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本试验研究结果表明:选用一级白色醛鞣冬季家兔坯皮,经脱脂、中和、媒染后用乌苏尔D0.20g/L,乌苏尔P0.25g/L,乌苏尔NZ1.00g/L,30%H_2O_21.4ML/L,25%NH_3·H_2O调PH值至8.0~8.5,温度36℃,浸染3小时后,取皮洗涤,干燥后,再提高浸染染料浓度3倍刷染一次,3小时、6小 时后提高为5倍的浓度各刷染一次.经色度色差仪测定,仿貂兔皮与真貂皮反射系数曲线接近,仿染获得了成功.  相似文献   

水貂皮质量检验的主要检验程序和方法: (一)区分公貂皮与母貂皮 一般公皮尺码大,针毛粗壮,毛被密度大,毛绒弹性好;皮板厚而紧实;下腹部毛被中央(尿道口处)有一撮较长的被毛。母皮尽码略小,针毛较细短,毛被密度略小;皮板略显薄软,弹性稍弱;下腹部毛被中央  相似文献   

主要从影响貂皮质量的初加工工序,如剥皮时间、屠宰方法、剥皮方法、洗皮、晾晒、储存及包装等方面,详细论述了各环节需掌握的关键技术,并提出了获取优质貂皮应对初加工过程中的人为因素加强控制的建议.  相似文献   

密度:这一性状以单位面积毛的数量来表示,又可分为单位面积上的针毛数和绒毛数。品种优良纯正的水貂应不含或含少量不突出于毛面的针毛。  相似文献   

通过对 10 0只金州黑色标准水貂的体重、生皮重、干皮重、体长、生皮长、干皮长等 6项性状数据的测试 ,得出了水貂皮初加工过程出现的毛皮减重、伸展等多项指标 ,初步探讨了各项测试值之间的相关规律 ,并初次建立了体重、体长与干皮长的线性回归方程 ,为估测和比较皮张尺码 ,评估生产水平提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

<正>朋友在QQ里给我留言:"现在山东潍坊这边水貂皮价格母100元,公180元,今年的貂皮市场你怎么看"?我立即给朋友回复了:"现在的貂皮价格会保持几天,然后走跌,到季节皮上市达到一个最底谷,明年春天在拍卖会和企业春天开工的影响下,走出一个小行情,然后再接着下跌,不过有一条,很多人认为经济危机貂皮受到冲击最大,但我认为水貂皮的前景暂时要比貉皮和獭兔皮为好。  相似文献   

影响水貂皮质量的因素及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国水貂皮生产发展很快,但与国外养貂先进国家相比,质量总体要差,主要表现为:毛色不好、毛质较差、自然缺陷较多、自然和人为伤残较多、平均尺码小等方面。  相似文献   

近年来,我国水貂皮生产发展很快,但与国外养貂先进国家相比,质量总体要差,主要表现为:毛色不好、毛质较差、自然缺陷较多、自然和人为伤残较多、平均尺码小等方面。  相似文献   

本研究以银蓝水貂为材料,对6个世代的1686只水貂的生长记录进行统计分析,分析性别及年份对水貂体重、体长、针毛长、绒毛长和针、绒毛长比率的表型趋势影响。利用多性动物模型约束最大似然法(REML)估计以上水貂生产性状的遗传力和遗传相关。在模型中考虑了年份和性别固定效应,随机效应为个体的加性效应。结果表明,各性状遗传力均较高,其中体重为0.41,体长为0.53,针毛长为0.53,绒毛长为0.52,针、绒毛长比率为0.52。除针、绒毛长比率与其他性状间呈表型负相关(-0.218、-0.178、-0.074、-0.425)外,各性状间均为表型正相关(分别为0.289、0.882、0.869、0.806、0.788、0.930)。体长与绒毛长、针、绒毛长比率呈现遗传负相关(-0.941、-0.983),其他均为较强的遗传正相关,分别为0.983、0.731、0.972、0.981、0.622、0.992、0.641、0.987。  相似文献   

褪黑激素促进水貂冬皮早熟的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1994年进行了应用东北林业大学野生动物繁殖实验室研制的新型褪黑激亲(MT)植入物促进水貂冬皮早熟的研究。对293只成年和当年产水貂用MT植入物处理。试验结果表明,这种新型MT植入物的应用是安全而有效的。水貂用MT植入物处理后,表现食欲旺盛,死亡率降低。成年水貂在6月15日用含5mgMT植入物处理,冬皮在10月4日成熟.比正常对照组提早2个月。当年产幼水貂在7月15日用含5mgMT或6mgMT植入物处理,或在7月20日用含6mgMT的植入物处理,冬皮分别在10月20日和10月15日成熟,其提前天数分别为40d和52d。  相似文献   


Nutrient digestibilities were evaluated in comparative experiments with blue foxes and mink by using six diets differing in fat:carbohydrate (F:C) ratios. In mink, apparent digestibilities of N and amino acids decreased with decreasing F:C ratio. N digestibility, and most amino acid digestibilities, were higher in blue foxes than in mink (P < 0.01). Fat digestibility in mink, but not in blue foxes, declined as the F:C ratio decreased (P < 0.05). Fat digestibility was higher in blue foxes than in mink (P < 0.05). Carbohydrate digestibility was not affected by the F:C ratio, but high levels of carbohydrates were digested more completely by foxes than by mink. The use of mink digestibility values in feed evaluations for blue foxes will consequently underestimate digestibility. Thus, to evaluate feed correctly, separate digestibility determinations should be made for mink and foxes.  相似文献   

水貂育种核心群选育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水貂育种核心群选育中,组建核心群,经过初选、复选、精选、同质选配等措施,培育出体型较大,繁殖力高,生长发育快,毛绒品质好,遗传性能稳定的左家黑色标准水貂优良品种。结果表明:三个世代的选育,母貂的胎产仔数达到了5.58±1.72只,成活数5.33±1.81只;公貂的受配率为91.3%。公貂体重为(2.29±0.18)kg,母貂体重为(1.28±0.14)kg;公貂体长为(44.6±2.17)cm,母貂体长为(38.21±1.32)cm。毛绒品质也得到了提高。结论:水貂体重,体长,繁殖性能,毛绒品质均有所提高,基本达到预期目标。  相似文献   

The effects of high dietary levels of fresh or moderately oxidised fish oil on performance and blood parameters in mink females were investigated during the winter, reproduction, and lactation periods. Furthermore, the effects of the diets on kit performance were investigated during the lactation and early growth periods. The investigation was carried out with a total of 292 females distributed in five experimental groups fed fresh fish oil stored frozen, fresh fish oil ensiled, oxidised fish oil stored frozen, oxidised fish oil ensiled, and soya oil, respectively. The females were weighed three times during the winter period, and the females and the kits were weighed at parturition and 2, 4, and 7 weeks post partum. Blood samples were collected from the females and the kits 6 and 8 weeks post partum, respectively. The results show that high dietary levels of fresh or moderately oxidised fish oil could be used for mink females during the winter and reproduction periods without any negative effects on performance, health and reproduction results. However, high levels of fish oil resulted in lower kit weights at weaning. These negative effects on kit growth were related to the dietary composition fed during the lactation and early growth periods and not to the diet used during the preceding winter and pregnancy periods. A high intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids resulted in a decreased number of blood platelets for both mink females and their kits.  相似文献   

水貂蛋白质及氨基酸营养研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对我国水貂饲养的特点 ,回顾了国内外水貂蛋白质及氨基酸营养研究进展 ,分别从水貂消化道和蛋白酶分泌特性 ,不同蛋白质水平对水貂生长发育、繁殖和毛皮质量的影响 ,蛋白质合成、分解、转运 ,氨基酸需要以及葡萄糖动态平衡等方面进行了探讨 ,并提出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

Four groups of mink were immobilized with medetomidine-HCl (MED) 0.1 mg/kg + ketamine (KET) 5 or 7.5 mg/kg at different ambient temperatures. The induction time, degree of immobilization and analgesia, rectal temperature, heart and respiration rates were recorded at intervals throughout the immobilization period. The animals were then given atipamezole-HCl (ATI) 0.5 mg/kg for reversal at different times after injection of MED/KET and the effects of the antagonist were evaluated.Subcutaneous administration of MED/KET induced complete immobilization in all 20 animals, and the highest dose was considered suitable for major surgery. Prolonged immobilization at low ambient temperatures (–10 to +5°C) caused severe hypothermia in all animals. The mean rectal temperature had dropped to 37.8°C and 32.1°C at 15 and 85 min, respectively, after injection of MED/KET, significantly lower than the corresponding values for animals immobilized at room temperature.Intramuscular administration of ATI 20 or 40 min after injection of MED/KET rapidly remobilized the animals without apparent side-effects. Administration of ATI to animals recovering spontaneously 90 min after injection of MED/KET induced thermogenesis (shivering) in animals immobilized at a low ambient temperature, while no such effect was seen in animals immobilized at room temperature. One hour after injection of ATI, the rectal temperatures of all treated animals had returned to normal and there were no signs of abnormal behaviour.  相似文献   

主要对水貂和狐常用的动物性饲料———禽副产品 (鸡架、鸭架、鸡肝、鸭肝、鸡肠、鸡头 )的概略养分及氨基酸组成进行分析 ,为禽类副产品在水貂、狐养殖中 ,科学合理的应用提供依据  相似文献   

The European mink ( Mustela lutreola ) is a small mammal, which belongs to the Mustelidae family ( Carnivora) . Earlier, the range of distribution of this species encompassed much of the European continent. During the 20th century, the numbers of European mink declined and the range of its distribution became reduced to three fragmented populations; today this species faces extinction. The urgent necessity for effective conservation efforts to protect the European mink is accepted by the governmental organizations as well as scientific communities of most European countries. In this paper, the reasons for the disappearance of European mink are reviewed and results of past conservation efforts based on captive breeding and reintroduction programmes are critically evaluated in the broad context of modern concepts of conservation genetics and reproductive biology. The data recently obtained on the reproduction and pre-implantation development of European mink and the prospects of incorporation of modern reproductive technologies into the conservation programme of this species are discussed.  相似文献   

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