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1. Genetic adaptation was investigated in broilers selected for seven generations on a normal (A) or a low (B) protein diet.

2. Protein and energy metabolism were studied in males from these selected lines fed on a diet of intermediate protein content.

3. All selected birds retained more nitrogen than those studied 10 years previously.

4. There was no difference in nitrogen retention between groups, although relative growth rate of group B birds was higher.

5. Heat productions relative to gross energy intake were 0.38 (group B) and 045 (group A). Energy retentions relative to gross energy intake were 0.39 (group B) and 0.35 (group A); the difference being primarily due to higher fat retention in group B.

6. Using a common maintenance requirement for metabolisable energy, group B utilised metabolisable energy for growth (0.78) better than did group A (0.71).

7. At 53 d of age plasma glucose (10%) and insulin (50%) were higher in group B than in group A.  相似文献   

1. The present study was conducted to compare body weight, daily weight gain, relative growth rate, food intake, food conversion efficiency, abdominal fat weight, thyroid weight, plasma T4 concentration, body temperature, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and heat production among three Japanese‐quail lines selected for body weight: a random bred line (RR) and lines for large (LL) or small (SS) body weight.

2. T4 concentration increased in the order SS, RR, LL in both sexes and did not vary significantly between sexes; the SS line had a significantly higher value than that of the LL line.

3. The body temperatures of SS, RR and LL lines were 42.45, 42.03 and 41.25°C in males, and 42.7, 42.03 and 41.63°C in females.

4. The oxygen consumptions of SS, RR and LL lines were 63.4, 46.0 and 43–8 ml/kgW0.75 min. in males, and 61.4, 44.8 and 37.2 in females. The value for SS was significantly higher than those of RR and LL lines in both sexes (P< 0.01). The carbon dioxide productions of SS, RR and LL lines were 31.8, 33.8 and 27–3 ml/kgW075 min. in males, and 31.2, 31.9 and 27.3 in females. In both sexes, that of the LL line was significantly lower than those of the SS and RR lines (P< 0–01).

6. The heat productions of SS, RR and LL lines were 1.178, 0.994 and 0.842 k]/kgW01b min. in males, and 1.142, 0.879 and 0.736 in females. In both sexes, the heat production of the SS line was higher than those of the RR and LL lines (P< 0–01).

7. It was demonstrated that selection for body weight in Japanese quail was accompanied not only by changes in growth rate and conversion efficiency but also by changes in thyroid function and energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Linear functions of body weight and condition score at weaning and 18 mo of age were used to predict the mature weight (A) and maturing rate (k) parameters of an asymptotic growth model of Angus cows at the Subtropical Agricultural Research Station, Brooksville, FL. From 1981 through 1988 a heavy-mature-weight line (Line A) and a rapid-maturing line (Line K) were selected based on predicted A and k values. Linear contrasts (A-K) of least squares means for weight at fixed ages indicated that the weight difference between lines increased from birth to maturity during the period of the study. Animals from Line A were heavier (P less than .01) at all ages. A negative response in maternal ability, relative to increased growth potential of their calves, seems to have occurred in the cows of Line A. Mature weight was reached at approximately 4.5 yr of age in Line K and at approximately 5.5 yr in Line A. Brody's three-parameter and Richards' four-parameter functions were fitted to 2,855 quarterly weights of cows, from birth to 6.5 yr of age, to estimate the average growth curve for each line. Brody's model gave better estimates of weights from 18 mo to maturity, but the asymptotic residual mean squares were slightly higher because early weights were overestimated. Linear and nonlinear regression analyses of weight-age data and comparisons of degree of maturity at different premature ages showed differences in the growth patterns of the two lines selected for early predicted values of A and k.  相似文献   

本试验选择16头处于干奶期的健康荷斯坦奶牛,各试验牛体重、年龄、胎次相近,随机分成4组,每组4头。试验分为两期,一期饲喂基础日粮,二期以苜蓿、羊草、全株玉米青贮和干玉米秸秆各粗饲料替代30%基础日粮。考察不同粗饲料对奶牛能量代谢的影响。试验结果表明苜蓿的饲草相对饲用价值(RFV)值最高,一定程度上说明了苜蓿的营养价值最高,玉米青贮较玉米秸秆饲草相对饲用价值(RFV)值高,说明青贮改善了玉米秸秆的品质,提高其营养价值。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether variation in energy expenditure created by selection on heat loss is mediated by uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) in brown adipose tissue. Divergent selection for heat loss developed lines of mice with high (MH) and low (ML) maintenance energy expenditure. Concentration of UCP1 mRNA in brown adipose tissue (BAT) was 93% greater in ML than in MH mice (P < 0.02). Two new lines of mice, KH and KL, were bred by backcrossing a UCP1 knockout gene into the MH and ML lines, respectively; KH and KL with both knock-out (-/-) and wild type (+/+) UCP1 genotypes were generated. At 13 wk of age, KH mice exhibited greater heat loss (166 kcal x kg(0.75) x d(-1)) than KL mice (126.4 kcalkg(0.75) x d(-1)) regardless of the UCP1 knockout (P < 0.0001). Concentration of UCP2 mRNA in BAT was 74% greater in UCP1 knockout mice (-/-) than in wild type (+/+; P = 0.0001). We conclude that response to selection for increased energy expenditure was not mediated by increased expression or function of UCP1.  相似文献   

Three replications of mouse selection populations for high heat loss (MH), low heat loss (ML), and a nonselected control (MC) were used to estimate the feed energy costs of maintenance and gain and to test whether selection had changed these costs. At 21 and 49 d of age, mice were weighed and subjected to dual x-ray densitometry measurement for prediction of body composition. At 21 d, mice were randomly assigned to an ad libitum, an 80% of ad libitum, or a 60% of ad libitum feeding group for 28-d collection of individual feed intake. Data were analyzed using 3 approaches. The first approach was an attempt to partition energy intake between costs for maintenance, fat deposition, and lean deposition for each replicate, sex, and line by multiple regression of feed intake on the sum of daily metabolic weight (kg(0.75)), fat gain, and lean gain. Approach II was a less restrictive attempt to partition energy intake between costs for maintenance and total gain for each replicate, sex, and line by multiple regression of feed intake on the sum of daily metabolic weight and total gain. Approach III used multiple regression on the entire data set with pooled regressions on fat and lean gains, and subclass regressions for maintenance. Contrasts were conducted to test the effect of selection (MH - ML) and asymmetry of selection [(MH + ML)/2 - MC] for the various energy costs. In approach I, there were no differences between lines for costs of maintenance, fat deposition, or protein deposition, but we question our ability to estimate these accurately. In approach II, selection changed both cost of maintenance (P = 0.03) and gain (P = 0.05); MH mice had greater per unit costs than ML mice for both. Asymmetry of the selection response was found in approach II for the cost of maintenance (P = 0.06). In approach III, the effect of selection (P < 0.01) contributed to differences in the maintenance cost, but asymmetry of selection (P > 0.17) was not evident. Sex effects were found for the cost of fat deposition (P = 0.02) in approach I and the cost of gain (P = 0.001) in approach II; females had a greater cost per unit than males. When costs per unit of fat and per unit of lean gain were assumed to be the same for both sexes (approach III), females had a somewhat greater estimate for maintenance cost (P = 0.10). We conclude that selection for heat loss has changed the costs for maintenance per unit size but probably not the costs for gain.  相似文献   

Background Starch is a major component of carbohydrates and a major energy source for monogastric animals. Starch is composed of amylose and amylopectin and has different physiological functions due to its different structure. It has been shown that the energy supply efficiency of amylose is lower than that of amylopectin. However, there are few studies on the effect of starch structure on the available energy of pigs. The purpose of this study was to measure the effect of different structures o...  相似文献   

1. Protein utilisation and turnover were measured in male chickens sampled from a line selected for high breast yield and a randombred control line (lines QL and CL, experiment 1) and in male chickens sampled from lines selected for either high or low abdominal fatness (lines FL and LL, experiment 2). In each experiment, 18 birds per line were given iso-energetic (12.9 MJME/kg) diets containing either 120 or 220 g CP/kg from 21 to 29 d (experiment 1) and 33 to 43 d (experiment 2). 2. Measurements were made of growth rate, food intake, body composition, excreta production and Ntau-methylhistidine excretion as a measure of myofibrillar protein breakdown, and fractional rates (%/d) of protein deposition, breakdown and synthesis were calculated. 3. In experiment 1, there were no significant differences between the line means for the fractional measures of protein turnover, but there was marked differential response in the two lines in the fractional rates of protein deposition, breakdown and synthesis, to increase in protein intake. The positive slope of the regressions of fractional (%/d) protein deposition and synthesis rates on protein intake (g/d/kg BW) were approximately 1.4- and 2.0-fold higher respectively in the QL than the CL line birds, and the negative slope of the regression of fractional breakdown rate on protein intake was approximately threefold greater in the CL than the QL line birds. 4. In experiment 2, fractional deposition rate was 6.2% lower, but fractional breakdown rate 9.4% higher in the LL than the FL birds, whilst there was essentially no difference in response of the FL and LL birds in the components of protein turnover to increase in protein intake. Line differences in deposition and breakdown rates were thus a reflection of the considerably higher (20%) food and hence protein intake in the FL than the LL birds. 5. The differential line responses in protein turnover in the two experiments suggest that selection for increased breast muscle yield and for reduced body fatness manipulate different physiological pathways in relation to protein turnover, but neither selection strategy results in an improvement in net protein utilisation at typical levels of protein intake by birds on commercial broiler diets, through a reduction in protein breakdown rate.  相似文献   

Sustainability has come to play an important role in agricultural production. A way to combine efficiency with sustainability might be by searching for robust animals that can be selected for the homogeneity of certain traits. Furthermore, the optimization of feed efficiency is one of the challenges to improve livestock genetics programmes, but this might compromise reproductive efficiency. Animals from two divergent mouse lines, regarding variability of birthweight, were used to check whether homogeneity was also related to both feed and reproductive efficiency. The objective of this study was to use these divergent lines of mice to compare them with their feed efficiency and the reproductive capacity. Animal weight, weight gain, feed intake, relative intake and cumulated transformation index were considered as feed efficiency traits. Animals from the low line had both lower weight and feed intake from 21 to 56 days. They had a worse transforming index in the three last weeks when litter size was fitted as an effect of the model, but the lines become similar if the higher litter size of the low line was not included. Reproductively, the low line performed better considering the number of females having parturitions, the number of parturitions, and with higher litter size and survival in both parturitions. Hence, the low variability line was preferred because of reproductive efficiency without seriously affecting its feed efficiency. Homogeneity seemed to be related to robustness with similar feed efficiency but higher reproductive efficiency.  相似文献   

Four Friesian steers (mean BW = 282 kg) were given mixtures of VFA and casein by intragastric infusion to give a total energy input of 675 kJ/kg BW.75. Casein supplied 16.3% of the energy and 777 mg N/kg BW.75. The molar proportion of butyric acid was held constant at 8 mol/100 mol, and the acetic and propionic acids varied inversely. Acetic acid was varied in 12 increments from 11 to 91 mol/100 mol and propionic acid proportion varied inversely. Heat production, blood (urea, insulin, beta-hydroxybutyrate, free fatty acids) and urine metabolites (urea, N, VFA) were measured. There were no differences (P greater than .05) in heat production until the acetic acid proportions exceeded approximately 90 mol/100 mol, at which point there was a decrease in heat production (P less than .05) accompanied by a considerable excretion of acetic acid in the urine. Above 80 mol/100 mol acetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyrate was greatly elevated, accompanied by a small decrease in blood glucose and blood insulin together with an increase in blood free fatty acid concentration. There was also an elevation of N excretion in the urine. When the proportion of propionic acid exceeded 76 mol/100 mol there were some metabolic disturbances resulting in blood hemolysis, an increase in N excretion in the urine, and nervous disposition of the animals. It is concluded that differences in heat production between roughage and concentrate diets are not likely to be a result of differences in the energetic response to different proportions of VFA. Differences in activity during standing, feeding, and ruminating may, therefore, be more important.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Postpartum dam performance was studied in a complete diallel design involving five lines of mice. The selection criterion in each line was: large litter size at birth (L+); large 6-wk body weight (W+); an index for large litter size and small 6-wk body weight (L+W-); the complementary index (L-W+) and random (K). Females from the five lines and 20 reciprocal F1 crosses were mated to sires of a randomly selected control line (CC). Correlated responses in average direct genetic and average maternal genetic effects for dam body weight and litter size at parturition persisted throughout lactation, indicating important pleiotropic effects. Major correlated responses occurred for litter weight, feed intake and litter feed efficiency, primarily due to average direct genetic effects. Using general combining ability and net line effects as criteria for choosing among lines, L+ had a distinct advantage if the objective was to increase litter size in a crossing program. If the objective was to maximize litter weaning weight, then W+ would be favored for net line effects, while L+ and W+ would be about equivalent for general combining ability. None of the lines had an advantage for litter feed efficiency. Direct heterosis for dam weight at 12 and 21 d of lactation averaged 2.7 and 1.9%, while for litter size the respective averages were 7.4 and 7.3%. The W+ X L+W- cross exhibited overdominance for litter size. Direct heterosis was moderate for feed intake and litter weight, but was negligible for litter feed efficiency because of the mathematical relationship among the three traits. Maternal heterosis for preweaning progeny growth was suppressed because of heterosis for litter size in the dam. Grand-maternal effects on growth of the young were small and would not be an important consideration in choosing among these lines in a crossbreeding program.  相似文献   

Genetic factors affecting female reproductive performance in lines of mice with a known history of selection were estimated from a 5 X 5 diallel cross. Lines were selected as follows: large litter size at birth (L+); large 6-wk body weight (W+); an index for large litter size and small 6-wk body weight (L+W-); the complementary index (L-W+) and randomly (K). Partitioning of direct and correlated responses for litter size, 6-wk body weight and related traits into average direct genetic (li) and average maternal genetic (mi) effects indicated that the magnitude of differences in li exceeded those in mi. Lines having positive responses in li were W+ greater than L+ greater than L-W+ for dam body weight, L+ greater than L+W- greater than W+ for litter size and L+ greater than (W+, L+W-) for litter birth weight, whereas L-W+ responded negatively for litter size. A positive association was found between mi for litter size and dam body weight, W+ and L-W+ being high and L+ and L+W- low for both traits. Female infertility and time from male exposure to parturition had relatively small correlated responses. Line rankings in general combining ability (gi) and net line effects were similar for the respective traits. Depending upon the line and trait involved, the relative contribution of average direct genetic and line direct heterotic (hi) effects to general combining ability [gi = (1/2) li + hi] varied. Line heterosis refers to average heterosis in crosses involving that line. Direct heterosis ( hij ) for each trait differed considerably among crosses. The three crosses showing the highest hij for litter size at birth, W+ X L-W+ (1.78), L+ X W+ (1.28) and L-W+ X L+W- (1.22), possibly had loci contributing directional dominance to litter size with frequencies of parental lines deviating in opposite directions relative to mean gene frequency. The correlation between absolute difference in parental line means and hij for litter size was not significant, suggesting that the magnitudes of absolute differences in parental means were not reliable predictors of divergence in gene frequency. Crossbred performance increased linearly with midparent values for litter size at birth (b = .88 +/- .09, R2 = .92) and dam parturition body weight (b = 1.13 +/- .04, R2 = .99), the latter trait showing an increase (P less than .01) in heterosis as midparent values increased.  相似文献   

1. Correlated responses in protein and energy metabolism were studied in 2 lines of meat-type chickens selected during 6 generations for improved efficiency of food utilisation (line A) or greater body weight (line B). 2. Daily gain was 18% higher in line B but efficiency was 15% better in line A. 3. Metabolisability (ME/GE) was 0.752 in line A and 0.725 in line B. 4. Retained nitrogen as a fraction of nitrogen intake was 0.51 for line A and 0.46 for line B. 5. Energy retention as a fraction of metabolisable energy was 0.38 in line A and 0.43 in line B the difference being primarily attributable to greater fat retention in line B. 6. Selecting for improved efficiency of food utilisation in meat-type chickens having a growth capacity of 50 to 60 g was very effective and produced a lean bird with higher metabolisability of the diet.  相似文献   

The effects of 2 different 8-hour continuous rate infusions (CRIs) of medetomidine on epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, glucose, and insulin levels were investigated in 6 healthy dogs. Each dog received both treatments and a control as follows: MED1 = 2 μg/kg bodyweight (BW) loading dose followed by 1 μg/kg BW per hour CRI; MED2 = 4 μg/kg BW loading dose followed by 2 μg/kg BW per hour CRI; and CONTROL = saline bolus followed by a saline CRI. Both infusion rates of medetomidine decreased norepinephrine levels throughout the infusion compared to CONTROL. While norepinephrine levels tended to be lower with the MED2 treatment compared to the MED1, this difference was not significant. No differences in epinephrine, cortisol, glucose, or insulin were documented among any of the treatments at any time point. At the low doses used in this study, both CRIs of medetomidine decreased norepinephrine levels over the 8-hour infusion period, while no effects were observed on epinephrine, cortisol, glucose, and insulin.  相似文献   

为了研究不同消化能水平日粮对深县猪生长性能、养分消化率和血液生化指标的影响,选用体重(15. 54±2. 25) kg的健康深县猪48头,随机分成3组,每组4个重复,每个重复4头猪,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组饲粮消化能水平分别为11. 20、11. 70、12. 20 MJ/kg,预试期7 d,正式期28 d。结果显示:试验Ⅲ组的平均日增重显著高于试验Ⅰ组15. 56%(P<0. 05),试验Ⅲ组的料重比(F/G)显著低于试验Ⅰ组(P<0. 05);试验Ⅲ组粗蛋白、总能与粗脂肪表观消化率均显著高于试验Ⅰ组9. 89%、7. 29%、7. 21%(P<0. 05)。综合各项指标,在本试验条件下,生长期深县猪适宜的消化能水平为12. 20 MJ/kg。  相似文献   

1. Calorimetric measurements were made on 5‐week‐old male chickens sampled from the third generation of three lines selected for either increased live‐weight gain (W), food consumption (F), or food conversion efficiency (E). A control line (C) was also measured.

2. Food intake and food conversion ratio were greater (P<0.05) in the F line than in the E and C lines.

3. Metabolisability of the diet was 0.8% higher in the E line than in the other lines.

4. Metabolisable energy (ME) intake and heat production were greater (P<0.05) in the F line than in the E and C lines, and energy balance was greater (P<0.05) in the F than in the W and E lines.

5. During starvation, excreta energy and heat production were greater (P < 0.05) in the F than the other lines.

6. Availability of ME (net energy) was the same (85%) for all lines but calculated daily maintenance energy requirements (kJ ME/kgW) were W, 860; F, 937; E, 796 and C, 810.

7. By 9 weeks the F line contained more fat and less water than lines E and C.  相似文献   

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