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Calves with experimentally induced iron deficiency anemia and normal calves, both groups deprived of colostrum, were exposed to intranasal instillation of an attenuated parainfluenza-3 virus strain.The calves became infected, but there was no difference in the clinical picture between the 2 groups of calves. Neither was there a difference in the humoral or local immune response to parainfluenza-3 virus.  相似文献   

The hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), erythrocytes (R.G.), serum iron (SI) and unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBG) were examined in a total of 386 purchased calves for the duration of 1 year. The calves were tested within 3 days of arrival at the buyer’s herd. The average age of the calves was 28 ± 10 days ().The results may be summarized as follows:
  1. Approx. 35% of the calves had Hb values ≦ 10.0 g/100 ml.
  2. Fifteen% of the calves had ≦ 6.0 × 106 R.C. per µl.
  3. Fifty-three calves or about 14% showed SI values ≦ 40 µg/100 ml and 131 calves or 34% ≦ 80 µg/100 ml.
  4. Twenty-seven % of the calves had UIBG values > 501 µg/100 ml.
  5. Almost half the calves (48%) had a saturation percentage of transferrin with iron below 20% and 138 calves (36%) below 15%.
These figures among others in the study indicate that 13–35% of the purchased calves suffered from iron deficiency anemia.  相似文献   

Hematologic abnormalities consistent with iron deficiency anemia were experimentally induced in two healthy llamas by repeated phlebotomy. Hematologic abnormalities included erythrocyte microcytosis and hypochromia, decreased hemoglobin concentration, hypoferremia, and decreased transferrin saturation. Erythrocyte volume distribution histograms were more sensitive than mean corpuscular volume values for detection of microcytosis. Hypochromia, which was often eccentric, was morphologically observed on Wright-Giemsa-stained blood films. Frequent folded erythrocytes and dacryocytes were also noted on the blood films. Hematologic abnormalities resolved rapidly after cessation of blood removal, without parenteral iron supplementation.  相似文献   

A method for studying iron absorption in humans was adapted to veal calves. Three 10-week-old calves with moderate (calves 1 and 2) or severe (calf 3) iron deficiency were given an abomasal injection of59Fe and51Cr and all their faeces were collected over 15 days in order to measure mucosal uptake, mucosal transfer and retention of iron. The mucosal uptake was 62.2, 53.4 and 71.8% in calves 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The iron retention measured 14 days after administration of the test dose was 57.4, 52.3 and 56.4% in calves 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Maximal plasma activity was found in all three calves between 1 1/2 and 2 h after injection of the test dose. The plasma activity decreased rapidly, with a slight increase between the 5th and the 10th hour. After 21 h, less than 0.25% of the injected dose was still present in 1 litre of plasma. Not all the51Cr was recovered in the faeces. No59Fe was found in the urine but some51Cr could be detected. The results of this study show that the method described is useful for measuring the different steps of iron absorption in iron-deficient veal calves.Abbreviations Hb haemoglobin concentration - MCV mean corpuscular volume - PCV packed cell volume - PI plasma iron - RBC red blood cell count - R iron retention - TIBC total iron-binding capacity - TIBC-SAT saturation of the total iron-binding capacity - U mucosal uptake  相似文献   

Twenty veal calves were fed milk substitute containing 19 mg Fe/kg; ten calves were supplemented with iron in accordance with their requirements and the other 10 were unsupplemented controls. Serum iron (SI), hemoglobin (Hb) and packed cell volume (PCV) were determined at the start of the experiment and then every third week. From 3 weeks after the start to the end of the experiment there were significant differences between SI mean values between treated and untreated calves. In the treated group the Hb mean values were unchanged during the experiment while the untreated group had a significant decrease. The mean PCV values were also decreased. The daily gain was 1.36 g higher per calf in the treated group. The feed consumption per kg gain was 18 g lower and the carcass weight was 4.2 kg higher per calf in the treated group. The points for color and structure of carcass were 2.5 units higher per calf in the untreated group. The incidence of enteritis was less in the treated calves than in the untreated ones.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reticulocyte indices, especially reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CH retic), have shown promise as markers of iron deficiency (ID), but there have been no prospective investigations of reticulocyte indices in experimental models of ID. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare reticulocyte indices with conventional hematologic and biochemical indices as markers of ID in dogs. METHODS: Iron deficiency was induced in 7 dogs by feeding an iron-deficient diet, and corrected by restoring dietary iron and by giving iron parenterally. Blood samples were collected at weekly intervals. Results of hematologic and biochemical tests were compared using t-tests and receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. RESULTS: Comparing mean values on days 0 and 35, by which time hemoglobin concentration decreased to 90% of baseline in all dogs, % Macro retic, % Hypo retic, % Low CH retic, and % High CH retic differed by greater than 3-fold, whereas no conventional hematologic or biochemical indices differed by as much as 2-fold. Comparing conventional hematologic and reticulocyte indices by ROC curve analysis using 4 different biochemical diagnostic criteria of ID, CH retic, % Hypo retic, % Low CH retic, and % High CH retic had higher areas under the curve (AUC) than either MCV conv or MCHC conv according to all 4 criteria, and % Macro retic and MCV retic had higher AUC values according to 3 of 4 criteria (differences were not always statistically significant). CONCLUSIONS: Results of this study support the value of reticulocyte indices in the diagnosis and monitoring of ID in dogs. Species similarities in the pathophysiology and hematologic manifestations of ID suggest these findings also may be relevant to ID in people.  相似文献   

A pregnant 2-year-old alpaca was presented for evaluation of progressive weight loss, decreased appetite and lethargy that developed in winter. Haematologic and serum biochemical analyses revealed marked anaemia, leukopenia, severe hypophosphataemia and mild hypocalcaemia. Evaluation of bone marrow core biopsies and aspirates revealed an increased proportion of immature haematopoietic cells, without sufficient numbers of blast cells to be termed an acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). 1 The haematological and bone marrow findings were suggestive of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The anaemia, leukopenia, lethargy and weight loss remained refractory to medical therapy and the alpaca was euthanased on humane grounds.  相似文献   

Ninety-eight calves were studied to determine if anemia and poikilocytosis were related to iron or copper status or hemoglobin type. No significant differences were found in serum iron, total iron binding capacity, marrow iron, plasma copper or hemoglobin type between affected and normal calves. Poikilocytes were strongly inversely correlated (-0.9177) with age. Calves less than six weeks of age had more poikilocytes, lower serum iron, higher total iron binding capacity, less adult hemoglobin and more neonatal and fetal hemoglobin than calves greater than six weeks of age.  相似文献   

Belgian Blue (BB) beef cattle is particularly prone to selenium (Se) deficiency due to the poor Se content of soil and roughages on rearing farms and the higher requirements of this hypermuscled breed. The goal of this trial was to compare the effects of different forms and concentrations of Se supplementation on Se status, health and performance in 60 pregnant Se-deficient BB cows. Cows were allocated to 3 experimental groups receiving selenized-yeast at 0.5 ppm Se on total ration (Y–Se 0.5), Na–selenite at 0.5 ppm Se on total ration (Na–Se 0.5) and Na–selenite at 0.1 ppm Se on total ration (Na–Se 0.1), respectively. Cows were supplemented from 2 months before calving until 2 months after calving. Data on performance, health and Se status of the dams and their calves were analyzed using a linear model, least squares means and logistic regression. At the end of the study, plasmatic Se (pSe) was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in cows receiving Y–Se than in cows from other groups. Glutathion-peroxidase in erythrocytes (GSH-pxe) was higher in Y–Se and Na–Se 0.5 than Na–Se 0.1 group (P < 0.01). Se content in colostrum and milk was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in Y–Se than other groups. At birth, Se status of calves from group Y–Se was significantly higher than those of other groups (P < 0.01). Plasmatic Se in calves remained higher for 75 days after birth in Y–Se compared to other groups (P < 0.01). Diarrhoea was the most commonly observed disease in the calves and, during the first 15 days of life, diarrhoea occurred in 6%, 21% and 35% of calves from groups Y–Se, Na–Se 0.5 and Na–Se 0.1, respectively. Over the whole 75 days trial period, incidence of diarrhoea was 19, 29 and 65%, respectively. Average daily gain (ADG) in calves born from Y–Se group of cows tended to be higher than in Na–Se 0.5 (P = 0.06) and Na–Se 0.1 (P < 0.05) but there was no difference between Na–Se 0.5 and Na–Se 0.1 (P > 0.1). At the same dosage, Y–Se conferred better Se status in both dams and their calves than did Na–Se. Requirement of 0.1 ppm Se seems to be insufficient in BB to optimise health and performance. Regarding health status and ADG in calves, Y–Se seems also to result in better performance.  相似文献   

Fiftysix calves, in 2 similar experiments, were given 1 of 4 diets including a high lactose milk replacer: ground barley (GB), ground barley plus coarse hay (GB + GH), coarse hay (CH) and the liquid diet only (NS) ; the 2 last diets were held as controls. The calves were on the experimental diet from 1–2 weeks of age until slaughtered at 7-8 weeks of age. As observed by stereo-microscopy, the ruminai papillae in calves fed on GB were thickened, mostly finger- or club-shaped and sometimes nodular; nodular papillae were always arranged on prominent mucosal folds. Scattered nodular papillae had white coats. For calves fed on GB + CH the papillae were mostly finger- or tongue-shaped. Histologically papillae in calves fed on GB had hyperplasia of secondary papillae and epithelial layers. Microabscesses associated with penetrating hairs were frequent, and some calves had dyskeratosis with infiltration of polymorphonuclear leucocytes at the apex of papillae, identified as the white coats. For calves given GB+CH, abscesses and apical dyskeratosis were absent and the hyperplasia of epithelial layers milder than in the case of the GB diet. An ameliorative effect of hay on papillary changes caused by barley is indicated.  相似文献   

Anemia was induced in weanling Sprague Dawley rats either by feeding an iron-deficient diet or by chronic phlebotomy. The erythroid regenerative response was then evaluated before and after a hemolytic event, and results were compared with those of a third group of control nonphlebotomized rats fed an iron-replete diet. Diet and phlebotomy groups developed a similar degree of anemia (mean hemoglobin concentration 7.9 g/dL and 7.8 g/dL, respectively; controls, 13.9 g/dL) and hypoferremia (mean serum iron concentration 25.4 microgram/dL and 34.9 microgram/dL, respectively; controls, 222.0 microgram/dL). However, the anemia in diet rats was nonregenerative (reticulocyte count, 83.1 X 10(3) cells/microliter) and associated with bone marrow erythroid hypoplasia; whereas the anemia in phlebotomy rats was regenerative (reticulocyte count, 169.6 X 10(3) cells/microliter) and associated with bone marrow erythroid hyperplasia. Thrombocytosis was seen in diet rats (1,580 X 10(3) cells/microliter) but not phlebotomy rats (901 X 10(3) cells/microliter) when compared with controls (809 X 10(3) cells/microliter). To further evaluate the regenerative capability, phenylhydrazine (PHZ) was administered to induce hemolysis. Erythrocyte mass declined approximately 25% in all groups, including controls. The reticulocytosis (265.3 X 10(3) cells/microliter) seen in phlebotomy rats was earlier and significantly greater than that seen in either diet or control rats. Hemoglobin concentration returned to pre-PHZ concentrations (7.9 g/dL) in phlebotomy rats within 4 days posthemolysis. In diet rats, the maximal regenerative response (176.3 X 10(3) cells/microliter) was not seen until 8 days posthemolysis, and hemoglobin (7.5 g/dL) did not return to pre-PHZ concentrations during the 8-day study. In many aspects, the anemia seen following diet- or phlebotomy-induced iron deficiency was similar. However, the erythroid regenerative capability varied depending on the mechanism by which anemia was induced and furthermore altered the efficiency of hemoglobin production following a hemolytic event. These results suggest that the availability of iron in the diet may modulate the pathogenesis of iron deficiency anemia.  相似文献   

自2000年以来,青海省乌兰地区藏绵羊出现以异食、消瘦和贫血为特征的疾病。经分析该地区土壤、牧草和动物的矿物质元素含量,发现在患病区,土壤钼含量为(4.63±1.51)μg/g,牧草为(4.89±1.79)μg/g,极显著高于正常地区。患病动物血液平均铜含量为(0.23±0.07)μg/g,被毛铜平均含量为(3.27±0.71)μg/g,而正常区的动物为(0.97±0.23)μg/g和(6.78±1.57)μg/g,差异极显著;患病动物血液铜最高值为0.53μg/g,血液铜最低值为0.031μg/g。而正常地区藏绵羊血液铜含量最高值为1.33μg/g,血液铜最低值为0.83μg/g。同时患病动物血清铜蓝蛋白显著低于正常动物,并且有小红细胞贫血。结果表明,藏绵羊以异食、消瘦和贫血为特征的营养代谢疾病为钼诱导的次级铜缺乏。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ADVIA 120 automated hematology system uses low- and high-angle light scatter to determine individual RBC and reticulocyte volume and hemoglobin (Hgb) concentration. Current hematologic and biochemical markers of iron status in the dog are insensitive, and results may be highly variable, especially in the presence of concurrent disease (ie, inflammation, neoplasia). Reticulocyte Hgb content (CHr) has proven useful in detecting early iron deficiency and iron deficiency masked by concurrent disease in human patients. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to retrospectively investigate the association of low CHr and reticulocyte MCV (rMCV) with hematologic and biochemical abnormalities indicative of iron deficiency in canine patients. METHODS: Reference intervals for CHr and rMCV were established on a population of 362 hematologically-normal dogs using standard methods. CBC and serum biochemical results from 833 dogs at Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital were retrospectively evaluated. The prevalence of decreased CHr and rMCV values was determined based on the reference intervals. Hematologic (HCT, MCV) and biochemical (serum Fe concentration, percent saturation of transferrin [% sat]) values were compared among dogs with low CHr (n=58), low rMCV (n=50), and control dogs (cohort groups from the initial population) using a Fisher exact test. RESULTS: Reference intervals were 22.3-27.9 pg for CHr and 77.8-100.2 fL for rMCV. Seven percent (n=58) of dogs in the hospital population had low CHr and 6% (n=50) had low rMCV based on the reference values. Dogs with low CHr had significantly lower HCT, MCV, serum Fe, and % sat values than did control dogs. In addition, dogs with low CHr or low rMCV values had a higher frequency of microcytosis, anemia, low serum Fe concentration, and low % sat than did control dogs. CONCLUSION: Low CHr and low rMCV are associated with hematologic and serum biochemical abnormalities indicative of iron deficiency. CHr and rMCV hold promise as noninvasive, cost-effective measures of iron status in the dog.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare 2 laparoscopic suture patterns for repair of experimentally ruptured urinary bladders in normal neonatal calves. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental surgical study. ANIMALS: Thirty male Holstein calves. METHODS: A bladder defect was created in 24 anesthetized calves (day 0). They were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=6/group). In groups 1 and 3, the defect was closed laparoscopically using a one layer full thickness simple continuous (FTSC) suture pattern (pattern A). In groups 2 and 4, the defect was closed laparoscopically in 2 layers using a FTSC suture pattern followed by Lembert continuous suture pattern (pattern B). Groups 1 and 2 calves were euthanatized at the end of the surgery and groups 3 and 4 at day 10. Six healthy calves were also euthanatized and used as a control group. The bladders were harvested and tested for bursting strength (BS). The surgical time (ST) data from the two groups for each pattern were pooled. A Student t-test was used to compare ST data. For the BS data, a 2-factor ANOVA test with post-hoc Student t-test was used to determine if treatment, time, or treatment-time interaction was significant. A Dunnett's test was used to compare BS of the 4 treatment groups to the control group. P<.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Mean ST was significantly shorter for pattern A than for pattern B. In all treatment groups, the mean bladder BS (MBBS) was significantly lower than the MBBS for the control group. The MBBS was significantly lower for group 1 than for group 2. There was no significant difference in the MBBS between groups 3 and 4. CONCLUSION: In this study, a 1-layer laparoscopic closure technique had advantages compared with 2-layer laparoscopic closure technique. Further work is required before a 1-layer laparoscopic closure technique can be recommended clinically. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: One-layer bladder closure is fast and safe in clinically normal calves and permits additional research to evaluate its safety in foals and clinical ruptures.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of parenteral administration of iron and copper on hematological parameters, weight gain, and health of neonatal dairy calves in the period when iron and copper deficiency could be existed. Twenty-four Holstein calves were used for the experiment and randomly assigned to four different treatments. Treatments consisted of (1) control (no injections of Fe and Cu), (2) test 1 (1000 mg Fe as fe-dextran was injected to each calf at day 2 of age), (3) test 2 (160 mg Cu as methionine-copper complex was injected to each calf at day 14 of age), and (4) test 3 (Fe and Cu were injected to each calf as mentioned previously). Blood samples were collected from all of the calves within 24-48 hours after birth and at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of age for measuring hematological parameters and within 24-48 hours after birth and at 14, 21 and 28 days of age for the determination of iron, copper, TIBC concentrations, and AST activity. Anti-coagulated blood was analyzed shortly after collection for: number of red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), heamatocrit (HCT), total leukocyte count (WBC), Platelet (Plt), MCH, MCV, MCHC, and differential leukocyte counts. The amounts of iron, copper, TIBC, and AST were measured in serum. Group had significant effects on the amounts of HCT, RBC, hemoglobin, MCV, neutrophil, weekly weight gain, and daily gain during each week (p < 0.05). Sampling time had significant effects on the amounts of RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBC, neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, platelet, fibrinogen, copper, TIBC, AST, weight, weekly gain and, daily gain during each week (p < 0.05). significant interactions between sampling time and group were seen for HCT, RBC, hemoglobin, MCV, platelet, total protein, fibrinogen, iron, and TIBC (p < 0.05). Improved RBC parameters and MCV were seen in calves of group 4 (test 3) in comparing with control group. Total and daily gains were also significantly improved in test groups in comparing with control group (p < 0.05). No significant difference was seen for the days of treatment between groups.  相似文献   

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