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Selenium supplementation by injection is a common practice. Acute toxicosis from dosaging errors may occur. In this report, 23 of 56 ewes and all 24 lambs injected with selenium died. Tissue, whole blood, and serum concentrations aided in the diagnosis. Caution should be taken when supplementing selenium by injection.  相似文献   

In September 1984 some sheep in a flock of 250 suffered depression, anorexia, incoordination and difficulty in rising; 50 ewes and weaners died. Post mortem examination revealed petechial bleeding, massive acute liver necrosis and in some animals degeneration of the kidney tubules. The rumen and gut contained many larvae of the blue-black birch sawfly (Arge pullata). Laboratory and field observations indicated that these were the cause of the illness.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the breed identity and leadership in a mixed flock of sheep. The flock consisted of 89 Suffolk adult ewes and 250 Columbia ewes and 45 Columbia rams. The animals were kept in the pasture during the day. Each hour the flock was allowed to feed for 20 minutes, and then was moved for 40 minutes to a small paddock near the grazing area. In the afternoon, all sheep were taken to the night pen. The animals were observed for 120 days, 4 times a day (480 leadership breed positions), with respect to the following conditions: (1) leave pen at front of flock, (2) return to pen at front of flock, (3) first to move to the grassland, (4) return to the paddock, (5) drink first (on arrival time at the night pen), and (6) preference for an area in the night barn. The Suffolk breed were first in leaving (94% of the times) and in returning to the night pen (65%) (P < 0.05), and 35% returned with the Columbia sheep. The Suffolk breed were first to move to the grazing area (90%) and 10% moved with the other breed (P < 0.05). When returning to the rest area, the Columbia sheep were first to reach 54% of the time, the 2 breeds were together 29% of the time, and the Suffolk sheep were alone 17% of the time (P < 0.05). When comparing who drank first, 50% of the time both breeds went together, 28% of the time the Columbia sheep were first, and 22% of the time the Suffolk sheep were first (P < 0.05). At night, most of the Suffolk sheep had a preference for 1 barn area (P < 0.05). The results of our study suggest that most animals of each breed performed activities together. Suffolk sheep were leaders when moving to the grazing area and when selecting the place to rest.  相似文献   

Diversity and seasonal occurrence of coccidia in a communally reared mixed flock of sheep and goats at Mafikeng, North West Province, South Africa, was determined between March 2008 and February 2009. Faecal specimens were collected directly from the rectum of the animals and the number of oocysts per gram of faeces (opg) determined. The mean monthly opg for goats was significantly higher than that for sheep. Higher oocyst counts were observed during the hot, rainy season than during the cold, dry season. The highest mean values for both the sheep (862.5 opg) and goats (1200 opg) were recorded during March. Six species (Eimeria crandallis, E. bakuensis, E. weybridgensis, E. ahsata, E. intricata, and E. ovinoidalis) were recovered from sheep, with E. crandallis and E. bakuensis occurring most frequently. The last 2 species, together with E. ahsata, are considered among the most pathogenic species in sheep. In goats, 7 species (E. arloingi, E. jolchijevi, E. caprina, E. alijevi, E. caprovina, E. christenseni and E. hirci) were recovered, with E. arloingi and E. jolchijevi occurring most frequently. Up to 5 Eimeria species were recovered from individual specimens in goats while up to 4 were recovered in sheep. No cross-infections between goats and sheep were recorded and no clinical coccidiosis was noted during the study. It is increasingly becoming evident that the pathogenic E. arloingi is one of the most commonly occurring Eimeria species in goats in South Africa.  相似文献   

A high prevalence of metabolic disease was evident in a large flock of sheep early in the lambing season. Pregnancy toxemia and secondary hypocalcemia were diagnosed on the basis of history, physical examination findings, and results of serum biochemical analyses. To decrease costs to the owner, pooled serum samples were used to determine the metabolic health status of the flock. Ewes close to the time of lambing were found to be in severe negative energy balance, which resulted in excessive fat mobilization as well as clinical signs associated with pregnancy toxemia and hepatic lipidosis. By nutrient analysis, it was determined that the ewes had an inadequate amount of fermentable carbohydrates, which provide glucose to support the additional nutrition required during late gestation. The diet provided to sheep during late gestation should contain sufficient glucose precursors to maintain adequate glucose availability to maternal and fetal tissues. To minimize the physiologic decline in dry-matter intake during late gestation (which results in accentuation of negative energy balance), high-quality feed ingredients should be fed to ewes during this period.  相似文献   

We report a case of chronic copper poisoning in a flock of 182 grazing dairy sheep in Thessaly, Central Greece. Five ewes were found dead during the course of a week. The diagnosis of copper poisoning was confirmed by necropsy examination, blood test results, and abnormally high copper levels in liver and kidney samples. A field investigation revealed the source of copper as a litter heap from a broiler farm to which the sheep had accidental access during their movement between the milking parlour and the grazing area. Access to the litter was subsequently blocked and all sheep were provided with 50 g of a salt/gypsum/sodium molybdate mixture (90.0: 9.8: 0.2, w/w) mixed in 500 g of concentrate feed daily, for a period of 5 weeks. Follow-up blood samples were taken 3 and 8 wk after the initial diagnosis. A reduction in aspartate aminotransferase activity indicated the source of copper had been eliminated and the subsequent treatment was successful.  相似文献   

A total of 86 abscesses (45 and 41) abscesses of sheep and goats, respectively) were examined for their causal agents; 44 of these abscesses were located subcutaneously, and the remaining 42 were in lungs, livers, intestines, and udders. A total of 23 different types of microorganisms were isolated from 78 abscesses; bacteria were not detected in the remaining eight abscesses. Microorganisms isolated were: species of the genera Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus and Pasteurella, Escherichia coli, and other gram-negative rods. Peptostreptococcus anaerobius and Eubacterium tortuosum were isolated in pure culture from one abscess each in goats. Two to four different microorganisms were associated with 25 of the 86 abscesses. It was determined that 11 isolates of Corynebacterium pyogenes, 2 isolates of Pasteurella haemolytica, 1 of P multocida, and 1 of C pseudotuberculosis were lethal to mice. Two of the C pyogenes isolates from subcutaneous spreading abscesses of goats were pathogenic for rabbits; these two isolates produced similar suppurative inflammation in goats experimentally, but did not cause death. As determined by experimental inoculation, goats were more susceptible than sheep to the two isolates. In nature, subcutaneous abscesses of goats associated with C pyogenes were of a more diffusive type which resulted in generalization of the infection and death of the animals. Postmortem examination of ten goats dying of field infection showed the presence of larvae of the warble-fly Przhevalskiana silenus at the site of infection.  相似文献   

Aldicarb toxicosis was diagnosed in 200 sheep that died suddenly. Carbamate insecticide toxicosis was suspected based on observed clinical signs (hypersalivation, diarrhea, urination, paddling, seizures, miosis, and deaths occurring within 1 hour). Tissue samples were submitted from 4 Columbian ewes for pathologic and analytical evaluation. Severe diffuse pulmonary edema was observed on gross and histologic examination. Inhibition of cholinesterase activity in retina (21.2-68.1% of normal activity, n = 3), brain (40.6-45.6% of normal activity, n = 3), and whole blood (27% of normal activity, n = 1) supported a diagnosis of carbamate toxicosis. Reversal of brain and whole blood cholinesterase activities (reactivation factor greater than 1.4) following an in vitro 1 hour incubation at 37 C was also consistent with carbamate poisoning. Aldicarb toxicosis was confirmed following its detection in rumen contents at 1.5, 5.5, and 334 ppm using both high-pressure liquid chromatography with UV detection and gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorus detection.  相似文献   

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