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刈割对伊犁绢蒿根系贮藏营养物质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以新疆蒿类半灌木荒漠草地建群种伊犁绢蒿为材料,探讨刈割强度对其根系贮藏营养物质的影响.结果表明:不同刈割强度间伊犁绢蒿根中可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、还原糖含量差异显著(p<0.05),且轻度刈割与中度刈割下可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、还原糖含量相对较高;不同强度刈割后伊犁绢蒿可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、还原糖的含量随时间的变化先降低后升高,呈"V"型变化.由于刈割后伊犁绢蒿需要利用贮藏的淀粉维持其再生长,淀粉则呈现下降趋势.而研究结果显示,轻度刈割与中度刈割下淀粉含量相对较高,说明轻度及中度刈割强度下伊犁绢蒿根恢复效果较好,适度刈割有利于伊犁绢蒿可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、还原糖及淀粉的积累,并可促进其再生长.  相似文献   

围栏封育对新疆蒿类荒漠草地植被及土壤养分的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以新疆封育3年的蒿类荒漠草地为对象,研究干旱区封育对草地植被及土壤养分的影响.结果表明:封育后荒漠草地群落的盖度、产量明显增加(P<0.05),分别比对照提高了11.0%,51.6 g/m~2,且盖度、产量的增加主要是由藜科草类引起;荒漠草地80%以上的地下生物量集中在0~40 cm土层中,且封育促进了0~10 cm土层内生物量的增加(P<0.05);与放牧地相比,封育后土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾及速效氮、磷、钾含量均有所提高,且在0~10 cm的土层中差异显著(P<0.01),而pH值略有上升.  相似文献   

差巴嘎蒿(Artemisia halodendron)是科尔沁沙地植被的关键种之一,它在沙地植被的恢复演替过程中扮演着重要角色,也被广泛应用于人工固沙活动中。为了了解差巴嘎蒿对风沙环境的适应特点,试验研究了其种子萌发对土壤温度、水分和埋藏深度的响应模式。结果表明:差巴嘎蒿种子在4月和5月的土壤温度条件下萌发良好,总萌发率可达到96%,在7月的土壤温度条件下萌发较差,总萌发率低于50%;若以试验前3天的总萌发率为准,则5月的萌发率远大于其它两个月。在0MPa、-0.1MPa、-0.2MPa、-0.4MPa、-0.8MPa和-1.6MPa水势下,差蒿种子的总萌发率分别为89%、83%、80%、46%、17%和0%。在0.5cm、1.0cm和2.0cm埋深下,最终出苗率分别为90%、32%和9%,当埋深大于4cm后,种子无法出苗。种子萌发对温度、水势和埋深的这种响应模式总体上不利于差巴嘎蒿实生苗在科尔沁沙丘生境中的存活。  相似文献   

植物功能性状是连接植物与外界环境的重要桥梁,其在不同环境梯度下的变化表现出了对异质环境的适应机制。本文以敦煌西湖国家级自然保护区克隆植物芦苇(Phragmites australis)为研究对象,设置了未退化、轻度退化、中度退化和重度退化4个梯度样地,研究环境异质条件下芦苇叶功能性状特征及其对土壤环境因子的响应。结果表明:①各环境梯度下,芦苇叶功能性状特征变化显著(P <0. 05),叶长、叶宽、叶面积、叶干重随环境梯度退化呈下降趋势,比叶面积随梯度退化呈上升趋势;②芦苇各叶功能性状间呈协同变化的特征,叶长、叶宽、叶面积、叶干重之间呈极显著正相关(P <0. 01),比叶面积与叶长、叶干重呈显著负相关(P <0. 05);③叶长、叶宽、叶面积、叶干重与土壤表层(0~30 cm)、中层(30~60 cm)水分呈显著正相关(P <0. 05),而与土壤表层、中层含盐量呈显著负相关(P <0. 05),说明土壤表层与中层的水分与盐分是芦苇叶功能性状最主要的驱动力。研究结果对干旱区内陆河湿地的保护、生态恢复及管理具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

植物功能性状可以用来推断植物生活史策略,反映生态系统功能。为了研究天山北坡4种栽培杨树适应环境的生态策略差异,对其主要功能性状进行比较分析。结果表明,4种杨树的叶片大小、叶片厚度、叶干物质含量、茎皮厚度、木材密度和根、茎、叶全N,P,K含量均差异显著;但4种杨树间比叶面积差异不显著;新疆杨单叶面积和干物质量最大,胡杨叶片厚度和木材密度最大,钻天杨茎皮厚度最大;4种杨树的叶片N含量均显著高于茎和根,茎和根的N和P含量差异均不显著,除胡杨外,其他3种杨树叶片P含量均显著高于茎和根,K含量在4种杨树的根、茎、叶器官中表现不一致;钻天杨根、茎、叶的N,P,K养分含量都相对较高,俄罗斯杨的根、茎、叶的N,P,K养分含量都相对较低。4种杨树功能性状不同反映了植物对环境的适应性差异。  相似文献   

为揭示系统发育和植物功能性状对新疆木本植物开花物候的影响,以新疆乌鲁木齐、伊宁和喀什三地典型植物园或公园的木本植物为研究对象,利用系统发育信号值和系统发育广义最小二乘模型(Phylogenetic Generalized Least Squares, PGLS),探究开花物候分布特征、谱系保守性以及功能性状的贡献率。结果表明:(1)新疆木本植物开花期集中在3月31日至4月20日,持续时间为(13.03±0.38)d。乔木、肉质果、彩色花和风媒植物分别比灌木、非肉质果、非彩色花和虫媒植物的开花早。(2)亲缘关系越近的物种开花物候特征越相似,系统发育信号值Pagel’sλ为0.67~0.74。(3)果实类型、花色和传粉方式与开花物候最相关,解释度为17.4%~31.6%。本研究证明系统发育和植物功能性状均能影响新疆木本植物开花物候,研究结果对阐明干旱区生物多样性维持机制和虫植关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

于2018—2019年在山东省泰安市马庄试验田采用随机区组设计,包含品种、灌溉两因素,选用14个小麦新品种(系),水分处理分别为出苗后不浇水(E1)、浇拔节水(E2)和浇拔节+开花水(E3),3次重复,共126个小区。分别考察不同处理的小区产量、株高、单穗粒重、单穗穗粒数、单穗小穗数、单穗不孕小穗数等6个性状的变化情况,应用方差分析法和R语言的GGE双标图方法分析性状的基因型效应、环境效应、基因型与环境的互作效应。结果表明,节水型小麦新品系均存在基因型效应(G)、环境效应(E)和基因型×环境互作效应(GE)且均表现出极显著差异(P<0.05),基因型效应(G)的变异范围为1.07%~60.17%,环境效应(E)的变异范围为14.42%~86.97%,基因型×环境互作效应(GE)的变异范围为4.33%~47.88%。不同品种(系)的群体产量性状和个体农艺性状在不同环境下的适应性不同,表现为在不同灌水条件下,不同品种(系)处于不同多边形的顶角位置不同;小麦新品种(系)不同个体性状在不同浇水环境下表达程度不同。E1环境有利于单穗不孕小穗数的表达,E2有利于单穗粒重的表达,E3有利于株高的表达;不同环境对群体产量性状和个体农艺性状的鉴别力和代表性不同,E1环境比E2、E3环境具有更好的鉴别力和代表性。综上,在黄淮麦区,本研究所选用的14个节水型小麦新品种(系)农艺性状基因型效应及其与环境互作效应差异显著,E1环境有利于小麦节水新品种(系)群体产量和个体农艺性状的选择。  相似文献   

伊犁绢蒿种子天然种衣与水分关系初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文研究新疆平原荒漠地区的伊犁绢蒿种子天然种衣(也称膜)的吸水速度、吸水量、失水性、种子脱膜方法、天然种衣对种子萌发的影响。结果表明这种天然种衣吸水速度高、吸水量大、失不时间长,有利于干旱条件下种子有效利用水分、促进萌发。  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草原植物功能群对围封及放牧的响应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物功能群可以表征草地群落结构的复杂性和稳定性.文中以呼伦贝尔草原为研究对象,采用样线法开展植物群落样方调查,对比分析不同放牧强度下(轻度放牧-LG、重度放牧-HG、长期围封不放牧-EN)草地植物功能群(多年生根茎禾草-PRG、多年生丛生禾草-PBG、多年生杂草-FO、灌木及半灌木-SHS、一、二年生草本-AB、莎草-...  相似文献   

Livestock ranching is one of the main productive activities in arid regions of the world.Grazing produces changes in animal as well as plant communities(e.g.richness,abundance and species dominance relationships).Ants are good biological indicators due to the environmental fidelity of some of their community parameters.We described the functional structure of the ant community in the central Monte of Mendoza,Argentina,and examined the effect of grazing using richness,diversity and the functional group scheme.We used pitfall traps to sample ants at a reserve with 30-year cattle exclusion and at an adjacent ranch.Eleven of the 27 recorded species showed significant differences in their abundance and two species were absent at the ranch.While richness and diversity did not reflect these differences,functional groups did.Hot Climate Specialists were more abundant at the ranch while Cryptic Species and Generalized Myrmicinae increased at the reserve.This study supports the utility of the functional group scheme to study the effects of grazing disturbance in ant communities of arid regions.  相似文献   

C3 plant Reaumuria soongorica and C4 plant Salsola passerina are super xerophytes and coexist in a mixed community in either isolated or associated growth, and interspecific facilitation occurs in associated growth. In the present study, the root traits including root distribution, root length(RL), root surface area(RSA), root weight(RW) and specific root length(SRL) of both species in two growth forms were investigated to clarify their response to facilitation in associated growth. Six isolated plants of each species, as well as six associated plants similar in size and development were selected during the plant growing season, and their roots were excavated at 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40 and 40–50 cm soil depths at the end of the growing season. All the roots of each plant were separated into the two categories of fine roots(2 mm diameter) and coarse roots(≥2 mm diameter). Root traits such as RL and RSA in the fine and coarse roots were obtained by the root analyzing system WinRHIZO. Most of the coarse roots in R. soongorica and S. passerina were distributed in the top 10 cm of the soil in both growth forms, whereas the fine roots of the two plant species were found mainly in the 10–20 and 20–30 cm soil depths in isolated growth, respectively. However, the fine roots of both species were mostly overlapped in 10–20 cm soil depth in associated growth. The root/canopy ratios of both species reduced, whereas the ratios of their fine roots to coarse roots in RL increased, and both species had an increased SRL in the fine roots in associated growth. In addition, there was the increase in RL of fine roots and content of root N for S. passerina in associated growth. Taken together, the root growth of S. passerina was facilitated for water and nutrient exploration under the interaction of the overlapped roots in both species in associated growth, and higher SRL allowed both species to more effectively adapt to the infertile soil in the desert ecosystem.  相似文献   

短花针茅荒漠草原土壤种子库对不同放牧强度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在内蒙古短花针茅荒漠草原,采用野外随机定点取样与室内萌发相结合的方法,对不同放牧强度下围封草地土壤种子库的密度、垂直结构、多样性、丰富度、均匀度、以及种子库与地上植被的相似性进行了研究。结果表明,在各试验区土壤种子库主要分布在0~20cm土层,占种子库总密度的87%~96%;随着放牧强度的增加,土壤种子库总密度减少,同时地上植被与土壤种子库的相似物种数减少,种子库组成的相异性增加;轻度放牧对土壤种子库中一二年生草本所占比例影响较小,而中度和重度放牧使土壤种子库中一二年生草本所占比例增加;土壤种子库的物种丰富度、多样性、均匀度均随放牧强度的增加而减小。  相似文献   

Overgrazing is regarded as one of the key factors of vegetation and soil degradation in the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China.Grazing exclusion(GE)is one of the most common pathways used to restore degraded grasslands and to improve their ecosystem services.Nevertheless,there are still significant controversies concerning GE’s effects on grassland diversity as well as carbon(C)and nitrogen(N)storage.It remains poorly understood in the arid desert regions,whilst being essential for the sustainable use of grassland resources.To assess the effects of GE on community characteristics and C and N storage of desert plant community in the arid desert regions,we investigated the community structure and plant biomass,as well as C and N storage of plants and soil(0-100 cm depth)in short-term GE(three years)plots and adjacent long-term freely grazing(FG)plots in the areas of sagebrush desert in Northwest China,which are important both for spring-autumn seasonal pasture and for ecological conservation.Our findings indicated that GE was beneficial to the average height,coverage and aboveground biomass(including stems,leaves and inflorescences,and litter)of desert plant community,to the species richness and importance values of subshrubs and perennial herbs,and to the biomass C and N storage of aboveground parts(P<0.05).However,GE was not beneficial to the importance values of annual herbs,root/shoot ratio and total N concentration in the 0-5 and 5-10 cm soil layers(P<0.05).Additionally,the plant density,belowground biomass,and soil organic C concentration and C storage in the 0-100 cm soil layer could not be significantly changed by short-term GE(three years).The results suggest that,although GE was not beneficial for C sequestration in the sagebrush desert ecosystem,it is an effective strategy for improving productivity,diversity,and C and N storage of plants.As a result,GE can be used to rehabilitate degraded grasslands in the arid desert regions of Northwest China.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in the use of functional approaches for the study of weed assemblages, to disentangle underlying processes determining their composition and dynamics. Functional approaches are based on the assumption that weed community composition and dynamics can be best explained by a set of species traits expressing their response to agricultural disturbance. This knowledge should help develop more sustainable, ecologically based weed management systems. Trait‐based data required for this kind of analysis are available from various sources, but most of them either cover mainly non‐weedy species or, in the case of weed‐focussed trait databases, they cover a limited number of species. In this work, we present a trait database for 240 weed species common throughout Europe, including not only response traits but also effect traits, that is linked to selected agroecosystem services and disservices. A case study is presented where our weed trait database is used in conjunction with appropriate statistical analysis to highlight the distribution of weed functional groups in soyabean crop communities from an experiment including different tillage and weed management systems. Finally, we discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of this functional approach. By highlighting the links between weed species and agroecosystem (dis)services, this approach could be a useful resource for scientists, farm managers and policymakers.  相似文献   

针对乌鲁木齐市苹果异常开花现象,对异常(11月)和正常(4月)开花时不同苹果亚种的枝、叶和花的功能性状观测采集,分析正异常开花时植物功能性状的差别,同时结合异常和正常开花时的环境因子数据,探索异常性状与环境因子间的关系。结果表明:1)红白花苹果亚种的花瓣长度、叶柄长度和小枝叶数量均存在显著差异(P<0.05),而小枝叶面积、小枝直径均无显著性差异(P>0.05);2)正常与异常开花时比较,叶柄长度、叶柄直径、雄蕊长度、花瓣长度、单叶面积、小枝单位横截面积上的叶面积、比叶面积、小枝上叶片数量在同亚种苹果间的性状存在差异(P<0.05);3)苹果正异常功能性状与土壤含水率、气温和土壤氮含量存在显著相关(P<0.05),说明土壤含水率、气温和土壤含氮量是造成苹果异常开花现象和其异常性状的最主要因素。  相似文献   

2013年在宜良县通过田间试验,研究了水稻幼穗分化期至齐穗期水分胁迫对云南大面积生产应用的6个粳稻品种产量及产量构成因素、功能叶叶面积及SPAD值的影响。结果表明:幼穗分化至齐穗期水分胁迫后6个品种实际产量比正常灌溉产量下降11.03%,达极显著水平。幼穗分化至齐穗期水分胁迫后有效穗数、总粒数、实粒数分别比正常灌水降低4.58%、7.21%、8.53%,其中对实粒数影响最大,达显著水平。水分胁迫后齐穗期功能叶高效、低效、总叶面积指数比正常灌水分别降低13.60%、10.55%、12.92%,水分胁迫后幼穗分化至齐穗期的倒1叶、倒2叶、倒3叶SPAD值比正常灌水分别降低1.26%、1.32%、2.69%。在幼穗分化至齐穗期水分胁迫条件下,抗旱性强的品种穗总粒数、实粒数、结实率降低的幅度小,抗旱性较弱的品种降低的幅度大;抗旱性强的品种功能叶SPAD受影响越小,且有增加的趋势,而抗旱性较弱的品种呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

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