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特种经济动物养殖改变了我国以往单一结构形态的农业养殖模式,丰富了食品、农副产品的种类,为医疗、科研做出了贡献,并已成为畜牧经济中不可或缺的重要组成部分。但是,目前特种经济动物福利还没有得到足够的重视,在特种经济动物养殖、运输及生产、加工、科研过程中,特种经济动物更容易遇到动物福利被“剥削”的问题,只有完善特种经济动物福利,才能保障食品、动物制品的安全,才能打破“动物福利壁垒”,提升动物农产品在国际贸易中的竞争力。文章综述了特种经济动物养殖及保障特种经济动物福利的重要性和必要性,分析了目前存在的问题,并提出了对策及建议,以期为完善我国动物福利制度提供参考,为建设农业强国提供保障。  相似文献   

近年来,在省局正确领导和大力支持下,我市始终把动物标识及疫病可追溯体系建设作为对动物及动物产品,实施全程有效监管和追溯,提升动物卫生监管水平的重要措施,精心组织,不断探索,牲畜耳标佩戴率、追溯设备注册率、上传追溯数据信息量均居全省前茅。  相似文献   

航空运输动物及动物产品的动物防疫监督管理工作是动物防疫监督网络体系至关重要的环节之一,尤其在商品大流通的今天,航空运输动物及动物产品以其最快捷方便、且又可保证水生动物等鲜活度、降低远途运输动物死亡率等优势而成为倍受青睐的一种运输流通方式,由于经航空运输的动物及动物产品在种类和数量上与日俱增,  相似文献   

探索黑龙江省实验动物发展中存在问题的解决方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验动物作为生物医学的基础与支撑条件,倍受各国政府与科学家的重视,美、英、法及日本等国投入大量人力、物力和资金,不断改进实验动物的设施,以求提供高质量的标准动物及良好的动物实验条件。在我国实验动物法制化管理也不断加强,实验动物法制化、产业化和规范化也自然提到了议事日程。黑龙江省是制药大省、强省,实验动物发展水平至关重要。  相似文献   

为规范病死及死因不明动物的处理,防止动物疫病传播,杜绝屠宰、加工、食用病死动物,保护畜牧业发展和公共卫生安全,依据《动物防疫法》,农业部制定了《病死及死因不明动物处置办法(试行)》,其具体内容如下:  相似文献   

为了全面贯彻执行《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》和《江苏省动物防疫条例》等有关法律法规,保证全县动物及动物产品质量安全,使人们吃上安全的肉、蛋、奶等动物产品,确保人民身体健康。今年,  相似文献   

依据我国及我省实验动物发展现状,结合国际发展趋势,在全国一盘棋前提下,利用我省的医药生产、生命科学研究及资源优势,着眼于我省医药卫生、生物技术和畜牧业研究与生产等领域的发展要求,加大实验动物和动物实验的研究及质量监控力度,完善法制建设,努力培育我省实验动物产业,走出一条即符合国情、省情,又有自身特色的实验动物发展道路。  相似文献   

随着市场经济体制不断完善和人民生活水平提高,动物及动物产品流通日益频繁,加强动物及动物产品检疫,特别是加强产地检疫已经日益显示出极为重要的作用。特别是非典型性肺炎、高致病性禽流感和猪链球菌病疫情发生以来,动物检疫工作受到了社会和各级政府的高度关注,动物及产品的市场检疫、屠宰检疫和运输检疫工作得到了进一步加强,为促进畜牧业的发展和保障广大人民群众的身体健康起到了积极的作用,同时,也为扩大市场影响力,打造具有高原特色的绿色畜产品品牌,提升品牌竞争力奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

为了规范进入我省及省内跨地、县动物、动物产品的管理,防止动物疫病的传播,保护畜牧业生产,保障人民的身体健康,根据《动物防疫法》等法律、法规,和省人民政府“关于严格控制省外调进偶蹄动物及其产品的紧急通知”的精神,福建省农业厅制定《福建省农业厅关于动物及动物产品准调证管理规定》(下简称“准调证管理规定”)于1999年5月31日起开始执行。该规定第3条规定“准调证”是在动物及其动物产品正常流通基础上,对进入本省和本省跨县的动物及其产品发放的专用检疫证明,作为进入本省及省内调入地的动物、动物产品来自非疫…  相似文献   

小简 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》2006,36(4):F0002-F0002
青海省动物检疫站和青海省动物监督管理所是两个职能、合署办公的行玫管理类县级事业单位。主要职责:主管动物疫病预防.疫情控制和扑灭工作的监测监督.全省动物及动物产品生产和流通环节的动物防疫监督检查工作,全省动物饲养、经营、动物产品生产、经营单位和个人的动物防疫条件审核及监督管理,教学、科研单位保存使用动物源性致病做生物的监督管理;  相似文献   

Responses in log transformed serum neuropeptide Y (NPY) concentration and leptin concentration after six generations of divergent selection on components of efficient lean growth in pigs were measured. From an animal breeding perspective, serum NPY and/or leptin concentrations could be used as physiological predictors of genetic merit if there were significant responses to selection. At 90 kg liveweight, log transformed serum NPY concentrations were increased with divergent selection for low food conversion ratio (LFC) (6.31 versus 5.72, SED 0.09 log(pmol/L)) or for high lean growth rate (LGA) (5.80 versus 5.37 log(pmol/L)) but not with selection on daily food intake (DFI) (6.26 versus 6.14 log(pmol/L)). Selection for high DFI was associated with increased serum leptin concentration (3.06 versus 2.45, SED 0.21 ng/mL human equivalent (HE)) as was selection for low LFC (3.04 versus 2.46 ng/mL HE). Correlations between leptin and predicted lipid weight increased with stage of test (0.13, 0.34 and 0.43, SE 0.08 at 30, 50 and 75 kg). The high correlations between successive serum NPY concentrations (0.80, SE 0.11) suggest that changes in body composition with time would not be reflected in serum NPY concentrations. Serum NPY and, to a lesser extent, serum leptin concentrations were insensitive to dietary differences in total lysine: energy and indicated that studies using a genetic resource population of animals may be more powerful than nutritional studies using isoenergetic diets differing in lysine content to examine aspects of function of serum concentrations of NPY and leptin in pigs.  相似文献   

瘦素(leptin)是146个氨基酸组成的分子量为146kDa的多肽,由脂肪细胞所分泌。瘦素作为内分泌因子,通过阿片促黑激素皮质素原(POMC)和神经多肽Y(NPY)影响丘脑下部(GnRH)释放,从而影响着生殖激素的产生和释放,动物初情期的发动伴随着瘦素水平的不断提高,成年动物繁殖功能的维持也有赖于瘦素发挥作用。瘦素对性腺和垂体的作用机理尚不明确。  相似文献   

性早熟在人类上表现为病理状态,而在家禽生产上则是一个具有重要经济价值的性状。人类性早熟调控机理的研究较为透彻,尤其是近年来全基因关联分析方法的应用,使得研究者对于性成熟启动相关新基因发掘及其调控网络的认识更加深入。论文综述了人类Gn-RH依赖型性早熟(GDPP)的5个基因调控系统,包括kisspeptin系统、γ-GABA系统、NPY和leptin系统、LIN28B系统和NKB系统的研究进展,为禽类早熟性状研究提供依据。  相似文献   

It is well known that after a stressor, levels of plasma cortisol rise, inducing physiological changes within the animal that are directed toward maintaining homeostasis. Less well understood is the role of cortisol in regulating food intake in teleosts. This study investigated the effect of cortisol on food intake and regulation of the neuroendocrine appetite-stimulating hormones, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and ghrelin, in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Male and female tilapia were randomly assigned to one of the following treatments: unhandled control, vehicle-injected control, or cortisol (2 μg/g BW). Food intake was determined 24 h after injection during a 1-h feeding trial. Cortisol reduced food intake (P < 0.001). An identical study was conducted to measure the effects of 24-h cortisol treatment on the endocrine regulators of food intake. Cortisol reduced stomach expression of ghrelin mRNA (P < 0.05) and plasma concentrations of ghrelin (P < 0.05). In the hypothalamus/optic tectum cortisol reduced levels of GHSR1a-LR (biologically active ghrelin receptor) mRNA. In the telencephalon/preoptic area cortisol significantly reduced levels of NPY and GHSR1b-LR (biologically inactive ghrelin receptor) mRNA. These findings suggest that anorexigenic actions of cortisol may be mediated via two separate pathways: (1) reducing circulating ghrelin levels as well as GHSR1a-LR expression in the hypothalamus/optic tectum and/or (2) suppressing NPY expression in the telencephalon/preoptic area.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY), a 36-amino acid member of the pancreatic polypeptide family, was found to be present by immunohistochemistry in the bovine adenohypophysis. NPY mRNA expression was confirmed in the adenohypophysis by RT-PCR. NPY immunoreactivity was present in about 38% of adenohypophyseal cells in the pars distalis. However, NPY immunoreactive cells (NPY-ir cells) were scarce in the zona tuberalis. Immunohistochemistry of NPY and specific hormones using mirror sections revealed that NPY was colocalized in GH immunoreactive cells. Over 90% of somatotrophs corresponded to NPY-ir cells. These results indicate that endogenous NPY is present in the bovine somatotroph and may act as an endocrine intercellular mediator in the adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

生物体内存在以近似24h为周期变化的生物节律,即昼夜节律,控制这一节律的时钟系统称为生物钟。生物钟对动物健康有着不可或缺的积极作用,当动物机体的生物钟被打乱,将引发机体的糖脂代谢紊乱、胃肠道营养吸收及微生物菌群等改变。本文主要综述了生物钟对动物糖脂代谢的相关机理及生理作用,旨在为生物钟对动物糖脂代谢的影响及实现畜牧精准饲喂提供参考。  相似文献   

兽用生物制品是一类特殊的动物保健品,是控制和消灭动物传染病,保障动物及人类健康的重要武器之一。若兽用生物制品被支原体污染,制品的质量和安全将会受到严重影响,同时会造成巨大的经济损失。结合生产实际对兽用生物制品支原体污染的主要来源和支原体污染的检测方法进行了介绍,制定了科学合理的预防控制措施,以期为确保兽用生物制品无支原体污染,质量安全可靠提供参考。  相似文献   

试验旨在克隆天柱番鸭神经肽Y(neuropeptide Y,NPY)基因,并分析其在天柱番鸭不同组织中的转录水平。以天柱番鸭产蛋期组织混合cDNA为模板,通过RT-PCR扩增天柱番鸭NPY基因的完整CDS区进行克隆测序,并结合生物信息学分析工具分析其同源性及遗传进化关系,同时进行NPY蛋白理化特性、亚细胞定位、信号肽、糖基化与磷酸化位点、二级结构、三级结构等预测,并对NPY基因在天柱番鸭不同组织中的转录水平进行检测。结果表明,天柱番鸭NPY基因CDS区全长294 bp,编码97个氨基酸,核苷酸序列与氨基酸序列同源性比对显示,NPY基因在不同物种间具有一定的遗传多样性,与绿头鸭亲缘关系最近;NPY蛋白为酸性不稳定蛋白,存在1个信号肽(第1-28位氨基酸),亚细胞定位为100%位于细胞外;存在1个功能结构域PAH,同时含有2个O-糖基化和丰富的磷酸化位点,空间结构以α-螺旋和无规则卷曲为主。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明,NPY基因mRNA在天柱番鸭各组织中均有分布,在大脑中表达水平相对较高,在胰腺、腺胃中表达量次之,与其他组织间差异极显著(P<0.01),在肌胃中表达量最低。本试验结果为进一步研究NPY基因在调控家禽能量平衡、生长发育、脂肪沉积、繁殖性能等多种生理功能提供了参考。  相似文献   

生物技术在畜牧业上的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从生物技术与畜禽品种、动物遗传育种,动物饲料资源开发,动物疫病的预防与诊断几个方面,论述了其在畜牧业中的应用,以期用生物技术来推动我国畜牧业的更快发展。  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a neurohormone that is typically associated with food intake, but it has also been reported to affect the production of progesterone from luteal tissue in vitro. However, NPY has not been previously immunolocalized in the ovine ovary or in the corpus luteum (CL) of any species, and the effects of this neurohormone on luteal function in vivo are not known. Thus, we performed fluorescent immunohistochemistry (IHC) to localize NPY in the ovine ovary and used avidin-biotin immunocytochemistry (ICC) to further define the intracellular localization within follicles and the CL. We then infused NPY directly into the arterial supply of the autotransplanted ovaries of sheep to determine the in vivo effect of exogenous NPY on ovarian blood flow and on the luteal secretion rate of progesterone and oxytocin. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the NPY antigen was localized to cells within the follicles and CL, in the nerve fibers of the ovarian stroma, and in the vessels of the ovarian hilus. In the follicle, the NPY antigen was localized to nerves and vessels within the theca interna layer, and strong staining was observed in the granulosal cells of antral follicles. In the CL, NPY was localized in large luteal cells and in the vascular pericytes and/or endothelial cells of blood vessels, found dispersed throughout the gland and within the luteal capsule. In vivo incremental infusions of NPY at 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 ng/min, each for a 30-min period, into the arterial supply of the transplanted ovary of sheep bearing a CL 11 d of age increased (P ≤ 0.05) ovarian blood flow. The intra-arterial infusions of NPY also increased (P ≤ 0.05) in a dose-dependent manner the secretion rate of oxytocin, which was positively correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with the observed increase in ovarian blood flow. The infusions of NPY had a minimal effect on the secretion rate of progesterone, and similar intra-arterial infusions of NPY into sheep with ovarian transplants bearing a CL over 30 d of age had no significant effect on ovarian blood flow or on the secretion rate of progesterone. These results suggest that NPY acts on the luteal vascular system and the large luteal cells to rapidly stimulate blood flow and the secretion of oxytocin, respectively, which collectively implies a putative role for NPY during the process of luteolysis when increasing amounts of oxytocin are secreted from the ovine CL in response to uterine pulses of prostaglandin F2α.  相似文献   

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