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Abstract— —The different cellular elements which are encountered in vaginal smears made during pre-oestrum, oestrous and metoestrum and the degree of variation during these phases, are discussed.
Résumé— —Les différents éléments cellulaires se trouvant dans les macules vaginales durant les phases préoestrus, oestrus et postoestrus et le degré de variations durant ces phases, sont discutés.
Zusammenfassung— —Es werden die verschiedenartigen Zellengrundstoffe, die vor, während und in der transzendentalen Brunstperiode in Scheidenausstrichen vorgefunden werden und der Variationsbreitengrad während dieser Stadien besprochen.  相似文献   

附红细胞体感染犬主要血液生理生化指标   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了给附红细胞体的致病性研究提供科学参数 ,对 180只附红细胞体中度 -重度自然感染犬 (德国牧羊犬 80只 ,拉布拉多犬 6 0只 ,史宾格犬 4 0只 )的生理生化指标进行了测定。结果表明 ,与正常指标比较 ,感染犬体温升高 ,脉搏、呼吸加快 ,红细胞、红细胞压积、血红蛋白、淋巴细胞均低于正常 ,血清总胆红素、血清总蛋白、白蛋白、白球比值、乳酸脱氢酶、γ-谷氨酰转肽酶及尿酸降低 ,血清碱性磷酸酶、总胆汁酸、血糖、肌酸激酶升高 ,谷草转氨酶、血钾、血钠、血钙略升高  相似文献   

犬瘟热病毒细胞受体研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
犬瘟热病毒是一种引起犬类、毛皮动物、野生动物和部分海洋哺乳动物发生多系统感染的病毒性传染病。犬瘟热的宿主范围和组织嗜性主要由其感染动物的细胞表面受体决定。目前,已经确认的犬瘟热受体有信号淋巴细胞激活因子。为了更好地对犬瘟热病毒的受体进行研究,就当前犬瘟热病毒的受体研究进行综述。  相似文献   

应用犬细小病毒(CPV)细胞毒,F81细胞系传代培养增殖病毒,以该细胞毒液经甲醛灭活后制备成蜂胶佐剂灭活抗原,用以免疫山羊,观察其免疫效果.结果显示,以5mL/只恒定剂量接种山羊,经4次连续免疫后CPV抗体水平整体较低,第28天测定HI效价在27(1∶3128),而以5mL/只递增剂量4次连续免疫山羊后,抗体水平整体较高,第28天测定,抗体HI效价在29(1∶512),较恒定剂量免疫组高2个滴度水平.结果表明,采用犬细小病毒细胞毒蜂胶佐剂灭活抗原高免山羊可获得高效价的特异性抗血清.  相似文献   

Abstract— Anaesthesia for oesophageal surgery presents very few peculiar features, and any sound anaesthetic technique will provide satisfactory results. It is considered that relaxant drugs have a definite place in anaesthesia for this type of surgery.
Résumé— L'anesthésie pour la chirurgie oesophagiennc présente peu de particularity spéciales et une technique anesthésique parfaitedonn erait des réultats satisfaisants. II est généralement remarqué que les drogues relaxantes ont une place marquée dans l'anesthéie pour ce genre de chirurgie.
Zusammenfassung— Anästhesie bei Speiseröhrenoperationen ist von sehr wenigen besonderen Umständen begleitet und jede zuverlässige anästhetische Methode fiihrt zu zufriedenstellenden Resultatcn. Eine definitive Stellung wird den Entspannungsdrogen für die Anästhesie bei Operationen dieser Art eingeräumt.  相似文献   

In the present study, 15 canine ovaries without morphological lesions were examined histologically and immunohistochemically by using a large number of proteins including AE1/AE3, cytokeratin7 (CK7), CK13, CK20, vimentin, desmin, alpha smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA), calponin, S100, Neurofilaments, Inhibinalpha, placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and neuron-specific enolase. Ovarian structures observed in this study included surface epithelium (SE), cortical tubules (CT), tunica albuginea (TA), stromal cells (SC), internal endocrine cells (IE), rete ovarii (RO) and fallopian tubes (FT). SE, CT, RO and FT were broadly immunoreactive for desmin. Besides AE1/AE3 and vimentin, desmin was also closely linked to these structures. Rete ovarii forming a reticular structure showed a positive reaction to S100. Surface epithelium was immunoreactive for PLAP at a significantly high level. In conclusion, these results indicate a specific segment of immunoreactivity as well as the broad range of immunoreactivity in canine ovary. The distinct patterns of immunoreactive for various kinds of proteins will play an important role in facilitating their identification and discrimination even in a normal canine ovary with a complex structure.  相似文献   

A stable cortical bone fracture model was developed to evaluate the remodeling rate of cortical bone grafts. Samples of cortical bone were harvested with a trephine and press fit into predrilled holes in the femoral diaphyses of four live dogs. The percentages of new bone, unremodeled graft bone, porosity, forming bone surface area, and resorbing bone surface area were determined morphometrically and compared in cortical autografts, cortical allografts sterilized with 84% ethylene oxide (EO), and allografts sterilized with 12% EO. The host-graft interfaces healed without formation of fibrous tissue or cartilage, indicating a stable fracture surface. The amount of new bone formed in cortical autografts and allografts sterilized with 84% EO was significantly greater than the amount of new bone in allografts sterilized with 12% EO. There was no significant difference between the amounts of new bone formed in the allografts sterilized with 84% EO and the cortical autografts. No significant differences were detected in percentages of porosity or bone surface areas.  相似文献   

Objective— To describe the cytologic and histopathologic appearance of degenerate disk material in dogs with Hansen type I intervertebral disk disease (IVDD).
Study Design— Case series.
Animals— Dogs (n=45) that had surgical intervention for Hansen type I IVDD (January–November 2007).
Methods— Impression smears and histopathologic sections were prepared from surgically removed degenerate disk material. All slides were evaluated for overall cellularity, quantity and attributes of extracellular matrix, types of cells present, and their cytomorphology. Histopathologic sections were also examined for presence of neovascularization and hemorrhage.
Results— Cytologically, 11 of 45 samples consisted of only extracellular matrix, 30 had evidence of inflammation, and 20 contained dysplastic spindloid cells. Histologically, hyaline cartilage predominated in 35 of 45 samples, fibrocartilage in 4, and spindloid cells in 6; 37 of 45 were inflamed, 37 were hemorrhagic, and 13 had neovascularization.
Conclusions— The cytologic and histopathologic appearance of extruded degenerate disk material in dogs is variable and can include dysplastic spindloid cells.
Clinical Relevance— The variability in cytologic findings and frequent presence of dysplastic spindloid cells suggest that cytology alone may not be a reliable tool to differentiate degenerate canine disk material from a mesenchymal neoplasm.  相似文献   

为快速检测犬冠状病毒,研究利用胶体金免疫层析技术制备和评价犬冠状病毒抗原检测卡。试验通过将胶体金标记的CCV Ab1和鼠IgG涂布于聚酯纤维膜上作为标记垫,生物素耦联的CCV Ab2处理在样品垫上,链霉亲和素和羊抗鼠IgG包被于NC膜上分别为检测线和质控线,与吸水纸和PVC底板制备犬冠状病毒抗原胶体金检测卡,并对其评价。结果:该检测卡不与其他病毒发生交叉反应,可检测浓度低至2 ng/mL的样本,24月是稳定的。结论:该测试板具有良好的特异性、灵敏度、重复性和稳定性,并且与RT-qPCR的结果较符合。因此,该检测卡能快速、准确地检测犬冠状病毒,为动物临床诊断和治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨犬游离长段桡骨通过寄养在血运丰富的隐静脉旁使其血管化来修复开放性骨折造成的骨缺损的可行性。[方法]选取12只成年健康犬随机分为实验组与对照组,2组分别截取右侧前肢桡骨中段约15 mm的桡骨骨段。模拟车祸环境,将截取的长段桡骨放置于外界泥土中1 h,取回的骨块用大量生理盐水冲洗,并放置在10%聚维酮碘中浸泡5 min,之后使用生理盐水冲洗1 min,沥干备用。实验组将其包埋在血管丰富的隐静脉处,对照组放置于-80℃低温无菌保存。8周后取出骨块,植回原位修复犬桡骨骨缺损。回植后第6、12周观察桡骨的大体形态。第4、8、12周通过X射线观察修复效果,使用Lane-Sandhu X线评分标准进行评分。[结果]在同一时间段内,实验组桡骨骨缺损修复的效果均好于对照组。[结论]通过寄养血管化的长段骨和低温保存长段骨均可修复犬桡骨骨缺损,与-80℃保存的骨块相比血管化的长段骨具有愈合时间短、骨吸收少的优点。  相似文献   

Twenty-three canine pelves were tested bilaterally to determine the stiffness and strength of intact ilium and stabilized oblique iliac osteotomies that simulated a common clinical fracture. Fixation systems tested were three 4.0 mm cancellous screws inserted ventral to dorsal across the osteotomy site and one laterally placed five hole 3.5 mm dynamic compression plate. Specimens were mechanically tested to failure under torsional, axial, or axial plus bending loads. Lag screw fixation was stiffer and stronger than plate fixation in all testing modes. The differences were statistically significant (p less than .05) in the torsional and axial plus bending loading modes. Fatigue testing was performed on implanted specimens with low-level cyclic loading under axial plus bending loading conditions. Physiologic loading conditions failed to produce mechanical failure of either fixation system after 100,000 cycles.  相似文献   

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