applied, the addition of compost resulted in an increase of the Zn content in both plant species. The compost treatment without Fe, resulted in a lower Fe content in sunflower and maize. This effect was partly or completely counteracted by the addition of Fe compounds. Very high Zn contents were observed in the Fe – EDTA treatments. The Zn content was further increased when compost was also added. In treatments in which compost was omitted none of the Fe compounds applied increased the Fe content of the plants.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contents in the culture substrate and in the mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, grown in composts mixed with municipal waste and sewage The addition of increasing quantities of municipal waste compost to conventional horse manure compost resulted in a proportional increase in the heavy metal content of the mixture. The increases ranged between 250% (zinc) and 900% (mercury). Ninety-four to ninety-nine percent of the heavy metals in municipal waste compost are bound in compounds from which they can not be extracted using CaCl2 solution. The amounts extractable from horse manure compost with CaCl22 solution are from 1.5 (zinc)- to 33 (mercury)-times higher. The influences of the increasing quantities of heavy metals in municipal waste — horse manure composts are demonstrable in the content of these metals in harvested mushroom. This, in turn, corresponds to the availability of the metals. The relative enrichment is greatest with mercury, and least with cadmium. The quantities found in mushrooms, with the exception of mercury, fall within the normal range detected in vegetable crops.  相似文献   

Testing a method for estimating water retention parameters using the laboratory database of the Lower Saxony Soil Information System The validity of the method used for estimating field capacity (pF > 1.8), plant available water (pF 1.8 – 4.2), air capacity (pF < 1.8), and total pore volume from soil texture, packing density (bulk density + 0.009 % clay) and humus content described by the Arbeitsgruppe Bodenkunde (1982) was checked on the basis of 1693 pF curves of the laboratory database of the Lower Saxony Soil Information System (NIBIS). The positive and negative corrections for humus content applied in this method to the above parameters are clearly too small. Use of tables for estimating the pore volume of humus-free soils leads to overestimation. It will only be possible to work out an alternative method applicable to all classes of soils when the database has been extended.  相似文献   

Influence of contamination of selected, pesticid effective hydrocarbons on their uptake by carrots in a pot experiment Exemplary soils from low up to higher grades of contamination with selected pesticid effective hydrocarbons (CHC) were used in a pot experiment on the uptake of these xenobiotica by carrot plants. Carrots are able to take up pesticid effective chlorinated hydrocarbons which was expected because of their oil cells and the lipophilic character of the examined substances. There is a correspondingly higher plant uptake from soils with a higher load of pollutants as from soils with a lower grade of contamination. Despite the high concentrations of beta- and alpha-HCH in the plants from the site Muldenaue (mg/kg dm] the total uptake per pot was relatively small (below 2 mg/pot). The transferfactors soil/plant show in all plant parts no enrichment of organochlorpesticides (foliage 0.021 < carrot body 0.156 < fine roots 0.975).  相似文献   

Gradients of soil characteristics at fringe areas of small forest habitats of the Eastern Münsterland In four habitats of the Eastern Münsterland transects, perpendicular to south-western exposed forest fringes, were investigated. Subject of the investigation was to determine statistically detectable gradients of the following soil properties: C/N-ratio, pH- and pHKCl-value, ECEC standardized with respect to the Corg content and the EDTA-extractable fraction of Pb and Zn in the humic layers Of and Oh. Towards the inner forest, the C/N-ratio increasingly expands, the pH-values and ECEC decrease and the Pb-contents increase. Zinc does not show a trend concerning a gradient. Differences between the C/N-ratio of the Oh-layer and the Of-layer are obviously a consequence of the N-deposition. Higher pH-values at the forest fringe appear to be due to the deposition of dust from the field clod. The interception deposition caused by the coniferous trees in the inner part of the forest effects lower pH-values than that of the deciduous trees at the forest fringe. The Oh-layers have a higher Pb content than the Of-layers because of the specific kind of sorption concerning this heavy metal and the change of the situation of deposition during the last years. For the same reasons the Of-layers have a higher zinc content than the Oh-layers. The results show that the forest fringes of the investigated habitats, in a range of 5—10 m, work as a buffer zone for laterally deposited substances.  相似文献   

Influence of boron deficiency and destruction of the apical meristem on the cell division in sunflowers With a severe, nearly absolute boron deficiency metabolism and formation of tissues are so disturbed that the primary symptom of boron deficiency can not be recognized with certainty. Investigations here had to clarify if cutting the tops or destruction of the apical meristem with a red-hot needle will induce symptoms similar to those of boron deficiency or how symoms develop under mild boron deficiency. With the red-hot needle technique, it was possible to obtain cambial enlargement in plants with a normal boron nutrition. Cutting off the tops also, induced an enlargement of the hypocotyl. In this case the enlargement was however due to an enlargement of the cortex by formation of an aerenchymlike tissue. A boron supply near the deficiency level caused development of deficiency symptoms in growing plants (chlorosis, inhibited enlargement of the stem, small deaf' blades, small-celled xylem, malformed and discoloured cell walls and appositions on the young cell walls). As long as the shoot apex displayed growth, enlargement of the cabium did not appear as a rule. This symptom seems to be a secondary symptom of boron deficiency caused by damage to the shoot apex and, thus disturbed auxin metabolism.  相似文献   

Change of shear resistance and compressibility of Ap-horizon material from loess-derived Parabraunerde Standardized artificial bodies prepared from soil material of a loessderived parabraunerde-Ap-horizon were tested with respect to their shear resistance and compressibility. The noncalcareous material was enriched with lime (2 stepts), soil humidity changed (3 steps) and the normal pressure increased (4 steps). Liming generally caused an increased initial shear resistance and led to a lowering of compressibility. The effect of lime is interpreted as an result of flocculation of the clay particles at the points of contact between silt grains in the soil matrix. The problems of transferring those results to the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Growth reduction of oat in pot experiments by CCC and Ancymidol Pot experiments with oat to investigate the growth reducing effect of a mixture of CCC-Ancymidol in relation to time of application and N-fertilization led in the mean of 2 cultivars and 2 years to the following results: 1. Early application (age of plants: 50 days, stage K/L) of 20 mg CCC + 1,5 mg Ancymidol per pot resulted in a stem reduction of 21% at ripening, late application (age of plants: 64 days, stage L/M) of 18%. 2. The yield of kernels was not reduced by late application of growth regulators. The early application of growth regulators however decreased the kernel yield in some trials. 3. The two cultivars showed differences in stem reduction and kernel yield depending on time of application and level of N supply.  相似文献   

Differential determination of fungal- and bacterial bioactivity in two spruce forest ecosystems To determine the general bioactivity and the contribution of actinomycetes and fungi in organic and mineral horizons of two spruce forests (Luvic Cambisol and Dystric Podzoluvisol) different physiological methods were utilized and compared. According to microbial measurements (ATP-quantity, heat output) the activity in Ebersberger Forst surpassed that of Höglwald in each horizon. The measurements of ergosterol and chitin delivered contradictory results. A similarity between the amount of glucosamine and that of fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis was observed. In the activity of lignin degrading fungi and ethylene production both soils differed entirely.  相似文献   

Promotion of plant growth and nutrient uptake of cruciferous oil- and intercrops by inoculated rhizosphere microorganisms The vegetative growth of rape, oil radish and mustard was repeatedly stimulated by isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens (PsIA12), P. putida (A1 A2), Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (PsIB2, Psl2), Agrobacterium rhizogenes (A1A4) and Rhizobium trifolii (R39) by improved root development and nutrient uptake (N. P. K. Mg) in pot and field experiments on loamy sand and sandy loam at different yield levels. The seed yield of rape could be increased only by 2 isolates (PsIA12, PsIB2). The growth stimulating bacteria produced phytohormones (auxins and partly cytokinins). No direct relations between plant growth stimulation and the potential microbial metabolic activities nitrogenase, nitrate reductase, P-mobilization, pectinase, cellulase could be found. Effective bacteria are in close association with the plants and can survive in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Predictions of water and nutrient dynamics from agricultural sites on sandy soils in East- Brandenburg The validity of the agroecosystem model EPIC was tested for two agricultural sites on sandy soils without groundwater located at the moraine landscape in East-Brandenburg. Measurements of soil moisture, soil nitrate, above ground plant biomass and yield from these two agricultural investigation sites were compared with the corresponding simulation results of the model. The calculations of the soil water balance show a good fit between simulated and observed soil moisture values. The comparison between simulated and measured above ground plant biomass presents an underestimation of biomass by the model at the beginning of crop growth in spring and an overestimation at the end of the vegetation period. EPIC shows also an overestimation of yield in this study. The observed and the simulated soil nitrate values show no fit. Probably one reason for this fact might be the kind of process modeling included in EPIC, which was designed for long term calculations up to 50 years. Another possible reason could be the over estimation of N-uptakes of plants in comparison with estimates of the N-demand of plants based on the simulated yields. However a clear reason for the insufficient calculations of soil nitrate status by the model could not be found in this study. Further analysis of mineralization, N-uptake of plants and N-Ieaching in EPIC must be done in future.  相似文献   

Pure protein, chlorophyll, carotene, and carbohydrates of Daucus carota throughout the vegetative period of first year as influenced by growth regulators (CCC, GA and BA) . 1) Carrot plants were treated for 9 weeks with gibberellic acid (GA3), benzyladenine (BA) and chlorcholinechloride (CCC). 2) Yield of carrot roots (g/plant) was reduced by GA, and changed insignificantly by CCC and BA. Leaf yield was increased with GA and BA, and decreased with CCC. 3) The quantity of pure protein in carrot roots (mg/plant) increased with CCC and decreased with GA and BA. Opposite results were obtained for leaves. 4) The quantity of hydrolysable carbohydrates (g/plant) in roots decreased with GA, BA and CCC. In leaves GA and BA increased the yield of carbohydrates whereas CCC decreased it. 5) The quantity of carotene (mg/plant) in roots decreased strongly with GA and negligibly with BA. CCC increased the yield of carotene. 6) The quantity of chlorophyll (mg/plant) increased with GA and decreased with CCC. BA increased chlorophyll during the first half phase of the vegetative period and decreased in the other half phase. 7) Following relations were calculated for the duration of the vegetative period: a) hydrolysable carbohydrates to pure protein of leaves and roots. b) carotene (in the roots) to pure protein (in the leaves) c) Carotene (in the roots) to carbohydrates (in the roots) d) carbohydrates to chlorophyll in the leaves, furthermore was calculated e) the storing power of the living system of leaves for carbohydrates in the roots. 8) The time curves for daily synthesis capacity of system of leaves or their storing capacity for products in the roots show that protein, chlorophyll and carotene of leaves behave as components of the system while carbohydrates (as expected) belog to the product. Contrary to that the daily storing capacity of the system of leaves shows that protein, carotene and carbohydrates in the roots belong to the product. Thus the root proves to be a genuine storage organ in which the major quantities of protein and carotene are not involved in the metabolic processes but can be regarded as stored or end products. .  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the fate of monolinuron in the soil-plant-system Quantitative changes in the fate of monolinuron in soil and crops (potatoes, barley) produced by nitrogen fertilization were investigated in a lysimeter-type set-up. Since crop yields were increased by the fertilizer, lower concentrations of residues were found as expected compared to the blank experiment. The total quantity of residues, however, in plants and soil was increased during the first vegetation period by the fertilizer. The major portion of residues was found at the site of application (upper soil layer). Following TLC analysis of soil extracts, no difference in the chemical structures of the residues was found between fertilized and non fertilized lysimeters.  相似文献   

The use of critical point (CP) drying for light and electron microscopy of soils The preparation of soils for light and electron microscopy usually requires the removal of water. Different dehydration techniques result in varying degrees of damage to the soil structure. The advantages and disadvantages of three dehydration techniques (CP drying, air drying and freeze drying) for soil clays are discussed in this paper. Observations with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and shrinkage tests suggest that CP drying is particularly appropriate in soil samples > 5-6 mm.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of the mineralogical composition from silt-fractions of soils on the basis of the chemical analysis and by application of the Karl-Fischer-titration. II. Results obtained with soils from glacial sand, boulder marl and loess The contents of micas and feldspars were quantified in the silt-fractions from horizons of a podsolic brown earth developed on glacial sand and of lessives on loess as well as on boulder marl by using a method that has been described in detail in part I. Three components each of micas and of feldspars, namely muscovite (Ms), phlogopite (Phl), annite (Ann), orthoclase (Or), albite (Ab) and anorthite (An) were determined. The silt fractions of the three investigated soils are similar in their mineralogical composition. Feldspars are composed of equally high amounts of Or and Ab. Micas are dominated by the Ms-component. Apparently the mica content of the silt fractions is reduced during soil development, whereas no significant changes can be found for feldspars. The loss of micas is responsible for the decreasing potassium content of the silt fractions.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the original composition and balancing of soils developed on glacial till In this paper a method for the reconstruction of the original composition of soils formed on heterogeneous glacial till is described. As an exampel the original contents of carbonates, iron and clay were calculated in two soils. The soils investigated are “Rostbraunerde” under forest and ?Braunerde”? under meadow. The “Braunerde” has been regularly irrigated with waste water for the last 70 years. The heterogenity of the fine earth of the parent material is caused by the successive deposition of materials with varying particle size distribution as well as in situ cryoclastic weathering of the different rock fragments. The reconstruction was calculated from the relation between the above mentioned weatherable components and less weatherable components in the pleistocenic sediments of Berlin. The sorting grade (So, Muller, 1962), median (Md) of the particle size distribution in the 2–600 γ fraction and the contents of coarse sand, Zr and Ti in the fraction 2-2000 pm were considered as unweatherable. The calculations were performed using multi regression analysis. The influence of the pedogenetic processes of decarbonatisation, acidification, clay formation and clay migration as well as the pedological changes resulting from the waste water irrigation were quantified through the comparison between the calculated original and the measured actual contents of the weatherable components.  相似文献   

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