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分析高油酸小粒花生品种开农1760的产量及其与农艺性状的关系,为高产优质育种提供有效指导.本研究以开农1760参加的2014-2015年河南省小粒花生区试数据为基础,运用GGE(genotype+genotype-by-environ-ment interaction)双标图评价其丰产性和稳产性,利用R语言进行可视化的...  相似文献   

我国冬油菜区域试验品种的高产稳产和适应性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高产稳产和广适性是油菜育种的重要目标,利用GGE双标图方法对品种稳产性和适应性进行科学评价,有助于提升油菜新品种的选择效率和推广应用效果。本研究采用GGE双标图方法分析了2016-2017年长江下游国家冬油菜品种区域试验中参试品种高产稳产性和适应性。结果表明:1) 油菜产量的基因型、环境、基因型与环境互作效应均达极显著水平(P<0.01),两组试验平均环境主效占处理平方和的66.0%,而基因型主效占8.1%,基因型与环境互作效应占26.1%。2)德徽油88和中油600丰产性好,稳产性较好;创油17号在区域试验中丰产性好而稳产性差;对照品种秦优10号丰产性较好,稳产性有待提高。3)理想指数分析揭示了中油600的高产稳产性综合表现优秀,德徽油88次之,而对照品种秦优10号的综合表现一般。4)德徽油88适宜种植区域最广,是所有参试品种中适应性最广的品种;创油17号的适应区域也较广,但同时在其余区域的表现有待提高;秦优29和中油600的适应性较好;而秦优10号、秦优29、宁杂118、宁杂158、荣华油50和苏6006等品种仅在个别区域适宜种植,适应性有待提高。  相似文献   

培育和种植抗黄曲霉品种是防控花生黄曲霉毒素污染最为经济有效的途径,而黄曲霉抗性与高产的矛盾一直是花生抗黄曲霉育种的障碍.本研究以抗黄曲霉花生种质J11与高产品种中花16为亲本构建的重组自交系群体(Recombined inbreed lines,RILs)为材料,进行黄曲霉侵染和产毒抗性鉴定,探讨抗性与高产(大果)性状...  相似文献   

为探明密度对单粒精播花生群体冠层结构及产量的影响,大田条件下,以花育22为供试花生品种,设置 每穴单粒和双粒2种播种方式,9万穴/hm2(D1)、12万穴/hm2(D2)和15万穴/hm2(D3)3个种植密度,研究了密度对花 生冠层透光率、冠层叶面积系数、叶片干重及农艺性状的影响。结果表明,随密度的增加,冠层中下部的透光率降 低,单粒播冠层透光率大于双粒播。D1密度下,花生冠层中上部的叶面积系数、叶片干重单粒播低于双粒播,冠层 中下部高于双粒播,而D2和D3密度条件下,冠层叶面积系数、叶片干重单粒播与双粒播差异不显著。随密度的增 加,花生主茎高、侧枝长和公顷果数显著增加,而单穴果数减少,单粒精播侧枝数多于双粒播。随密度的增加,花生 荚果产量呈先升高后降低的趋势,12万穴/hm2的种植密度荚果产量最高,单粒精播花生产量略高于双粒播。总之, 合理密植是花生高产的重要措施,与双粒穴播相比,单粒精播花生冠层下部透光率和叶面积系数高,侧枝多、饱果 率高,是实现花生高产高效的重要措施。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨单粒精播花生生理性状和产量性状对密度和氮肥的响应。选择山东省烟台市招远鲁东丘陵地,作物两年三熟。2018和2019年,以出口大花生品种花育22为试验材料进行大田试验,设置了3个种植密度(12万、20万、28万株/hm2,分别表示为D1、D2和D3)和4个施氮量(0、50、115、180 kg/hm2,分别表示为N0、N50、N115、N180),于不同生育时期调查分析花生SPAD值、植株和产量性状。研究结果表明,种植密度和施氮量均显著影响花生叶绿素含量、干物质量、植株性状和产量性状,且两者互作效应显著。在D2密度条件下,花生荚果产量较D1密度和D3密度分别高24.31%~45.04%和10.57%~15.13%,成熟期叶绿素含量分别高3.70%~27.82%和6.10%~18.94%,成熟期干物质量分别高7.31%~32.34%和10.65%~34.59%,且差异性均达到了显著水平。在D2密度下,施氮量在50~180 kg/hm2范围内,花生荚果产量、叶绿素含量和干物质量均显著高于无氮处理,各施氮处理表现为N115 > N180 > N50 > N0,以施氮量为115 kg/hm2时花生荚果产量最大,较N50和N180处理分别提高了6.83%和3.90%,叶绿素含量、干物质量和植株性状也协同提高。综合考虑生理性状、产量性状等因素,在本试验条件下,单粒精播花生栽培在低密度12万株/hm2下,花生主要产量性状随着施氮量的增加而增加,以种植密度为20万株/hm2,施氮量为115 kg/hm2较为适宜。  相似文献   

Rapeseed variety needs to be tested by regional trial in multiple sites for many years before being applied in market in China. Performants of rapeseed were affected by the interaction of sites and varieties. Evaluation of regional trials is very important for guiding rapeseed breeding. GGE (genotype main effects and genotype ​× ​environment interaction) biplot was used to evaluate yield, stability, adaptability, representativeness and discrimination of national winter rapeseed trials in the upper reaches of Yangtze River in 2017-2018. Results showed that the main effects of genotype (G), environment (E) and genotype ​× ​environment interaction (G × E) were significant (P ​< ​0.01) for yield. Among them, E accounted for 46.95% total variation on average, G and G × E accounted for 19.34% and 33.71% respectively. Eight varieties were found with high-yield, excellent stability and adaptability, including ‘Yiyou 29’, ‘Xiwang 920’, ‘Liyouza 108’, ‘Nanyou 546’, ‘Dadi 195’, ‘Jiayou 1’, ‘Huayouza 28’ and ‘Yuhua 2’. Test sites included Nanchong, Mianyang, Wanzhou, Shuangliu and Chengdu in Sichuan Province and Zunyi together with Guiyang in Guizhou Province were selected for their excellent representativeness and discrimination. These results would provide theoretical basis for rapeseed breeding.  相似文献   

花生是我国重要的油料作物。为将野生花生的优异基因导入栽培花生,采用远缘杂交方法,将黑花生(A. hypogaea L.)与野生花生A. monticola 进行杂交,获得一个高产株系。该株系平均单株产量为普通花生的4倍,株型由亲本黑花生的直立、疏枝型转变为半匍匐、密枝型。另外,该株系生育期稍长,花量大,花色深,荚果数量多,单枝有效结果范围大约20~25cm。不同株系间荚果果型差异明显,大部分株系果型与黑花生相似。种皮颜色由粉到紫各不相同。种子大小差异明显。研究认为利用半匍匐密枝株型培育高产花生品系(种)是可行的。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a whole-process model for explaining genotypic and environmental variations in the growth and yield of irrigated rice by incorporating a newly developed sub-model for plant nitrogen (N) uptake into a previously reported model for simulating growth and yield based on measured plant N. The N-uptake process model was developed based on two hypotheses: (1) the rate of root system development in the horizontal direction is proportional to the rate of leaf area index (LAI) development, and (2) root N-absorption activity depends on the amount of carbohydrate allocated to roots. The model employed two empirical soil parameters characterizing indigenous N supply and N loss. Calibration of the N-uptake process sub-model and validation of the whole-process model were made using plant N accumulation, and growth and yield data obtained from a cross-locational experiment on nine rice genotypes at seven locations in Asia, respectively. Calibration of the N-uptake process sub-model indicated that a large genotypic difference exists in the proportionality constant between rate of root system development and that of LAI development during early growth stages. The whole-process model simultaneously explained the observed genotypic and environmental variation in the dynamics of plant N accumulation (R2 = 0.91 for the entire dataset), above-ground biomass growth (R2 = 0.94), LAI development (R2 = 0.78) and leaf N content (R2 = 0.79), and spikelet number per unit area (R2 = 0.78) and rough grain yield (R2 = 0.81). The estimated value of the site (field)-specific soil parameter representing the rate of N loss was negatively correlated with cation exchange capacity of the soil and was approximated by a logarithmic function of cation exchange capacity for seven sites (R2 = 0.95). Large yearly and locational variations were estimated in the soil parameter for representing the rate of indigenous N supply at 25 °C. With the use of these two soil parameters, the whole-system model explained the observed genotypic and environmental variations in plant N accumulation, growth and yield of rice in Asia.  相似文献   

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