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This paper presents preliminary results on attempts to extract and characterize the volatile secondary metabolites contained in needles of differentPinus species and to ascertain the role played by these substances on the behavior ofThaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis et Schiffermüller) females, which show a marked preference, during the oviposition period, for some indigenous and exotic species of host plants existing in mixed formation. Limonene is the most abundant monoterpene extracted fromP. pinea needles, the least favored species of pine processionary caterpillar (PPC) females, although it is present in only very low amounts in otherPinus species. An increase was observed in limonene production byP. pinea at the start of the flight period of the PPC adult, and subsequently at the beginning of the females’ oviposition period. Assays carried out in two pine stands in central Italy showed that limonene, emulsified with water and sprayed on foliage of four different pine species plants,P. sylvestris, P. nigra, P. pinaster andP. radiata, during the PPC oviposition period, provided a satisfactory degree of protection. In fact, the number of egg clusters collected from treated plants was often lower than the number of egg clusters collected from control plants and was comparable to the number of egg clusters laid onP. pinea plants. In particular (R)-(+)-limonene, although not produced in nature by pines, was the most effective deterrent. However, the effect of (S)-(-)-limonene, the enantiomer biosynthesized by pines, was also adequate.  相似文献   

Potted plants ofPinus nigra subsp.laricio were fertilized with ammonium sulphate (AS) and potassium sulphate (PS) each year during 3 consecutive years. The then 5-year-old plants were artificially inoculated withSphaeropsis sapinea. The fungus caused much bigger bark necroses in plants that had been fertilized with AS, than in plants fertilized with PS. It is concluded thatP. nigra growing in poor sandy soil becomes more susceptible toS. sapinea when fertilized with an excess of AS. This may explain partly the increased incidence ofS. sapinea inP. nigra stands in areas with a high rate of atmospheric NH4-deposition in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

A study was carried out at the Natural Park of Montesinho, NE Portugal, in order to evaluate the effect of different pine species (Pinus pinaster Ait.,P. nigra Arn. andP. sylvestris L.) onThaumetopoea pityocampa populations. The structure of the egg batches, the impact of the egg parasitoids on natural mortality of the pest and the species of parasitoids present, as well as their emergence dynamics, were analyzed. The length of the egg batches varied among pine species with the longest ones onP. nigra. The mean number of eggs per batch differed betweenP. sylvestris and the two other hosts studied, with fewer eggs per batch on the first. No differences were found in the size of eggs among pine species. The egg mortality varied between 25.8% and 33.0%, with no differences among hosts. Parasitism was the main cause of death.Baryscapus servadeii (Mercet.) was the most abundant parasitoid species, followed byOoencyrtus pityocampae (Dom.) andTrichogramma embryophagum Htg.B. servadeii dominated in the egg batches collected fromP. pinaster andP. nigra, whereasO. pityocampae was most frequent onP. sylvestris. The emergence ofB. servadeii started in the middle of March and continued until August, with the emergence peak at the end of May. The emergence ofO. pityocampae started at the end of April and continued throughout September, with maximum values in June. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 20, 2006.  相似文献   

An interaction between the fungal pathogenSphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko & Sutton, causal organism of Sphaeropsis canker, and the Israeli pine bast scaleMatsucoccus josephi (Homoptera: Margarodidae), causal agent of pine decline, was studied, since both were prevalent on Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) stands.Sphaeropsis sapinea was isolated from larvae (stage II) and molts of the Israeli pine bast scale collected in four Aleppo pine stands. When Aleppo pine saplings were infested with pine bast scale and subsequently inoculated withS. sapinea most plants died, whereas mortality of seedlings inoculated withS. sapinea alone without previous scale infestation was negligible. Scale infestation of saplings without subsequent fungal inoculation caused the death of one third of the plants. Wounding of pine shoot apices by removal of needle fascicles enhanced infection byS. sapinea. The results support the assumption thatM. josephi can play an important role in transmitting the fungal inoculum to the host tree as well as enabling its penetration to the shoots through wounds in the bark. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 20, 2004.  相似文献   

Monochamus galloprovincialis Olivier (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is one of the vectors of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer) Nickle (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae), the causal agent of pine wilt in susceptible pine trees. It is therefore important to study both the biological and ecological characteristics of the beetle. In this study reproductive potentials of female beetles reared on two pine species were investigated under laboratory conditions and compared using fertility tables constructed for beetles reared on each tree species. Beetle population parameters were compared between tree species. The intrinsic rate of increase and associated population parameters of beetles reared on Pinus sylvestris L. were consistently higher than those reared on P. nigra Arnold. This result suggests that P. sylvestris has a significantly greater positive effect on the reproductive potential of M. galloprovincialis populations than does P. nigra.  相似文献   

Insect reproduction may be affected by a number of factors including seasonal changes in larval or adult nutrition. The effect of season on the reproductive potential ofMonochamus galloprovincialis (Olivier) females reared inPinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine) logs was investigated by constructing fertility tables for each log that differed only in the season they were cut. Population parameters were compared among three seasonal cohorts. The intrinsic rate of increase and most of the associated population parameters of beetles that emerged from logs cut during spring were higher than for beetles emerged from summer and autumn logs. Slight differences were found between summer and autumn cohorts. We suggest that seasonal differences in the nutritional quality of logs caused differences inM. galloprovincialis survival and reproductive potential. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting March 16, 2008.  相似文献   

To study the relationship between resistance to pine wilt disease and the migration or proliferation of pine wood nematodes (PWN) (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), we conducted experiments using clonally-propagated Japanese black pines (Pinus thunbergii) with pre-evaluated individual resistance levels. Bark including the cortical resin canals—one of the main migration pathways of PWN—was removed by girdling, but neither the migration of PWN nor symptom development of pine wilt disease were inhibited by this treatment in non-resistant clones. Histological observations showed no significant differences in the lumen area or the number of cortical- and xylem- axial resin canals between resistant and susceptible clone groups from a half-sib family. A bioassay using methanol extracts from resistant and susceptible clones showed that extracts from both clones showed similar attractant effects to PWN, but neither had repellent effects. The resistant clones were multi-inoculated with PWN into three split points to mimic migration in the stem. The proportion of damaged plants was not significantly different from that in single-inoculated plants (control). In this experiment, the number of PWN detected from partially-damaged plants was much higher than that from non-damaged plants. An inoculation test using stem cuttings showed that the population of PWN increased in susceptible cuttings at 1–20 days after inoculation (dai), while it remained unchanged or gradually decreased in resistant cuttings. These findings suggested that the factors contributing to resistance were associated with inhibiting the proliferation of PWN, rather than inhibiting their migration.  相似文献   

Information is presented on new occurrences of two homopteran pests,Matsucoccus josephi Bodenheimer et Harpaz (Matsucoccidae) andPineus pini (Macquart) (Adelgidae), in Israel, Jordan and southern Lebanon.M. josephi occurs in Israel in almost all natural relicts of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis). It infests all plantations of Aleppo pine, brutia pine (Pinus brutia ssp.brutia) and Eldar pine (P. brutia ssp.eldarica) north of 31°12′ lat. N. Heavy damage has been observed in the Judean Foothills, Judean Mts. and northern Samaria.M. josephi and its specific predator,Elatophilus hebraicus Pericart (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), are recorded for the first time in Jordan and southern Lebanon. The scale was found in all visited Aleppo pine and brutia pine stands in Jordan and in natural and planted brutia pine in southeastern Lebanon. Damage byM. josephi in Jordan was observed only in young plantations of Aleppo pine; in Lebanon no signs of injury were recorded.P. pini was found for the first time in Jordan, where it causes severe damage to young stands of Aleppo pine and stone pine (Pinus pinea). Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization. No. 1225-E, 1993 series.  相似文献   

Various disturbance factors on different spatial scales can lead to the creation of canopy gaps in forest ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the role of root rot fungi in the formation of canopy gaps in the Swiss National Park in the Central Alps. Dying or recently dead mountain pine (Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata trees (n = 172) and saplings (n = 192) from 42 canopy gaps were assessed for Armillaria and Annosum root rot. Heterobasidion annosum s.str. proved to be the dominant pathogen and was isolated from 49% of the trees and 64% of the saplings. Armillaria was found on 13% of the trees and 20% of the saplings. Three Armillaria species, A. borealis, A. cepistipes, and A. ostoyae, were identified. Armillaria ostoyae was the most frequent species, accounting for 72% of all Armillaria isolates. A total of 31 (74%) gaps were associated with H. annosum, and six (14%) with A. ostoyae. The remaining gaps were either associated with both pathogens (7%) or with other, unknown, factors (5%). Our findings suggest that the two pathogenic fungi, H. annosum s.str. and A. ostoyae, are the main reason for the large-scale mortality of mountain pines and the creation of canopy gaps in high elevation forests of the Swiss National Park.  相似文献   

An outbreak of the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), began in spring 1998 and lasted 6 years in a Crimean pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) plantation in western Turkey. The effects of PPM on the radial, height and volume growth of Crimean pine trees were investigated by examining the increment losses for three defoliation intensities (groups). PPM activity in Crimean pine stand was assessed through radial increment analysis of cores extracted at breast height. In 2004, increment cores were collected from moderate and high defoliation and low defoliation dominant or co-dominant trees. Based on the sample, annual radial growth indices from 1998 to 2004 were calculated. Growth functions were defined as the cumulative sum of radial, height and volume increment graphically compared between Crimean pine defoliation group sample trees. The sample trees are the same subspecies and varieties. After the defoliations, radial, height and volume growth of low defoliation group trees was found to be significantly greater than that of the other affected groups. During the 1998–2004 period the total radial growth of low, moderately affected and highly affected trees was, respectively, 49, 33 and 31 mm; the total height growth was 3.1, 1.8 and 1.0 m; and the total volume growth was 50, 14 and 10 dm3.  相似文献   

为明确稻田适量喷施保护性农药是否影响周边香根草对水稻螟虫的诱集效果,通过室内盆栽试验测定了在水稻和香根草上分别喷施氯虫苯甲酰胺对大螟成虫趋性及产卵选择性的影响。结果表明:在水稻上喷药后第1天,栖息在香根草上的大螟雌、雄成虫总量分别为4.2头和3.8头,显著高于水稻上雌、雄成虫的总量1.00头和0.60头;在水稻上喷药后1~3 d接入大螟,在水稻上不产卵,直到第6天才出现卵块;喷药后6 d和12 d接入大螟,在香根草上的卵粒数分别为287.2粒和309.2粒,显著高于其在水稻上的57.2粒和81.4粒,约为水稻上的5.0倍和3.8倍。在香根草上喷药后1~3 d接入大螟,成虫选择水稻居多,在香根草上的产卵量为0;喷药后6 d接入大螟,成虫对2种寄主植物的选择性无显著差异;喷药后12 d接入大螟,在香根草上的成虫数量为9.8头,约为水稻上的2.5倍,产卵量也约为水稻上的1.9倍,二者均差异显著。表明香根草喷施氯虫苯甲酰胺后其对大螟的诱集作用有一定影响,但这种影响会随着施药时间的延长而逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

为明确细菌在松材线虫生态适应性中的作用,本研究选择与致病相关的松材线虫伴生细菌GD1、马尾松内生细菌GD2以及具有杀松材线虫活性的湿地松内生细菌NJSZ-13为试验对象,测定经这3株芽胞杆菌菌株3个浓度低温驯化10、15和20 d后,在冷冻条件下松材线虫强毒虫株AMA3、中毒虫株AA3和弱毒虫株YW4的存活率和繁殖量。结果表明:低温驯化15 d和20 d后3株菌株对不同毒力线虫的活力影响较驯化10 d后的更显著。在低温驯化15 d、-20℃冷冻处理1 h后,5×106CFU/mL浓度菌株GD1处理下,虫株AMA3、AA3和YW4的存活率分别为77.22%、83.68%和84.26%,与对照差异显著;5×105CFU/mL浓度菌株GD1处理下,虫株AMA3、AA3和YW4的存活率分别为75.76%、80.67%和81.50%,与对照差异显著。5×106CFU/mL和5×105CFU/mL浓度菌株GD2处理下,与GD1处理组结果相似,菌株NJSZ-13处理组则与菌株GD1和GD2的结果相反。低温驯化15...  相似文献   

Mango malformation, caused by Fusarium mangiferae, represents the most important floral disease of mango. The first symptoms of this disease were noticed in the beginning of 2005 in plantations at Sohar in the Sultanate of Oman. The affected inflorescences were abnormally enlarged and branched with heavy and dried-out panicles. Based on morphology and DNA-sequence data for the genes encoding translation elongation factor 1α and β-tubulin, the pathogen associated with these symptoms was identified as F. mangiferae.  相似文献   

In tomato plants, α-tomatine, a steroidal glycoalkaloid saponin, inhibits fungal growth. Tomato pathogens that produce host-specific toxins, Alternaria alternata tomato pathotype causing Alternaria stem canker and Corynespora cassiicola causing Corynespora target spot, were investigated for sensitivity to α-tomatine. Although spore germination of A. alternata pathogenic and nonpathogenic to tomato and of C. cassiicola pathogenic to tomato was not affected by 0.1 mM α-tomatine, spore germination of C. cassiicola nonpathogenic to tomato was significantly inhibited. This result showed that A. alternata, regardless of its pathogenicity, and only the C. cassiicola pathogenic to tomato are resistant to α-tomatine. Germinating spores of A. alternata and C. cassiicola resistant to α-tomatine detoxified α-tomatine by degrading it to a less polar product. After inoculation of tomato leaves, spores of A. alternata and C. cassiicola nonpathogenic to tomato germinated and formed appressoria, but did not form infection hyphae in host tissues. When a host-specific toxin (CCT-toxin) produced by C. cassiicola pathogenic to tomato was added to nonpathogenic spores, colonization within leaves was observed in A. alternata, but not in C. cassiicola. On the other hand, when spores of C. cassiicola nonpathogenic to tomato were suspended in spore germination fluid of nonpathogenic A. alternata with α-tomatine detoxification activity, the fungus could be induced to colonize leaves in the presence of CCT-toxin. These results indicate that A. alternata tomato pathotype and C. cassiicola pathogenic to tomato detoxify α-tomatine during infection and that this detoxification is essential for host colonization by pathogens that produce host-specific toxins.  相似文献   

为明确新型复配杀螨剂联肼·乙螨唑对目前蔬菜田常发生的2种优势叶螨二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae和截形叶螨T. truncatus的杀螨活性,于室内采用离体叶碟法测定其对这2种叶螨产卵及发育的影响,于室外采用活体植株评价该药剂对2种叶螨的田间防效。结果表明,经复配杀螨剂联肼·乙螨唑及其单剂处理2种叶螨雌成螨24 h后,死亡率为20.50%~54.98%,均显著高于清水对照;联肼·乙螨唑处理较清水对照显著降低了2种叶螨卵发育至若螨期的比率,联肼·乙螨唑处理后二斑叶螨和截形叶螨的若螨率分别为4.91%和1.63%。田间试验中联肼·乙螨唑对2种叶螨具有一定的速效性,药后3 d对二斑叶螨和截形叶螨的防效分别达95.74%和89.83%,药后7 d防效分别为98.03%和99.44%,显示了优良的防控效果及持效性。表明复配杀螨剂联肼·乙螨唑可用于田间蔬菜优势叶螨种群的高效防控。  相似文献   

Identifying the Fusarium species cause Fusarium head blight (FHB) and produces mycotoxins in wheat and other cereal is difficult and time consuming because of confusing phenotypic classification systems. In Japan, the F. graminearum complex, F. culmorum, F. avenaceum, and Microdochium nivale predominantly cause FHB. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 5.8S of rDNA, a partial sequence of β-tubulin and mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) genes of the four species were PCR-amplified and analyzed. On the basis of the ITS, β-tubulin and cytb sequences, F. avenaceum and M. nivale are distinct from the F. graminearum complex and F. culmorum, whereas the F. graminearum complex is closely related to F. culmorum. Moreover, thiophanate–methyl-resistant isolates of the F. graminearum complex and F. culmorum did not have an amino acid substitution at amino acid codon 198 or 200 of β-tubulin. In contrast, very highly or highly thiophanate–methyl-resistant isolates of M. nivale had Glu (GAG) substituted with Ala (GCG) or Lys (AAG) at codon 198, respectively. The allele-specific PCR assay was used to identify the F. graminearum complex and F. culmorum, and these Fusarium species could be distinguished rapidly.  相似文献   

为明确桃蚜Myzus persicae体内次生共生菌沙雷氏菌Serratia symbiotica对宿主抵抗不良环境的影响,利用叶碟法测定短翅蚜小蜂Aphelinus asychi对自然感染沙雷氏菌桃蚜、自然未感染沙雷氏菌桃蚜和人工感染沙雷氏菌桃蚜的寄生特性和取食特性,并测定烟蚜茧蜂Aphidius gifuensis对这3种处理桃蚜的寄生特性及这3种处理桃蚜经高温胁迫后的生长繁殖特性。结果显示,短翅蚜小蜂在人工感染沙雷氏菌桃蚜上的产卵率比在自然未感染沙雷氏菌桃蚜上的下降近1/2,羽化率下降1/3左右,致死率、取食率、僵蚜率均无显著差异;烟蚜茧蜂对这3种处理桃蚜的致死率、过寄生率、僵蚜率及其产卵率和羽化率等均无显著差异;这3种处理桃蚜的2龄若蚜经高温胁迫后,发育时间和寿命均显著延长,开始产蚜时间明显推迟,繁殖力和日繁殖率显著降低,繁殖历期无明显变化;高温胁迫后,人工感染沙雷氏菌桃蚜比自然未感染沙雷氏菌桃蚜开始产蚜时间提前3.9 d,繁殖力增加7.0头。表明人工感染沙雷氏菌可以提高桃蚜对短翅蚜小蜂和高温胁迫的防御作用,对烟蚜茧蜂的寄生无明显效果。  相似文献   

The effect of rapid and gradual exposure of entomopathogenic nematodes to osmotic stresses on the induction of a dormant state was determined with the nematodeSteinernema feltiae IS-6 infective juveniles (IJs). Rapid exposure of nematodes to glycerol at concentrations of 24% and 28% (w/w) caused the nematodes to enter a dormant state which was characterized by shrinking and impeded motility of all nematodes within 8 h. However, pre-exposure to gradually increasing glycerol concentrations of 5%, 10% and 18% at 4-h intervals resulted in dormancy after 4 h exposure to 24% glycerol. The total time of exposure to glycerol solution was 16 h in gradual osmotic stress. For nematodes exposed to 24% glycerol solution either rapidly or gradually, recovery occurred after 40 min in distilled water. Infectivity of osmotically stressedS. feltiae IJs was evaluated by two criteria, insect mortality and invasion rate. The assays indicated that infectivity of nematodes desiccated by rapid and gradual osmotic stresses was similar to that of fresh nematodes. Rapid exposure ofS. carpocapsae ‘All’,S. riobravis ‘Texas’,S. glaseri ‘NI’ andHeterorhabditis bacteriophora HP88 IJs to the 24% glycerol solution resulted in dormancy within 8 h. These treatments caused mortality of 48.4% and 11.7% amongS. glaseri Nl andH. bacteriophora HP88 IJs, respectively. Similar effects were observed when these nematode species were exposed to increasing osmotic stress of 5%, 10% and 18% at 6-h intervals. Under these same conditions, mortality ofH. bacteriophora HP88 andS. glaseri Nl IJs was 27.5% and 61.8%, respectively. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 29, 2004.  相似文献   

An outbreak of the pine processionary moth (PPM),Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff. (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), began in spring 1998 and lasted 5 years in aPinus brutia Ten. (Calabrian pine) stand. Tree volume and volume elements increments were examined throughout a PPM outbreak cycle from 1981 to 2003, for an even aged, pure, undisturbed, young Calabrian pine stand. Tree ring chronologies of ‘control’ Calabrian pine, which was not defoliated by PPM during the period of 1998–2003, were used to estimate potential growth characteristics in the ‘host’ Calabrian pine (moderate and high defoliation groups) for current and past outbreaks. Increment cores were collected from 70 host and 78 control dominant or co-dominant trees and annual radial growth indices from 1981–2003 were calculated for each defoliation group in a 41 point sampling. Growth functions were defined as the cumulative sum of radial, height, and volume increment, and graphically compared between host Calabrian pine (3 moderate and one high), four control Calabrian pine and one host Crimean pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) sample trees. At least three severe outbreak periods were identified (from 1981–86; 1992–97; and 1998–2003), much of the study area being severely affected by PPM. Tree ring evidence suggests that large scale (in 1981, 1992, 1998) and partial (in 1988) outbreaks occurred in the study area. Negative inflections of host radial growth curves relative to control height and volume indicated PPM activity. The periodic average diameter growth reductions (in %) in 1981, 1988, 1992 and 1998, respectively, were 0, 13, 5 and 0 for control, 12, 8, 7 and 2 for moderate, and 18, 5, 0 and 7 for high defoliation groups. Outbreaks appear to be associated with dry winter and spring weather prior to the autumn and winter in which feeding occurs. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 28, 2004.  相似文献   

为明确温度、光周期对日本食蚧蚜小蜂Coccophagus japonicus Compere发育与繁殖的影响,在不同温度、光周期条件下观察日本食蚧蚜小蜂的发育历期、出蜂数、雌蜂寿命以及寄生率。结果表明:温度和光周期显著影响日本食蚧蚜小蜂种群增长。在18~30℃之间,日本食蚧蚜小蜂的发育历期及雌蜂寿命均随温度的升高而缩短,18℃时发育历期与雌蜂寿命最长,分别为60.9 d和29.9 d,30℃时发育历期最短,为21.3 d,33℃时雌蜂寿命最短,为8.3 d;18~24℃之间,寄生率及出蜂数随温度的升高而增加,24℃时最高,分别为77.1%和38.7头;24~30℃之间,随温度升高日本食蚜小蜂的寄生率及出蜂数呈下降趋势。在光周期L 8 h∶D 16 h~L 16 h∶D 8 h范围内,当光周期为L 12 h∶D 12 h时,日本食蚧蚜小蜂的发育历期最短,为22.1 d,出蜂数最高,为39.0头;当光周期为L 14 h∶D 10 h时,雌蜂寿命最长,为22.6 d,寄生率最高,为71.1%。表明温度24~27℃、光周期L 12 h∶D 12 h为日本食蚧蚜小蜂种群增长的最适温度和光周期条件。  相似文献   

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