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The water absorption characteristics and volume changes of rice with various degrees of milling during soaking were measured at five temperatures (5–40°C). The measured data were fitted to the exact solution for the infinite plane sheet diffusion model, which is an exact solution for the diffusion equation. The measured results agreed well with the model. The effects of temperature and the degree of milling on the water absorption rate constant were investigated. Volume changes of samples were determined by measuring particle density and bulk density. An empirical equation relating the moisture content of the sample during soaking and at temperatures of 10–50°C to specific volume was derived. In addition, bulk density was related to the quadratic function of the moisture content of the sample during soaking.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop highly accurate regression models with texture parameters of cooked milled rice grains for predicting pasting properties in terms of quality index of rice flour. Two methods were adopted as the texture measurement to acquire predictors for the models. In the calibration set, all the multiple regression models by a single‐grain method exhibited a higher R2 than those by a three‐grain method. Each of the former models also showed a lower SEP and a higher RPD in the validation set. The prediction performance was best for consistency (RPD = 2.4). The single‐grain method was more advantageous for the pasting prediction. These results suggest that the models based on grain texture could predict rice flour quality.  相似文献   

Milled long‐grain rice samples were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to determine the kinetics of starch gelatinization. The experiments were conducted with milled rice flour with a 10.6% degree of milling. DSC thermograms were obtained from 35 to 110°C using heating rates between 1°C/min and 15°C/min. The rate constants were evaluated, and two activation energies were found for different temperature ranges. At <70.1°C gelatinization was not completed. It was assumed that at <70.1°C gelatinization would only affect the amorphous regions. During the subsequent phase the crystalline regions destabilized by the amorphous component begin to gelatinize. For moisture content of 70%, wet basis, and a heating rate of 12°C/min, the enthalpy of gelatinization reaches a constant value of 7.3 J/g.  相似文献   

The surface lipid content (SLC) of rice is often used to objectively measure the degree to which bran has been removed from rice kernels, commonly known as degree of milling (DOM). This study was conducted to evaluate new, rapid extraction technology for potential timesaving measurements of SLC of milled rice. The SLC of two long‐grain rice cultivars, Cypress and Drew, were determined using three extraction systems: Soxtec, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). Before milling, rough rice was separated into three thickness fractions (<1.84, 1.84–1.98, and >1.98 mm) and samples from each thickness fraction were milled for durations of 10, 20, and 30 sec. Head rice collected from each milling duration was extracted using each of the three methods. Results showed that regardless of the extraction method, thinner kernels had lower SLC measurements than thicker fractions. In most cases, both the ASE and Soxtec produced SLC greater than that of the SFE. The ASE also showed SLC measurements at least as great as those from Soxtec extraction, suggesting that the ASE is as thorough in extracting lipids as commonly used methods.  相似文献   

水稻叠盘出苗育秧的种子出苗特性及秧苗机插效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给机插育秧技术发展提供合理模式,本研究以常规超级早籼稻中早39为材料,设置了叠盘出苗育秧(DP)、大棚摆盘育秧(BP)、传统育秧(CK)3个处理,比较不同育秧模式的出苗温湿度环境差异、种子出苗特性、秧苗素质、机插效果和水稻产量等。结果表明,与传统育秧的温、湿度随外界环境、昼夜交替而大幅波动不同,DP出苗室可控制温度在29~32℃之间,相对湿度在70%~90%之间,有利于种子提前出苗,其种子α-淀粉酶活性强,出苗率较BP和CK分别提高19.45和15.70个百分点;DP的秧苗株高较BP和CK分别高0.32和0.41 cm,且秧苗生长均匀,整齐度高,标准苗比例高;不同育秧模式的秧苗机插质量比较发现,每丛株数表现为DP>BP>CK,漏秧率由高到低依次为CK>BP>DP,表明DP可通过提高出苗率,降低机插漏秧;相同栽插密度下,水稻产量由高至低表现为DP>BP>CK,DP的平均籽粒产量分别较BP和CK增加4.5%和13.1%,其增产主要原因是具有较高的有效穗数。综上所述,叠盘出苗育秧模式能提高种子出苗率,缩短出苗时间,提高秧苗均匀度,并降低机插漏秧率,提高机...  相似文献   

The effects of autoclave and oven treatments on the gelatinization of rice flour and on the rheological characteristics of its pastes were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), rapid viscoanalysis (RVA), and rotational viscometry. Flours from autoclave‐treated rice (ATR) and oven‐treated rice (OTR) were prepared, respectively, by heating at 120°C for 60 min and 160°C for 60 min followed by drying (ATR sample), and grinding at 2.2–12.9% moisture content. The rice flour dispersions were adjusted between pH 6.3 and 2.8 using 0.2M citrate buffer. The retort processing of rice flour in water pastes were done at 120°C for 20 min either once or twice. The gelatinization peak temperature (PT and To) and the peak temperature corresponding to the amylose‐lipid complexes (Tp3) of ATR increased at pH 6.3 and 2.8 compared with OTR and UTR flour. This indicates that the internal structures of the starch granules in ATR became more stable to heat and acid, even though the damaged starch content of ATR was 23% compared with 16 and 7%, respectively, for untreated rice flour (UTR) and OTR. The OTR flour pastes showed a gel‐like behavior at pH 4.5 after retort processing in water at 120°C for 20 min; however, the ATR mixture behaved more like a liquid paste. Decreases in the reducing sugar content of OTR and ATR pastes suggested that enzymes in the heat‐treated rice were denatured, which retarded the hydrolysis of glucose chains and the rupture of starch granules during pasting.  相似文献   

Residual bran on milled rice is directly related to its quality. This study proposes a method to measure the residual bran patterns on a single rice grain by using hyperspectral imaging (HSI). HSI is a sensing technique that combines both spatial and spectral information and may be used for chemical compound identification and quantification. In this study, HSI was applied to assess rice bran residue nondestructively. In the experiment, rice samples were milled and scanned with an HSI system. Afterward, the rice samples were dyed to enable the residual bran to be identified with optical microscopy and image processing algorithms. Classifiers were then developed to predict the rice bran residue by using the HSI measurements as inputs. The predicted images were compared with the micrograph images for classifier performance evaluation. The proposed approach can estimate the residual bran distribution on milled rice surface with an accuracy of 93.5%.  相似文献   

Visible/near-infrared calibrations were developed and tested for surface lipid content (SLC) of milled long-grain rice. Three rice varieties were divided into two sample sets, with one containing two variables (degree of milling and variety) and another containing three variables (degree of milling, variety, and kernel thickness). The reflectance calibration equation from the set with three variables was much more accurate in predicting SLC than was the calibration from the two-variable set. Optimal calibration and prediction were obtained by combining both visible and near-infrared wavelength ranges and using the modified partial least squares technique on spectra pretreated by standard normal variate and first derivative methods. The best calibration yielded a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.99 and a standard error of prediction of 0.04% SLC, which was approximately 1.5 times the standard error of calibration and also 1.5 times the SLC measurement error.  相似文献   

两地小麦籽粒蛋白质品质的特点表现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取西藏主要小麦品种和内地优质小麦品种,分别在西藏和杨陵进行冬播和春播,收获后测定并分析其籽粒蛋白质及其组分。结果表明:不同来源品种蛋白质各组分含量均表现为北京品种>西藏品种>青海品种,其中北京品种和西藏品种间的差异较大,而西藏品种和青海品种间的差异较小,蛋白质各组分的变异大小为谷蛋白的变异最大,其次是醇溶蛋白、清蛋白、球蛋白及残余蛋白的变异较小,谷/醇比值在品种间的变异也较大;不同生态条件下各组分的变异的大小为醇溶蛋白>谷蛋白>残余蛋白>球蛋白>清蛋白,粗蛋白在4种生态条件下的变异系数为9.60%,谷/醇比值的变异系数为13.97%;谷蛋白、清蛋白、球蛋白及谷/醇比值在品种间的变异系数均大于在环境间的变异系数;而醇溶蛋白、残余蛋白及粗蛋白在环境间的变异系数大于在品种间的变异系数。  相似文献   

To reduce fuel and labor costs and increase profits, farmers are trying new ways of growing rice (Oryza sativa L.). This includes changing crop rotations, tillage systems, and fertilization levels. There is little information on how these changes affect the cooking quality of rice. We therefore looked at the parameters associated with cooking and processing quality (apparent amylose, gelatinization temperature, lipid and protein contents, and pasting properties) of two U.S. long grains (Cybonnet and Wells) that were grown using two different tillage systems, standard rate and high rates of fertilization, and different crop rotations (continuous rice R‐R, rice after soybeans R‐SB, and rice after corn R‐C). No differences in quality traits were observed among any of the tillage systems. Rice grown in continuous rice rotation had the lowest protein content of brown and milled rice (8.6 and 8.1%, respectively) as compared to the highest levels observed in the rice‐soybean rotation (9.3 and 8.6%, respectively). Rice grown in continuous rice rotation also had higher peak viscosity than other crop rotations. Increasing the fertilization rate increased the protein content of brown rice and decreased peak, trough, and final viscosities. Apparent amylose content, gelatinization temperature, and lipid content were not affected by crop rotation or fertility; however, they were influenced by cultivar. Although the results indicated statistical differences for some quality parameters, the differences were small enough that they are unlikely to have a major impact on processing quality of long grain rice if co‐mingled.  相似文献   

The effects of the soaking and steaming steps in rice parboiling on color changes and the levels of reducing sugars in rice were studied. Brown rice was soaked to different moisture contents (MC, 15, 20, 25, and 30%). The L*, a*, b* color parameters of the Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage (CIE 1976) indicated that during soaking, red and yellow bran pigments diffused from the bran into the endosperm. The increase in brightness brought about by soaking rice was attributed to migration of rice compounds (e.g., lipids) from the inner to the outer bran layers (rice surface). The levels of reducing sugars in brown and milled soaked rice samples increased with increasing brown rice MC after soaking. The total color difference (ΔE) between parboiled and nonparboiled rice increased with increasing MC after soaking and depended on the intensity of the steaming conditions as reflected in the degree of starch gelatinization. Parboiling affected yellowness more than redness in mildly steamed brown rice and most in intermediately steamed brown rice. Severe steaming of brown rice affected redness more than yellowness. All three parboiling conditions equally affected the yellow color more than the red color in milled rice. Linear regression analyses indicated that parboiling had a larger effect on ΔE of milled parboiled rice than of brown parboiled rice. Furthermore, the linear relationship between the level of gelatinized starch and ΔE of the milled parboiled rice samples showed that both parameters are indicators for the degree of parboiling. Reducing sugars were formed and lost during steaming, suggesting Maillard reactions during steaming.  相似文献   

Milled rice of four indica cultivars (PR114, PR116, PR118, and PAU201) obtained from early (June 5 and 15) and delayed (June 25 and July 5) transplanted paddy was evaluated for physicochemical, pasting, cooking, and protein characteristics. During the grain‐filling and development stage, early transplanted paddy experienced average maximum and minimum temperatures of 32.8 and 22.3°C, respectively, against 30.8 and 15°C, respectively, for delayed transplanted paddy. Lightness (L*) value, protein content, and lipid content of milled rice were lower, whereas apparent amylose content, cooked grain hardness, final viscosity, and setback viscosity were higher in the delayed transplanted paddy. Whiteness of milled rice of PR114, PR116, and PR118 from delayed transplanted paddy was lower than milled rice from early transplanted paddy. PAU201 did not show any change in whiteness with delayed transplantation. Cooked rice of PAU201 showed exceptionally higher adhesiveness and lower hardness compared with other cultivars. Protein profiling showed a lower accumulation of prolamines in milled rice from PR114 and PAU201 upon delaying the transplantation from June 5 to July 5, whereas PR116 and PR118 showed a decrease in prolamine accumulation from transplantation on June 25. The changes in milled rice caused by delayed transplanting of paddy might be because of cool nighttime air temperature that affected the accumulation of starch, protein, and lipid.  相似文献   

Growing interest in sustainable agriculture has prompted this study aiming to evaluate nutritional content of rice grain produced from an organic production system. Here, we grew nine quality rice cultivars under organic methods in the wet and dry seasons, and the nutritional values, grain quality, and physiological parameters were compared with respective cultivars grown under the standard cultivation method (SCM). Obtained results revealed that the yield and plant height were lower, but tillering capacity was higher, in the organic field compared with the standard one. The organic crop showed significantly lower contents of protein and phytate compared with reference values under the SCM. Antioxidative capacity and its responsible phytochemicals such as phenolics, flavonoids, and γ‐oryzanol were also significantly higher under organic cultivation than under the SCM. Among physicochemical characteristics, apparent amylose content, gel consistency, and area and perimeter of grain were also higher in the organic crops, but hulling quality, milling quality, head rice recovery, and all other cooking qualities were at par. Higher crude oil and lower total protein content of rice bran were observed in the organic crop, but ash, fiber, and moisture contents did not vary significantly in these two cultivation systems.  相似文献   

Using image analysis technology, the morphological measurements of paddy, brown (BR), and milled (MR) grains of 408 rice (Oryza sativa L.) lines representing a wide range of grain morphology were obtained, and the measurements' relationships with grain weight, milling quality, and chalkiness were investigated. The principal component analysis identified two morphological traits with a total variance of 95.7% in MR. Weight of MR was modeled as a function of the principal components using linear regression (R2 = 0.95). For milling quality measurements, dominance analyses indicated that single grain weight of the paddy and BR grains were two primary parameters in determination of BR and MR recovery, whereas surface area, perimeter, and diameter were primary parameters that controlled head milled rice (HR) recovery. All measured morphological properties (surface area, perimeter, diameter, length, width, length‐to‐width ratio, roundness, and thickness) and grain weight significantly correlated with percentage of chalky (%C) grain and chalkiness (%C × % area with chalk) for all milled grains. The grain width, roundness, and thickness positively correlated with chalkiness, whereas the length and length‐to‐width ratio negatively correlated with chalkiness. The growing environment significantly affected grain HR recovery, %C grain, and chalkiness but had little effect on grain morphology and weight.  相似文献   

两个水稻品种富硒特性比较研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以前期田间试验筛选出的富硒能力较强的水稻品种捷丰优629和谷丰优8312为材料,采集硒含量不同的稻田土壤,通过盆栽试验进一步研究了两个水稻品种对土壤硒的吸收、分配及其糙米和精米中无机硒与有机硒含量的组成特点。结果表明:两个水稻品种植株的硒累积量、糙米和精米的硒含量与有机硒含量都是高硒土壤极显著高于低硒土壤,表明高硒土壤有利于稻米硒的累积与有机硒的合成,因此生产优质富硒大米最好选择硒含量较高的稻田土壤。无论在高硒土壤还是低硒土壤上,捷丰优629植株中硒累积量和籽粒中硒累积量与谷丰优8312的差异都不显著,但捷丰优629的糙米和精米中硒含量以及有机硒含量都极显著高于谷丰优8312,表明捷丰优629吸收的硒易分配到可食用部位(糙米和精米),而且其无机硒向有机硒的转化能力较强,因此综合比较来看捷丰优629富硒特性优于谷丰优8312。  相似文献   

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