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以甘加藏羊为研究对象,应用常规组织解剖学方法,制备石蜡切片,对甘加藏羊肝脏细胞组织结构与特征进行观察,为分析反刍动物肝脏生理机能提供形态学参考。结果表明:甘加藏羊肝脏分为四叶,表面覆以致密结缔组织被膜,结缔组织将肝实质分隔成若干个肝小叶。甘加藏羊肝脏小叶间结缔组织不发达,分界不明显。肝细胞呈多角形,其排列组成的肝细胞索(肝板)围绕中央静脉向周围呈放射性排列。在肝血窦中可见枯否氏细胞,门管区发达,其中小叶间静脉、动脉和胆管结构清晰可辨。  相似文献   

通过探究中华竹鼠肝脏的显微组织结构与特征,为中华竹鼠的人工养殖以及野生保护提供理论依据。试验采用常规解剖方法、石蜡制片和H-E染色技术,在光镜下对中华竹鼠的肝脏进行组织学研究。结果表明:中华竹鼠肝脏分为被膜和实质两部分。被膜覆盖在肝脏表面,由外层较薄的结缔组织和内层的单层扁平细胞构成。实质内肝小叶分界不明显,小叶内无清晰肝细胞索状结构;肝血窦内存在枯否氏细胞;中央静脉大小不一,分布不均匀;肝细胞呈多边形,有1~2个胞核;门管区明显可见,且有丰富的淋巴丛;小叶间静脉大小差异较大,小叶间动脉大小形状与小叶间胆管相似,部分门管区两者都不易找到。  相似文献   

麋鹿肝脏组织学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用常规石蜡切片,HE染色,对麋鹿的肝脏进行了组织学观察.结果表明,肝脏被膜的结缔组织深入肝内,形成非常不发达的小叶间结缔组织,将肝脏分成多个不明显的小叶.中央静脉位于小叶中央,肝细胞排列成单板状,以中央静脉为中心向周围呈放射状排列.肝细胞板之间的间隙为形状不规则的肝血窦,窦壁由一层内皮细胞构成,窦内可见枯否氏细胞分布,汇管区位于多个小叶的角缘结缔组织中,小叶间动脉,小叶间静脉,小叶间胆管结构较为明显.  相似文献   

为了探明非洲白犀牛的肝脏组织学结构,试验取非洲白犀牛肝脏组织,采用石蜡包埋,4μm厚度切片,苏木精-伊红(H.E.)染色,光学显微镜观察,显微摄影的方法进行研究。结果表明:非洲白犀牛肝脏表面是富含结缔组织的被膜,结缔组织伸入肝实质中将肝脏分成若干个肝小叶,犀牛的小叶间结缔组织不发达,肝小叶分界不明显。肝细胞呈多边形,界限清晰,体积大,以肝小叶的中央静脉为中心肝细胞向四周呈放射性排列,排列规则呈索状。在肝血窦中可见红细胞及枯否细胞,门管区发达,小叶间静脉、动脉和胆管结构明显。  相似文献   

反刍动物小肠可利用淀粉代谢调控进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反刍动物能量代谢与单胃动物有根本的区别,其采食的碳水化合物在瘤胃进行发酵生成挥发性脂肪酸(VFA),只有数量很有限的淀粉和其他糖类不被瘤胃消化而进入小肠。因此,反刍动物从消化道吸收的能量主要来源于VFA,而葡萄糖很少。但与单胃动物一样,葡萄糖对于反刍动物体内某些组织和器官具有十分重要的营养作用。如神经系统、肌肉、脂肪的合成和转化,某些杂合多聚糖的合成、睾丸、精子以及红细胞中的代谢都需要葡萄糖。反刍动物体内的葡萄糖主要由VFA在肝脏中经糖异生合成。虽然,瘤胃内发酵生成的VFA产量很高,然而VFA中只有丙酸才能在肝脏…  相似文献   

本试验研究了成年皖西白鹅母鹅消化腺的形态特征。实验应用20只皖西白鹅母鹅。鹅放血致死后,解剖观察消化腺的组成,取消化腺的各部分,制作组织切片。结果表明:成年皖西白鹅母鹅消化腺由唾液腺、肝脏和胰腺组成。肝脏的组织结构由肝小叶和门管区构成,肝小叶由中央静脉、肝细胞管和肝窦组成,门管区包括小叶间胆管、小叶间动脉和小叶间静脉,还有淋巴组织分布。胰腺包括外分泌部和内分泌部,外分泌部由腺泡和导管组成,内分泌部为一细胞团,即胰岛。  相似文献   

新生反刍动物从出生到断奶,瘤胃组织从未发育完全、不具有功能逐渐发育成为营养物质消化吸收的重要位点,为动物的生长提供营养物质.与此同时,伴随瘤胃的发育,进入肝脏的营养物质种类和组成也发生变化,引起肝脏代谢和功能发生改变.本文综述了新生反刍动物瘤胃的发育、调控和对肝脏代谢的影响.  相似文献   

棕熊肝脏的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用HE染色法及显示细胞内DNA和RNA的吖啶橙荧光染色法,对2例棕熊正常肝脏的组织结构进行了研究。棕熊肝脏的组织结构与其他哺乳动物的基本相似。其特点是:肝小叶之间的结缔组织很少,相邻肝小叶分界不清,门管区中小叶间胆管上皮细胞的形态随其管径大小而异,较小的小叶间胆管上皮细胞呈立方形,较大的呈柱状;较大的小叶间胆管上皮细胞的胞质发桔黄色荧光,核发黄绿色荧光;肝细胞呈多边形,HE染色胞质嗜酸性着色,吖淀橙染色呈区域性桔红色荧光,核发黄绿色荧光,核仁发桔黄色荧光。  相似文献   

为获得梅花鹿生肌调节因子(Myf5)基因编码区序列(CDS),并探讨该基因在雌雄梅花鹿及其不同部位的肌组织间差异表达情况,以成年健康雌雄梅花鹿心肌、背最长肌、股四头肌、臀大肌、肋间肌组织为试验材料,以臀大肌组织cDNA为模板克隆获得Myf5基因CDS,运用生物信息学软件进行测序及分析,并利用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测Myf5基因在不同部位的肌组织间相对表达量。结果表明:克隆得到的梅花鹿Myf5基因CDS全长为768 bp;与GenBank上公布的家牛(Gene ID:281335)Myf5基因CDS的同源性为99.61%;梅花鹿与家牛的遗传距离最近,聚为同一支;梅花鹿Myf5蛋白氨基酸组成中丝氨酸含量最高,占氨基酸总量的13.3%;Myf5蛋白具有较强的亲水性,其蛋白二级结构包含α-螺旋、延伸链、无规则卷曲和β-折叠;荧光定量结果分析表明,梅花鹿Myf5基因在雌、雄梅花鹿及其不同部位的肌组织间均有差异性表达。  相似文献   

对驯鹿的肝脏和胰脏进行了组织学研究.驯鹿肝的结构较清晰,明显地分为被膜、肝小叶、肝中央静脉、汇管区等结构.被膜为浆膜结构,肝小叶间结缔组织不发达,故肝小叶不大明显.肝细胞以中央静脉为中心,呈放射状排列.肝血窦的形状也不规则.胰腺表面被以少量结缔组织的被膜;实质结构也分为外分泌部和内分泌部;小叶间结缔组织不发达.  相似文献   

The distribution and three-dimensional architecture of collagen fibers were compared between pig, goat and chicken livers. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that collagen type I was identified in the interlobular connective tissue region and intralobular areas in pigs and goats. Type III collagen was also identified in the interlobular connective tissue region and intralobular sinusoidal walls. In the chicken liver, only the circumference region of the vessels was immunostained with collagen type I and III antibodies and the interlobular connective tissue wall could not be distinguished clearly. In the intralobular region, collagen type I antibody immunoreacted around the hepatic cells but collagen type III antibody immunoreacted weakly. In the NaOH macerated specimen, well-developed collagen bundles formed the prominent interlobular walls in pigs. In contrast, the wall in the goat liver comprised a thin layer of the bundles. In the chicken liver, there were no notable collagen septa between lobules. The intralobular collagen construction was quite different between the animals, indicating a fragile collagen fibril networks in pigs, a robust framework in goats and dense fabric-like septa in chickens. These results indicate that the distinct collagen frameworks may contribute to the histological strength of the livers in each of the animal species.  相似文献   

取60、90和180日龄八点黑獭兔的胃、空肠、肝制作切片,显微镜下研究其组织构造特点。结果显示:獭兔胃组织由内到外依次为粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜,胃肌层随着日龄的增加而逐渐加厚;空肠粘膜层和肌层均随着年龄的增加而增厚,粘膜层中的肠绒毛尤为明显,杯状细胞的数目也有所增加;各年龄段肝切片差异不大,肝小叶不明显,肝细胞以中央静脉为轴心呈放射状排列,窦状隙内见有大量红细胞:相同年龄段獭兔的胃、空肠、肝组织学结构未见性别间的明显差异。  相似文献   

应用解剖学和组织学方法对鸵鸟肝脏形态结构进行了系统观察。结果表明,鸵鸟肝脏外包被膜,其结缔组织伸入肝内,形成不发达的小叶间结缔组织,将肝分成许多大小不同的肝小叶,中央静脉位于其纵轴中央,肝细胞排列成管状,以中央静脉为中心向周围呈辐射状排列,但不整齐。肝细胞管的中央有一小管即胆小管,其管壁亦由肝细胞膜构成。肝细胞管之间的间隙为肝血窦,窦壁由一层内皮细胞构成,窦内可见枯否氏细胞。  相似文献   

The expression of T1R3, a taste receptor essential for the perception of sweetness and umami-taste, was examined by immunohistochemistry to determine whether and where it may be localized in the liver and pancreas. In the liver, both immunopositive and immunonegative reactions were detected; bile ducts and intercalated portions of the bile ductules were immunopositive to T1R3, while arterioles and venules were immunonegative in interlobular connective tissue. In the hepatic lobule, all other cells including liver cells (hepatocytes) and bile capillaries were immunonegative. In the pancreas, all endocrine portions of the pancreas were immunonegative to T1R3. Within the exocrine portions, immunopositive reactions were detected in excretory duct cells, intercalated cells, and centroacinar cells. In contrast, acinar cells were immunonegative, as were vessels, lymph capillaries, nerve fibers, and connective tissue cells in the exocrine portions. The restricted localization of T1R3 in the duct cells of the liver and pancreas in the present study may indicate that T1R3 is involved in monitoring changes in the makeup of bile and pancreatic juices in the hepatic and pancreatic duct systems.  相似文献   

A carcinoid tumour in the liver of a red deer hind (Cervus elaphus) is described. Macroscopically, the liver was considerably enlarged with multifocal, firm, yellow and red nodular neoplastic masses, which were histopathologically diagnosed as hepatic carcinoids. The diagnosis was confirmed by modified Grimelius staining, which demonstrated numerous small argyrophilic granules in the cytoplasm of neoplastic cells, and by immunohistochemistry. The neoplastic cells gave a strong positive reaction for neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and synaptophysin and a weak positive reaction for chromogranin A. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a hepatic carcinoid in red deer.  相似文献   

Although many mast cells locate under the endothelial layer along the sublobular veins in canine liver, the cell function remains to be fully defined. To establish the nature of the canine mast cell, the mast cells were examined by electron microscopy. A few monocytes contacted with luminal surface of endothelial cells under which mast cells situated. To confirm the chemotaxis of monocyte by hepatic mast cells, the hepatic venous vessels were treated with a histamine releaser (compound 48/80). The monocytes invaded into the subendothelial layer and extended their pseudopodium to the degranulated mast cells. It presumes that some mediators within the mast cell granules might act as a chemotactic substance to the monocyte. On the contrary, mast cells were migrating from subendothelial layer to venous lumen under normal condition. The migrating mast cell showed strong acid phosphatase reaction in their granules. It suggests that the granules of migrating mast cell became visible to acid phosphatase activity by a physical force such as contact stimulation, and that a part of mast cells remigrate from the venous wall to other places by the blood flow. Furthermore, hepatic mast cells were revealed to contain both endothelin-1 and histamine in their granules by immunocytochemistry. As these substances have an activity of stronger venous constriction, it seems that the mast cells play an important role in the blood flow regulation of the canine liver, mast cell, monocyte.  相似文献   

秦岭细鳞鲑消化系统的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用大体解剖和常规组织学方法对秦岭细鳞鲑消化系统的组织形态进行了系统观察。结果表明,秦岭细鳞鲑的消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃和肠等4部分组成,除口咽腔外,管壁由内向外分为黏膜、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜。口咽腔宽大,上颌、犁骨及腭骨等处布有细齿,黏膜衬以复层扁平上皮,间有较多的黏液细胞和少量的杯状细胞及味蕾;食管粗而短,黏膜向管腔突出形成多个纵行皱襞,上皮由复层扁平上皮逐渐向单层柱状过渡,上皮细胞间可见到数量较多的粘液细胞和杯状细胞,食管腺不发达;胃体积较大,呈“U”形,包括贲门部、胃体和幽门部,胃体部小凹及胃底腺结构明显,肌层发达;胃与肠相接处有63-65个幽门盲囊,肠道粗短而略微盘曲,黏膜上皮为单层柱状,未见明显的肠腺。以上结果显示,秦岭细鳞鲑消化道组织结构与其肉食性功能密切相关。肝小叶界限不清;双列肝细胞围绕中央静脉呈放射状走行,肝细胞个体大、呈多边形,核呈圆形或卵圆形,1-2个。胰脏大部分环绕前肠边缘、呈细长条索状,另可见分散于幽门盲囊及胃周围的弥散部分;其外分泌部为管泡状腺,腺细胞呈锥体形,胰岛结构明显。  相似文献   

The morphology of the pancreatic duct system did not receive much attention as compared to the microanatomy of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. The histological peculiarities of the excretory duct system are of major importance especially in laboratory animals like guinea pigs. The paper describes the histological peculiarities of the major interlobular and extrapancreatic ducts in guinea pigs. The pancreatic tissue samples were collected from five guinea pigs. For histological investigation, several pancreatic fragments underwent fixation in 10% buffered formalin and were later processed by the standard paraffin technique. Subsequentially, tissue sections were stained by Goldner's trichrome staining. The mucous substances were assessed by Alcian blue and Periodic acid–Schiff staining methods. The interlobular and main pancreatic ducts in the guinea pig present a simple columnar epithelium surrounded by a thick layer of dense connective tissue. The aforementioned epithelium of the main pancreatic ducts includes principal cells, goblet cells and basal cells. Additionally, the ductal epithelium presents occasional unicellular multiloculated intraepithelial mucous glands and prominent extraepithelial glands. The latter adopts a simple or compound tubular feature. The mucus elaborated by the three glandular types is mostly neutral in goblet cells, predominantly acidic in extraepithelial ductal glands, and a similar amount of acidic and neutral mucin in intraepithelial glands. In conclusion, the epithelium-associated mucous glands in the interlobular and main pancreatic ducts in the guinea pig are restricted not only to goblet cells. A substantial mucous discharge probably with a protecting role against irritative pancreatic juice derives from the main ductal intraepithelial and extraepithelial glands.  相似文献   

The liver consists of parenchymal hepatocytes and non-parenchymal cells. Non-parenchymal cells, Kupffer cells, hepatic stellate cells and cholangiocytes have crucial roles in liver homeostasis and liver pathology. To establish baseline data, this study investigated immunohistochemically the distribution of non-parenchymal cells in perivenular areas (PV), periportal areas (PP) and Glisson's sheath (GS) of adult rat liver. Liver tissues were collected from the left lateral lobe of rats. CD163-positive macrophages were seen along the sinusoid of PV and PP areas, indicating Kupffer cells. Double immunofluorescence showed, Kupffer cells partly co-expressed CD68 and MHC class II antigens in the liver. The numbers of Kupffer cells were significantly high in PP areas as compared with PV or GS areas. CD68-positive exudative macrophages were highly localized in PP and GS areas and a comparatively low PV area. MHC class II-positive dendritic cells (activated macrophages) were localized mainly in GS. Granzyme B-positive NK cells were mainly localized in the Glisson's sheath. CD3-positive T cells and CD20-positive B cells were distributed along the sinusoids of the PP and PV areas of hepatic lobules. Vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive hepatic stellate cells were localized along sinusoids in the hepatic lobules of the liver. Cholangiocytes reacting to cytokeratin 19 were seen on interlobular bile ducts in Glisson's sheath of the liver. This study shows that heterogeneous macrophage populations, liver-resident lymphocytes and hepatic stellate cells localized in PP and PV areas or GS areas of the liver with cells specific patterns.  相似文献   

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