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为研究母猪妊娠期采食水平对其体况、哺乳期采食量和繁殖性能的影响,选择58头大约克母猪,配种后随机分为3组,分别采食高、中、低水平采食量饲粮,测定母猪不同阶段的背膘厚,统计母猪妊娠和哺乳期采食量,以及母猪的繁殖性能,分析母猪妊娠期采食量对其背膘厚、哺乳期采食量和繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,母猪妊娠期高水平的饲喂量可增加其妊娠30 d、分娩和28日龄断奶时的背膘厚,分别增加13.77%~17.34%、28.11%~28.87%、16.60%~17.58%,高水平饲喂量使母猪分娩时的背膘厚达到21.74 mm,而妊娠期中低水平饲喂母猪分娩时的背膘厚为16.87~16.97 mm,极显著低于妊娠期高水平饲喂母猪分娩时的背膘厚。妊娠期的采食量与泌乳期采食量负相关;妊娠期中低水平饲喂的母猪,其分娩后的采食量增加较快,且保持在较高水平,分娩至断奶日均采食量达到3.66~4.30 kg。妊娠期饲喂中等水平母猪的初生仔猪数、21日龄仔猪数和28日龄仔猪数最多,其次分别为高水平饲喂组、低水平饲喂组,中饲喂水平组初生仔猪数显著高于妊娠期饲喂低水平采食量的母猪,而且所产仔猪整齐度最好,仔猪初生、21日龄、28日龄体重的变异系数低于10%,而其他两组均高于10%。由此可见,母猪妊娠期间饲喂水平自1.4倍维持需要逐渐增加至2.6倍最为适宜,不仅有利于母猪分娩后采食量的快速增加,保障仔猪的营养需求,而且有利于使母猪妊娠期和哺乳期的背膘厚保持在适宜水平,母猪哺乳期的体脂损耗减少。  相似文献   

本文针对2009年测定指标进行了初步分析,结果表明:大约克仔猪0~28日龄时体重、体长的相对生长速度随着周龄增加逐步变慢;同期相比,体重的相对生长速度要大于体长。育肥猪50~80kg体重阶段日增重较25~50kg及80~100kg两个阶段要大。后备种猪校正达100kg体重日龄、活体背膘厚的大小顺序均为:大约克猪杜洛克猪长白猪。母猪分娩前背膘厚、哺乳期背膘损失与其胎次、繁殖性能存在一定关系。  相似文献   

为研究母猪不同阶段的背膘厚度与仔猪均匀度及部分繁殖性能之间的关系,试验采用二次项回归拟合的方法,对9458头纯种长白母猪和13317头纯种大白母猪的分娩、背膘厚度进行分析。结果表明:母猪背膘厚度处于合理的范围有利于提高其产仔性能和窝产仔均匀度,母猪过肥和过瘦均不利母猪繁殖效率的提高。该场的长白母猪配种当天、妊娠30日龄、妊娠80日龄和妊娠105日龄背膘厚度分别为14.0~18.0mm、15.0~20.0mm、16.0~20.0mm、17.0~20.0mm更有利于仔猪均匀度及母猪繁殖性能的提高;该场的大白母猪配种当天、妊娠30日龄、妊娠80日龄和妊娠105日龄背膘厚度分别为13.0~16.0mm、14.0~17.0mm、15.0~18.0mm、15.0~19.0mm更有利于仔猪均匀度及母猪繁殖性能的提高。妊娠期间的背膘厚度对仔猪均匀度及繁殖性能有一定影响,但母猪产仔性能最好的背膘状态并不是产仔均匀度最佳值。  相似文献   

为研究加系长大、大长二元后备母猪配种日龄、体重和P2背膘厚对初产母猪窝均产仔数、窝均产活仔数的影响,用佳木斯天成养猪繁育基地2009—2010年引入的200头加系长大、大长二元初产母猪生产水平记录,按照配种日龄和P2背膘厚分成不同的组别,统计母猪分娩后窝均产仔数、窝均产活仔数等指标,用SAS9.0软件进行统计分析,再综合考虑不同配种日龄的生产成本,确定加系长大、大长二元母猪最佳初配日龄。结果表明,在一定阈值内,随着初次成功配种日龄和P2背膘厚的增加,窝均产仔数和窝均产活仔数呈线性增加。考虑综合成本,建议长大、大长二元初产母猪的最佳配种日龄为220~275日龄、体重130~145 kg、P2背膘厚为18~23 mm。  相似文献   

为研究母猪分娩前背膘厚与繁殖性能及体况的关系,试验测定了分娩前3天进入产房的经产待产母猪的背膘厚,根据背膘测定结果选取其中24头母猪,再根据背膘厚度不同将其分为试验Ⅰ组(背膘厚13~≤17 mm)、试验Ⅱ组(背膘厚17~≤21 mm)和试验Ⅲ组(背膘厚21~≤24 mm),每组8头猪,即8个重复,后续对试验母猪的繁殖性能、体况进行测定,应用灰色关联分析法对母猪分娩前背膘厚与其繁殖性能及体况进行关联度分析。结果表明:母猪分娩前背膘厚对母猪总产仔数、仔猪初生重、仔猪21日龄窝重、仔猪28日龄断奶重及母猪发情间隔均有显著影响(P0. 05),但对母猪产活仔数没有显著影响(P0. 05)。母猪分娩前背膘厚与母猪断奶时背膘厚关联度最大,其次与母猪总产仔数关联度较大;母猪分娩前背膘厚13~≤17 mm时,其与仔猪初生重关联度最大,其次与仔猪21日龄窝重关联度较大;母猪分娩前背膘厚17~≤21 mm时,其与母猪断奶体重关联度最大,其次与仔猪初生重关联度较大;母猪分娩前背膘厚21~≤24 mm时,其与28日龄仔猪断奶重关联度最大,其次与仔猪初生重关联度较大。说明母猪分娩前背膘厚与一些繁殖性能关联度较大,可以通过营养手段调控母猪背膘厚来改善母猪繁殖性能。  相似文献   

本研究所用材料来源于湖北省原种猪场2001年3月-2005年10月份期间的共351窝美系大白后备母猪的测定、配种、繁殖材料。以100kg体重活体背膘厚分成4组,观察其100kg体重活体背膘厚对其首胎繁殖性能的影响。经统计分析,在种猪体况正常的情况下,100kg体重活体背膘厚对首胎窝均产活仔数和初生窝重、校正21日龄窝重、断奶窝重、首胎断奶后的发情间隔等繁殖力性状差异不显著(P〉O.05),首胎母猪配种成功率与100kg体重活体背膘厚无关。表明对于种猪背膘厚的选择不会带来种猪繁殖性能的下降。这与王爱国等(2002)报道的是一致的。  相似文献   

为探讨长大经产母猪妊娠期不同阶段背膘厚对繁殖性能的影响,试验采用B超仪测定经产母猪配种时、妊娠30 d、60 d、90 d和110 d时的背膘厚,并对测定母猪的总产仔数、产活仔数、健仔数、弱仔数、死胎数、初生窝重和初生个体重进行统计。结果表明:长大经产母猪在配种时保持背膘厚大于16 mm,妊娠前期背膘厚保持在18~20 mm,妊娠后期及临产时背膘厚保持在20~22 mm,母猪繁殖性能最佳。  相似文献   

对60头大约克夏从70~190日龄,每隔15d测定体重和背膘厚,分析其生长发育规律。结果表明:①大约克夏生长肥育期的各阶段日龄与体重间的相关系数r≥0.67(P<0.0001)。②Logistic模型和Compertz模型均可拟合大约克夏在生长肥育期的生长曲线(P<0.0001),但Logistic模型(R2=0.9967)优于Compertz模型(R2=0.9694)。③大约克夏130 ̄160日龄间的背膘厚度与体重保持极小的比值(约0.11),160日龄前背膘厚的分化生长率小于1(0.2653 ̄0.7711);大约克夏190日龄时体重为119.31kg,背膘厚为14.59mm。  相似文献   

柳小春  何俊  唐凡  施启顺 《猪业科学》2005,22(12):62-64
运用MTDFREML法,对正虹种猪场1998-2004年繁殖母猪2437胎次记录和522头后备猪的测定记录进行了分析。分析的性状有:总产仔数、产活仔数、初生窝重、21日龄窝重,180日龄体重与三点平均背膘厚,校正达100kg体重日龄及180日龄体高、胸围、体长和腿臀围。结果表明,4个繁殖性状遗传力范围为0.12~0.21,180日龄体重及180日龄平均背膘厚的遗传力分别为0.52和0.55,体尺性状的估计遗传力范围为0.20~0.36,生长发育性状存在一定的窝效应,估计范围为0.18~0.38。  相似文献   

母猪的繁殖性能是猪场主要生产指标之一,而母猪背膘厚与繁殖性能之间存在相关。为探究背膘厚与繁殖性能的关系,进而为提高猪场母猪繁殖性能提供指导,本研究以温氏种猪公司新法系经产大白母猪为研究对象,收集各阶段背膘厚和繁殖性状数据,分析妊娠期各阶段背膘厚与母猪繁殖性能的关系。结果:在开始配种、妊娠28 d、妊娠80 d、妊娠112 d的背膘厚分别为15~22 mm、15~22 mm、19~22 mm、15~22 mm范围时,妊娠期各阶段母猪具有较好繁殖性能。研究表明,生产中保持妊娠期较适背膘厚能够提高母猪的繁殖性能。  相似文献   

A total of 684 sows from breeding groups over 6 wk was used to compare three methods of feeding during gestation on gestation and lactation performance. Control gilts and sows were fed according to body condition based on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = thin, 5 = fat). Sows were visually assessed for body condition at breeding and were assigned a daily feed allowance to achieve a BCS of 3 at farrowing. Treatment 2 used feeding levels based on backfat thickness (measured between d 0 and 5 after breeding) and weight at weaning for sows or service for gilts. Feed allowance was calculated to achieve a target backfat of 19 mm at farrowing, and remained constant from d 0 to 101 of gestation. Feed allowances were based on modeled calculations of energy and nutrient requirements to achieve target sow maternal weight and backfat gains. Treatment 3 was identical to Treatment 2, except that feeding pattern was altered for thin sows and gilts (<15 mm at service) in an attempt to reach 19 mm by d 36 of gestation. Sows were weighed at the previous weaning, and gilts were weighed at service, with both weighed again between d 112 and 114 of gestation. Backfat was measured between d 0 and 5, and again between d 108 and 113 of gestation. At farrowing, sows on Treatments 2 and 3 had 19 and 19.1 mm of backfat, respectively, whereas control sows tended to have greater (P < 0.07) backfat (20 mm). On average, sows targeted to gain 6 to 9 mm of backfat failed to reach target gains regardless of feeding method. Feeding sows in gestation based on backfat (Treatments 2 and 3) resulted in a numerically higher proportion of sows in the target backfat range of 17 to 21 mm (40.2, 53.3, and 52.6% for control and Treatments 2 and 3, respectively) at farrowing and a numerically lower percentage of fat sows (>21 mm), but no difference in the percentage of thin sows (<17 mm) compared with feeding based on body condition. In conjunction with this observation, sows fed based on BCS were fed higher (P < 0.05) feeding levels in gestation than were sows fed based on backfat depth. Gestation feeding method had no effect on performance during lactation. Feed intake in lactation was lower (P < 0.05) for high backfat sows (>21 mm) at farrowing compared with sows with <21 mm. The high proportion of sows in the optimal backfat category demonstrates that feeding based on backfat and BW has potential for facilitating more precise feeding during gestation.  相似文献   

苏淮猪是2011年刚通过国家畜禽遗传资源委员会审定的新品种。其在正常饲养条件下,25kg-90kg日增重650g,90kg体重的日龄约175天,料重比3.1:1,屠宰率72%,背膘厚28.7mm以下,胴体瘦肉率56%以上。在发酵床养殖条件下,达到90kg体重需190日龄,日增重为565g,屠宰率、背膘厚和胴体瘦肉率差异不显著,而料重比为2.87:1,节约饲料9%,特别是肌肉氨基酸含量明显提高,超过正常值40%以上。苏淮猪发酵床养殖效益十分显著。  相似文献   

The ability to show standing oestrus and to ovulate within 10 days of weaning was studied in 240 purebred Swedish Yorkshire primiparous sows, fed according to a conventional feeding regime during lactation. The sows were weighted and backfat depth was recorded at farrowing and at weaning. Oestrus control was performed daily and blood samples for determination of plasma progesterone were drawn regularly in 205 sows. The distribution among the sows of the first standing oestrus after weaning had 2 peaks. The first peak occurred within 10 days of weaning and the second 24-30 days after weaning. Twelve per cent of the sows ovulated without showing standing oestrus within 10 days of weaning and 4% had an anovulatory first oestrus within the same time. Significant differences in age at farrowing and in loss of weight and backfat during lactation were found between sows which both showed standing oestrus and ovulated within 10 days of weaning and sows which neither showed standing oestrus, nor ovulated within the same time. The season during which weaning occurred significantly influenced the ability to show standing oestrus and ovulate within 10 days of weaning. Among the sows which both showed standing oestrus and ovulated within 10 days of weaning, significant positive correlations were found between weight loss, litter size, litter weight gain and the interval from weaning to first standing oestrus.  相似文献   

李爽  郭峰  王晓凤  郑美丽  陈少康 《猪业科学》2021,38(10):112-114
为掌握北京市种猪生产性能水平,文章对2015—2020年北京市种猪集中收测结果,包括达100 kg体重日龄、达100 kg体重活体背膘厚、30~100 kg平均日增重和饲料转化率相关数据进行了分析比较,并结合种猪生产企业现状,对集中测定的重要性进行探讨与展望,以期为指导种猪选育,开展联合育种工作提供更多思路。  相似文献   

为优化母猪繁殖效率,探究妊娠期不同背膘厚对母猪繁殖性能和分娩产程的影响,本研究以广西某公司2 969头大白母猪和1 787头长白母猪为试验群体,收集2017年1月至2017年10月妊娠期3个阶段(妊娠30、80和107 d)背膘厚与分娩接产记录数据,分析背膘厚与分娩产程、总产仔数、产活仔数和初生窝重等性状的关系。研究结果表明,大白母猪分娩产程时间显著短于长白母猪(P<0.05),大白母猪总产仔数、产活仔数和初生窝重显著优于长白母猪(P<0.05)。在妊娠30 d时,背膘厚在18~20 mm组的大白母猪总产仔数和产活仔数最高,且初生窝重最大;背膘厚在18~20 mm组的长白母猪总产仔数和产活仔数最高。在妊娠80 d时,背膘厚≥20 mm组的大白母猪总产仔数和产活仔数最高,且初生窝重最大、产程最短;背膘厚在16~18 mm组的长白母猪总产仔数和产活仔数最高,且初生窝重较高、母猪产程较短。在妊娠107 d时,背膘厚在14~16 mm组的大白母猪总产仔数和产活仔数最高,且初生窝重最大,但母猪产程与其他组差异不显著(P>0.05);背膘厚≥20 mm组的长白母猪总产仔数和产活仔数最高,且初生窝重较大。妊娠期背膘厚减少1~2 mm的大白母猪,其总产仔数和产活仔数最高,初生窝重较小,产程较长。而背膘厚减少>2 mm的长白母猪,其总产仔数和产活仔数最高,初生窝重较大,产程较短。上述试验结果说明,在母猪妊娠期间,合适的背膘厚可有效提高母猪繁殖性能和母猪分娩期间的福利水平。养殖场可以根据营养配方和猪群品种建立背膘数据库,通过精准饲喂将母猪背膘厚调整至最佳范围,同时合理控制妊娠期背膘变化。  相似文献   

Two Duroc and two Yorkshire lines of pigs that had been selected at Beltsville Agricultural Research Center for 12 and 10 generations, respectively, for either thinner or thicker backfat were mated to produce all possible pure lines and reciprocal crosses in 1967, 1969 and 1970. Data for littermate gilts and barrows from 136 litters were analyzed to estimate genetic and maternal influence on individual pig weights at birth, 21 d, 56 d and 140 d of age; age at 79.4 kg; average backfat thickness at 79.4 kg and postweaning average daily gain (56 d to 79.4 kg). Pure-line gilts differed among breed-lines (P less than .05 or P less than .01) for all traits except weight at 56 d. Gilts of the two low-fat lines were heavier than gilts of the two high-fat lines through 56 d of age, but Yorkshire low-fat gilts were lightest at 140 d, were oldest at 79.4 kg and had the slowest daily gain, in addition to the least backfat. The Duroc low-fat line gilts were heaviest at 140 d, youngest at 79.4 kg and were second thinnest in backfat. Among pure-line barrows, the low-fat lines were heaviest at birth, at 21 d and at 140 d and were thinnest in backfat. Line-cross gilts were heavier than pure-line gilts at all four ages, were younger at 79.4 kg and higher in daily gain. Among barrows, line crosses were heavier in all weights except at 21 d, were younger at 79.4 kg and were higher in daily gain than pure lines. Differences between pure lines and line crosses in backfat were not significant for either sex. Heterosis varied from 6.5 to 16.7% among weights and growth traits. Pigs of both sexes differed among breed-lines in general combining ability for all traits except 21-d weight, and differed in maternal ability for weights through 56 d and for backfat. Specific combining ability (SCA) was significant only for intra-breed crosses for weight at 21 d, and for inter-breed, intra-line crosses for 21- and 56-d weights and for age at 79.4 kg among gilts, with no significant effects in SCA for any trait among barrows. General combining ability was not correlated with maternal effects for any trait except 21-d weight, for which they were positively correlated (r greater than .80).  相似文献   

文章对托佩克(Topigs)3个品系5年的日增重和背膘厚性状测定数据作选择效果分析。在对两个性状作遗传参数计算的基础.上,明确了这两个性状的遗传力为中等以上,3个品系稍有差异(A系日增重和背膘厚遗传力分别为0.68和0.61;B系分别为0.67和0.48,E系分别为0.48和0.38),同一性状存在阶段性的差别。以此为基础的选择效果分析显示,日增重性状的选择效果明显优于背膘厚,尤其是E系种猪群体。文章进一步明确,严格按照育种方案选择种猪的重要性,以及选择效果评价对数据和分析方法的严格要求。  相似文献   

旨在通过测定基因组选择选留的大白公猪的后裔生产性能,探究基因组选择实际育种效果。本研究选用913头大白猪构建参考群体,利用ssGBLUP对新出生的823头大白公猪在去势前进行第一次基因组评估,待生产性能测定后进行第二次基因组评估,最终选留10头性能差异显著的公猪留种,比较其后代生长性状表型和育种值及综合选择指数差异。结果表明,两次基因组遗传评估,达100 kg体重日龄、100 kg活体背膘厚和总产仔数3个性状基因组育种值(GEBV)估计准确性分别由0.56、0.67和0.64提高至0.73、0.73和0.67,两次基因组选择基因组母系指数相关系数为0.82,表明在去势前进行公猪基因组选择具有较高的准确性,可实现种猪早期选择。根据各性状GEBV和基因组母系指数,10头公猪被划分为高、低生产性能组,后裔测定成绩表明,两组公猪后代100 kg体重日龄表型均值之差为2.58 d,育种值之差为3.08 d,100 kg活体背膘厚表型均值之差为1.15 mm,育种值之差为1.03 mm,综合母系指数均值之差为9.3,除后代100 kg体重日龄表型均值之差外,其他差异均达到极显著水平。本研究证明,在基因组评估中具有显著差异的公猪其后代在表型值和育种值等方面均存在显著差异,通过基因组选择能够挑选出优秀种公猪,可将其遗传优势传递给后代。  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the actual genetic improvement effect of genomic selection in Large White boars through progeny testing in production performance. Nine hundred and thirteen Large White pigs were used to construct a reference group, and 823 new-born Large White boars were used to implement the first genomic selection through ssGBLUP before castration. The second genomic selection were carried out after performance testing, then 10 boars with significant difference in production performance were selected and their offsprings were compared in phenotypic values, estimated breeding values of growth traits and selection index. The results showed that the accuracies of genomic prediction on age at 100 kg body weight, 100 kg backfat thickness and total number born increased from 0.56, 0.67 and 0.64 in the first genomic selection to 0.73, 0.73 and 0.67 in the second genomic selection, respectively. The correlation coefficient of maternal selection index between the two genomic selection before castration and after performance testing was 0.82, which indicated that the first genomic selection before castration was accurate enough to make early selection on boars. According to the genomic breeding values and maternal selection index of 10 selected boars, two groups with high and low production performance were set up. The progeny testing showed that the difference of average phenotypic value between groups was 2.58 days, and the difference of average evaluated breeding value(EBV) between groups was 3.08 days in age at 100 kg body weight, those were 1.15 mm and 1.03 mm in 100 kg backfat thickness, respectively, and the difference in the mean of the comprehensive maternal index was 9.3, all the differences(except age at 100 kg body weight) were extremely significant. This study prove that the offspring of boars with significant differences in genomic evaluation have significant differences in phenotypic values and breeding values, which indicate that, through genomic selection, excellent breeding boars can be selected and their genetic superiority can be passed to their offsprings.  相似文献   

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