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1暴发现场调查 湖北省宜都市高坝洲镇青林寺村紧靠清江,属高坝洲电站库区,柑橘生产历史悠久。柑橘是目前该村的经济的主导产业。全村951户,目前柑橘面积达到104.4hm^2,2008年产柑1522t,2009年产柑2637t,主要品种为温州蜜柑。  相似文献   

利用白芝麻、黑眼豇豆和洋酸浆等3种草本指示植物对从日本引进的8个特早熟温州蜜柑品系,进行温州蜜柑萎缩病毒感染情况的生物鉴定结果表明,供试品系都受到温州蜜柑萎缩病毒的感染,每个品系均可在2种以上的指示植物上表现典型症状。为此,提出引进日本柑橘繁殖材料应先通过热处理和茎尖微芽嫁接等技术脱毒后再繁殖推广。  相似文献   

从建园、定植、肥水管理、整形修剪、花果管理、病虫害防治等方面总结了温州蜜柑的栽培技术,为提升温州蜜柑栽培管理技术水平提供参考.  相似文献   

桔潜叶甲过去仅山地沙田柚、甜橙园局部有发生,2003年以后,在宜昌市西陵区窑湾乡沙河村、唐家湾村温州蜜柑园普遍发生,并且发生范围呈逐渐扩大、为害程度呈逐渐加重的趋势。1为害情况调查发现桔潜叶甲主要为害温州蜜柑嫩叶,严重影响桔叶的生长。2003年3月20日,随机调查平均百叶  相似文献   

柑橘是宜都市红花套镇的农业支柱产业,是农民致富奔小康的主要经济来源。2018年柑橘脂点黄斑病突然暴发成灾,2019年成为柑橘上的主要病害,给该镇柑橘产业造成了较为严重的损失。笔者通过实地调查,分析柑橘脂点黄斑病大发生原因,提出了适合该区域的绿色防控措施。  相似文献   

宜都蜜柑是湖北省宜都市目前主栽品种。到2009年底,栽培面积2万hm^2,产量45万t,柑橘产业已成为全市农村经济的支柱产业。宜都蜜柑果形端正,皮薄光滑,色泽鲜艳,汁多化渣,风味浓郁,香气宜人,营养丰富。2008年8月,被农业部确认为农产品地理标志登记产品(登记证书编号:AG100049)。2010年初,《宜都蜜柑》、《宜都蜜柑生产技术规程》双双升级为湖北省地方标准。  相似文献   

<正>2014年,宜都市植保站承担了全国农技推广中心和省植保总站安排的"柑橘病虫害专业化统防统治与绿色防控技术融合(以下简称融合)示范"工作。融合示范由宜都市创绿柑桔专业合作社(以下简称创绿合作社)全程承包,示范地点为市柑桔示范场和相邻的高坝洲镇白洪溪村,核心示范区面积133hm2,辐射面积1万hm2。通过精心组织、全力实施,现已顺利地完成了各项计划  相似文献   

宜都市柑橘病虫绿色防控技术示范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宜都地处鄂西南山区与江汉平原的过渡地带,境内兼有山区、岗地和平原,热量丰富,土地肥沃,是温州蜜柑生长的适宜区,2009年柑橘栽培面积30万hm2,产量45万t,柑橘产业系列产值突破15亿元,柑橘已成为宜都农业的重要支柱产业。  相似文献   

张太奇 《江西植保》2000,23(2):44-45,48
20世纪60年代以来,我国南方柑桔产区发生一种新的病害。该病主要危害温州蜜柑,引起叶片成失水状迅速凋萎,植株枯死,叶片常保持青色、卷曲干挂于枝上,因此命名为温州蜜柑青枯病。该病虽不常见,但局部发生时可造成死树毁园。位于赣粤边境全南县内的江西长城企业集团(原江西省八一垦殖场)下属杨溪农场龙头桔园,1993年以来连年发生温州蜜柑青枯病,至1998年底,已砍去死树及失去商品生产价值的病树2000余株,占该桔园总株数的1/3,给生产造成巨大损失。1 病原温州蜜柑青枯病病原目前尚不清楚。有人认为是嫁接不亲和引起的,也有人认为可能由某种病菌…  相似文献   

宜都市地处鄂西南山区与江汉平原的过渡地带,热量丰富,土地肥沃,是温州蜜柑生长适宜区.2012年,柑桔栽培面积2.07万hm2,产量55万t.柑桔已成为我市农业的支柱产业,是农民致富奔小康的重要经济来源.  相似文献   

The synthesis of o- and p-cyclohexyphenyl phosphorodichloridates and dichloridophosphorothioates and their conversion into the corresponding dimethyl phosphates, phosphorodihydrazides, and phosphorodihydrazones, is discussed. o- and p-Cyclohexylphenyl N-phenylphosphoramidic chlorides were converted to the hydrazide and the O-methyl ester. The phosphorodichloridates were converted to the dihydrogen phosphates, but the dichloridophosphorothioates could not be hydrolysed in an analogous manner. Structure-activity relationships have been briefly discussed; the most active compound was o-cyclohexylphenyl O-methyl phosphoroisopropylidene hydrazone.  相似文献   

The growth and phenological development of spring- and fall-planted Conyza canadensis and C. bonariensis were studied in Fresno, CA, USA. A glyphosate-resistant (GR) and a glyphosate-susceptible (GS) population of each species were used. Time taken by each plant to reach the rosette, bolting, appearance of first bud, appearance of first open flower, and initial seed set were converted to growing degree days (GDDs). The fall- and spring-planted C. canadensis required similar GDDs to complete their life cycles but the GR type required fewer GDDs than the GS type. In C. bonariensis, the GDDs required to complete its life cycle differed between the fall- and spring-plantings but not between the GR and GS types. The total aboveground biomass of both fall- and spring-planted Conyzas at initial seed set was similar but the spring-planted GS C. canadensis produced more biomass than the GR type, whereas the fall-planted GS C. bonariensis produced more biomass than the GR type. Plant development based on GDD models can have global implications and help in planning for timely applications of post-emergence herbicides.  相似文献   

探究不同矿化度咸淡水混合喷灌对冬小麦、夏玉米生长及产量的影响,并通过监测土壤水盐分布状况来选择适宜矿化度的咸淡水灌溉方式。在河北低平原地区开展大田灌溉试验,研究了淡水畦灌、淡水喷灌、2 g·L-1和3 g·L-1咸水与淡水混合喷灌对小麦、玉米生长及土壤水盐运移的影响。结果表明:与淡水喷灌相比,连续两年灌溉后,小麦收获时2 g·L-1和3 g·L-1矿化度咸淡混合水喷灌处理的根层(0~40 cm)土体含盐量平均分别增加了17.8%和42.7%,0~100 cm土体含盐量平均分别增加了32.9%和74.3%,玉米收获时根层土体含盐量平均分别增加了40.3%和86.9%,0~100 cm土体含盐量平均分别增加了39.0%和88.9%,且3 g·L-1矿化度咸淡混合水喷灌处理的盐分累积已超出小麦和玉米生长的盐分阈值。2 g·L-1矿化度处理的冬小麦产量较淡水喷灌处理降低了9.8%~11.4%(差异不显著),但3 g·L-1矿化度处理比淡水喷灌处理的产量显著降低了25.0%~25.9%(P<0.05);2 g·L-1矿化度处理的夏玉米单株穗粒质量和产量较淡水喷灌处理分别降低了5.1%~10.4%和6.6%~10.5%(差异不显著),3 g·L-1矿化度比淡水喷灌处理的百粒重、单株穗粒质量和产量分别降低了18.6%~22.4%、18.2%~25.9%和14.7%~15.3%(P<0.05),3 g·L-1矿化度对冬小麦和夏玉米的产量构成因素影响显著。因此,咸淡混合水矿化度不大于2 g·L-1的喷灌模式用于该地区冬小麦-夏玉米田间灌溉是可行的。  相似文献   

Effects of three temperature regimes (16/5, 24/11, and 32/16°C day/night temperatures) and two moisture levels on growth, interference and photosynthesis response in Bromus tectorum and Taeniatherum asperum were investigated in a growth chamber study. Plants were grown separately and in intra- and interspecific pairs. Optimum temperature for growth of both species was the moderate regime (24/11°C). At this regime T. asperum yield was higher than that of B. tectorum. Yield of B. tectorum was less affected by temperature extremes and was significantly higher than that of T. asperum. Limitation of moisture reduced yield in both sjjecies at all temperature regimes. Variation in performance between species at each combination of temfjerature regime and moisture level was closely related to photosynthesis response and to plasticity in resource allocation to above-and below-ground parts. In mixtures, under limited and unlimited moisture conditions, B. teetorum, had a higher yield than T. asperum at all temperature regimes. Atlow temperature (16/5°C), both species were competitively similar. The competitive advantage of B. tectorum over T. asperum increased with increasing temperature and was most profound at high temperature (32/16°C). Species competitive performance in mixtures also correlated with photosynthesis rates and resource partitioning. Effets de la témperature et de l'humidité du sol sur la croissance, la compétition et la photosynthèse chez Bromus tectorum et Taeniatherum asperum Les effets de trois régimes de température (16/5, 24/11, et 32/16°C, lumiere/obscurité) et de deux niveaux d'humidite du sol sur la croissance, la compétition et la photosynthèse de Bromus tectorum et de Taeniatherum asperum ont été Studies en conditions contrôlées. Les plantes étaient cultivées isolément ainsi qu'en paires intra- et interspécifiques. La température optimale de croissance pour les deux espèces était le régime 24/11°C, pour lequel le rendement de T. asperumétait supérieur à celui de B. tectorum. Le rendement de B. tectorumétait moins affecté par les régimes extrêmes, et était significativement plus élevé que celui de T. asperum. Une diminution de l'humidité du sol réduisait le rendement chez les deux espèces, à tous les régimes de température. Les différences de performance entre espèces à chaque combinaison de température et d'humiditéétait étroitement liées au taux de photosynthèse et à la plasticité de l'allocation des ressources entre les parties aeriennes et souterraines. En cultures melangees, que l'humidité du sol soit faible ou non, B. tectorum avait un rendement supérieur à celui de T. asperumà tous les régimes de température. A basses températures (16/5°C), les deux espèces avaient des aptitudes à la compétition similaires. L'avantage compétitif de B. tectorum sur T. asperum augmentait avec la température et était plus important à haute température (32/16°C). La performance compétitive des espèces en cultures mélangées était aussi corrélée au taux de photosynthèse et à la répartition des ressources. Wirkung von Temperatur und Feuchte auf Wachstum, Konkurrenz und Photosynthese von Bromus tectorum und Taeniatherum asperum Wachstum, Konkurrenz und Photosynthese von Bromus tectorum und Taeniatherum asperum wurden in Klimakammern bei drei Temperaturbereichten (16/5, 24/11 und 32/16°C) und zwei Bodenfeuchten untersucht. Die Pflanzen wurden einzeln oder in intra– und interspezifischen Paaren angezogen. Beide Arten wuchsen im mittleren Temperaturbereich am besten, wobei T. asperum mehr Masse als B. tectorum bildete. Unter den extremen Temperaturbereichen litt B. tectorum weniger, und hier war seine Masse signifikant größer als die von T. asperum. Begrenzte Bodenfeuchte reduzierte bei allen Temperaturen die Masse bei beiden Arten. Das Wachstumsverhalten stand bei allen Wuchsbedingungen in enger Beziehung zur Photosyntheseleistung und zur ober– und unterirdischen Massebildung. In MischbestaUnden bildete B. tectorum sowohl bei Wassermangel als auch bei ausreichender Feuchte bei allen Temperaturen mehr Masse als T. asperum. Im niedrigen Temperaturbereich waren beide Arten ähnlich konkurrenzstark. Die Konkurrenz von B. tectorum gegenüber T. asperum wuchs mit der zunehmenden Temperatur. In Mischbeständen war das Konkurrenzverhalten der Arten mit der Photosyntheserate und Massebildung korreliert.  相似文献   

The first syntheses of syn-12-hydroxydieldrin, syn-12-hydroxyendrin and anti-12-hydroxyendrin have been accomplished by debenzoylation and epoxidation of three isomeric adduction products of hexachlorocyclopentadiene and 1,7,7-trinorborna-2,5-dien-7-yl benzoate. A third known metabolite of endrin, 12-ketoendrin, and a putative metabolite of dieldrin, 12-ketodieldrin, were prepared from the corresponding alcohols by oxidation with chromium trioxide. Characterisation of the three debenzoylated intermediates as syn-12-hydroxyaldrin, and syn- and anti-12-hydroxyisodrin constitutes the first syntheses of these three possible metabolites of aldrin and isodrin.  相似文献   

为寻找高活性的米尔贝霉素衍生物,以伊维菌素为原料,经脱糖、羟基保护、氧化、还原胺化、脱保护等将其转变为13-氨基米尔贝霉素类似物,通过三组分反应设计合成了一系列米尔贝霉素磺酰脒类化合物(7a~7i),并初步测定了其对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus和豆蚜Aphis craccivora的室内活性。结果表明:各衍生物对朱砂叶螨和豆蚜均有较好的触杀活性,其中7f、7h和7i对朱砂叶螨24 h的LC50值分别为1.04×10–2、9.60×10–4和1.44×10–2 mg/L;7i对豆蚜24 h的LC50值为7.81 mg/L。米尔贝霉素13位氨基上磺酰化的结构修饰有助于提高米尔贝霉素类化合物的杀螨、杀蚜活性。  相似文献   

在大田环境下,设置氮肥(0、75、150 kg·hm~(-2))和密度(4.5、7.5、10.5×10~6粒·hm~(-2))2因素共9个处理(N_0D_1、N_0D_2、N_0D_3、N_1D_1、N_1D_2、N_1D_3、N_2D_1、N_2D_2、N_2D_3)的随机区组试验,分析了不同施氮量和种植密度组合对旱地胡麻土壤含水量、贮水量、籽粒产量及产量构成因子、水分和氮素利用率的影响。结果表明,氮肥、密度各处理土壤含水量变化主要表现在苗期~青果期0~60 cm土层,以N_1D_1处理为优,最高达到15.52%;N_2D_1处理0~200 cm土壤平均含水量为18.25%,其生育季内0~200 cm土壤贮水量亦较最低处理N_1D_3增加4.62%,具有较好的肥水耦合优势。胡麻产量随处理中施氮量和密度增加呈先降后升趋势,随施氮量变幅为66.58~171.64 kg·hm~(-2),随密度变幅为32.42~68.47 kg·hm~(-2)。籽粒产量和水分利用效率对施氮水平呈现明显的正效应,高氮(N_2)较中氮(N_1)和不施氮(N_0)水平产量上升14.97%~16.05%,水分利用效率增加7.14%~21.75%;而增加密度对胡麻产量和水分利用效率并未有显著影响,组合中均为4.5×10~6粒·hm~(-2)处理下最高,分别达到1 802.00 kg·hm~(-2)和7.87 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)。增施氮肥显著提高了植株氮素吸收量,高氮(N_2)、中氮(N_1)较不施氮(N_0)分别显著增加82.21%和57.55%;平均氮素吸收利用率则均随施氮量和密度上升而降低,高氮(N_2)较中氮(N_1)水平显著降低42%,高密度(D_3)、中密度(D_2)平均氮素利用率分别较低密度(D_1)处理显著降低58.45%和35.19%。在试验处理区间内,高氮配合增密不利于提高氮素吸收利用率, N_1D_1组合氮素利用率最优,为64.3%。氮肥密度互作后,籽粒产量与有效分茎数间(0.688~*)、有效分枝数与单株有效果数间(0.877~*)均显著相关,且分茎数、分枝数受密度影响程度大于施氮量,而千粒重受限于施氮量更甚,不同施氮水平间变幅达到0.04~0.29 g。因此,氮肥密度互作时,增密对水分利用效率及产量无显著影响,适量氮肥施用可促进胡麻生育前、中期水分有效利用和提高氮素利用率,使胡麻产量及水分利用效率显著增加。在本试验及相似农田生态类型环境下,兼顾节本增效和环境安全,施氮量75~150 kg·hm~(-2)、种植密度4.5×10~6粒·hm~(-2)可作为黄土高原干旱半干旱区胡麻高效生产的适宜参考氮肥密度组合。  相似文献   

The persistence and mobility of chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron were studied in Italy at four field locations. Chlorsulfuron was applied pre-emer-gence to wheat at 15 and 30 g a.i. ha?1 in the autumn of 1986 and metsulfuron early post-emergence at 8 g a.i. ha?1 in the spring of 1987. Soil samples were taken periodically at each location for 1 year. Trials were conducted until 1989 at three locations. After the wheat harvest in 1989, chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron residues in the soil were measured by bioassay in plots that had been treated annually for 3 years and also in plots that had received single treatments. Chlorsulfuron at both application rates dissipated to levels below 0.3 g a.i. ha?1 over 12 months at three locations while, at the fourth, which received only 250 mm rain during the study, significant levels of residues were still present after 15 months. The degradation of chlorsulfuron applied at 30 g a.i. ha?1 followed first-order kinetics, with half-lives of 149, 70, 59 and 51 days at the four locations. Chlorsulfuron mobility was high at three locations while, in the silty clay soil of the fourth, the herbicide was confined to the upper 30 cm, despite the high rainfall. Metsulfuron applied in spring was detected only in the first soil sample collection. It was present in all sampled layers at one location but, in the others, was confined to the surface layer. There was no evidence of herbicide accumulation in the soil with repeated applications. Persistance et mobilité du chlorsulfuron et du met-sulfuron dans différents sols et sous différentes conditions climatiques La persistance et la mobilité du chorsulfuron et du metsulfuron au champ ont étéétudiées en Italie sur quatre sites. Le chlorsulfuron était appliqué en pré-levée sur le blé aux doses de matière active (m.a.) 15 et 30 g ha?1à l'automne 1986 et le metsulfuron en post-levée précoce à la dose 8 g m.a. ha?1 au printemps 1987. Des échantillons de sol étaient prélevés périodiquement sur chaque site pendant 1 an. Les essais ont été conduits jusqu'en 1989 sur trois des sites. En 1989, après la récolte du blé. les résidus de chlorsulfuron et de metsulfuron dans le sol ont été mesurés par des essais biologiques dans des parcelles qui avaient été traitées chaque année pendant 3 ans, ainsi que dans des parcelles qui n'avaient reçu qu'un seul traitement. Le chlorsulfuron aux deux doses disparaissait jusqu'à des niveaux inférieurs à 0.3 g m.a. ha?1 en 12 mois sur trois des sites, alors que sur le quatrième, qui n'a reçu que 250 mm de précipitations pendant l'étude, des résidus étaient présents en quantité significative après 15 mois. La dégradation du chlorsulfuron appliquéà la dose 30 g m.a. ha?1 suivait une cinétique du premier ordre, avec des demi-vies 149, 70, 59 et 51 j sur les quatre sites. La mobilité du chlorsulfuron était élevée sur trois des sites alors que sur le quatrième oú le sol était une argile limoneuse, l'herbicide était confiné aux 30 cm superficiels en dépit de précipitations élevées. Le metsulfuron appliqué au printemps n'était détecté que dans le premier prélèvement. Sur un des sites, il était présent dans toutes les couches, mais était confinéà la couche superficielle sur les autres sites. Après des applications répétées, aucune accumulation d'herbicide n'était observée dans le sol. Persistenz und Mobilität von Chlorsulfuron und Metsulfuron in verschiedenen Böden und bei unterschiedlicher Witterung Die Persistenz und Mobilität von Chlorsulfuron und Metsulfuron wurden in Italien an 4 Standorten unter Freilandbedingungen untersucht. Chlorsulfuron wurde im Herbst 1986 bei Weizen im Vorauflauf mit 15 und 30 g AS ha?1 und Metsulfuron im Frühjahr 1987 im frühen Nachauflauf mit 8 g AS ha?1 angewandt. Von jeder Versuchsfläche wurden über einen Zeitraum von 1 Jahr periodisch Bodenproben entnommen. Die Versuche wurden an 3 Standorten bis 1989 durchgeführt. Nach der Weizenernte 1989 wurden mit Biotests die Rückstände von Chlorsulfuron und Metsulfuron in den Böden mit jährlicher (über 3 Jahre) sowie mit einmaliger Behandlung bestimmt. Die Chlorsulfuron-Rückstände nahmen an 3 Standorten bei beiden Aufwandmengen nach 12 Monaten auf 0,3 g AS ha?1 ab. Am 4. Standort, wo während der Untersuchung nur 250 mm Niederschlag gefallen waren, wurden nach 15 Monaten noch signifikante Rückstände gefunden. Der Abbau von Chlorsulfuron folgte an allen Standorten bei einer Aufwandmenge von 30 g AS ha?1 einer Kinetik erster Ordnung mit Halbwertszeiten von 149, 70, 59 und 51 Tagen. Die Mobilität von Chlorsulfuron war an 3 Standorten hoch, während es in dem schluffigen Tonboden des 4. Standortes trotz hohen Niederschlags in den oberen 30 cm verblieb. Das im Frühjahr ausgebrachte Metsulfuron wurde nur in der 1. Bodenprobenserie gefunden. An einem Standort lagen in allen beprobten Bodenschichten Rückstände vor, doch sonst waren sie auf die oberste Bodenschicht beschränkt. Bei wiederholter Anwendung konnte keine Herbizidakkumulation im Boden festgestellt werden.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The insecticides spinosad and deltamethrin are being increasingly used in pest management programmes. In order to assess further their toxic effects to target and non‐target insect species, an evaluation was made of their insecticidal profile on Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) and Drosophila melanogaster (Meig.). Moreover, possible genotoxic effects of the two pesticides were investigated using the somatic mutation and recombination test (SMART) in D. melanogaster. RESULTS: Both insecticides were highly effective against B. oleae, exhibiting similar LC50 values. Moreover, they were found to be more effective against Bactrocera than against Drosophila adults. However, spinosad was significantly more toxic than deltamethrin to D. melanogaster. The results showed a lack of genotoxic activity of both insecticides under the in vivo experimental procedure employed, at least at applied doses. CONCLUSION: The present study provides information for lethal and sublethal effects of spinosad and deltamethrin against a target and a non‐target species. Both insecticides can exert high toxicity to B. oleae when adults are exposed even to very low doses for long periods of time. The results contribute to the database on the genotoxic potential of spinosad and deltamethrin, suggesting a safety profile for both insecticides. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Nearly 5700 plants of 14 cultivated and 8 wildAllium species and varieties from the Netherlands and other parts of the world, were tested for infection with aphid-borne potyviruses by ELISA, electron microscope decoration tests and/or inoculation onto test plants. This resulted in the detection of two known viruses, viz. leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) and onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), and the discovery and characterization of two new viruses, viz. shallot yellow stripe virus (SYSV) and Welsh onion yellow stripe virus (WoYSV), and of six strains of these viruses. ‘Garlic mosaic’, ‘barlic yellow streak’, ‘onion mosaic’, ‘shallot mosaic’, ‘shallot X’, and ‘shallot yellows’ viruses, incompletely described in the literature, are now reidentified as well-known viruses or as strains or mixtures of such viruses. ‘Garlic yellow stripe virus’ is also a complex containing a potyvirus possibly differing from the viruses found in this survey. The symptoms of the potyviruses studied varied widely and ranged from mild to severe chlorotic to yellow striping of leaves, and they are of little diagnostic importance.LYSV was found in vegetatively propagated pearl onion (A. ampeloprasum var.sectivum) from Europe and Asia. It has decreased in leek crops (A. ampeloprasum var.porrum) in the Netherlands since the 1970, apparently due to resistance in new cultivars. OYDV was common in onion (A. cepa var.cepa) from the former USSR and North Africa, and in European cultivars of shallot (A. cepa var.ascalonicum), with the exception of the highly resistant ‘Santé’, but was not detected during this survey in Asian shallot. European samples of ever-ready onion (A. cepa var.perutile), multiplier onion (A. cepa var.aggregatum) and tree onion (A. cepa var.viviparum) contained OYDV. It was also found in sand leek (A. scorodoprasum) from european gene collections. A strain of OYDV from onion and shallot in Morocco and Spain was virulent on onion and shallot cultivars resistant to common OYDV, as reported early for a similar isolate in the USA.Asian shallot appeared generally infected with the new SYSV, similar to OYDV in host range and symptoms but serologically distinct. It was not detected in onion and shallot from Europe or North Africa. A virulent strain of this virus caused striping in sap-inoculated garlic (A. sativum) and Formosan lily (Lilium formosanum). The new WoYSV, infecting Welsh onion in Indonesia and Japan, was earlier described in Japan as OYDV from rakkyo and Welsh onion. It appeared serologically closely related to SYSV and distantly to OYDV, but differed in its host range.Host-specific strains of LYSV and OYDV were detected in garlic, wild garlic (A. longicuspis), an unidentifiedAllium species (suffix-G), and great-headed garlic (A. ampeloprasum var.holmense) (suffix-GhG)., LYSV-G and OYDV-G infected on average 45% and 73%, respectively, of the garlic samples of worldwide origin. Symptoms of isolates of both strains varied in severity, implying the necessity of serological tests for disease diagnosis and health certification. LYSV-GhG was the cause of yellow striping in 93% of the great-headed garlic plants tested, mainly from the Mediterranean area. One sample was also infected with OYDV-GhG.Many samples from vegetatively propagated crops grown from non-certified planting stock contained a few plants free of potyviruses, implying the possibility to obtain healthy (and possibly resistant) selections of such cultivars avoiding meristem-tip culture. Cross-protection of garlic sets by a mild potyvirus isolate seems to be an alternative to the use of vulnerable virus-free sets.Generally, viruses and virus strains could not be transmitted to anyAllium species other than their natural host, except to the highly susceptible crow garlic (A. vineale). This species, and other predominantly vegetatively propagating wildAllium spp. (field garlic,A. oleraceum; ramsons,A. ursinum; sand leek), were found not to be reservoirs of viruses that might infectAllium crops in the netherlands. Streaking in vegetatively propagated wild leeks (A. ampeloprasum and closely related species) originating from the Mediterranean area and Asia was due to an undescribed miteborne virus. The survey confirmed that spread of potyviruses inAllium crops in the Netherlands is from planting sets, and from a neighbouring crop only if of the same species.  相似文献   

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