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Colibacillosis caused by Escherichia coli infections account for significant morbidity and mortality in the poultry industry. Yet, despite the importance of colibacillosis, much about the virulence mechanisms employed by avian E. coli remains unknown. In recent years several genes have been linked to avian E. coli virulence, many of which reside on a large transmissible plasmid. In the present study, a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol to detect the presence of four of these genes is described. Such a protocol may supplement current diagnostic schemes and provide a rapid means of characterizing the E. coli causing disease in poultry. The targets of this procedure included iss, the increased serum survival gene; tsh, the temperature sensitive hemagglutinin gene; cvi, the ColV immunity gene; and iucC, a gene of the aerobactin operon. Organisms, known for their possession or lack of these genes, were used as a source of the template DNA to develop the multiplex PCR protocol. Identity of the amplicons was confirmed by size, DNA:DNA hybridization with specific gene probes, and DNA sequencing. When the multiplex PCR protocol was used to characterize 10 E. coli isolates incriminated in avian colibacillosis and 10 from the feces of apparently healthy birds, nine of the isolates from apparently healthy birds contained no more than one gene, while the 10th contained all four. Also, eight of the isolates incriminated in colibacillosis contained three or more genes, while the remaining two contained two of the target genes. Interestingly, the isolates of sick birds containing only two of the targeted genes killed the least number of embryos,and the isolate of healthy birds that contained all the genes killed the most embryos amongthis group. These genes were not found among the non-E. coli isolates tested, demonstrating the procedure's specificity for E. coli. Overall, these results suggest that this protocol might be useful in characterization and study of avian E. coli.  相似文献   

E. coli bacteria isolated from localized and systemic disease processes in poultry are designated as Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC). The disease-inducing potential of these isolates has been explained by the occurrence of specific virulence factors. Despite the extensive literature on virulence factors for E. coli, unambiguous markers of virulence have not been identified yet. The relationship between serotyping and virulence is not straightforward either and raises the question whether E. coli infections in poultry should mainly be considered as opportunistic. Investigations into the occurrence of certain (combinations of) virulence factors in APEC isolates as virulence markers should fulfil the molecular version of Koch's postulates if the former question is to be answered.  相似文献   

The current understanding of the pathogenesis of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) in colisepticaemia is limited. This review discusses putative virulence determinants per se, such as a number of surface organelles including fimbriae and flagella; together with other factors such as iron sequestering mechanisms, which are involved in the survival of E. coli in the host rather than initiation of infection. It is concluded that avian colisepticaemia is a multi-factorial disease and that to date only a limited number of virulence factors of APEC have been thoroughly elucidated.  相似文献   

Ninety-five avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolates recovered from diagnosed cases of avian colibacillosis from North Georgia between 1996 and 2000 were serotyped and examined for typical virulence-factors, susceptibility to antimicrobials of human and veterinary significance, and genetic relatedness. Twenty different serotypes were identified, with O78 being the most common (12%). The majority of the avian E. coli isolates (60%), however, were non-typeable with standard O antisera. Eighty-four percent of isolates were PCR positive for the temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin (tsh) gene and 86% positive for the increased serum survival (iss) gene. Multiple antimicrobial-resistant phenotypes (> or =3 antimicrobials) were observed in 92% of E. coli isolates, with the majority of isolates displaying resistance to sulfamethoxazole (93%), tetracycline (87%), streptomycin (86%), gentamicin (69%), and nalidixic acid (59%). Fifty-six E. coli isolates displaying resistance to nalidixic acid were co-resistant to difloxacin (57%), enrofloxacin (16%), gatifloxacin (2%), and levofloxacin (2%). DNA sequencing revealed point mutations in gyrA (Ser83-Leu, Asp87-Tyr, Asp87-Gly, Asp87-Ala), gyrB (Glu466-Asp, Asp426-Thr), and parC (Ser80-Ile, Ser80-Arg). No mutations were observed in parE. Twelve of the quinolone-resistant E. coli isolates were tolerant to cyclohexane, a marker for upregulation of the acrAB multi-drug resistance efflux pump. Quinolone-resistant isolates were further genetically characterized via ribotyping. Twenty-two distinct ribogroups were identified, with 61% of isolates clustering into four major ribogroups, indicating that quinolone resistance has emerged among multiple avian pathogenic E. coli serogroups and chromosomal backgrounds.  相似文献   

A total of 114 avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolates were collected from cases of colisepticaemia occurring in broilers (77) and layers (37) within Ireland. In addition 45 strains isolated from faeces of healthy birds were included for comparison. All isolates were serogrouped, and examined for known virulence factors, mostly by PCR. The O78 serogroup represented 55 and 27% of broiler and layer colisepticaemic isolates respectively. All isolates were positive for curli fimbriae (crl, csg) and negative for afimbrial adhesin (afa). S-fimbrial (sfa) sequences were present in 8.8% of septicaemic isolates and 8.9% of healthy bird isolates. The majority of E. coli from cases of colisepticaemia (97.4%) and healthy bird (95.6%) isolates were positive for aerobactin (aer), and temperature sensitive haemagglutinin (tsh) was similarly detected in high numbers in 93.9 and 93.3%, respectively. In comparison to E. coli isolates from the faeces of healthy birds, a significantly higher percentage of isolates from septicaemic cases possessed Type 1 fimbriae (fimC) and increased serum survival (iss) gene sequences. Forty-seven (41.2%) isolates from septicaemic birds possessed P-fimbriae (pap) gene sequences, compared with only 15.6% from E. coli isolated from healthy birds. Haemolysin (hlyE) sequences were detected in 46.7% of isolates from healthy birds in comparison with 6.1% of septicaemic isolates. Sequences encoding colicin V (cvaC) were detected in 99.1% of septicaemic isolates and 82.2% of isolates from healthy birds. The K1 capsule was only present in two septicaemic isolates, both taken from layers. Motility was detected in 36.8% of E. coli isolated from cases of septicaemia, compared with 93.3% of isolates from healthy birds. These results demonstrate the presence of 11 virulence genes in E. coli isolated from cases of colisepticaemia within Ireland, and indicate the prevalence of iss and fimC.  相似文献   

Multiple isolates of Escherichia coli from clinical cases of colibacillosis and E. coli from the intestinal tracts of normal broilers at slaughter were assayed by the embryo lethality test to determine their virulence. The assay was repeated five times in order to establish reproducibility and determine the statistical parameters of the test. This study showed that the inoculation of approximately 100 colony-forming units in the allantoic cavity of 12-day-old embryos discriminated between virulent and avirulent E. coli isolates. Gross lesions included cranial and skin hemorrhages in addition to encephalomalacia in embryos inoculated with virulent isolates. Abnormalities were observed by microscopic examination of the heart, brain, and liver in embryos inoculated with virulent isolates. Analysis of data indicated that the length of the test should be 4 days. In the virulent group, day 2 postinoculation had the most significant death patterns. Sample size calculations indicated that 11 embryos are sufficient for the assay. On the basis of death rates, isolates considered to be avirulent had an embryo death rate of <10%, moderately or secondary pathogens had a 10%-29% death rate, and virulent isolates had a death rate of >29%. An important aspect of this assay is the accessibility of good-quality fertile embryonated eggs.  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌iss基因的克隆测序及原核表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验对鸡大肠杆菌O2血清型菌株进行iss基因克隆测序,并在此基础上设计出两对套式引物,分别对含信号肽Miss基因序列和不含信号肽Miss基因序列进行扩增,并与原核表达载体pGEX-6p-1连接进行原核表达。iss基因克隆测序的结果与两组国外发表Miss基因序列进行比对,其同源性达100%。SDS—PAGE鉴定显示融合蛋白获得了较理想的表达,融合蛋白分子量分别约为36kD和33kD。  相似文献   

为研究致鹅卵黄性腹膜炎大肠杆菌(E.coli) fimFGH基因的变异情况,本实验根据GenBank中登录的序列设计引物,PCR扩增了3株致鹩卵黄性腹膜炎性E.coli E0238、E0239、E0240 Ⅰ型菌毛的fimFGH基因并测序.序列比对分析结果表明,3株细菌的fimF、fimG和fimH基因及其所编码的蛋白...  相似文献   

Virulence factors of avian Escherichia coli   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A total of 45 strains of Escherichia coli isolates from chickens with colisepticemia were examined for virulence factors commonly found in pathogenic groups of E. coli. These strains were studied for the following: pathogenicity in 1-day-old chicks; toxin, hemolysin, and colicin production; cell invasiveness and adherence; hemagglutination for fimbriae detection; serum resistance; aerobactin production in iron-limited conditions; and plasmid content. The characteristics exhibited by virulent strains were invasion for HeLa and chicken fibroblast cells, serum resistance, colicin V, and aerobactin production. None of the isolates were toxigenic or positive in hemagglutination tests. The molecular genetic studies of the virulence factors by agarose electrophoresis showed that the plasmids of these strains are of high molecular weight.  相似文献   

Several varieties of birds are affected by type C botulism. We conducted neutralization tests of culture supernatants of isolates from cases of avian botulism. Whereas the toxin produced by isolates derived from mammalian botulism was neutralized only with type C antitoxin, the toxins of all isolates related to avian botulism were neutralized with both type C and D antitoxins. An analysis of nucleotide sequences with several strains revealed that the neurotoxin gene in the isolates from avian botulism comprises two thirds of the type C neurotoxin gene and one third of the type D neurotoxin gene. This indicates that the neurotoxin of avian isolates is a mosaic of type C and D neurotoxins. We prepared three sets of primers to differentiate the gene for the mosaic form from the conserved genes of type C and D neurotoxins. The results of polymerase chain reaction with these primers indicated that all avian botulism-related isolates and specimens possess the gene for the mosaic form of the neurotoxin. The toxins purified from avian and mammalian isolates exhibited the same degree of lethality in mice, but the former showed greater toxicity to chickens than the latter. These results indicate that the mosaic neurotoxin is probably a pathogenic agent causing some forms of avian botulism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify Escherichia coli isolates that could be characterized as cellulitis pathogens. Twelve E. coli isolates from diagnostic cases of cellulitis or mixed infections with various serotypes were compared for ability to produce cellulitis and internal lesions indicative of systemic infection. Ranking of isolates was based on the premise that E. coli isolates that were "cellulitis-type" would cause cellulitis lesions without causing systemic infection. A quantitative scoring system was also used so both the time required for a lesion to develop and lesion severity could be evaluated as determinants of virulence. Escherichia coli isolates were inoculated by subcutaneous injection of a standardized dose in 24 broiler chickens per isolate. Necropsy was performed on four birds per group at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 hr postinoculation (PI). Cellulitis lesions were scored on a 0 to 5 scale based on size, migration from the inoculation site, and gross characteristics. Lesions of the pericardium, liver, joint, or body cavity were evaluated. Gross lesion scores of 1 or 2 were evident by 6 hr PI with all isolates. Mortality occurred in 4 of 12 experimental groups. Internal lesions were observed in 3 to 12 birds per group. Escherichia coli was reisolated from all lesions. The four isolates with the highest lesion score and highest lesion points as determined by the quantitative scoring system did not vary. However, the rankings of two other isolates were affected. Four isolates that were below average for mean internal lesion score and above average for mean cellulitis points were characterized as cellulitis-type. Three isolates that were above average for internal lesion score and below average for mean cellulitis points were characterized as systemic-type. The E. coli serotype was not a determining factor for cellulitis-type pathogenicity. Isolates discriminated as cellulitis-type or septicemic-type E. coli in this study are being used to further investigate virulence factors involved in the pathogenesis of cellulitis in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

In total, 83 avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolates from avian colibacillosis during a period from 2001 to 2006 in Japan were investigated for serogroups, typical virulence factors, antimicrobial susceptibility, and genetic relatedness. The most common serogroup was O78 (30.1%); 80.7% of isolates harbored the iss gene and 55.4% of isolates harbored the tsh gene. Antimicrobial resistance of the isolates was found for ampicillin (77.1%), oxytetracycline (75.9%), kanamycin (36.1%), fradiomycin (33.7%), trimethoprim (25.3%), enrofloxacin (21.7%), and florfenicol (6.0%). Although multiple antimicrobial-resistant phenotypes (three or more antimicrobials) accounted for 54.2% of isolates, no isolate exhibited resistance to all agents tested. The fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates had point mutations in GyrA (Ser83 --> Leu, Asp87 --> Asn) and ParC (Ser80 --> Ile, Glu84 --> Gly). Of 18 enrofloxacin-resistant E. coli isolates, nine isolates belonged to serotype O78. In PFGE analysis, eight of the nine enrofloxacin-resistant O78 isolates were classified into an identical cluster. This suggests that a specific genotype of fluoroquinolone-resistant O78 APEC may be widely distributed in Japan.  相似文献   

P fimbrial adhesins may be associated with the virulence of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). However, most APECs are unable to express P fimbriae even when they are grown under conditions that favor P fimbrial expression. This failure can be explained by the complete absence of the pap operon or the presence of an incomplete pap operon in Pap-negative APEC strains. In the present study, we analyzed the pap operon, specifically the papA gene that encodes the major fimbrial shaft, to better understand the pap gene cluster at the genetic level. First, by PCR, we examined a collection of 500 APEC strains for the presence of 11 genes comprising the pap operon. Except for papA, all the other genes of the operon were present in 38% to 41.2% of APEC, whereas the papA was present only in 10.4% of the APEC tested. Using multiplex PCR to probe for allelic variants of papA, we sought to determine if the low prevalence of papA among APEC was related to genetic heterogeneity of the gene itself. It was determined that the papA of APEC always belongs to the F11 allelic variant. Finally, we sequenced the 'papA region' from two papA-negative strains, both of which contain all the other genes of the pap operon. Interestingly, both strains had an 11,104-bp contig interruptingpapA at the 281-bp position. This contig harbored a streptomycin resistance gene and a classic Tn10 transposon containing the genes that confer tetracycline resistance. However, we noted that the papA gene of every papA-negative APEC strain was not interrupted by an 11,104-bp contig. It is likely that transposons bearing antibiotic resistance genes have inserted within pap gene cluster of some APEC strains, and such genetic events may have been selected for by antibiotic use.  相似文献   

Colibacillosis, caused by avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC), is an extraintestinal disease that causes great economic loss to the poultry industry each year. APEC must overcome host defenses, such as immune system components found in serum, in order to establish infection; however, the mechanism of such serum resistance has been elusive. In the present study, a proteomic approach was used to evaluate APEC proteins that were differentially expressed after exposure to chicken serum to identify specific proteins that may be involved in serum resistance of APEC isolates. Proteins were isolated and separated by two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis, and 10 protein spots corresponding to differentially expressed proteins were chosen for sequencing using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Eight proteins were identified among the spots, some of which have previously been associated with the virulence of E. coli. Significantly, an outer-membrane protein previously associated with serum resistance, OmpA, was among those proteins identified, further indicating that differential regulation of this protein may be involved in serum resistance. This study opens the door to future research using a proteomic approach to identify the key players in serum resistance of APEC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify virulence genes in enterotoxigenic E coli (ETEC) isolates associated with diarrhoea in neonatal, 1 to 3 week-old and weaned pigs in southeast Queensland. DESIGN: Multiplex PCR and serotyping were applied to E coli isolates obtained over a 5-year period (1998-2002) from cases diagnosed at Toowoomba Veterinary Laboratory. PROCEDURE: A total of 126 isolates from 25 different Queensland piggeries were tested for haemolytic activity on 5% sheep blood agar and by multiplex PCR for the presence of five commonly recognised fimbrial (F4, F5, F6, F41 and F18) and three enterotoxin genes (STa, STb, LT). A subset of 62 representative isolates were serotyped by slide agglutination. For comparative purposes, multiplex PCR was also performed on the DNA of 31 ETEC isolates from 9 serotypes originating from piggeries in southern New South Wales. RESULTS: A total of 113 (89.7%) of the isolates from Queensland possessed ETEC virulence genes, including 14 of 15 isolates from neonatal pigs (93.3%), 18 of 23 isolates from 1 to 3 week old pigs (78.3%) and 81 of 88 isolates from weaned pigs (92.1%). F4:STa:STb:LT (serotype O149) was the most prevalent pathotype in neonatal and 1-3 week old pigs and F4:STa:STb:LT (serotype O149) and F18:STa:STb:LT (serotype O141) were most prevalent in weaned pigs. In comparison, isolates obtained from neonatal pigs from New South Wales belonged to a more diverse range of pathotypes and serotypes. CONCLUSION: Multiplex PCR was a rapid and specific method for detecting the presence of ETEC virulence genes in porcine E coli isolates. For isolates obtained from cases of suspected colibacillosis in Queensland, growth of a heavy pure culture of haemolytic E coli was a sensitive prognostic indicator of the presence of ETEC virulence genes in the isolate. ETEC pathotypes and serotypes remained stable in Queensland piggeries over the five-year study period and appear to have changed little over the last three decades.  相似文献   

对243株禽源大肠杆菌分离株进行血清耐受试验、菌毛化大肠杆菌血凝试验和温度敏感性血凝素试验.在这些分离株中,高度血清耐受、中等血清耐受、轻度血清耐受和血清敏感菌株分别占受试菌株的57.2%(139/243)、28.8%(70/243)、10.3%(25/243)和3.7%(9/243).在37℃细菌培养物与鸡红细胞凝集试验中,甘露糖敏感血凝(MSHA)和甘露糖耐受血凝(MRHA)菌株分别占受试菌株的64.6%(157/243)和5.8%(14/243);与豚鼠红细胞凝集试验中,MSHA和MRHA菌株分别占受试菌株的74.9%(182/243)和2.9%(7/243),其中与鸡红细胞凝集试验MSHA菌株中,MSHA阳性菌株占高致病株的69.5%(132/190),MRHA阳性菌株占低致病株的22.2%(2/9),两者差异极显著(p<0.01).在温度敏感性血凝素试验中,MRHA菌株为112株,占分离株的46.1%,其中O1、O2和O78血清型的高致病株占所在血清型分离株的83%~100%,而其它血清型的高致病株仅占57%左右,差异显著(p<0.05).结果显示禽源大肠杆菌的致病性与其血清耐受能力、鸡红细胞MSHA菌毛的表达和温度敏感性血凝素的表达呈一定的相关关系.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the occurrence of the tsh gene among 305 Escherichia coli isolates from chickens by means of the polymerase chain reaction and agglutination of chicken erythrocytes; 200 of those isolates were obtained from chickens with colisepticemia, 52 isolates were from lesions of cellulitis, and 53 were from feces of normal chickens. The tsh gene was found in 79 (39.5%) isolates from colisepticemia, in 10 (19%) cellulitis-derived E. coli isolates, and in two (3.8%) fecal isolates. Among the tsh+ strains, 68 (86%) isolates from colisepticemia and nine (90%) from cellulitis agglutinated chicken erythrocytes in the presence of mannose, after growing the strains on colonization factor antigen agar plates at 26 C, which confirms a correlation between mannose-resistant hemagglutination and expression of hemagglutinin Tsh. These results show, for the first time, the presence of the gene tsh in cellulitis-derived E. coli isolates; the high frequency of this gene among avian pathogenic E. coli isolates in Brazil indicates that its putative role as a virulence factor should be studied more thoroughly.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of stx genes in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). We examined 97 APEC isolates: 34 from lesions of avian cellulitis, 31 from avian septicemia, 13 from swollen head syndrome (SHS) in chickens, and 19 from diseased turkeys. We also examined five isolates from the feces of healthy chickens. All 102 E. coli isolates were tested for the presence of stx genes by PCR amplification and by colony blots using probes specific for stx1 and stx2. Fifty-three percent (52) of the 97 APEC carried stx gene sequences: one isolate carried stx2 sequences, two carried both stx1 and stx2 sequences, and the remaining 49 isolates carried only stx1 sequences. Twenty-six isolates were positive by both hybridization and PCR amplification, 10 were positive by PCR only, and 16 were positive by hybridization only. All the stx-positive isolates were negative by PCR for the eae and E-hlyA genes. The five isolates from healthy chickens were all negative for stx. All 13 SHS isolates were positive for the stx1 gene and had low titres for cytotoxicity in the Vero cell assay (VCA). Other stx-positive isolates were negative in the VCA. The stx1 gene from one SHS E. coli isolate was cloned and sequenced and shown to be identical to that of the stx gene of Shigella dysenteriae. The observations indicate that stx1 gene sequences are widespread among APEC but that cytotoxicity on Vero cells is uncommon.  相似文献   

Iss from a virulent avian Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
No single characteristic of virulent avian Escherichia coli has been identified that can be exploited in colibacillosis detection protocols. Research in our lab suggests a strong association between the presence of an iss DNA sequence with an isolate's disease-causing ability. The study presented here focuses on the techniques used in the expression, purification, and characterization of avian E. coli Iss protein. In brief, iss was cloned into an expression vector, the construct was transformed into a protease-deficient E. coli, and expression was induced. The protein was expressed as a glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion and purified by affinity chromatography. The GST portion was cleaved from Iss, Iss was harvested by affinity chromatography, and the identity of Iss was confirmed by N-terminal sequencing. Currently, purified Iss is being used to prepare hybridomas for production of monoclonal antibodies with the goal of evaluating anti-Iss as a reagent for the detection of virulent avian E. coli.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli infections are a major problem for the poultry industry in the United States. Yet, the virulence mechanisms operative in avian E. coli are poorly understood. In the present studies, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been generated that may facilitate study of the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis. These MAbs are directed against the Iss protein because results from our laboratory have shown that the possession of iss DNA sequences is strongly correlated with the E. coli implicated in avian colibacillosis. As part of an overall effort to explore the role of iss/Iss in colibacillosis pathogenesis, Iss protein has been purified, MAbs to Iss have been generated, and the MAbs are being evaluated. B cells from mice immunized with an Iss fusion to glutathione-S-transferase produced antibodies specifically against Iss, and these cells were used to generate the MAbs. These anti-Iss MAbs, when used in western blotting assays, can be used to distinguish iss-positive and -negative E. coli isolates, suggesting that they may be useful as reagents in the detection and study of virulent avian E. coli.  相似文献   

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