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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether or not aquabirnavirus is present in Victorian fish hatcheries. PROCEDURE: Milt and ovarian fluids were collected from brood stock at 12 hatcheries and cultured in two sensitive cell lines for the presence of viruses. RESULTS: No cytopathic effect was detected indicating the absence of virus. CONCLUSION: There is no evidence of infection with aquabirnavirus or Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis virus in Victorian fish hatcheries.  相似文献   

Post-weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS) has been identified in most swine-producing countries worldwide. The disease has resulted in significant health challenges and economic damage to the swine industry. The aim of this study was to determine horizontal transmission of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) and to examine viral dynamics in pigs in a controlled PMWS transmission study. In the study pigs from PMWS-affected herds and non-affected herds were permitted to have close contact (same pen), nose-to-nose contact (to pigs in neighbouring pens) or no physical contact (pen across the aisle and pens in other compartments). By DNA sequence analysis, eight variants of genotype PCV-2b were identified in the research facility. From the spread of these PCV2-variants it was concluded that PCV2 primarily infects through close contact and nose-to-nose contact. PCV2 genome sequences were obtained from selected pigs at arrival to the research facility and again when the same pigs developed PMWS. This analysis showed that pigs from PMWS-affected herds developed PMWS caused by the same variant of PCV2 as they carried when entering the research facility. In contrast, pigs from non-affected herds developed PMWS with PCV2-variants identified in pigs from PMWS-affected herds. This was probably connected to at least 103 higher mean serum-titer of PCV2 in pigs from PMWS-affected herds as compared to pigs from non-affected herds at the beginning of the transmission study. The study further showed that pigs able to control the PCV2 infection, as measured by the PCV2-titer in serum, recovered clinically (pigs from PMWS-affected herds) or stayed healthy (pigs from non-affected herds). Like this, pigs with a PCV2 titer below 5 × 108 copies/ml serum during the study period had a chance of recover from the PCV2 infection whereas pigs with PCV2 titers above 5 × 108 copies/ml serum at any time point generally died from PMWS.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of chondrodysplasia in calves occur sporadically every 10-15 years, particularly following prolonged drought conditions, throughout Northeastern Victoria and the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia. An outbreak spanning 2 calving seasons (2003-2004) involving numerous losses through stillbirth, perinatal loss, and poor growth was investigated. Investigations of 4 representative cases are presented here with a definition of the gross and histopathologic defects and an overview of epidemiologic data gathered from affected farms. Calves showed variable disproportionate dwarfism without arthrogryposis. Long bones were shortened and showed axial rotation. Articular surfaces were distorted with misshapen weight-bearing surfaces associated with variable thickness of articular cartilage. Physes were distorted and variable in thickness with occasional foci of complete closure. The major histologic abnormality in the physes was disorderly development of the zones of cartilage hypertrophy, with reduced number and irregular arrangement of hypertrophic chondrocytes; similar less severe changes were present in the zones of cartilage proliferation. Histochemical staining of the cartilage matrix was variable in intensity, and there was evidence of abnormal resorption of cartilage matrix at the level of the primary spongiosa. Osteoid formation and subsequent bone remodelling seemed unaffected, and diaphyseal cortical bone appeared normal at the gross and light microscopic level. No infectious agents were identified, and other known causes for chondrodysplasia in calves were excluded. The most likely cause for the syndrome was considered to be congenital manganese deficiency. Further surveys of tissue and blood manganese levels from cows and calves with and without clinical signs from the region are planned.  相似文献   

Three hundred and three horses, exported from Iceland to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland or Germany were tested for their distribution of leucocyte antigens. One hundred and thirty-six horses were affected with summer eczema. The panel of sera recognised the internationally accepted ELA-specificities A 1 to A10, and the nine work shop specificities W 11 to W 15 and W 18 to W 21. Also, some local specificities, characterised in Switzerland (Be I, Be III, Be 8, Be 25, Be 26, Be 27), and two non major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-linked antigens (Ely 1:1, Ely 2) were included. Only one antigen, Be 8, gave a statistically significant difference in distribution between the two populations: Relative risk = 2.5, x2 = 10.11, corrected P less than 0.01.  相似文献   

Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is an allergic skin disease associated with IgE and IgG antibodies (Ab) to environmental allergens. The aim of this study was to determine which other factors influence serum Ab levels in CAD-affected and non-affected dogs as this has only been poorly investigated in dogs so far. Total and allergen-specific IgE levels and Dermatophagoides farinae (DF)-specific IgG1 and IgG4 were measured by ELISA in sera of 145 CAD-affected and 271 non-affected Labrador- and Golden retrievers. A multivariable logistic regression analysis including the factors age, breed, gender, castration, clinical CAD status and allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) was performed. Golden retrievers had more frequently total (OR=1.87, 95% CI=1.26-2.87, p<0.01) and specific IgE levels above the threshold value than Labrador retrievers, suggesting that genetic factors influence IgE levels in dogs. Castration was generally associated with low Ab levels (OR=0.43-0.65, p<0.05). Surprisingly, dogs with CAD did not have increased odds for high IgE against any of the allergens tested. ASIT with DF was associated with high DF-specific IgG1 (OR=4.32, 95% CI 1.46-12.8, p<0.01) but was not associated with DF-specific IgG4 or decreased IgE levels. Further studies are needed to understand the role of allergen-specific IgE in CAD and of IgG1 in ASIT.  相似文献   

Background Several outbreaks of goitre, considered to be related to iodine deficiency, occurred in sheep flocks throughout Victoria in 2010. Objective We describe one outbreak in Merino–Border Leicester‐cross ewes and their lambs in north‐east Victoria that appeared to be associated with increased rainfall and pasture growth, particularly during the preceding summer and autumn. Results The outbreak was characterised by a four‐fold increase in neonatal lamb deaths and goitre, alopecia and poor skeletal development in the lambs. Most cases occurred in lambs born to 2‐year‐old crossbred ewes that had grazed long, lush perennial pastures throughout their entire pregnancy, whereas few cases occurred in mature crossbred or Merino ewes that had grazed shorter, annual pastures on hill country for 3 weeks in late pregnancy but were otherwise managed similarly. Conclusion Existing recommendations for south‐eastern Australia are that only spring‐lambing ewes in iodine‐deficient areas require iodine supplementation to prevent goitre in years with high autumn–winter rainfall. Aspects of this outbreak suggest that ewes lambing at other times of the year and grazing abundant pasture for prolonged periods may also require supplementation to prevent goitre, even if autumn–winter rainfall does not exceed previously established thresholds.  相似文献   

This project surveys the reproductive performance of 154 foaling Thoroughbred mares on a commercial stud in southern Victoria. Of these, 96 were served on foal heat (FHS) and 58 were served at a subsequent prostaglandin-induced oestrus (PGS). The PGS group of mares performed more favourably in all aspects except the foaling-to-conception interval where there was a 9.4 day advantage to the FHS group. The first service conception rate in the FHS group was 47.9% compared with 55.2% in PGS mares. Second heat period conception rates were 46% vs 57.7% for FHS and PGS mares, respectively. Overall conception rates at the end of the breeding season were 83.3% in the FHS group and 89.7% in the PGS group. Pregnancy losses before day 45 and after day 45 were 10% and 9.3% in FHS mares and 3.9% and 3.6% in the PGS mares. Served oestrous periods per conception numbered 1.7 and 1.4 in the FHS and PGS groups, respectively.  相似文献   

Nephrotic syndrome characterized by hypoalbuminemia and hyperlipidemia is associated with an increased incidence of thromboembolism and increased platelet hyperaggregability. Although plasma coagulation proteins are also abnormal, changes are too inconsistent to attribute thromboembolic complications to the coagulation cascade alone. Antithrombin III (ATIII) has been shown to be deficient in nephrotic syndrome. There is, however, an increase in alpha 2 macroglobulin. It is clear that platelet to platelet interactions require exposure of platelet fibrinogen receptors, the binding of fibrinogen to these receptors, platelet crossbridging, and subsequent platelet aggregation. Fibrinogen is consistently elevated in nephrotic syndrome. Hyperlipidemia and hypoalbuminemia in nephrotic syndrome increases the availability of thromboxane A2 (TxA2) by increasing the availability of TxA2 precursors and the removal of TxA2 inhibitors. Thromboxane A2 is a known inducer of platelet aggregation probably through the exposure of platelet fibrinogen receptors. Recently, fibronectins a group of adhesive proteins, were implicated in platelet to platelet interactions. Since thrombin increases the expression of platelet surface fibronectin, fibronectin may be involved in thrombus formation in nephrotic syndrome. Thromboembolic formation in nephrotic syndrome is a composite mechanism involving the coagulation cascade, platelet-platelet interactions, and platelet-surface interactions.  相似文献   

ab>The study was based on 216 blood samples collected from 136 Thoroughbred racehorses in 17 stables. Lower variability in the population studied and lower means than in previous studies were attributed in part to measures taken to reduce excitement of the horses during blood collection. The demeanour of the animals during collection was assessed subjectively as placid, timid, apprehensive or excited. The five horses which became excited had significantly higher RBC, Hb, PCV, WBC, total eosinophil count, serum total protein and probably lower ESR. Timid and apprehensive horses did not show these responses. Because of the location of eight stables, samples from them were stored overnight at 4°C before analysis. These samples had higher mean MCV, PCV, MCH, and serum total protein and lower mean MCHC. The likelihood of this arising from swelling and perhaps rupture of some erythrocytes during transportation and storage was discussed. Serum total protein estimates were within the range determined from other reports from horses of various breeds. However albumin and the A/G ratio determined by electrophoresis were higher, but comparable with two other reports from Thoroughbreds. In comparative studies on the estimation of A/G ratios it appeared that equine serum albumin determination was higher using the bromcresol green reagent than by electrophoresis. After eliminating 14 cases with abnormalities of the total and/or differential leucocyte count, parameters were calculated from 202 samples for the definition of normal ranges. The absence of skewness and kurtosis indicated that the individual estimates of RBC, Hb, PCV, WBC, MCV and MCH followed the normal distribution and that the means and standard deviations were appropriate for defining normal ranges. With only ESR and TEC were the coefficients of variation, skewness and kurtosis so great as to cast doubt on the practical use of these estimates.  相似文献   

Immunomodulation: a means of disease prevention in stressed livestock   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The ability to stimulate the immune response of cattle and pigs offers a new means of disease intervention. This review discusses current in vivo experiments that have evaluated immunomodulators in cattle and pigs. Levamisole, thiabendazole, imuthiol, avridine, isoprinosine, bovine recombinant interferon, human recombinant interleukin-2, bovine recombinant interleukin-2 and various supplemental vitamins and minerals have been used as immunomodulators in livestock with various degrees of success. Future research on immunomodulators, specific for domestic farm animals, will provide additional methods of treating immunosuppressed animals.  相似文献   

Ticks have major economic impact through diseases they transmit, direct losses due to their detrimental effect and the efforts invested in prevention measures directed against them. Chemical acaricides represent the main line of anti-tick defense in both humans and domestic animals, but increasing concerns regarding development of acaricide resistance, especially in the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus, and environmental safety issues indicate the need for other, less aggressive but equally efficient methods. This paper aims to evaluate the potential, the scientific and economical limitations and future research directions regarding different alternative methods of tick control and their use in integrated pest management, with a separate reference to the pet industry. New research data in each field is presented and the economical aspects for each approach are individually emphasized.  相似文献   

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