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Agricultural modification commonly leads to reductions in vegetation matrix quality and a resultant decrease in functional connectivity. In this study, a network analysis approach was used to assess the impact of agriculturally-induced reductions in vegetation matrix quality on the metapopulation dynamics of the critically endangered New Zealand grand skink (Oligosoma grande). Vegetation matrix quality was quantified in four sites exhibiting differing levels of modification within indigenous tussock grasslands in eastern Central Otago, New Zealand. Grand skink occupancy probability exhibited a positive correlation with the structural connectivity of primary habitat within the more modified study sites, whereas in the least modified site a complex matrix appeared to compensate for low structural connectivity. Results from this research indicate that the matrix is an important determinant of grand skink metapopulation dynamics and that an intricate balance exists between structural connectivity and the quality of the vegetation matrix. This research highlights the importance of assessing the impact of the matrix for individual species, particularly for conservation management.  相似文献   



The Rainwater Basin region in south-central Nebraska supports a complex network of spatially-isolated wetlands that harbor diverse floral and faunal communities. Since European settlement, many wetlands have been lost from the network, which has increased distances among remaining wetlands. As a result, populations of wildlife species with limited dispersal capabilities may have become isolated and face greater local extinction risks.


We compared the pre-European settlement and current extent of the Rainwater Basin network to assess the effects of wetland losses on network connectivity for a range of maximum dispersal distances.


We constructed network models for a range of maximum dispersal distances and calculated network metrics to assess changes in network connectivity and the relative importance of individual wetlands in regulating flow.


Since European settlement, the number of wetlands in the Rainwater Basin has decreased by?>?90%. The average distance to the nearest neighboring wetland has increased by 150% to ~?1.2 km, and the dispersal distance necessary to travel throughout the whole network has increased from 3.5 to 10.0 km. Last, relative importance of individual wetlands depended on the maximum dispersal distance. Which wetlands to preserve to maintain connectivity might therefore depend on the dispersal capabilities of the species or taxa of interest.


To preserve a broad range of biodiversity, conservation efforts should focus on preserving dense clusters of wetlands at fine spatial scales to maintain current levels of network connectivity, and restoring connections between clusters to facilitate long-range dispersal of species with limited dispersal capabilities.

Landscape features that promote animal movement contribute to functional habitat connectivity. Factors that affect the use of landscape features, such as predation risk, may alter functional connectivity. We identify factors important to functional habitat connectivity by quantifying movement patterns of the Santa Rosa beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus leucocephalus) in relation to landscape features and by examining how ambient perceived predation risk, which is altered by moon phase, interacts with landscape features. We use track paths across the sand to relate the probability that beach mice cross gaps between vegetation patches to gap width, patch quality, landscape context and moon phase. Overall activity levels were lower during full versus new moon nights, demonstrating that beach mice respond negatively to moonlight. Gap crossing was more likely during new moon nights (25 % of gaps crossed vs. 7 % during full moon nights), and across narrower gaps (<8.38 m) that led to larger vegetation patches (>11.75 m2). This study suggests that vegetation recovery is necessary for functional connectivity in post-hurricane landscapes commonly inhabited by beach mice and provides initial guidelines for restoring landscape connectivity. More broadly, this study highlights the importance of considering predation risk when quantifying landscape connectivity, as landscape features that facilitate connectivity when predation risk is low may be ineffective if predation risk increases over time or across space.  相似文献   



According to the trophic-rank hypothesis, species may be differentially affected by habitat isolation due to their trophic position in the food chain, i.e. high-order trophic levels may be more negatively affected than low-order levels.


The aim of this paper is to study how species richness, abundance and composition of saproxylic beetle communities are affected by patch (=tree) quality and small-scale patch connectivity. Following the trophic-rank hypothesis, we expected predators to be more negatively affected by patch isolation than wood-feeding beetles.


We studied the beetle community, patch connectivity and patch quality on 28 large oaks. Different connectivity measures were calculated using 50 m-buffers around trees and using distances to the five nearest trees.


Beetle species richness increased with the diameter of oaks, i.e. patch quality. No evidence of the trophic-rank hypothesis was found for species richness patterns. In accordance with the trophic-rank hypothesis, abundance of predatory beetles increased with patch connectivity but lower trophic levels were unaffected or even decreased with patch connectivity.


The structure of invertebrate communities on trees changes with small-scale patch connectivity due to a differential response of low-order and high-order trophic levels. Isolated trees are more exposed to the sun than the more connected trees, which may affect the beetles; however, it was impossible to distinguish the microclimatic from the spatial effects. Although scattered trees generally have a higher conservation value than trees in forests, we conclude that forest trees may be more important for certain trophic levels.

Habitat loss is the leading cause of decline in wildlife diversity and abundance throughout the world, but its effects on wildlife are not always predictable. Matrix population modeling is an increasingly common tool used to predict the effects of habitat loss. In spite of the growing number of studies using this approach, and its wide use in conservation practice, the predictions generated by matrix population models are rarely explicitly tested in the field. We compared the ability of a suite of spatially explicit demographic matrix models to predict the response of white-footed mice to loss of high quality habitat at mosaic sites in northeast Connecticut, USA. We tested short-term model predictions with landscape scale habitat perturbation experiments, including clear-cut logging or prescribed burning of high quality habitat at two study sites. Comparison of each model’s predictions with the observed responses at both sites qualitatively supported predictions that perturbation of high quality habitat would have negative effects extending into the surrounding landscape. The best-supported model assumed that evicted residents of the perturbed habitat would successfully resettle in nearby intact habitats, and allowed for gradual population recovery in the perturbed habitat. Similarly, long-term simulations (20 years) revealed how loss of a single habitat could trigger population declines throughout a mosaic site. This study shows that careful consideration of model assumptions such as those pertaining to resettlement behavior is crucial if predictions are to be reliable, and highlights the role of experiments for comparing alternative model predictions.  相似文献   



Methods quantifying habitat patch importance for maintaining habitat network connectivity have been emphasized in helping to prioritize conservation actions. Functional connectivity is accepted as depending on landscape resistance, and several measures of functional inter-patch distance have been designed. However, how the inter-patch distance, i.e., based on least-cost path or multiple paths, influences the identification of key habitat patches has not been explored.


We compared the prioritization of habitat patches according to least-cost distance (LCD) and resistance distance (RD), using common binary and probabilistic connectivity metrics.


Our comparison was based on a generic functional group of forest mammals with different dispersal distances, and was applied to two landscapes differing in their spatial extent and fragmentation level.


We found that habitat patch prioritization did not depend on distance type when considering the role of patch as contributing to dispersal fluxes. However, the role of patch as a connector facilitating dispersal might be overestimated by LCD-based indices compared with RD for short- and medium-distance dispersal. In particular, when prioritization was based on dispersal probability, the consideration of alternatives routes identified the connectors that probably provided functional connectivity for species in the long term. However, the use of LCD might help identify landscape areas that need critical restoration to improve individual dispersal.


Our results provide new insights about the way that inter-patch distance is viewed changes the evaluation of functional connectivity. Accordingly, prioritization methods should be carefully selected according to assumptions about population functioning and conservation aims.

The erection of dams alters habitat and longitudinal stream connectivity for migratory diadromous and potamodromous fish species and interrupts much of organismal exchange between freshwater and marine ecosystems. In the US, this disruption began with colonial settlement in the seventeenth century but little quantitative assessment of historical impact on accessible habitat and population size has been conducted. We used published surveys, GIS layers and historical documents to create a database of 1356 dams, which was then analyzed to determine the historical timeline of construction, use and resultant fragmentation of watersheds in Maine, US. Historical information on the anadromous river herring was used to determine natural upstream boundaries to migration and establish total potential alewife spawning habitat in nine watersheds with historic populations. Dams in Maine were constructed beginning in 1634 and by 1850 had reduced accessible lake area to less than 5% of the virgin 892 km2 habitat and 20% of virgin stream habitat. There is a near total loss of accessible habitat by 1860 that followed a west-east pattern of European migration and settlement. Understanding historic trends allows current restoration targets to be assessed and prioritized within an ecosystem-based perspective and may inform expectations for future management of oceanic and freshwater living resources.  相似文献   

In this paper we show how the spatialconfiguration of habitat quality affects the spatial spread of apopulation in a heterogeneous environment. Our main result is thatfor species with limited dispersal ability and a landscape withisolated habitats, stepping stone patches of habitat greatlyincrease the ability of species to disperse. Our results showthat increasing reproductive rate first enables and thenaccelerates spatial spread, whereas increasing the connectivity has aremarkable effect only in case of low reproductive rates. Theimportance of landscape structure varied according to thedemographic characteristics of the population. To show this wepresent a spatially explicit habitat model taking into accountpopulation dynamics and habitat connectivity. The population dynamicsare based on a matrix projection model and are calculated on eachcell of a regular lattice. The parameters of the Leslie matrix dependon habitat suitability as well as density. Dispersal between adjacentcells takes place either unrestricted or with higher probability inthe direction of a higher habitat quality (restricted dispersal).Connectivity is maintained by corridors and stepping stones ofoptimal habitat quality in our fragmented model landscape containinga mosaic of different habitat suitabilities. The cellular automatonmodel serves as a basis for investigating different combinations ofparameter values and spatial arrangements of cells with high and lowquality.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Various species of forest trees are commonly used for ornamental purposes and are therefore frequently found in nonforest ecosystems. They constitute an important component of the so-called trees outside forests (TOF). Not much is known, however, about the drivers of TOF spatial distribution either in urbanized or in agricultural landscapes since they are generally absent from forest inventories.


The present study focused on the spatial distribution of TOF across agricultural landscapes and their potential role in the dispersal of a forest pest insect, the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (PPM).


All the TOF belonging to the genera Pinus, Cedrus and Pseudotsuga were considered as potential hosts and inventoried within a 22 × 22 km study window. We fitted a nonstationary Poisson process to the empirical data and used the distance to the nearest building as a covariate.


Both empirical and simulated data indicated that TOF associated to human artifacts/urbanized areas constituted the main source of landscape connectivity for the PPM in the open fields under study. Because they do not account for TOF, forest inventories dramatically underestimate landscape connectivity and provide an erroneous picture of the PPM habitat distribution.


We conclude that TOF, especially the ornamental component, must be taken into account when it comes to understanding forest insect landscape dynamics or genetics. The omnipresence of TOF also suggests a potentially huge role in pest dispersal and invasive species expansion.

Assessing connectivity of the marine environment is a fundamental challenge for marine conservation and planning, yet conceptual development in habitat connectivity has been based on terrestrial examples rather than marine ecosystems. Here, we explore differences in marine environments that could affect localized movement of marine organisms and demonstrate the importance of incorporating them into seascape models. We link a fish-based cost surface model to simulated seascapes to test hypotheses about the effects of fish mobility, water current strength, and their interactions on functional connectivity of a seascape. Our models predict that sedentary fish should be more sensitive to habitat change than more mobile fish. Furthermore, highly mobile fish should be more sensitive to water currents than habitat change. In our models, the cost of swimming against a current (of any strength) exceeded its benefits, resulting in overall decreases in connectivity with increasing current strengths. We further hypothesized that thresholds in functional connectivity will be affected by both fish mobility and water current strength. Connectivity thresholds in the models occurred when 10–50 % of benthic habitat was favourable; below these thresholds there was a rapid increase in path cost. Thresholds were influenced by the interaction of relative habitat costs (simulated fish mobility) and habitat fragmentation: thresholds for less mobile fish (higher relative cost) were reached at lower habitat abundance when habitat was fragmented, while thresholds for mobile fish were less affected by fragmentation. Our approach suggests mobility and water current are useful indicators of connectivity in marine environments and should be incorporated in seascape models.  相似文献   

Understanding how spatial habitat patterns influence abundance and dynamics of animal populations is a primary goal in landscape ecology. We used an information-theoretic approach to investigate the association between habitat patterns at multiple spatial scales and demographic patterns for black-throated blue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens) at 20 study sites in west-central Vermont, USA from 2002 to 2005. Sites were characterized by: (1) territory-scale shrub density, (2) patch-scale shrub density occurring within 25 ha of territories, and (3) landscape-scale habitat patterns occurring within 5 km radius extents of territories. We considered multiple population parameters including abundance, age ratios, and annual fecundity. Territory-scale shrub density was most important for determining abundance and age ratios, but landscape-scale habitat structure strongly influenced reproductive output. Sites with higher territory-scale shrub density had higher abundance, and were more likely to be occupied by older, more experienced individuals compared to sites with lower shrub density. However, annual fecundity was higher on sites located in contiguously forested landscapes where shrub density was lower than the fragmented sites. Further, effects of habitat pattern at one spatial scale depended on habitat conditions at different scales. For example, abundance increased with increasing territory-scale shrub density, but this effect was much stronger in fragmented landscapes than in contiguously forested landscapes. These results suggest that habitat pattern at different spatial scales affect demographic parameters in different ways, and that effects of habitat patterns at one spatial scale depends on habitat conditions at other scales.  相似文献   

Maintaining connectivity among local populations in a fragmented landscape is crucial for the survival of many species. For isolated habitat patches, stochastic fluctuations and reduced gene flow can lead to high risk of extinction. The connectivity of the landscape is especially crucial for the carabid species living in the fragmented forests of the Bereg plain (NE Hungary and W Ukraine) because a highway will be constructed through the plain. Our purpose is to (1) evaluate the impacts of three possible highway tracks, (2) suggest a solution that is realistic with less impact on connectivity than other plans and (3) discuss how to decrease the disadvantageous effects of each track. Our results, based on a network analysis of landscape graph of patches and ecological corridors, indicate that the intended highway could have deleterious consequences on forest-living carabids. Relatively simple actions, like the establishment of stepping stones, could compensate for the loss of habitat connectivity and promote the survival of carabids, or minor modifications in one possible track could diminish its adverse effects. While many other studies would be needed for a comprehensive assessment of the biotic impact of the highway, we provide an example on the usefulness of network analysis for land use management. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Connectivity assessments typically rely on resistance surfaces derived from habitat models, assuming that higher-quality habitat facilitates movement. This assumption remains largely untested though, and it is unlikely that the same environmental factors determine both animal movements and habitat selection, potentially biasing connectivity assessments.


We evaluated how much connectivity assessments differ when based on resistance surfaces from habitat versus movement models. In addition, we tested how sensitive connectivity assessments are with respect to the parameterization of the movement models.


We parameterized maximum entropy models to predict habitat suitability, and step selection functions to derive movement models for brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the northeastern Carpathians. We compared spatial patterns and distributions of resistance values derived from those models, and locations and characteristics of potential movement corridors.


Brown bears preferred areas with high forest cover, close to forest edges, high topographic complexity, and with low human pressure in both habitat and movement models. However, resistance surfaces derived from the habitat models based on predictors measured at broad and medium scales tended to underestimate connectivity, as they predicted substantially higher resistance values for most of the study area, including corridors.


Our findings highlighted that connectivity assessments should be based on movement information if available, rather than generic habitat models. However, the parameterization of movement models is important, because the type of movement events considered, and the sampling method of environmental covariates can greatly affect connectivity assessments, and hence the predicted corridors.

Landscape connectivity is critical to species persistence in the face of habitat loss and fragmentation. Graph theory is a well-defined method for quantifying connectivity that has tremendous potential for ecology, but its application has been limited to a small number of conservation scenarios, each with a fixed proportion of habitat. Because it is important to distinguish changes in habitat configuration from changes in habitat area in assessing the potential impacts of fragmentation, we investigated two metrics that measure these different influences on connectivity. The first metric, graph diameter, has been advocated as a useful measure of habitat configuration. We propose a second area-based metric that combines information on the amount of connected habitat and the amount of habitat in the largest patch. We calculated each metric across gradients in habitat area and configuration using multifractal neutral landscapes. The results identify critical connectivity thresholds as a function of the level of fragmentation and a parallel is drawn between the behavior of graph theory metrics and those of percolation theory. The combination of the two metrics provides a means for targeting sites most at risk of suffering low potential connectivity as a result of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   



The application of regional-level airborne lidar (light detection and ranging) data to characterize habitat patches and model habitat connectivity over large landscapes has not been well explored. Maintaining a connected network of habitat in the presence of anthropogenic disturbances is essential for regional-level conservation planning and the maintenance of biodiversity values.


We quantified variation in connectivity following simulated changes in land cover and contrasted outcomes when different conservation priorities were emphasized.


First, we defined habitat patches using vegetation structural attributes identified via lidar. Second, habitat networks were constructed for different forest types and assessed using network connectivity metrics. And finally, land cover change scenarios were simulated using a series of habitat patch removals, representing the impact of implementing different spatial prioritization schemes.


Networks for different forest structure types produced very different patch distributions. Conservation scenarios based on different schemes led to contrasting changes during land cover change simulations: the scheme prioritizing only habitat area resulted in immediate near-term losses in connectivity, whereas the scheme considering both habitat area and their spatial configurations maintained the overall connectivity most effectively. Adding climate constraints did not diminish or improve overall connectivity.


Both habitat area and habitat configuration should be considered in dynamic modeling of habitat connectivity under changing landscapes. This research provides a framework for integrating forest structure and cover attributes obtained from remote sensing data into network connectivity modeling, and may serve as a prototype for multi-criteria forest management and conservation planning.

Hirayama  Hidetake  Tomita  Mizuki  Hara  Keitarou 《Landscape Ecology》2020,35(7):1519-1530
Landscape Ecology - In March of 2011 a huge tsunami devastated forest habitats along the coast of Sendai Bay in northeastern Japan. Evaluation and monitoring of the changes in habitat connectivity...  相似文献   

Wan  Ho Yi  Cushman  Samuel A.  Ganey  Joseph L. 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(3):503-519
Landscape Ecology - Habitat loss and fragmentation are the most pressing threats to biodiversity, yet assessing their impacts across broad landscapes is challenging. Information on habitat...  相似文献   

不同修剪方法对鲁北冬枣盛果期树生长结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997~2003年,连续7年进行了不同修剪方法对鲁北冬枣盛果期树生长结果影响的比较试验。结果表明,修剪处理(合理冬剪加花期枣头摘心)树的根量、冠幅、干周、枣头特别是强壮枣头有效二次枝数量、枣股尤其是壮龄枣股数量等均明显大于主干环剥树,产量显著提高,果品质量(果重、全糖含量等)有所改善。对枣股枣吊叶片的测定表明,在6月30日以前及果实发育中后期,其全糖和全氮含量明显提高。树体营养水平的提高,促进了根、枝条和果实的生长发育。修剪加主干环割、修剪加主干环剥处理的效果较单纯主干环剥为好。为好.但也不及合理冬剪加花期枣头摘心处理。  相似文献   

为了探清不同地表覆盖措施(黑膜覆盖、白膜覆盖、行间生草、清耕对照)对苹果园土壤水文状况的影响,于2014—2015年采用HL20土壤墒情监测仪对山旱塬区花牛苹果园土壤水分状况进行定位监测,采用SF-L树干径流仪和Watch Dog 2900ET自动气象站对树干径流及环境因子进行了连续观测,并同时调查苹果产量。结果表明:不同覆盖措施下土壤水分补偿效果显现的时间均比降水量最大值出现的时间滞后1个月左右,处理的前2个月黑膜覆盖的土壤含水量最低,2个月之后不同覆盖措施的土壤贮水量均表现为黑膜覆盖白膜覆盖行间生草清耕对照;不同物候期不同覆盖措施的土壤剖面平均含水量均表现为黑膜覆盖行间生草白膜覆盖清耕对照;不同覆盖措施中白膜覆盖处理的667 m~2产量最高,达1 848.37 kg,黑膜覆盖的水分利用率最高,为143.59 kg·mm~(-1)·hm~(-2)。综合来看,不同覆盖措施均使苹果树产量及水分利用率有明显提高,地膜覆盖对苹果园土壤保墒效果更好,覆膜时间以春季2—3月较好。  相似文献   

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