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以红石林业局为研究对象,建立了长白山林区阔叶林高产大径木收获量和净收益优化模型,其中包括矩阵生长子模型,采伐成本和林木价格子模型。通过大量的省级固定样地资料,对林分生长转移概率模型和进界生长模型进行了参数估计,并对模型进行了比较和修正。林分结构优化模拟时综合考虑了林木最大保留直径(LDT),相邻径级立木株数之比(q),林分保留断面积(RBA)和择伐采伐周期4个因素。模拟结果表明,高产大径木的林分结构参数为:q=1.2、LDT=46cm、RBA≥26m2,采伐周期(C)为10–20年。表9参9。  相似文献   

We examined relationships between stem diameter, sapwood area, leaf area and transpiration in a 15-year-old mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell.) forest containing silver wattle (Acacia dealbata Link.) as a suppressed overstory species and mountain hickory (Acacia frigescens J.H. Willis) as an understory species. Stem diameter explained 93% of the variation in leaf area, 96% of the variation in sapwood area and 88% of the variation in mean daily spring transpiration in 19 mountain ash trees. In seven silver wattle trees, stem diameter explained 87% of the variation in sapwood area but was a poor predictor of the other variables. When transpiration measurements from individual trees were scaled up to a plot basis, using stem diameter values for 164 mountain ash trees and 124 silver wattle trees, mean daily spring transpiration rates of the two species were 2.3 and 0.6 mm day(-1), respectively. The leaf area index of the plot was estimated directly by destructive sampling, and indirectly with an LAI-2000 plant canopy analyzer and by hemispherical canopy photography. All three methods gave similar results.  相似文献   

A geometrical model of a forest stand has been analyzed. A forest stand has been modeled as a population of cones which was described by the change of total bole surface area with density \(\hat{S}(N)\) , relation between density and a horizontal dimension (radius r) r(N), and the relation between vertical dimension (generatrix l) and radius l(r). It has been shown that there are close relationships between \(\hat{S}(N)\) , l(r) and r(N). In case of \(\hat{S}(N) = const\) , power exponent of l(r) can be predicted from the power exponent of r(N) and vice versa. A comparison of the model analysis with the data available on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands has been performed. In spite of the model simplicity, its inferences proved to be workable in many cases where the data can be interpreted as a dynamics of an even-aged forest stand. In particular, if the estimation of total bole surface area is constant, the power exponent in the relation of diameter and stand density DBH(SD) can be calculated on the basis of the power exponent in the relation of height and diameter H(DBH) and vice versa. Possible limitations and the meaning of the analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Rockfall is a major threat to settlements and transportation routes in many places. Consequently, the protective function of mountain forests has recently gained particular interest. However, much is still unknown about the ideal properties of protective forest stands. Therefore the present paper discusses a method for the inventory and analysis of tree injuries in a rockfall-damaged forest stand. With this method, the interrelation between stand geometry and rockfall injuries in a subalpine Polygalo chamaebuxi-Piceetum was examined. The study site of 0.3 Ha is located in the transit zone of frequently passing, small rockfall fragments (~10 cm in diameter) causing healable tree injuries. Tree and injury parameters were recorded and analysed as to injury number, height and size. The spatial distribution of the 157 trees (diameter at breast height dbh>5 cm) in the stand as well as of the 1,704 identified rockfall injuries showed a very uneven pattern. As expected, number, height and size of the injuries generally declined with increasing distance from the cliff as well as due to higher stem densities. In contrast, results indicated that the dbh of trees has no significant influence on the number of injuries per tree. However, this study showed a clear interrelation between tree and injury distribution: in general, large trees close to the cliff and smaller trees with a high density further down the slope seem to be favourable for good protection. At least an uneven-aged, multilayered stand should be sustained. Overall, the combined analysis of stand geometry and injury parameters provides information on the spatial distribution of rockfall and on the influence of tree arrangements.  相似文献   

Harvester operators that decide about tree removal during thinnings have currently no instruments to measure stand density continuously before and after the operation. We tested whether basal area can be measured rapidly for this purpose with a 2D terrestrial laser scanner. An algorithm was developed, which automatically detects trees from laser scanner point clouds, measures their position and diameter, and calculates basal area. A field test included 18 laser scans in two Norway spruce stands with a wide range of stand densities, representing situations before and after thinning. Occlusion is a problem of single laser scans, and about one-third of the trees within the scanning range were not detected. Occlusion varies with stem density and branchiness. We therefore applied a flexible scanning range, which is detected automatically based on the laser hit density distribution for each scan. Scanning ranges were between 5.5 and 8.4 m (mean = 7.3 m) in the test scans, which is below the reach of the harvester crane, but still large enough to estimate local stand density. Basal area measured with the laser scanner was unbiased only in one of the two stands. Trees not detected or trees falsely detected caused only small bias of the basal area measurement in one of the two stands. Measurement errors for individual scans were, however, often around 10 m2 ha?1.  相似文献   

Average population growth in the African Sudanian belt is 3 % per year. This leads to a significant increase in cultivated areas at the expense of fallows and forests. For centuries, rural populations have been practicing agroforestry dominated by Vitellaria paradoxa parklands. We wanted to know whether agroforestry can improve local rainfall recycling as well as forest. We compared transpiration and its seasonal variations between Vitellaria paradoxa, the dominant species in fallows, and Isoberlinia doka, the dominant species in dry forests in the Sudanian belt. The fallow and dry forest we studied are located in northwestern Benin, where average annual rainfall is 1200 mm. Sap flow density (SFD) was measured by transient thermal dissipation, from which tree transpiration was deduced. Transpiration of five trees per species was estimated by taking into account the radial profile of SFD. The effect of the species and of the season on transpiration was tested with a generalized linear mixed model. Over the three-year study period, daily transpiration of the agroforestry trees, V. paradoxa (diameters 8–38 cm) ranged between 4.4 and 26.8 L day?1 while that of the forest trees, I. doka, (diameters 20–38 cm) ranged from 9.8 to 92.6 L day?1. Daily transpiration of V. paradoxa was significantly lower (15 %) in the dry season than in the rainy season, whereas daily transpiration by I. doka was significantly higher (13 %) in the dry season than in the rainy season. Our results indicate that the woody cover of agroforestry systems is less efficient in recycling local rainfall than forest cover, not only due to lower tree density but also to species composition.  相似文献   

Boreal forests are crucial to climate change predictions because of their large land area and ability to sequester and store carbon, which is controlled by water availability. Heterogeneity of these forests is predicted to increase with climate change through more frequent wildfires, warmer, longer growing seasons and potential drainage of forested wetlands. This study aims at quantifying controls over tree transpiration with drainage condition, stand age and species in a central Canadian black spruce boreal forest. Heat dissipation sensors were installed in 2007 and data were collected through 2008 on 118 trees (69 Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. (black spruce), 25 Populus tremuloides Michx. (trembling aspen), 19 Pinus banksiana Lamb. (jack pine), 3 Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch (tamarack) and 2 Salix spp. (willow)) at four stand ages (18, 43, 77 and 157 years old) each containing a well- and poorly-drained stand. Transpiration estimates from sap flux were expressed per unit xylem area, J(S), per unit ground area, E(C) and per unit leaf area, E(L), using sapwood (A(S)) and leaf (A(L)) area calculated from stand- and species-specific allometry. Soil drainage differences in transpiration were variable; only the 43- and 157-year-old poorly-drained stands had?~?50% higher total stand E(C) than well-drained locations. Total stand E(C) tended to decrease with stand age after an initial increase between the 18- and 43-year-old stands. Soil drainage differences in transpiration were controlled primarily by short-term physiological drivers such as vapor pressure deficit and soil moisture whereas stand age differences were controlled by successional species shifts and changes in tree size (i.e., A(S)). Future predictions of boreal climate change must include stand age, species and soil drainage heterogeneity to avoid biased estimates of forest water loss and latent energy exchanges.  相似文献   

Transpiration is generally assumed to be insignificant at night when stomata close in response to the lack of photosynthetically active radiation. However, there is increasing evidence that the stomata of some species remain open at night, which would allow for nighttime transpiration if there were a sufficient environmental driving force. We examined nighttime water use in co-occurring species in a mixed deciduous stand at Harvard Forest, MA, using whole-tree and leaf-level measurements. Diurnal whole-tree water use was monitored continuously with Granier-style sap flux sensors in paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and red maple (Acer rubrum L.). An analysis was conducted in which nighttime water flux could be partitioned between refilling of internal water stores and transpiration. Substantial nighttime sap flux was observed in all species and much of this flux was attributed to the refilling of depleted water stores. However, in paper birch, nighttime sap flux frequently exceeded recharge estimates. Over 10% of the total daily sap flux during the growing season was due to transpiration at night in paper birch. Nighttime sap flux was over 8% of the total daily flux in red oak and 2% in red maple; however, this flux was mainly associated with recharge. On nights with elevated vapor pressure deficit, sap flux continued through the night in paper birch, whereas it reached zero during the night in red oak and red maple. Measurements of leaf-level gas exchange on a night with elevated vapor pressure deficit showed stomatal conductance dropping by only 25% in paper birch, while approaching zero in red oak and red maple. The study highlighted differences in ecophysiological controls on sap flux exerted by co-occurring species. Paper birch is a fast-growing, shade-intolerant species with an earlier successional status than red oak and red maple. Risking water loss through nighttime transpiration may provide paper birch with an ecological advantage by enabling the species to maximize photosynthesis and support rapid growth. Nighttime transpiration may also be a mechanism for delivering oxygen to respiring cells in the deep sapwood of paper birch.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pioneer tree species inside tropical forests is usually associated with canopy openness due to disturbances. The distribution of these species under different environmental conditions, aside from light presence, can be influenced by other variables such as soil attributes, water availability, and non-arborous species presence. This work evaluates pioneer tree distribution in the Pindorama Biological Reserve, Brazil, with respect to altitude, soil attributes, and non-arborous species in 65,400-m2 plots in two toposequences of semi-deciduous forest. We evaluated the physical and chemical soil attributes altitude, basal area, height, and number of individuals of tree species with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥5 cm in a randomly chosen quadrant in each plot. Pioneer trees were characterized by the following higher occurrence species: Acacia polyphylla, Aloysia virgata, Casearia sylvestris, and Croton floribundus. Cluster analysis suggested five similar groups among sampling plots. For each group, the mean of altitude, physical and chemical soil attributes, and degree of non-arborous species infestation was calculated. Principal components analysis correlated variables with pioneer tree data. C. floribundus occurred at low altitudes at lower or higher fertility, C. sylvestris occurred in lower fertility plots, and A. polyphylla and A. virgata occurred in higher altitude plots.  相似文献   

Forestry inventory practices have, in the past, concentrated on obtaining information primarily required for timber management. To assess the ecological impact of exploitation, particularly under continuous cover forest management, diversity measures are required that consider the structural diversity in a forest stand. The measure of surround that was initially developed in Germany may be used to quantify the spatial interspersion of different tree size classes as a measure of spatial diversity. While the measure of surround has been applied to practical problems in the past, little is known about its actual performance in relation to stand compositions. This study investigate the behaviour of the index using a number of simulated age class distributions under various degrees of interspersion to provide a norm against which it may be compared. The measure of surround applied to diameter distributions is closely related to the diameter structure of a stand. When diameter classes are interspersed completely randomly within a stand the relative cumulative frequency of the diameter class provides an estimator of the size specific measure of surround. This provides a baseline from which the index may be interpreted.  相似文献   

Numerous approaches have been developed to quantify forest structure modules.A variety has measured each as part of stand attributes.This study was carried out in managed mixed stands in northern Iran.The objective was to quantify stand structure and its variation before and after tree marking through the Gini index and structural triangle method.A full sampling inventory was taken in 2004 and 2014 at the beginning and end of a period,before and after tree marking operations in five stands.The results indicate that the Gini index was 39.5,62.2,43.0,82.0 and 74.0%forⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,ⅣandⅤstands respectively.Furthermore,approximate structural diameters were determined as a large category forⅠ,Ⅱ,ⅢandⅤstands while standⅡhad an intermediate-large class pre-tree marking to an intermediate-small class post-tree marking.The paired t-test results were not significant for tree numbers and growing stock changes for all species,and for beech,hornbeam,and velvet maple before and after tree harvesting in the whole stand.Therefore,the Gini index and the structural triangle method can be used for natural stand modeling,structural diversity designation,and for management practices in nature-oriented forestry strategies.  相似文献   

在安化县杉木人工林相似林分内设立样地,测量样地对角线上26株林木的地径、胸径和树高,用Excel软件建立地径与胸径、胸径与树高的回归模型,再测量采伐木地径,用回归模型预测采伐木的胸径和树高,推算采伐木蓄积量。同时,采用地径一元立木材积表法测算林木蓄积量,并与采伐作业设计的二元立木材积表法测算的林木蓄积量相比较。结果表明:采用建立相似林分样木因子回归模型推算采伐木蓄积量方法接近采伐作业设计的蓄积量。  相似文献   

该文采用超总体理论编制辽宁省东部地区主要树种组林分平均胸径生长率通用模型,以2005年森林资源二类调查资料为原始数据,涵盖辽宁东部7个市31个县(市、区)8个树种(组)在不同地理位置和不同立地条件的生长水平。建立4种模拟方程,通过拟合与优化及结果精度的检验选出了各树种组的平均胸径生长率模型。  相似文献   

A dynamic model for simulating water flow in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tree was developed. The model is based on the cohesion theory and the assumption that fluctuating water tension driven by transpiration, together with the elasticity of wood tissue, causes variations in the diameter of a tree stem and branches. The change in xylem diameter can be linked to water tension in accordance with Hookea s law. The model was tested against field measurements of the diurnal xylem diameter change at different heights in a 37-year-old Scots pine at Hyyti?l?, southern Finland (61 degrees 51' N, 24 degrees 17' E, 181 m a.s.l.). Shoot transpiration and soil water potential were input data for the model. The biomechanical and hydraulic properties of wood and fine root hydraulic conductance were estimated from simulated and measured stem diameter changes during the course of 1 day. The estimated parameters attained values similar to literature values. The ratios of estimated parameters to literature values ranged from 0.5 to 0.9. The model predictions (stem diameters at several heights) were in close agreement with the measurements for a period of 6 days. The time lag between changes in transpiration rate and in sap flow rate at the base of the tree was about half an hour. The analysis showed that 40% of the resistance between the soil and the top of the tree was located in the rhizosphere. Modeling the water tension gradient and consequent woody diameter changes offer a convenient means of studying the link between wood hydraulic conductivity and control of transpiration.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - How drought affects tree and stand growth is an old question, but is getting unprecedented relevance in view of climate change. Stress effects related to...  相似文献   



Selective logging followed by natural regeneration is rarely employed for restocking subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in East Asia compared with the use of clear-cutting.


To clarify the succession of these forests, the effects of selective logging on stand structure, species diversity, and community similarity were studied in a mature and regenerating forest in Okinawa, Japan.


Four study plots were established, and trees ≥1.2 m height were identified by species name, tree height, and diameter at breast height.


The results showed that the species composition of regenerating forest was similar to mature forest; however, the former had a greater species density and Shannon–Wiener index than the latter. Castanopsis sieboldii and Distylium racemosum, the predominant trees in the mature forest, continued to dominate the regenerating forest, with a broad layer distribution. High Sørensen and Jaccard community similarity indices for mature and regenerating forest indicated that the regeneration occurred in a progressive succession.


The similar species composition and stand structure for both mature and regenerating forest, and the higher species diversity for the latter, provided no evidence of forest degeneration and suggested that the regenerating forest may develop into a stand similar to preselective logging forest.  相似文献   

Competition is a major determinant of plant growth and is often used in studies of tree growth and species coexistence. However, these approaches are usually temporally static, i.e., assessed at a single point or period in time. While constantly changing forest conditions due to natural and human-induced disturbances potentially alter competition among individuals, static approaches cannot qualify the temporal variability of competitive interactions. Here we present a longitudinal analysis of competitive interactions among trees and discuss the implication of our results for ecological interpretation.Spatially-explicit tree growth data were obtained from 18 study plots (0.4 ha each) in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) stands in Quebec, Canada. During the studied period (1980-2003), these stands had been disturbed by insect outbreaks (forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria Hubner) and by commercial partial harvest. We analyzed radial growth rates (outcome of competition) on an annual basis and as a function of tree biology (bole diameter, crown position), competition (above- and belowground competition from neighbours) and environmental conditions (light availability, harvest disturbance).Competitive interactions changed throughout the studied period. Canopy disturbance from partial harvest interacted with defoliators and influenced competition symmetry by favoring smaller trees.Competitive interactions seemed to have switched from below- to above-ground following canopy recovery after harvest. Release from competition due to partial harvest increase neighbourhood size (radius of effective competition) and enhanced the competitive pressure from larger individuals.The temporal variability in parameter estimates may be used for setting confidence intervals on competitive success (growth rates), thereby yielding a more robust basis for ecological interpretation. Our results also show that temporal variability in competitive interactions could contribute to the maintenance of high tree species diversity and structural complexity in some ecosystems by temporally altering species-specific responses to environmental change and disturbance.  相似文献   

Mortality analysis of tree populations is widely applied to forest science studies. When mortality analysis is applied to forest inventories, the use of the variable of tree age is not common due to the difficulty of measuring age data censored in successive observations. The purpose of this study is to apply age-based mortality analysis, i.e., survival analysis, to the individual tree populations in a natural forest. The study site was the secondary natural stand of 0.26 ha dominated by fir (Abies firma), hemlock (Tsuga sieboldii), and oak (Quercus serrata) in the Boso peninsula, Japan. First, we measured the ages of the trees with diameter at breast height greater than or equal to 5 cm using a RESISTOGRAPH. Then, tree mortality probabilities of both non-parametric Kaplan–Meier estimates and parametric probability distributions of Gamma and Weibull were estimated by applying survival analysis techniques to the tree age data. The results implied that the survival analyses could be implemented not only by the non-parametric estimates in any cases but also by the common parametric distributions of Gamma and Weibull in cases in which the tree mortality probability distribution had a monotonously decreasing shape as observed in the immature natural stand in the study site.  相似文献   

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