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The herbs chicory ( C ichorium intybus L.) and plantain ( P lantago lanceolata L.) are increasingly popular summer forage cropping options for dairy producers. However, the impact of different establishment methods on their productivity is largely unknown. Four establishment methods for chicory and plantain crops sown into non‐cultivated ryegrass pastures in spring were compared. Establishment methods included direct‐drilling or broadcasting seed into existing pastures, with or without herbicide application before sowing in a 2 × 2 factorial design. It was hypothesized that plant establishment and growth would be enhanced by spraying to kill existing ryegrass pasture and direct‐drilling herbs (Spray and Drill, SD) compared with broadcasting seed with no herbicide application (Unsprayed and Broadcast, UB). This hypothesis was supported with an additional 2·1–2·3 t DM ha?1 grown over 201 d from swards established by SD, compared with swards established by UB. The SD method also increased the plant density of the herbs and reduced the proportion of weed species. Spraying and direct drilling is more expensive than broadcasting seed with no herbicide application, but the increase in yield means that extra feed can be supplied at less than half the cost of purchasing the equivalent amount of feed. Therefore, for optimal economic outcomes, chicory and plantain swards should be established by applying herbicide to existing pasture and direct‐drilling seed.  相似文献   

闽东南丘陵平原区在20世纪70-80年代实行稻稻麦三熟制。90年代后期起进行种植结构的调整,水稻面积压缩,小麦面积大幅减少至消失,经济作物、蔬菜、粮菜兼用型的马铃薯面积扩大。双季稻-马铃薯作为一种新三熟种植制。马铃薯冬种春收,上市时正值中国中北部鲜薯断挡期,具有明显市场优势。因而,稻稻薯种植制迅速发展。现根据龙海市的调查研究结果,对稻稻薯种植制的密肥技术总结如下。  相似文献   

Rossano R  Larocca M  Riccio P 《Marine drugs》2011,9(7):1220-1231
Crustaceans Munida (fam. Galatheideae, ord. Decapodi) were fished in the Southern Adriatic Sea and their proteolytic activities were characterized and tested for potential application in cheese manufacturing. Enzymes extracted from whole crustaceans, mainly serine proteases, showed high caseinolytic and moderate clotting activities. Analysis by 2D zymography of the digestive enzymes extracted from Munida hepatopancreas, showed the presence of several isotrypsin- and isochymotrypsin-like enzymes in the range of 20-34 kDa and 4.1-5.8 pI. Moreover, specific enzymatic assays showed the presence of aminopeptidases and carboxypeptidases A and B. Overall, optimum activity was achieved at pH 7.5 and 40-45 °C. Caseinolytic activity, determined both spectrophotometrically and by SDS gel electrophoresis, indicated higher activity on β-casein than on α-casein. Miniature cheddar-type cheeses and Pecorino-type cheeses were manufactured by adding starter, rennet and Munida extracts to milk. Reverse-phase HPLC and MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry showed a more complex pattern of proteolytic products in cheeses made using Munida instead of chymosin. Munida extracts were found to degrade the chymosin-derived β-casein fragment f193-209, one of the peptides associated with bitterness in cheese. In conclusion, Munida digestive enzymes represent a promising tool for development of new cheese products and shorten cheese ripening when used either alone or in addition to calf rennet.  相似文献   

When pesticides are applied to arable and orchard crops, the pesticide will be deposited in the field on either the crop or the ground, or the pesticide can be transported outside the treated area as spray drift. Spray drift is divided into two fractions, sedimenting spray drift and airborne spray drift. Deposits on the crop and the ground as well as sedimenting spray drift are measured using documented and validated methods. Airborne drift is more difficult to quantify, and the methods need to be improved. A review of studies reporting crop and soil deposits in the treated area was used to calculate spray mass balances. Taking into account standard values of sedimenting spray drift for the application method applied, the airborne spray drift fraction was calculated as the difference between the applied dose and the sum of the recovered doses on crop and soil and sedimenting spray drift. This resulted in high values for airborne spray drift with the lowest values recorded in studies on application in field crops using boom sprayers and in vineyards using tunnel sprayers. In studies using traditional orchard sprayers in vineyards and tree fruit, large fractions of the spray were not found in the recovery analysis.  相似文献   

玉米苗前除草剂种质抗性评价及鉴定指标筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以71个玉米自交系为材料,采用田间试验的方法,设混合除草剂喷施和对照(清水)2个处理,调查株高、叶面积、叶绿素值等17项指标值。根据各性状的抗除草剂系数,通过主成分分析法将17个单项指标转化为6个相互独立的综合指标,通过隶属函数法和聚类分析将71个玉米自交系分成敏感型Ⅰ、感型Ⅱ、中抗型Ⅲ、抗型Ⅳ共4类。通过逐步回归分析,筛选出地上部干重、丙二醛等9个鉴定指标,并且建立了最优回归方程。  相似文献   

为寻找化学诱导表达基因,利用mRNA差异显示方法,从除草剂安全剂AD 67(苯叉酰胺)诱导处理的水稻品种9311的幼苗中筛选分离得到1个诱导表达增强的cDNA片段。该片段在处理后6 h表达明显增强,直到第5天仍然有表达。从poly gel上回收片段并测序,核酸同源序列分析显示它与水稻多个EST和cDNA序列一致性达到100%,氨基酸序列分析表明它与水稻、四膜虫、隐球酵母等真核生物的Yippee基因相似性达60%~84%。序列经延伸得到831 bp的cDNA,由此设计引物并进行RT PCR分析,结果说明该基因在除草剂安全剂AD 67诱导后表达增强。  相似文献   

水稻种子包衣后安排了3种不同的施肥方法,研究结果表明,采用全层一次性施肥法,满足了水稻包衣种子秧苗素质高,早发性好的需肥要求,促进了早分蘖和低节位分蘖。大田表现有效穗多,产量高。  相似文献   

张凌云  梁月荣 《茶叶》2000,26(4):196-199
本文从外植体、培养基、外加激素、发根诱导、以及最新的生物技术--微嫁接技术等几个方面概述了茶树微繁技术研究现状,并就几个有关问题提出了看法.  相似文献   

大豆对草丁膦敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了大豆品种东农50对不同浓度草丁膦(Glufosinate)的敏感性表现。结果表明:施用50 mg.L-1草丁膦后3 d东农50开始表现枯黄、萎蔫,随着浓度增大毒害作用增强,扩散整个叶片;子叶、茎、真叶不同位置的草丁膦处理显示新叶、子叶对草丁膦最敏感,茎的敏感性最低;全株喷施75 mg.L-1草丁膦时可直接观察到草丁膦对叶片的毒害作用,二次喷施效果显著,易于观察。  相似文献   

吕文君  孙孟选  王岳文 《茶叶》2000,26(1):40-41
常规的短穗扦插法存在着时间性强、在圃时间长、管理烦琐等不足之处,急需采用一种新的育苗方法,来弥补其不足,以加快良种繁育的速度,推进茶树良种化进程.  相似文献   

从1997~1999年在晚稻育秧上试验证明 ,施用壮秧剂能明显提高秧苗素质 ,表现为返青快 ,有效穗多产量增。但在连晚塑盘育秧上应用 ,遇到高温或大雨 ,有药害死苗现象发生。现把晚稻不同育秧方法壮秧剂施用效果、施用技术和注意点介绍如下 :一、施用效果1 施用壮秧剂能明显提高秧苗素质连晚3种育秧方式施用壮秧剂后 ,秧苗素质明显提高 ,表现为叶色深绿 ,叶龄增加 ,绿叶数增多 ,茎基宽 ,根数多 ,地上部、地下部百株干重高 ,在15~20天秧龄控长效果明显 ,超过20天秧龄控长效果消失(表1)。2 施用壮秧剂能增产连晚3种育秧方式…  相似文献   

谷子新品系抗除草剂试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周慧  闫天成  王秀华 《杂粮作物》2002,22(2):119-120
通过对抗除草剂阿特拉津谷子新品系DSB98-625SR喷施不同剂量的除草剂试验,结果表明各处理与对照比较具有一定的增产作用;而以2.25kg/hm^2除草效果与产量为最佳。目前我们巳进行杂交育种,预期选育出较为理想的抗除草剂阿特拉津的谷子新品系应用于生产。  相似文献   

本试验是以纤维用亚麻(Linum usitatissimum L.)品种黑亚11号为材料,利用农杆菌介导法将Bar基因转入亚麻。经过试验获得了卡那霉素连续筛选的抗性植株,经PCR分子检测证明目的基因已经整合到亚麻基因组中。  相似文献   

抗除草剂杂交稻的选育   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
通过杂交将抗除草剂Liberty和bar基因转移到恢复系,培育出3个除草剂恢复系测64-B、明恢63-B和特青-B。与不育系杂交,选配出3个抗除草剂三系杂交组合和2个抗除草剂两系杂交组合。抗除草剂组合能保持原组合的产量水平,苗期喷除草剂可淘汰假杂种。利用这项技术能解决两系、三系或化杀杂交稻在制种过程中出现的纯度问题。  相似文献   

亚麻抗除草剂转基因的分子检测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验是以纤维用亚麻(Linum usitatissimum L.)品种黑亚 11 号为材料,利用农杆菌介导法将Bar基因转入亚麻.经过试验获得了卡那霉素连续筛选的抗性植株,经PCR分子检测证明目的基因已经整合到亚麻基因组中.  相似文献   

用除草剂诱导玉米孤雌生殖作为玉米自交系选育的新方法已开始在育种上应用。根据多年研究和应用实践,对该技术的诱导效果、诱导机理、技术特点、倍性和伪株问题、该技术的特殊用途及发展潜力进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   

通过2002年在连城县隔川乡隔川村进行的晚稻高产栽培技术(即旱育稀植与优化群体质量调控技术)优化应用试验,结果表明:旱育稀植结合优化群体质量调控技术与习惯栽培技术相比,667m^2增产50.0kg,效果显著。分析表明:旱秧秧苗素质高,白根多,小苗带土移栽后,无明显返青期,能早生快发,低节位分蘖成穗多,有利于争取多穗高产;旱育稀植结合优化群体质量调控技术增产的原因主要是能较大幅度地提高有效穗和结实率,与习惯栽培技术相比,成穗率提高9.8%,有效穗增加2.97万/6676^m2,丛有效叶面积增加405.2cm^2,结实率提高2%。  相似文献   

大豆磷脂改性技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍大豆磷脂功能特性和大豆磷脂的改性现状,介绍了大豆磷脂酰化、羟基化和氢化等化学改性的原理、工艺和不同改性磷脂产品的制备及应用.通过化学改性改善磷脂的乳化性,提高其亲水性,但化学改性破坏了磷脂的天然结构,所以只有部分化学改性的磷脂产品得到了应用.酶改性具有反应物不需纯化、反应条件温和、速度快、进行完全、副产物少、酶制剂作用部位准确等优点.应用最多的是磷脂酶,包括磷脂酶A1、A2、C、D.磷脂的酶改性中最有意义的酶是磷脂酶A2和磷脂酶D.  相似文献   

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