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Among the 57 monoclonal antibodies analyzed within the T-cell group, three mAbs fell within cluster T13 including the CD5a standard b53b7 (No. 174). The two new mAbs 1H6/8 (No. 058) and BB6-9G12 (No. 166) both precipitated 55 and 60 kDa proteins that were of similar molecular weights as the standard. Staining patterns on the various cell types were similar. Both new antibodies inhibited the binding of the CD5a reference mAbs b53b7 to peripheral lymphocytes. These mAbs, therefore both react with the CD5a epitope bringing the number of anti-porcine CD5 mAbs to eight, all of which appear to recognize the same epitope.  相似文献   

After initial evaluation of the 176 new and 19 control monoclonal antibodies (mAb) submitted to the Second International Swine CD Workshop, 57 were assigned to the T-cell/activation marker subgroup. These 57 mAb were further analyzed using flow cytometry on whole blood lymphocytes, splenocytes, Peyer's patch lymphocytes, in vitro cell lines, broncho-alveolar lavage cells, Con A and PHA blasts, fetal cell populations, and by 2-color flow cytometry against mAb to porcine CD2, CD4, and CD8. Finally, the molecular weights of the target antigens were characterized when possible. As a result of these analyses, 23 mAb were distributed into 7 CD clusters. Newly confirmed mAb assignments included: two CD2; one CD4; two CD5; one wCD6; and one wCD25. Three new mAb were found that reacted with wCD8, one of which defined a new epitope, wCD8c. For the first time, mAb against porcine CD3 were identified, including 6 mAb that reacted with three different epitopes. Several new mAb reacted with antigens whose expression varied depending on the activation state of the test cell. These will require further characterization in order to assign a CD number.  相似文献   

Among the 57 monoclonal antibodies analyzed within the T-cell group of the Second International Swine CD Workshop, one mAb fell within cluster T14a that included the CD6 standard a38b2 (No. 175). The new mAb MIL8 (No. 082) and a38b2 both precipitated from activated T-cells a 150 kDa monomeric protein. Staining patterns on the various cell types were similar. There was no inhibition of binding of either mAb to peripheral blood T-cells with the opposite mAb. The new mAb, MIL8, reacts with a separate epitope on porcine wCD6.  相似文献   

Swine cell binding analyses of a set of 48 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), including eleven standards, assigned to the CD44 and CD45 subset group of the Second International Swine CD Workshop yielded 13 clusters. Although none of these corresponded to CD44, seven mAbs formed a cluster which was identified as being specific for restricted epitopes of CD45 (CD45R). In addition, a T-cell subset specific cluster comprised of four mAbs was also identified. Two mAbs (STH106 and SwNL 554.1) reacted exclusively with CD8 bright lymphocytes, the other two (2B11 and F01G9) with a subset of CD4 lymphocytes. The other 10 clusters were either specific for MHC-class I like molecules or overlapped with clusters identified by the adhesion molecule subgroup and are therefore just briefly discussed in this report. The specificity of all the mAbs in the CD45R cluster was verified by their ability to immunoprecipitate distinct proteins and to react with CHO cells expressing individual isoforms of CD45. Three CD45R mAbs (3a56, MIL5, −a2) did react with a 210 kDa isoform(s), while another three (STH267, FG2F9, 6E3/7) only recognized a 226 kDa isoform(s). The remaining one (MAC326) precipitated both a 210 and 226 kDa protein. The specificity of all the mAbs in the CD45R cluster, and of the CD45 common mAbs, was confirmed by their reactivity with CHO cells transfected with cDNAs encoding the extracellular and transmembrane portions of distinct CD45R isoforms. Those mAbs recognizing a 210 kDa protein reacted with CHO cells expressing the CD45RC isoform, while those capable of precipitating a 226 kDa, but not the 210 kDa, polypeptide recognized CHO cells expressing either the CD45RAC and the relatively rare CD45RA isoform. MAC326 was unique in its inability to react with CHO cells engineered to produce the CD45RC and CD45RAC isoforms. Thus, three mAbs (6E3/7, STH267, and FG2F9) appear to be specific for an epitope(s) encoded by the A exon, while one (MAC326) recognizes a determinant encoded by the C exon. The remaining three mAbs (3a56, −a2, MIL5) are apparently specific for an epitope(s) which results from the fusion of the C exon to the invariant leader sequence and is destroyed by inclusion of the A exon. All three CD45 common mAbs, K252.1E4, MAC323 and 74.9.3, did react with the CHO cells lines expressing either the CD45RA, CD45RC, CD45RAC or CD45RO isoforms, but not with untransfected CHO cells. When the natural expression of CD45 isoforms was examined by reacting lymphocytes with CD45R mAbs, a high level expression of isoforms containing the A exon-generated domain was detected in all B cells while the majority of CD4+ T cells had undetectable or lower expression density of this protein than B cells. In contrast, the density of expression of the CD45 isoform(s) containing the C exon-generated domain ranged from undetectable to high in CD4+ T cells whereas the amounts were approximately ten-fold lower in B cells. Overall this panel of CD45 mAbs will be very useful in analyzing the maturation and differentiation of swine lymphoid cells subsets.  相似文献   

The reactivity of 176 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) submitted to the Second International Swine CD Workshop, together with 19 internal standards, was analyzed by flow cytometry on 16 different cell types as a means of establishing the proper cell subset for later detailed clustering analyses. The exact CD subset reactivity of the 19 internal standard mAb had been characterized in the First International Swine CD Workshop. The flow cytometric analyses resulted in 40 data sets which were then subjected to statistical clustering using the Leukocyte Typing Database IV (LTDB4) software. As result of this work, 22 clusters were defined. After review of these results, panels of mAb from the defined first round clusters were assigned to cell subsets. The respective mAb in those first round clusters were then distributed to subset group researchers for further examination during the second round of the workshop.  相似文献   

Thirty-six subpanels of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) supplied to the Fifth International Workshop on Human Leucocyte Differentiation Antigens were assayed on porcine peripheral blood leucocytes for cross-reactivity. Sixty-two of the 752 mAbs-stained porcine cells. These mAbs identified 30 different CD groups and will be valuable reagents in the field of porcine immunology.  相似文献   

The aim of the Second International Swine Cluster of Differentiation (CD) Workshop, supported by the Veterinary Immunology Committee (VIC) of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS), was to standardize the assignment of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) reactive with porcine leukocyte differentiation antigens and to define new antibody clusters. At the summary meeting of the workshop in July, 1995, revisions in the existing nomenclature for Swine CD were approved, so that the rules are now in accord with those for human and ruminant CD. Swine CD numbers will now be given to clusters of mAb to swine orthologues of human CD molecules when homology is proven by (1) suitable tissue distribution and lymphoid cell subset expression, (2) appropriate molecular mass of the antigen recognized by the mAbs, and (3) reactivity of mAbs with the cloned swine gene products, or cross-reactivity of the mAb on the human gene products. In some cases, this reactivity would not be fully proven, mainly due to the lack of cloned gene products; for these CD antigens, the respective clusters will be assigned by the prefix ‘w' which will lead to ‘wCD' antigens. As a result of the Second International Swine CD Workshop the assignment of 16 mAb to existing CD groups (CD2a, CD4a, CD5a, wCD6, wCD8, CD14, CD18a, wCD21, wCD25) was confirmed, and 2 mAb to existing swine workshop clusters (SWC). More importantly, for the work on the porcine immune system, was the definition of 5 new swine CD antigens, namely CD3 (recognized by 6 new mAb and 3 epitopes), CD16 (1 new mAb), wCD29 (2 mAb), CD45RA (3 mAb) and CD45RC (1 new mAb). Finally, the demarcation of two new SWC molecules in swine, SWC8 (2 mAb) and SWC9 (2 mAb) was confirmed.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of their reactivity with porcine peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), only three of the 57 mAbs assigned to the T cell/activation marker group were grouped into cluster T9 along with the two wCD8 workshop standard mAbs 76-2-11 (CD8a) and 11/295/33 (CD8b). Their placement was verified through the use of two-color cytofluorometry which established that all three mAbs (STH101, #090; UCP1H12-2, #139; and PG164A, #051) bind exclusively to CD8+ cells. Moreover, like the CD8 standard mAbs, these three mAbs reacted with two proteins with a MW of 33 and 35 kDa from lymphocyte lysates and were, thus, given the wCD8 designation. Because the mAb STH101 inhibited the binding of mAb 76-2-11 but not of 11/295/33, it was given the wCD8a designation. The reactivity of the other two new mAbs in the T9 cluster with the various subsets of CD8+ lymphocytes were distinct from that of the other members in this cluster including the standards. Although the characteristic porcine CD8 staining pattern consisting of CD8low and CD8high cells was obtained with the mAb UCP1H12-2, a wider gap between the fluorescence intensity of the CD8low and CD8high lymphocytes was observed. In contrast, the mAb PG164A, not only exclusively reacted with CD4/CD8high lymphocytes, but it also failed to recognize CD4/CD8 double positive lymphocytes. It was concluded that this mAb is specific for a previously unrecognized CD8 epitope, and was, thus, given the wCD8c designation. A very similar reactivity pattern to that of PG164A was observed for two other mAbs (STH106, #094; and SwNL554.1, #009). Although these two mAbs were not originally positioned in the T cell subgroup because of their reactivity and their ability to inhibit the binding of PG164A, they were given the wCD8c designation. Overall, five new wCD8 mAbs were identified. Although the molecular basis for the differences in PBL recognition by these mAbs is not yet understood, they will be important in defining the role of CD8+ lymphocyte subsets in health and disease.  相似文献   

As a result of the first-round cluster analysis, a panel of 16 novel monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was assigned for detailed analysis to the CD45 subgroup of the Third International Swine CD Workshop. The specificity of the mAbs was initially determined by examining their reactivity with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells engineered to express individual isoforms of porcine CD45. These analyses indicated that seven of the mAbs (PG77A, PG96A, PG167A, PGB78A, 3C/9, MIL13, NHT 101) recognized the portion of the CD45 molecule encoded by the A exon (CD45RA), while one (MIL15) was specific for that portion encoded by the C exon (CD45RC). In each case, the designation was supported by the demonstration that the molecular weight(s) of the recognized antigen(s) in porcine mononuclear cells, as determined by immunoprecipitation, corresponded to the predicted size(s) according to their specificity. As expected, a similar correlation was obtained for five standard mAbs whose specificity for either common or restricted epitopes of porcine CD45 had been established in previous workshops. Screening of the remaining 174 mAbs that comprised this workshop but were excluded from the CD45 subgroup by cluster analysis failed to detect any additional ones reactive with the porcine CD45-expressing cells.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to develop and characterize mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against chicken CD80 (chCD80). A recombinant plasmid containing a chCD80/horse IgG4 fusion gene was constructed and expressed in CHO cells to produce recombinant chCD80/IgG4 protein. Chicken CD80 was purified from the chCD80/IgG4 fusion protein following enterokinase digestion, and used to immunize BALB/c mice, resulting in 158 hybridomas that produced mAbs against chCD80. Three mAbs with high binding specificity for recombinant chCD80/IgG4-transfected CHO cells were identified by flow cytometry, and one of these (#112) was selected for further characterization. Immunoprecipitation of CD80/IgG4-CHO cell extract, or lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated monocytes identified 35.0 kDa proteins. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed chCD80-expressing cells exclusively in the bursal follicles at the outer portion of the cortex, and throughout the red pulp and the outer boundary of the white pulp in the spleen. By immunofluorescence microscopy, chCD80 was observed on intestinal dendritic cells. LPS treatment of bursa or spleen monocytes for 24 or 48 h increased chCD80 expression. Finally, addition of chCD80 mAb to Con A-stimulated spleen cells inhibited the expression of major histocompatibility complex class II antigens and IL-2-driven proliferation of lymphoblast cells. In summary, these chCD80 mAbs will serve as valuable immunological reagents for basic and applied poultry immunology research.  相似文献   

Presence of the hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid, HA) receptor CD44 on spermatozoa has been difficult to pursue, mostly obeying to the use of different commercial mono‐ and/or polyclonal antibodies, often lacking proper controls. Here, we describe how the presence (Western blotting) and specific location (immunocytochemistry) of the CD44 receptor differs in ejaculated pig spermatozoa depending on the type of antibody and protocol used. While we were able to detect binding to spermatozoa and mark its presence in the sperm membrane, the use of blocking peptides clearly indicated that only the monoclonal antibody could confirm the specific presence and location of the CD44 receptor, whereas the polyclonal antibody was detecting multiple presumed CD44 isoforms or degraded proteins thus proving unspecific. These results call for strict protocols when attempting immunological determination of sperm membrane receptors.  相似文献   

To study complement function in mammalian leishmanioses, we developed mouse monoclonal antibodies to the human complement system components C1q, C4, factor D, factor H, factor B, properdin, C5 and C9. Antibody specificity was determined by indirect and capture ELISA and by Western blot. In flow cytometry analysis, seven antibodies recognized the cognate component on human serum-opsonized Leishmania promastigotes. Antibody reactivity was screened against promastigotes opsonized with sera of nine mammalian genera: pig, guinea pig, goat, rabbit, cat, dog, hamster, jird and rat. No antibody recognized jird epitopes on promastigotes. Anti-C4, -properdin, and -C5b reacted with the orthologous protein of all other mammals tested except cat (anti-properdin) and hamster (anti-C5b); anti-C9 only recognized the rabbit ortholog, and anti-C1q, -factor B and -factor H did not react with any of the nine orthologs. Such interspecies crossreactive antibodies can be valuable tools for analysis of mammalian complement function in infectious diseases.  相似文献   

以H3亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)免疫BALB/c小鼠,取其脾细胞与SP2/0骨髓瘤细胞融合,用血凝抑制试验(HI)筛选阳性杂交瘤细胞并克隆化。结果获得了4株针对H3亚型禽流感病毒血凝素的单克隆抗体,分别命名为1D7、1F9、5A4、5F5。这些单克隆抗体小鼠腹水HI效价为212~214。用H1、H6、H10亚型禽流感病毒各2株,H4、H5、H9和新城疫病毒(NDV)各1株进行特异性试验。结果表明:所有这些单抗仅与H3亚型AIV发生特异性HI反应,而不与其他亚型AIV及NDV反应。用28株H3亚型禽流感病毒进行排谱试验,结果证明:4株单抗均具有广谱性,其中1F9、5A4、5F5与受试的28株H3亚型AIV均反应,而1D7只与其中的26株反应。以上单抗将为控制畜禽及人类的流感提供必需的诊断试剂。  相似文献   

In human erythema multiforme (EM), cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an essential role in the pathogenesis. In canine EM, immunohistochemical staining with anti-CD8 antibody using frozen sections has shown the involvement of CTLs; however, CTL infiltration has never been quantitatively analyzed. We herein quantitatively analyzed CTL infiltration by immunohistochemical staining with granzyme B and CD3 antibodies using paraffin sections of a dog with EM associated with zonisamide. The present results indicated approximately 70% of cells at the border between the epidermis and dermis consisted of CTLs. Detection of granzyme B and CD3 using paraffin sections employed in this study can be a clinically applicable method for detecting CTLs.  相似文献   

Determinations of CD3 immunoreactivity (CD3-IR) and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region (AGNOR) frequency from fine needle aspirate (FNA) samples were compared with those from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded surgical biopsy samples in 51 dogs with lymphoma. Both CD3-IR (using a rapid EPOS polymer system) and AGNOR techniques were readily applied to FNA samples. CD3-IR from FNA samples matched those of histologic samples with 100% concordance. A linear relationship (r=0.981; P<0.001) was found between AGNOR frequency obtained from FNA samples and those obtained from surgical biopsy samples. Application of the techniques presented here should allow clinically relevant information to be procured rapidly and inexpensively. As CD3-IR and AGNOR frequency have been shown to be predictive of response to combination chemotherapy in dogs with lymphoma, such information could be used to better educate clients as to the likelihood of achieving meaningful responses, as well as allowing prospective tailoring of individual treatments in future trials prior to initiating therapy.  相似文献   

A battery of mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) reactive with porcine peripheral blood (PB) leukocytes was generated. Among the mAbs, 6F10 was found to react probably with cluster of differentiation (CD)8 alpha-chain, while 7G3 and 3E12 were found to recognize gammadelta T-cells, as revealed by two-color flow cytometric and immunoprecipitation studies. 7G3 was shown to react with the constant (C) region of the T-cell receptor (TCR) delta-chain by the following facts: (1) 7G3 immunoprecipitated full-length TCR delta-chain protein fused with glutathione S-transferase (GST) produced by Esherichia coli and (2) 7G3 reacted with TCR delta-chain expressing Cos-7 cells transfected with either full-length or N-terminal deleted mutant cDNA, but did not react with Cos-7 cells transfected with C-terminal deleted mutant TCR delta-chain cDNA. All three mAbs produced high-quality immunostaining results on frozen sections, revealing a distinct distribution of gammadelta T-cells and CD8(+) cells. This report precisely characterizes mAbs against porcine TCR for the first time, facilitating molecular biological investigations of the porcine immune system.  相似文献   

小肠是猪的主要消化吸收器官,对个体的生长发育非常重要,但到目前为止,国内外对猪小肠的研究还很少。为探讨其长度与生长发育性状之间的关系,本试验测定了白色杜洛克×二花脸资源家系F2和F3群体共计1 508头个体的240日龄小肠长度、出生重、21日龄体重、46日龄体重、0~46日龄平均日增重、46~240日龄平均日增重、240日龄平均日增重、240日龄宰前活重及屠宰后胴体直长、胴体斜长等10项生长性状指标,并对其与小肠长度的相关性进行了分析。结果显示猪240日龄小肠长度与这些生长性状都存在极显著相关(P0.001),表明小肠可能通过影响个体对营养成分的消化吸收而影响个体的生长发育。据我们所知,本试验是首次在大规模样本群体中研究猪小肠长度与生长发育性状的相关性,其结果为小肠和个体发育研究提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

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