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Florida ranks first in citrus production, with nearly 68% of all U.S. citrus growing in the season 2005-2006. Most of the citrus groves are located from central to south Florida, and agricultural irrigation permitting is regulated by three of Florida's five water management districts. Most of the permitting for citrus production in Highlands, Polk and Hillsborough counties is conducted by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), and quantities are based on the District's AGMOD computer program. In 2003, the SWFWMD implemented new permit criteria so that permitted amounts were more representative of actual water use. This paper compares grower reported citrus irrigation water use in Highlands, Polk and Hillsborough counties from 1994 through 2005 with permitted and theoretical irrigation requirements calculated by a daily water balance. Two different sets of crop coefficients (Kc's) developed for citrus in Florida were compared in the daily soil water balance calculation of theoretical irrigation requirements. The percentage of irrigated area considered in this study ranged from 40 to 60% to simulate a range of grower practices. Meteorological data from two weather stations and additional rainfall information from 50 locations within the three counties was used in the water balance. Missing and error values in the meteorological historical record data were filled with weather generators. The multiannual average water consumption (including cold protection water use) from growers ranged from 243 (Hillsborough) to 406 mm (Highlands) and the multiannual average permitted irrigation requirement (without cold protection) ranged from 295 to 557 mm. The simulated gross irrigation requirements under different scenarios of location-Kc-wetted area were variable but mostly lower than the limits established by the district, except for some scenarios in Polk County, whose maximum simulated irrigation value reached 578 mm year−1. In general, permitted limits recommended by the SWFWMD seem to be reasonable for the actual water use by growers in these counties.  相似文献   

Due to high demand for aesthetically pleasing urban landscapes from continually increasing population in Florida, new methods must be explored for outdoor water conservation. Three brands of evapotranspiration (ET) controllers were selected based on positive water savings results in arid climates. ET controllers were evaluated on irrigation application compared to a time clock schedule intended to mimic homeowner irrigation schedules. Three ET controllers were tested: Toro Intelli-sense; ETwater Smart Controller 100; Weathermatic SL1600. Other time-based treatments were TIME, based on the historical net irrigation requirement and RTIME that was 60% of TIME. Each treatment was replicated four times for a total of twenty St. Augustinegrass plots which were irrigated through individual irrigation systems. Treatments were compared to each other and to a time-based schedule without rain sensor (TIME WORS) derived from TIME. The study period, August 2006 through November 2007, was dry compared to 30-year historical average rainfall. The ET controllers averaged 43% water savings compared to a time-based treatment without a rain sensor and were about twice as effective and reducing irrigation compared to a rain sensor alone. There were no differences in turfgrass quality across all treatments over the 15-month study. The controllers adjusted their irrigation schedules to the climatic demand effectively, with maximum savings of 60% during the winter 2006-2007 period and minimum savings of 9% during spring 2007 due to persistent dry conditions. RTIME had similar savings to the ET controllers compared to TIME WORS indicating that proper adjustment of time clocks could result in substantial irrigation savings. However, the ET controllers would offer consistent savings once programmed properly.  相似文献   

The problem of planning intraseasonal irrigation requirements for the reservoir based projects with an extensive water distribution network is addressed. The network is hierarchical and consists of canals, distributaries or laterals and field turnouts or outlets. Irrigation requirements are estimated by considering the problem at two levels. At the first level, the intraseasonal weekly and biweekly irrigation requirements of crops at the field turnouts are estimated by a daily two layer soil water balance model. At the second level, the field level water requirements are transferred to the upstream nodes of the water distribution network after accounting for conveyance losses by a simple hydraulic model for flow in canals. The main questions examined are (i) whether there are significant year to year fluctuations in intraseasonal field level irrigation requirements of crops and (ii) whether a reliable sequence of target weekly/biweekly reservoir releases can be derived for irrigation planning at the project level. This is done in the context of a case study irrigation project in India.  相似文献   

The amount of irrigation water required to maintain an optimal average water content in the root zone for maximum crop yield is dependent on the water-table depth as well as on evapotranspiration. An approximate expression is derived in terms of soil constants for the vertical soil water flux, which may be directed upwards or downwards, above the water table. This has been used in a water-balance equation in order to estimate the irrigation requirement. Satisfactory agreement is found between results calculated using this theoretical relationship and published experimental work.  相似文献   

The net volumetric (m3) irrigation water requirements for the main crop categories currently irrigated in England and Wales have been calculated and mapped within a geographic information system (GIS). The procedure developed by Knox et al. (1996, Agric. Water Manage., 31: 1–15) for maincrop potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) was extended to cater for the other crops currently irrigated. The annual irrigation needs (mm) for the eight major irrigated crop categories, grown on three contrasting soil types at 11 representative weather stations, were determined using a daily water balance irrigation scheduling model. The results were correlated with existing national datasets of climate, current land use, soils and irrigation practice, to generate volumetric (m3) irrigation water requirement maps at 2 km resolution.The total net volumetric irrigation water requirements for a UK ‘design’ dry year (defined as the requirement with a 20% probability of exceedance) are estimated to be 140 × 106 m3 for the eight main crop categories currently irrigated and the 1994 cropping pattern. Previous theoretical dry year demand estimates, using scheduling models and large agroclimatic areas, were 109 × 106 m3 and 222 × 106 m3. The irrigation demand for other crops grown in the open would typically add another 4%.The procedure has been validated nationally, by comparing the calculated dry year demand for 1990 against government irrigation survey returns for 1990, for each crop category, and regionally against National Rivers Authority (NRA) abstraction records for 1990, for each NRA Region. The estimates obtained agree well with the reported distribution between crops and between regions.The most recent actual ‘dry’ year for which comparative data are available is 1990. It is estimated that the dry year requirements for the 1990 land use would have been 148 × 106 m3. Although farmer demand, actual abstractions and crop requirements are not necessarily the same, irrigation survey returns to the Government indicated that 134 × 106 m3 were actually applied, and the NRA estimated from meter returns that 138 × 106 m3 were abstracted. It is noted, however, that some abstraction restrictions were in force, the scope of the data is slightly different and all figures contain inaccuracies. Potential applications for improving irrigation demand management and water conservation at regional and catchment levels are discussed with reference to two contrasting regions.  相似文献   

Intensification of olive cultivation by shifting a tree crop that was traditionally rain fed to irrigated conditions, calls for improved knowledge of tree water requirements as an input for precise irrigation scheduling. Because olive is an evergreen tree crop grown in areas of substantial rainfall, the estimation of crop evapotranspiration (ET) of orchards that vary widely in canopy cover, should be preferably partitioned into its evaporation and transpiration components. A simple, functional method to estimate olive ET using crop coefficients (K c=ET/ET0) based on a minimum of parameters is preferred for practical purposes. We developed functional relationships for calculating the crop coefficient, K c, for a given month of the year in any type of olive orchard, and thus its water requirements once the reference ET (ET0) is known. The method calculates the monthly K c as the sum of four components: tree transpiration (K p), direct evaporation of the water intercepted by the canopy (K pd), evaporation from the soil (K s1) and evaporation from the areas wetted by the emitters (K s2). The expression used to calculate K p requires knowledge of tree density and canopy volume. Other parameters needed for the calculation of the K c’s include the ET0, the fraction of the soil surface wetted by the emitters and irrigation interval. The functional equations for K p, K pd, K s1 and K s2 were fitted to mean monthly values obtained by averaging 20-year outputs of the daily time step model of Testi et al. (this issue), that was used to simulate 124 different orchard scenarios.  相似文献   

An irrigation study was conducted to determine the effects of implementing different irrigation practices on growth and yields of papaya plants in south Florida. Treatments included using automated switching tensiometers based on soil water status, irrigation based on ET calculated from historic weather data and a set schedule irrigation regime. The study consisted of two trials (2006-2007 and 2008-2009). Water volumes applied, plant height and diameter, leaf gas exchange, leaf petiole nutrient levels, fruit yields and fruit total soluble solids were measured throughout the study. For both trials, significantly more water was applied in the set schedule irrigation treatment than in all other treatments; historic ET and soil water based treatments received only about 31-36% of the water applied in the set schedule irrigation. Trunk diameter and plant height per unit water volume applied values for the set schedule treatment were significantly lower than those from all other treatments during both trials. The set schedule treatment in both trials also had the lowest crop production water use efficiency (CP-WUE); CP-WUE values among all other treatments were generally not significantly different from each other. Soil water and historic ET-based irrigation methods were identified as more sustainable practices compared to set schedule irrigation due to the lower water volumes applied while maintaining plant nutrient content, growth, photosynthetic rates, and fruit yields for this production system.  相似文献   

Summary The energy requirements for manufacturing irrigation equipment were evaluated from a survey of a number of factories and workshops in Israel.Based on the results obtained and the life span of the components, the annual amortization of energy by high-pressure (overhead sprinklers), medium-pressure (undertree sprinklers and sprayers) and low-pressure (drip lines) irrigation systems was calculated for citrus orchards and cotton crops as irrigated in Israel. For citrus orchards a low-pressure sprayer system amortized 1.5 GJ ha–1 y–1 more energy than a medium-pressure undertree sprinkler system, and 2.7 GJ ha–1 y–1 more than a high-pressure, overhead sprinkler system. For irrigating a cotton crop, the low-pressure drip system used 6.8 GJ ha–1 y–1 more embodied energy than the movable, high-pressure overhead sprinkler system.The annual energy invested in irrigation water conveyance through the National Water Carrier, at the current hydraulic pressure of 500 kPa at the farm gate, varies for a cotton crop from 20 to 45 GJ ha–1 y–1 in the northern region and from 70 to 215 GJ ha–1 y–1 in the southern region of Israel, when irrigated with 4,050 m3 ha–1. For a citrus orchard this energy input varies from 60 to 75 GJ ha–1 y–1 in the central region and from 120 to 375 GJ ha–1 y–1 in the southern regions, when irrigated with 7,200 m3 ha–1. For obtaining the same yield in the south as in the north, the energy input for water conveyance has to be increased by 12% in the case of a cotton crop and by 7% in the case of a citrus orchard. Thus, in the north the annual energy amortization of a dripline irrigation system amounts to one third of that expended on water conveyance but in the south amounts to one-eighteenth or less, indicating the large regional dependency of energy inputs for irrigation.Calculations show that the reduction in energy requirement for water conveyance needed by irrigation systems operating at lower pressures compensates for their higher energy losses in system amortization. For example, in citrus irrigation the substitution of medium-pressure undertree sprinkler systems for high-pressure overhead sprinkler systems was calculated to save 8% of the total energy expenditure for water conveyance to the farm gate. This would amount to a saving of 7 GJ ha–1 y–1 for citrus in the central region and of 8 GJ ha–1 y–1 in the south. For cotton the substitution of low pressure dripline systems for high-pressure overhead sprinkler systems could save 16% of the total energy expenditure for pressurized water conveyance. This would amount to a saving of 8 GJ ha–1 y–1 in the northern region increasing to 10 GJ ha–1 y–1 in the south, taking into account a higher irrigation water requirement.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 1589-E, 1985 series  相似文献   

Maximization of crop yields when the salinity of irrigation water is high depends on providing plant transpiration needs and evaporative losses, as well as on maintaining minimum soil solution salinity through leaching. The effect of the amount of applied irrigation water was studied regarding transpiration, yields, and leaching fractions as a function of irrigation water salinity. Bell pepper (Capsicum annum L. vars. Celica and 7187) in protected growing environments in the Arava Valley of Israel was used as a case study crop to analyze water quantity–salinity interactions in a series of lysimeter, field and model simulation experiments. Leaching fraction was found to be highly influenced by plant feedback, as transpiration depended on root zone salinity. Increased application of saline irrigation water led to increased transpiration and yields. The higher the salinity level, the greater the relative benefit from increased leaching. The extent of leaching needed to maximize yields when irrigating with saline water may make such practice highly unsustainable.  相似文献   

Field experiments were performed at the HsuehChia Experimental Station from 1993 to 2001 to calculate the reference and actual crop evapotranspiration, derived the crop coefficient, and collected requirements input data for the CROPWAT irrigation management model to estimate the irrigation water requirements of paddy and upland crops at the ChiaNan Irrigation Association, Taiwan. For corn, the estimated crop coefficients were 0.40, 0.78, 0.89 and 0.71 in the initial, crop development, mid-season and late-season stages, respectively. Meanwhile, the estimated crop coefficients for sorghum were 0.44, 0.71, 0.87 and 0.62 in the four stages, respectively. Finally, for soybean, the estimated crop coefficients were 0.45, 0.89, 0.92 and 0.58 in the four stages, respectively. With implementation of REF-ET model and FAO 56 Penman–Monteith method, the annual reference evapotranspiration was 1268 mm for ChiaNan Irrigation Association.In the paddy fields, the irrigation water requirements and deep percolation are 962 and 295 mm, respectively, for the first rice crop, and 1114 and 296 mm for the second rice crop. Regarding the upland crops, the irrigation water requirements for spring and autumn corn are 358 and 273 mm, respectively, compared to 332 and 366 mm for sorghum, and 350 and 264 mm for soybean. For the irrigated scheme with single and double rice cropping patterns in the ChiaNan Irrigation Association, the CROPWAT model simulated results indicate that the annual crop water demands are 507 and 1019 mm, respectively, and the monthly water requirements peaked in October at 126 mm and in January at 192 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

This study examines the socio-economic and financial performances of irrigation projects under the Ogun-Oshun River Basin and Rural Development Authority (O-ORBRDA) in Nigeria. Primary data on the farming activities of the project farmers during the 2001/02 seasons and the projects' records for the period of 1995/96 to 2001/02 were summarised into socio-economic and financial performance indicators. In the Sepeteri Project, a revenue recovery level of 96% was estimated. The project is not financially viable as only 29% of its recurrent expenditure is covered. The farmers do not show commitment to making the project successful. An approximate 67% social capacity level was estimated. The relative irrigation cost and profit indexes do not show sufficient evidence that farmers would prefer irrigation farming to rain-fed farming. The Itoikin Project records a lower revenue recovery level of 75%. The project covers about 50% of its recurrent expenditure. In addition, the farmers do not appear to have a commitment to making the project successful, with a 33% social capacity level. A number of problems may be the causes of unprofitable irrigated cropping. If government increases the subvention, the O-ORBRDA prioritises irrigation service in disbursing the subvention to the projects, and the project manages the risks in the project sites, conscientises and incorporates the intended beneficiaries into managing the projects, the projects would be equipped to supply more irrigation services thereby making it more profitable and encouraging more participation of the intended beneficiaries. This would improve the socio-economic and financial performance of the projects.  相似文献   

Many of the best management practices (BMPs) that are recommended for agricultural producers have not been scientifically evaluated for their conservation benefits considering the soil, climate, and hydrology of the proposed application location. The goal of this study was to compare royal palm (Roystonea elata) production in south Florida, USA, using tensiometer automated irrigation and reduced soil applications of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), to that of traditional grower practices considering water savings, nutrient inputs, crop yield, crop nutrient status, soil nutrient status, and economic analyses. The study consisted of six treatments: (1) control (i.e., a grower irrigation rate and N and P fertilizer rates); (2) irrigation system automated to irrigate when soil water suction exceeded 5 kPa and the grower N and P rates; (3) irrigation system automated to irrigate when soil water suction exceeded 15 kPa and the grower N and P rates; (4) irrigation system automated to irrigate when soil water suction exceeded 15 kPa and 50% of the grower N and P rates; (5) the grower irrigation rate and 75% of the grower N and P rates; and (6) the grower irrigation rate and 50% of the grower N and P rates. Irrigation water volume applied, plant diameters, and plant heights were measured periodically throughout the study and plant tissue samples and soil samples were collected periodically for analysis of N and P content. Significant differences among treatments were only observed for the irrigation water volume applied. Automating the irrigation system to irrigate at soil suction exceeding 5 and 15 kPa resulted in 75 and 96% less water applied, respectively, than traditional irrigation scheduling practices used by a grower. Economic analyses suggested that all treatments would result in financial savings ranging from 7 to 34% per ha considering a 5-year, 2 ha investment. Thus, automating irrigation based on soil water suction for palm production in southern Florida, USA and similar locations will result in more sustainable agricultural production systems by benefiting the environment (less nutrients and water applied) and the grower (lower cost).  相似文献   

Due to the particular characteristics of vertisols, furrow irrigation on these soils shows features which differ from those on normal soils. The initial water intake in the dry, cracked soil is extremely high, while by the time the soil has been fully replenished, the infiltration rate has fallen to a negligible low value, making the watering of these soils a self-regulating self-ending process. Furrow irrigation design on vertisols is discussed based on experiences in the Sudan and in Kenya.  相似文献   

Asset management planning provides a structured and auditable process for planning long term investment in infrastructure. The irrigation sector has a pressing need for an efficient means to facilitate strategic investment decisions based upon a clear overview of objectives, options, costs, benefits and competing needs. This paper describes research carried out in Indonesia to assess the feasibility of transferring asset management planning procedures developed for the United Kingdom water industry to the irrigation sector. The 6-month study found notable similarities and some differences between the two applications. Modified procedures were developed accordingly and tested in field trials. It is concluded that there are significant opportunities for the application of the approach as developed in the UK using statistically based sampling procedures. From the experience of the study and the field trials the approach is found to be highly relevant and practicable.  相似文献   

Design procedure for border irrigation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An open-end graded border design procedure is presented. The proposed method based on the principle of mass conservation requires Kostiakov and Manning formulations for infiltration and roughness, respectively. The key assumption of the present design procedure is that the minimum infiltrated depth occurs at the lower border end and is equal to the required depth of infiltration. The philosophy behind the proposed design procedure is to select the appropriate flow rate q 0 and cutoff time T cof for given field conditions including the field geometry (field length and slope) and the soil characteristics (including the surface roughness coefficient and infiltration parameters). The results of two example border fields were in close agreement with those obtained from a zero-inertia model. Received: 23 December 1996  相似文献   

温室番茄滴灌灌水指标试验研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
王贺辉  赵恒  高强  韩淑敏 《节水灌溉》2005,(4):22-23,25
研究了日光温室中番茄的需水量、需水规律、产量与耗水量的关系。对日光温室番茄进行了滴灌灌水制度的研究。根据番茄不同生育期的生理特性及其需水特性确定其相应适宜的土壤含水率范围(占田间持水量的百分比)为:苗期45%~55%,开花坐果期55~75%,坐果期65-85%。不同生育期的灌水定额为:苗期10~15mm,开花坐果期15-25mm,结果期20-30mm。  相似文献   

Online decision support for irrigation has been available in Denmark since 1996. This paper describes an Internet implementation of a previous stand-alone PC-program; the Internet version has undergone several modifications and upgrades. The system has a morphological model for crop development based on temperature sums, and a hydrological model for calculating soil water balance. Weather data are supplied automatically from weather databases, precipitation data can be overrode by user inputs. Users can initiate the system with data on fields and crops, and add data on irrigations. Irrigation advice and explanation are provided in tables and graphics. The system had 322 active users in 2004 and 490 in 2005.  相似文献   

为确定塔里木灌区棉田合理的灌溉量提供依据,通过田间小区试验,定量研究了不同灌溉量(8 100、6 600、5 100、3 600 m3/hm2)与棉花产量、渗漏水量及总氮淋失量之间的关系,应用费用-效益法分析,得出经济效益和环境效益最优的棉花灌溉量。结果表明:该试验条件下,总氮淋失量为3.3~28.4 kg/hm2;渗漏量与灌水量成线性正相关,渗漏量为670~2 201 m3/hm2。棉花产量与灌水量呈现二次相关关系,当棉花产量最大为1 765 kg/hm2时,相应的灌水量为 6 937  相似文献   

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