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The diel and spatial distributions of postflexion larval Citharichthys spp. and Sebastes spp. at 67 stations off central California were examined during March 1994 with a 10 m2 MOCNESS during 24 h sampling operations. At each station, a CTD profiler with an attached PAR sensor was deployed to measure temperature, salinity, σt, dynamic height, and ambient light levels at depth. Catches of C. sordidus, C. stigmaeus, unidentified Sebastes spp., and S. jordani were larger at night than during the day and crepuscular periods, probably because of net avoidance during the day and crepuscular periods, and (for Citharichthys spp.) vertical migration into the upper water column at night. C. sordidus and C. stigmaeus migrated vertically through the pycnocline on a diurnal cycle, while Sebastes spp. apparently remained in the mixed layer above the pycnocline at all times. No definitive patterns were observed between horizontal contours of temperature, salinity, and σt at depth and catches of any larvae. This was attributed to the relatively homogeneous spatial pattern in the water column above the pycnocline, where the majority of the fish occurred.  相似文献   

Abstract – Understanding population regulation in juvenile salmonids requires distinguishing the effects of intrinsic (size, behaviour) and extrinsic (food, competition) factors. To examine the relative influence of these variables on juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Salmon River drainage (ID, USA), we examined diel differences in foraging microhabitats, behaviour and consumption in two areas with consistent differences in parr‐to‐smolt survival. In lower Big Creek (LBC, high‐survival area) and upper Big Creek (UBC, low‐survival area), we observed fish by snorkelling, recording length, behaviour (foraging rate and aggression) and physical (depth, velocity, cover, temperature) and biotic (density, size and species of neighbouring fish) microhabitat features. Stomach contents were extracted to estimate consumption. Depth and temperature were greater in LBC, where Chinook salmon were significantly larger and present at lower densities. Fish in LBC exhibited higher foraging activity during the day than night, but there were no size differences between day and night foragers. In UBC, a higher density area, foraging behaviour did not change between day and night, although the smallest size classes did not forage nocturnally. Regression models that integrated physical and biotic variables suggested that physical factors influenced foraging in both areas, but competition also affected foraging in UBC. Our results demonstrate that fish from low‐ and high‐survival populations in Big Creek are exposed to different physical and biological influences during their first growth season, which are reflected in different diel foraging behaviours.  相似文献   

Abstract  Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.), in the Bay of Biscay exhibited diel activity patterns with more individuals outside their burrows at dawn and dusk, increasing catchability at these times. Data from an on board observer programme on Nephrops trawlers between 2002 and 2005 were used to assess variability in catchability in commercial catches. Catch numbers per haul varied spatially and between months, but no signal for diel variations was found. Fishing strategies developed by the Nephrops trawlers had several components. On a seasonal level, they started around sunrise. On a haul level, haul duration decreased from haul to haul, with the longest hauls taking place at the time of the highest catchability. By-catch of hake, Merluccius merluccius (L.), increased more than proportionally with haul duration.  相似文献   

Abstract – We sampled three limnetic fish species: juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), three‐spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) in Lake Washington to quantify species‐specific patterns of diel vertical migration (DVM). Catch‐per‐unit‐effort data analysed from 15 years of midwater trawling documented seasonal and diel differences in vertical distributions for each species. These results were consistent with the hypothesis that the patterns of DVM in Lake Washington were affected by life history, size and morphology. Sockeye salmon showed clear DVM in spring but essentially no DVM in fall, remaining in deep water, whereas three‐spine sticklebacks were prevalent at the surface at night in both seasons. In fall, distribution patterns may be explained by differences in thermal performance (e.g., sticklebacks favouring warm water), but the patterns were also consistent with inter‐specific differences in predation risk. Younger sockeye salmon and longfin smelt were present in greater proportions higher in the water column during dusk and night periods than older conspecifics. Compared with sockeye salmon, the greater use by three‐spine sticklebacks of surface waters throughout the diel cycle during weak thermal stratification in spring was consistent with the hypothesis that sticklebacks’ armour reduces predation risk, but use of this warmer, metabolically beneficial stratum may also have promoted growth. This study illustrates variation in the vertical distribution of three sympatric planktivores and offers broader implications for the DVM phenomenon and applied lake ecology.  相似文献   

Abstract – We used prepositioned area electrofishers (PAEs, 10×1.5 m) to assess diel differences in distribution of age-0 largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides , in August 1992–1993 in a paired sampling design. PAEs were placed parallel to shore in an embayment of an unvegetated reservoir (B. E. Jordan Lake, North Carolina, USA). The catch per unit effort (CPUE=fish/PAE) was significantly higher at night than during the day in both years, indicating that age-0 largemouth bass exhibit nocturnal inshore movements. Age-0 largemouth bass captured inshore during day were smaller than those captured at night, indicating that movement patterns may change ontogenetically. Inshore-offshore movements of age-0 largemouth bass were significantly reduced in the presence of cover, suggesting that diel movements were influenced by specific habitat components. Diel movements likely were related to foraging, resting and predator avoidance behavior and could affect population dynamics and introduce bias in assessment programs. Note  相似文献   

The diel vertical migration patterns of adult myctophid fishes were determined in the transitional waters of the western North Pacific off Japan, using day–night sampling from 20 to 700 m depths with a commercial otter trawl in the summer of 1995. A total of 12 species belonging to 9 genera were collected. Four patterns were recognized in the diel vertical migration of 11 of the 12 species. (1) Migrants showing clear day–night habitat separation with peak abundance above 200 m at night: Symbolophorus californiensis, Tarletonbeania taylori, Notoscopelus japonicus, Diaphus theta, Ceratoscopelus warmingi, and Diaphus gigas. (2) Semi-migrants, in which part of the population often remains in the daytime habitat at night. The distribution depths of migratory and nonmigratory individuals do not overlap: Stenobrachius leucopsarus . (3) Passive-migrants, in which there is no separation of day–night habitats, but the upper limit of daytime distribution depth shifts to a shallower layer at night, probably as the fish follow migratory prey: Lampanyctus jordani . (4) Nonmigrants: Stenobrachius nannochir, Lampanyctus regalis (> 140 mm SL), and Protomyctophum thompsoni . The day–night habitat temperature ranges are also given for the 11 species. No remarkable east–west differences were seen in the vertical migration patterns compared with previous knowledge of eight of these species in the eastern Pacific. The diel migration patterns are newly described for three other species endemic to the western Pacific. The standing stock of myctophids in the study area was conservatively estimated at 18.5 ± 4.7 g m−2 (avg. ± SD).  相似文献   

2010年9月19~21日,对江苏南京紫霞湖(水深8.5m)浮游甲壳动物昼夜垂直迁移行为进行了调查,分析了影响昼夜垂直迁移的因素。结果表明,奥氏秀体溞(Diaphanosoma orghidani)、象鼻溞(Bosmina sp.)、颈沟基合溞(Bosminopsis deitersi)、台湾温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops taihokuensis)和中华原镖水蚤(Eodiapotomus sinensis)成体均表现出昼夜迁移现象,中华原镖水蚤幼体和无节幼体无明显昼夜迁移。紫霞湖的温度、溶解氧和叶  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Seasonal changes in distribution and abundance of euphausiids off south-eastern Hokkaido (41°−43°N), Sanriku (38°−41°N), and Joban (36°−38°N) were investigated using cylindrical-conical nets every two months from March 1997 to February 1998. Twenty-six species of seven genera of euphausiids occurred during the survey. Among them, subarctic-transitional Euphausia pacifica was the most abundant throughout the year in coastal waters, as their relative contribution to the total abundance of euphausiids was 89–92%. This species occurred in each coastal water throughout the survey and was abundant from winter to early summer (February–June) off Sanriku and Joban and in autumn in south-eastern Hokkaido. Thysanoessa inspinata occurred off south-eastern Hokkaido and Sanriku throughout the survey, mainly in spring (April) but rarely occurred off Joban. Three other subarctic Thysanoessa species occurred mainly off south-eastern Hokkaido from winter to spring. Conversely, warm- and transitional-water epipelagic species occurred exclusively off Sanriku and Joban in autumn. The characteristics of seasonal distributional patterns of euphausiids are discussed in relation to the spatial and temporal changes of oceanographic conditions and several predators off north-eastern Japan.  相似文献   

The dry mass of zooplankton and backscatter from an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) used in Sagami Bay, Japan, from 9 to 13 April 2005 were well correlated (correlation coefficient = 0.72, root mean square dry weight = 2.5 mg m−3). The horizontal current field and zooplankton distribution were estimated from shipboard ADCP data. Although sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration observed by satellite were consistent with the current field, a counterclockwise circulation associated with the Kuroshio meander, zooplankton were mainly distributed downstream of the phytoplankton population by horizontal current advection.  相似文献   

Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède) use of installed habitat structure was evaluated in a large Midwestern USA reservoir to determine whether or not these structures were used in similar proportion to natural habitats. Seventy largemouth bass (>380 mm total length) were surgically implanted with radio transmitters and a subset was relocated monthly during day and night for one year. The top habitat selection models (based on Akaike's information criterion) suggest largemouth bass select 2–4 m depths during night and 4–7 m during day, whereas littoral structure selection was similar across diel periods. Largemouth bass selected boat docks at twice the rate of other structures. Installed woody structure was selected at similar rates to naturally occurring complex woody structure, whereas both were selected at a higher rate than simple woody structure. The results suggest the addition of woody structure may concentrate largemouth bass and mitigate the loss of woody habitat in a large reservoir.  相似文献   

Abstract– Diel and seasonal movements of 9 smallmouth bass were monitored by ultrasonic tracking for 1–1.5 years in a small gravel pit lake in northeastern Illinois. Each fish had several home ranges over the study period. Males established home ranges around a nesting site in May and June. During the summer months, smallmouth bass had diurnal, nocturnal, diurnal and nocturnal home ranges. The fish exhibited 2 types of behavior when they were within their home ranges. They were either motionless, which generally occurred on the nocturnal home ranges, or they swam slowly about their home ranges. Rapid directional swimming movements occurred when fish were swimming across the lake or moving between home ranges. The home ranges were transitory. The average size of the reproductive (male) home range was 0.07 hectare; 0.12 hectare for nocturnal home ranges; 0.18 hectare for diurnal home range; and 0.20 for diurnal-nocturnal home range. Generally, reproductive and nocturnal home ranges were smaller; other types could be as small as these but were often larger. However, there was no significant difference in home range sizes.  相似文献   

Diel rhythms in serum glucose, lactate, cholesterol, triglycerides and thyroid hormones were studied in red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, held under different photoperiod regimes (constant darkness – DD, 8L:16D,12L:12D), at a constant temperature (17.1–18.7 °C) and fed with commercial pellets, by means of a self-feeder. A clear diurnal rhythm in feeding activity, regardless of the photoperiod regime was demonstrated. All serum components showed significant diel rhythms, although they were not necessarily consistent or circadian in periodicity. As well as this, differences in the average values among the varying treatments were observed. Fish held under the 12L:12D protocol displayed significantly higher average T4, T3 and lactate levels during the day rather than at night. Maximum glucose values occurred 8–12 h after dawn and maximum lactate concentrations at 06:00 or 14:00 h. Diel variations in cholesterol were evident only in the DD group with peak values inversely correlated with the rhythm of food intake. Triglycerides displayed a similar pattern of changes. Significant diel fluctuations in T4 serum levels were observed only in fish exposed to the 12L:12D protocol, with peak values at dawn. A clear diurnal peak (10:00 h) in T3 concentrations was observed in fish subjected to the 12L:12D regime, while fish exposed to the 8L:16D protocol showed two peaks: one in the photophase (10:00 h) and another in the scotophase (02:00 h). The light–dark alternation and the general activity rhythm of fish seem to be the main synchronizers of the diel rhythms observed in this study.  相似文献   

利用2007年12月和2008年6月三门湾海域渔业资源调查资料,研究三门湾蟹类密度的时空分布,分析优势种、地形地貌和水文等因素对蟹类分布的影响。结果表明,12月和6月蟹类重量密度分别为38.44 kg/km2和75.20 kg/km2,尾数密度为1.99×103ind/km2和3.66×103ind/km2。蟹类重量密度分布呈三门湾西北部水域高于东南部水域趋势,尾数密度分布则呈三门湾西北部水域低于东南部水域趋势。依据相对重要性指数分析的结果,日本蟳是本海域蟹类第一优势种,其次为经济品种三疣梭子蟹。两季蟹类大部分为幼体,夏季比冬季种类数有增加。上述优势种对三门湾蟹类数量的变化有较明显的回归贡献。  相似文献   

朱国平  杨洋  王芮  童剑锋 《水产学报》2018,42(10):1541-1549
近年来,南极磷虾渔业过于集中于布兰斯菲尔德海峡,这也使得该海区磷虾资源状况及其生态学特征日益受到关注。南极磷虾群具有较为明显的昼夜垂直移动特征,开展此方面的研究可为探索其渔场形成机制提供基础数据,并为磷虾渔业反馈式管理提供参考。基于磷虾渔船上Simrad EK80记录的相关声学数据,使用Echoview软件判别声学数据中的磷虾群体,对2016年秋季布兰斯菲尔德海峡南极磷虾群昼夜垂直移动特征进行分析,并进一步分析影响磷虾群昼夜垂直移动的因素。结果显示,3月和4月磷虾群深度基本维持在250 m以浅,虾群最大深度出现在日升时分的频次最高(22.9%),而最浅深度出现在夜间时分的频次最高(36.0%),同时在日升时分,虾群厚度达到最大值;白天磷虾群多集中在较深水层,夜间会上浮到较浅水层。随着月份的推移,磷虾群平均深度总体呈现加深的趋势。光强和海底深度是影响磷虾群深度变化的2个主要因素。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The seasonal distribution, age, growth and reproductive biology of marbled sole Pleuronectes yokohamae (Günther) from Tokyo Bay, Japan were studied. A clear seasonal distribution trend was observed, with P. yokohamae limited to the south of the bay in summer and expanding almost throughout the bay in other seasons. The formation and dynamics of hypoxic areas in the bay limited the northward distribution of P. yokohamae in summer. Age was determined by counting growth rings on otoliths; maximum ages were found to be 5 years for males and 6 years for females. The mean back-calculated length for females at each estimated age was greater than that for males. Growth of males and females was shown by the von Bertalanffy growth equations. Reproductive biology was studied on the basis of gonadosomatic indices and histological sections of gonads. The spawning season lasted from November to March, peaking in December and January. Sixty per cent of males at 1 year and all males ≥ 2 years had mature testes, whereas 6.7% of females at 1 year, 58.3% of females at 2 years, and all females ≥ 3 years had attained maturity.  相似文献   

Abstract– In late summer and fall, radio-tagged adult Sacramento pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus grandis ) at three sites in the Eel River of northwestern California moved more at night than during the day. Fish moved up to 535 m at night and returned to their original positions the following morning. Adult Sacramento pikeminnow at all sites occupied only pools during the day, but at one site moved through high gradient riffles and occupied fast water habitats at night. Adult Sacramento pikeminnow at the upstream limit of their range in one Eel River tributary moved downstream up to 23 km during the winter and tended to return to their original position the following spring, where they remained through the summer. Fish radio tagged at downstream sites exhibited more variable behavior, moving 2-92 km over >393 days. Our observations suggest that the most appropriate scale of consideration for attempts to manage this species or estimate population size includes entire river drainages.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The life cycle of Dilophus okamurae and the associated benthic invertebrate fauna were studied monthly or bimonthly from June 1998 to September 1999 at a depth of 4–7 m in Onagawa Bay along the Pacific coast of north-eastern Honshu, Japan (38°28'N, 149°29'E). Dry biomass ranged from 230 g/m2 in June to 10 g/m2 in October. Sporophytes with tetrasporangia appeared during July to September 1998. Gametophytes with oogonia or antheridia were observed for the first time in May 1999 during observation. The absence of mature sporophytes in 1999 suggests that the life cycle is completed over two years. The sympatric gastropods Lirularia iridescens , Homalopoma sangrarense, Conotalopia minima and Cantharidus callichroa synchronized with seasonal changes in biomass of this algae. In contrast, Barleeia angustata and B. trifasciata fluctuated independently. The juvenile sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus appeared in the algal population starting in October at 0.7 mm mean test diameter at high density, and disappeared after March.  相似文献   

Stock size, distribution, size and age composition, and growth of Japanese scallops,Mizuhopecten yessoensis, were studied at eight sites in Possjet Bay, Sea of Japan, Russia. At seven sites, most of the scallops were cultured animals (seeded as one-year-olds in 1986–1989). At the eighth site, only native (i.e. naturally settled) scallops were present. Cultured scallops had an irregular strip-like distribution at all locations. Maximum growth of scallops occurred in the northwestern part of Reid Pallada Bight. Only at Temp Bight did both native and the majority of cultured scallops attain the harvest size of 100 mm shell height at age 3 years. At all other sites in Possjet Bay, cultured scallops reached harvest size at an age of 4 years.  相似文献   

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