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In recent years in the Netherlands a second mushroom species,Agaricus bitorquis, which prefers higher temperatures thanA. bisporus and is less susceptible to certain diseases, is often commercially grown.Verticillium fungicola var.fungicola, the causal agent of dry bubble, is responsible for considerable damage in crops ofA. bisporus. InA. bitorquis, however, dry bubble has hardly been noticed, but brown spots due toV. fungicola var.aleophilum resulted in inferior mushroom quality. The latter variety also caused brown spots ina. bisporus, but to a minor degree. In variety Les Miz 60 ofA. bisporus, however, it also induced fruit-body deformation in a way different from dry bubble. Verticillium psalliotae, isolated fromA. bitorquis in England, induced more confluent brown spots inA. bitorquis. In the netherlands, where moreA. bitorquis is grown than in other countries,V. psalliotae has not yet been encountered in crops ofA. bitorquis. V. psalliotae, which has a high temperature optimum for mycelial growth, likeV. fungicola var.aleophilum andA. bitorquis, did not infectA. bisporus in our trials.Artificial infection ofA. bisporus orA. bitorquis could not be accomplished with the following related and/or fungicolous fungi:Verticillium lamellicola, V. fungicola var.flavidum, V. biguttatum, Nectriopsis tubariicola, Acremonium crotocinigenum andAphanocladium album.Samenvatting Vooral in Nederland wordt sinds een aantal jaren naastAgaricus bisporus ook de warmteminnende champignonsoortAgaricus bitorquis geteeld, die minder vatbaar is voor bepaalde ziekten. TerwijlVerticillium fungicola varfungicola in de teelt vanA. bisporus droge mollen en daardoor veel schade veroorzaakt, komen in de teelt vanA. bitorquis geen droge mollen voor maar wel bruine vlekken, die tot kwaliteitsverlies en dus schade leiden. De vlekken bleken veroorzaakt te worden doorV. fungicola var.aleophilum. Deze schimmel veroorzaakte ook inA. bisporus bruine vlekken, hoewel in minder ernstige mate, maar in het ras Les Miz 60 vanA. bisporus bovendien misvormde champignons, die wel op droge mollen leken, maar daaraan niet gelijk waren.OokV. psalliotae, in Engeland geïsoleerd vanA. bitorquis met vlekken, veroorzaakte wat meer samenvloeiende, bruine vlekken inA. bitorquis. In Nederland, waar meerA. bitorquis geteeld wordt dan in andere landen, isV. psalliotae nog niet aangetroffen in teelten vanA. bitorquis. InA. bisporus kon geen kunstmatige infectie worden verkregen metV. psalliotae, die net alsV. fungicola var.aleophilum enA. bitorquis warmteminnend genoemd zou kunnen worden.Met de volgendeVerticillium-achtige of van paddestoelen geïsoleerde schimmels kon evenmin op kunstmatige wijze een infectie worden opgeroepen inA. bisporus ofA. bitorquis: Verticillium lamellicola, V. fungicola var.flavidum, V. biguttatum, Nectriopsis tubariicola, Acremonium crotocinigenum enAphanocladium album.  相似文献   

Solacol®, a formulation of the antibiotic validamycin, at 0.33% in 2% malt extract agar, reduced the spread of fungi on dilution plates drastically and allowed twice as much incubation time before subculturing; this resulted in an elevated number of species isolated. Using pure cultures of 62 common soil fungi, it was shown that all fast-growing species (exceptPythium ultimum) were efficiently inhibited but not completely suppressed. Inhibition was comparable to that by 0.5% oxgall, though, while this substance completely suppressed several species, Solacol very strongly inhibited onlyGaeumannomyces graminis, Gerlachia nivalis, Harzia acremonioides, Verticillium biguttatum andRhizoctonia solani. In a further experiment each separate constituent of Solacol was tested against 22 fungi at equivalent concentrations. Validamycin strongly inhibitedChaetomium globosum and two Basidiomycetes, though hardly more than the non-ionic detergent which mainly inhibited the other fungi. A few species were, however, more inhibited by Solacol than by the detergent alone. Solacol at 0.33% is a suitable aid in dilution plating of soil fungi, by increasing the number of colonies and species observed.Samenvatting Solacol®, een formulering van het antibioticum validamycine, remde de groei van schimmels in verdunningsplaten met een concentratie van 0.33% in 2% moutagar en maakte het mogelijk de periode tot afenten met een factor 2 te verlengen; daardoor was het aantal geïsoleerde soorten duidelijk toegenomen. Met reincultures van 62 algemene grondschimmelsoorten werd aangetoond, dat alle snelgroeiende soorten (met uitzondering vanPythium ultimum) voldoende geremd, maar niet volkomen onderdrukt werden. Het remmingspercentage was vergelijkbaar met dat van 0.5% ossegal, hoewel dit laatste sommige soorten volkomen onderdrukte; Solacol remde alleenGaeumannomyces graminis, Gerlachia nivalis, Harzia acremonioides, Verticillium biguttatum enRhizoctonia solani zeer sterk. In een volgend experiment werden de componenten van Solacol t.o.v. 22 fungi apart getoetst in concentraties equivalent aan 0.33% Solacol. Validamycine remde alleenChaetomium globosum en twee basidiomyceten behoorlijk, maar nauwelijks meer dan de niet-ionische uitvloeier, die in hoofdzaak de overige remeffecten veroorzaakte. Enkele soorten werden echter door het complete Solacol veel sterker geremd dan door de uitvloeier alleen. Solacol in een verdunning van 0,33% wordt aanbevolen bij verdunningsplaten voor het isoleren van grondschimmels ten einde het aantal kolonies en soorten te verhogen.  相似文献   

A wettable powder of prochloraz manganese complex 50% a.i. satisfactorily controlled the four major pathogens ofAgaricus bisporus andA. bitorquis: Verticillium fungicola var.fungicola, the cause of dry bubble,Mycogone perniciosa, the cause of wet bubble,Cladobotryum dendroides, the cause of cobweb disease andV. fungicola var.aleophilum, the cause of brown spots. The results were obtained in trials in trays with theAgaricus species, which were inoculated with the pathogens.The product was not toxic to bothAgaricus species in the effective dosages and the taste of the mushrooms was not affected by prochloraz formulations. Application of 1.5 g a.i. m–2 nine days after casing is preferred, also in view of the residue levels. A 45% emulsifiable concentrate of the product without manganese was slightly toxic to mushrooms in a lower dosage than the wettable poweder.Samenvatting Een spuitpoeder met 50% prochloraz als werkzaam bestanddeel (een prochlorazmangaan-complex) gaf in de teelt van champignons (A. bisporus enA. bitorquis) een uitstekende bestrijding van de vier belangrijkste pathogene schimmels:Verticillium fungicola var.fungicola (de veroorzaker van droge mollen),Mycogone perniciosa (de veroorzaker van natte mollen),Cladobotryum dendroides (spinnewebschimmel) enV. fungicola var.aleophilum (de veroorzaker van bruine vlekken). Deze resultaten werden verkregen in proeven met kisten waarin deAgaricus-soorten, die geïnoculeerd werden met genoemde pathogenen, werden geteeld.Het produkt was voor geen van beideAgaricus-soorten toxisch als het werd toegepast in de werkzame doseringen, en de champignonsmaak werd door het middel niet nadelig beïnvloed. De voorkeur wordt gegeven aan toepassing van 1,5 g werkzame stof per m2, 9 dagen na het afdekken, mede op grond van de gevonden residuwaarden. Een 45% vloeibare formulering zonder mangaan was, in lagere doseringen dan het spuitpoeder, in lichte mate toxisch voor champignons.  相似文献   

检疫性轮枝菌及其近似种的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)和黑白轮枝菌(V. albo-atrum)在世界范围内引起多种作物的黄萎病,属于我国重要进境植物检疫对象。本研究对采自我国部分地区和CBS保存的多种植物病原性轮枝菌,包括黑白轮枝菌、大丽轮枝菌及其变种大丽轮枝菌长孢变种(V. dahliae var. longisporum)、三体轮枝菌(V. tricorpus)、变黑轮枝菌(V. nigrescens)和云状轮枝菌(V. nubilum),采用生物学特性观察,结合rDNA-ITS序列分析的方法,进行了比较和分析。结果表明:不同种类轮枝菌在休眠结构形态上具有一定差异,部分菌株不产生任何休眠结构。各供试菌株在15~25℃范围内均可生长,但黑白轮枝菌在30℃下生长受到强烈抑制,而其他菌株受影响较小。对供试菌株rDNA-ITS序列分析结果表明植物病原性轮枝菌可聚为9个分支,包括三体轮枝菌、变黑轮枝菌、云状轮枝菌、V. theobromae、大丽轮枝菌、大丽轮枝菌长孢变种和3个不同的黑白轮枝菌分支,黑白轮枝菌、大丽轮枝菌及其长孢变种亲缘关系较近。采用生物学性状结合rDNA-ITS序列分析能够更加有效地将两种检疫性轮枝菌从其他植物病原性轮枝菌中区分出来。  相似文献   

The pathogenic fungus Verticillium fungicola, responsible for dry bubble disease of the common mushroom Agaricus bisporus, causes various symptoms on its host, bubbles (undifferentiated spherical masses), bent and/or split stipes (blowout) and spotty caps. Host DNA quantification by real-time PCR was used to observed relationships between the type of symptom and the relative amount of A. bisporus and V. fungicola in diseased mushrooms. Verticillium fungicola is involved in bubble formation but does not appear to regulate its growth. Quantifications in bubbles and stipe-bubbles (morphology between bubble and sporophore with stipe blowout) showed that the pathogen has no effect on the growth of undifferentiated host hyphae but prevents morphological differentiation if not initiated and stops it when initiated hyphae are affected. Mushrooms with stipe blowout exhibiting both mature and abortive lamellae reveal that V. fungicola has a restricted area of action in host tissues. Despite their visual aspect, healthy looking parts of mushrooms showing spots or stipe blowout were actually contaminated. Discolouration and symptom development are two distinct events. The colour of the tissues was correlated to the percentage of A. bisporus DNA, suggesting that discolouration is not an efficient defensive mechanism, and occurs at the time V. fungicola developed enough to induce tissues necrosis.  相似文献   

Inoculation of seed potatoes withVerticillium biguttatum and three other hyperparasitic fungi, alone or in combination, resulted in statistically significant reduction of infestation of potato plants byRhizoctonia solani. Gliocladium roseum, Trichoderma hamatum andHormiactis fimicola did not show prolonged protection againstR. solani under farming conditions.H. fimicola, however, inhibited mycelial growth ofR. solani in vitro, particularly in the lower temperature range whereV. biguttatum did not show any growth. Combining these two antagonistic fungi may be advantageous as they cover the entire temperature range in whichR. solani is active. At the end of the vegetation period,V. biguttatum was superseded byG. roseum.Production of sclerotia on newly formed tubers from seed potatoes inoculated withV. biguttatum (alone or in combination with the other three antagonists) was significantly reduced.Samenvatting Inoculative van pootaardappelen metVerticillium biguttatum, apart of sament met drie andere hyperparasieten, had een gunstig effect op het onderdrukken vanRhizoctonia solani op de plant;Trichoderma hamatum, Gliocaldium roseum enHormiactis fimicola, ieder apart toegediend, boden de plant op lange termijn geen bescherming tegenR. solani onder praktijkomstandigheden.H. fimicola bleek bij lage temperatuur, waarbijV. biguttatum geen groei-activiteit meer vertoonde, op hyfen en sclerotiën vanR. solani te kunnen groeien. Toepassing van deze schimmel enV. biguttatum in een gemengde inoculatie zou over een breder temperatuurtraject effectief kunnen zijn.Tegen het einde van het groeiseizoen vond er op de ondergrondse plantedelen een verschuiving plaats, waarbijG. roseum meer op de voorgrond trad. Verondersteld wordt dat de afname vanV. biguttatum op stolonen hiervan een gevolg was.De produktie van sclerotia op nieuwe aardappelen afkomstig van metV. biguttatum behandeld pootgoed (alleen of met andere hyperparasitaire schimmels) bleek sterk verminderd te zijn. Vooral dit gegeven maakt de biologische bestrijding vanR. solani interessant:V. biguttatum blijkt ook op lange termijn effectief te zijn.  相似文献   

A collection of 30 strains of Verticillium dahliae, recovered during 2004–2006 from 12 cultivars of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) in five districts of İzmir province in Turkey, was assigned to vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) based on pairings of complementary nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants induced on a chlorate-containing medium. Of these strains, nine were assigned to VCG1, seven to VCG2A, 11 toVCG2B and one to VCG4B. The remaining two strains could not be tested for vegetative compatibility because of their inability to yield nit mutants. Pathogenicity tests conducted by the root-dip method, demonstrated that wilt of chrysanthemum in Turkey is caused by V. dahliae, and most strains in VCG1 were significantly more aggressive to chrysanthemum than those in VCGs 2 and 4B. This is the first known study in the world of the VCGs of V. dahliae isolates from chrysanthemum.  相似文献   

Using differential hybridization, two DNA fragments, VDf35 and VDf90, specific to Verticillium dahliae, were isolated. These fragments contained truncated open reading frames (ORFs) homologous to the gypsy-type retrotransposon. The ORFs of VDf35 and VDf90 were pol and gag homologs, respectively. In addition, VDf90 had a pol homolog without an ORF sequence. The pol homologs in VDf35 and VDf90 were similar to each other, and these two DNA fragments had completely identical sequences. Genomic Southern analysis revealed that numerous copies of these homologs existed in V. dahliae, suggesting that V. dahliae carries a gypsy-like retroelement. Genomic Southern and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis also indicated that a large number of these homologs exist in V. longisporum as well as in V. dahliae, but only a few were present in V. albo-atrum. No homolog was found in either V. nigrescens or V. tricorpus. The uneven distribution of these homologs of the retroposon-like elements among Verticillium species suggested a close genetic kinship between V. dahliae and V. longisporum. PCR primers designed from VDf35 showed species- or pathotype-specific amplification. Therefore, this sequence may be useful as a DNA marker to identify species and pathotypes of V. dahliae. This is the first report on a retrotransposon-like sequence in the genome of phytopathogenic Verticillium species.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AB095264 (VDf90) and AB095265 (VDf35)  相似文献   

Surveys of 94 artichoke fields throughout the artichoke production areas of Comunidad Valenciana (eastern Spain) were conducted from 1999 to 2002 to determine the incidence and distribution of Verticillium wilt.Verticillium dahliae was isolated from 80.9% of the sampled fields, and detected in all artichoke-growing areas, with a mean disease incidence of 53.8% infected plants. The disease was found to cause severe damage to cv. ‘Blanca de Tudela’, which is the most important artichoke cultivar grown in Spain, and was also observed on the seed-propagated cv. ‘Imperial Star’. In field trials to study the role of infected planting material and soil inoculum on infection of artichoke plants during the cropping season,V. dahliae was transmitted from infected stumps to the plants, confirming that the use of infected stumps could have greatly contributed to the dissemination of the pathogen. Inoculum density ofV. dahliae in soil had an effect on crop infection, in that a higher number of microsclerotia per gram of soil resulted in a higher percentage of infected plants. In addition, yield of cv. Blanca de Tudela was significantly affected byV. dahliae infection, showing that a higher percentage of infection corresponded with lower yield. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 21, 2005.  相似文献   

Effects of nematicides on growth and microbial antagonism toRhizoctonia solani were investigated as part of a study on the mechanisms involved in the increased incidence of this pathogen in nematicide-treated potato crops.Ethoprophos inhibited mycelial growth ofR. solani on potato dextrose agar (PDA), Czapek Dox agar (CDA) and on water agar (WA). Aldicarb stimulated its growth on PDA up to 14% but not on CDA and WA. Oxamyl inhibited mycelial growth on CDA and WA, but not on PDA.Ethoprophos and aldicarb stimulated development of the mycoparasiteVerticillium biguttatum on cultures ofR. solani. The effect was dependent on the medium on which the host fungus was grown. ForRhizoctonia cultures on PDA, growth of the mycoparasite was highly promoted by aldicarb and to a lesser extent by ethoprophos. WhenR. solani was grown on CDA, the development of the mycoparasite was not affected by aldicarb, slightly stimulated by ethoprophos and slightly inhibited by oxamyl. On water agar, its development on the host mycelium was not affected.In field trials on sandy soil, nematicides encouragedV. biguttatum probably by increased availability of substrate (i.e.Rhizoctonia mycelium) perhaps through reduced activity of the mycophagous fauna.Soil fungistasis was increased by ethoprophos and to a lesser extent by aldicarb at very high doses. At normal field rates, no effects can be expected on fungistasis. So the increased stem and stolon infection of potatoes in nematicide-treated fields was not caused by a direct effect of the nematicides on growth ofR. solani or by suppressing the microbial antagonism.Samenvatting De invloed van granulaire nematiciden op de groei vanRhizoctonia solani en op het microbiële antagonisme tegen deze schimmel werd onderzocht in het kader van een studie over de mechanismen die een rol spelen bij de toename van de aantasting in een met nematiciden behandeld aardappelgewas.Ethoprofos remde de myceliumgroei vanR. solani op aardappeldextrose agar (PDA), Czapek Dox agar (CDA) en op wateragar (WA). Aldicarb stimuleerde op PDA de groei met maximaal 14%. Op CDA en WA werd geen effect van aldicarb waargenomen. Oxamyl veroorzaakte groeiremming op CDA en WA, maar niet op PDA.Ethoprofos en aldicarb stimuleerden de ontwikkeling van de mycoparasietVerticillium biguttatum op cultures vanR. solani. De mate van groeistimulering was afhankelijk van de voedingsbodem waarop de waard,R. solani, werd gekweekt. De groei vanV. biguttatum werd sterk gestimuleerd door aldicarb en in geringere mate door ethoprofos, wanneer de waard gekweekt werd op PDA. Aldicarb had geen effect op de mycoparasiet wanneerR. solani op CDA gekweekt werd, terwijl ethoprofos de groei wel iets stimuleerde en oxamyl een gering remmend effect had. Op WA werd geen effect van de nematiciden op het mycoparasitisme vastgesteld.In veldproeven op zandgrond stimuleerden de nematiciden het voorkomen vanV. biguttatum op de stolonen. Het effect werd waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door een verhoogde substraat beschikbaarheid (d.w.z. mycelium vanR. solani). De verhoogde beschikbaarheid van dit mycelium kan samenhangen met een door nematiciden gereduceerde activiteit van de fungivore bodemfauna.De bodemfungistase werd verhoogd door ethoprofos en, in geringere mate, door aldicarb bij hogere doseringen. Bij de in de praktijk aanbevolen doseringen kan echter geen effect op de fungistase verwacht worden. De toename in stengel- en stolonaantasting van aardappelen, geteeld in met granulaire nematiciden behandelde percelen, kon niet worden toegeschreven aan een direct effect van de nematiciden op de groei vanR. solani of aan een vermindering van het microbiële antagonisme.  相似文献   

A survey was made to identify the most important soilborne fungal pathogens of asparagus crops in the Netherlands. Ten plants were selected from each of five fields with a young (1–4 y) first planting, five fields with an old (6–13 y) first planting and five fields with a young replanting. The analysis included fungi present in the stem base and the roots of plants with symptoms of foot and root rot or showing growth decline without specific disease symptoms. Isolates of each species were tested for pathogenicity to asparagus on aseptically grown plantlets on Knop's agar. Symptoms were caused byFusarium oxysporum, F. culmorum, Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium verrucosum var.cyclopium, Cylindrocarpon didymum, Phialophora malorum, Phoma terrestris andAcremonium strictum. F. oxysporum was by far the most common species and was isolated from 80% of the plants. Not all of its isolates were pathogenic to asparagus. Symptoms were caused by 67%, 78% and 93% of the isolates obtained from young first plantings, old first plantings and replantings, respectively.F. culmorum was isolated from 31% of the plants. Two other notorious pathogens of asparagus,F. moniliforme andF. proliferatum, did not occur in our samples.Species causing symptoms in the vitro test that were found on more than 5% of the plants were additionally tested for their pathogenicity in pot experiments.F. oxysporum f.sp.asparagi caused severe foot and root rot, significantly reduced root weights and killed most of the plants.F. culmorum caused lesions on the stem base often resulting in death of the plant.P. terrestris, a fungus only once reported as a pathogen of asparagus, caused an extensive root rot, mainly of secondary roots that became reddish. The fungus was isolated in only a few samples and is not to be regarded as an important pathogen in Dutch asparagus crops.P. malorum caused many small brown lesions on the stem base and incidentally also on the upper part of small main roots. This is the first report of its pathogenicity to asparagus. The fungus is one of the organisms inciting spear rust and it reduced crop quality rather than crop yield.P. verrucosum var.cyclopium andC. didymum did not cause symptoms in pot experiments.Because of its predominance on plants with foot and root rot and its high virulence,F. oxysporum f.sp.asparagi was considered to be the main soilborne pathogen of asparagus in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Inoculation of seed potatoes with the mycoparasiteVerticillium biguttatum, isolate M73 (combined withGliocladium roseum in 1981, either alone or mixed with isolate M180 plus antibiotics-producing isolates ofAzotobacter chroococcum in 1982) repeatedly proved successful in reducingRhizoctonia solani on stolons and stems. In field experiments, this ultimately led to a reduced formation of sclerotia on new tubers, particularly in neutral sandy loam and clay loam soils. In 1981 inoculation with antagonists led, when compared with no inoculation, to average reductions of 22 and 42% for the harvest from clean, and 15 and 26% for the harvest from infected seed tubers grown on slightly acid sandy soils and on neutral loam soils, respectively. The harvest from clean, inoculated seed tubers had the lowest sclerotium index. In 1982 inoculation of seed tubers planted in slightly acid sandy soils gave reductions of the sclerotium index of up to 22%. In the neutral marine loam soils considerable reductions were often achieved, viz., in slightly infected loams 51–68% and in rather heavily infected ones 4–43%. Chemical disinfection of seed tubers proved effective only in loam soils that were slightly infested withR. solani. In both years inoculation of seed tubers with antagonists led to significantly lower sclerotium indices of the harvest (p=0.1% in 1981; p=5% in 1982). V. biguttatum was present more frequently and in greater densities on stems and stolons of plants from inoculated than from non-inoculated seed tubers. The latter were colonized by wildV. biguttatum strains from the soil, apparently less effective antagonists.Early in the season, the soil temperature was too low for growth ofV. biguttatum. Nevertheless, inoculation of tubers that were planted early resulted in a considerable cotrol ofR. solani.Samenvatting Het beënten van poters met de opRhizoctonia solani parasiterende schimmelVerticillium biguttatum isolaat M73 in combinatie metGliocladium roseum (1981) of metV. biguttatum M73 alleen of in combinatie met isolaat M180 plus antibiotische isolaten van de bacterieAzotobacter chroococcum (1982), bleek effectief in het terugdringen of het onderdrukken vanR. solani op stengels en stolonen en het verminderen van de aantasting.Beënting van het pootgoed leidde tot een vermindering van de sclerotium (lakschurft)-vorming op de nieuwe knollen, vooral in klei-en zavelgronden. In 1981 leidde beënting van poters tot reductie in de sclerotiumvorming van gemiddeld 22 en 42% voor de oogst uit schoon en 15 en 26% voor de oogst uit besmet pootgoed geteeld op respectievelijk zandgrond en klei- en zavelgrond.In 1982 leidde beënten van de poters uitgeplant in licht zure zandgrond tot een gemiddelde reductie van de sclerotiumindex van de oogst van 22%. In zwaar besmette zandgrond trad evenwel geen reductie op; de infectiedruk was hier te groot. In de neutrale zavel- en kleigronden, vaak ook in de zwaarder besmette percelen werden aanzienlijke reducties bereikt, in de licht besmette gemiddeld 51–68% en in de zwaarder besmette 4–43%. Ontsmetten van pootgoed bleek alleen effectief in percelen die licht metR. solani waren besmet.In beide jaren bleek beënten van pootgoed met antagonisten te resulteren in een significant lagere sclerotiumindex van de oogst (p=0,1% in 1981; p=5% in 1982). V. biguttatum was veel vaker en meer aanwezig op de ondergrondse stengeldelen en stolonen van planten uit beënt pootgoed dan op die van niet beënte poters. De laatsten werden gekoloniseerd door wilde stammen vanV. biguttatum uit de grond, die vaak minder effectieve antagonisten waren. Beënting van vroeg gepote knollen — als de temperatuur nog te laag is voor de groei vanV. biguttatum — leverde toch gunstige resultaten op.  相似文献   

In field experiments, supplementing chemical haulm destruction (CHD) with cutting off roots resulted in a lower incidence of black scurf and skin damage (ripping off the skin) at harvest date than CHD alone. The lower susceptibility to skin damage at harvest allowed harvesting to beging on an earlier date, when only a few sclerotia ofRhizoctonia solani had developed. Furthermore, black scurf often developed more slowly after haulm destruction if roots had been severed and this enabled harvesting to be postponed.At harvest, gross yield was highest if roots had not been cut through prior to CHD: the extra weight existed merely of water. Weight loss during storage, however, as well as grading losses resulting from black scurf were greater after CHD alone. This resulted in an equal or even lower net yield after CHD alone than after CHD supplemented by root severing. The favourable effects of supplementing CHD with cutting off roots almost equaled those of the mechanical removal, often called haulm pulling or plant pulling. Factors that may affect the development of black scurf are discussed.Samenvatting Pootaardappelen raakten minder bezet met lakschurft en werden minder ontveld bij de oogst na looftrekken of na wortelsnijden plus doodspuiten dan na loofklappen plus spuiten. Al vanaf de derde dag na trekken of wortelsnijden plus doodspuiten was de mate van ontvelling zo gering, dat met het oogsten kon worden begonnen. Op zo'n vroeg tijdstip na loofdoding konden knollen worden geoogst met nog weinig lakschurft, want de stimulering van lakschurft werd pas zichtbaar vanaf 7 à 10 dagen na loofdoding. Lakschurft ontwikkelde zich het traagst na looftrekken. Ook wortelsnijden bij het doodspuiten gaf meestal een tragere ontwikkeling van lakschurft dan klappen plus spuiten. Daardoor konden na wortelsnijden plus doodspuiten en vooral na looftrekken op nog latere tijdstippen knollen met weinig lakschurft worden geoogst.Na klappen plus spuiten was het bruto gewicht bij de oogst het hoogst. Dat meergewicht bleek louter uit water te bestaan en het verloop in knolvochtgehalte leek erop te wijzen dat de wortels nog gedurende een week na doodspuiten blijven functioneren. Dat gaf wel knollen met een hoger vochtgehalte die meer ontvelden en meer vocht en dus gewicht verloren. Dit groter gewichtsverlies bij bewaren en de hogere leesverliezen door lakschurft deden de meeropbrengst teniet: zo werd het netto knolgewicht na klappen plus spuiten, al naar gelang het moment van oogsten, meestal gelijk aan, of lager dan het netto knolgewicht na het trekken of na wortelsnijden plus doospuiten. In dit artikel worden de factoren besproken, die mogelijk van invloed zijn op de ontwikkeling van lakschurft.  相似文献   

The response of key regulatory enzymes of the pentose phosphate and glycolytic pathways in disease development was assessed in genetically-related rice plants resistant and susceptible to the sheath blight fungus, Rhizoctonia solani. The plants were grown and maintained under greenhouse conditions and inoculated at 50% flowering. Uninoculated healthy plants served as controls. The activities of pentose phosphate pathway enzymes (glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) increased more than two-fold in both the resistant and susceptible plants. Activities of ATP- and pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase and phosphoenolpyruvate phosphatase increased in infected plants while activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in infected plants was lower than in the healthy plants. Furthermore, for enzymes with increased activity, the levels were higher in the resistant line than in the susceptible line. The enhancement of the enzyme activities correlated well with the post infection period. These data suggest that altered carbohydrate metabolism in sheath blight infections may play an important role in modulating the rice plant's response to infection. The isolation of an infection-induced gene encoding a basic enzyme of pentose phosphate and glycolytic pathways could be used to develop plants with more resistance towards sheath blight disease.  相似文献   

Forty-three isolates ofVerticillium lecanii from insects, phytopathogenic fungi and other substrates were tested for vegetative compatibility by observing heterokaryon formation among complementary nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants.nit mutants were isolated from 42/43 strains examined. Twenty-one isolates were self-incompatible, and the remaining 21 isolates were divided into 14 vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs): ten containing only a single strain each, and the remaining four containing two to four isolates each. Members of isolates in each of these VCGs all shared the same IGS haplotype. Further, the isolates within a VCG were correlated with one another in part by fragment patterns of mt-LrDNA, -SrDNA, Bt-2 and H4 region, by PCR-RFLP and -SSCP, but not by dsRNA. Two isolates belonging to VL-J2 have high virulence to aphids, whereas strains from VL-J1 lack this character. These findings indicate that two VCGs (VL-J1 and -J2) may originate from two distinct clonal lineages. Alternatively, high VCG diversity and HSI frequency ofV. lecanii might be associated with an array of distinct lineages. These data not only suggest relationships among DNA polymorphisms, virulence, and VCG, but also demonstrate genetic heterogeneity ofV. lecanii. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 30, 2003.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani root-rot is a major soilborne disease causing growth and yield depression. The ability of Glomus mosseae BEG12 and Pseudomonas fluorescens A6RI to suppress this soilborne disease in tomato was assessed by comparing the shoot and root growth of plants infested with R. solani 1556 when protected or not by these beneficial strains. The epiphytic and parasitic growth of the pathogenic R. solani 1556 was compared in the presence and absence of the biocontrol agents by microscopical observations allowing the quantification of roots with hyphae appressed to epidermal cells (epiphytic growth) and of roots with intraradical infection (parasitic growth). The root architecture of the tomato plants under the different experimental conditions was further characterized by measuring total root length, mean root diameter, number of root tips and by calculating degree of root branching. G. mosseae BEG12 and P. fluorescens A6RI fully overcame the growth depression caused by R. solani 1556. This disease suppression was associated with a significant decrease of the epiphytic and parasitic growth of the pathogen together with an increase of root length and of the number of root tips of inoculated tomato plants. The combined effects of G. mosseae BEG12 and P. fluorescens A6RI on pathogen growth and on root morphogenesis are suggested to be involved in the efficient disease suppression.  相似文献   

河北省小麦纹枯病菌群体组成及致病力分化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为明确河北省小麦纹枯病发生特点及病菌特征,采用五点取样法调查该病的发生情况,通过细胞核染色、菌丝融合反应和r DNA-ITS序列分析测定196株纹枯病菌群体组成,并比较其对不同小麦品种的致病力差异。结果表明,河北省3个不同生态类型麦区30个监测点均有纹枯病发生,临漳县发病最重,其次是邯郸县和馆陶县,青县发病最轻;纹枯病菌可划分为AG-D、AG-B(0)、AGI、AG-4和AG-5共5种融合群,分别占菌株总数的88.3%、1.5%、5.1%、3.6%和1.5%;采自黑龙港平原区和山前平原区的纹枯病菌对石新828、良星99和邯6172的平均致病力均明显强于冀东平原区;菌株可划分为极强、强、中等和弱4个致病类型,分别占菌株总数的45.92%、33.67%、7.65%和12.76%。表明河北省小麦纹枯病发生普遍,总体呈南重北轻的趋势,纹枯病菌群体组成较简单,以强致病力AG-D融合群为主。  相似文献   

Tsror  Leah  Aharon  M.  Erlich  Orly 《Phytoparasitica》1999,27(3):215-226
Potato seed tubers are imported to Israel from northern Europe and planted in spring; tubers harvested early from the spring crop are used as seed for the autumn crop. Although only seed lots registered as certified are imported, a previous survey (1984–1994) indicated that most imported lots were affected by latent or active infections caused byErwinia carotovora,Streptomyces scabies, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium spp. andSpongospora subterranae. The survey was extended until 1998, and included additional pathogens:Ralstonia solanacearum,Helminthosporium solani, Colletotrichum coccodes andVerticillium dahliae. Most of these pathogens were also monitored in domestic seed tubers, and are reported for the first time. Brown rot was not observed in any of the imported lots. Blackleg and soft rot caused byErwinia spp. were detected in most of the imported lots; however, less than 7% of the lots were contaminated at high levels, while approximately 65% were contaminated at moderate levels. Common scab was detected in most of the imported lots; 51% of the imported lots were contaminated at moderate or high levels, whereas only 6.5% of the domestic seed lots were contaminated at these levels. Black scurf was detected in most of the imported lots; on average, 47.3%, 44.2% and 1.4% of the lots were contaminated at low, moderate and high levels, respectively, and only 7.1% were disease-free. In contrast, most of the domestic lots were either disease-free (45.4%) or had a low disease incidence (37.3%). Only 16.7% of the lots were moderately infected and 0.2% were highly contaminated. Silver scurf was observed in most of the imported lots during all years of the survey, with no differences among the producing countries; on average, 22.7%, 66.1% and 7.5% of the lots were contaminated at low, moderate and high levels, respectively, and only 3.7% were disease-free. Most of the domestic lots (76%) were disease-free and only 6.6% were infected at moderate or high levels. Black dot was observed in a considerable portion of the shipments from Holland during all years of the survey, particularly in 1998, when 34% of the lots were infected. The shipments from France and Germany were infected at low levels, except in 1998, when 19% and 11% of the lots, respectively, arrived infected. In shipments from Scotland and Ireland low incidences of the disease were observed in 1994 and 1995. In the domestic lots, black dot incidence was low (<2.4%) except in 1996, when 11% of the lots were infected.V. dahliae was monitored only in domestic seed tubers. The incidence of disease-free lots was 56–64%, whereas in 20–30% of the lots the level of infection was <5%, and in 6–16% of the lots the level was >5%. The survey findings demonstrate transmission of seedborne pathogens; most of these pathogens can become established in the soil and eventually cause severe outbreaks of disease in potatoes grown in Israel. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 16, 1999.  相似文献   

Japanese isolates of Verticillium dahliae, a causal agent of wilt disease in many plants, are classifiable into pathotypes based on their pathogenicity. Because these pathotypes are morphologically indistinguishable, establishing a rapid identification method is very important for the control of this pathogen in Japan. For cloning DNA fragments that are useful for identification and specific detection of V. dahliae pathotypes, we performed random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses using various isolates. One polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product, E10-U48, was specific to isolates pathogenic to sweet pepper. The other product, B68-TV, was specific to race 1 of isolates pathogenic to tomato. The specificity of these sequences was confirmed by genomic Southern hybridization. Further analyses revealed that the region peripheral to B68-TV obtained from the genomic DNA library includes the sequence specific to all isolates pathogenic to tomato (races 1 and 2). Moreover, sequence tagged site (STS) primers designed from B68-TV and its peripheral region showed race-specific and pathotype-specific amplification in a PCR assay. The probes and primers obtained in this study are likely to be useful tools for the identification and specific detection of pathotypes and races of V. dahliae. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession number AB095266.  相似文献   

Effects of crop rotation on the incidence of soil-borne pathogens and on the performance of potato were investigated in five field experiments. Rotations differed in cropping frequency of potato and in crop sequence.Incidence of stem canker caused byRhizoctonia solani was strongly influenced by the cropping frequency of potato and not by crops with which the potato was alternated in the rotation. Cropping frequency of potato also affected the occurrence of black scurf, but less pronounced than for stem canker. The antagonistVerticillium bigutatum slightly reducedR. solani (black scurf) in plots on sandy soil continuously cropped with potato. Incidence of stem canker was also strongly affected by granular nematicides applied to the soil, nitrogen level and the cultivar grown.  相似文献   

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