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利用自花结实的4D缺体小麦作母本,与中2、中5及中1001等八倍体小偃麦杂交,获得的杂种F1植株除4D缺体×中5育性极低外,其余组合略低于普通小麦×八倍体小偃麦的自交结实率。杂种F1体细胞2n=48。4D缺体×中2的F1花粉母细胞减数分裂MI染色体配对的平均构型为18.81(15-22)Ⅱ+0.57(0-3)Ⅲ+0.11(0-2)Ⅳ+8.23(6-10)Ⅰ。观察结果同时表明:(1)单价体的分布在每个PMC中以8为众数;(2)单价体之中的两个在多数的PNCs中能形成次级联合配对,说明4D与4E染色体具有部分同源关系;(3)杂种F1多数花粉母细胞中多价体的出现表明八倍体小偃麦中E染色体组具有促进部分同源染色体配对的基因。  相似文献   

小麦品种赤霉病抗性的遗传研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用8个不同抗性小麦品种双列杂交的F1及其亲本,以赤霉病病粒率为抗性指标,研究了小麦赤霉病抗性的遗传。结果表明,参试品种间存在3~4对赤霉病抗性基因的差异,苏麦3号、宁麦9号和扬麦158具有较多控制赤霉病抗性遗传的显性基因,对于减少它们杂交后代的病粒率有较高的一般配合力。小麦赤霉病抗性符合加性-显性模型。赤霉  相似文献   

为鉴定小麦-偃麦草杂种后代以及我国小麦品种和育种中间品系对纹枯病的抗性,并且解析偃麦草染色体与纹枯病抗性的关系,在徐州和南京两个试点,采用田间病圃法对321份普通小麦品种或品系和56份小麦-偃麦草杂种后代材料进行了纹枯病抗性鉴定。在徐州试点没有发现高抗纹枯病的种质,但是有52份材料表现中抗反应型,包括34份普通小麦材料,其中萧农8506-1、小偃81、冀植4001、农大195、徐州8913和京东3066A-3的相对抗病指数高于0.7。在南京试点,全部普通小麦材料都不抗纹枯病,只有5份小麦-偃麦草种质表现中抗反应型。部分小麦-偃麦草种质的病情指数不但显著低于感病对照品种苏麦3号和扬麦158,而且还低于抗病对照品种安农8455和宁麦9号,如小麦-中间偃麦草4Ai#2或4Ai#2S附加系、代换系和易位系材料TA3513、TA3516、TA3517和TA3519及小麦-长穗偃麦草第4部分同源群染色体代换系SS767,说明中间偃麦草4Ai#2染色体和长穗偃麦草4J染色体可能与纹枯病病情指数降低有关。基因组原位杂交分析结果表明,4Ai#2染色体属中间偃麦草的Js基因组,而长穗偃麦草与纹枯病抗性相关的第4部分同源群染色体属J基因组。虽然纹枯病与眼斑病的发病部位和症状非常相似,但抗眼斑病基因Pch1 (Madsen)和Pch2 (Cappelle-Desprez)对纹枯病无效。  相似文献   

源于中间偃麦草的小麦新品系CH5026白粉病抗性的遗传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CH5026是衍生于八倍体小偃麦TAI7045的抗病新品系,它兼抗小麦的白粉病和条锈病。温室抗性评价结果显示,无论是苗期还是成株期,CH5026对白粉病菌系E09均表现为免疫,且具有与其抗性供体TAI7045及TAI7045的野生亲本中间偃麦草相似的白粉病抗性,且CH5026和TAI7045的小麦亲本均为中、高感,表明存在于CH5026的白粉病抗性来自中间偃麦草。为进一步明确其白粉病抗性的遗传规律,用高感品种(系)晋太170和CH5065分别与CH5026杂交、回交,将其F1,F2,BC1,F3群体及其双亲分别在太原温室用白粉病15号小种的E09菌系接种,并按单株调查其抗感分离之比。结果表明,F1对白粉病的感染分别为0或0;级。F2,BC1的群体中,其抗感分离分别符合3R∶1S和1R∶1S;而且在F3株系中,全抗∶抗感分离∶全感为1∶2∶1,说明衍生于TAI7045的抗病品系CH5026对白粉病的抗性受1对显性核基因控制。  相似文献   

中间偃麦草抗小麦白粉病基因导入及其抗性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为利用中间偃麦草对小麦白粉病的抗性,通过八倍体小偃麦TAI7045与普通小麦杂交、回交,育成一批兼抗我国黄淮麦区和西南麦区小麦白粉病、条锈病的新品系和新材料。抗性评价结果表明,无论苗期还是成株期,对小麦白粉病菌优势小种E09及强毒力小种E20、E21表现为免疫或高抗的有57份,占测试材料的67.9%;中抗的有10份,占11.9%,且对白粉病的抗性来自中间偃麦草。对随机选取的4份抗病品系及其与普通小麦的杂交F1进行了根尖细胞有丝分裂中期染色体计数和花粉母细胞减数分裂中期I(PMC MI)染色体构型分析,结果表明,它们的染色体数目均为2n=42,4个材料及其与中国春杂交F1的平均染色体配对构型分别为0.13Ⅰ+19.75Ⅱ+0.06Ⅲ和0.16Ⅰ+20.06Ⅱ+0.04Ⅲ,而且与中国春小麦的染色体配对构型无显著差异,说明它们的染色体组成与普通小麦基本一致,在遗传学和细胞学上已具有良好的稳定性。  相似文献   

抗白粉病八倍体小偃麦和双体异附加系的鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对从中间偃麦草(Elytrigia intermedium)与普通小麦品种烟农15杂交后代中选育的双体异附加系山农Line15和八倍体小偃麦山农TE263的形态学、细胞学观察结果表明,它们的主要形态性状介于双亲之间,根尖细胞染色体数目分别为2n=44和2n=56,PMC MⅠ染色体构型分别为2n=22Ⅱ和2n=28Ⅱ;以中间偃麦草总基因组DNA为探针的荧光原位杂  相似文献   

小麦与偃麦草远缘杂交的研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文是作者从事小麦与偃麦草远缘杂交三十余年的研究总结.介绍了亲本选配原则、花期调节、交配方法等远缘杂交技术,用回交与重复授粉、筛选结实率高的组合与单株、延长生育期等方法克服远缘杂种F_1的不育性.介绍了小偃麦远缘杂种的培育和选择的方法,八倍体小偃麦、异附加系、异代换系和六倍体小偃麦(小麦新品种)的创制、鉴定和应用等.  相似文献   

抗白粉病小偃麦异代换系的细胞学鉴定和RAPD分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对从长穗偃麦草与小麦杂种后代中选育的抗白粉病小麦种质系山农87074-551在进行白粉病抗性鉴定的基础上,进行了细胞学和RAPD鉴定.结果表明:山农87074-551根尖细胞染色体数目为2n=42,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ(PMC MⅠ)染色体构型为2n=21 Ⅱ, 它与小麦中国春的杂种F1PMC MⅠ染色体构型为2n=20Ⅱ+2Ⅰ,说明山农87074-551是一个双  相似文献   

采用普通小麦与天蓝偃麦草属间远缘杂种后代八倍体小偃麦(AABBDDEE)为母本,与羊草(滨麦草属)杂交,获得三属杂种后,再用普通小麦回交2 ̄3次,并对三属杂种以及回交世代中几个主要性状的遗传表现进行了研究,结果表明:①三属杂种F1的不育性,采用普通小麦通过回交可得到克服,并且随着回交次数的增加,结实率逐步提高;②回交后代有明显的超矮亲遗传现象;③天蓝偃麦草与羊草的抗病、大穗、多花多实等性状可直接传  相似文献   

杨崇力  赵玲瑛 《种子》1995,(6):30-32
该研究采用我省6个小麦主栽品种与9个优良亲本按6×9不完全双列杂交配制54个组合,分别对杂种F_1和亲本的5个产量性状和3个抗性指标进行多种遗传相关分析。结果表明:1、株高与抗性指标的遗传、加性、和表型相关系数在-0.585~-0.885之间,均达到显著和极显著水准,并在遗传相关中以加性成分为主。2、单株产量性状与抗性指标大多呈负向加性、显性、遗传、和表型相关。但几乎都不显著,即抗性和产量并不矛盾。3、病粒率与病情指数的遗传、表型相关,以及遗传相关中的加性、显性相关均呈极显著正相关,但两者与病穗率这一指标的遗传相关未能达到显著水平。小麦抗赤霉病的性状鉴定以前两项较合理,病穗率仅为参考指标,这也符合小麦赤霉病的抗性以抗扩展为主的理论。  相似文献   

Summary During a four year period, a total of 258 winter and spring wheat genotypes were evaluated for resistance to head blight after inoculation with Fusarium culmorum strain IPO 39-01. It was concluded that genetic variation for resistance is very large. Spring wheat genotypes which had been reported to be resistant to head blight caused by Fusarium graminearum were also resistant to F. culmorum. The resistant germplasm was divided into three gene pools: winter wheats from Eastern Europe, spring wheats from China/Japan and spring wheats from Brazil. In 32 winter wheat genotypes in 1987, and 54 winter wheat genotypes in 1989, the percentage yield reduction depended on the square root of percentage head blight with an average regression coefficient of 6.6. Heritability estimates indicated that for selection for Fusarium head blight resistance, visually assessed head blight was a better selection criterion than yield reduction.  相似文献   

W. Bourdoncle  H. W. Ohm 《Euphytica》2003,131(1):131-136
Fusarium head blight (FHB), primarily caused by Fusarium graminearum in North America, often results in significant losses in yield and grain quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Evaluation of FHB resistance is laborious and can be affected by environmental conditions. The development of DNA markers associated with FHB quantitative trait loci (QTL) and their use in breeding programs could greatly enhance selection. The objective of this study was to identify the location and effect of QTLs for FHB resistance using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A population of wheat recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross ‘Huapei57-2’/‘Patterson’ was characterized for type II resistance in one field experiment and two tests under controlled conditions in the greenhouse. Bulked segregant analysis followed by QTL mapping was used to identify the major segregating QTLs. Results indicate that ‘Huapei 57-2’ may have the same resistance allele as ‘Sumai3’ at a QTL located on the short arm of chromosome 3B. Other QTLs of lower effect size were identified on the long arm of 3Band on chromosomes 3A and 5B. Our findings along with results from other studies demonstrate that the effect of the QTL on3BS is large and consistent across a wide range of genetic backgrounds and environments. Pyramiding this QTL with other FHB QTLs using marker-assisted selection should be effective in improving FHB resistance in a wheat breeding program. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Q. Chen    F. Eudes    R. L. Conner    R. Graf    A. Comeau    J. Collin    F. Ahmad    R. Zhou    H. Li    Y. Zhao  A. Laroche   《Plant Breeding》2001,120(5):375-380
Fusarium head blight (FHB, scab), caused by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, is a serious and damaging disease of wheat. Although some hexaploid wheat lines express a good level of resistance to FHB, the resistance available in hexaploid wheat has not yet been transferred to durum wheat. A germplasm collection of Triticum durum× alien hybrid lines was tested as a potential source of resistance to FHB under controlled conditions. Their FHB reaction was evaluated in three tests against conidial suspensions of three strains of F. graminearum at the flowering stage. Two T. durum×Thinopyrum distichum hybrid lines, ‘AFR4’ and ‘AFR5′, expressed a significantly higher level of resistance to the spread of FHB than other durum‐alien hybrid lines and a resistant common wheat line ‘Nyu‐Bay’. Genomic in situ hybridization using total genomic DNA from alien grass species demonstrated that ‘AFR5’ had 13 or 14 alien genome chromosomes plus 27 or 28 wheat chromosomes, while ‘AFR4’ had 22 alien genome and 28 wheat chromosomes. All of the alien chromosomes present in these two lines belonged to the J genome. ‘AFR5’ is likely to be more useful as a source of FHB resistance than ‘AFR4’ because of its relatively normal meiotic behaviour, high fertility and fewer number of alien chromosomes. ‘AFR5’ shows good potential as a source for transferring FHB resistance gene into wheat. The development of T. durum addition lines carrying resistance genes from ‘AFR5’ is underway.  相似文献   

G. Oettler  G. Wahle   《Plant Breeding》2001,120(4):297-300
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a widespread disease of small‐grain cereals and can cause substantial losses in grain yield. To assess quantitative genetic parameters as a basis for an efficient breeding programme for resistance, 100 triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.) genotypes were tested in various environments and artificially inoculated at anthesis with an aggressive isolate of Fusarium culmorum. A visual rating (1–9 scale) was used to assess head blight infection. Five grain yield traits relative to an uninoculated control were also measured. The mean value of the average rating, calculated from four or five readings, was 4.4. It ranged from 3.0 to 5.9 and showed continuous variation. Infection caused a 48% reduction of mean kernel weight per spike, which was the result of 26% fewer kernels per spike and a 32% lower 1000‐kernel weight. The 50‐ml kernel weight was affected by only 20%. The range and genotypic variation was highest for relative kernel weight per spike. For all relative grain yield traits, the most important source of variation was the environment, followed by genotype‐environment interaction, with genotype generally coming last. In contrast, genotypic variation was the most important factor for the disease rating, which also had the highest heritability (h2= 0.89). Phenotypic correlations between the average head blight rating and relative grain yield traits were moderate (r = 0.42–0.57). In conclusion, an average disease rating provides a quantitative assessment of resistance and is suitable for screening large numbers of genotypes. Relative kernel weight per spike gives a ranking of the genotypes that is very similar to the visual score.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a devastating disease that reduces the yield, quality and economic value of wheat. For quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of resistance to FHB, F3 plants and F3:5 lines, derived from a ‘Wangshuibai’ (resistant)/‘Seri82’(susceptible) cross, were spray inoculated during 2001 and 2002, respectively. Artificial inoculation was carried out under field conditions. Of 420 markers, 258 amplified fragment length polymorphism and 39 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were mapped and yielded 44 linkage groups covering a total genetic distance of 2554 cM. QTL analysis was based on the constructed linkage map and area under the disease progress curve. The analyses revealed a QTL in the map interval Xgwm533‐Xs18/m12 on chromosome 3BS accounting for up to 17% of the phenotypic variation. In addition, a QTL was detected in the map interval Xgwm539‐Xs15/m24 on chromosome 2DL explaining up to 11% of the phenotypic variation. The QTL alleles originated from ‘Wangshuibai’ and were tagged with SSR markers. Using these SSR markers would facilitate marker‐assisted selection to improve FHB resistance in wheat.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB), one of the most destructive diseases of wheat in many parts of the world, can reduce the grain quality due to mycotoxin contamination up to rejection for usage as food or feed. Objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with FHB resistance in the winter wheat population ‘G16‐92’ (resistant)/‘Hussar’. In all, 136 recombinant inbred lines were evaluated in field trials in 2001 and 2002 after spray inoculation with a Fusarium culmorum suspension. The area under disease progress curve was calculated based on the visually scored FHB symptoms. For means across all environments two FHB resistance QTL located on chromosomes 1A, and 2BL were identified. The individual QTL explained 9.7% and 14.1% of the phenotypic variance and together 26.7% of the genetic variance. The resistance QTL on 1A coincided with a QTL for plant height in contrast to the resistance QTL on 2BL that appeared to be independently inherited from morphological characteristics like plant height and ear compactness. Therefore, especially the QTL on 2BL could be of great interest for breeding towards FHB resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Ten homozygous winter wheat genotypes representing different levels of resistance to Fusarium head blight were crossed in all possible combinations excluding reciprocals. Parents, F1 and F2 were inoculated with one pathogenic strain of Fusarium culmorum. Data for head blight, observed 21 days after first inoculation (OBS-2), and for the area under the disease progress curve, based on observations 14, 21 and 28 days after first inoculation (AUDPC), were analyzed. The contrast between parents and F1 crosses indicated dommance effects of the resistance genes. Diallel analysis according to Griffing's Method 4, Model 1 showed significant general combining ability (GCA) effects for both F1 and F2; specific combining ability effects were not significant. With the exception of one genotype for which general performance for Fusarium resistance was not in agreement with its GCA, the resistance to F. culmorum was uniformly transmitted to all offspring, and the parents can be described in terms of GCA. It is suggested that in the progenies with one of the awned lines as parent, one resistance gene was linked with the gene coding for presence of awns, located on chromosome 4B. A single observation date, taken at the right time, was as effective in assessing resistance as the AUDPC.  相似文献   

We report on the identification of FHB ( Fusarium head blight) resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) of the donor 'G93010' (Bussard/Ning8026) in the background of elite breeding material adapted to the central European climate. With a multiple interval mapping method, two major resistance QTL were identified. Qfhs.lfl-7BS/5BL and Qfhs.lfl-6BS reduced FHB severity individually by 30% and 24%. The combination of both QTL decreased disease severity most effectively by about one half. Qfhs.lfl-6BS is most likely identical to Fhb2 , thus, the effectiveness of Fhb2 in central European breeding material has been validated. Qfhs.lfl-7BS/5BL overlapped with QTL for plant height and heading date. Nevertheless, the selection of lines combining a good FHB resistance level with an acceptable plant height was possible. As the donors of the QTL have probably not yet been utilized in European breeding material, we identified well-adapted lines of the mapping population as valuable donors for marker-assisted breeding programmes.  相似文献   

To identify excellent cultivars resistant to Fusarium head blight (FHB), 104 wheat cultivars were tested by single-flower inoculation using two prevalent pathogens from 2018 to 2020. Agronomic traits were also investigated. Six FHB-resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL), Fhb1, Fhb2, Fhb4, Fhb5, Fhb7 and Qfhb.crc-2D, have been assessed using previously reported DNA markers. A diagnostic marker has been used for Fhb1, and indicative markers linked to the other QTL were used. Results showed that (i) 12 (11.5%) cultivars were resistant to two pathogens in 3 years; among them, ‘Shengxuan 6’, ‘Wanhongbian 759’, ‘Yunong 903’ and ‘Yunong 901’ had good agronomic traits. (ii) Among cultivars with one resistance QTL, the severities of cultivars carrying Fhb1 and Qfhb.crc-2D were 2.2 and 2.8, respectively, whereas those of cultivars with Fhb2 or Fhb7 were 3.6. Among cultivars with two resistance QTL, the severities of cultivars with Fhb1 + Fhb4, Fhb1 + Fhb7 and Fhb4 + Fhb5 were 2.2, 3.0 and 3.6, respectively. The severity of five cultivars possessing three or four resistance QTL was below 2.5. Fhb1 and Qfhb.crc-2D showed better resistance effects than other resistance QTL.  相似文献   

Yield and quality reductions caused by Fusarium head blight (FHB) have spurred spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeders to identify and develop new sources of host plant resistance. Four wheat synthetic hexaploids (×Aegilotriticum sp.) were developed, each having a quantitative trait locus (QTL), Qfhs.ndsu‐3AS, providing FHB resistance from Triticum turgidum L. var. dicoccoides chromosome 3A. Synthetics were produced by hybridizing a ‘Langdon’‐T. dicoccoides‐ recombinant chromosome 3A substitution line (2n = 4x = 28, AABB with two accessions of T. tauschii (2n= 2x = 14, DD). Synthetics were inoculated and evaluated for FHB resistance in two separate greenhouse seasons. One synthetic, 01NDSWG‐5, exhibited FHB severity ratings of 36% and 32% in the separate seasons, compared with ratings of 9% and 30% for ‘Alsen’, a FHB‐resistant spring cultivar, and ratings of 70% and 96% for ‘McNeal’, a susceptible spring cultivar, respectively. Synthetic × Alsen backcross‐derived lines were produced to initiate combining different sources of FHB resistance.  相似文献   

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