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  1. The waters of the Patagonian Shelf in the south-west Atlantic are nutrient rich, support large concentrations of wildlife, and are exploited by several fisheries, including the large Asian squid-jigging fishery. Although the squid-jigging fishery has previously been observed to have few problems with the accidental mortality of seabirds, the deliberate catch for consumption of seabirds by the crew has been identified as a possible issue.
  2. Four cruises were made between Uruguay and the Falkland Islands during 2005–2006 to quantify the impact of jiggers on seabirds from indirect observation platforms. Monitoring included closely approaching 116 jigging vessels and boarding seven for inspection.
  3. The use of non-jigging fishing gear, either for catching fish or seabirds, was observed at the stern of 33 vessels. Twelve seabird carcasses were observed floating close to vessels during 13 days of monitoring. Although the results recorded here are not sufficient to put a confident estimate on the magnitude of this mortality, the density of carcasses floating in the water among the jigging fleet indicated the potential significance of this problem.
  4. The results were considered sufficiently concerning for the Falkland Islands Government to take preventative actions, including educational efforts, improving humanitarian conditions onboard vessels, introducing relevant legislation and licence conditions, and prosecuting intentional seabird take inside the Falkland Islands jurisdiction. This has resulted in the apparent elimination of these mortalities within Falkland waters since the late 2000s.
  5. Nevertheless, it is likely that the same initial conditions exist for the crews of squid jiggers on vessels operating on the high seas, and so the possibility of the targeting of seabirds for consumption continues. Squid fisheries with substantial numbers of jiggers overlap with important foraging areas for a range of albatross and other species in high-seas areas such as the Patagonian Shelf, the Humboldt and Kuroshio currents, and the south-west Pacific Ocean. These areas of overlap may be important to investigate, especially in the foraging grounds of declining seabirds.

为了探究南极海冰覆盖范围、不同水层海水温度对西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场的影响,本实验根据2013-2018年1-6月中国鱿钓科学技术组提供的西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼公海渔场捕捞数据、南极海冰覆盖范围数据以及作业渔场5、55、95和195 m水层海水温度数据,以单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)表征资源丰度展开分析研究.结果...  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,84(2-3):133-144
We propose a new index based on sea surface temperature that can be used to locate local oceanic thermal features. The concept of relative spatial variability of local SST (SST RV), and the algorithm used to derive it, are introduced. The utility of this index is compared with that of SST gradient in an analysis of environmental correlates of the distribution and abundance of the hake Merluccius hubbsi (Marini, 1933) on the Patagonian shelf edge between 44.5°S and 47.0°S and around the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas). The SST RV and SST gradient were calculated from AVHRR SST data. SST RV is suggested to be a more sensitive index than SST gradient for detecting local oceanic thermal features such as fronts. Local hake abundance varied between years and showed strong (albeit complex) relationships with depth and SST, as well as with parameters (SST RV and SST gradient) that indicate the presence of ocean surface thermal features. Although local hake abundance was positively correlated with both SST RV and SST gradient, the former correlation was stronger and in two out of three studied months SST RV was the better predictor of CPUE. Although CPUE tended to increase with SST RV, this relationship breaks down at the highest SST RV values, possibly because hake avoid the most turbulent waters.  相似文献   

阿根廷滑柔鱼是我国重要的头足类渔业之一,对其单位捕捞努力量渔获量( CPUE)进行标准化是对其资源评估的重要内容。本研究根据2000~2010年我国在西南大西洋的产量统计数据和卫星遥感获得的海洋环境数据(表温,表温水平梯度,海面高度,叶绿素浓度),利用广义线性模型(GLM,general linear model)和广义加性模型(GAM,generalized additive model)对其CPUE进行标准化。GLM模型结果表明,年、纬度、表温以及交互项年与纬度对CPUE影响最大。GAM模型研究结果表明,年、月、经度、纬度、表温、海面高度以及交互项年与纬度、年与经度对CPUE影响较大。根据AIC数值,包含上述8个显著变量的GAM模型为最佳模型,对CPUE的解释率为49.20%。高CPUE出现在夏季表温为12~16°C、海面高为-20~20cm、46.5°~48.5°S海域。研究表明,GAM模型较GLM模型更适合用于西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼CPUE标准化。  相似文献   

Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) ranks third among marine resources that sustain global fisheries. This study delimits the spatiotemporal habitat of the species in the south‐western Atlantic Ocean, based on operational oceanography. We used generalized additive models (GAMs) and catch data from six pole‐and‐line fishing vessels operating during 2014 and 2015 fishing seasons to assess the effect of environmental variables on catch. We also analysed Modis sensor images of sea surface temperature (SST) and surface chlorophyll‐α concentration (SCC) to describe fishing ground characteristics in time and space. Catch was positively related to thermocline depth (24–45 m), SST (22–24.5°C), SCC (0.08–0.14 mg/m³) and salinity (34.9–35.8). Through SST images, we identified that thermal fronts were the main surface feature associated with a higher probability to find skipjack. Also, we state that skipjack fishery is tightly related to shelf break because bottom topography drives the position of fronts in this area. Ocean colour fronts and plankton enrichment were important proxies, accessible through SCC, used to delineate skipjack fishing grounds. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) was higher towards summer (median 14 t/fishing day) due to the oceanographic characteristics of the southern region. High productivity in this sector of the Brazilian coast defines the main skipjack feeding areas and, as a consequence, the greatest abundance and availability for fishing.  相似文献   

阿根廷渔业生产以捕捞为主,资源量较大,捕捞品种丰富,是世界著名的水产品出口国.本文介绍了阿根廷的捕捞渔业概况、主要捕捞品种、主要出口产品,以及滑柔鱼生产情况,并对阿根廷与中国的鱿钓渔业合作的历史、现状和运作模式进行了介绍.中阿两国渔业各具特点和优势,互补性强,具有很大的合作空间,开展中阿渔业合作不仅有利于我国渔业发展,更对两国间的关系产生良性影响.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT), sampling between 50°N and 50°S, is a trans-oceanic research programme to characterize plankton community structure, productivity and bio-optical properties of the upper ocean in relation to ocean provinces and meso-scale features. As part of a suite of continuous measurements, an optical plankton counter (OPC) has been used on the AMT to characterize the surface distribution of zooplankton based on their abundance and community size structure. Results from the OPC were available in real time, and were subsequently validated against microscope counts of zooplankton sampled concurrently along the AMT. Zooplankton community size structure from two sections of the Transect are presented: from the northern edge of upwelling off West Africa to the UK shelf and between the Falkland Islands and Uruguay, where the Transect traversed a warm core ring. Results showing the zooplankton community size structure together with statistical analysis, using principal component analysis (PCA), are compared with the dynamic oceanographic characteristics along the Transect. The application of the OPC for such basin-scale studies provides a methodology for obtaining data on zooplankton abundance and community structure at the appropriate spatial scales for global-scale modelling of the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Striped marlin (Kajikia audax) is an epipelagic species distributed in tropical and temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean. In the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, it is captured principally in commercial longline fisheries, and in small artisanal fisheries, however, it is also taken throughout its range in this region as an incidental catch of the tuna purse‐seine fishery. Previous studies suggest that overexploitation and climate change may reduce abundance and cause changes in spatial distributions of marine species. The main objective of this study was to describe the habitat preferences of striped marlin and the changes in its distribution in response to environmental factors. Habitat modeling was conducted using a maximum entropy model. Operational level data for 2003–2014, collected by scientific observers aboard large purse seine vessels, were compiled by the Inter‐American Tropical Tuna Commission and were matched with detailed (4 km) oceanographic data from satellites and general circulation models. Results showed that the spatial distribution of habitat was dynamic, with seasonal shifts between coastal (winter) and oceanic (summer) waters. We found that the preferred habitat is mainly in coastal waters with warm sea surface temperatures and a high chlorophyll‐a concentration.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental aims of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management is to ensure the long‐term sustainability of the fishery by protecting key life‐cycle habitats, such as recruitment areas. In this study, we apply a hurdle Bayesian hierarchical spatio‐temporal model that describes the abundance of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) recruits in the northern continental shelf of the Iberian Peninsula. Our findings clearly show four persistent nurseries, the main one being located along the continental shelf of the Artabrian gulf (off La Coruña). The preferential habitats identified for the hake recruits are areas within a bathymetric range of 120–200 m, with 15–16°C of Sea Surface Temperature, a Chl‐a concentration of 0.8–1.2 mg/m3 and low values of seabed rugosity (unconsolidated substrates). Searching for a compromise with fisheries, we also assess the degree of overlap of the main nursery areas with two fisheries footprints, a local one using Vessel Monitoring System data of trawl fishery of Marín, and a global one using Automatic Identification System data of different type of trawlers (bottom otter, beam and midwater trawls). The two fisheries footprints present different degree of overlapping in distinct areas, highlight the need of specific fleet‐adapted management rules in order to protect juvenile stages. We discuss that understanding the distributional patterns associated with key life stages, such as recruitment, and their interaction with fishing activities, is essential for applying appropriate spatial management measures and improving fishery sustainability.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of oceanographic variability on Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis: PBF) distributions in the California Current system using remotely sensed environmental data, and fishery‐dependent data from multiple fisheries in a habitat‐modeling framework. We examined the effects of local oceanic conditions (sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll, sea surface height, eddy kinetic energy), as well as large‐scale oceanographic phenomena, such as El Niño, on PBF availability to commercial and recreational fishing fleets. Results from generalized additive models showed that warmer temperatures of around 17–21°C with low surface chlorophyll concentrations (<0.5 mg/m3) increased probability of occurrence of PBF in the Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel and purse seine fisheries. These associations were particularly evident during a recent marine heatwave (the “Blob”). In contrast, PBF were most likely to be encountered on drift gillnet gear in somewhat cooler waters (13–18°C), with moderate chlorophyll concentrations (0.5–1.0 mg/m3). This discrepancy was likely a result of differing spatiotemporal distribution of fishing effort among fleets, as well as the different vertical depths fished by each gear, demonstrating the importance of understanding selectivity when building correlative habitat models. In the future, monitoring and understanding environmentally driven changes in the availability of PBF to commercial and recreational fisheries can contribute to the implementation of ecosystem approaches to fishery management.  相似文献   

Mangalore coast is well known for its multi‐species and multi‐gear fisheries and the fishery and oceanographic features of this region is a true representation of the Malabar upwelling system. Ten years of study (1995–2004) of oceanographic parameters has been carried out from the inshore waters off Mangalore to understand their seasonal and interannual variations and influences on the pelagic fishery of the region. Attempt has been also made to understand the influence of local and global environmental conditions on the alternating patterns of abundance between the Indian mackerel and oil sardine from the area. Field‐ and satellite‐derived oceanographic data have shown that coastal upwelling occurs during July–September with a peak in August resulting in high nutrient concentrations and biological productivity along the coast. Nearly 70% of the pelagic fish catch, dominated by oil sardine and mackerel, was obtained during September–December, during or immediately after the upwelling season. Catches of scombroid fishes were significantly related to cold Sea Surface Temperature, while such relationships were not observed for sardines and anchovies. Significant positive correlations were observed between the ENSO events (MEI) and seawater temperature from the study area. The extreme oceanographic events associated with the cold La Niña, which preceded the exceptional 1997–98 El Niño event, were responsible for the collapse of the pelagic fishery, especially the mackerel fishery along the southwest coast of India (Malabar upwelling system). Coinciding with the collapse of the mackerel fishery, oil sardine populations revived during 1999–2000 all along the southwest coast of India. Tolerance of oil sardine to El Niño / La Niña events and the low predatory pressure experienced by their eggs and larvae due to the collapse of mackerel population might have resulted in its population revival.  相似文献   

近十年来,越南将南海的金枪鱼资源作为其"外向型"渔业的重要支撑,不断增加捕捞强度,产量逐年升高。本文总结了越南发展南海金枪鱼渔业的过程,分析了南海金枪鱼资源的开发趋势。越南现代化的金枪鱼捕捞技术主要来自日本,使用的渔具主要有金枪鱼延绳钓、手钓、刺网和小型围网,捕捞的种类主要为鲣鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼,主要作业区域在西沙群岛南部海域和南沙群岛海域。越南2009年金枪鱼的产量已达到5.9×104t,计划2015年达到30×104t。根据越南海洋渔业研究所(RIMF)的评估,南海中西部的金枪鱼资源量为66~67×104t,可捕量23.3×104t,其中鲣鱼的可捕量21.6×104t,黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼的可捕量1.7×104t。随着全球金枪鱼捕捞配额的缩减和越南"外向型"渔业经济的发展,越南将继续加强对南海金枪鱼资源的开发。  相似文献   

Bottom trawl surveys provide fishery‐independent data on relative abundance and life history parameters for a wide range of marine taxa. Survey data are used to assess species distribution, biological interactions, and ecosystem structure and to manage marine resources. Not all bottom types or oceanographic conditions accommodate this survey method. We applied National Ocean Service hydrographic smooth sheets to evaluate physical attributes associated with habitat available to surveys. Random forests were used to evaluate the relative influence of benthic terrain and oceanographic predictors in determining accessibility to bottom trawl gear. We examined the marginal importance of each predictor, quantified the response gradient, and applied piecewise regression to determine threshold breakpoint values. Thresholds were used to develop predictive maps and distinguish untrawlable habitat at the scale of discrete towpaths and survey stations. Untrawlable habitat was associated with increased complexity in terrain, roughness, slope, surface curvature, substrate coarseness, current, and aspect. Maps of critical thresholds suggest different variables constrain the probability of a successful trawl in the nearshore, shelf, and continental slope. Overlay analysis of the model projection demonstrates the utility of archived smooth sheet data and identifies areas where higher resolution data might improve results. The model and maps produced in this analysis might be used to identify habitats available to and impacted by commercial trawl fisheries, inform the relative availability of various species and habitat types to bottom trawl surveys, evaluate bias in assessment indices and ecosystem metrics derived from survey data, and advance habitat‐specific biomass estimates.  相似文献   

The selection of spatial scales is of particular importance in modeling relationships between fishery abundance and its influencing factors, because these relationships are significantly affected by spatial scale. Here, we explore the spatial scale effects of catch per unit effort (CPUE)–factor relationships for Ommastrephes bartramii in the northwest Pacific. The original commercial fishery data and oceanographic factors were tessellated to 12 spatial scales from 5′ to 60′ with an interval of 5′. Under the original scale and 12 tessellated scales, we constructed the generalized additive models (GAMs) to model the relationships between the O. bartramii CPUE and the influencing factors, including Year, Month, Latitude (Lat), Longitude (Lon), sea surface salinity (SSS), sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface chlorophyll‐a (Chl‐a) concentration, and sea surface height (SSH). Our multi‐scale analysis showed that the relationships are sensitive to spatial scales. Among the factors, Year, Month, and SSS share quadratic polynomial scaling relations; Lat, SST, and Chl‐a illustrate power law scaling relations; Lon has a linear scaling relation; and SSH presents an exponential scaling relation. Considering the scale sensitivity of the factor sort‐order and the accumulation of explained residual deviance in GAM, we suggest 30′45′ as the optimal range of spatial scales for analyzing the CPUE–factor relationships for O. bartramii. Our research improves understanding of the impacts of changing scales in fisheries and provides a potential method for the selection of a suitable spatial scale for fisheries analysis and resource surveying.  相似文献   

Illex argentinus, the Argentine short-finned squid, is an important species within the Patagonian shelf ecosystem, where it supports a major multi-national fishery. The fishing fleet operating in this region is comprised of jigging vessels which attract squid using powerful incandescent lights. These fishing lights are detectable in remotely sensed satellite imagery which makes the fishery unusually amenable to a large-scale analysis of its spatial dynamics. In this paper, long-term inter-annual variability in fleet distribution and extent is examined using imagery from the Defence Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS) for the period 1993–2005. The fishery was found to occupy a wide area across the shelf and slope, with regions of consistent fishing activity observed on the high seas (45–47°S) and to the north of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Distribution of the fishery over the 13-year study period was variable, with 28% of the fished area occupied in 1–2 years, and 7% of the area occupied in 12–13 years. Annual catch levels were positively associated with the extent of the area occupied by the fleet. Higher catches corresponded to the fishery occupying a wide latitudinal range, whereas lower catches were observed during 2004 and 2005 corresponding to a contraction of the fishery away from the south of its range. In years of very high catches, fishing took place along almost the entire latitudinal range of the species. Due to the intensity of fishing, changes in the distribution of the fleet can reflect shifts in the distribution of I. argentinus; this has potential for the long-term monitoring of this highly variable squid fishery.  相似文献   

The Patagonian longfin squid Loligo gahi undertakes horizontal ontogenetic migrations on the Falkland shelf: juveniles move from spawning grounds located in shallow, inshore waters (20–50 m depths) to feeding grounds near the shelf edge (200–350 m depths). Immature squid feed and grow in these offshore feeding grounds and, upon maturation, migrate back to inshore waters to spawn. The possible influence of environmental factors on L. gahi migrations was investigated using data from oceanographic transects, crossing the region of known L. gahi occurrence. They were made from the inshore waters of East Falkland eastwards to depths of 1250 m on a monthly basis from 1999 to 2001. Four main water types were found in the region: Shelf, Sub‐Antarctic Superficial and Antarctic Intermediate water masses, and Transient Zone waters. The inshore spawning grounds occur in the Shelf Water mass, whereas the feeding squid (medium‐sized immature and maturing individuals) were associated with the Transient Zone. The 5.5°C isotherm appeared to mark the limit of squid distribution into deeper waters in all seasons. Seasonal changes in water mass characteristics and location were found to be important for seasonal changes in L. gahi migrations on the Falkland shelf.  相似文献   

An ichthyoplankton survey was conducted at the periphery of Cabrera National Park (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean Sea) in July 2004, using bongo nets, fixed nets and collection of oceanographic data. This work focused on analysing the distribution of eggs and larval stages of some fishery‐targeted taxa (Coris julis, Epinephelus spp., Sciaena umbra and Scorpaena sp.) whose adult abundances and/or biomass are higher in the reserve and therefore would be likely to show gradients of larval abundance attributable to the existence of the Marine Protected Area (MPA). Oceanographic data indicated there was water column stratification, horizontal distribution of surface water masses and hydrodynamic features linked with Mediterranean seasonality. During the summer sampling, eggs and larvae of targeted fish taxa were mainly located in the northeast of the MPA, near the coast. An effect of depth and current was demonstrated for Coris julis and Epinephelus spp. and there appears to be an offshore gradient for the other targeted taxa, especially for the egg stages. These data highlight the fact that the Cabrera archipelago is a potential important spawning area for targeted fishery species.  相似文献   

Worldwide, most sea cucumber fisheries are ineffectively managed, leading to declining stocks and potentially eroding the resilience of fisheries. We analyse trends in catches, fishery status, fishing participation and regulatory measures among 77 sea cucumber fisheries through data from recent fishery reports and fishery managers. Critical gaps in fisheries biology knowledge of even commonly targeted species undermine the expected success of management strategies. Most tropical fisheries are small‐scale, older and typified by numerous (>8) species, whereas temperate fisheries are often emerging, mono‐specific and industrialized. Fisher participation data indicated about 3 million sea cucumber fishers worldwide. Fisher participation rates were significantly related to the average annual yield. permanova analysis showed that over‐exploited and depleted fisheries employed different sets of measures than fisheries with healthier stocks, and a non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination illustrated that a broad set of regulatory measures typified sustainable fisheries. SIMPER and regression tree analyses identified that the dissimilarity was most related to enforcement capacity, number of species harvested, fleet (vessel) controls, limited entry controls and rotational closures. The national Human Development Index was significantly lower in countries with over‐exploited and depleted fisheries. Where possible, managers should limit the number of fishers and vessel size and establish short lists of permissible commercial species in multispecies fisheries. Our findings emphasize an imperative to support the enforcement capacity in low‐income countries, in which risk of biodiversity loss is exceptionally high. Solutions for greater resilience of sea cucumber stocks must be embedded within those for poverty reduction and alternative livelihood options.  相似文献   

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