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Aerial spore concentration of Uncinula necator (the causal agent of grape powdery mildew), weather data and cropping practices were monitored during two consecutive seasons in two vineyards of the Bordeaux area. During days with no rain, spore dispersal was mainly diurnal and showed variations that followed the same pattern as that of wind speed, and a reverse pattern to that of relative humidity. Light falls of rain, of approximately 2 mm, coincided with increased spore densities in the air. Pesticide sprays using high pressure equipment generated high wind speeds at the canopy level. This may trigger high spore dispersal. High conidial stocks were produced under spontaneous conditions in the canopy. These stocks were released only under particular events, such as heavy rains, or pesticide applications with high pressure sprayers. Other cropping practices causing leaf shaking, such as pruning, may enhance spore dispersal. Over the observation period, the onset of spore dispersal was observed during a period with no rain following a rainy period, suggesting the detrimental effect of rains on epidemic onset. Epidemiological and disease management implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of apple cultivar on the distribution of Amblyseius andersoni was studied in an experimental orchard where tetranychids were virtually absent and eriophyids reached low to moderate populations. Seven apple scab-resistant cultivars, showing some differences in their leaf morphology, were compared. Each cultivar was grafted onto three different rootstocks inducing increasing vigor. The intraplant distribution of A. andersoni was also studied by monitoring predator densities on basal and apical leaves. In the first year, the colonization of different cultivars by A. andersoni showed definite patterns, sometimes associated with the abundance of the eriophyid Aculus schlechtendali. In the second experimental season, eriophyids reached negligible levels and the effect of cultivar on A. andersoni abundance was less clear. Florina and N.Y. 18491 cultivars were colonized in both years by relatively high phytoseiid numbers, while TSR 29T219 and Priscilla showed low populations in at least one season. The results observed on the remaining cultivars were intermediate or indefinite. The role of leaf pubescence on phytoseiid colonization is discussed.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a laboratory induction of a malathion - resistant strain in Amblyseius cydnodactylon Shehata & Zaher and effect of selection on reproduction. Initially 500 sensitive females obtained from a laboratory mass culture were exposed to malathion at LC70. Subsequent selections were conducted every two generations at progressive LC70 values and number of eggs/female/day was recorded at each selection. Experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions of 24-28°C and 70-80 % R. H. The LC70 in the parent generation was 5.19 ppm and increased to 20 ppm in F4 selection generation. The dosage mortality relationships continued to increase up to a maximum of 282.3 ppm in F16. The rate of developing resistance increased from 1.75 folds in F2 to 1.97 folds in F4 and gradually reached a maximum of 54.39 folds in F16. There was an obvious decrease in reproduction corresponded to increasing resistance. For example, the number of eggs/female/day in F 16 was 8 eggs, contrasting 3 eggs in the parent generation.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a laboratory induction of a malathion - resistant strain in Amblyseius cydnodactylon Shehata & Zaher and effect of selection on reproduction. Initially 500 sensitive females obtained from a laboratory mass culture were exposed to malathion at LC70. Subsequent selections were conducted every two generations at progressive LC70 values and number of eggs/female/day was recorded at each selection. Experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions of 24-28°C and 70-80 % R. H. The LC70 in the parent generation was 5.19 ppm and increased to 20 ppm in F4 selection generation. The dosage mortality relationships continued to increase up to a maximum of 282.3 ppm in F16. The rate of developing resistance increased from 1.75 folds in F2 to 1.97 folds in F4 and gradually reached a maximum of 54.39 folds in F16. There was an obvious decrease in reproduction corresponded to increasing resistance. For example, the number of eggs/female/day in F 16 was 8 eggs, contrasting 3 eggs in the parent generation.  相似文献   

The effect of apple cultivar on the distribution of Amblyseius andersoni was studied in an experimental orchard where tetranychids were virtually absent and eriophyids reached low to moderate populations. Seven apple scab-resistant cultivars, showing some differences in their leaf morphology, were compared. Each cultivar was grafted onto three different rootstocks inducing increasing vigor. The intraplant distribution of A. andersoni was also studied by monitoring predator densities on basal and apical leaves. In the first year, the colonization of different cultivars by A. andersoni showed definite patterns, sometimes associated with the abundance of the eriophyid Aculus schlechtendali. In the second experimental season, eriophyids reached negligible levels and the effect of cultivar on A. andersoni abundance was less clear. Florina and N.Y. 18491 cultivars were colonized in both years by relatively high phytoseiid numbers, while TSR 29T219 and Priscilla showed low populations in at least one season. The results observed on the remaining cultivars were intermediate or indefinite. The role of leaf pubescence on phytoseiid colonization is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of fungicides containing mancozeb or copper oxychloride, as principal active ingredients, on phytoseiid mites were investigated in a vineyard comprising four varieties (Prosecco, Cabernet Franc, Pinot gris and Merlot) and located in north-eastern Italy. Phytoseiid colonisation was different among the four varieties: Amblyseius andersoni and Kampimodromus aberrans were dominant on Pinot gris and Merlot, respectively, while Typhlodromus pyri was more common than the above species on Prosecco and Cabernet Franc. Applications of mancozeb fungicides significantly affected K. aberrans populations. Concerning T. pyri, a significant effect was observed on Cabernet but not on Prosecco. The effects of mancozeb fungicides on A. andersoni were less clear. The response of phytoseiids to fungicides containing mancozeb appeared to be mediated by the variety. Therefore, the choice of one or two varieties as a standard reference for field tests is recommended. These results also suggest that the side effects of fungicides on predatory mites should be studied on different phytoseiid species and, possibly, on susceptible and resistant strains in order to gain useful insights.  相似文献   

薰衣草油与肉桂油对朱砂叶螨的生物活性和行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确在室内条件下薰衣草油、肉桂油对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus(Boisduval)的生物活性,采用喷雾、熏蒸法测定了薰衣草油和肉桂油对朱砂叶螨的触杀活性、产卵抑制活性和熏蒸活性,并分析了2种精油的亚致死剂量对雌成螨运动行为的影响。结果表明:与肉桂油相比,薰衣草油对朱砂叶螨的触杀活性较强,经浓度为1%的薰衣草油喷雾处理后,雌成螨、若螨24 h后的死亡率分别为64.07%和52.22%,LC_(50)分别为0.41%和0.89%;浓度为2%的薰衣草油对雌成螨产卵的抑制作用最强;与肉桂油相比,薰衣草油的熏蒸活性也较强,熏蒸雌成螨6、12和24 h后的死亡率分别为70.37%、85.19%和95.19%,LD_(50)分别为0.94、0.59和0.39μL;随精油剂量增加雌成螨运动轨迹紊乱,触壁反射活动减少,移动范围明显减小,而移动频率先升高后降低。研究表明,与肉桂油相比,在朱砂叶螨的生物防治中薰衣草油具有更高的应用价值。  相似文献   

The food diversification strategy that can offer suitable nutrients as a diet for the natural enemies may possibly help to decrease pest populations by boosting the efficiency of predators. Therefore, my objective was to evaluate the effects of plant and animal diets on biological parameters of the phytoseiid mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans). This predator that is a natural enemy of mites was reared on plant pollens (maize (Zea mays L.), sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), and rose (Rosa multiflora Thunb.), offered alone, and in combination with the prey mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank). Results showed that N. cucumeris fed, developed and reproduced better when it was provided with plant and animal diets together, compared to pollens offered alone. The predator showed the most efficient capability for completion of life parameters (development, survival, fecundity, oviposition, longevity and instantaneous rate of increase) with maize and mungbean ingested pollens in combination with T. putrescentiae. The least competency was observed on cucumber and rose pollens used separately. The lowest developmental time of the predator from neonate larva to adult emergence, the highest immature survivorship, higher fecundity, long oviposition period, and the highest adult female's life span were observed when offered maize pollens along with T. putrescentiae compared to other treatments. Accordingly, the instantaneous rate of population increase (ri) day?1 was surpassed by N. cucumeris for the combination of pollen and T. putrescentiae diets than pollens utilized alone. It is determined that N. cucumeris can reproduce and develop more successfully on a food complex consisting of pollen and animal diets than any single diet. These findings reveal that pollen can be used by N. cucumeris as a suitable alternative food in periods when prey in the field is sparse or absent. Moreover, such propensity of predators to feed on food from plant origin increases their survival during periods when prey is locally scarce, but natural enemies might occur at the expense of an ability to utilize food as efficiently as specialized predators to boost the management strategies of pest species in field's ecosystem.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium vitis causes crown gall disease on grapevines. It also induces a specific necrosis on grape roots and a hypersensitive response (HR) on tobacco that are regulated by a complex quorum-sensing regulatory system. Strain F2/5 produces at least six N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) that function as signal molecules in quorum-sensing. The AHLs differ in acyl side chain length (8–16 carbons) as determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Mutant derivatives of F2/5 differ in ability to cause necrosis and the HR and show variable AHL profiles as determined by a thin-layer chromatography/biosensor assay. All wildtype A. vitis strains revealed the presence of long-chain AHLs regardless of tumorigenicity or ability to cause the HR. Whereas genes encoding long-chain AHLs are predicted to reside on the F2/5 chromosome, the determinants for short-chain AHLs were shown to be located on conjugal plasmids.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Citrus red mite, Panonychus citri (McGregor), is a key pest of San Joaquin Valley California citrus. Spirodiclofen was registered for mite control in 2007, and spirotetramat for scale control in 2008. Because of the potential for resistance to spirodiclofen to develop in spider mites, and cross‐resistance to spirotetramat used for other citrus pests, bioassay methods for resistance monitoring were developed. RESULTS: The responses of four populations of adult female, egg and larval stages of P. citri to spirodiclofen were compared to determine the most robust bioassay method for this pesticide. Adult females responded with a higher LC99 and larval stages exhibited higher control mortality and a lower slope of response compared with the egg stage. Thus, the egg stage was found to be the most suitable stage for testing. Egg production and egg shape were significantly affected by spirodiclofen treatment of adult female mites. Bioassays with the related compound spirotetramat revealed that P. citri egg hatch was less affected by this compound, requiring the assessment of mortality to be extended to 11 days after treatment when the hatched larvae succumbed to the pesticide. Discriminating concentrations of 10 ppm for spirodiclofen and 31.6 ppm for spirotetramat in an 11 day bioassay were tested against eight field populations of P. citri, and 99–100% mortality resulted. CONCLUSION: These results provide a baseline for the response of P. citri to spirodiclofen and spirotetramat that will aid resistance management in California citrus. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effects of the botanical insecticides Biopiren plus, Piresan plus and Neemazal T/S on the predatory mite Amblyseius andersoni (Chant) were tested under laboratory, semi-field, and field conditions. The tests carried out in the laboratory allowed detection of the direct toxicity on eggs and females as well as the effects on fecundity, whereas semi-field trials assessed their residual toxicity. In laboratory and semi-field tests, pyrethrins, particularly Piresan plus, proved to have the highest toxicity with E value, concerning both female mortality and fecundity, of 100% and 45%, respectively. The same product tested in the field only caused a significant reduction in the phytoseiid population shortly after the treatment. The relevant escape rate registered in semi-field tests could explain the lack of phytoseiid eradication in the field after treatment with pyrethrins.  相似文献   

The effects of the botanical insecticides Biopiren plus, Piresan plus and Neemazal T/S on the predatory mite Amblyseius andersoni (Chant) were tested under laboratory, semi-field, and field conditions. The tests carried out in the laboratory allowed detection of the direct toxicity on eggs and females as well as the effects on fecundity, whereas semi-field trials assessed their residual toxicity. In laboratory and semi-field tests, pyrethrins, particularly Piresan plus, proved to have the highest toxicity with E value, concerning both female mortality and fecundity, of 100% and 45%, respectively. The same product tested in the field only caused a significant reduction in the phytoseiid population shortly after the treatment. The relevant escape rate registered in semi-field tests could explain the lack of phytoseiid eradication in the field after treatment with pyrethrins.  相似文献   

为明确植物源活性物质姜黄素对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus的杀螨作用机理,克隆并分析了6条朱砂叶螨几丁质酶基因(TcCHTs)的cDNA序列,利用RT-qPCR技术,测定了不同发育阶段的螨体内几丁质酶基因表达的情况,同时研究了姜黄素作用下几丁质酶基因表达的变化。结果表明:6条几丁质酶基因(TcCHIT1、TcCHIT2、TcCHIT3、TcCHT4、TcCHT5和TcCHT6)有不同的结构域,预测其蛋白质分子质量分别为60.80、69.03、104.32、59.75、45.63和49.05 kDa,等电点分别为5.44、8.65、6.23、6.07、6.12和8.27。6条基因的表达量均为幼螨和若螨时期显著高于卵和成螨时期。不同浓度姜黄素处理朱砂叶螨若螨24 h后,6条基因的表达量均有不同程度下调,其中TcCHIT1和TcCHT5的下调更为显著。研究结果表明,姜黄素对朱砂叶螨的杀螨作用机制之一可能是通过抑制几丁质酶的活性,进而影响几丁质的降解过程,最终因螨体壁受损而导致螨不能正常生长发育。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The nutritional quality of pollen was assessed measuring biomass and body size of freshly emerged, 1, 3, and 30 day old adult Amblyseius swirskii...  相似文献   

A strain of Tetranychus urticae (Koch; Acari: Tetranychidae), collected from hops (Humulus humuli L; Cannabaceae) in England with a short history of tebufenpyrad use, exhibited resistance to four METI (mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor)-acaricides; tebufenpyrad, pyridaben, fenazaquin and fenpyroximate. Resistance factors for these compounds in a microimmersion assay were 46, 346, 168 and 77 respectively, and corresponded to those exhibited by a Japanese METI-acaricide-resistant reference strain. Levels of resistance remained stable without further selection, and selection with tebufenpyrad did not increase them. The UK strain was also resistant (c 6-fold) to bifenthrin. Crosses of homozygous, diploid females with hemizygous, haploid males showed that, in the UK strain, METI-acaricide resistance was paternally and maternally inherited, and was an incompletely dominant trait. Another tebufenpyrad-resistant strain from the UK, originating from a chrysanthemum nursery (Chrysanthemum foeniculaceum Giseke; Asteraceae) was collected eight months later at a site c 210 km distant from the first. These are the first published incidences of METI-acaricide resistance in Europe and implications for the future use of these compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

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