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“形象战略”在旅游地的发展过程中起着举足轻重的作用,它是旅游目的地在激烈的客源市场竞争中取得胜利的关键。然而,官方、专家苦心打造出来的旅游目的地“策划形象”,可能并不一定是旅游者眼中的目的地形象,并且也不一定能被旅游者所感知,文中在进行了大量的调查后,发现重庆的旅游形象营销策略存在宣传不到位、政府与企业在宣传时步调不统一、缺乏对旅游形象的动态管理等一系列问题。由此,提出了相应的解决措施,希冀为重庆旅游形象营销战略提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

伴随改革开放发展起来的城镇,在农村迈向现代化的征途中,发挥着越来越重要的作用。而作为城镇建设的成就性标志,内在反映着城镇居民的生活状况与精神风貌,外在凸显着城镇个性化特征的城镇形象,在其塑造上却明显滞后于城镇数量的增加和规模的扩大。如何创建与塑造良好...  相似文献   

县域经济是指在县域范围内以城镇为中心,农村为基础,由各种经济成分有机构成的一种区域性经济。改革开放以来,伴随着内蒙古自治区乡镇企业的快速崛起,县域经济曾一度非常活跃,成为推动内蒙古国民经济快速增长的重要支柱。但是,在体制转轨和买方市场条件下,相当一部分旗县工业的发展受到较大冲击,县域经济面临的困难也愈来愈多,成为各级党委、政府下大力气解决的重点和难点。  相似文献   

重庆作为农村人口多,地域分布复杂西部的直辖市,正处于加速城镇一体化建设的关键时期,作为重庆的高等职业院校,紧密结合西部地区经济发展模式,社会产业结构模式,发挥高等职业院校的社会服务功能,推动重庆城乡统筹和城乡一体化建设。  相似文献   

加快重庆城市化进程实现长江上游经济带的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江上游沿江经济带的发展,实质上就是依托长江上游水系和综合运输通道,以中心城市为增长点,带动周围地区联动发展。重庆是长江上游最大的工商业重镇和港口城市,也是西部地区唯一的直辖市。重庆自直辖以来,城市建设和发展取得了显著成绩,但与发达地区相比,仍存在较大差距。主要表现在城市发育不充分,城镇规模、等级序列不完善、结构失衡,城市化滞后于经济发展和工业化,城镇管理水平低等方面。城市化严重滞后,成为  相似文献   

异国形象是形象学研究的基本对象。这种形象并非异国现实的复呈,而是形象塑造者根据自己的理解和欲求创造出来的。不同文化之间在交流的时候经常存在误读现象,比如中国形象在欧洲的不同时期就呈现出多样化的图像,既有真实的记录,亦有想象、虚构和误读。由于民族情绪的存在和历史上不同文化之间冲突的影响,使人们把误读等同为误解、误会。而从比较文学形象学的角度出发,揭示不同文化之间的先天性差异才是文化误读的根源。因此,正视误读的必然存在,认真探求误读形成的原因和动机,将误读看成是了解自身、了解他者、推动民族交流的工具。  相似文献   

吕晓莉 《抓住西部大开发机遇 力促屏山经济大发展》 2000.6范 明 《加快城镇建设 激活桐柏县域经济》 2001.2李兴俭 《抓住西部大开发机遇 促进河南省经济腾飞》 2001.9  相似文献   

<正>城镇化是人类生产方式和生活方式由农耕文化向工业文明转变,由乡村型向城市型转换的必然过程,是第二产业、第三产业不断向城镇集聚农村人口逐渐向非农产业和城镇转移,使城镇数量增加、规模扩大。加快新型城镇化建设,对于促进城乡统筹发展,带动县域经济又好又快发展具有重要意义。近期,我们采取实地调查、走访、召开座谈会等形式,对桃花江镇新型城镇化建设情况进行了深入调研,并结合本地实际作初步探讨。1基本情况  相似文献   

草业是生产饲草饲料、开发饲料资源,促进农收业发展的新产业。笔者通过对吉林省中西部地区的主要饲料资源、利用现状及开发潜力的分析,探讨了牧区、半农半牧区、农区和城镇草业开发建设的中心任务及其措施。牧区应加强草地的管理与改造,提高草地生产力;半农半牧区应实行粮草轮作制,增加饲料来源;农区应推广玉米高梁秸秆的青贮,提高秸秆的饲料利用率,城镇应根据资源种类,办起多种形式的饲料加工企业。  相似文献   

中国狼文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本全面探讨了狼与人的关系,这种关系既包括几千年来狼与人的种种错综复杂的关系,也包括人应以怎样的观点去认识和处理未来社会中人与狼的关系。狼在中华民族的主流传统化中是一种“恶”的形象,但在少数民族、少数地区也存在着“狼图腾”崇拜;由于化的作用,“狼恶”被夸大,影响了人们对狼的客观了解与认识;“狼恶”还是“狼善”应因时因地因事而异;人正确地认识和处理人与狼的关系,是保持社会持续发展的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

24种多年生优良牧草不同播期试验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
引进24种优良牧草在海北州西海镇进行了为期两年的不同播期小区种植试验。结果表明:春季播种比夏季播种更有利于各种牧草的生长发育和提高牧草的越冬成活率,临冬寄籽播种对部分禾本科牧草是可行的且比春季播种生长当年有更优异的表现。通过对各种牧草生长发育状况的观测和分析,比较其在越冬性能和产量方面的表现,选择确定了9种适宜在本地部分地区推广种植的草种(品种)。  相似文献   

23种多年生牧草在西海镇的引种试验结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年引进23种多年生牧草在海北州西海镇进行了为期两年的小区种植试验。结果表明:在当地气候条件下,种植当年大部分牧草生长良好,而越冬性能因草种不同而有很大差异;生长第二年,能够返青的牧草生长高度和产量有大幅度增加,覆盖度受越冬率的影响较大;依据供试牧草的综合表现,筛选出适合当地种植的5种牧草。  相似文献   

This study uses computed tomography and computer aided design software (I-DEAS(tm)) for the development of a three-dimensional electronic solids model of the lower limb of the horse. Data from two millimeter transverse contiguous slices of the distal forelimb of a yearling horse were acquired from a computed tomographic scanner and then transferred to a computer system via magnetic tape. Outline of the bony tissue for each scan slice was first obtained with a feature extraction algorithm. A solids model for each skeletal segment of the specimen was then reconstructed with I-DEAS(tm) and subsequently displayed with various graphics options. The reconstructed electronic solids model would be useful for the study of 3D joint mechanics and finite element analysis of the bony structures, as well as for diagnostic purposes providing CT images could be obtained antemortem.  相似文献   

We compared the accuracy of five veterinary radiologists when reading 20 radiographic cases on both analog film and in camera‐digitized format. In addition, we compared the ability of five veterinary radiologists vs. 10 private practice veterinarians to interpret the analog images. Interpretation accuracy was compared using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Veterinary radiologists' accuracy did not significantly differ between analog vs. camera‐digitized images (P=0.13) although sensitivity was higher for analog images. Radiologists' interpretation of both digital and analog images was significantly better compared with the private veterinarians (P<0.05).  相似文献   

重庆主城区城市绿地景观格局分析及综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿地景观是城市生态系统的生态基础,人类赖以生存的基质与环境,城市生物多样性的载体,文章选取了破碎度、分散度等指标对重庆都市区城市绿地的现状和特征进行了简要的分析,对其进行了综合评价,并在此基础上对重庆城市绿地建设提出了初步的建议。  相似文献   

The equine small intestine is challenging to evaluate ultrasonographically. In humans, hydrosonography has been used to improve ultrasonographic images of the small intestine. We hypothesized that fasting horses for 24 h would enhance the ability to image the small intestine transabdominally by separating intestinal loops and reducing intraluminal gas, and that the administration of intragastric contrast agent would further improve that ability. Ten healthy horses were examined ultrasonographically under three treatment conditions: (a) regular diet, (b) after a 24‐h fast, and (c) fasted plus intragastric administration of water and mineral oil. During each phase of the study, 30‐s video clips were obtained from four predetermined abdominal windows, and were examined to determine diagnostic quality. Fasting improved the ability to obtain high‐quality images of the small intestine significantly. The addition of contrast agent resulted in qualitative improvement in image quality, but differences did not result in statistically significant improvement.  相似文献   

Per  Eksell  DVM  Sten  Carlsson  PhD  Peter  Lord  BVSc  FRCVS  Johan  Carlsten  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2000,41(4):365-370
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a digital filter on the detectability of a phantom lesion in a scintigram of the equine tarsus. Lateral images containing 50, 100, 150, 500, or 1000 kcounts were acquired. A created phantom lesion of 0 (normal), 10, 15, 20, or 30% increased intensity relative to local background was placed in the centrodistal tarsal joint area in the images of different count levels. Duplicate images were filtered with a Metz filter. The complete set of filtered and unfiltered images totaling 180 images was projected as slides to a group of 9 observers. The sensitivity in 50 and 100 kcount images was improved by applying the filter. Digital filtering increased the false positive fraction at all count levels but this effect was most pronounced in 500 and 1000 kcount images. Based on receiver operating characteristic analysis, filtering of a 50 kcount image improved image quality to that of a 150 kcount image.  相似文献   

文化意象的差异往往导致传递过程中的语义缺省和冲突.本文就文化意象的传递和翻译问题进行了探讨,强调译者应提高跨文化意识,结合异化和归化两种互惠互补的翻译策略,实现文化传真.  相似文献   

An estimate of the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue at differing positions around the body was required in a study examining body composition. To eliminate human error associated with the manual placement of markers for measurements and to facilitate the collection of data from a large number of animals and image slices, automation of the process was desirable. The open-source and free image analysis program ImageJ was used. A macro procedure was created that provided the required functionality. The macro performs a number of basic image processing procedures. These include an initial process designed to remove the scanning table from the image and to center the animal in the image. This is followed by placement of a vertical line segment from the mid point of the upper border of the image to the image center. Measurements are made between automatically detected outer and inner boundaries of subcutaneous adipose tissue along this line segment. This process was repeated as the image was rotated (with the line position remaining unchanged) so that measurements around the complete circumference were obtained. Additionally, an image was created showing all detected boundary points so that sites of measurement could be checked by visual inspection. This paper provides a detailed account of this macro, illustrates the effect of its components on the image, and the applicability of standard image processing techniques to veterinary imaging.  相似文献   

Our goal was to develop and validate a technique to identify the sentinel lymph nodes of the mammary glands of healthy dogs with contrast‐enhanced ultrasound, and evaluate the feasibility of obtaining representative samples of a sentinel lymph node under ultrasound guidance using a new biopsy device. Three healthy intact female adult hounds were anesthetized and each received an injection of octafluoropropane‐filled lipid microspheres and a separate subcutaneous injection of methylene blue dye around a mammary gland. Ultrasound was then used to follow the contrast agent through the lymphatic channel to the sentinel lymph node. Lymph node biopsy was performed under ultrasound guidance, followed by an excisional biopsy of the lymph nodes and a regional mastectomy procedure. Excised tissues were submitted for histopathologic examination and evaluated as to whether they were representative of the node. The ultrasound contrast agent was easily visualized with ultrasound leading up to the sentinel lymph nodes. Eight normal lymph nodes (two inguinal, one axillary in two dogs; two inguinal in one dog) were identified and biopsied. Lymphoid tissue was obtained from all biopsy specimens. Samples from four of eight lymph nodes contained both cortical and medullary lymphoid tissue. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound can be successfully used to image and guide minimally invasive biopsy of the normal sentinel lymph nodes draining the mammary glands in healthy dogs. Further work is needed to evaluate whether this technique may be applicable in patients with breast cancer or other conditions warranting evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in animals.  相似文献   

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