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To support the further development of grazing practices for dairy production systems based on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), allometric relationships among leaf‐stage categories and pseudostem were derived for perennial ryegrass tillers sampled from swards each month, from July 2008 to January 2010, within a dairy grazing‐system experiment in south‐west Victoria, Australia. The relative lamina mass of the first leaf that emerged on tillers following grazing (denoted L3) and the subsequent leaf to emerge (L2) was used as an indicator of the trajectory of regrowth. L2 was consistently 30–40% heavier than L3 during the period July–September (mid‐winter to early spring), but thereafter the difference between leaf stages lessened, and disappeared altogether in late spring. No substantial lag was observed in the rate of herbage accumulation during the early stages of regrowth of perennial ryegrass swards from 1500 kg DM ha?1 post‐grazing. Therefore, grazing at any time in the period between emergence of the second and third leaves after the previous defoliation event should lead to high efficiency of pasture harvest under most conditions. The dry‐matter digestibility (DMD) and crude protein (CP) content of the most recently emerged leaf (denoted L1) declined sharply during spring, whereas the DMD and CP content of older leaves were more consistent. Decision rules for grazing management should include sufficient flexibility to account for interactions between leaf stage and time of year in relative lamina mass and nutritive value.  相似文献   

Four intermediate‐heading perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) varieties, which in previous studies had been associated with high‐ or low‐intake characteristics when swards containing them had been continuously stocked with sheep, were sown as monocultures. They were rotationally grazed, using 1‐d paddocks, with core groups of four yearling Simmental × Holstein beef heifers in 2002 and 2003 and ingestive and ruminative behaviour, and sward factors, were measured. There were two diploid (Belramo and Glen) and one tetraploid (Rosalin) perennial ryegrass varieties and one tetraploid hybrid (Lolium × boucheanum Kunth) (AberExcel) variety. Intake rate (IR) was significantly higher in August 2003 for heifers grazing Glen than those grazing Belramo [27·5 vs. 20·6 g dry matter (DM) min?1; P = 0·019], but there were no significant differences between varieties in two other measurement periods. This is in contrast to previous results with sheep when IR were significantly higher for Glen than Belramo and for AberExcel than Rosalin. Total jaw movement rates during grazing were significantly higher for heifers on the tetraploid swards than those on the diploid swards (87·7 vs. 83·6 jaw movements min?1; P = 0·023) in September 2002. Ruminating time was significantly lower for heifers on the tetraploid swards than those on the diploid swards (453 vs. 519 min 24 h?1; P = 0·012) in July 2002. Digestibility of grass snips was significantly higher on the tetraploid than the diploid swards [697 vs. 680 g digestible organic matter (DOM) kg?1 DM; P = 0·042] in September 2003 and, within diploids, was significantly higher for Glen than Belramo (696 vs. 663 g DOM kg?1 DM; P = 0·014). There were significant differences in sheath tube and leaf lengths and in the population density of tillers between and within ploidies, which might have been expected to have influenced intake characteristics, but this was not generally found under rotational grazing with cattle. In order to separate the effects of defoliation interval from those of grazing style of the different ruminant species, it is suggested that grass variety evaluations using continuously stocked cattle swards are required.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a decline in herbage production and tiller populations in New Zealand's perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) dairy pastures. One hypothesis is that modern genotypes are less suited to the warmer, drier weather experienced under changing climate patterns. In this study, a combination of long-term trial data (2011–2017) and a process-based pasture model (BASGRA) was used to explore the causes and possible mitigation of the observed production and population loss at three sites (dryland sites in Northland and Waikato and an irrigated site in Canterbury). Bayesian calibration was used to identify the model parameter sets that were consistent with the trial data and to identify differences in plant morphology and responses between sites. The model successfully simulated the observed differences in tiller numbers between the dryland sites, where populations and production declined rapidly after the second year and the irrigated site where populations and production were maintained. Analysis of the model calibrations along with preliminary scenario simulations suggests that increased tiller mortality associated with drought was the main cause of persistence failure at the dryland sites and that decreasing grazing pressure or breeding for tolerance to higher temperatures may not be successful in preventing this.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.; PRG) sward density on seasonal and total DM yield under simulated grazing and animal grazing by cattle, and to assess the effectiveness of visually estimated ground scores (GSs) for predicting sward PRG density. The study incorporated five different seeding rates of PRG, each replicated three times, to simulate swards ranging in PRG density typical of different ages and conditions. There was no significant difference between defoliation managements for total DM yield, but sward PRG density had a significant effect on both the seasonal and total DM herbage yield under both systems. Under simulated grazing, total DM yield ranged from 10·7 to 12·0 t DM ha?1 with increasing sward PRG density at a GS range of 1·70–4·28 (mean of 2 years’ data, P < 0·01). Under animal grazing, the yield range was from 10·3 to 12·2 t DM ha?1 for a GS range of 1·50–3·39 (mean of 2 years’ data, P < 0·01). The largest differences in DM yield occurred during the spring period. The relationship between sward DM yield and GS was significant (P < 0·001) for both simulated and animal‐grazed swards. Each unit increase in midseason GS (June) related to an average yield increase of 350 kg DM ha?1 under simulated grazing and a 721 kg DM ha?1 increase under cattle grazing. Every unit increase in the GS at the end of the grazing season (December) was associated with a 460 or 1194 kg DM ha?1 increase under simulated and animal grazing, respectively. These results show that visual estimates of density were an effective tool in describing PRG density and that this could be related to DM yield potential. Further investigations may provide a threshold value below which the renewal of swards could be advised based on a visual GS of PRG.  相似文献   

The effects of three canopy heights (10, 25 and 40 cm) and two N rates (50 and 250 kg ha?1 year?1) on herbage accumulation (HA), participation of leaf categories in the leaf area index (LAI) and photosynthesis of grazed “Mulato II” brachiariagrass (Brachiaria brizantha × B. decumbens × B. ruziziensis) were investigated during two summer growing seasons in Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The HA and LAI increased linearly from 8560 to 13600 kg DM ha?1 year?1 and 2.3 to 5.5 m2 m?2, respectively, as canopy height increased. Mulato II brachiariagrass maintained at 10 cm canopy height showed greater proportion of young leaves, but was less productive than taller canopies. Taller canopies had greater proportion of mature leaves in the LAI as well as greater photosynthesis. The greater N rate contributed to increased LAI, leaf and canopy photosynthesis rates and HA but did not affect the LAI composition. The total leaf area is more important to HA than the proportion of young leaves in the LAI, as taller canopies were more productive, suggesting that maintaining Mulato II brachiariagrass at 25 or 40 cm is advantageous for this grass.  相似文献   

The study was designed to test the hypothesis that grazing management in early season could alter sward structure to facilitate greater animal performance during critical periods. The effects of grazing a mixed perennial ryegrass/white clover sward at different sward surface heights, by cattle or sheep, in early season on sward composition and structure, and on the performance of weaned lambs when they subsequently grazed these swards in late season were determined. In two consecutive years, from mid‐May until mid‐July, replicate plots (three plots per treatment) were grazed by either suckler cows and calves or ewes and lambs at 4 or 8 cm sward surface heights (Phase 1). From mid‐August (Year 1) or early August (Year 2), weaned lambs continuously grazed, for a period of 36 d (Year 1) or 43 d (Year 2) (Phase 2), the same swards maintained at 4 cm (treatment 4–4), 8 cm (treatment 8–8) or swards which had been allowed to increase from 4 to 8 cm (treatment 4–8). Grazing by both cattle and sheep at a sward surface height of 4 cm compared with 8 cm in Phase 1 resulted in a higher (P < 0·001) number of vegetative grass tillers per m2 in Phase 2, although the effect was more pronounced after grazing by sheep. Sheep grazing at 8 cm in Phase 1 produced a higher number of reproductive tillers per m2 and a greater mass of reproductive stem (P < 0·001) than the other treatment combinations. The mass of white clover lamina was higher under cattle grazing (P < 0·05), especially on the 8‐cm treatment, and white clover accounted for a greater proportion of the herbage mass. These effects had mainly disappeared by the end of Phase 2. On the 4–4 and 8–8 sward height treatments the liveweight gain of the weaned lambs was higher (P < 0·05) on the swards previously grazed by cattle than those grazed by sheep. The proportion of white clover in the diet and the herbage intake also tended to be higher when the weaned lambs followed cattle. However, there was no difference in liveweight gain, proportion of white clover in the diet or herbage intake between swards previously grazed by cattle or sheep on the 4–8 sward height treatment. It is concluded that grazing grass/white clover swards by cattle compared with sheep for the first half of the grazing season resulted in less reproductive grass stem and a slightly higher white clover content in the sward, but these effects are transient and disappear from the sward by the end of the grazing season. They can also be eliminated by a short period of rest from grazing in mid‐season. Nevertheless these changes in sward structure can increase the performance of weaned lambs when they graze these swards in late season.  相似文献   

In some European countries, the majority of annual enteric methane (CH4) emissions by ruminants occur at pasture – a direct result of the predominance of grazing within ruminant production systems. However, there are only limited data available as to the effect of perennial ryegrass cultivar and season of harvest on CH4 production. Using the in vitro gas production technique, the effect of perennial ryegrass cultivar on fermentation characteristics and CH4 production was determined (Experiment 1) and the persistence of these traits throughout the growing season for two cultivars, identified from Experiment 1 as having either a high or low methanogenic potential, was examined (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, organic matter (OM) digestibility and cumulative total gas production profiles were unaffected by cultivar but, with regard to the kinetics of CH4 production, the asymptote value (A), cumulative CH4 yield at 72 h, and the fractional rate (μ) of CH4 production at both time of 0·5A(T)(μCH4T) and at 48 h (μCH448h) were significantly (P < 0·05) different. The amount of digested OM, as a proportion of cumulative CH4 production (DigOM/CH4) at 24 and 72 h after commencement of inoculation, revealed that the amount of substrate required to produce 1 ml of CH4 also differed significantly between cultivars (P < 0·01). In Experiment 2, regrowth number significantly modified the majority of measured samples (P < 0·01); cultivar effects were limited to the lag phase of the cumulative CH4 production curve and DigOM/CH4 at 8 h only (P < 0·05). These results suggest that differences exist between cultivars in how OM is partitioned following microbial fermentation and that these differences demonstrate persistency throughout the growing season. In the course of time it may be possible to exploit these differences through cultivar selection and plant breeding programmes, and thereby reduce enteric CH4 emissions within pastoral production systems.  相似文献   

In grass–legume swards, biologically fixed nitrogen (N) from the legume can support the N requirements of the grass, but legume N fixation is suppressed by additional fertilizer N application. This study sought to identify a fertilizer N application rate that maximizes herbage and N yields, N fixation and apparent N transfer from white clover to companion grasses under intensive grazing at a site with high soil‐N status. During a 3‐year period (2011–2013), swards of perennial ryegrass and of perennial ryegrass–white clover, receiving up to 240 kg N ha?1 year?1, were compared using isotope dilution and N‐difference methods. The presence of white clover increased herbage and N yields by 12–44% and 26–72%, respectively. Applications of N fertilizer reduced sward white clover content, but the effect was less at below 120 kg N ha?1. The proportion of N derived from the atmospheric N fixation was 25–70%. Nitrogen fixation ranged from 25 to 142 kg N ha?1 measured using the isotope dilution method in 2012 and from 52 to 291 kg N ha?1 using the N‐difference method across all years. Fertilizer N application reduced the percentage and yield of fixed N. Transfer of N from white clover to grass was not confirmed, but there was an increased N content in grass and soil‐N levels. Under intensive grazing, the maximum applied N rate that optimized herbage and N yields with minimal effect on white clover content and fixation rates was 60–120 kg N ha?1.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of cultivar and season on the fatty acid (FA) composition of the lipids of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Eight diploid cultivars were cut at the same target yield of approximately 2000 kg dry matter ha?1 between mid‐June and mid‐September. Two cultivars (Barlet and Magella) were harvested during four 2‐week periods and six cultivars (AberGold, Respect, Agri, Herbie, Barezane and Barnhem; cultivars 1–6) during three periods. The concentrations of individual FA were determined by gas chromatography. Barlet had higher concentrations of linolenic acid (C18:3) than Magella, but lower concentrations of linoleic acid (C18:2). Cultivars 1–6 were more variable in their leaf blade and stem proportions than Barlet and Magella. Despite this, there was no difference between cultivars 1–6 in the FA composition of the herbage. On average 0·74 of the FA consisted of C18:3. Higher concentrations of total FA were found in mid‐summer than in early summer. This was related to a high leaf blade proportion in the herbage, indicating that the proportion of leaf and stem of the herbage probably had more effect on lipid concentrations than the season per se in this period. However, in late August and mid‐September, the total FA concentration declined whereas the leaf blade proportion increased. Therefore, in this period environmental factors appeared to have a modifying effect. As consistent differences in the concentration of C18:3 were found among cultivars Barlet and Magella throughout the season, these studies demonstrate opportunities to change the composition of ruminant products through the choice of cultivars of perennial ryegrass.  相似文献   

A field-study was undertaken in Hamilton, New Zealand to determine if there was an interaction between water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) reserve content and defoliation severity on the regrowth of perennial ryegrass-dominant swards during winter. Perennial ryegrass plants with either low or high WSC content were obtained by varying the defoliation frequency. At the third defoliation at the one-leaf stage and at the first defoliation at the three-leaf stage (harvest H1), swards were mown with a rotary lawnmower to residual stubble heights of 20, 40 or 60 mm. All swards were then allowed to regrow to the three-leaf stage before again defoliating to their treatment residual stubble heights (H2). Frequently defoliated plants contained proportionately between 0·37 and 0·48 less WSC in the stubble after defoliation, depending on the severity of defoliation. There was no interaction between WSC content and defoliation severity for herbage regrowth between harvests H1 and H2. Herbage regrowth was lower from swards containing low WSC plants compared with high WSC plants (2279 vs. 2007 kg DM ha−1). Furthermore, swards defoliated to 20 or 40 mm had greater herbage regrowth compared with those defoliated to 60 mm (2266, 2249 and 1914 kg DM ha−1 for swards defoliated to residual stubble heights of 20, 40 and 60 mm, respectively). Regrowth of perennial ryegrass was positively correlated with post-defoliation stubble WSC content within defoliation severity treatment, implying that WSC contributed to the defoliation frequency-derived difference in herbage yield. However, the effect of defoliation severity on herbage regrowth was not associated with post-defoliation stubble WSC content.  相似文献   

Seven varieties or advanced breeding lines of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.), all of small leaf size, were grown separately in mixtures with perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) in an experiment encompassing three harvest years. Harvestable dry-matter (DM) yield measurements were taken of these mixtures and of perennial ryegrass monocultures under two management regimes: cutting and continuous sheep grazing. Considerable differences were observed in the harvestable DM yields of white clover, perennial ryegrass and total yields of the mixtures between plots containing different white clover varieties. White clover yields were generally higher under cutting, and perennial ryegrass yields were higher under grazing. The difference between perennial ryegrass yield in monoculture and in mixture was variable. In the second harvest year, a significant interaction effect was seen between management and white clover variety for white clover yield but not for perennial ryegrass yield. The relationship between clover yield and grass yield differed between the two management regimes. Under cutting, a negative correlation was observed, indicative of competitive effects. However, under grazing, no such correlation was seen. Possible mechanisms underlying these outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

Genotypic variation in patterns of root distribution, nitrate interception and response to moisture stress were assessed in both parents and 198 progeny of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) full‐sibling mapping population. This was carried out in metre‐deep tubes of sand culture in a glasshouse experiment. The proportion of root dry matter (DM) weight in the top 10 cm of sand ranged from 0·33 to 0·75 and values of log10(1 ? K), where K is the constant for an exponential model relating root DM weight and root depth, also showed wide variation among genotypes. The proportion of a pulse of 15N recovered in whole plants ranged from 0·124 to 0·431. There was a positive linear correlation between the proportion of 15N recovered and plant total DM weight, but no relationship between nitrate interception and patterns of distribution of DM weight of roots. Some genotypes responded to moisture stress by increasing root growth, and in others root growth was inhibited. It is concluded that this below‐ground variability in root variables may be an evolutionary adaptation by plant populations to survive heterogeneity in soil biotic and edaphic factors.  相似文献   

The common forage grass Lolium perenne has evolved with the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae var. lolii. The endophyte provides herbivore resistance to the grass due to defensive alkaloids, some of which are toxic to grazing livestock. In this field study, we determine whether distribution of the endophyte‐grass association changes along a land‐use intensity gradient on 87 managed grasslands in three German regions. Endophyte infections were detected in 66% of the studied sites and infection rates within infected sites ranged from 1% to 95%. Alkaloid concentrations of lolitrem B (vertebrate toxin) exceeded the toxicity thresholds in 50 (14%) of 351 infected plants and of peramine (invertebrate deterrent/toxin) in 12 (3%) of 351 plants. Infection rates and alkaloid concentrations were not significantly affected by land‐use intensity and region, but alkaloid concentrations were higher in summer compared to spring. We conclude that risks for livestock intoxication are currently low, as (i) average alkaloid concentrations per grassland were always below toxicity thresholds and as (ii) none of the grasslands was dominated by L. perenne. We suggest avoidance of grass monocultures in Europe to keep intoxication risks for livestock low; we also recommend regular examination of seeds and grasslands, as seed producers might accidentally distribute infected seeds, and as climate warming might further enhance the distribution of Epichloë endophytes in European grasslands.  相似文献   

An assessment of genetic improvement in turf‐type perennial ryegrass was performed at a network of six locations. A comparison was made of the turf performances of five natural populations, five forage‐type cultivars used for turf seeding until the 1980s and 31 turf‐type cultivars released from 1974 to 2004. Populations and cultivars were also compared in two spaced‐plant experiments and in two seed‐yield trials. Trait regressions on registration year of turf‐type cultivars showed that breeding had been highly successful in improving the turf aesthetic merit (from +8·8 to +12·5% per decade according to seasons), wear tolerance (+5·4% per decade) and crown‐rust resistance (+8·9% per decade) and in lessening the turf height increase rate (?0·43 mm day?1 per decade). Turf winter greenness had been marginally improved, whereas summer greenness and seed yield had not been significantly changed. A multivariate analysis provided evidence that turf density and fineness played a major role in the visual assessment of turf aesthetic merit and that wear tolerance was closely associated with turf density. Conflicting trait associations may have precluded improvements in turf ground‐cover 3 months after sowing, turf winter greenness and turf persistency.  相似文献   

The effects of sheep grazing, with or without a 7-week rest period before ear emergence, on species balance in four perennial ryegrass/white clover swards were assessed.
Swards of an early (Aurora) or a late (Melle) flowering ryegrass were grown with either a small-leaved (Kent) or a medium-leaved (Milkanova) clover.
The clover lamina, expressed as a proportion of the total lamina mass, was greater with Kent than Milkanova. This proportion was not changed by resting the Aurora (earlier rest) swards, but was increased by resting the Melle (later rest) swards. A greater proportion of the clover lamina mass was near the top of the canopy in the Milkanova than in the Kent swards, and during the summer than in spring or autumn. The densities of clover growing points were greater in the Kent than the Milkanova swards and were increased by the late rest period. This effect persisted over the winter.
Stocking density was higher on the Kent than the Milkanova swards. The effects of the two rest periods, and the variety combinations, on pasture composition are interpreted as being principally a result of the differences in temperature between the earlier and later rest periods and of the different relationships between temperature and the growth of ryegrass and clover. Varietal characteristics, such as the vertical distribution of laminae, were also shown to be important.  相似文献   

White clover can reduce fertilizer‐N requirements, improve sward nutritive value and increase environmental sustainability of grazed grasslands. Results of previous experiments in glasshouse conditions and on mown plots have suggested that white clover may be more susceptible than perennial ryegrass to treading damage on wet soils. However, this phenomenon has not been investigated under actual grazing conditions. This experiment examined the effects of treading on clover content, herbage production and soil properties within three clover‐based grazing systems on a wet soil in Ireland for 1 year. Treading resulted in soil compaction, as evidenced by increased soil bulk density (< 0·001) and reductions in the proportion of large (air‐filled) soil pores (< 0·001). Treading reduced annual herbage production of both grass and white clover by similar amounts 0·59 and 0·45 t ha?1 respectively (< 0·001). Treading reduced the sward clover content in June (< 0·01) but had no effect on annual clover content, clover stolon mass or clover content at the end of the experiment. Therefore, there was little evidence that white clover is more susceptible to treading damage than perennial ryegrass under grazing conditions on wet soils.  相似文献   

The impact of deferred grazing (no defoliation of pastures for a period generally from spring to autumn) and fertilizer application on plant population density, ground cover and soil moisture in a hill pasture (annual grass dominated, with Australian native grasses being the major perennial species) were studied in a large‐scale field experiment from 2002 to 2006 in southern Australia. Three deferred grazing strategies were used: short‐term deferred grazing (no defoliation between October and January each year), long‐term deferred grazing (no defoliation from October to the autumn break, that is the first significant rainfall event of the winter growing season) and optimized deferred grazing (withholding time from grazing depends on morphological development of the plants). These treatments were applied with two fertilizer levels (nil fertilizer and 50 kg P ha?1 plus lime) and two additional treatments [continuous grazing (control) and no grazing for year 1]. Deferred grazing increased (P < 0·05) perennial grass tiller density compared with the control. On average, the tiller density of the three deferred grazing treatments was 27–88% higher than the control. There was a negative (P < 0·01) relationship between perennial and annual grass tiller density. Fertilizer application increased (P < 0·05) legume plant density. The densities of annual grasses, legumes, onion grass (Romulea rosea) and broadleaf weeds varied between years, but perennial grass density and moss cover did not. The ground cover of the deferred grazing treatments in autumn was on average 27% higher than the control. Soil moisture differed between treatments at 15–30 cm depth, but not at 0–15 depth over autumn and winter. The results imply that deferred grazing can be an effective tool for rejuvenating degraded native pastures through increases in native grass tiller density and population and through improving farm productivity and sustainability.  相似文献   

The effects of rate of inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilization (0, 80 or 160 kg N ha?1 per regrowth), season of harvest (regrowths 1, 2 and 3) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivar [classified as having either a normal or elevated water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration genotype] on in vitro gas production and digestibility were assessed. Increased N fertilizer application significantly decreased total gas production (TGP), methane (CH4) production and organic matter digestibility (OMD). The results suggest that the decreases in TGP and CH4 production were associated with a restriction in organic matter (OM) fermentation and an altered crude protein (CP) to structural carbohydrate ratio rather than a modification in the stoichiometry of fermentation. Season of harvest only significantly (P < 0·05) altered in vitro OMD and CH4 production at 8 h, despite altering the chemical composition of the herbage. Cultivar effects on all measured in vitro parameters were not significant presumably because the elevated WSC concentration trait was not expressed strongly in the study.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (PRG, Lolium perenne L.) breeding effort in New Zealand (NZ) has increased since c. 1990, resulting in greater functional trait diversity (e.g. heading date, ploidy, and associated Epichloë endophyte strain) in commercial products. This study quantified the variation, associations and interactions in dry matter (DM) yield, nutritive value and persistence-related traits among commercial cultivar-endophyte combinations released between 1973 and 2012, as a basis for assessing gains in value being delivered to the pasture-based livestock industries. Twenty-four or 28 combinations were compared over 3 years in two trials in each of two regions: Waikato in northern NZ (dryland), and Canterbury in central eastern South Island (irrigated). Cultivar-endophyte combinations were sown in mixtures with white clover, and pastures were intensively grazed 8–11 times per year by dairy cows. Principal Component Analysis identified 4 distinct clusters for the DM yield variables and for metabolisable energy (ME) content in each of the four trials. A broadly-adapted group of three late-season flowering, AR37-infected diploids with NZ and Spanish breeding backgrounds dominated the highest-yielding clusters. Tetraploids dominated the high ME content clusters. Interactions with region were observed throughout the data set: the strongest of these was driven by endophyte strain effects in Waikato. High-yielding cultivar-endophyte combinations in these trials were also generally high-yielding in the standard cultivar merit testing system operated in New Zealand, as interpreted via the DairyNZ Forage Value Index. However, alignment was poorer for medium- and lower-yielding cultivar-endophyte combinations. Several implications for forage evaluation methods and end-user industries are identified.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in the use of deficit irrigation and perennial pasture species other than perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in temperate agriculture, in response to the decreasing availability of irrigation water. Deficit irrigation requires an understanding of plant responses to drought stress to ensure maximum dry‐matter return on water applied. A glasshouse study was undertaken to investigate some of the morphological and physiological responses of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.; syn. Schedonorus phoenix Scop.) to varied moisture availability. One water treatment involved frequent applications of water to maintain a soil water potential of approximately ?10 kPa (100% treatment), and three other treatments involved applications at the same frequency, but using 33, 66 or 133% of the water applied in the 100% treatment. The water treatments continued over two plant regrowth cycles, followed by a ‘recovery’ phase of a single regrowth cycle during which all plants received the same water allocation as the 100% treatment. Depletion and replenishment of stubble water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) differed between the three species in response to soil moisture availability. By the second regrowth cycle, stubble WSC concentration and content in moisture‐stressed cocksfoot plants had increased, followed by a decrease during the subsequent recovery phase when the stored WSC reserves were utilized to support regrowth. The changes in stubble WSC reserves corresponded to the maintenance of relatively stable (i.e. the smallest reduction in leaf DM in response to moisture stress), but consistently lower DM production for cocksfoot compared with the other species. In contrast, moisture stress had no effect on the stubble WSC reserves of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue, with the exception of a significant decrease in WSC concentration under the 33% water treatment for perennial ryegrass. Perennial ryegrass achieved an intermediate DM yield and maintained positive growth rates throughout the study, even when watered at 33% of the requirement for optimal soil moisture levels. However, a more pronounced reduction in leaf DM in plants under moisture stress compared with the other species, combined with declining WSC reserves and the death of daughter tillers, highlighted the vulnerability of perennial ryegrass to poor persistence under prolonged drought conditions. Tall fescue appeared to have the greatest scope under moisture stress in terms of maintaining productivity and displaying attributes that contribute to persistence. Its leaf DM was consistently greater than that of the other species, displaying a smaller decline in growth under water stress compared to perennial ryegrass and an ability to recover faster upon re‐watering. This study has expanded the information available that compares and defines the potential of each species under moisture stress and emphasizes the importance of balancing short‐term DM production with long‐term persistence in choice of pasture species.  相似文献   

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