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Designing marine reserves for interacting species: Insights from theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary goals of marine reserves include protecting biodiversity and ecosystem structure. Therefore, a multispecies approach to designing and monitoring reserve networks is necessary. To gain insight into how the interactions between species in marine communities may affect reserve design, we synthesize marine reserve community models and community models with habitat destruction and fragmentation, and we develop new extensions of existing models. This synthesis highlights the potential for species interactions to alter reserve design criteria; in particular, accounting for species interactions often leads to an increase in reserve size necessary to protect populations. Accounting for species interactions also indicates the need to base reserve design and monitoring on a variety of species, especially long-distance dispersers, inferior colonizers, and specialists. Finally, the new model extensions highlight how, given dispersal, source populations outside reserves as well as increases in fished populations after reserve establishment may negatively affect reserve populations of competitors or prey. Therefore, multispecies harvest dynamics outside reserves and before reserve establishment are critical to determining the appropriate reserve size, spacing, and expectations after establishment. These models highlight the importance of species interactions to reserve design and provide guidelines for how this complexity can begin to be incorporated into conservation planning.  相似文献   

The vast Brazilian coast harbors unique and diverse reef fish communities. Unfortunately, relatively little is known about the impact of fishing on these fish species, and few management or conservation efforts are being made to protect them. Here, we examine the effect of different levels of protection on the composition, abundance, and size structure of reef fish species along a 2500 km portion of the Brazilian coastline, noting in particular the relative abundance of endemics and the effect of protection on these species. Pairwise comparisons of sites with different protection status (more versus less protected) were used to determine the potential responses of reef fishes to the establishment of marine protected areas. Highly targeted species (top predators and large herbivores) were significantly more abundant and larger in size within sites with a higher degree of protection, indicating that they benefit from protection, while lightly fished and unfished species were not. These results are consistent with past work documenting the responses of species to protection. Here, we use our results in particular to suggest strategies and provide expectations for managing and protecting Brazilian reef fisheries. Because this biogeographic province lies entirely within the jurisdiction of a single nation, there may be unique and significant opportunities to effectively manage and conserve these fish species.  相似文献   

Local ecological knowledge is a potentially valuable, but mostly untapped, resource for evaluating decadal-scale shifts in abundances of organisms. In this study, recollections of long-term divers were quantified to assess changes in underwater life at the Poor Knights Islands in temperate northeastern New Zealand from the 1960s to 2000s, in order to establish baselines for recovery since the islands were protected within a no-take marine reserve in late 1998. Data were validated against quantitative data from contemporary monitoring programmes (established in the late 1990s), with the divers conservative in that their reported changes were smaller than those from the scientific monitoring. The divers reported large (60–88%) and steady long-term declines in abundances of black corals (Lillipathes lilliei), tube sponges (Calyx imperialis), packhorse lobster (Sagmariasus verreauxi), and several large predatory fishes. There was little or no suggestion of recent recovery in these species following no-take protection. Only the sparid fish Pagrus auratus and sharks were considered to have substantially increased in numbers following no-take protection. Multivariate analysis of data derived from the divers’ recollections detected no signs of recovery at the community-level, although full no-take protection appeared to have stopped further change along the major axis of variation. Our results highlight the value of local ecological knowledge for investigating decadal-scale changes in reef biota and for providing a longer-term context for evaluating the efficacy of marine reserves.  相似文献   

Efforts to systematically select networks of marine reserves to conserve biodiversity may be constrained by limited information on the distribution of biodiversity. A potential solution is the use of surrogates, such as indicator groups, that effectively represent other elements of biodiversity. The potential of macroalgae and molluscs to act as indicator groups for all species in the selection of intertidal marine reserves was tested for a sample of rocky shore locations in south-east Australia. Fifteen locations were surveyed between November 1999 and January 2000, and reserve selection for each of the potential indicator groups and for all species was undertaken using richness-based and rarity-based algorithms. The sets of locations chosen by both algorithms to conserve each of the indicator groups included around 95% of all species. There was 54% spatial correspondence of the sets of locations chosen for each of the indicator groups. Molluscs appeared to be a reliable indicator for areas of reservation ranging from 6.7 to 73.3% of the locations surveyed, including a similar percentage of all species as the locations selected for all species. Unlike macroalgae, locations chosen for molluscs included significantly more species than a set of locations chosen at random, and more species than the set of locations chosen for randomly selected subsets of species of the same richness as molluscs. There is significant scope for further research into the value of indicator groups in reserve selection in marine systems.  相似文献   

This study examines factors affecting the rate and extent of biomass build-up among commercially important groupers, snappers, grunts, parrotfish and surgeonfish in a network of four marine reserves in southwest St. Lucia, Caribbean. Reserves constituted 35% of the total reef area originally available for fishing. Protection was instigated in 1995 after a baseline survey with annual or biennial censuses performed until 2002. Each survey consisted of 114 fifteen minute fish counts in reserves and 83 in fishing grounds, at depths of 5 m and 15 m in a 10 m diameter counting area. Estimates of number and size (cm) of target species were used to calculate fish family biomass. Data were analysed using three-way ANOVA in a before-after-control-impact pairs (BACIP) design. All families increased significantly in biomass over time at nearly all sites. Increases were greater in reserves than fishing grounds, except for grunts, and responses were strongest in parrotfish and surgeonfish. The combined biomass of families more than quadrupled in reserves and tripled in fishing grounds between 1995 and 2002. During this period coral cover declined by 46% in reserves and 35% in fishing grounds. Multiple regression showed that neither habitat characteristics nor habitat deterioration significantly affected rates of biomass build-up. The key factor was protection from fishing, which explained 44% of the variance in biomass growth. A further 28% of the variance was explained by sedimentation, a process known to stress reef invertebrates, significantly reducing the rate of biomass build-up. St. Lucia’s reserves succeeded in producing significant gains to fish stocks despite coral cover and structural complexity falling steeply over the period of the study.  相似文献   

Objective criteria are needed for ranking marine sites when examining candidate areas for protection measures. We suggest a Marine Classification Criterion (MCC) which allows the application of the widely used Ramsar 1% criterion for wetlands for seabirds with clustered distribution in offshore habitats. The maximum size of an area considered to be internationally important has not been defined by the Ramsar Convention. Terrestrial and coastal sites generally have obvious hydrological or physical boundaries, whereas such boundaries are less obvious at sea. The smallest unit which would pass the demands set by the MCC is 1% of the bio-geographic population of a particular species concentrated in an area (site) supporting a density exceeding a value equivalent of four times the average density of the species in the investigated regional sea. The effect of choosing smaller or larger reference densities is tested. The results indicate that the chosen threshold density is a suitable requirement for the inclusion of the most important areas for seabird species with at least 25% of their bio-geographic population occurring in the studied regions of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The test cases indicate that provided the MCC is based on geo-statistical analyses of un-biased survey data the boundaries of areas holding large concentrations of seabirds can be estimated with confidence. The MCC could be used to identify concentrations of seabirds and other marine animals of conservation priority and to rank marine areas by their cumulative importance to different species.  相似文献   

In the Coral Triangle community-based marine protected areas (MPAs) are being established at a prolific rate. Their establishment can benefit both fisheries and biodiversity, and they provide both a socially and economically acceptable means of managing coral reefs in developing nations. However, because such MPAs are typically small (usually <0.5 km2), they will rarely provide protection to large mobile fishes. An exception to this limitation may exist when community-based MPAs are established to protect small sites where vital processes occur, such as fish spawning aggregations (FSAs). To test the effectiveness of small (0.1–0.2 km2) MPAs for protecting FSAs, we monitored three FSA sites where brown-marbled grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus), camouflage grouper (Epinephelus polyphekadion) and squaretail coralgrouper (Plectropomus areolatus) aggregate to spawn. Sites were monitored during peak reproductive periods (several days prior to each new moon) between January 2005 and November 2009. All three sites are located in New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, and had been exploited for decades, but in 2004 two sites were protected by the establishment of community-based MPAs. The third site continued to be exploited. Over the monitoring period densities of E. fuscoguttatus and E. polyphekadion increased at both MPAs, but not at the site that remained open to fishing. At one MPA the densities of E. polyphekadion increased tenfold. Our findings demonstrate that community-based MPAs that are appropriately designed and adequately enforced can lead to the recovery of populations of vulnerable species that aggregate to spawn.  相似文献   

Community-managed, no-take marine reserves are increasingly promoted as a simple, precautionary measure to conserve biodiversity and sustain coral reef fisheries. However, we need to demonstrate the effects of such reserves to those affected by the loss of potential fishing grounds and the wider scientific community. We surveyed changes in fish communities in five small marine reserves in the central Philippines and three distant Control sites over seven years. We conducted underwater visual censuses of 53 fish families within the reserve (Inside), with a kilometre of the boundary (Outside) and at Control sites. We found significant differences between fish communities Inside and Outside the reserve only at the two sites with strictest compliance with fishing prohibition, while there were significant differences to distant Control sites in all cases. The strongest responses to reserve protection were found in predatory fishes (groupers and breams) and in butterflyfish. Other abundant fish families showed weak effects of protection. For all taxa analysed, we found significant effects of reserve Site and Site × Treatment interactions. The detection of fish responses to reserves is complicated by potential spillover effects, site-specific factors, particularly compliance, and the difficulty of identifying appropriate control areas.  相似文献   

Marine protected area (MPA) networks designed without consideration of the interests of local communities are likely to fail. However, in many regions where conservation action is needed most urgently, socioeconomic data are not available at spatial scales relevant to conservation planning. In the Philippines, the primary stakeholders relevant to conservation efforts in coastal waters are small-scale fishers. Unlike commercial fisheries, no logbook data are kept to record fishers’ spatial effort and usage patterns. We investigated the effects of including different surrogates for small-scale fishing effort in the systematic design of an MPA network for Siquijor Province. We compared a reserve selection scenario in which socioeconomic data were not considered with four different surrogates for fishing effort and with empirical data on the spatial distribution of fishing effort collected through interviews. We assumed that minimising opportunity costs to fishers would increase the likelihood that they would support and comply with MPA implementation, resulting in more effective conservation. Surrogates modelled on the number of fishers or boats in each community consistently outperformed those based on population census data. However, none of the surrogates we tested were able to accurately predict fine-scale resource use patterns. Whilst socioeconomic surrogates may be able to assist conservation planners to identify regional-scale opportunities where conservation objectives may be met more easily, they cannot act as a shortcut for comprehensive consultation with communities, which will be required to identify actual sites for MPA implementation.  相似文献   

Habitat mapping at the scale at which marine protected areas are designed and managed is essential for assessment of, and design for, representation. Most habitat mapping studies rely solely or in part on abiotic surrogates for patterns of biodiversity. The utility of abiotic variables in predicting biological distributions at the local scale (10 s of km) was tested in a remote video survey of macrobenthos in Moreton Bay, Australia. Habitat classifications of the same set of 41 sites based on 6 abiotic variables and abundances of 89 taxa and bioturbation indicators were compared using correlation, regression and ordination analyses. The concepts of false homogeneity (abiotically similar but biologically distinct) and false heterogeneity (abiotically distinct but biologically similar) were defined to describe types of errors associated with using abiotic surrogates to construct habitat maps, and quantified using two separate methods. Overall, the best prediction by abiotic surrogates explained less than 30% of the pattern of biological similarity. Errors of false homogeneity were between 20% and 62%, depending on the methods of estimation. Predictive capability of abiotic surrogates at the taxon level was poor, with only 6% of taxon/surrogate correlations significant. Abiotic variables did not discriminate sufficiently between different soft bottom communities to be a reliable basis for mapping. These results have implications for the widespread use of abiotic surrogates in marine habitat mapping to plan for, or assess, representation in marine protected areas. Little confidence can be placed in marine habitat classifications based solely or largely on abiotic surrogates without calibration by rigorous biological surveys at the appropriate scale. Therefore, it is questionable whether marine protected areas designed on this basis can have measurable benefits for conservation.  相似文献   

Adult and juvenile mobility has a considerable influence on the functioning of marine protected areas. It is recognized that adult and juvenile movement reduces the core benefits of protected areas, namely protecting the full age–structure of marine populations, while at the same time perhaps improving fisheries yield over the no-reserve situation through export of individuals from protected areas. Nevertheless, the study of the consequences of movement on protected area functioning is unbalanced. Significant attention has been paid to the influence of certain movement patterns, such as diffusive movement and home ranges, while the impacts of others, such as density-dependent movements and ontogenetic migrations, have been relatively ignored. Here we review the diversity of density-independent and density-dependent movement patterns, as well as what is currently known about their consequences for the conservation and fisheries effects of marine protected areas. We highlight a number of ‘partially addressed’ issues in marine protected area research, such as the effects of reserves targeting specific life phases, and a number of essentially unstudied issues, such as density-dependent movements, nomadism, ontogenetic migrations, behavioral polymorphism and ‘dynamic’ reserves that adjust location as a realtime response to habitat changes. Assessing these issues will be essential to creating effective marine protected area networks for mobile species and accurately assessing reserve impacts on these species.  相似文献   

We present a novel method for calculating the opportunity costs to fishers from their displacement by the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs). We used a fishing community in Kubulau District, Fiji to demonstrate this method. We modelled opportunity costs as a function of food fish abundance and probability of catch, based on gear type and market value of species. Count models (including Poisson, negative binomial and two zero-inflated models) were used to predict spatial abundance of preferred target fish species and were validated against field surveys. A profit model was used to investigate the effect of restricted access to transport on costs to fishers. Spatial distributions of fish within the three most frequently sighted food fish families (Acanthuridae, Lutjanidae, Scaridae) varied, with greatest densities of Lutjanidae and Acanthuridae on barrier forereefs and greatest densities of Scaridae on submerged reefs. Modelled opportunity cost indicated that highest costs to fishers arise from restricting access to the barrier forereefs. We included our opportunity cost model in Marxan, a decision support tool used for MPA design, to examine potential MPA configurations for Kubulau District, Fiji Islands. We identified optimum areas for protection in Kubulau with: (a) the current MPA network locked in place; and (b) a clean-slate approach. Our method of modelling opportunity cost gives an unbiased estimate for multiple gear types in a marine environment and can be applied to other regions using existing species data.  相似文献   

In the past decade, there has been growing concern about the rapid degradation of marine ecosystems due to anthropogenic causes. Consequently, identifying priority areas for the conservation of marine biodiversity has become a crucial conservation issue. Taking into account the influence of human population density, we performed complementarity analyses to identify priority areas for the conservation of all coastal marine vertebrate species in Chile (265 species), and evaluated congruence among the different target groups. The distribution ranges of all species were digitized in a geographic information system and analyses were performed on latitudinal bands of 0.5°. Our results show that 12 latitudinal bands (∼16% of all latitudinal bands) are necessary to conserve at least one population of each species. Ten of these bands are irreplaceable, whereas two are flexible. Many of the irreplaceable sites lie within areas that have high human population density. In order to conserve all threatened and endemic species, six and three latitudinal bands are needed, respectively. Four latitudinal bands are needed to represent all species of fish, reptiles, and mammals, whereas nine bands are needed to protect all bird species. Taking flexible sites into account, reserve networks that meet the minimum representation goal for each taxonomic group, and for threatened and endemic species, represent subsets of the 12 latitudinal band network selected for all species. Spatial congruence among reserve networks selected for each target group was relatively low and only significantly higher than random in 9 out of 21 pairwise comparisons. However, with the exception of reptiles, conservation areas selected for different surrogate groups represented other groups relatively well, compared to randomly selected sites.  相似文献   

The present study is the first to determine priorities for the location of marine reserves using spatial prioritization software in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. We used biophysical data from visual census surveys on: fish species abundance, presence of various habitat types, and percent coverage of seagrasses and canopy algae. Efficient conservation planning requires spatially explicit information on how proposed management will affect stakeholders, which in this region was very limited. We created novel socio-economic cost indices to account for fisheries and tourists. Our fishing metrics were based on fisher behaviour including information on the location of ports and areas often inaccessible to fishers due to high wind exposure. We developed a cost index for tourism based on the availability of beds for tourists. We examined how the spatial priorities for marine reserves varied using different combinations of these socio-economic cost metrics. We found about 17% of sites were a high priority regardless of which cost metric was used. We also compared, for the first time in the Mediterranean, our results devised using systematic conservation planning approaches with priorities developed by two non-systematic methods, the Natura 2000 proposed marine reserves and sites that local fishers proposed for protection. Only a few sites identified by our approach were the same as those recommended as part of Natura 2000 or the fishers’ proposals. This suggests that much more work is needed to harmonise existing proposals with the principles of efficient systematic conservation planning.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of marine reserve protection on the biodiversity of aquatic assemblages (i.e. nekton) in subtropical eastern Australia was examined within two small (<6 km2) marine reserves and four non-reserve areas. The two marine reserves, and their corresponding non-reserves, were located in different geographical locations within Moreton Bay (north and south) and sites were surveyed with multiple hauls of a seine net. Species richness, evenness, density and mean size of the inshore communities were compared between the reserves and non-reserves. No statistical significant difference was detected in species richness between the areas however species evenness was significantly lower in the only non-reserve site impacted by commercial net fishing. Mean size of nekton was found to be significantly greater in the marine reserves compared to non-reserves but no statistical significant difference was found in the density of nekton between the study sites. Multivariate analysis revealed differences in community composition, particularly between the geographical locations where areas were impacted by different types of fishing pressure (recreational v commercial). These results highlight the impact commercial fishing can have on entire nekton assemblages, not just on targeted species. Our study demonstrates that the small marine reserves in Moreton Bay are protecting marine biodiversity and are thus at least partially achieving their management objective (to enhance the zone’s marine biodiversity).  相似文献   

We assessed home range size for breeding loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) near the limit of the species range at the Greek island of Zakynthos in the Mediterranean. Thirteen adult females and seven adult males were tracked using GPS units (loggers and transmitters) during May and June of 2006, 2007 and 2008. Kernel analysis indicated that core home range sizes (50% estimator; range: 2.9-19.7 km2) for both males and females were restricted to a 7.5 km tract of coastline. 15% of GPS locations fell outside of the national park protection zones, while within the protected breeding area 88% of GPS locations occurred in zones of minimal protection. Female home ranges were 64% larger in 2008 than in 2006 and 2007, indicating that several years monitoring may be required for the most effective designation of marine protected areas (MPAs). Ten of the tracked females departed the core breeding area on 15 occasions for periods of 1-15 days travelling distances of 10-100 km, although none nested at alternative breeding sites. The inter-annual variability of breeding area home range size and likelihood of incidence of forays appeared be correlated with barometric pressure. The movement responses of loggerheads to environmental conditions implicates an ability to switch nesting areas over small scales in response to climate change. However, such behaviour suggests the protection of existing core breeding sites may be inadequate, with policy makers being required to consider the protection of broader areas to encompass potential changes in the habitat needs of this species.  相似文献   

The role of marine protected areas in conserving fish stocks and their potential influence on adjacent fisheries was studied at Malindi and Watamu Marine National Parks, Kenya (established in 1968). For most species catch per unit effort (CPUE) in traditional Dema traps fished across park boundaries was higher within the parks (up to an order of magnitude). However, a few species (e.g., the seagrass parrotfish, Leptoscarus vaigensis and the whitespotted rabbitfish, Siganus sutor, WSR) had higher seasonal CPUE outside the parks. Potential spillover of fishes from the parks to adjacent fished areas was tested with a logistic “decay” model of density gradients (CPUE) across park borders from fringing and patch reefs. A steep decay in CPUE off the Malindi patch reef suggested little spillover of most species. However, greater spillover was suggested off fringing reefs. Species differences were evident. The two most important commercial species showed different density gradients. Species diversity declined more abruptly off the fringing reefs. We conclude that although spillover of most species from the parks is limited, the most important commercial species exhibits significant spillover to adjacent fisheries and the Parks likely comprise important nursery and growth areas for other species.  相似文献   

The growing concern about the profound influence of human activities on marine ecosystems has been the driving force behind the creation of marine reserves in the last few decades. With almost 4200 km of coastline, Chile has not been the exception to this trend. A set of conservation priority sites has recently been proposed by the Chilean government to expand the current marine reserve network. In this study, we used the most comprehensive information currently available on the distribution of 2513 marine species in Chile to assess the efficiency of the existing system of marine protected areas (MPA) and the conservation priority sites identified by the government. Additionally, we evaluated the vulnerability of the reserve network selected with respect to threatening human activities. Our results show that both the existing protected areas and the proposed priority sites are relatively effective at protecting Chilean marine biodiversity. However, the majority of the species that are not represented within the existing or projected MPA network have very restricted distributions and are, therefore, of high conservation concern. To cover all species requires a network of 35 MPAs (46% of the total number of planning units). Many of the sites identified as irreplaceable present conflict with one or more human activities, particularly in the central region of the country. This study emphasizes the need for a systematic conservation planning approach to maximize the representation of species and prioritize those areas where conflicts between marine biodiversity conservation and human activities may occur.  相似文献   

The Gully, a submarine canyon off eastern Canada, was nominated as a pilot Marine Protected Area (MPA) in 1998, largely to safeguard the vulnerable population of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) found there. The boundaries and ultimate management regime for the MPA for this area remain under review. We have estimated the energy consumption of bottlenose whales in the Gully based on the number of whales present at any time, their trophic level, the food requirements of each whale, and the rates of energy transfer between trophic levels. These calculations suggest that there must be a substantial spatial subsidy in the underlying foodweb of the submarine canyon to support the bottlenose whales using the Gully. A substantial area beyond the distribution of bottlenose whales in the area will therefore require protection. Conservation priorities to protect such subsidies will primarily involve additional protection at the level of the sea floor. Spatial subsidies are probably common in the marine environment, urging careful ecological analysis in the establishment of marine reserves and suggesting that conservation priorities need to take into account key ecological linkages and processes that are vital for sustaining species and habitats of concern.  相似文献   

Zoning schemes that are becoming an important management tool in large marine reserves, are difficult to implement in small reef areas. At the 3.4 km long reef of Eilat (Red Sea), a small (ca. 350 m of coastline) enclosure strategy has been enforced since 1992, while the remaining reef was left open to intense human activities. Here we have investigated for 2.5 y three populations of the branching coral Stylophora pistillata (3605 colonies) in a locality within the enclosed area (site NR) and in two areas open to the public, by tossing random quadrats at the shallow lagoonar zone (0.5-1.5 m depth). In the two open sites we found significantly higher levels of colony breakage (14-34% vs. 4-9% in the enclosed site), lower partial mortality levels of colonies (in the first 1.5 y; 7-9% vs. 23-30% at NR), higher recruitment (up to 3.0 vs. up to 0.9 colonies/m 2), 50% reduction in coral life span (10 vs. 20 y) and an estimated extinction period of 9-10 y for new cohorts as compared to >20 y in the enclosed site. Average colony size and maximal colony size were about half in the open sites. Live coverage fluctuated widely in all sites but was 3 times higher in the enclosed area (1.0-3.0% vs. 0.3-1.1%). Log-transformed size frequency distributions revealed, at the open sites, a shift from small towards medium-size classes and at the enclosed site, a shift from larger to medium size classes. We conclude that the enclosure of a limited core zone, although improved some ecological parameters, was not sufficient to compensate for stress imposed by anthropogenic activities. It is suggested to employ active restoration approaches, such as the “gardening concept”, as supplementary management tools.  相似文献   

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