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The aim was to study the effects of white clover cultivar and combinations with perennial ryegrass cultivars on seedling establishment in autumn‐sown swards and on winter survival of seedlings. Large‐leaved white clover cv. Alice and small‐leaved white clover cv. Gwenda, and an erect and a prostrate perennial ryegrass cultivar were sown in autumn in pure stands and as four binary grass‐clover mixtures. Mixtures of white clover cv. Huia and Aberherald with perennial ryegrass were also sown. Companion grasses had no significant impact on the establishment of white clover. The number of seedlings of white clover cv. Alice in mixtures (335 m?2) was higher than cv. Gwenda (183 m?2) and pure swards had similar white clover population densities as mixed swards. White clover cv. Huia tended to have more seedlings than Aberherald (355 and 205 m?2 respectively). No stolons were produced prior to a severe winter, because of the late sowing date. Winter survival of clover seedlings was 0·56 in mixtures and 0·69 in pure stands, irrespective of white clover or companion grass cultivar. Stolon development of white clover in autumn is often considered essential for overwintering survival and spring growth. In this study, there was considerable survival of the non‐stoloniferous tap‐rooted seedlings of all four clover cultivars despite a severe winter.  相似文献   

Poor persistence of perennial ryegrass swards is a common problem; however, there is a lack of long‐term studies to understand the mechanisms associated with poor persistence. This study describes an experiment to test the hypothesis that high ryegrass seeding rates (>18 kg seed per ha) reduce long‐term population persistence because of smaller plant size and poorer survival during the first year after sowing. Four cultivars, representing four functional types of perennial ryegrass, were sown at five seeding rates (equivalent to 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 kg seed per ha) with white clover in three regions of New Zealand. Swards were monitored for 5 years. No evidence was found to indicate a lack of persistence of ryegrass‐based swards sown at higher seeding rates. During the first year, swards sown at higher seeding rates had greater herbage accumulation (except at the Waikato site), greater ryegrass tiller density and greater ryegrass content. This initial impact of high seeding rates had largely dissipated by the fourth year, resulting in swards with similar annual herbage accumulation, tiller density and botanical composition. Similarly, there were relatively few differences among cultivars for these variables. Although high seeding rates did not negatively impact sward persistence, geographical location did, with strong evidence of ryegrass population decline at the Waikato site for all treatment combinations, some decline in Northland, and stable populations in Canterbury. It is possible that productive perennial ryegrass pastures can only be sustained for 4–5 years in some situations, even when the best ryegrass technology and management practices are used.  相似文献   

Mixtures of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) and white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) sown in alternate rows or in a thoroughly mixed matrix were grazed by sheep, either continuously or during short grazing tests, and were used to investigate the influence of the vertical and horizontal components of the sward structure on defoliation by sheep.
In an experiment under continuous grazing, the defoliation intensity was greater for white clover compared with perennial ryegrass leaves (0·80 and 0·58 respectively). In spring, perennial ryegrass leaves were more defoliated than white clover leaves, whereas the reverse was observed in summer. The ratio of the proportion of white clover to perennial ryegrass leaves grazed was negatively correlated with the difference between the surface height of the perennial ryegrass and white clover rows in spring. In both spring and summer, white clover leaves of the same extended leaf length had a higher proportion of them grazed than perennial ryegrass leaves.
In another experiment, during short grazing tests with perennial ryegrass–white clover swards that were grazed at the same sward surface height and at the same white clover content as in the previous experiment, there were no significant differences in the proportion of white clover and perennial ryegrass leaves grazed between strips of the two species and thoroughly mixed structures. The proportion of white clover leaves grazed was higher than that of perennial ryegrass leaves.
These results show that the differential defoliation by sheep of perennial ryegrass and white clover leaves varies according to their vertical distribution in the mixed canopy, but is little affected by their horizontal distribution. Even small differences in sward surface height between mixed perennial ryegrass and white clover can affect diet selection by sheep to a rather large extent.  相似文献   

The effects of management on the production of winter grass wen studied of 47 site England and Wales from 1954 to 1958.
Cocksfoot swards provided better grazing during December and January than perennial ryegrass. The best treatment for winter-grass production from cockfoot swards was to rest from mid-August, giving un application of 52 lb of nitrogen per acre at this time.
Perennial ryegrass produced relatively high yields if rested from early September, but the herbage should be grazed before the end of November because of the risk of it rotting.
Cocksfoot herbage in normal swards lost more weight from December to January than cocksfoot sown in wide drills.
Local Factors, such as aspect, altitude and sward vigour, were generally more important than latitude in determining level of yield in December. but there were greater lovsess of dry matter from December to January in the north than in the south.  相似文献   

A field-study was undertaken in Hamilton, New Zealand to determine if there was an interaction between water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) reserve content and defoliation severity on the regrowth of perennial ryegrass-dominant swards during winter. Perennial ryegrass plants with either low or high WSC content were obtained by varying the defoliation frequency. At the third defoliation at the one-leaf stage and at the first defoliation at the three-leaf stage (harvest H1), swards were mown with a rotary lawnmower to residual stubble heights of 20, 40 or 60 mm. All swards were then allowed to regrow to the three-leaf stage before again defoliating to their treatment residual stubble heights (H2). Frequently defoliated plants contained proportionately between 0·37 and 0·48 less WSC in the stubble after defoliation, depending on the severity of defoliation. There was no interaction between WSC content and defoliation severity for herbage regrowth between harvests H1 and H2. Herbage regrowth was lower from swards containing low WSC plants compared with high WSC plants (2279 vs. 2007 kg DM ha−1). Furthermore, swards defoliated to 20 or 40 mm had greater herbage regrowth compared with those defoliated to 60 mm (2266, 2249 and 1914 kg DM ha−1 for swards defoliated to residual stubble heights of 20, 40 and 60 mm, respectively). Regrowth of perennial ryegrass was positively correlated with post-defoliation stubble WSC content within defoliation severity treatment, implying that WSC contributed to the defoliation frequency-derived difference in herbage yield. However, the effect of defoliation severity on herbage regrowth was not associated with post-defoliation stubble WSC content.  相似文献   

The effects of different defoliation regimes on the growth and development of three contrasting white clover cultivars (S184, Menna and Alice) were assessed in three experiments in the glasshouse. Experiment 1, with clover growing on its own, investigated the effects of three times of onset × two intensities of defoliation. In Experiment 2, clover was grown with grass and there were two times of onset × two heights × two frequencies of defoliation. Experiment 3, also with grass, investigated the effects of changing defoliation frequency at different intervals from sowing. All clover cultivars responded similarly to the various treatments and there were no interactions between time of onset and subsequent defoliation regimes in Experiments 1 and 2. Without competition from grass (Experiment 1), defoliating early at the three leaf-stage of clover decreased the number of growing points by 32% and stolon weights and lengths by 50% compared with delaying defoliation until the nine leaf-stage. Maintaining one compared with two leaves per growing point had similar effects. Over 17 weeks undefoliated seedlings produced ten times more stolon than early defoliated or intensively defoliated seedlings. In competition with grass (Experiment 2) delaying defoliation significantly decreased all aspects of stolon growth. Seedlings growing in swards defoliated frequently and closely had most growing points whereas those defoliated infrequently had least. Stolon lengths and weights were larger for seedlings growing in swards defoliated frequently than for those defoliated infrequently at both heights of cutting. Mean weight of stolon per unit length was greater when swards were defoliated at 6 cm than at 2 cm height. Changing defoliation from every 2 weeks to every week (Experiment 3) decreased stolon growth slightly when the change was made early but increased it when the change was made late, although similar amounts of stolon were produced by seedlings continuously defoliated throughout every week and every 2 weeks. The results are discussed in relation to the seedlings' leaf complements and growth habit; the over-riding influence of grass competition is highlighted. The possibility of devising optimal defoliation strategies and the need to test these in the field are also outlined.  相似文献   

An attempt was made in a survey-type trial to combine perennial ryegrass with cocksfoot, meadow fescue and timothy together in the same sward, without the association being dominated by the ryegrass. It is concluded from this work that such non-dominant ryegrass swards can be obtained by limiting the seeding rate of the ryegrass to 1 lb. per acre in a seeds mixture sown at the rate of about 20 lb. per acre.  相似文献   

The annual yield of tall fescue was higher than that of Italian ryegrass in the third year after sowing, but the total yield of herbage from grass plus clover swards was similar.
In both the second and third year after sowing, the yield of herbage in the spring grazing was higher when fescue was used as the sown grass. The method of establishment of both tall fescue and Italian ryegrass affected the total and seasonal yield in the second and third year after sowing, but the magnitude of these effects was not nearly as marked as it was earlier in the life of the leys. In the second year after sowing, swards of both Italian ryegrass and tall fescue had a higher yield of total herbage and of white clover, and a lower ingress of unsown species, when established without a cover crop and grazed frequently in the year of sowing.
The inclusion of red clover did not increase total yield of DM in the second and third year after sowing, and it slightly decreased the yield of the tall fescue mixture in the third year following sowing when N was applied. S170 tall fescue was readily grazed by sheep in spring and autumn.
The apparent recovery of applied N varied with the mixture sown, and the management given during establishment.  相似文献   

An experiment, A, involving dates and methods of application of 2,4-D (amine) as a preliminary treatment in the renovation of a poor downland permanent pasture, followed by surface cultivations and sowing of S.24 perennial ryegrass and S.100 white clover, was carried out at Hurley between 1953 and 1955.
In spite of initial differences in the establishment of S.24 and S.100, pre-treatment with herbicide had no effect upon the cover of sown and unsown perennial ryegrass and white clover two years later. At this date, perennial ryegrass contributed one-quarter and one-eighth, and white clover one-third and one-quarter, to the total cover of renovated and unrenovated plots respectively.
The increase in dry-matter yield resulting from renovation was approximately 10 per cent. This was considered small in relation to the estimated improvement in yield brought about by grazing management and manuring in the course of the trial.
In experiment B, plots receiving herbicide were given differential management and manurial treatments after spraying in an attempt to control the ingress of undesirable creeping grasses. The results indicated that this ingress could be checked by close grazing soon after spraying.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of white clover and perennial ryegrass were examined in sown perennial ryegrass/white clover swards subject to a 2 × 2 factorial treatment combination of defoliation (rotational grazing by sheep and cutting) and nitrogen fertilizer application (0 and 40 kg N ha–1 year–1) in NW Greece. Sward surface height and percentage cover were measured before and after five defoliation periods in 1996 within permanent microplots (30 × 30 cm, divided into nine cells) in which white clover was either initially present or absent. Both white clover and perennial ryegrass achieved maximum height and cover in April–May. Defoliation treatment and whether white clover was present initially significantly affected height and cover of both species. Total plant cover was similar prior to all defoliation periods except in July, a time of drought. Cover of perennial ryegrass was greater where white clover was initially absent, but total plant cover was greater in microplots containing white clover and the extent of the differences varied during the year. In contrast, N fertilizer application had little effect on species cover, other than small reductions in white clover cover. When white clover was present in April, it was found in virtually every microplot cell until July, but if it was absent in April there was little colonization of the microplot.  相似文献   

Failure of perennial ryegrass swards to persist is a key issue on dairy farms in many areas of the world. This study describes an experiment conducted to test the hypothesis that high ryegrass seeding rates (>18 kg seed ha?1) reduce plant size and physical survival during the first year after sowing, with negative implications for population persistence. Four cultivars representing four functional types of perennial ryegrass were sown at five seeding rates (equivalent to 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 kg seed ha?1) with white clover in three dairying regions of New Zealand. Plant establishment rates, size and survival were measured for the first 13 months after sowing. Herbage accumulation, botanical composition and perennial ryegrass tiller density were also monitored. Increasing seeding rate reduced plant survival in the seven weeks after sowing, reflecting likely differences in germination and very early mortality of small seedlings. Thereafter, plant survival was relatively high and consistent across seeding rates at two sites but was consistently greater in the 6 kg ha?1 treatment compared with the 24 and 30 kg ha?1 treatments at one site. Higher seeding rates also increased ryegrass tiller density and the contribution of ryegrass towards total herbage biomass but reduced the contribution of white clover. Very few cultivar × seeding rate interactions were detected for any of the measured variables. Many of the seeding rate effects dissipated by the end of the first year after sowing, indicating that high seeding rates did not predispose swards to poor persistence in the longer term, irrespective of ryegrass functional type.  相似文献   

The performance of timothy in mixtures with perennial ryegrass was assessed under a simulated intensive grazing management over two harvest years in 1974–75. Three seed rates of S23 perennial ryegrass were factorially combined with three rates of Scots timothy and compared with pure stands of each grass. All were sown with Huia white clover. When cut six times at monthly intervals and with an annual N input of 350 kg ha?1, there were no significant differences in total DM production in either year. The 2-year mean DM yield for the nine mixtures and six pure swards was 9·77 t ha?1 (range 9·34–10·16). Compared with the pure ryegrass swards, in both years the ryegrass-timothy mixtures produced earlier spring growth but were significantly lower yielding at the second cut. Over the first five cuts the proptortion of timothy in the three mixtures with 22·4 kg ha?1 ryegrass seed averaged 26% in the first year and 37% in the second. Corresponding calculated mean DM yields of timothy were 2·75 and 3·00 t ha?1. It is concluded that an early timothy variety is capable of competing with a late-heading perennial ryegrass in frequently cut swards managed to simulate intensive grazing. The strong development of timothy in the dry summer of 1975 suggests that in mixtures of late perennial ryegrass varieties, an early variety of timothy should be beneficial for its spring growth in grazed swards.  相似文献   

Seven forage types (diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass and hybrid ryegrass, a low‐input mixture of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue, a mixture of perennial ryegrass and white clover, and monoculture of red clover) were sown in late July 2004. Each received one of four rates of dairy cattle slurry in three annual applications by trailing shoe, which supplied average nitrogen (N) inputs of 0·0, 114·9, 204·8 and 301·2 kg N ha?1 annum?1. Treatments were cut either three or four times annually over four years. Average dry‐matter yield (DM) response to slurry N was 15·6 kg DM kg?1 N. Lowest recovery of slurry N was in the second application each year (after first cut). The data suggest that slurry applied to Italian ryegrass, and also to swards containing legumes on soils with high phosphorus content, will produce a lower DM response to slurry N and result in a lower slurry N recovery than on swards of perennial ryegrass or cocksfoot‐dominant low‐input mixtures. Apparent recovery of slurry N was low at the second cut, especially when first‐cut yields had been high. To maximize slurry N recovery, application to regrowths with potentially slow rates of growth or high legume content should be avoided.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in Western Europe and elsewhere, mainly because of its better drought resistance and yield potential compared with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Important drawbacks of tall fescue, compared with perennial ryegrass, are its lower digestibility and voluntary intake. Mixtures of both species might combine the advantages of each, and species interactions may eventually lead to transgressive overyielding. We compared the agronomic performance of tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue–perennial ryegrass mixtures, as pure‐grass swards or in association with white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Tall fescue–perennial ryegrass mixtures differed in the proportion and ploidy of the perennial ryegrass component. Yield, feed quality and botanical composition were measured in the 3 years after the sowing year. We found significant effects of ploidy of the ryegrass variety and of the proportion of ryegrass in the initial seed mixture on the botanical composition of the swards. Nevertheless, all swards were dominated by tall fescue at the end of the experiment. No overyielding of the mixtures compared with that of single‐species swards was found, but feed quality was intermediate between that of the single‐species swards. Mixed swards had better drought resistance than L. perenne and higher feeding quality than F. arundinacea swards.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of genotypic variation in ryegrasses on sward structure, bite dimensions and intake rate by dairy cows were investigated. Two experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, swards were in a vegetative state whereas, in Experiment 2, they were partly reproductive and were taller with higher herbage mass but lower leaf proportion than in Experiment 1. Applicability of relationships between sward structure and bite characteristics, previously established from artificial or hand‐constructed swards, to field conditions were tested. Additional short‐term intake rates and/or sward structural characteristics were considered as indicators of potential intake for use in protocols for the evaluation of grass varieties. Four cultivars were studied: AberElan, Twins (diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrasses respectively), Polly, a hybrid ryegrass (perennial × Italian ryegrass) and Multimo (Italian ryegrass), each established in 200‐m2 plots in four replicated blocks. Herbage intake rate was determined by short‐term liveweight change (taking account of insensible weight loss) using 16 dairy cows allocated to four balanced groups with each plot grazed by one group for a 1‐h assessment period. One block was grazed per day, over a 4‐d experimental period, with each group grazing each variety in a complete crossover design. Sward characteristics and bite rate were also measured in both experiments. Bite dimensions were subsequently estimated, with bite depth being determined as a function of extended tiller height (ETH) in both experiments. Within both experiments, bite mass and intake rate did not differ significantly between swards of different cultivars despite swards containing Multimo generally having a higher ETH and water‐soluble carbohydrate concentration and lower green leaf mass, sward bulk density and neutral‐detergent fibre concentration than the other swards. However, bite depth was significantly higher (P < 0·01) in swards containing Multimo swards than in the others and, in Experiment 1, bite depth, as a proportion of ETH, was higher in swards containing Multimo and lower in those containing Twins than in the other two cultivars, whereas there was no difference in Experiment 2. Taking both experiments together, the mean bite depth was 0·5 of ETH with sward bulk density accounting for almost half the variance in the relationship between bite depth and ETH. The bulk density of the bite (bite mass per unit bite volume), measured in Experiment 2, followed a similar pattern to sward bulk density, increasing in the order Multimo, Polly, AberElan and Twins. It is concluded that the relationships between sward characteristics and bite dimensions, derived from artificial swards, are applicable to field swards, although the range in natural ryegrass sward characteristics is usually not as wide as in experiments using artificial swards. Lack of precision in the measurement of short‐term intake and in sward‐based measurements is likely to preclude their use in the evaluation of grass varieties.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to measure the effects of differrat ryegrass companion grasses and red-clover varieties on the productivity of red-clover swards. Three silage harvests per year were taken over a 2-year period. The addition of a companion grass increased total herbage yields; S24 perennial ryegrass gave the highest herbage yield over the two years, followed by Reveille perennial ryegrass. Because of lack of persistence, Tetila Italian ryegrass yielded poorly the second year. A companion grass had little effect on red-clover yields in the mixed swards but improved percentage digestibility of the OM of the total herbage and lowered the CP percentage. Its presence also reduced the ingress of unsown species. The variety of red clover used had little effect on total herbage yields or red-clover yields in the first harvest year. In the second year, Hungaropoly and Tilo persisted better and so gave higher total herbage yields and red-clover yields than Dorset Marl or Essex. The fall in total herbage yields from the first to the second year was entirely due to a fall in red-clover yield since yields of the ‘non-red clover’ fraction of the total herbage increased. A red-clover/grass sward may have advantages over a pure red-clover sward nutritionally, for silage-making and for its effect in diluting the oestrogenic activity of a pure clover sward. A major reappraisal of the role and potential of red-clover swards in the UK is warranted because of their many valuable attributes, particularly their ability to give high herbage yields of high nutritive value without the addition of fertilizer N. The improved persistency of some of the tetraploid varieties of red clover enhances the value of the plant.  相似文献   

Limited persistence of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in dairy pastures is a significant issue in parts of New Zealand. The contribution of plant genetic background to this problem is not well understood. Temporal changes were investigated in genotypic and phenotypic composition of two perennial ryegrass cultivars (Nui SE and Alto AR37, older and newer cultivars respectively) sown as fields plots at three locations. Samples from survivor populations collected annually over 6 years from each location were established in a field nursery, analysed by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and assessed for vigour, leaf morphology and tiller number. SSR-based estimates of the statistic G′ST indicated no significant (p > .05) genetic differentiation between survivor populations and plants grown from remnant seed (ex-seed) after 5 years, and no significant change (p > .05) in within-population genetic diversity for either cultivar at any location. SSR analysis of endophytic fungus (Epichloë festucae var. lolii) type revealed only limited ingress of off-type ryegrass volunteers into plots at two locations. Vigour scores of survivor plants were not significantly (p > .05) different among plants collected from different locations and ex-seed plants. Leaves on ex-seed plants were longer (p < .001) than those on the survivor plants after four but not 6 years and may reflect a short-term response to climatic conditions experienced in the field nursery. Our results suggest that the reported poor ryegrass persistence is not driven by changes in population genetic structure and that the sown cultivars survived and remained true to type.  相似文献   

The combined benefits of a high crude protein concentration, and possible protein protection and growth‐promoting properties, make forage legumes potentially attractive as a natural means of increasing liveweight gain and time to slaughter of lambs in lamb finishing systems. An experiment was conducted to compare the production performance and meat quality of grazing lambs finished on red clover (Trifolium pratense), lucerne (Medicago sativa) or perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) swards. Replicate (n = 2) swards of red clover, lucerne and perennial ryegrass were rotationally grazed by ten ram lambs and ten ewe lambs from weaning until selection for slaughter at UK fat class 3L. Lambs grazing the red clover sward had a significantly higher liveweight gain and required significantly fewer days to slaughter than lambs grazing the lucerne sward (305 g d?1 vs. 243 g d?1; 38 d vs. 50 d), which in turn had a higher liveweight gain and required fewer days to slaughter than lambs grazing the perennial ryegrass sward (184 g d?1; 66 d). Lambs grazing the red clover and lucerne swards had significantly higher herbage intakes than those grazing the perennial ryegrass sward (2·06, 1·72 and 1·16 kg DM d?1 respectively), but in vivo digestibility of herbage was similar. Lambs grazing the red clover and lucerne swards also had significantly higher serum urea concentrations than those grazing ryegrass (12·5, 11·1 and 6·2 mmol L?1 respectively). Killing‐out percentage was significantly higher for lambs grazing the red clover sward than for lambs grazing the perennial ryegrass sward (48% vs. 46%). There were no significant effects of finishing system on meat flavour, but meat from lambs finished on the lucerne sward was oxidatively less stable than that from lambs finished on the perennial ryegrass sward. Grazing the forage legume swards significantly increased the proportion of linoleic and linolenic acid in muscle tissue, and therefore the proportion of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids (0·19, 0·16 and 0·12 for the red clover, lucerne and perennial ryegrass swards respectively). However, the n?6/n?3 ratio was significantly lower for the muscle of lambs grazing the perennial ryegrass sward compared with those grazing the forage legume swards (1·13, 1·08 and 0·98 for the red clover, lucerne and perennial ryegrass swards respectively). The results indicate that by grazing lambs on forage legume swards it is possible to increase individual lamb performance without compromising meat quality.  相似文献   

Two 1·0 ha plots of a late-heading diploid perennial ryegrass (var. Contender) and a late-heading tetraploid ryegrass (var. Condesa), and two 1·4 ha plots of the tetraploid with Aberystwyth S184 small-leaved white clover, were direct sown in May 1987. Over the three years 1988–90 they were continuously stocked by Mule ewes with Suffolk-cross twin lambs, from early April to the end of August, at a target sward surface height (SSH) of 4–6 cm on one set of plots (constant swards) and, on the other set, al 4–6 cm rising after June to a target 6–8 cm (rising swards). The heights were achieved by variable stocking. Fertilizer N was applied only to the grass plots at the rate of 150- 180kgN ha-1 annually.
SSH was mainly within the target 4–6 cm, after higher initial heights at turnout in 1988and 1990. Mean heights of the constant swards (April- August) averaged 5·53, 4·43 and 5·04cm in the three years. The rising swards (July-August) increased in height over the constant swards by an average of 0·88, 0·48 and 0·55 cm, in successive years.
Clover content of the herbage mass dry matter in the grass/clover swards increased over each grazing season to average 13·0, 26·5 and 21·2% in the three years, with a high mean stolon density of 130 in m-2 in August 1990. Ryegrass tiller densities in year 3 were 23% higher in the diploid than in the tetraploid swards, which had 43% more than the 10000 tillers m-2 of the tetraploid ryegrass/clover swards.
It is concluded that the combination of a densely stoloniferous small-leaved clover with the open growth habit of a tetraploid ryegrass can achieve swards of high clover content under continuous sheep stocking.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass tillers were collected from intensively used set-stocked and zero-grazed leys and from an old permanent pasture, grown on and compared at 30 cm spacing. All swards except the permanent pasture had been sown with cv. S23 and were of known age, ranging from 6 months to 11 years from sowing. Each genotype was scored for date of inflorescence emergence, and subsequently in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMD), D-value of green leaf and the ratio of leaf dry weight: stem dry weight were determined. Both DMD and D-value declined significantly in green leaf samples of populations from the older zero-grazed swards but no significant changes were detected in populations from set-stocked swards. In set-stocked populations there was a shift towards later flowering. In zero-grazed populations there was a consistent increase in the amount of leaf relative to stem with the age of the sward from which the plants were sampled. The survivor plants were more prostrate and leafier and it is suggested that under zero grazing, where cutting was to a uniform height, plants of this form were less severely defoliated and thus at a selective advantage.  相似文献   

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