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在0.5mmol/LCaCl2的培养液(pH4.5)中,AlCl3对大豆初生根的伸长构成胁迫:以80μmol/LAlCl3处理24h,铝胁迫对大豆初生根伸长的抑制率超过50%。在80μmol/LAICI。的胁迫条件下,在培养液中添加不同浓度的钙、镁、钡、锶的氯化盐,结果表明:提高培养液中钙或镁的浓度可以缓解大豆初生根伸长的铝胁迫,而钡和锶在本试验条件下对大豆初生根的铝胁迫无明显影响。  相似文献   

Maize cultivars (Zea mays L.) were evaluated for their aluminum (Al) sensitivity using intact plants and excised root tips exposed to 25 μM Al in nutrient solution of low ionic strength and pH 4.3. Aluminum supply increased callose formation and Al concentrations in root tips of intact plants as well as in excised root tips. Using intact plants, differences in Al sensitivity among cultivars could be characterized by Al‐induced callose formation, Al‐induced inhibition of root elongation, as well as Al contents in root tips as parameters. Significant correlations between Al‐induced callose formation and Al contents in root tips (r2 = 0.64**) and inhibition of root elongation (r2 = 0.80***) were found. Excised root tips did not show a significant Al‐induced inhibition of root elongation. While average Al‐induced callose formation was similar for root tips of intact plants and excised root tips, mean Al contents in excised root tips were up to 1.5‐fold higher than in root tips of intact plants after 24 h of Al treatment. Aluminum‐induced callose formation as found in excised root tips did neither correspond to Al‐induced callose formation nor to inhibition of root elongation of intact plants. The addition of 10 mM glucose to the incubation medium led to a significant increase in the elongation of excised root tips and a 2‐3‐fold increase in Al‐induced callose formation. Staining with triphenyl‐tetrazolium‐chloride (TTC) revealed increased viability of these root segments. However, these effects of glucose supply did not improve the characterization of the cultivars for Al resistance. The results presented suggest that Al exclusion mechanisms expressed in root tips of intact plants might be non‐operational in excised root tips. Therefore, the characterization of maize germplasm for Al resistance using excised root tips appears not to be reliable.  相似文献   

为探讨铝(Al)胁迫条件下脱落酸(ABA)调控植物根系有机酸分泌的机制,进行了ABA与Al诱导大豆根系柠檬酸分泌的关系试验。结果表明:1)外源ABA和ABA合成抑制剂fluridone分别提高和降低了Al诱导的大豆根尖ABA含量的增加,但对根系柠檬酸分泌量均无影响,ABA对根系内源柠檬酸含量和柠檬酸合成酶的活性也没有影响;2)分根试验表明,与Al直接接触的根部(Part A)内源ABA含量发生变化,且有柠檬酸的分泌,而不与Al直接接触的根部(Part B)内源ABA含量也发生变化,但没有柠檬酸分泌;3)Al胁迫下,大豆耐Al基因型柠檬酸分泌量远高于敏感基因型,但二者的内源ABA含量却没有差异;4)30μmol AlCl3处理,在0~12 h柠檬酸分泌速率和内源ABA含量随Al处理时间增加而增加,去除Al胁迫时(12~18 h),柠檬酸分泌速率继续增加,但内源ABA含量则迅速下降。综合以上结果,推测ABA不是通过提高Al诱导柠檬酸分泌来调控大豆耐Al性。  相似文献   

夏播玉米根系分布与含氮量对氮肥类型与施氮量的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
连续两年施用不同氮肥和用量,考察了夏玉米(郑单958)根系在不同土层的分布与含氮量,分析其与产量、地上部氮素累积量的相关性。结果表明:1)施氮抑制夏玉米生育前期根系生长与下扎,抑制作用表现为:复合肥>包膜尿素>尿素;施氮使吐丝期0—25与50—80 cm土层根量增大,25—50 cm土层根量减少;总根量表现出:尿素>复合肥>包膜尿素,且差异显著。2)施氮显著提高夏玉米9叶展开期0—25 cm土层与吐丝期25—80 cm土层根系含氮量;氮肥类型影响根系含氮量,且差异显著。3)吐丝期25—80 cm土层根系含氮量与产量呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与地上部氮素累积量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01﹚;在25—50 cm,根系鲜重密度、体积密度和干重密度与产量及氮素累积量表现为负相关,在其他土层表现为正相关。其中,0—80 cm土层根系干重密度与产量呈显著正相关(P<0.05),0—25 cm土层根系鲜重密度与产量、0—80 cm土层根系鲜重密度与氮素累积量呈明显正相关(P<0.1)。可见,玉米根系分布与含氮量明显受到氮肥类型与施氮量的影响,施氮主要通过提高表土层根系鲜重、根系总鲜重与总干重及中下层根系含氮量实现夏玉米增产增效目的。  相似文献   

The interaction between the roots of Zea mays L. and its rhizosphere microflora was studied in nutrient solution with respect to two exemplary aspects - water soluble vitamins and the four most frequent carbohydrates. The exudation of vitamins and sugars into the medium is increased in a solid substrate (glass-ballotini simulating soil structure) in comparison with nutrient solution only. The amounts of vitamins released (1 to 421 ng per plant) are high enough for a pronounced influence on the rhizosphere microflora to be expected. However, the microbial population feeding on the exudates has very simple nutritional demands. In spite of appreciable amounts of vitamins found in the inoculated nutrient solution, the growth of vitamin requiring species is not stimulated compared to the soil population. The roots are mostly inhabited by shorter rods and occasionally by actinomycete-like filaments. The percentage of the root area covered by its microflora, assuming a monolayer, is 4% in the root region where root hairs are just emerging, 7% in the root hair zone and 20% in the oldest part of the roots, 10 mm below the grain. In the presence of rhizosphere microorganisms, root dry weight is lower than that of axenically grown plants because the diameter of the primary root is diminished. In addition, the vitamin and sugar content of the root is affected by rhizosphere microorganisms. The results can be interpreted as an indication that phytohormones may participate in interactions between roots and bacteria.  相似文献   

KCl, CaCl2, NH4Cl, NaCl, K2SO4 and KF solutions were used for studying the effects of cations and anions on the dissolution of aluminum and the distribution of aluminum forms respectively. Power of exchanging and releasing aluminum of four kinds of cations was in the decreasing order Ca2+ >K+ >NH4+ >Na+. The dissolution of aluminum increased with the cation concentration. The adsorption affinity of various soils for aluminum was different. The aluminum in the soil with a stronger adsorption affinity was difficult to be exchanged and released by cations. The Al-F complexes were main species of inorganic aluminum at a low concentration of cations, while Al3+ became major species of inorganic aluminum at a high concentration of cations. The results on the effect of anions indicated that the concentrations of total aluminum, three kinds of inorganic aluminum (Al3+, Al-F and Al-OH complexes) and organic aluminum complexes (Al-OM) when SO42- was added into soil suspension were lower than those when Cl- was added. The dissolution of aluminum from soils and the distribution of aluminum forms in solution were affected by the adsorption of F- on the soil. For soils with strong affinity for F-, the concentrations of the three inorganic aluminum species in soil solution after addition of F- were lower than those after addition of Cl-; but for soils with weak affinity for F-, the concentrations of Al3+ and Al-OM were lower and the concentrations of Al-F complexes and total inorganic aluminum after addition of F- were higher than those after addition of Cl-. The increase of F- concentration in soil solution accelerated the dissolution of aluminum from soils.  相似文献   

[目的]研究施磷对玉米大豆间作系统氮素吸收、分配和间作优势的影响,为优化玉米与大豆间作系统氮、磷养分管理提供参考.[方法]两年盆栽试验设置3种种植方式:玉米单作、大豆单作、玉米与大豆间作;4个P2O5施用水平:0、50、100、150 mg/kg,分别以P0、P50、P100和P150表示.在玉米小喇叭口期、大喇叭口期...  相似文献   

为了探讨不同种植模式对红壤水稳性团聚体粒径分布以及不同粒级团聚体中有机碳、氮含量,土壤微生物量碳、氮含量的影响,选择大豆、萝卜与玉米间作及3种作物的单作进行田间试验,在作物成熟期采样,进行样品测定。结果表明:在玉米-大豆(玉//豆)、玉米-萝卜(玉//萝)、玉米单作(玉单)、大豆单作(豆单)、萝卜单作(萝单)处理中,大团聚体(> 0.25 mm)的百分含量明显高于微团聚体(<0.25 mm),其中以大团聚体中粒径为0.25~2 mm的百分含量最高且显著高于其余两种粒径,大团聚体百分含量表现为:玉//豆>玉//萝>玉单>萝单>豆单,微团聚体则与其相反。团聚体粒径中的有机碳含量表现为0.25~2 mm粒径最高、<0.25 mm粒径次之、>2 mm粒径含量最少、玉米大豆间作含量最高、玉米单作含量最低。团聚体粒级中全氮含量与有机碳分布一致,但单作的全氮含量高于间作。有机碳与全氮的C/N为间作高于单作,>2 mm粒径C/N高于其余两种粒径。微生物量碳、氮在团聚体粒径中的分布趋势一致,都表现为间作模式高于单作模式,大团聚体中的含量高于微团聚体。微生物量碳、氮的C/N为单作模式高于间作模式,微团聚体大于大团聚体。与单作相比,间作能提高土壤中水稳性大团聚体的含量,增加大团聚体粒径内的有机碳、氮及微生物量碳、氮的含量。  相似文献   

【目的】西南山地玉米区是我国第三大玉米主产区,但单产比全国低近750 kg/hm2。由于该区特殊的气候条件,玉米以多熟间套种植为主,如何利用多熟种植中各作物的间套优势和茬口特性,寻求提高本区玉米产量的新途径,是农业科技工作者研究的热点。本文在四川的两个玉米主产区,通过四年的田间小区试验,对比研究了西南玉米主要的两种套作模式—玉米/大豆和玉米/甘薯模式下玉米干物质积累分配、转运差异及施氮量对其的调控效应,以探讨种植模式和氮肥管理的增产效应。【方法】2008年设置玉米/大豆和玉米/甘薯两个套种田间试验,分析比较两种模式玉米干物质积累、分配和转运的差异;2009 2010年在前一年的基础上分带轮作,即玉米分别种在大豆或甘薯茬上,分析套作和轮作效应对玉米干物质积累的影响;2011年,在前三年的基础上,采用小区套微区的方式,研究两种模式下不同施氮水平(N0、N90、N180、N270、N360)对玉米干物质积累和转运的调控。【结果】1)在玉米/大豆模式下,玉米干物质积累量从蜡熟期开始显著高于玉米/甘薯模式,茎鞘输出率也显著高于玉米/甘薯模式,最终产量增加2.4%3.2%,但差异未达显著水平;2)分带轮作后,从拔节期开始,玉米/大豆模式下玉米干物质积累量就显著高于玉米/甘薯模式,到成熟期两套种模式下玉米单株干物质积累两试验点平均相差达26.8 g,茎秆向籽粒的输出率和贡献率也显著高于玉米/甘薯模式,收获指数玉米/大豆模式平均较玉米/甘薯模式提高3.9%,最终玉米/大豆模式下玉米产量较玉米/甘薯模式增幅加大,两年两个试验点分别增加了7.4%和14.4%;3)氮肥对两种模式下玉米干物质积累分配和产量的调控效应显著,玉米/大豆模式下,玉米以施氮180kg/hm2处理,而玉米/甘薯模式下270 kg/hm2处理与同一模式下其他氮素水平相比,增加了光合产物的积累,提高了干物质增长速率,延长了灌浆持续天数,有利于茎鞘和叶片的干物质向籽粒转移,显著提高收获指数,进而提高玉米的增产潜能,玉米/大豆模式下低氮处理(0 180 kg/hm2)对玉米的增产效应比较明显,在高施氮水平(270360 kg/hm2)下两种模式间玉米产量差异不显著。【结论】西南丘陵旱地应选择玉米与大豆套作,采用分带轮作种植方式,既有利于提高玉米产量,又可避免大豆的连作障碍;且氮肥管理措施应因种植模式不同而有所差异,在中高等肥力条件下,与大豆套作玉米施氮180 kg/hm2,与甘薯套作施氮应提高至270 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

Effects of silicon (Si) on subcellular distribution and chemical forms of Cd in two contrasting peanut cultivars, Qishan 208 (low seed Cd cultivar) and Haihua 1 (high seed Cd cultivar), were investigated by a hydroponics experiment at low Cd level (0.2 μM CdCl2). Two cultivars differ in Cd translocation, subcellular distribution and chemical forms. In comparison to Qishan 208, Haihua 1 shows higher translocation factors (TFs); this may be resulted from higher Cd in the soluble fraction, and a larger proportion of inorganic Cd (extracted by 80% ethanol) and water-soluble Cd (extracted by d-H2O) in roots. Pretreatment with Si decreased Cd in the cell wall, and enhanced Cd in the soluble fraction for both cultivars. However, effects of Si on chemical forms and TFs are cultivar dependent. Si enhances Cd translocation and the d-H2O extractable Cd in Haihua 1. Positive correlations were observed between TF and Cd in the soluble fraction (r = 0.71, P < 0.05), and between TF and d-H2O extractable Cd in root (r = 0.89, P < 0.001). Therefore, larger proportion of d-H2O extractable Cd may be responsible for high TF in Si pretreated plants of Haihua 1.  相似文献   

Plants grown on Andisols often have an insufficient phosphorus (P) supply, since active aluminium (AI) and iron bind P in low available forms to the plants. The objectives of the present studies were to examine the differences in growth associated with the P-uptake ability among four Gramineae, to determine which P-forms are utilised, and to relate plant growth to the distribution of nutrients in soil close to the roots. Rhizosphere soil was separated from bulk soil by using a rhizobox system. Shoot and root yields and nutrient contents of maize (Zea mays L.), Sorghum bicolor (L.), Brachiaria dictyoneura (Stapf), and upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) were determined after cultivation in rhizoboxes for 105 d. Soil was sampled at increasing distances from the roots and analysed for P compounds, other nutrients, and pH. Maize gave the highest yield by using P reserves in its large seeds, resulting in the greatest depletion of K in the root soil of maize. Brachiaria showed the highest efficiency while upland rice the lowest in using soil P, respectively. The amounts of Bray-2 P and acetic acid-extractable P were significantly lower in root soil compared to bulk soil. Soil pH increased in the root soil of all crops, mainly around the Brachiaria roots.  相似文献   

Kinetics of phosphorus absorption were investigated with mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal soybean (Glycine max Merr.) plants which were grown in a greenhouse and growth chamber and with nutrient solutions. Mycorrhizal plants depleted phosphorus from a dilute (<30uM) nutrient solution three times faster and had lower apparent efflux of phosphorus than the uninfected plants. The affinity (Km) of roots for phosphorus from the solution was not increased by mycorrhizal infection. The results indicate that enhanced phosphorus absorption by mycorrhizal roots of soybean is due to an increase in the number of uptake sites per unit area of root (v max).  相似文献   

通过盆栽模拟试验,探讨不同施磷量对玉米 -大豆间作作物生长及磷吸收的影响,并分析根际红壤中各无机磷形态的变化。结果表明:与单作相比,玉米 -大豆间作显著提高了作物地上部生物量及磷素吸收量,并具有明显的产量优势。与常规施磷水平(P100)下的单作相比,玉米 -大豆间作条件下,磷肥减施 1/2(P50)并未降低作物籽粒产量与玉米的磷吸收量。间作种植显著降低了玉米、大豆根际红壤总无机磷含量,并且无机磷减少量主要以O-P、Fe-P和 Ca-P为主。玉米、大豆根际土壤Fe-P、Al-P、Ca-P与 O-P占土壤总无机磷含量的比例主要受磷水平的调控,而种植模式对玉米和大豆根际土壤中各无机磷形态的比例(除 Fe-P外)均没有影响。在本试验条件下,玉米 -大豆间作通过根系交互作用主要促进土壤中 Fe-P、Ca-P和 O-P的活化来增加玉米与大豆的磷吸收,并具有节约磷肥、维持作物产量和磷吸收的潜力。  相似文献   

玉米/大豆套作可显著提高粮食产量和养分利用效率。研究间套作作物根茬分解、养分释放规律及其对土壤生物学特性的影响,对阐释该系统中作物养分高效利用具有重要意义。本研究采用室内培养方式,控制根茬总量为2%(2 g根茬+98 g土壤),分别设置单独的大豆根茬(S)和玉米根茬(M)及两种根茬按3∶1、1∶1和1∶3混合(分别表示为SM 3∶1、SM 1∶1和SM 1∶3)共5个不同根茬配比处理和1个不加根茬处理(CK),动态测定根茬矿化速率,碳、氮含量和土壤微生物量碳等指标。研究结果表明:培养前9 d,根茬矿化速率最快,而后矿化速率逐渐降低,到培养60 d后所有处理根茬矿化速率趋于稳定。整个培养周期内玉米根茬CO_2累积释放量显著高于大豆根茬处理,但SM 1∶3处理的CO_2累积释放量始终高于其他处理。培养结束后,SM 1∶3处理的有机碳矿化量显著高于其他处理。根茬总碳含量在前10 d无显著变化,10~60 d时显著降低,后趋于平稳。培养结束后SM 1∶3处理的根茬碳含量相比初始值降低最多,降幅达到24.8%,其次是玉米根茬(M)处理,降幅为21.4%,大豆根茬(S)处理碳含量降低最少,为9.7%。根茬总氮含量在前10 d显著降低,10~100 d总氮含量显著增加。培养结束后大豆根茬(S)总氮含量最高,SM 1∶3处理总氮含量最低。土壤微生物量碳含量在培养周期内呈先增加后降低而后趋于平稳的变化规律。培养结束后与CK相比,SM 1∶3、SM 1∶1、M、S和SM 3∶1处理的土壤微生物量碳含量分别增加89.4%、58.8%、47.1%、41.2%和37.5%。因此,玉米、大豆根茬混合后在土壤中的矿化速率、养分释放速率明显高于单一根茬处理,且有利于土壤微生物的繁殖。在本试验所选的3种配比中,SM 1∶3的配置效果最佳。  相似文献   

Luo  ChunYan  Wen  ShuaiLong  An  ShiLin  Lu  YueHan  Du  YingXun 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2021,21(10):3352-3366
Journal of Soils and Sediments - The adsorption of organic matter and phosphate on minerals is a common natural process that has an important impact on the migration and burial of carbon and...  相似文献   


A laboratory experiment was carried out to assess nitrogen (N) mineralization of roots of four woody agroforestry species (Dactyladenia barteri, Senna siamea, Gliricidiasepium, and Leucaena leucocephala) and maize (Zea mays). Addition of Gliricidia and Leucaena roots with high N contents and low carbon (C)‐to‐N ratio (≤14.0) resulted in net N mineralization, while the addition of maize roots with low N and high C‐to‐N ratio (40.3) immobilized N. Addition of Dactyladenia and Senna roots with intermediate N content and C‐to‐N ratio immobilized N to a lesser extent. Nitrogen mineralization was negatively and significantly correlated with C‐to‐N ratio of the added roots. Addition of roots of the five species also differentially affected soil pH during the first 12 weeks of incubation. Soil pH was positively and significantly correlated with the roots initial C‐to‐N ratio and negatively correlated with their initial N content. At 24 weeks of incubation, the pH of all treatments reverted to initial value.  相似文献   

单宁酸对不同pH茶园土壤中活性铝形态分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采集云南省普洱市和江西省南昌县两地典型的茶园土壤,通过添加HCl和Ca(OH)2调节土壤pH,研究不同pH(3.0、3.5、4.0、4.5)茶园土壤添加0.4 mmol·kg 1、2.0 mmol·kg 1、4.0 mmol·kg 1、8.0 mmol·kg 1、12.0 mmol·kg 1单宁酸后,活性铝形态交换态铝(Al3+)、单聚体羟基铝[Al(OH)2+、Al(OH)+2]、酸溶无机铝[Al(OH)03]和腐殖酸铝[Al-HA]的分布特征。结果表明:单宁酸添加量为0~0.4 mmol·kg 1和0~2.0 mmol·kg 1时,江西南昌和云南普洱茶园土壤中交换态铝随土壤pH的增加呈明显下降趋势,而羟基态铝、酸溶无机铝和腐殖酸铝呈逐渐上升趋势;当单宁酸浓度增至2.0 mmol·kg 1以上时,随土壤pH的增加,单宁酸对活性铝释放的抑制作用增强,各形态活性铝含量都较低,且不同pH处理土壤间的差异不显著。0~20 cm土层土壤与20~40 cm土层土壤变化规律大致相似,总体上看,下层土壤活性铝总量高于上层。云南普洱茶园土壤活性铝总量明显高于江西南昌的茶园土壤。相关分析表明,0~20 cm土层土壤中,pH与羟基态铝、腐殖酸铝、土壤酸碱缓冲容量(pHBC)呈正相关(r=0.796,P0.01;r=0.960,P0.01;r=0.852,P0.01);pHBC与交换态铝、羟基态铝呈负相关(r=0.904,P0.01;r=0.645,P0.05),而与腐殖酸铝呈正相关(r=0.795,P0.01)。同时,单宁酸加入浓度为0~0.4 mmol·kg 1时,土壤pH明显上升,之后随着单宁酸加入浓度的增加土壤pH持续下降,土壤pH(YpH)与单宁浓度(CDN)在此阶段基本符合方程:YpH=0.04CDN+3.82(R2=0.95,P0.01)的线性变化趋势,在单宁酸浓度达到8.0~12.0 mmol·kg 1时,土壤pH基本不再变化。  相似文献   

玉米||大豆间作对AMF时空变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究农田生态系统中不同种植模式下丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)生长发育及产生孢子和球囊霉素状况,本试验设置两种结构的间作模式(6M6S:6行玉米与6行大豆间作; 3M3S:3行玉米与3行大豆间作)以及单作玉米(CKM)和单作大豆(CKS)4个处理,分析不同种植模式对AMF生长时空变化的影响。结果表明:菌根侵染率、侵染密度和菌丝密度随着AMF与作物共生期延长逐渐增加,丛枝丰度呈现先增加后减少的趋势。两年试验中,玉米乳熟期(大豆鼓粒期), 3M3S处理的菌根侵染率、侵染密度和丛枝丰度,土壤孢子密度、易提取球囊霉素含量和总球囊霉素含量均显著高于单作。在作物生育期内, AMF的孢子密度从269.40个·(100g)~(-1)增加至1 484.20个·(100g)~(-1),易提取球囊霉素含量从430.88μg·g~(-1)增加至600.78μg·g~(-1),总球囊霉素含量从942.59μg·g~(-1)增加至1 304.03μg·g~(-1)。玉米乳熟期,间作边行玉米的菌丝密度、孢子密度、易提取球囊霉素和总球囊霉素含量最高;大豆鼓粒期,间作边行大豆的菌丝密度和易提取球囊霉素含量最高,孢子密度最低。相关性分析表明,总球囊霉素和易提取球囊霉素与菌丝密度呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别达0.71和0.73;孢子密度和菌丝密度与侵染率呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别达0.72和0.75。因此,农田生境中AMF能与根系建立良好的共生关系,并随着季节变化和作物生长呈现周期性变化。间作促进了AMF的侵染,增加了球囊霉素和孢子的产量,间作处理中AMF与各行作物共生表现出边际效应。3M3S处理是最有利于AMF生长的种植模式。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨接种摩西管柄囊霉 (Funneliformis mosseae,FM) 和不同隔根处理对红壤上间作植株生长、植株氮吸收量和土壤氮的影响。【方法】采用盆栽模拟试验,设不同菌根处理[不接种 (NM)、接种 (FM)]与玉米/大豆不同隔根处理 (根系不分隔、部分分隔、完全分隔)。【结果】接种 FM 的玉米、大豆根系均有一定的侵染,菌根侵染率在部分分隔处理下最低。间作根系的分隔处理对玉米和大豆的菌根依赖性产生了明显影响,大豆的菌根依赖性随间作交互作用强度的加大而增加。无论何种隔根处理,接种 FM 均显著增加了玉米植株生物量,其地上部生物量高出 NM 处理 11.7%~81.4%,根系生物量高出 NM 处理 18.8%~166.7%。根系分隔处理下,接种 FM 均显著降低了大豆生物量。同一隔根方式下,接种 FM 明显提高了玉米的植株氮吸收量和根系氮吸收效率。在不分隔处理下,接种 FM 显著增加了大豆的地上部氮吸收量,但在部分分隔和完全分隔处理下则反而有所下降;在部分分隔处理下,接种 FM 显著降低了大豆根系的氮吸收量,在不分隔和完全分隔处理下亦呈下降趋势。在部分分隔处理下,接种 FM 显著提高了大豆根系氮吸收效率,在完全分隔处理下反而有明显下降,且在 NM–不分隔处理下的大豆根系氮吸收效率最低。相关分析显示,玉米、大豆植株氮吸收量与土壤碱解氮含量呈显著负相关。【结论】接种丛枝菌根真菌 (AMF) 和隔根方式的组合能不同程度地影响玉米和大豆对氮的吸收利用及间作植株的生长,并能对土壤有效氮产生较大影响。所有的复合处理中,AMF和间作根系部分分隔处理组合对玉米和大豆生长及氮素利用的促进作用较好,并能有效降低土壤碱解氮的残留。  相似文献   

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