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氮肥施用对豫南稻茬小麦群体质量指标及产量的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了研究豫南稻茬小麦产量低而不稳的障碍因子及小麦群体质量指标,在豫南稻茬麦区田间条件下,系统研究了氮肥施用(0,150,225 kg/hm~2)对扬麦15和兰考1 982个冬小麦品种群体质量指标及产量的影响,并提出了相应的对策。结果表明,2个冬小麦品种籽粒产量均随氮肥用量增加而增加,说明在当前豫南稻茬麦区氮肥仍是影响小麦产量提高的主要限制因子,并且在相同氮肥供应条件下,兰考198小麦籽粒产量明显高于扬麦15品种。研究还发现,实现该地区小麦产量6 000 kg/hm~2左右,产量构成需达到以下指标:成穗数490万~620万穗/hm~2,穗粒数42粒,千粒质量37 g以上。进一步分析发现,达到上述产量目标,小麦起身期群体茎蘖数为680万~780万穗,起身、拔节和开花期的适宜叶面积指数分别为2.89~3.20,4.08~5.60,6.09~7.61,开花期和成熟期干物质积累量分别为13 025~16 568 kg/hm~2,20 888~24 090 kg/hm~2,且开花期和成熟期粒数叶比和粒重叶比分别应高于0.38粒/cm~2和9.45 mg/cm~2。根据本试验结果,初步认为,兰考198较扬麦15更适宜当前豫南稻茬麦区种植,实现6 000 kg/hm~2产量水平,全生育期氮肥用量应在225 kg/hm~2左右,并达到主要生育时期适宜的群体质量指标。 相似文献
播期、密度和施氮量对稻茬小麦光明麦1号氮肥表观利用率的调控 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提高氮肥利用效率是当前小麦生产中重要的研究方向之一。本研究以光明麦1号为试验品种,利用两年的田间试验结果,采用二次正交旋转组合设计建立回归模型,分析稻茬小麦的氮肥当季表观利用率(utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer,NUR)受播期、密度、施氮量组合的调控效应。结果表明,对小麦NUR效应表现为氮肥播期密度。在试验条件下,实现高产和高NUR目标,三因素有多种组合模式,其中播期10月28日至11月2日+密度160~180万株hm–2+施氮量200 kg hm–2的组合,其产量为6800~7200 kg hm–2,NUR大于42.0%(最大值为44.8%),可靠度达到95%;播期10月21日至27日+密度120~150万株hm–2+施氮量190~225 kg hm–2组合,其产量为6200~7000 kg hm–2,NUR达41.0%以上;播期11月3日至11日+密度210~240万株hm–2+施氮量190~210 kg hm–2组合,其产量为5900~7250 kg hm–2,NUR达39.0%以上。 相似文献
为给苏中地区稻茬小麦高光效群体构建和栽培措施调控提供理论依据,以‘扬麦23’为材料,结合聚类分析的方法,研究了不同光效型群体光合物质生产、积累和转运特征的差异。结果表明,不同小麦群体间产量、收获指数、光合势、花后干物质积累量和开花期高效叶面积率具有明显差异。高光效群体具有较高的产量、光合势、开花期高效叶面积率和干物质积累量;中等光效群体的收获指数显著低于高光效群体和低光效群体。在产量构成上,高光效群体具有较高的穗数和千粒重,同时,高光效群体及其剑叶在开花期的光合特性表现良好。在本试验播后及冬季多雨条件下,密度为225×104株/hm2,施氮量为270 kg/hm2且氮肥运筹为7:1:2:0以及密度为300×104株/hm2,施氮量为330 kg/hm2,氮肥运筹为5:1:2:2可作为产量达到8400 kg/hm2的苏中地区稻茬小麦高光效群体构建的密肥组合方式。 相似文献
为探究江苏淮北地区稻茬晚播小麦丰产优质高效栽培的适宜施肥方法,以‘淮麦36’为材料,采用二因素裂区设计,以施氮量为主区(210、240、270 kg/hm2),氮肥运筹为裂区(基肥:壮蘖肥:拔节肥:孕穗肥为0:3:3:4、0:4:6:0、3:1:4:2、3:2:3:2和3:3:3:1),分析不同氮肥处理对小麦产量、氮素利用率和品质的影响。结果表明,氮肥农学效率、氮肥表观利用率和产量均随施氮量的增加而呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,施氮量240 kg/hm2分别较210 kg/hm2和270 kg/hm2提高10.66%和14.22%、8.94%和13.11%、13.94%和0.89%;氮素积累量、氮肥农学效率、氮肥表观利用率、氮素生理效率、氮收获指数和籽粒产量在不同氮肥运筹处理间均表现为3:1:4:2>3:2:3:2>3:3:3:1>0:3:3:4>0:4:6:0,产量最大增幅为15.22%。说明重施拔节孕穗肥有利于提高稻茬晚播小麦的氮素利用率和产量。氮肥适当后移和分施拔节肥与孕... 相似文献
选用皖麦33号、皖麦41号、皖麦44号、皖麦48号、郑麦9023、豫麦18号6个小麦品种进行分期播种试验,结果表明:播期对小麦的生育进程和产量影响较大,随播种期推迟,各品种抽穗期延迟,全生育期缩短,产量下降明显;各期播种皖麦44号、皖麦33号产量均低于对照及其他品种,皖麦41号、皖麦48号、郑麦9023与对照豫麦18号产量相当。 相似文献
小麦属于一种主要的农业经济作物,并且具有较高的食用价值,是较多食物的原材料,可制成面条、馒头以及面包等,经过发酵后,还可制成不同种类的酒。当前南通市西亭镇逐渐加大对于小麦种植的重视力度,积极探索优质高产高效绿色栽培技术,已经获得良好种植成效。基于此,本文重点对稻茬小麦优质高产高效绿色栽培技术进行研究,希望为相关人员提供参考借鉴,实现该技术的良好推广与应用。 相似文献
对连云港市13个主要小麦品种作为稻茬小麦进行种植,测定了它们的产量和主要品质性状。淮麦33、连麦7号、连麦8号、连麦6号等小麦品种产量较高,烟农19、连麦7号、济麦22、徐麦33等小麦品种品质较优,达到了优质强筋小麦标准。结合产量、主要品质性状、抗冻性等综合指标考虑,连云港市目前生产应选择应用连麦7号、烟农19、济麦22、淮麦33等小麦品种,以达到小麦生产的优质、高产、高效。 相似文献
Summary Twenty one diverse, standard and experimental cultivars of common spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were tested for the effect of heat stress on phenology, yield and its components by growing the materials for 2 years under full irrigation during the hot summer (offseason), and the cool winter (normal) conditions. Heat tolerance was estimated for each variable by the heat susceptibility index (S) which scales the reduction in cultivar performance from cool to hot conditions relative to the respective mean reduction over all cultivars.Genotypes differed significantly in S for yield and its components. The ranking of cultivars in S over the 2 years was consistent for yield, kernels per spike and kernel weight, but not for spike number. Of the three yield components, the greatest genotypic variation in S was expressed for kernels per spike. However, S for yield could not be simply attributed to S in a unique component across all cultivars. On the other hand, a general linear model regression of summer yield on its components revealed that the most important yield component affecting yield variation among cultivars under heat stress was kernel number per spike. Kernel number per spike was positively associated across cultivars with longer duration and greater stabilty of thermal time requirement from emergence to double ridge. It is therefore concluded that kernel number per spike under heat stress is a reasonable estimate of heat tolerance in yield of wheat and that this tolerance is operative already during the first 2 to 3 weeks of growth. 相似文献
Boshuwenda Andre Chuma Marc Cotter Alain Kalisa Arisoa Rajaona Kalimuthu Senthilkumar Sabine Stuerz Isaac Vincent Folkard Asch 《Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science》2020,206(4)
Nitrogen (N) is one of the main nutrients that drive rice grain yield and is intensely managed especially in lowlands under irrigated conditions. A set of experiments was conducted in mid- and high-altitude sites in Rwanda to investigate the response of five genotypes under different sowing dates and different N management. Genotype grain yields were higher and more stable at mid-altitude across sowing dates. N rates strongly affected grain yield at mid-altitude (p < .0001), but not at high altitude. Postponing basal N had positive effects on yield and yield components in both sites, with more pronounced effects at high altitude. Increasing N rate beyond 120 kg/ha led to a decrease in percentage of panicles per tiller and spikelet fertility and a decrease in grain yield due to excessive tillers at both high altitude and mid-altitude. Thus, basal N application should be recommended at high altitude and the increase in N rate up to 120 kg/ha at mid-altitude. A strict observation of recommended planting date should be followed at high altitude, and the use of cold-tolerant genotypes is encouraged. 相似文献
小麦产量对中后期氮素胁迫的响应及品种间差异 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
生育中后期土壤供氮不足是导致小麦减产的重要原因之一。2015—2017年连续2个生长季,选择人工合成六倍体小麦衍生品种(synthetic hexaploid wheat-derived cultivar, SDC)和非人工合成小麦衍生品种(Non-synthetic hexaploid wheat-derived cultivar, NSC)各3个,设置2个施氮水平,研究其产量及相关生理参数对中后期氮素胁迫的响应。SDC包括川麦42、川麦104和绵麦367, NSC包括绵麦37、川农16和川麦30。2个施氮水平为正常施氮处理(Nn, 150kg N hm~(–2),底肥40%、拔节肥60%)和中后期氮胁迫处理(Ns, 60 kg N hm~(–2),全部作底肥)。结果表明,氮胁迫下,两类品种产量均值降幅接近(SDC 19.6%, NSC 20.4%),但正常供氮下SDC产量高于NSC (高14.4%),其氮胁迫下的产量也较高(高15.9%)。氮胁迫下, SDC的生物产量、单位面积粒数均高于NSC。开花期,两类品种在2个氮素水平下的叶面积指数(LAI)接近,但在灌浆中后期的降幅SDC小于NSC,花后22d,SDC在高、低施氮水平下的LAI较NSC分别高25.1%和16.0%。开花灌浆阶段, 2个施氮水平下SDC旗叶和倒二叶SPAD始终高于NSC,氮胁迫下二者的差距增大。两类品种的净光合速率(NPR)和群体光合速率(CAP)的差异也主要出现在灌浆中后期,氮胁迫下SDC以上2个参数较NSC均有优势。氮胁迫下,花后功能叶片的硝态氮、铵态氮、可溶性糖含量SDC也高于NSC。SDC较NSC有更高的氮素利用效率(NUtE),氮胁迫下,二者NUtE的差距增加。以上结果表明,低氮胁迫下SDC的生产力高于NSC,这与其较高的库容、较长叶片功能期有关。 相似文献
基因型和环境对小麦产量、品质和氮素效率的影响 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
以不同基因型的小麦品种(13个强筋小麦品种和2个中筋小麦品种),不同试验地点(馆陶、宁晋、藁城)和不同施氮水平(0、180、240和300 kg hm–2)的田间试验,综合分析基因型、环境对小麦产量、品质、氮肥利用率的影响,以期为优质强筋小麦品种选育、栽培调控及高产提质增效的协同目标提供科学依据。研究表明,不同小麦品种产量在9289~10,088 kg hm–2之间,强筋小麦品种平均产量9548 kg hm–2,比中筋小麦品种减产3.1%。藁城、宁晋、馆陶三地的产量分别达9932、9433和9223kghm–2。不同小麦品种籽粒蛋白质均值14.5%,湿面筋28.5%,沉淀指数39.5mL,稳定时间15.4 min,拉伸能量87.5 cm2,最大拉伸阻力428.8 BU。藁优5218、藁优5766、冀麦738、科农2009、师栾02-1、藁优2018、冀麦867综合品质表现较好。馆陶和宁晋的小麦品质性状相对较好,藁城的品质较差。氮肥利用率随施氮量增加呈降低趋势, N180处理的氮肥农学效率、氮肥吸收利用效率、氮肥生理利用率最高,依次为4.3 kg kg–1、26.2%、16.6 kg kg–1。兼顾产量、品质、效率三方面,藁城适宜种植品种有冀麦738、冀麦867、师栾02-1;宁晋有师栾02-1、科农2009、冀麦738;馆陶有藁优5766、藁优2018、师栾02-1。综合考虑小麦产量、籽粒品质和氮素利用率, 180 kg hm–2为本研究条件下的最佳施氮量。 相似文献
为了给强筋小麦品种济麦20优质高产配套栽培提供理论依据及技术支撑,在大田高产栽培条件下,研究了氮钾肥施用量及其配比对强筋小麦品种济麦20产量和品质的影响。结果表明,氮和钾及其互作对小麦籽粒产量及其构成因素的影响均达到显著或极显著水平,以每公顷施氮225kg、K2O150kg的处理产量最高。随着氮和钾肥的增加出粉率和容重均呈先增加后降低的变化趋势,籽粒蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量、沉降值均随施氮量增加而增加,籽粒蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量在每公顷施K2O 0-150Kg范围内随施钾量的增加而增多,到每公顷施K2O 210kg的处理反而降低,而沉降值随着钾肥的增加而降低。氮钾配比对籽粒蛋白质含量的影响未达到显著水平,但对湿面筋含量、沉降值的影响达到显著水平。氮肥能提高小麦面团的弹性,钾肥则提高了面团的延伸性,氮钾配比极显著提高了拉伸面积。 相似文献
甬优系列籼粳杂交稻产量及氮素吸收利用的差异 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从24个甬优系列籼粳杂交稻品种(系)中,根据不同产量水平和氮素农学利用率筛选出具有代表性的3种类型(高产氮高效、高产氮中效、中产氮中效),系统比较各类型产量和氮素农学利用率,以探究高产氮高效型籼粳杂交稻产量和氮素吸收利用特征。结果表明,高产氮高效型产量显著高于高产氮中效型和中产氮中效型,分别高4.04%~4.38%和13.37%~13.41%,其高产原因在于群体颖花量大,能达到5.87×108~6.20×108 hm–2。与高产氮中效型和中产氮中效型相比,高产氮高效型成穗率高,能保持在68.83%~70.05%;抽穗期叶面积指数高,且生育后期衰减平缓,成熟期叶面积指数在3.85以上;抽穗至成熟期干物质积累量大,达7.91~7.99thm–2,全生育期干物质量可达21.15~21.46thm–2。在氮素吸收利用方面,高产氮高效型总吸氮量显著高于高产氮中效型和中产氮中效型,分别高5.07%~5.14%和4.50%~5.96%;拔节至抽穗期和抽穗至成熟期氮素吸收速率表现为高产氮高效型>高产氮中效型&... 相似文献
本文系统分析了稻鸭萍共作系统的生态结构,绿萍在系统中的生长动态和增产效应。结果表明,通过鸭子和绿萍在稻田生态位的添加,使原来的稻田食物链结构趋向复杂化,增加了稻田生态系统的稳定性,有效促进了水稻产量性状的表达和稻米品质的改善。稻鸭萍处理由于鸭子的作用,利于绿萍的分萍、倒萍,促其生长,绿萍生长后期倒萍速度明显低于稻萍处理。随着鸭子的不断成长,对萍的采食量也不断增加,整个共作期间每只鸭可食鲜萍量40.8kg。总之,稻鸭萍共作系统是一项种养相结合,节本增效的生态工程技术。 相似文献
Evaluation of grain yield and its components in wheat cultivars and landraces under near optimal and drought conditions 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In a 2-years experiment, 30 wheat cultivars and 21 landraces from different countries were tested under near optimum and drought
stress conditions. Plant height, number of sterile spikelets per spike, spikelets per spike, number of kernels per spike,
kernel weight per spike, 1000 kernel weight and grain yield were evaluated. The number of kernels per spike, 1000 kernel weight
and especially yield were more sensitive to drought stress in the cultivars than plant height and number of spikelets per
spike, while in the landraces these traits did not differ under drought stress compared to near optimum conditions. The average
yield of cultivars was significantly better than the average yield of landraces under near optimum as well as drought stress
conditions. Path coefficient analysis showed that for cultivars under near optimum conditions there was no significant direct
association of any of the analysed characters with yield, while under drought stress conditions, number of kernels per spike
had a significant positive direct effect. Under drought stress conditions, the number of sterile spikelets displayed a negative
direct effect, while kernel weight per spike had a positive direct effect on yield. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used
as a tool to classify cultivars and landraces according to their yield ability under near optimum and drought stress conditions.
Among the cultivars, two groups out of five and among one of three in the landraces were characterised by high yields in both
near optimum as well as under drought stress conditions. These genotypes may serve as sources of germplasm for breeding for
drought tolerance.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
氮肥施用量对机插优质晚稻产量和稻米品质的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本试验为筛选适合优质丰产机插晚稻的最佳氮肥用量,以优质双季晚稻泰优398、黄华占、天优华占、美香新占4个品种为试验材料,在机插条件下设0、135、180、255 kg hm–2四个施氮水平,测定产量构成及稻米品质指标。结果表明,适当增施氮肥可增加优质双季晚稻产量,施氮量为180kghm–2时产量最高。除黄华占的整精米率外,施氮量为180 kg hm–2时各品种的糙米率、精米率和整精米率最高。随施氮量的增加,机插优质双季晚稻的垩白粒率和垩白度降低,米粒长宽比变大,蛋白质含量和胶稠度均增加,直链淀粉含量减少;峰值黏度、热浆黏度、崩解值、最终黏度逐渐下降,消减值增加,糊化温度呈上升趋势。适当增施氮肥可改善机插优质晚稻加工品质、外观品质、蒸煮和营养品质,但RVA特性有变劣趋势。180 kg hm–2的施氮量可使机插优质双季晚稻优质和高产达到较好的协调统一。 相似文献
The use of grain protein deviation for identifying wheat cultivars with high grain protein concentration and yield 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
James M. Monaghan John W. Snape A. Jan S. Chojecki Peter S. Kettlewell 《Euphytica》2001,122(2):309-317
The relationship between grain protein concentration and grain yield in different cultivars of winter wheat was examined in
a series of field experiments carried out over three years, in which 13, 12 and 8 cultivars were studied in each year, respectively.
The plants were grown at sites located in Shropshire, west-central England, in years 1 and 2, and at three other locations
in eastern England in year 3. Above ground plant samples were collected at an thesis and again at maturity, when they were
separated into grain and straw, and analysed for dry matter and N content. Analysis of residuals from regression of grain
protein concentration on grain yield (grain protein deviation, GPD) showed that some cultivars had a higher grain protein
concentration than was predicted from grain yield alone. It was deduced that the capacity to accumulate a higher grain protein
concentration than predicted from grain yield is under genetic control and thus may be improved through breeding. Other factors
(weight of N accumulated in the biomass at anthesis, weight of N accumulated in the biomass between anthesis and maturity
and the concentration of N remaining in the straw at maturity) were added step-wise into the regression to enable statistical
analysis of their relative contributions to grain protein. High GPD may be achieved through increased N accumulation after
anthesis, combined with efficient re-translocation of vegetative N reserves. The use of GPD provides a selection criteria
in wheat breeding programs to screen for increased grain protein concentration without a concurrent grain yield reduction.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献