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Protein and protein fractions were measured in 49 hard winter wheat flours to investigate their relationship to breadmaking properties, particularly loaf volume, which varied from 760 to 1,055 cm3 and crumb grain score of 1.0–5.0 from 100 g of flour straight‐dough bread. Protein composition varied with flour protein content because total soluble protein (SP) and gliadin levels increased proportionally to increased protein content, but albumins and globulins (AG), soluble polymeric proteins (SPP), and insoluble polymeric protein (IPP) levels did not. Flour protein content was positively correlated with loaf volume and bake water absorption (r = 0.80, P < 0.0001 and r = 0.45, P < 0.01, respectively). The percent SP based on flour showed the highest correlation with loaf volume (r = 0.85) and low but significant correlation with crumb grain score (r = 0.35, P < 0.05). Percent gliadins based on flour and on protein content were positively correlated to loaf volume (r = 0.73, P < 0.0001 and r = 0.46, P < 0.001, respectively). The percent IPP based on flour was the only protein fraction that was highly correlated (r = 0.62, P < 0.0001) with bake water absorption followed by AG in flour (r = 0.30, P < 0.05). Bake mix time was correlated positively with percent IPP based on protein (r = 0.86) but negatively with percent SPP based on protein (r = ‐0.56, P < 0.0001).  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties and protein composition of 39 selected wheat flour samples were evaluated and correlated with the textural properties of Chinese hard‐bite white salted noodles. Flour samples were analyzed for their protein and wet gluten contents, sedimentation volume, starch pasting properties, and dough mixing properties by farinograph and extensigraph. Molecular weight distribution of wheat flour proteins was determined with size‐exclusion (SE) HPLC, SDS‐PAGE, and acid‐PAGE. Textural properties of Chinese hard‐bite white salted noodles were determined through texture profile analysis (TPA). Hardness, springiness, gumminess, and chewiness of cooked noodles were found to be related to the dough mixing properties. Both protein content and protein composition were found to be related to TPA parameters of noodles. The amount of total flour protein was positively correlated to hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of noodles. The absolute amounts of different peak proteins obtained from SE‐HPLC data showed positive correlations with the hardness, gumminess, chewiness, and springiness of noodles. The proportions of these peak proteins were, however, not significantly related to texture parameters. The proportions of low‐molecular‐weight glutenins/gliadins and albumins/globulins, as observed from SDS‐PAGE, were correlated positively and negatively, respectively, to the hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of cooked noodles. Among the alcohol‐soluble proteins (from acid‐PAGE data), β‐gliadins showed strong correlations with the texture properties of cooked noodles. For the selected flour samples, the total protein content of flour had a stronger relationship with the noodle texture properties than did the relative proportion of different protein subgroups. Prediction equations were developed for TPA parameters of cooked noodles with SE‐HPLC and rapid visco analysis data of the 30 flour samples, and it was found that about 75% of the variability in noodle hardness, gumminess, and chewiness values could be explained by protein composition and flour pasting properties combined together. About 50% of the variations in cohesiveness and springiness were accounted for by these prediction equations.  相似文献   

Various whole‐kernel, milling, flour, dough, and breadmaking quality parameters were compared between hard red winter (HRW) and hard red spring (HRS) wheat. From the 50 quality parameters evaluated, values of only nine quality characteristics were found to be similar for both classes. These were test weight, grain moisture content, kernel size, polyphenol oxidase content, average gluten index, insoluble polymeric protein (%), free nonpolar lipids, loaf volume potential, and mixograph tolerance. Some of the quality characteristics that had significantly higher levels in HRS than in HRW wheat samples included grain protein content, grain hardness, most milling and flour quality measurements, most dough physicochemical properties, and most baking characteristics. When HRW and HRS wheat samples were grouped to be within the same wheat protein content range (11.4–15.8%), the average value of many grain and breadmaking quality characteristics were similar for both wheat classes but significant differences still existed. Values that were higher for HRW wheat flour were color b*, free polar lipids content, falling number, and farinograph tolerance. Values that were higher for HRS wheat flour were geometric mean diameter, quantity of insoluble polymeric proteins and gliadins, mixograph mix time, alveograph configuration ratio, dough weight, crumb grain score, and SDS sedimentation volume. This research showed that the grain and flour quality of HRS wheat generally exceeds that of HRW wheat whether or not samples are grouped to include a similar protein content range.  相似文献   

Wheat flours commercially produced at 74, 80, and 100% extraction rates made from hard white winter wheat (WWF) and hard red winter wheat (WRF) were used to produce tortillas at a commercial-scale level. Flour characteristics for moisture, dry gluten, protein, ash, sedimentation volume, falling number, starch damage, and particle-size distribution were obtained. Farinograms and alveograms were also obtained for flour-water dough. A typical northern Mexican formula was used in the laboratory to test the tortilla-making properties of the flours. Then commercial-scale tortilla-baking trials were run on each flour. The baked tortillas were stored at room and refrigeration temperatures for 0, 1, 2, and 3 days. Maximum stress and rollability were measured every day. Tortilla moisture, color, diameter, weight, and thickness were measured for each treatment. Finally, tortilla acceptability was tested by an untrained sensory panel. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) were performed on the data. WWF had higher protein content, dry gluten, sedimentation volume, and water absorption than the WRF. The WWF was the strongest flour based on farinograph development time and alveograph deformation work. It also produced the most extensible dough measured with the alveograph (P/L). Flour protein and ash contents, water absorption, and tenacity increased directly with the flour extraction rate. Both WWF and WRF performed well in commercial-scale baking trials of tortillas. Tortillas made with both types of flours at 74 and 80% extraction rates had the best firmness and rollability. However, tortillas made with WWF 80% had the best color (highest L value). Tortillas prepared with 100% extraction rate flour were also well accepted by the sensory panel, had good textural characteristics, and became only slightly firm and slightly less rollable after three days of storage at room temperature.  相似文献   

Plastids in the coenocytic endosperm of young wheat caryopses were mostly in the form of pleomorphic proplastids with a few of the plastids containing small starch granules. Following cellularization of the coenocytic cytoplasm, the outer one or two endosperm cell layers became meristematic and continued to divide until about 14 days after flowering (DAF). During the first week of endosperm development, newly divided cells had plastids that were pleomorphic in shape, while subaleurone cells interior to the meristematic region contained amyloplasts that contained a single‐size class of starch granules (incipient A‐type starch granules). The pleomorphic plastids exhibited tubular protrusions that extended a considerable distance through the cytoplasm. Amyloplasts in cells interior to the meristematic region did not exhibit protrusions. Both subaleurone and central endosperm cells had amyloplasts that exhibited protrusions at 10–12 DAF, and some of the protrusions contained small starch granules (incipient B‐type starch granules). Protrusions were not observed in endosperm amyloplasts at 14 DAF. Two sizes of starch, large A‐type and smaller B‐type granules were present within the cells, however. Amyloplast protrusions were numerous again at 17 DAF in both subaleurone and central endosperm cells; at 21 DAF, a third size class of small C‐type starch granules was observed in the cytoplasm. Amyloplasts in the endosperm of wheat apparently divided and increased in number through protrusions because binary fission typical of plastid division was never observed. Protrusions were observed in the coenocytic cytoplasm, in dividing cells, in subaleurone and central endosperm cells at 10–12 DAF, and in subaleurone and central endosperm cells at 17 DAF. The results suggest that there are three sizes of starch granules produced at specific times during wheat endosperm development.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(2):199-206
A set of 32 winter wheat lines and varieties was selected to benchmark Ontario winter wheat as a first step toward improving quality. Protein secondary structure, total and accessible thiols, rheological properties, gluten aggregation kinetics, and network forming capabilities of different polymers were determined for each wheat line. Results revealed that there were statistically significant differences among the lines selected (P < 0.05). The differences between hard and soft wheat classes were not as large as would be expected, however, despite the range of quality parameters measured. Benchmarks revealed that several soft wheat lines outperformed hard wheat lines in standard breadmaking quality measures. Protein conformation changed significantly as the moisture content of the samples increased to mimic different model product systems: flour, dough, and batter. The conformation of the flour samples exhibited different patterns between hard and soft wheat classes, although these differences became narrower in the dough and batter states. Principal component analysis (PCA) factors included most quality parameters measured, with the notable exceptions of solvent retention capacity tests and total thiols. Protein conformation and accessible thiols were significant PCA factors that tended to override the rheological measures of quality they represented, suggesting that protein secondary structure and disulfide bonding patterns are fundamental aspects of rheological quality measures.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) has been related to an undesirable brown discoloration of wheat-based end products. Consumer acceptance and product quality are generally decreased by the darkening phenomena. Two sets of wheat samples (Triticum aestivum L.) were investigated for variation in grain and flour PPO levels. Samples included 40 advanced experimental hard white winter wheat lines grown at two Kansas locations and 10 hard red winter wheat genotypes grown at three Nebraska locations. The variability in grain and flour PPO activities was influenced by growing location and population for the hard white wheat samples. There also was a significant influence of population by growing location interactions on PPO activity in both grain and flour. Genotype and growing location both contributed to variability in flour PPO activity among the hard red wheat samples. The variation in flour PPO activities among growing locations appeared larger than variation produced by genotypes tested for the hard red wheat samples. Quality parameters, such as wheat physical properties, flour protein and ash contents, grain color, and milling yield significantly correlated with grain and flour PPO activities. Among red wheat samples, flour PPO activity was related to 100 kernel weight, first reduction flour yield, and flour ash content. Grain PPO activity was related to variation in grain color observed among hard white samples. The relationship of quality characteristics with grain and flour PPO activities varied among white and red wheat samples.  相似文献   

This research aims to investigate the relationship between the solvent retention capacity (SRC) test and quality assessment of hard red spring (HRS) wheat flour samples obtained from 10 HRS cultivars grown at six locations in North Dakota. The SRC values were significantly (P < 0.05) correlated with flour chemical components (protein, gluten, starch, and damaged starch contents, except arabinoxylan); with farinograph parameters (stability [FST], water absorption, peak time [FPT], and quality number); and with breadmaking parameters (baking water absorption [BWA], bread loaf volume [BLV], and symmetry). Differences in locations and cultivars contributed significantly to variation in quality parameters and SRC values. Suitability of SRC parameters for discriminatory analysis of HRS wheat flour is greatly influenced by molecular weight distribution (MWD) of SDS‐unextractable proteins. SRC parameters, except for sucrose SRC, showed significant (P < 0.01) and positive correlations with high‐molecular‐weight (HMW) polymeric proteins in SDS‐unextractable fractions, whereas only lactic acid SRC exhibited significant (P < 0.01) correlations with low‐molecular‐weight polymeric proteins. HMW polymeric proteins also exhibited positive associations with FPT, FST, BWA, and BLV. The discrepant variation in association of SRC parameters with respect to MWD of SDS‐unextractable proteins could improve segregation of HRS wheat flour samples for quality.  相似文献   

Flours from nonsprouted (ns) kernels and dried sprouted (s) kernels of transgenic rye expressing HMW glutenin subunits (HMW‐GS) 1Dy10 (L10) or 1Dx5+1Dy10 (L5+10) from wheat were compared with flours from the corresponding wildtype rye (Lwt). The crude protein content of nonsprouted flours ranged from 9.2% (Lwt) to 10.4% (L5+10) and was lowered by ≈1% due to sprouting. Flour proteins were separated into albumins/globulins, prolamins, and glutelin subunits by a modified Osborne fractionation and into SDS‐soluble and insoluble fractions. Portions of the prolamin fractions were reduced in the same manner as glutelins. The different fractions were then characterized and quantified by RP‐HPLC on C8 silica gel. The proportion of albumins/globulins did not significantly differ between transgenic lines and wildtype. The proportions of alcohol‐insoluble glutelins and SDS‐insoluble proteins drastically increased in transgenic rye due to a shift of HMW and γ‐75k secalins into the polymeric fractions. Significant differences in the proportion of highly polymeric proteins between nonsprouted and sprouted flours could not be detected. The quantitative data demonstrated that the expression of HMW‐GS led to a higher degree of polymerization of storage proteins in rye flour. The HMW‐GS combination 1Dx5+1Dy10 showed stronger effects than 1Dy10 alone. The analyzed flours contained two HMW secalins (R1, R2), whose amino acid compositions were closely related to those of 1Dy10 and 1Dx5, respectively. The amounts of R1 in Lwt flours determined by RP‐HPLC were 221 mg (ns) and 186 mg (s) per 100 g and those of R2 were 344 mg (ns) and 298 mg (s), respectively. These amounts increased to 240 mg (ns)/201 mg (s) (R1) and 479 mg (ns)/432 mg (s) (R2) in L10 flours. In L5+10 flours, the amount of R1 decreased to 150 mg (ns)/132 mg (s) while R2 increased to 432 mg (ns)/338 mg (s). The amount of HMW‐GS 1Dy10 was almost the same as that of R2 in L10 flours but was strongly increased in L5+10 flour (633 mg [ns]/538 mg [s]). HMW‐GS 1Dx5 was, by far, the major subunit in L5+10 flours (987 mg 7[ns]/896 mg [s]). The summarized amounts of all HMW subunits increased from ≈0.5 g (Lwt) to ≈1.1 g (L10) and ≈2.0 g (L5+10). Thus only L10 flours were similar to wheat flours in HMW subunit content. The baking performance of L10 flour determined by a microbaking test was improved compared with Lwt flour, whereas L5x10 flour showed very poor properties obviously due to the strongly increased proportion of highly cross‐linked glutelins. The breadmaking quality of flours from 1Dy10 seeds and wildtype seeds was reduced by the same degree when flours from sprouted seeds were analyzed.  相似文献   

Selection for starch quality is an important consideration in the breeding of wheat for Asian noodles, particularly Japanese udon, and the flour swelling volume (FSV) test was developed for this purpose. Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis has also been a key tool in recent years in wheat quality selection. The development and validation of NIRS calibrations for the prediction of FSV on whole grain involved 22 cultivars and breeding lines grown at four locations in two seasons. Eight calibrations were developed, each based on samples from seven trials, with the eighth trial used for validation. Over the eight calibrations, r2 between predicted and actual values was 0.56–0.86 (mean 0.74) and the standard error of prediction (SEP) was 0.77–1.65 (mean 1.14) mL/g of dry meal. Separate calibrations were also developed for hard (n = 461), soft (n = 150), and soft+hard grain (n = 616), with standard errors of cross-validation (SECV) of 1.03, 1.39, and 1.21 mL/g of dry meal, respectively. Corresponding r2 between predicted and actual values were 0.76, 0.78, and 0.76, respectively. Thus, NIRS offers good potential for the screening of early-generation lines to identify those with high or low FSV.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The major goal of this research was to assess the ability of visible-near-infrared (VIS-NIR) spectroscopy combined with multivariate regressions based on four modeling...  相似文献   

An optical radiation measurement system, which measured reflectance spectra, log (1/R), from 400 to 2,000 nm, was used to quantify single wheat kernel color. Six classes of wheat samples were used for this study, including red wheat that appears white and white wheat that appears red. Partial least squares regression and multiple linear regression were used to develop classification models with three wavelength regions, 500–750, 500–1,700, and 750–1,900 nm, and three data pretreatments, log (1/R), first derivative, and second derivative. For partial least squares models, the highest classification accuracy was 98.5% with the wavelength region of 500–1,700 nm. The log (1/R) and the first derivative yielded higher classification accuracy than the second derivative. For multiple linear regression models, the highest classification accuracy was 98.1% obtained from log (1/R) spectra from the visible and near-infrared wavelength regions.  相似文献   

In accordance with the Grain Quality Acts of 1986 and 1990, scientists at Kansas State University are studying the feasibility of implementing a quality-based marketing system for hard red winter (HRW) wheat in the Southern Plains. This research addresses the development of a segregation system that uses the single kernel characterization system and the whole grain near-infrared analyzer to evaluate the milling and baking quality of wheat as a single value called “dough factor”. This single value represents the amount of flour-water dough that can be produced from a given unit of wheat. Samples of HRW wheat (≈100 per location) were collected at five Kansas country elevators during the 1995 and 1996 harvests. After the dough factor was measured for individual samples, the samples were composited into seven dough factor groups to establish binning and segregation strategies and to explore the relationship between wheat quality measurements and dough factor groups. Results showed that dough factor groups were significantly different from each other and that dough factor groups were related (P < 0.05) to increases in test weight, single kernel weight, single kernel size, flour yield, and mixing time. Although locations showed year-to-year variability for test weight, kernel weight, and kernel size, the differences among dough factor groups for these characteristics across locations were consistent, indicating that the mean values within dough factor groups are similar regardless of location. The lack of significant differences in protein content among dough factor groups was attributable to high variability within dough factor groups between years. High protein values were present in low and high dough factor groups, indicating that protein content alone is not a good indicator of wheat quality. Patterns of differences in wheat quality characteristics among dough factor groups suggest that the seven groups studied can be reduced to three groups: <107, 107–112.9, ≥113. This study demonstrates that dough factor as a segregation and marketing tool is related to single kernel characteristics, differentiates wheats of varying quality, and reflects the end-use value of wheat.  相似文献   

Solvent retention capacity (SRC) was investigated in assessing the end use quality of hard winter wheat (HWW). The four SRC values of 116 HWW flours were determined using 5% lactic acid, 50% sucrose, 5% sodium carbonate, and distilled water. The SRC values were greatly affected by wheat and flour protein contents, and showed significant linear correlations with 1,000‐kernel weight and single kernel weight, size, and hardness. The 5% lactic acid SRC value showed the highest correlation (r = 0.83, P < 0.0001) with straight‐dough bread volume, followed by 50% sucrose, and least by distilled water. We found that the 5% lactic acid SRC value differentiated the quality of protein relating to loaf volume. When we selected a set of flours that had a narrow range of protein content of 12–13% (n = 37) from the 116 flours, flour protein content was not significantly correlated with loaf volume. The 5% lactic acid SRC value, however, showed a significant correlation (r = 0.84, P < 0.0001) with loaf volume. The 5% lactic acid SRC value was significantly correlated with SDS‐sedimentation volume (r = 0.83, P < 0.0001). The SDS‐sedimentation test showed a similar capability to 5% lactic acid SRC, correlating significantly with loaf volume for flours with similar protein content (r = 0.72, P < 0.0001). Prediction models for loaf volume were derived from a series of wheat and flour quality parameters. The inclusion of 5% lactic acid SRC values in the prediction model improved R2 = 0.778 and root mean square error (RMSE) of 57.2 from R2 = 0.609 and RMSE = 75.6, respectively, from the prediction model developed with the single kernel characterization system (SKCS) and near‐infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy data. The prediction models were tested with three validation sets with different protein ranges and confirmed that the 5% lactic acid SRC test is valuable in predicting the loaf volume of bread from a HWW flour, especially for flours with similar protein contents.  相似文献   

A batch-wise small-scale wet-processing laboratory for whole wheat kernel has been designed and constructed to produce wheat starch and gluten from wheat grains. Hard red winter wheat kernels were steeped in three steeping media: SO2 solution, lactic acid, and hydrochloric acid. Acid concentrations of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%, were used for SO2 solutions and hydrochloric acid, and 0.1, 0.6, and 3.0% for lactic acid. After 16, 20, and 24 hr of steeping, the wheat was wet-milled. Yields and protein contents of wet-milling fractions were compared. Both high concentration of steeping media and long steeping time increased the starch yield and decreased the protein contents of the starch. However, the steeping time and acid concentration could be reduced from 24 to 20 hr and from 0.5 to 0.3%, respectively, without any statistically significant difference in starch yields or protein contents of the starch. Consistency and color of the starch were affected by both steeping time and acid concentrations of steeping media.  相似文献   

Scab (Fusarium head blight) is a fungal disease that has become increasingly prevalent in North American wheat during the past 15 years. It is of concern to growers, processors, and the consumers because of depressed yields, poor flour quality, and the potential for elevated concentrations of the mycotoxin, deoxynivalenol (DON). Both wheat breeder and wheat inspector must currently deal with the assessment of scab in harvested wheat by manual human inspection. The study described herein examined the accuracy of a semi‐automated wheat scab inspection system that is based on near‐infrared (NIR) reflectance (1,000–1,700 nm) of individual kernels. Using statistical classification techniques such as linear discriminant analysis and nonparametric (k‐nearest‐neighbor) classification, upper limits of accuracy for NIR‐based classification schemes of ≈88% (cross‐validation) and 97% (test) were determined. An exhaustive search of the most suitable wavelength pairs for the spectral difference, [log(1/R)λ1 ‐ log(1/R)λ2], revealed that the slope of the low‐wavelength side of a broad carbohydrate absorption band (centered at ≈1,200 nm) was very effective at discriminating between healthy and scab‐damaged kernels with test set accuracies of 95%. The achieved accuracy levels demonstrate the potential for the use of NIR spectroscopy in commercial sorting and inspection operations for wheat scab.  相似文献   

High temperature during grain filling has been identified as a major factor in the end-use properties of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Our objectives were to assess the effect of high temperature during maturation on the grain characteristics, milling quality, and flour quality of hard red winter wheat. In three separate experiments, plants of wheat cultivar Karl 92 were subjected to regimes (day-night) of 20–20, 25–20, 30–20, and 35–20°C from 10 and 15 days after anthesis (DAA) until ripeness, and 25–20, 30–20, and 35–20°C from 20 DAA until ripeness. In other experiments, plants of wheat cultivars Karl 92 and TAM 107 were dried at 20 and 40°C, and spikes of Karl 92 were dried at different temperature and humidity conditions to asses the effects on quality of high temperature and drying rates during grain ripening. Flour yield correlated positively with kernel weight and diameter, test weight, and proportion of large kernels. Flour yield decreased as temperature increased and correlated negatively with hardness index and proportion of small grains. High growth temperatures and rapid grain desiccation decreased mixing time and tolerance of the flours. The greatest damage occurred when high temperature was maintained continuously from early grain filling until ripeness. Weakening of dough properties by rapid desiccation during ripening suggest that temperature, humidity, and possibly soil moisture all contribute to the final quality of bread wheat.  相似文献   

Modification of an existing single kernel wheat characterization system allowed collection of visible and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance spectra (450–1,688 nm) at a rate of 1 kernel/4 sec. The spectral information was used to classify red and white wheats in an attempt to remove subjectivity from class determinations. Calibration, validation, and prediction results showed that calibrations using partial least squares regression and derived from the full wavelength profile correctly classed more kernels than either the visible region (450–700 nm) or the NIR region (700–1,688 nm). Most results showed >99% correct classification for single kernels when using the visible and NIR regions. Averaging of single kernel classifications resulted in 100% correct classification of bulk samples.  相似文献   

Wheat protein quantity and composition are important parameters for wheat baking quality. The objective of this study was to use fractionation techniques to separate the proteins of flour mill streams into various protein fractions, to examine the distribution of these protein fractions, and to establish a relationship between protein composition and breadmaking quality. Nine break streams, nine reduction streams, and three patent flours obtained from three samples of Nekota (a hard red winter wheat) were used in this study. A solution of 0.3M NaI + 7.5% 1-propanol was used to separate flour protein into monomeric and polymeric proteins. The protein fractions, including gliadin, albumin+globulin, HMW-GS, and LMW-GS, were precipitated with 0.1M NH4Ac-MeOH or acetone. The fractions were statistically analyzed for their distribution in the mill streams. The quantities of total flour protein and protein fractions in flour were significantly different among mill streams. The ratio of polymeric to monomeric proteins in break streams was significantly greater than in the reduction streams. The relationship between protein composition and breadmaking quality showed that the quantities of total flour protein, albumin+ globulin, HMW-GS, and LMW-GS in flour were significantly and positively correlated with loaf volume. The ratio of HMW-GS to LMW-GS had little association with loaf volume. The gliadin content in total flour protein was negatively and significantly correlated with loaf volume. These results indicated that the quantity and composition of protein among the mill streams was different, and this resulted in differences in breadmaking quality.  相似文献   

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