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2021年3—4月,湖南省冷水江市和新化县分别发生一起人布鲁氏菌病疫情。为及时获得疫情发生发展情况,确定疫情来源,科学处置疫情,阻断传播风险,通过现场走访问询、实验室检测等方式开展了畜间疫情调查。结果显示:两例人布鲁氏菌病病例均为山羊养殖从业者,其养殖羊群的布鲁氏菌抗体阳性率分别为44.4%和15.4%;从外地引进未经检疫山羊混群饲养是疫情发生的主要原因,缺乏有效的流通监管和共同放牧导致疫情扩散。根据调查结果,当地畜牧兽医部门按相关规定对发病羊群及流行病学关联羊群进行了扑杀和无害化处理,使疫情得到有效控制。本次疫情提示,养殖者应提升防疫主体责任和自身防护意识,规范引种和调运,隔离饲养,相关部门应严格产地检疫和流通监管,强化监测预警,积极开展布鲁氏菌病防治知识宣传和净化工作。  相似文献   

2017年3月,海南省某乡镇一村庄报告出现疑似羊布鲁氏菌病疫情。海南省动物疫病预防控制中心成立联合调查处置组,前往该市开展了流行病学调查及疫情监测工作,监测范围覆盖疫情乡镇的8个村庄。经实验室检测,证实该镇存在羊布鲁氏菌感染。调查认为,导致此次疫情的原因很可能是养羊户非法购入了未经检疫的患病羊只,后因共同放牧、公用种羊等行为,导致疫情在该村蔓延;村民因缺乏生物安全防护意识,与病羊密切接触而被感染。针对此情况,提出了人畜隔离、建临时病羊隔离圈舍、固定放牧草场、禁止共同放牧、扑杀阳性群,以及加强检疫、监测和宣传等针对性防控建议。调查提示,严格引入动物检疫、隔离,加强生物安全防护,对于预防人畜布鲁氏菌病具有积极意义。  相似文献   

2020年由于十堰市2人感染布鲁氏菌病,为查明2例人间布鲁氏菌病之间的联系、了解传播途径以及发展趋势、评估传播风险、科学处置畜间疫情,通过走访、监测、实验室检测等技术手段开展畜间流行病学调查及处置,共监测关联山羊804只,检出布病阳性31只,扑杀33只,总结了导致疫情发生的原因是人员缺乏防护意识,未采取有效的防护措施而导致人畜之间的传播,针对此病提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

海南省白沙县自2019年以来已陆续发现了几起布鲁氏菌病疫情,说明该病在本地已经形成定殖的趋势,人畜再次感染风险大。2022年4月海南省白沙黎族自治县一村民被诊断为布鲁氏菌病。为有效获得畜间疫情发展情况和传播风险,工作人员通过现场走访、实地采样、实验室检测等方式开展流行病学调查。调查发现:该户共存栏74头,有19头感染布鲁氏菌病,导致疫情的原因可能来自引进未经检疫的羊只经合群养殖饲养感染。针对本次疫情,对该户的74头羊采取了全群扑杀及无害化处理,并加强宣传、监测、消毒和排查。相关部门应加强动物检疫监管,采取多项防控措施开展综合防控,消除布鲁氏菌病疫情,保障公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

2020年3月13日,青海省一养羊户发生一起人畜布鲁氏菌病疫情。为掌握疫病发生原因,调查疫病可能来源,评估可能传播风险,青海省动物疫病预防控制中心会同相关人员组成工作组,赶赴养殖现场,通过座谈、实地查看、实验室检测等方式开展了紧急流行病学调查。调查认为,养羊户引进感染羊,且引进后未隔离观察就直接混群放牧可能是导致本次疫情暴发的原因。由此,建议加大排查监测力度,及时发现并处理阳性畜;加强宣传,积极开展布鲁氏菌病防控知识培训,提升牧民规范饲养和主动防范布鲁氏菌病的意识。  相似文献   

2021年5月,湖南省长沙市发生一起人布鲁氏菌病疫情,确诊病例有共同暴露史,均接触或食用同一养殖场的羊胎衣。为确定疫情源头,防止疫情蔓延,消除疫情传播风险,通过现场走访询问、实验室检测等方式,对人确诊病例的共同暴露养殖场开展了畜间流行病学调查。调查结果显示:该养殖场饲养的山羊为外地调入且未经检疫,调入后出现疑似布鲁氏菌病症状并死亡;经实验室检测,存栏山羊的布鲁氏菌抗体阳性率为89.66%;相关人员普遍缺乏布病认知,防范意识不足,存在徒手接触羊流产物等情况,以及有食用羊胎衣的习俗。调查认为,养殖户外购未经检疫的羊是本次疫情的源头,相关人员布病防护意识低,对布病缺乏认知,导致感染。疫情确诊后,当地兽医主管部门按规定对存栏羊群进行全部扑杀和无害化处理,对栏舍进行全面彻底清洗消毒,依法查处违规调运等行为,使疫情得到有效控制。本次疫情警示,需要严格落实动物检疫和调运监管制度,做好监测预警,深化健康教育,提高群众自我防护意识,逐步净化消灭布病。  相似文献   

2017年8月1日,会同县在开展全县布鲁氏菌病基线调查时,在马鞍镇某一养羊户存栏的30只山羊中抽检19份血清样品初检8份阳性,经怀化市动物疫病预防控制中心确诊2份阳性。为掌握疫病的发生原因、调查疫病可能来源和扩散风险等,市县两级动物疫病预防控制中心相关人员迅速赶赴该养羊专业户养殖现场,通过座谈、问卷调查、实地查看、样品采集等方式开展了紧急调查。调查发现,本次羊布鲁氏菌病血清学检测阳性的原因为养羊专业户私自从广州批发市场购入30只绒山羊,未进行检疫。现该羊群已全群扑杀,并与卫生部门联防联控,及时采取有效措施进行防控,有效的防止疫情扩散。  相似文献   

2022年8月,湖南省长沙市通报一例人布鲁氏菌病病例。为了解畜间布病流行情况,查找病原来源,明确传播路径和风险点,当地动物疫病预防控制机构和疾病预防控制机构联合开展了人畜间布鲁氏菌病流行病学调查。结果显示:疫情涉及2个乡镇3个村;检出阳性养殖场户4个,场户阳性率为16.67%(4/24),检出阳性羊81只,个体阳性率为20.05%(81/404),畜间疫情呈现多点散发;检测人员31人次,检出阳性病例7例,人间疫情呈现家庭聚集(4个家庭),且病例均有家畜养殖史,多为中青年。经溯源调查,外地引入未经检测种公羊是本次疫情的起因,养殖场迁徙、共用草场、借用种公羊配种等行为导致疫情小范围扩散。相关人员缺乏自身防护意识,通过密切接触阳性动物而被感染。本次疫情警示,政府要加强布病监测和引种检疫监管,强化传染源控制,持续推进畜间布病净化,同时要加强职业人群健康教育,提升其自身防护意识,强化部门联防联控,切实保障公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

2020年11月,湖南省湘西州凤凰县畜牧水产事务中心在进行布鲁氏菌病常规监测时发现,某牛场布鲁氏菌抗体阳性。随即湘西州畜牧水产事务中心联合凤凰县畜牧水产事务中心相关专业技术人员,通过现场问询、查阅档案和实验室检测等方式,对该养殖场进行了布鲁氏菌病流行病学调查,分析疫情来源,评估扩散风险。综合现场调查和实验室检测结果,初步判断此次疫情可能是由不规范引种造成的,因养殖人员对布鲁氏菌病防治知识不了解,未及时采取控制措施,导致疫情出现一定程度的扩散。随后通过采取严格的疫情处置措施和持续的流行病学监测,使疫情得到有效控制。该起疫情警示,要加强引种检疫监管,强化监督执法和日常监测,积极开展布鲁氏菌病防治宣传培训,保障畜牧业健康发展和公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

2021年10月,根据湖南省动物疫病预防控制中心关于开展全省羊布鲁氏菌病流行病学调查工作的相关文件精神,作者所在部门对永州市零陵区羊场进行羊布鲁氏菌流行病学调查监测时发现,某羊场布鲁氏菌抗体呈阳性。随即对该羊场进行现场调查,发现该羊场有出现种羊流产、久配不孕等情况,并有针对性再次采样检测,结果为布鲁氏菌抗体阳性率57.58%。通过现场病史调查和实验室检测,初步判断该起疫情是由养殖场不按检疫规定引种造成的。根据《布鲁氏菌病防治技术规范》,并结合实际情况,对全群羊只全部扑杀,并对羊、及场内的排泄物、垫料等进行无害化处理,对场内及周边环境进行严格消毒等一系列严格的疫情处置措施后,此次疫情得到了有效地控制。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌引起的人畜共患病,不仅危害畜牧业健康发展,影响畜产品质量安全,而且严重威胁人类健康。本文通过对玉门市花海农场87只布鲁氏菌病羊只的扑杀消毒、淘汰净化和周边羊只的调查监测,及时、有效地控制了布鲁氏菌病,没有形成蔓延扩散之势。针对调查中找出发生布病的原因和存在问题,结合实际,提出了今后羊布鲁氏菌病的防控对策。  相似文献   

Brucellosis, caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella, is a contagious disease that causes economic loss to owners of domestic animals due to loss of progeny and milk yield. Because cattle, sheep, goats, and to a lesser extent pigs are considered to be the source of human brucellosis, serological tests have been used to screen domestic animals for antibodies against Brucella. Although the serological tests helped to eradicate brucellosis in many countries, serological tests are not always adequate to detect latent carriers of Brucella. Therefore, the use of the skin delayed-type hypersensitivity (SDTH) test, which is independent of circulating antibodies, might improve the diagnosis of brucellosis. In the literature, however, there are conflicting reports as to the value of the SDTH test for the diagnosis of brucellosis. Some studies consider the test unreliable, whereas others advocate its use because it detects brucellosis earlier than serological tests. The objectives of this study were therefore to assess the characteristics of the SDTH test, to select a Brucella strain that will yield a suitable brucellin for use in the field, and to determine whether the use of serological tests in combination with the SDTH test improves the detection of brucellosis. The results of this study clearly show that the SDTH test detects latent carriers of Brucella and confirms brucellosis in cattle with ambiguous serological test results. Brucellins prepared from smooth or mucoid strains of Brucella are better suited for use in the field than brucellins prepared from rough strains because they detect brucellosis in cattle with acute as well as chronic infection. The SDTH test is highly specific (99.3% specificity), and repeated testing of naive cattle or cattle infected with microorganisms that serologically cross-react with Brucella does not sensitize cattle to subsequent SDTH tests. However, it is possible that some naive cattle may serologically react to the injection of brucellin. The effect of these serological reactions on the sero-diagnosis of brucellosis is limited, because cattle may only now and then react serologically either with the serum agglutination test (SAT) or the complement fixation test (CFT). Nevertheless, cattle infected with microorganisms that serologically cross-react with Brucella may test seropositive for brucellosis 4 to 7 weeks after injection of brucellin, depending on the cross-reacting microorganism. The value of the SDTH test for the diagnosis of brucellosis was demonstrated after an outbreak of brucellosis. When the SDTH test was used in combination with SAT and CFT at diagnostic threshold > or =2 mm or > or =1 mm (increase in skinfold thickness), respectively, 39/44 (88%) or 42/44 (95%) of the infected cattle were detected compared with only 27/44 (61%) when SAT and CFT were used. When cattle in areas of low prevalence or in areas free from brucellosis are tested with the SDTH test an increase > or =2 mm in skinfold thickness should be considered indicative of infection. When the control and eradication of brucellosis is based on test-and-slaughter, an increase of > or =1 mm in skinfold thickness should be considered indicative of infection. Repeated serological testing complemented with the SDTH test in this programme will shorten the quarantine (movement control) period of a suspect herd, limiting the financial loss incurred during outbreaks of the disease. Consequently, since the SDTH test usually does not interfere with the serological diagnosis and can safely be used to establish the infection status of cattle in a suspect herd, it is opportune to consider adding the SDTH test to the procedure currently used to diagnose brucellosis in individual animals.  相似文献   

为了解贵阳市2015年家畜布鲁菌的感染情况,以指导全市家畜布鲁菌病的防控工作,采用虎红平板凝集试验和试管凝集试验对全市8 381份牛、羊、猪血清开展布鲁菌感染情况调查。结果表明,牛、羊和猪布鲁菌病阳性率依次为0.29%(13/4 530)、0.39%(11/2 848)和0%(0/1 003)。说明贵阳市家畜布鲁菌病的流行率在国家控制标准以内,今后宜实行检疫和扑杀相结合的防控策略。  相似文献   

采用虎红平板凝集试验(RBPT)和试管凝集试验(SAT)对塔城市10个乡镇场社区27个村队巷1207份未免疫布病疫苗的牛血清进行监测,检出阳性65头,阳性率为5.4%。阳性牛分布在8个乡镇场社区的27个村队巷。出现布病疫情主要原因是,传染源没有彻底清除,市场交易频繁,大量外引牲畜未得到有效检疫,饲养者缺乏对布病知识的了解致使阳性畜不断增加,导致疫情扩散。采取检疫、净化与扑杀无害化处理相结合的方式,淘汰病畜,加强牲畜流通环节监管,加大宣传,以控制疫情蔓延。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the etiology of abortions presented in a goat herd declared as free of brucellosis and vaccinated with RB51 located in Mexico. The serological diagnosis of brucellosis in 33 animals was performed. The study included three goats that aborted in the last third of gestation and 15 goats that gave birth normally; samples of milk and vaginal exudate were subjected to bacteriological study. All animals were negative for serological diagnosis, and isolation of Brucella melitensis was achieved in a single goat from vaginal exudate. However, the particularity is that this goat was negative to the card, indirect ELISA, and radial immunodiffusion tests. Isolation of a field strain was confirmed by biochemical test resistance to rifampicin and PCR. It is concluded that a goat which aborted in the last third of gestation was found spreading B. melitensis through vaginal discharge despite being vaccinated with RB51 and seronegative for brucellosis.  相似文献   

A confirmed case of human brucellosis motivated an investigation into the potential source of infection in Namibia. Since domestic animals are principal sources of Brucella infection in humans, 1692 serum samples were screened from sheep, goats and cattle from 4 presumably at-risk farms and 900 springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) serum samples from 29 mixed farming units for Brucella antibodies by the Rose-Bengal test (RBT) and positive cases confirmed by complement fixation test (CFT). To assess the prevalence of human brucellosis, 137 abattoir employees were tested for Brucella antibodies using the standard tube agglutination test (STAT) and by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Cattle and sheep from all 4 farms were negative by RBT and CFT but 2 of the 4 farms (Ba and C) had 26/42 and 12/285 seropositive goats, respectively. Post mortem examination of seropositive goats revealed no gross pathological lesions typical of brucellosis except enlarged mesenteric and iliac lymph nodes seen in a single buck. Culture for brucellae from organs of seropositive animals was negative. None of the wildlife sera tested positive by either RBT or CFT. Interviews revealed that besides the case that prompted the investigation, a family and another person from other farms with confirmed brucellosis shared a common history of consumption of unpasteurised goat milk, home-made goat cheese and coffee with raw milk and prior contact with goats, suggesting goats as the likely source of infection. All 137 abattoir employees tested negative by STAT, but 3 were positive by ELISA. The 3 abattoir workers were clinically normal and lacked historical connections with clinical cases. Although goats are often associated with B. melitensis, these studies could not explicitly implicate this species owing to cross-reactivity with B. abortus, which can also infect goats. Nevertheless, these data reinforce the need for a better National Control Programme for brucellosis in Namibia.  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(简称"布病")是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种人兽共患传染病.在引起布病的所有布鲁氏菌中,对人和家畜威胁最大的是羊种布鲁氏菌.近年来我国针对布病防控颁布了《国家布鲁氏菌病防治计划(2016-2020年)》等相关文件,但布病尤其是羊布病的发生率仍然处于上升趋势.论文主要介绍国内常用的羊布病的防控方法和策略,并结合国外成...  相似文献   

Following the recent discovery of new Brucella strains from different animal species and from the environment, ten Brucella species are nowadays included in the genus Brucella. Although the intracellular trafficking of Brucella is well described, the strategies developed by Brucella to survive and multiply in phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells, particularly to access nutriments during its intracellular journey, are still largely unknown. Metabolism and virulence of Brucella are now considered to be two sides of the same coin. Mechanisms presiding to the colonization of the pregnant uterus in different animal species are not known. Vaccination is the cornerstone of control programs in livestock and although the S19, RB51 (both in cattle) and Rev 1 (in sheep and goats) vaccines have been successfully used worldwide, they have drawbacks and thus the ideal brucellosis vaccine is still very much awaited. There is no vaccine available for pigs and wildlife. Animal brucellosis control strategies differ in the developed and the developing world. Most emphasis is put on eradication and on risk analysis to avoid the re-introduction of Brucella in the developed world. Information related to the prevalence of brucellosis is still scarce in the developing world and control programs are rarely implemented. Since there is no vaccine available for humans, prevention of human brucellosis relies on its control in the animal reservoir. Brucella is also considered to be an agent to be used in bio- and agroterrorism attacks. At the animal/ecosystem/human interface it is critical to reduce opportunities for Brucella to jump host species as already seen in livestock, wildlife and humans. This task is a challenge for the future in terms of veterinary public health, as for wildlife and ecosystem managers and will need a "One Health" approach to be successful.  相似文献   

A whole-blood lymphocyte stimulation test (WBLST), the standard plate and tube agglutination tests, the Brucella buffered antigen test, the 2-mercaptoethanol agglutination test, the Rivanol plate precipitation test and bacteriological isolation were utilized in a brucellosis outbreak investigation in a beef herd. Three of the animals were classified as not infected serologically. However, these 3 animals were classified as infected on the WBLST, andBrucella abortus biotype 1 (not strain 19) was isolated from their lymph nodes. The WBLST exhibited significant sensitivity in this investigation and more observations of this nature might strengthen the application of this assay in similar situations.  相似文献   

Results from four serological tests for diagnosing brucellosis--serum tube agglutination (SAT), agar gel immunodiffusion (AGIT), Rose Bengal plate (RBPT) and complement fixation (CFT)--were compared using sera from goats from farms infected with Brucella melitensis. Ninety-two goats were negative and 29 positive to all four tests. The remaining 85 reacted to one or more tests. The RBPT was the most sensitive test and the AGIT the most specific, when compared with the CFT. The results suggest that the SAT adds little information when used with other tests but that RBPT and AGIT are useful for testing caprine brucellosis where facilities for the CFT are not available.  相似文献   

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