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不同生态型复播油葵生育规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
按生育期的不同将新疆北疆沿天山一带复种油葵品种分为3种生态型,分析其生育特性,结果表明:晚熟型品种在叶片生长特点、群体冠层结构及同化物运动等方面均优于早熟型及中熟型品种,但由于在灌浆中后期气温过低,造成灌浆不充分,制约其高产潜力的发挥,从而表现为低产。故鉴于当地气候条件,复播油葵应选用早熟型品种,但需采取相应的栽培措施,以利于建立合理的群体结构及提高籽粒充实程度。  相似文献   

麦后移栽地膜棉生育特性及高产栽培探讨缪永泉江苏如东县潮桥乡农技站周远林马塘区农技站龚校钢潮挢乡农技站(226401)近年来,关于移栽地膜棉(套栽)生育特性,高产栽培措施及应用效应已有不少报导,而对麦后移栽地膜棉研究则很少。我区90%以上的棉花是麦后移...  相似文献   

麦后免耕直播稻是低茬收麦,麦草入墒,将处理过的稻种直接播在畦面上的一种稻作方式。它实现了麦草全量还田、免耕栽培,不仅省工节本、降低劳动强度,而且保护环境、培肥地力,深受农民欢迎,应用前景广阔。介绍了麦后免耕直播稻的产量效益和生育特性,并根据当地生产实际,进行了该种稻作方式的高产栽培技术研究。  相似文献   

麦后移栽棉前茬品种筛选及其生育特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992~1994两年度的试验结果表明,筛选出的小麦品种徐州8785可作为江苏里下河稻棉轮作区小麦后移栽棉前茬利用。在本研究同等条件下,以徐州8785作前茬的小麦后移栽棉综合经济效益略高于对照大麦后移栽棉。小麦后移栽棉的总果节量及成铃数、成铃强度都低于大麦后移栽棉,这是其单产低于大麦后移栽棉的主要原因。  相似文献   

红麻是我省主要经济作物之一。七十年代以来,由于农业生产的发展,麻区的复种指数不断提高。原来一年一熟的红麻迅速被一年两熟的麦——麻所代替。目前麦茬麻占我省红麻播种面积的60%以上。部分乡、村达80%以上。由于大小麦一般于6月上旬才能收获.收麦后再种红麻.使红麻的生育期缩短30~40天。加之科学种麻的水平不高,  相似文献   

七十年代初,我县种植黄、红麻习惯于春播(即春麻)。1975年以前,春麻面积占全县种麻面积的80%。随着农业生产的发展,春麻与粮油作物争地矛盾突出。为了解决这个矛盾,1975年以后,我县大力推广夏播红麻。到1980年,夏播红麻面积占全县麻面积85%,1982年占98%以上,基本上将过去一年一熟红麻改为粮麻或油麻一年两熟制,  相似文献   

以辽00139-1、辽00128-1两个菜用大豆品系为试材,比较了菜用大豆春播与夏播的生育进程中各时期的生长动态、鲜荚产量构成因素及鲜荚产量.结果表明:夏播菜用大豆生长发育迅速,一般80 d左右即可采摘收获.从植株生长发育水平上分析:菜用大豆春播营养生长时期平均株高大于夏播菜用大豆;春播菜用大豆生育进程比夏播菜用大豆滞后.从产量性状分析:菜用大豆春播单株荚数多于夏播;春播与夏播百粒鲜重接近;百荚鲜重与品种有关;春播菜用大豆单株发育水平比夏播菜用大豆好,有效分枝数比夏播多.辽00139-1春播与夏播鲜荚产量分别为12510.5 kg·hm-2和5229.4 ks·hm-2;辽00128-1春播与夏播鲜荚产量分别为12282.1 kg·hm-2和6762.6 kg·hm-2.  相似文献   

一年两熟制地区向来有种植夏大豆的习惯.但是其种植意义及高产栽培技术远不像小麦、玉米、水稻等粮食作物那样为人们所重视,而是作为杂粮作物自由发展,处于无足轻重的地位。近年来随着科技的发展和人们生活水平的不断提高。大豆生产重新被人们所重视。  相似文献   

特优671是宁德市农科所利用该所选育的恢复系亚恢671与不育系龙特甫配组而成的三系杂交稻新组合,通过福建省中稻两年区试和生产试验,表现产量高,农艺性状优良,适应性较广,熟期转色好,米质优等特点。2004年1月通过福建省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

福建春花生覆膜栽培生育特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对福建春生覆膜栽培的产量,产量构成因素,开花习性,光合特性,库源关系及部分性状进行了研究。结果表明,春花生采用覆膜栽培能提高出苗率和单株生产力,增产极显著。同时覆膜花生花量增多,开花提早,花期变短,开花结荚集中,花多集中于前期,有效花率,成果率,饱果率高,果大仁大等特点,与裸地花生相比,覆膜花生的净同化率(NAR)较低,但前期叶面积指数(LAI)大,积累干物质多,以及分配系数大,库/源比大,这些是福建春花生覆膜栽培增产的主要成因。  相似文献   

夏大豆秋播初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用夏大豆品系驻9414进行田间秋播试验,对其植株性状,生育期及产量等进行研究,结果表明,秋播夏大豆生育期(95d)缩短,株高降低,主茎节数减少,百粒重和蛋白质含量(48.7%)增加,籽粒产量2868kg/hm^2,或毛豆荚6000-7000kg/hm^2。证明夏大豆秋播的可行性,在生产、科研等方面有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Wheat germ and sunflower kernels were substituted at a level of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 percent of wheat flour for the preparation of cookies. The crude protein, ash and crude fiber contents increased with the addition of sunflower kernels. Similarly, with the addition of wheat germ, protein, ash and crude fibre contents increased significantly. The cookies containing 30% wheat germ and 20 percent sunflower kernels were found to be superior in overall acceptability.  相似文献   

自然降水与夏大豆生长发育关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用安徽省濉溪县1970 2004年大豆统计产量和相应的实测气象数据进行了统计分析。结果表明:濉溪县大豆幼苗期和鼓粒期的降水量、花荚期和全生育期的雨日与气象产量呈显著直线相关,大豆生长季节降水及其时空分布是造成实际产量围绕生产水平线波动的主要原因。大豆生育期内适宜降水为:降水量380~540mm,雨日24~34d。濉溪县大豆生育期内降水适中,涝多于旱。当耕层土壤含水量低于16%,预计5~7d内又无雨量较大的降水时,要及时灌溉浇水。  相似文献   

为完善稻棵套播小麦轻型栽培技术 ,1997~ 1999年在张湾乡和平明乡进行了 6种密度和 7种施氮量的试验。通过分析密度、施氮量与产量及穗粒结构的关系 ,初步明确淮北地区稻棵套播麦单产 6 0 0 0 kg/ hm2 的基本苗范围为 2 2 9.5 0~46 4.85万 /公顷 ,施氮量为 2 47.80~ 2 6 9.2 5 kg/ hm2。为提高群体质量 ,基本苗以 2 2 5~ 30 0万 /公顷为宜 ,施氮量以 2 2 5 .0kg/ hm2增产增收效果较好 ,比空白区增产 3133.35 kg/ hm2 ,每公顷增收 2 5 48.35元。  相似文献   

夏播条件下向日葵光合性能与杂交种产量的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
夏播条件下,向日葵群体的叶面积指数因杂交种不同变幅较大,辽嗑杂1号最大叶面积指数为3.87,而辽葵杂3号最大叶面积指数仅为2.23。向日葵杂交种的平均净光合效率为8.97g/m^2.d,变幅为7.57-11.13g/m^2.d。各杂交种的光合势与生物产量和籽实产量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

林昕 《江西棉花》2001,23(1):16-20
作者以育种实践中逐年资料的汇总,分析了麦后夏播棉育种的早熟性、丰产性与农艺性状(植株高度、主茎节间长度,果枝数、总果节数,第一节果枝着生节位和高度)和经济性状(结铃性、铃重、衣分、纤维长度、强度、细度和断裂长度)之间的相关与协调关系。提出了完善耕作改制,早熟育种增强科学的预性。尽可能减少和避免其盲目性的意见。  相似文献   

ClayF缓释复肥对小麦生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
ClayF缓释复肥是一种包含丰富中、微量元素的缓释粘土矿物包膜肥料,具有多种生物活性.盆栽试验结果表明:红壤旱土施用适量的ClayF缓释复肥可有效提高小麦的根重、株高、有效分蘖、穗长、实粒数、千粒重和地上部分干重,籽粒产量比对照增加12%.适量的ClayF缓释复肥同时能增强小麦对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收,促进氮、磷、钾养分向小麦籽粒转运.  相似文献   

Establishing forage legumes into endophyte‐infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacae Schreb.) pastures is problematic, especially in well‐established stands. A oversowing field experiment determined if this problem was because of poor nodulation. Four renovation techniques, clipped sward (treatment A), herbicided + rye seeding in the previous autumn (treatment B), herbicided in the autumn and spring (treatment C) and herbicided to suppress the sward (treatment D), were investigated to determine their effect on nodulation and root growth of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and white clover (T. repens L.) at 16, 22 and 29 d after sowing the legumes. A pot experiment was also conducted under optimal growth conditions and using the same soil to determine the nodulation and root growth potentials of these legume species. At adequate rhizobial populations (>6 × 104 cfu g?1 soil), substantial nodulation of all species occurred by 29 d after sowing in treatments C and D, whereas nodulation of clovers was usually reduced in treatment A. Total root lengths for all sampling dates, species and treatments were severely restricted, especially under treatment A. A general correspondence of nodulation with root growth was observed for all species, with high correlations (r ≥ 0·85) between these variables for all legume species and treatments, suggesting that soil moisture, and possibly competition for light, were the limiting factors. These results demonstrate that weak stands of forage legumes, typically found when sown into tall fescue swards, are probably not because of inadequate nodulation. Rather, inhibition of root growth by detrimental physical/chemical conditions or allocation of limited photosynthate to shoots instead of roots is suggested.  相似文献   

In a replicated field experiment carried out in Northern Ireland in 1998, the effects of sowing date (17 April, 5 May, 19 May and 1 June), cultivar of forage maize (Hudson and Diamant) and treatments with no mulch (NP), total cover plastic mulch (TC), TC plastic mulch removed at eight‐leaf growth stage (EL) and punch plastic mulch (PU) on the rate of development of the crop and the accumulation of dry matter (DM) in the whole plant and cobs were described. Soil and air temperatures under the mulch treatments and in the open were recorded and the daily accumulation of Ontario heat units (OUs) calculated for each treatment based on the air temperatures experienced by the crop for the periods that it was under plastic mulch and in the open. The interval from sowing to emergence was proportional to the accumulated heat units above a soil base temperature of 8·2°C. The phenology of leaf emergence varied widely in terms of calendar date across the sowing date and plastic mulch treatments but relative to adjusted OUs the treatments were more closely aligned. Treatment PU advanced the crop less than the other mulch treatments relative to calendar date but, relative to OUs, more than these treatments. Physical damage to plants emerging through the TC treatment and air temperatures exceeding 40°C during the first month under treatments TC and EL did not appear to retard physiological development. The total adjusted OUs to reach 50% silking ranged from 1432 to 1753. Close relationships were found between the total OUs from silking to harvest and the whole crop DM content, cob DM content, cob yield and starch concentration of the whole crop at harvest so that differences between the treatments could largely be accounted for by the differences in silking date. It was concluded that the OU system can provide a reasonable model of maize growth for crops sown under TC plastic mulch providing air temperatures under the plastic are used for the period that the crop experiences them. However, the OU system is less reliable for crops grown under punch plastic because of the soil warming effect of the mulch that is not taken into account by the OU system.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the interaction between genotype and environment, a critical aspect of plant breeding, from a physiological perspective. We present a theoretical framework largely based on Bradshaw's principles of phenotypic plasticity (Adv. Gen. 13: 115) updated to account for recent developments in physiology and genetics. Against this framework we discuss associations between plasticity of yield and plasticity of phenological development. Plasticity was quantified using linear models of phenotype vs environment for 169 wheat lines grown in 6 environments in Mexico, 32 sunflower hybrids grown in at least 15 environments in Argentina and 7 grapevine varieties grown in at least 14 environments in Australia.In wheat, yield ranged from 0.6 to 7.8 t ha−1 and the range of plasticity was 0.74–1.27 for yield and 0.85–1.17 for time to anthesis. The duration of the post-anthesis period as a fraction of the season was the trait with the largest range of plasticity, i.e. 0.47–1.80. High yield plasticity was an undesirable trait as it was associated with low yield in low-yielding environments. Low yield plasticity and high yield in low-yielding environments were associated with three phenological traits: early anthesis, long duration and low plasticity of post-anthesis development.In sunflower, yield ranged from 0.5 to 4.9 t ha−1 and the range of plasticity was 0.72–1.29 for yield and 0.72–1.22 for time to anthesis. High yield plasticity was a desirable trait as it was primarily associated with high yield in high-yielding environments. High yield plasticity and high yield in high-yielding environments were associated with two phenological traits: late anthesis and high plasticity of time to anthesis.In grapevine, yield ranged from 1.2 to 18.7 t ha−1 and the range of plasticity was 0.79–1.29 for yield, 0.86–1.30 for time of budburst, 0.84–1.18 for flowering, and 0.78–1.16 for veraison. High plasticity of yield was a desirable trait as it was primarily associated with high yield in high-yielding environments. High yield plasticity was associated with two phenological traits: plasticity of budburst and plasticity of anthesis.We report for the first time positive associations between plasticities of yield and phenology in crop species. It is concluded that in addition to phenology per se (i.e. mean time to a phenostage), plasticity of phenological development merits consideration as a distinct trait influencing crop adaptation and yield.  相似文献   

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