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To determine the extent to which transpiration and Ca concentration in the nutrient solution affect the regulation of growth, two independent experiments with young tomato plants were carried out under fully controlled climate conditions and grown hydroponically. The first experiment consisted of the regulation of transpiration by three levels of relative air humidity (RH): 50%, 70% (control) and 95% (corresponding to 1.32, 0.79 and 0.13 kPa, respectively) during 7 days. The second experiment involved four periods of 1, 3, 7 or 14 days of low-calcium (0.5 meq L−1) compared with the nutrient standard solution (9 meq L−1). The results show that plant growth was affected more by RH than by the reduction of Ca in the nutrient solution. High humidity reduced the total plant dry matter and total leaf area, increasing the dry matter partitioning into the stems and reducing it into the leaves. However, the low-Ca supply did not affect those parameters. Plant Ca concentration was significantly reduced by low-Ca supply as well as by high RH, but to a much greater extent by the Ca supply than by high RH. Ca concentrations in leaves, stem, and roots were quickly reduced already after 1 day of low-Ca. After 14 days, Ca concentration in all plant organs (leaves, stems and roots) was reduced by approximately 70% compared to control plants. Our data show that calcium supply, and consequently Ca concentration in the tomato plant can be reduced drastically for short-term periods during the vegetative growth stage without any adverse effect on growth whilst higher humidity reduce both growth and Ca concentration in young vegetative tomato plants. Consequently, reduced Ca uptake at high air humidity is not the cause for the reduction in growth.  相似文献   

Response of young hydroponically grown tomato plants to phenolic acids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phenolic acids—excreted both as root exudates and by microorganisms—are of interest in cultivation systems of different horticultural crops since they have been claimed to accumulate in closed hydroponic growing systems. The aim of the present investigation was to assess the phytotoxic effects when hydroponically grown tomato plants are exposed to phenolic acids in the root environment. The tomato plants were grown in static aerated culture and exposed to benzoic, caffeic, chlorogenic, ferulic, p-hydroxybenzoic, salicylic and vanillic acid at concentrations of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 400 μM in the fresh nutrient solution. The highest concentration of all tested compounds significantly reduced fresh and dry weights. Salicylic and ferulic acid affected plants already at 150 and 200 μM while effects were less pronounced for p-hydroxybenzoic and chlorogenic acid. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis did not result in any significant difference between any of the tested acids or concentrations. No clear dose-related pattern was obtained with respect to number of leaves and plant length. Visual assessment showed that the most deleterious effects appeared on the roots, which were discoloured and/or had slimy coatings when exposed to the phenolic acids. The uptake of several mineral nutrients was influenced at the highest concentration of all studied compounds. Significantly more bacteria were enumerated in the nutrient solution treated with phenolic acids compared to the controls. Most of the phenolic acids were degraded after 2 days during the start of the trial and within 1 day at the end of the trial. Concentrations phytotoxic to small tomato plants were 1000-fold higher than the natural concentrations measured before. Instead of potentially harmful, the relevance of certain phenolic acids as antimicrobial substances should be considered.  相似文献   

Free amino acids composition and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and glutamine synthetase (GS) levels were evaluated in fruits of Lycopersicon esculentum var. esculentum genotypes having standard (cv. Caimanta) and altered (nor and rin mutants) ripening characteristics. Two accessions of the wild L. esculentum var. cerasiforme (LA1385 and LA1673) were also assayed. Shelf-life (SL) of these fruits ranged from 12 (cv. Caimanta) to 36 (nor mutant) days. The relative glutamate content (as percentage of total free amino acid content) of ripe mature fruits differed considerably among lines, having cv. Caimanta and the nor mutant the highest and the lowest values, respectively. A negative correlation between the relative glutamate content and fruit SL was also found. In the standard ripening cv. Caimanta, GS was principally present in green mature fruits while GDH was found in ripe mature fruits. In the other lines, GS and GDH were detected at both maturation stages. Summarizing, standard SL correlates with higher relative glutamate content and reciprocal induction pattern of GS and GDH, while long SL is associated with lower relative glutamate content and simultaneous presence of both enzymes in the pericarp of tomato fruits. These data suggest that the regulation of the level of glutamate, GS and GDH during fruit ripening is related to the final SL of fruits.  相似文献   

The use of plastic materials for mulching is a very common practice for vegetable crops. Black polyethylene is the most widely used due to its excellent properties and low cost. However, the massive use of these materials supposes an environmental risk. In the last few years, the use of starch-based biodegradable films has been introduced as an alternative to conventional mulches. These materials can be incorporated into the soil at the end of the crop season and undergo biodegradation by soil microorganisms. A 2-year study was conducted to determine the response of a tomato crop to seven mulch materials (polyethylene and biodegradable) in open fields in Central Spain. Biodegradable films underwent early decomposition, but in general remained functional during use and did not affect yield and the fruit quality attributes (total soluble solids, firmness, dry weight, juice content and shape). The temperatures reached under polyethylene films were always higher than under biodegradable films, which could be a disadvantage in certain circumstances, especially in hot climates, although may be advantageous in cool conditions. The use of polyethylene films resulted in the lowest values of soil microbial biomass C and soil organic matter mineralization, probably due to the increase of temperature registered under mulches. The analysis of the marketable yield components indicates that the variability in yield mainly depended on the number of fruits, with mean fruit weight being practically constant in the different treatments and seasons, which suggests the strong varietal character of this parameter.  相似文献   

Processing tomato quality as affected by irrigation scheduling   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In Southern Italy the paucity of water is a very important problem and due to the fundamental importance of the water for the processing tomato, in this study the influence of irrigation on processing tomato quality was investigated in the years 2002 and 2003. A hybrid processing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill cv. Ability) was treated with different water regimes obtained combining amount of water and irrigation interval. The effects of the trials were evaluated taking into account the physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits, as well as the content in antioxidants moieties. Furthermore, the relationship among all the quality parameters and the seasonal amount of irrigation water was evaluated.The results, comparing different water regimes obtained combining amount of water and irrigation interval, gave useful indications on the possibility to improve nutritional tomato quality by reducing irrigation water during tomato cropping. In particular, relatively to the Mediterranean areas of tomato cultivation and to the texture of the soil considered in this study, the best compromise between quality and quantity of the processing tomato fruit was achieved both with the extension of the irrigation interval (L40 or L60) and with the limitation of irrigation volume for the second part of the tomato crop cycle (thesis 100-50). Extending the irrigation interval and limiting irrigation volume for the second part of the tomato crop cycle, appeared to be the best management strategy to optimize the yield and nutritional quality of processing tomato.  相似文献   

Water logging and salinity of the soil alter both the physical and biological environment of plant roots. In two experiments, we investigated the effects of imposed aeration on yield and the physiological response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) variety Improved Apollo growing under protected conditions over a range of salinities (the salinity experiment), and under constant field capacity (FC) or drier soil conditions (the moisture experiment). Subsurface irrigation with aerated water (12% air in water) stimulated above-ground growth, and enhanced the reproductive performance through earliness for flowering and fruiting compared with the control. Fruit yield of tomato with aeration in the moisture experiment was increased by 21% compared with the control (4.2 kg versus 3.7 kg per plant), and the effect of aeration on fruit yield was greater in FC than in the drier treatment. Fruit yield was increased by 38% in saline soil due to aeration compared with the non-aerated control. Increasing salinity from 2 to 8.8 dS m−1, and 10 dS m−1 reduced fruit yield by 18% and 62%, respectively, but 4 dS m−1 did not suppress yield. Aeration in both the experiments increased plant water use and water use efficiency (WUE), expressed as weight per unit of applied water. Biomass WUE was greater by 16% and 32% in the moisture and salinity experiments, respectively. The increased yield with aeration was also accompanied by an increased harvest index (HI) defined as the proportion of dry fruit biomass to total dry biomass, greater mean fruit weight, high fruit DM, and increase in leaf chlorophyll content and shoot: root ratio, and a reduced water stress index (computed from the difference between air and leaf temperature). The benefit gained from aerating irrigation water was not only observed under conditions where air-filled porosity may be low (e.g., in poorly structure sodic soils, or at field capacity in clay soils), but also in drier soils.  相似文献   

Better knowledge of patterns of carbon allocation in plants growing in CO2-supplemented atmospheres may help to guide more efficient management of CO2 applications in tomato greenhouses. Leaf starch and LMA (leaf mass per unit area) were investigated in commercially grown greenhouse tomato plants to determine the distribution and influence of leaf area and fruit load on these measures.  相似文献   

Thermoperiodicity, i.e. growth in the alternating temperature regime with the same diurnal mean compared with growth at the constant temperature at which optimal growth occurs, was studied at three plant population densities in four cultivars of Rosa hybrida L. Single-node cuttings with five-leaflet leaves were excised and grown as single-stemmed rose plants at an average photosynthetic photon flux density of about 260 μmol m−2 s−1 and supplied with carbon dioxide at about 1000 μmol mol−1. The optimal constant temperature regime was 22 °C day (20 h)/22 °C night (4 h); alternating temperatures were 23 °C day (20 h)/18 °C night (4 h). The plant population densities were 100, 131 and 178 plants m−2 of bench area. Thermoperiodicity was absent, or could not be detected, in the parameters related to the growth period, the formation of fresh biomass, the bloom quality, and most parameters related to shoot elongation. However, classic thermoperiodic effects of alternating regime were significant in the cultivars Red Velvet and Sonia, with shoot elongation promoted (7.1 and 10.5%, respectively) in the growth phase from onset of axillary bud growth until the flower bud became visible. Compared with the other two cultivars, plants of Red Velvet and Sonia tended to develop longer internodes. The results, obtained concurrently at three different plant population densities, suggest that thermoperiodicity can affect (single-stemmed) plant growth and development in R. hybrida. Increased plant population density also increased plant height at visible flower bud, but the bloom quality, expressed as specific fresh weight, and the flower height at anthesis was decreased at the highest density. Increased plant population density increased the number of five-leaflet leaves developed in Red Velvet, but had no effect on leaf number in Texas and Sonia, while, in Lambada the leaf number was decreased at the highest density.  相似文献   

A protocol for in vitro propagation of the wild three-lobed sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) (Synonym, Salvia triloba L.) was developed. Shoot tips were excised from in vitro seedlings and established on MS, Nitch and Nitch (NN), or B5 medium. For shoot proliferation, in vitro nodal and apical explants were cultured on MS medium containing 0.25–2 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), 6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin), or thidiazuron (TDZ). Proliferated microshoots were rooted on MS medium supplemented with 2.7–11.4 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), or α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Results indicated that shoots established at 100% regardless of media type, however, shoot height, nodes per shoot, and leaf number were highest for explants established on MS medium compared to NN or B5. Number and height of proliferated shoots, nodes per shoot, and leaf number were highest for nodal explants cultured on a medium containing 0.75 μM BA. Microshoots cultured on a medium supplemented with 2.7 μM IBA exhibited the highest rooting percentage compared to those cultured with IAA or NAA. Essential oil composition in microshoots and shoots of greenhouse-grown plants was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The major essential oils detected in both plant materials were α-pinene, 1,8-cineole, camphor, and borneol. No α-thujone or β-thujone was detected. The content of essential oils, camphor, and borneol were higher in the microshoots than in shoots of greenhouse-grown plants.  相似文献   

Micropropagation of Phillyrea latifolia L. a wild species present in Mediterranean coastal areas having drought and salt tolerance was performed using explants from adult plants. Shoots were induced from nodal explants on the Rugini’s initial medium (IM). Then these were proliferated on either Rugini olive medium (OM) or Linsmaier and Skoog (LS) medium, each supplemented with 2.22 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) or 4.56 μM zeatin (Z). Rooting (66.1±11%) was induced on shoots grown in perlite soaked with half-strength Rugini olive proliferation medium (OMr) containing 2.69 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 160 mg l−1 putrescine. Both shoot multiplication and rooting were performed using Magenta® GA-7 (Sigma) vessels either non-permeable or permeable to gas exchanges. Contamination (about 40%) was observed during the first five passages notwithstanding the addition of cefotaxime to the culture medium, but a high proliferation rate (90%) of explants provided enough healthy plant material. The highest shoot proliferation was observed on LS medium and zeatin whereas the presence of the ventilated filters reduced fresh weight of explants growing on LS media and did not affect shoot growth on OM media. During rooting, the use of ventilated vessels in comparison with the closed ones enhanced development of roots, and doubled the dry weight of plantlets. The vessel ventilation combined with the artificial substrate (perlite) was beneficial for in vitro acclimatization of rooted Phillyrea plantlets.  相似文献   

An efficient method was established for genetic transformation of Morus alba clone M5 using Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer. Cotyledon explants from in vitro grown seedlings were co-cultivated with disarmed strain LBA 4404 harbouring the binary vector pBI121 carrying chimeric β-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase (npt II) genes. Maximum transformation frequency of 18.60% was recorded with 48 h of pre-conditioning followed by co-cultivation for the same duration. Expression and presence of transgene was confirmed by histochemical test and polymerase chain reaction. The transgenic plants were micropropagated and successfully acclimatised.  相似文献   

Tomato (cv. Durinta) plants were grown hydroponically under two electrical conductivities (EC, 2.3 and 4.5 dS m−1) of nutrient solution inside a greenhouse. The high EC treatment was initiated either immediately after anthesis (high EC treatment) or 4 weeks after anthesis (delayed high EC treatment). Fruits were harvested weekly beginning 2 weeks after anthesis, until all fruits reached the red stage (8 weeks after anthesis). Lycopene, chlorophyll, sugar and total soluble solid (TSS) concentrations of fruits were measured every week for all harvested tomatoes from the different ripeness stages. The results showed that lycopene concentration, fructose and glucose concentrations and TSS of red ripe tomato fruits were enhanced by both high EC and delayed high EC treatments compared to those in the low EC treatment. The lycopene concentration of red ripe tomato fruits in the high EC and the delayed high EC treatments showed an increase of 30–40% (1.29–1.39 mg g−1 dry matter) compared to those in the low EC treatment (0.99 mg g−1); however, there was no significant difference in the lycopene concentration between the high EC and delayed high EC treatments. TSS of red ripe tomato fruits grown in the high EC treatment was 6.1%, significantly greater than those grown in the delayed high EC treatment (5.7%). Weekly change in lycopene concentration indicated that lycopene synthesis was enhanced by the high EC treatment, regardless of the application timing. Regardless of EC treatment, chlorophyll concentration in fruit declined linearly during fruit development and ripening and reached non-detectable levels 7 weeks after anthesis. Our results indicated that: (1) accumulation of sugars and TSS in fruit was due to reduced water flux to the fruit under high EC as previously reported, and (2) lycopene synthesis was promoted by, but chlorophyll degradation was independent from, the osmotic and/or salt stress caused by the high EC.  相似文献   

In order to establish a rational nitrogen (N) fertilisation and reduce groundwater contamination, a clearer understanding of the N distribution through the growing season and its dynamics inside the plant is crucial. In two successive years, a melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Sancho) was grown under field conditions to determine the uptake of N fertiliser, applied by means of fertigation at different stages of plant growth, and to follow the translocation of N in the plant using 15N-labelled N. In 2006, two experiments were carried out. In the first experiment, labelled 15N fertiliser was supplied at the female-bloom stage and in the second, at the end of fruit ripening. Labelled 15N fertiliser was made from 15NH415NO3 (10 at.% 15N) and 9.6 kg N ha−1 were applied in each experiment over 6 days (1.6 kg N ha−1 d−1). In 2007, the 15N treatment consisted of applying 20.4 kg N ha−1 as 15NH415NO3 (10 at.% 15N) in the middle of fruit growth, over 6 days (3.4 kg N ha−1 d−1). In addition, 93 and 95 kg N ha−1 were supplied daily by fertigation as ammonium nitrate in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The results obtained in 2006 suggest that the uptake of N derived from labelled fertiliser by the above-ground parts of the plants was not affected by the time of fertiliser application. At the female-flowering and fruit-ripening stages, the N content derived from 15N-labelled fertiliser was close to 0.435 g m−2 (about 45% of the N applied), while in the middle of fruit growth it was 1.45 g m−2 (71% of the N applied). The N application time affected the amount of N derived from labelled fertiliser that was translocated to the fruits. When the N was supplied later, the N translocation was lower, ranging between 54% at female flowering and 32% at the end of fruit ripening. Approximately 85% of the N translocated came from the leaf when the N was applied at female flowering or in the middle of fruit growth. This value decreased to 72% when the 15N application was at the end of fruit ripening. The ammonium nitrate became available to the plant between 2 and 2.5 weeks after its application. Although the leaf N uptake varied during the crop cycle, the N absorption rate in the whole plant was linear, suggesting that the melon crop could be fertilised with constant daily N amounts until 2–3 weeks before the last harvest.  相似文献   

A protocol for the production of complete plantlets through multiple shoots from the cotyledon-derived calli of ash gourd (Benincasa hispida L.) is described. The embryos were excised from mature seeds and cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurin (BAP, 1–5 μM). After 10 days the well-developed green cotyledons from the growing embryos were isolated and cultured on MS medium fortified with 2,4-D (1–6 μM). The cultured cotyledons gave rise to luxuriantly growing calli after 6 weeks. These calli were subcultured on MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of BAP (1–6 μM) alone or in combination with naphthalene acetic acid (NAA, 0.2 and 0.5 μM) for regeneration. The regenerated shoots were multiplied and rooted on quarter strength MS medium supplemented with indole-3-butyric acid or NAA (1–5 μM). The rooted shoots were transplanted to soil with 90% success.  相似文献   

Peach cultivation in Mexico has recently extended to subtropical climates to reduce drought, but in many areas winter frosts are a strong limiting factor. Information about the behavior of a wide range of peach accessions during dormancy and bud-break was collected over a 4-year period in the most important peach growing region in the subtropical highlands of central Mexico where winter frosts are common. Observations were made on 33 peach accessions (local, introduced and hybrids between both groups). Differences in fruit set among peach genotypes which were related to sensitivity to enter rest (SER), time of blooming, duration of blooming, bud density (BD) and flower density (FD). The latter were generally related, however, bud to flower ratios and yields were low for materials that were very late blooming. Selections such as San Juan, Fred, 17-1, and 24-1, were based on mid to late-bloom, high and stable yielding. SER, BD and FD values and BD:FD ratios, should be included as important breeding goals to provide more stability of peach production in the subtropical highlands.  相似文献   

The effects of the NH4:NO3 ratio in replenishment solution on Rosa L. flower yield and the impact of NH4 substitution by urea on plant performance and on solution EC and pH have not been studied previously in closed (no leaching) hydroponic systems. A greenhouse experiment with six NH4:NO3:urea ratios (0:100:0, 12:88:0, 25:75:0, 50:50:0, 100:0:0 and 0:50:50) and two harvest cycles (winter and spring) was carried out to investigate these relationships. In winter, total and >40 cm cut flower yields were maximal in treatment 25:75:0. At lower NH4 percentages (12.5:87.5:0 and 0:100:0), growth container solution pH varied between 7.8 and 8.5, reducing P, Ca and Mn concentration in leaves and increasing dry matter allocated to them. At higher NH4 percentages, Ca uptake was inhibited, solution pH reached 3, and %P in leaves increased. Consequently, reducing sugars concentration in leaves increased and sucrose and starch concentrations decreased. A stepwise regression analysis indicated that the optimal NH4:NO3 ratio in feed solution is 40:60, with resulting solution pH of 5.9 in the growth container. In spring the maximum yield was obtained in treatment 0:50:50 and it exceeded the winter yield despite a higher solution EC (4.3 dS m−1 vs. 3.5 dS m−1 at harvest). The beneficial effect of urea (0:50:50 vs. 50:50:0) stemmed from the relatively lower NH4 concentration in solution, that alleviated the NH4–Ca uptake competition, and higher pH. The slope of the straight line relating [H+ efflux rate] to [NH4+ uptake rate] in treatments 25:75:0, 50:50:0 and 100:0:0 was 0.44 mol H+/mol NH4. In all other treatments the proton efflux was negligible.  相似文献   

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