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The recently developed Eastern Regional Research Center ( ERRC ) dry column chromatographic procedure for determining N-nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR) in fried cure-pumped bacon was evaluated for its applicability to fried dry-cured bacon. The method was then compared with 2 established procedures for volatile nitrosamine analysis in cured meat products: the multidetection thermal energy analyzer (MD) method and the mineral oil distillation (MOD) screening procedure. No significant difference (P less than 0.05) in NPYR values was found between the ERRC and MD procedures, but significant differences were found between the ERRC and MOD procedures and between the MOD and MD procedures. No artifactual nitrosamine formation was found in the ERRC procedure, but significant amounts were found in samples analyzed by the MOD procedure. The ERRC method was demonstrated to be rugged and very rapid. It is proposed that the ERRC method replace the MOD method as the official screening procedure for NPYR in fried bacon.  相似文献   

Three methods, the mineral oil distillation (MOD), the dry column (DC), and a low temperature vacuum distillation (LTVD), for the determination of N-nitrosopyrrolidine in dry-cured and pump-cured bacon were compared. Each method uses the thermal energy analyzer for the determinative step. The coefficients of variation for repeatability were 10.3% (MOD), 7.2% (DC), and 9.1% (LTVD) for the dry-cured bacon study and 8.7% (MOD), 8.5% (DC), and 7.1% (LTVD) for the pump-cured bacon study. The pooled coefficients of variation for between-method reproducibility were 11.8% for the dry-cured bacon and 10.8% for the pump-cured bacon. The pooled coefficients of variation for repeatability were 9.0% for the dry-cured bacon and 8.2% for the pump-cured bacon. These values compare favorably with the values from previous collaborative or validation studies of the individual methods, and the methods can be considered to be equivalent.  相似文献   

Dry-cured or "country-style" bacon is a low volume specialty product typically made by small producers whose production practices vary widely. These practices include the direct application of dry-cure formulations containing varying concentrations of salt, sugar, flavoring agents, sodium nitrite, and sometimes sodium nitrate, and the use of lengthy curing and processing times. Because of the possibility of generating higher levels of N-nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR) after frying in this product type compared with pump-cured bacon, an investigation was carried out on dry-cured bacon obtained from cooperating state or federally inspected establishments. Three different samples from each of the 16 plants were analyzed. Only one sample from each of 2 different producers exceeded the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) action level of 17 ppb NPYR, indicating that the majority of samples tested were in compliance. A significant correlation (P less than 0.01) was found between residual NaNO2 prior to frying and NPYR after frying. The elimination of added nitrate in the dry-cure formulations is recommended.  相似文献   

A semiautomated colorimetric method is described for determining ferrous sulfate in tablets, capsules, and elixirs. The method involves the formation of an orange-red complex between 1,10-phenanthroline and ferrous ion. Collaborators were supplied with 3 solid composites and one liquid sample. Two of the solid composites were prepared from commerical tablets of different dosage and one from commercial timed-release capsules; the fourth sample was an elixir. The results of the automated analyses for ferrous sulfate agreed well with those of the applicable USP method. No interference was found from ferric iron or from the red and green coloring used on coated tablets. The method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

Ion exchange chromatography is used to separate mephentermine sulfate from drug formulations. The drug is subsequently measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Assays on 4 commercial samples of tablets and injectables gave recoveries from 97.6 to 104% of declared. A collaborative study involving 2 tablet and 2 liquid formulations gave mean recoveries ranging from 94.7 to 99.3% and coefficients of variation from 1.39 to 2.00%.  相似文献   

Commercially processed bacon samples purchased from the Washington, DC, retail market have been periodically analyzed since 1971 for the presence of volatile N-nitrosamines in the fried product. During that time, a downward trend in the concentration of N-nitrosopyrrolidine has been observed, and between 1978 and 1980 it plateaued at 4-30 ppb, with an average of 11 ppb. A recent survey, however, indicates a change in this downward trend, with N-nitrosopyrrolidine found at levels ranging from 1 to 65 ppb, average 21 ppb. Volatile N-nitrosamines were found at levels up to 110 ppb in the fried product and up to 85 ppb in the fried-out bacon fat.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic electron capture detector method is described for the quantitative determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in poultry fat. The samples are rendered and cleaned up using automated gel permeation chromatography. The collaborative samples consisted of 10 fortified samples and one incurred residue sample, all in duplicate. Fortification levels ranged from 0.15 to 1.0 ppm for alpha-BHC, lindane, cis- and trans-chlordane, octachlor epoxide, o,p' and p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE, p,p'-TDE, hexachlorobenzene, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, endrin, methoxychlor, mirex, and toxaphene. The average recovery was 91.9% with a range of 81-102%. The ranges of coefficients of variation were: CVo = 3.39-14.79%; CVL = 0-16.6%; and CVx = 5.82-19.0%. The results indicate accuracy and precision comparable to other official methodology. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

A rapid column elution method has been developed for the determination of ethyl carbamate (EC) in alcoholic beverages. The beverage is mixed with Celite and packed in a column containing deactivated alumina capped with a layer of sodium sulfate. EC is then eluted with methylene chloride. The method, using a gas chromatograph-thermal energy analyzer with a nitrogen converter for detection and quantitation of EC, has been applied to a variety of alcoholic beverages. Recoveries +/- standard deviations of EC in wine and whisky fortified at the 20 and 133 micrograms/kg (ppb) levels averaged 87.3 +/- 5.3 and 88.7 +/- 3.6%, respectively. The method has a limit of detection of 1.5 ppb. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry was used to confirm the identity and quantitation of EC in selected beverage extracts.  相似文献   

Each of 5 collaborating laboratories determined volatile N-nitrosamines in 3 blind quadruplicate sets of latex rubber infant pacifier samples, using a gas chromatographic-thermal energy analysis (GC-TEA) method. Volatile N-nitrosamines are extracted from cut-up pacifier nipples with CH2Cl2. The extract is concentrated and subjected to high temperature purge and trap, and the nitrosamines are eluted from the trap and determined by GC-TEA. N-Nitrosodibutylamine (NDBA) was the only nitrosamine found in sufficient concentration to allow analysis. NDBA concentrations of the 3 sets of samples were 82.6, 21.0, and 7.12 ng/g rubber. The repeatability relative standard deviations ranged from 7.46 to 24.0% and the reproducibility relative standard deviations from 7.46 to 29.2%. The minimum detectable level of NDBA by this method is 3.6 ng/g rubber. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

Ten laboratories analyzed unfortified and fortified samples of lettuce, tomatoes, and strawberries for organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides by applicable portions of the comprehensive multipesticide method of Luke et al. The 3 crops were fortified with 6 pesticides, alpha-BHC, dieldrin, chlorpyrifos, acephate, omethoate, and monocrotophos, each at 3 levels per crop. Included in the 54 fortifications were 16 pairs of blind duplicates: same pesticide, crop, and level. Recoveries were calculated by area comparisons with known reference materials, using the responses obtained from 2 separate element-specific gas chromatographic (GC) systems. The organochlorine pesticides were chromatographed on a methyl silicone column and detected with a Hall 700A electrolytic conductivity detector, and the organophosphorus pesticides were determined with a flame photometric detector after being chromatographed on a specified DEGS column material. Chlorpyrifos was quantitated on both GC systems. Mean recoveries ranged from 82.6% for acephate fortified at 0.5000 ppm in strawberries to 118.1% for 0.0636 ppm fortification of chlorpyrifos in lettuce. Interlaboratory coefficients of variation ranged from 4.0% for 0.6360 ppm fortification of chlorpyrifos in tomatoes to 17.8% for the 0.0636 ppm chlorpyrifos level in lettuce. The procedure features essentially no cleanup before GC and proved comparable to existing multiresidue methods for pesticides of the class types studied, as evidenced by the intra- and interlaboratory measurements of precision and recoveries obtained. The method with the 2 GC systems has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

Eight laboratories collaboratively tested a gas-liquid chromatographic method for determining ethylenetiourea (ETU) in potatoes, spinach, applesauce, and milk. In the determinative step, ETU is converted to the S-butyl derivative (2-n-butylmercapto-2-imidazoline) which is detected by a flame photometric detector, sulfur mode. For unknown fortification levels of 0.06, 0.12, and 0.30 ppm, the collaborators reported an overall average recovery range of 85-97% in the various commodities. The method has been adopted as interim official first action.  相似文献   

The official first action method for carbadox in swine feed, 42.C01-42.C04, was modified in 2 respects. First, the samples were leached overnight at room temperature instead of boiled for 1 hr. This change avoided problems with overheating and excessive evaporation. Second, the dilution scheme for samples spiked with carbadox standard solution was changed to give absorbance values that were within the optimum working range of all types of spectrophotometers. The modified procedure was collaboratively studied by 21 laboratories. The repeatability standard deviation (sigma0) and reproducibility standard deviation (sigmax) were sigma0 = 0.00029% and sigmax = 0.00056% (8.9% of grand mean) for feeds containing 0.00617% carbadox; and sigma = 0.0012% and sigmax = 0.0019% (9.3% of grand mean) for feeds containing 0.0198% carbadox. The between-laboratory variance ratio was significant for feeds containing 0.0198% carbadox. The mean per cent of intent values for feeds containing 0.00617% carbadox and 0.0198% carbadox were 102% and 104%, respectively. In general, the statistical results were comparable to those previously obtained for the official first action method. Consequently, the modified procedure is not recommended as a replacement for the official first action method.  相似文献   

A rehydratable dry-film plating procedure for aerobic plate counts has been compared to the standard agar plate method (966.23B and C, 15th ed.; 46.014-46.015, 14th ed.) in a collaborative study by 12 laboratories. Each laboratory analyzed the normal microflora of 3 samples in duplicate for 6 products. The aerobic plate counts ranged from 1.0 x 10(3) to 1.0 x 10(8) cfu/g. The products were flour, nuts, frozen raw shrimp, spice, frozen raw ground turkey, and frozen and refrigerated vegetables. Repeatability standard deviations of the 2 methods did not differ significantly for 13 of 18 test samples. For 1 shrimp and 2 turkey samples, the dry-film method had lower repeatability variances (P less than 0.05) and for 1 spice sample the agar method had lower repeatability variances (P less than 0.05). Relative standard deviations of repeatability were between 1.7 and 15.5% for the dry-film method and 1.2 and 16.0% for the agar method. Relative standard deviations of reproducibility ranged from 2.4 to 23.4% for the dry-film method and 2.3 to 18.8% for the agar method. The dry rehydratable film method has been adopted official first action for determination of the aerobic plate count.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted comparing a semiautomated riboflavin method with a manual riboflavin method for 10 food products. Six laboratories provided results from the semiautomated method and 16 laboratories used the manual technique. The semiautomated method was more repeatable within a laboratory than was the manual method. The semiautomated method results compared favorably with the manual method for all 10 products.  相似文献   

Collaborators in 8 dairy and food industry laboratories performed one lactose determination on each of 8 unknown samples of milk, lowfat milk, or skim milk, as 3 pairs of blind duplicates. Two known samples were provided to gain experience prior to analysis of the unknown samples. All of the above samples were also analyzed for lactose content by the official AOAC gravimetric method (16.507) by a commercial laboratory. From the overall mean of results on all samples, determinations by the enzymatic method averaged 0.49% lower than by the AOAC method. This difference was significant by the t-test (P = 0.05), which indicated a lack of agreement between the compared methods in determining lactose content. Standard deviations were similar for the 3 sets of blind duplicates which ranged between 3.67 and 4.55% lactose content. F-values revealed that variations between means obtained by laboratories differed significantly as compared with variations within laboratory means. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dichloromethane extraction method for determining volatile N-nitrosamines in baby bottle rubber nipples. Following dichloromethane extraction, N-nitrosamines were determined by gas chromatography-thermal energy analysis. Six pairs of blind duplicate rubber nipple samples representing 6 lots were analyzed by 11 collaborating laboratories. All samples were portions taken from equilibrated composites of cut-up rubber nipples obtained from manufacturers in the United States. Recoveries of the internal standard (N-nitrosodipropylamine) at approximately 20 ppb ranged from 10 to 120%. Reproducibility relative standard deviations (RSDx) were between 35 and 45% for N-nitrosamine levels from 10 to 20 ppb. However, when data from laboratories with recoveries less than 75% were excluded (this is now specified in the method), RSDx values were between 11 and 32% for N-nitrosamine levels from 6 to 26 ppb. Values were consistent with or better than those reported for other analytical techniques designed to quantitate trace contaminants at the low ppb level, e.g., aflatoxin in foods. The method has been adopted official first action for the quantitation of volatile N-nitrosamines in baby bottle rubber nipples.  相似文献   

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