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绵羊附红细胞体病(eperythrozoonsis)是由绵羊附红细胞体(eperythrozoon ovis)寄生于红细胞表面、血浆及骨髓中引起的一种血液传染病.对宿主年龄没有特异性,各个时期的绵羊均能感染.绵羊感染附红细胞体(附红体)后,一般不出现明显的临床症状,仅表现食欲下降,持续性轻度腹泻,可视粘膜苍白和轻度黄染,被毛缺乏光泽,机体消瘦,生长发育缓慢;断奶羔羊急性感染者临床症状典型,严重病例出现溶血性贫血、死亡,给养羊业造成较大经济损失.  相似文献   

附红细胞体种类很多,现已命名的大约有14种,常见的有绵羊附红细胞体、猪附红细胞体、山羊附红细胞体、小附红细胞体等,其中猪、绵羊的附红细胞体致病力较强。附红细胞体是存在血液中的微生物,该病原为立克次氏体,大小为0.8微米~2.5微米,呈多形性,多数为环形、球形或卵圆形,少数呈顿号形或杆状。附红体多在红细胞表面单个或成团寄生,呈链状或鳞片状,也有在血浆中呈游离状态。附红细胞体可在血液中做缓慢的进退,多方向扭转翻滚等运动,但一附着于红细胞上则停止运动。专家指出,羊感染本病的潜伏期为4天~15天,多数羊只呈现隐性感染,只有出现不良诱因才引起发病。严重感染而造成大部分死亡的羊,在出现体温升高后3d~7d就发生死亡,但也有少数病羊病程长达15d~18d,以羔羊的死亡率最高,占死亡羊的60%以上。该病的另一大特征是虫血症,羊感染后经过一定时间,红细胞表面和血浆会出现数量不等的附红细胞体。人工感染绵羊15天后出现虫血症,28天细胞感染达100%,48天消失。该病主要发生于温暖季节,夏秋季发病较多,尤其是多雨之后最易发病,常呈地方流行性。感染羊引进到易感羊群是本病发生的主要原因之一,羊附红细胞体病可发生于各种年龄的羊,但以幼羊发病率最高,患病羊及隐性感染羊是重要的传染源,吸血昆虫(如刺蝇﹑蚊虫﹑蜱等)、螨虫﹑虱子是该病的主要传播媒介;该病多发生于吸血昆虫大量繁殖的夏秋季节;应激因素如:长途运输﹑饲养管理不良﹑气候恶劣﹑寒冷或其他疾病感染等情况可使隐性感染羊发病;也有人报道此病可通过胎盘垂直传播。附红细胞体对干燥和化学消毒剂抵抗力弱,一般的消毒药均能杀死病原。但附红细胞体对低温的抵抗力强。  相似文献   

王柏山 《畜牧兽医杂志》2011,30(3):117-117,119
绵羊附红细胞体病是由绵羊附红细胞体寄生于红细胞表面、血浆、骨髓中引起的一种血液传染病。绵羊感染附红细胞体后,一般不出现明显的临床症状,仅表现食欲下降,持续性腹泻,可视粘膜及口唇粘膜苍白和黄染,羔羊机体消瘦,生长发育缓慢;急性病例临床症状典型,严重病例出现溶血性贫血,死亡,给羊场或牧民群众造成较大的经济损失。  相似文献   

附红细胞体病是由附红细胞体引起的一种人兽共患传染病,其临床特征是呈现急性黄疸性贫血、全身皮肤发红和发热,故又称红皮病。病猪感染后可大批死亡,常呈地方流行,给养猪业造成极大的危害。1流行病学易感染动物有猪、绵羊、牛、犬、猫和其他动物,在不同宿主中存在不同的虫种(如猪附红细胞体、羊附红细胞体等)。主要由吸血昆虫传播,注射针头、交配、手术器械也可能传播本病。  相似文献   

附红细胞体病(Eperythro zoonosis)是附红细胞体(Eperythrozoon)寄生于动物红细胞内,红细胞表面及血浆中而引起的一种传染性疾病。该病原体为立克次氏体目、无浆体科、附红细胞体属。目前,国内外已发现马、骡、驴、牛、羊、猪、狗、兔、猫、鼠、鸡等多种畜禽患附红细胞体病。关于人附红细胞体病,在我区未见有报道。1991年7月我们在进行绵羊附红细胞体病调查工作时,在集宁地区偶然发现有明显临床症状的患病人一例,并随机做了  相似文献   

分别用绵羊附红细胞体自然感染病羊的全血及分离纯化的绵羊附红细胞体对小白鼠进行攻毒,以建立绵羊附红细胞体人工感染小鼠模型。通过攻毒后症状观察、血液涂片镜检和绵羊附红细胞体特异性PCR检测法,对建立的模型进行评价。结果显示,各试验组小鼠人工感染后3~6 d,血液中均可检测到绵羊附红细胞体,而对照组小鼠未出现异常症状,且血液附红细胞体检查结果为阴性。该研究成功地构建了绵羊附红细胞体小白鼠感染模型,创建的模型可用于附红细胞体的生物学特性、致病机制、药物筛选等方面的研究。  相似文献   

20 0 2年自入夏以来 ,华北和华中许多地区流行附红细胞体病 ,该病来势之凶猛 ,病状之严重 ,损失之重大 ,在养猪业、养羊业上触目惊心。关于猪附红细胞体的报道比较多见 ,但是 ,小尾寒羊感染附红细胞体病还未见报道。现就定州市某小尾寒羊饲养场发生附红细胞体病的诊治情况报告如下。1 发病情况该羊场共饲养小尾寒羊 12 0只 ,2 0 0 2年 8月 ,有部分羊出现结膜红肿、贫血、黄疸。初怀疑为某种传染病 ,用青霉素、病毒灵、地塞米松等药物治疗 2d无效 ,并且病情加重。发病羊不断增加 ,相继死亡 6只 ,遂来我院就诊 ,诊断为附红细胞体 ,经采取紧…  相似文献   

附红细胞体(EPerythrozoon)是人畜共患附红细胞体病(Eperythrozoonsis)的病原体。它寄生在家畜的血液里、附着在红细胞表面和游离在血浆中引起家畜的附红细胞体病。在急性发病时出现黄疽、贫血、发热、腹部皮下和四肢末梢发紫。1928年,Sohilling等从啮齿类动物中检查出附红细胞体,随后在绵羊、牛、猪、马等家畜中也陆续发现了附红细胞体的感染。 2000年8月上旬以来,周口市部分地区养猪场出现猪的无名高热,使用抗菌药物、抗病毒药物治疗无效并出现部分死亡。根据临床症状、病理剖检…  相似文献   

为了解吉林省羊附红细胞体病的流行情况,试验以羊附红细胞体26.0 ku抗原蛋白为诊断抗原,采用ELISA方法对吉林省的乾安、延吉、珲春、龙井4个县市的296份放牧绵羊的血清样本进行了羊附红细胞体抗体的检测。结果表明:在检测的296份血清样本中,以平原为主的乾安县羊附红细胞体抗体的阳性率为40.2%(53/132),以山区为主的延吉、珲春、龙井市羊附红细胞体抗体的阳性率分别为60.9%(39/64)、62.5%(25/40)、61.7%(37/60),平原与山区羊附红细胞体抗体阳性率差异极显著(P<0.01);羔羊与成年羊附红细胞体抗体阳性率差异极显著(P<0.01)。说明吉林省是羊附红细胞体病的流行地区,尤其在山区感染严重。  相似文献   

正羊附红细胞体病是附红细胞体感染羊所引起的一种传染性人畜共患病,附红细胞体寄生于羊的红细胞表面或血浆,主要表现为溶血性贫血、黄疸、生长速度降低和精神抑郁等症状。该病病原主要由吸血的节肢动物传播,可感染绵羊和山羊。但是,本次发病观察发现,绵羊对此病抵抗力较强,山羊容易感染。  相似文献   

放线杆菌为动物黏膜共生菌,当口腔黏膜或皮肤出现创口时侵入机体,引起发病,呈散发流行,但也可由于饲养管理不当造成大量动物发病,为养殖业造成极大的损失。针对2019年春季发生于呼和浩特地区某羊场的羔羊放线杆菌感染病例的临床症状、病理变化、实验室检查及鉴别诊断方法进行详细介绍,并提出相应的防控措施,以供兽医人员和养殖户参考。  相似文献   

An investigation of sheep flocks in the main sheep raising areas of New South Wales showed that the itchmite Psorergates ovis was frequently associated with fleece derangement. In 26 of the 41 flocks examined, P. ovis was the only ectoparasite detected. P. ovis and the sheep body louse Damalinia ovis, were found in 5 flocks. No external parasites were found on sheep examined from the 10 remaining flocks. The type of fleece derangement most frequently recorded was rubbing which in some cases was combined with areas of chewed fleece. Among flocks, there were positive relations between the prevalence of fleece derangement and prevalence of itchmite or scurf and between itchmite count and mean scurf score. Within flocks, itchmite infested sheep or sheep with scurf had higher prevalences of fleece derangement than sheep on which no mites or no scurf were found. Itchmite infested sheep had a higher prevalence of scurf than those with no detectable mite infestation. There were no significant differences in itchmite populations or fleece derangement between untreated flocks and flocks treated with synthetic pyrethroids, organophosphates or arsenic and rotenone.  相似文献   

A serological survey and risk factor study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Eperythrozoon ovis infection in Western Australian weaner sheep, the prevalence of farms with infected sheep, and to identify factors affecting initiation and maintenance of infection on the farm. The study was conducted on 91 farms, purposively chosen from 41 randomly selected regional shires stratified by sheep number and rainfall zones. Twenty sheep were selected systematically from a mixed-sex flock on each farm and tested for serum antibody to E ovis using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Information on putative risk factors was collected using an interview questionnaire. Antibody to E ovis was detected in 4.5% of sheep on 47% of the farms sampled. The prevalence of E ovis infection in sheep was estimated at the 95% confidence level to be between 3.6 and 5.5%, and the prevalence of farms with infected sheep was estimated to be between 37.5 and 56.5%. Most farms with serological evidence of infection occurred in the Great Southern agricultural region (79.5%), south-east of Perth through to Albany (latitude 32 to 34 degrees S, longitude 116 to 120 degrees E), and in the Northern region (12.8%) surrounding Geraldton (latitude 29 degrees S, longitude 114 degrees E). There were significantly more farms (P less than 0.05) with evidence of infection in the Great Southern region compared to the Central region between Geraldton and Perth, and on farms in the region south compared to north of latitude 32 degrees S. None of the putative risk factors examined in the questionnaire were associated with serological evidence of infection on the farm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

青海省互助县某羊场藏系绵羊患病死亡,伴有腹泻、神经症状,为快速确诊发病原因,及时防控和治疗,采集病羊样品5份,通过镜检、细菌分离培养、分子生物学试验及致病性试验进行病原鉴定分析。结果证明此次病原菌为羊致病性D型魏氏梭菌,毒素基因分析显示该菌同时含有α和ε两种毒素基因,动物致病性试验结果表明该菌对昆明系小鼠具有较强的致病性,并从试验致死的小鼠中分离到与藏羊病原相一致的细菌。三种基因的遗传进化树显示,该菌具有较强的多样性。研究确定了本次藏羊致死的主要病原为D型魏氏梭菌,结果可为该羊场梭菌病的治疗和预防提供科学依据。  相似文献   

2010年5月,沈阳市某规模化犬场出现以腹泻、发热、贫血、黄疸和阴道出血等症状的病例.笔者根据实验室诊断结果,结合病犬发病情况和临床症状诊断为犬附红细胞体感染,并对感染病倒进行治疗,对犬场进行综合防控,使疫情得到有效控制.本文对该病的诊断、治疗与预防进行了详细的阐述,并得出一定的体会,以供同行参考.  相似文献   

There was an 8-fold increase in the national prevalence of Taenia ovis in dogs during the first decade of the New Zealand hydatid disease control program. The temporal patterns in the prevalence of T. ovis were similar in both rural working dogs and urban pet dogs, with the highest prevalence found in the sheep farming areas. The dramatic increase in the prevalence of T. ovis was a reflection of the change in source of food for many working dogs, from the traditional raw viscera to carcase meat of sheep, a change necessitated by hydatid disease control. Other factors influencing the rise in prevalence of T. ovis in rural dogs were investigated using stepwise multiple regression techniques. The results of the regression analyses suggested that the rate of increase in the prevalence of T. ovis was influenced by 4 major factors: Taenia hydatigena variables (initial prevalence and rate of progress in control), an ethnic variable (Maori proportion in local population), canine variables (numbers of dogs per farm and per owner), and animal husbandry variables (pasture type, sheep density and numbers of sheep per farm). The results were discussed in the light of present knowledge of the epidemiology and immunology of the taeniid cestodes.  相似文献   

A total of 124 blood samples were collected from 92 sheep and 32 goats from 21 randomly selected herds located in two regions of Greece. Data on the characteristics of the animals (species, gender, age, tick burden, presence of haemoglobinuria, prior treatment for babesiosis) and the herd (location, size, species of animals, dogs associated with the herds, tick burden of dogs associated with the herds) were collected through questionnaires. Nineteen animals (15%) produced the DNA fragment specific for Babesia of which 16 were sheep and three were goats. Nucleotide sequence of PCR products revealed 100% homology with Babesia ovis 18S rRNA gene. Nine farms (43%) were found positive for B. ovis. The percentage of positive animals in each farm varied between 10 and 61%. The relative risk of the presence of ticks in sheep and goats (p<0.01) and farm dogs (p<0.01) for PCR-positive results for B. ovis in sheep and goats was found 6.63 and 4.14, respectively.  相似文献   

Infection by Oestrus ovis is common in Lacaune dairy ewes of Roquefort cheese area (Aveyron, France). It is believed by local breeders that there is a close relationship between nasal myiasis and the incidence of enzootic nasal tumour. In order to check these anecdotal reports, a serological survey was done on 658 breeding ewes before turn-out and 897 breeding and primiparous (hoggets) ewes at the end of the grazing season. By the time of sampling, it was clear whether the sheep were infected at the end of the winter or had been re-infected over summer.In April and September, 40.7 and 26.3%, respectively, were free of O. ovis infection, indicating that the autumn treatment was not completely effective and that O. ovis adult flies were circulating during the summer in many flocks. There were no differences in the incidence of adenocarcinoma between the groups indicating that there is no relationship between O. ovis infection and the presence of the cancer.Differences in milk production between the three groups were not statistically significant (Anova test P>0.05). In flocks where 1-5% of the ewes were infected or in non-infected flocks, ewes produced 3.6 and 8.56%, respectively, more milk than ewes from flocks where more than 5% of animals were infected. For primiparous ewes, the differences were of 8.5 and 12.24%.  相似文献   

旨在了解呼和浩特地区牛乳及其乳制品中兽药残留现状。采用现场调查、问卷调查等方法,调查了65家经销奶产品超市及60家奶产品特产经销店乳制品的销售情况,调查了139名呼和浩特市市民对牛乳及其乳制品的食用情况;调查了35个牛场驻场兽医及10名相关专家在临床上的兽药使用现状。采用回顾性调查方法,调查了2014—2015年内蒙古有关权威部门采用LC-MS-MS、ELISA等方法对呼和浩特地区370份牛乳进行兽药残留检测的结果。采用HPLC方法,检测了呼和浩特地区74份牛乳制品样本中的兽药残留。调查结果显示,呼和浩特市被调查的对象中96.41%的消费者食用牛乳及其乳制品,56.11%的消费者关注乳制品中兽药残留问题;呼和浩特地区牛乳总销量的94.46%来自于呼和浩特地区奶牛场,5.54%来自于其他地区;94.44%的牛场有专职兽医;20%的被调查牛场有超量使用兽药的情况,85.71%的被调查牛场有用药记录,94.29%的被调查牛场严格执行兽药休药期;100%的牛场对所产牛乳进行抗菌药物检测;目前呼和浩特地区兽医临床最常用的4种抗菌药物分别为青霉素、氨苄西林、阿莫西林及头孢噻呋,其他有庆大霉素、甲硝唑等。实验室检测结果显示,呼和浩特地区2014—2015年生产的牛乳中兽药残留均为阴性,市售乳制品样本中亦未检出残留。呼和浩特各辖区生产、流通的牛乳及其乳制品均符合动物性食品中兽药最高残留限量要求。  相似文献   

The aim of the survey was to determine the seroprevalence of Oestrus ovis infection in flocks in southwestern Germany. Serum samples collected from 1497 sheep (>6 months of age) of 110 flocks in 1997 and 1998 were examined for antibodies to crude somatic antigens of O. ovis second-stage larvae using an ELISA test. Data on the farm management were obtained by a questionnaire. Overall, 76% of the flocks had at least one seropositive animal, and the seroprevalence of anti-Oestrus antibodies was 50% in sheep. Flock size was the only risk factor significantly associated with the detection of antibodies. Larger flocks (>50 ewes) were more likely to be seropositive than smaller ones. These results show that Oestrus infections are widespread in sheep in southwestern Germany. Further investigations are required to estimate the economic importance of oestrosis and the efficiency of control measures.  相似文献   

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