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榆林沙区沙漠化防治技术研究与实践 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用实地调查、访问专家与收集相关资料分析相结合的方法,总结了榆林沙区几十年来利用植物、水力、机械沙障等综合治理沙漠的经验与教训;也总结出了沙区设施农业和公司加农户的经营发展模式. 相似文献
榆林沙区生态环境恢复与合理开发利用的探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着国家能源基地建设重点向西转移.榆林沙区煤炭基地大规模开发建设的序幕拉开。在这种形势下.如何进一步加强本区土地荒漠化的防治工作,把经济建设与生态建设有机地结合起来.对开发本区的煤炭资源和发展地方经济具有十分重要的战略意义。1生态环境现状与开发利用潜力榆林沙区位于东经IO7“18’~ilo”38’北纬37o22’一39”27’,包括定边、靖边、横山、榆林、神木、府谷和佳县七个县市长城沿线的95个乡镇、30个农林场。总面积244O6.7km’,占全区总面积的56.8%.属荒漠草原一干草原一森林草原的过渡地带。毛乌素沙地榆林沙区的… 相似文献
宿州是新兴果区,多为粮果兼营的生产结构。这里的作物秸杆除部分做饲料外,大多在田间焚烧,不仅浪费了能源,更造成了环境污染;加之气候干旱,灌溉条件不理想,土壤有机质含量又少,难以实现果树“高产、优质、高效”的目标。为此我们于1999~2003年在我校园进行了连续5年的覆草试验,取得了良好效果,现总结如下: 相似文献
沙质海岸龙眼栽培管理技术 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
龙眼是我国南方特有果树,也是国内外市场最受欢迎的果品之一。虽然福建省种植面积较大,但在海岸贫瘠沙地上建立成片龙眼园,而不影响木麻黄防护效能,为沿海地区沙地资源的充分开发与利用,提供了一条林果结合的新途径。 相似文献
通过多年实践,总结出一套适于沙区杨树速生丰产的栽培技术,明确培育方向,选择适宜的造林地和良种壮苗,设计合理的造林密度,为沙区营造杨树速生林提供一系列抚育措施。主要概括为造林地的选择、良种壮苗、选择适宜的栽植密度、整地方法、注意苗木质量、造林季节选择、造林方法、实行林农问作、加强抚育管理、合理修枝、病虫害防治等11项措施。 相似文献
风沙干旱地区山杏经济林丰产栽培技术 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对黑龙江省西部沙化土地面积大、适宜山杏生长的实际情况,经过多年试验探索,全面总结出了黑龙江省风沙干旱地区山杏经济林培育技术,并在苗木培育、造林密度、栽植技术、抚育管理等方面总结了提高山杏产量的关键技术措施. 相似文献
The number of fertile and infertile scales, filled and empty seeds, cone volume, seed efficiency and the incidence of insect and disease damage to seed were evaluated for seven jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb) and six black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) seedling seed orchards in northern Ontario, Canada. On average, the seed potential of jack pine and black spruce cones was 50 and 82 seeds, respectively. Cone volume and the number of fertile scales were under strong genetic control and well correlated with one another for both species. Seed efficiency values were high for jack pine (60%) but poor for black spruce (24%). The incidence of seed insect damage was less than 2.5% for both species and nil for seed diseases. 相似文献
为给经济性状优良并适宜于川灌区推广的李良种的筛选提供参考依据,以种植于沙地的黑宝石李等9个李品种为研究对象,对其主要经济性状指标(平均单株产量、平均单果质量、最大单果质量、果实中可溶性固形物的含量、果实色泽、成熟期、果实风味、耐贮性)进行了测定与分析,并采用主成分分析法对9个李品种的经济性状表现进行了综合评价。结果表明,9个李品种经济性状的个体差异显著,其经济性状由优到劣依次为:巨王李>黑宝石李>红宝石李>美国蛇李>幸运李>日本早红李>月光李>绥李三号>大石早生,其中,巨王李、黑宝石李、红宝石李和美国蛇李等品种的表现均较优良。 相似文献
Zhongming Wen Xiaohui He Feng Jiao Tim R. McVicar Lingtao Li Tom G. Van Niel 《Frontiers of Forestry in China》2008,3(2):148-157
Vegetation suitability mapping is important for the selection of species for implementing the re-vegetation program in the
coarse sandy hill catchment areas of the Loess Plateau, China. We introduce a Boolean model, which uses a thin plate smoothing
spline interpolation method to model the distribution of precipitation and temperature and analyze the suitability of 38 species
using GIS techniques considering the requirement of these species for environmental conditions. Then we overlay a single suitability
map of these 38 species to obtain a species frequency map for a specific site. In our study, we mean with ‘high frequency’
a high suitability of a site for revegetation. The results show that we can model the spatial changes of vegetation suitability
with a combination of topographic analyses based on DEM and GIS functions. We also demonstrate these spatial changes on the
screen using Visual Basic language and GIS functions, which will help decision makers to have a clear view of species and
site suitability changes over large areas. Although more powerful models, such as GLM and GAM, were not used due to data limitation,
our methods can still provide some relevant insights for similar studies.
Translated from Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2007, 5(1): 19–26 [译自: 水土保持科学] 相似文献
结合工作实际,从加强虫情预测预报、物理机械防治、以虫治虫、药剂防治、行政干预、封山育林、调整树种结构、营造混交林等多方面阐述了风沙干旱区松毛虫防治的技术措施。 相似文献