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我国水产品加工行业发展现状和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正一、我国水产品加工行业现状(一)行业规模水产品加工是指以海水、淡水产的鱼类、贝类、虾蟹类等水产品为主体,加工制造成各类食品、饲料和工业、医药等用品。根据联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)发布的《世界渔业和水产养殖状况(2014)》,过去五十年(1965~2014年),全球水产  相似文献   

一、学科领域的发展 水产养殖业(Aquaculture Industry)是指人类利用可供养殖(包括种植)的水域,按照养殖对象的生态习性和对水域环境条件的要求,运用水产养殖技术和设施,从事水生经济动、植物养殖.按水域性质分为海水和淡水养殖业.按养殖、种植对象,可分为鱼类、虾蟹类、贝类,藻类、莲藕等养殖.  相似文献   

磷脂的功能及其在水产养殖中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
磷脂具有多重营养作用,作为饲料添加剂已广泛应用于饲料工业,并取得了较好的经济和社会效益。就磷脂的结构和性质、饲用磷脂的种类以及磷脂的功能作用作一介绍,着重阐述了磷脂在水产养殖中的作用,包括在海水鱼类、淡水鱼类和甲壳类养殖中的作用,对磷脂在水产养殖上的开发前景作一展望。  相似文献   

牛津  赵伟 《水产学报》2022,46(10):1776-1800
凡纳滨对虾(Penaeus vannamei)是我国最主要的海水对虾类养殖品种,2021年海水养殖产量达到119.77万吨,占全国海水虾类养殖总产量的80%以上。目前,国内外对于凡纳滨对虾的营养需求与饲料研究已有较多报道,但是对于不同生长阶段的精准营养需求以及营养素和功能性饲料添加剂的相互关系研究仍不够深入。本文主要就其蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物和微量营养素的需求,蛋白源和脂肪源替代鱼粉和鱼油,功能性饲料添加剂应用等方面的研究进展进行综述,以期为凡纳滨对虾的精准营养研究及高效环保饲料的开发提供科学参考,从而推动其养殖业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文根据福建省2009年水产养殖病害测报情况,分析了鱼类、甲壳类、爬行类、两栖类、贝类和藻类等六个养殖大类,17个大宗水产养殖品种的主要病害发生情况、流行特点和发病原因,并提出建议。  相似文献   

2005年中国水产养殖病害监测报告(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、水产养殖病害总体状况(一)病害流行情况及特点2005年4~10月全国30个省、自治区、直辖市对大宗水产养殖养殖的病害进行监测,共监测到90种水产养殖品种(鱼类62种、甲壳类11种、两栖和爬行类5种、贝类8种、藻类3种、棘皮动物1种,表1)的207种病害(病毒性疾病15种、细菌性疾病9  相似文献   

单胞藻的生产性培养技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
单胞藻类具有营养丰富,生长繁殖迅速,对环境适应性强和易培养的特点,是水产动物特别是贝类、甲壳类幼体的优质适口饵料。但由于天津地区海水透明度低,有机质含量、浮游动物、浮游植物丰富,进行藻类生产性培养困难很大,为此,2004年笔者以球等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)、小球藻( Chlorellasp.)、牟氏角毛藻( Chaetoceros miiellerilemmermann)、湛江叉鞭金藻(Dicrateria zhanjiangensis)、亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)为试验藻种,研究了海水单胞藻类一级培养(保种)、二级培养(中继培养)、三级培养(生产性培养)的操作规程。探讨…  相似文献   

<正>江苏省从2000年开始水产养殖病害测报工作,至2013年,水产养殖病害测报网络已覆盖全省13个市76个县(市、区),共设立测报点296个,测报员292名,监测面积63.21万亩,占全省养殖面积的5.27%,监测主要水产养殖品种35个,其中鱼类20个,甲壳类11个,贝类2个,藻类1个,两栖爬行类1个。现将2013年江苏省水产养殖病害测报结  相似文献   

7月份,全省17个市对19个水产养殖品种(鱼类9种、甲壳类5种、贝类3种、藻类1种、棘皮动物1种)的病害情况进行了监测报告,情况如下:  相似文献   

据最新统计分析 ,世界水产养殖生产结构呈现出以下特点 :世界水产养殖总产量的 91 3%来自亚洲(4172万吨 ) ,其次是欧洲 (2 0 3万吨 )、南美洲和加勒比海地区 (87万吨 )、北美洲 (5 5万吨 )、非洲 (40万吨 )和大洋洲 (14万吨 )。世界水产养殖产量的 5 4 9%来自海水养殖(包括半咸水养殖 ) ,4 5 1%来自淡水养殖。淡水水产养殖主要以鱼类为主 ,占 97 7% ;半咸水养殖以贝壳类和鱼类为主 ,分别为5 0 5 %、4 2 7% ,而海水养殖的主要种类是软体动物和水产植物 ,分别占海水养殖的 4 6 1%和4 4%。鲤科鱼类养殖占世界水产养殖产量的一半以上 ,海水…  相似文献   

Large quantities of high protein fish meals are needed to sustain cultured species and thus the impact to marine ecosystem has been highly discussed. The aim of this study was to apply a PCR‐cloning methodology for a robust insight into the composition of commercial fish meals and feeds for farmed species of the Greek mariculture, assessing the risk posed by aquaculture to marine ecosystems but also the risk posed by commercial fish feeds to the increase in trophic level of species farmed in Greece. 89% of the sequences were identified to species level and only 11% to genus/family level. Overall, a total of 49 taxa were identified (44 fish species/taxon, five non‐fish species/taxon). Even though small pelagic fish like Engraulis sp. were the main portion, a wide range of species constituted the fish meals and feeds. Plant and animal species were also detected as an alternative protein source. Feed products employed in Greek mariculture still contain large portions of fish meals which increase the mean trophic level of farmed species causing a farming up trend. The results emphasize that such molecular methodologies are needed to certify aquafeeds allowing fish feed producers to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable aquaculture.  相似文献   

高效低碳——中国水产养殖业发展的必由之路   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
董双林 《水产学报》2011,35(10):1595-1600
养殖种类不断增加,营养层次不断提高,集约化水平不断提升已成为我国水产养殖业总体发展的趋势,疾病流行、良种匮乏、污染严重、产品质量堪忧等诸多难题也随之而来。但从大尺度来审视,影响水产养殖近中期目标实现和可持续发展的主要问题则是水资源短缺、排污问题和产业发展对能源、鱼粉不断增大的需求。就产业主体而言,为保障我国的食物安全、实现我国CO2减排目标,高效低碳模式是水产养殖业发展的必由之路。对未来10年甚或更长时期我国水产养殖发展目标的实现还会主要依靠一些相对简单且易被大众掌握的新技术的应用。积极发展碳汇渔业,特别是海水大型藻类和滤食性贝类的养殖,是实现水产养殖产业总体上走高效低碳道路的结构性保障。高效低碳养殖模式的建立需要大水域协同生产机制的体制保障,需要政府加强对养殖污染物排放监管的法律保障,需要生态学与经济学结合的学科保障。  相似文献   

Generalist fish species can feed on a wide resource spectrum and across trophic levels depending on resource availability and trophic interactions. Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) represents a good candidate species to investigate variation in the trophic ecology of generalist fish as it can be found in highly variable fish communities and its resource use is well documented. In this study, we explored the trophic ecology of crucian carp at the individual and population levels using stable isotope and gut content analysis. We tested if trophic resource use varied according to lake productivity, predation risk, intra- and interspecific competition, or individual fish size. We found that crucian carp resource preference was highly variable among and within lakes. In predator-free lakes, small crucian carp occurred in high densities, showed increased interindividual specialisation, and relied mainly on pelagic zooplankton. In presence of predators, large crucian carp occurred in low densities and included greater proportions of benthic macroinvertebrates in their diet. This shift in resource use was further favoured in productive, shallow lakes where littoral prey were probably abundant. Resource partitioning was an important factor determining crucian carp niche use, as fish had higher trophic position in absence of other cyprinids. Crucian carp showed highly dynamic resource use and food preferences in response to variable environmental conditions. Overlooking complex diet preferences of generalist fish may lead to an oversimplification of freshwater community dynamics.  相似文献   

中国综合水产养殖的发展历史、原理和分类   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
董双林 《中国水产科学》2011,18(5):1202-1209
综合水产养殖是水产养殖的重要类型,它既包括同一水体内水生生物的混养,也包括水产养殖与同一水体或邻近区域进行的其他生产活动的结合。中国的稻田养鱼始于1 800年前,大规模的海水综合养殖始于公元1975年。目前中国开展的综合养殖模式有近百种,其依据的生态学原理主要有3个:通过养殖生物间的营养关系实现养殖废物的资源化利用;利用技术措施、养殖种类、养殖系统间功能互补或偏利作用平衡水质;养殖水体资源(时间、空间和饵料等)的充分利用。综合养殖系统可分为技术措施综合、养殖种类综合和系统综合三大类,其中系统综合类又可再分为水基系统综合和水基与陆基系统综合两个亚类。  相似文献   

Fishmeal is being trusted as the most reliable protein source due to its nutritional quality in terms of attractability, palatability, digestibility, excellent nutrient profiles to fulfil the dietary requirement of aquatic species. The aquaculture sector consumes >70% of global fishmeal, though aqua feeds constitute only 4% in total industrial feed production (900–1,000 Mt in 2018). The global fishmeal production has shown a downward trend of 26.50% during 2000 to 2018 due to the occurrences of El Niño–Southern Oscillationsand other climatic events, which in turn increased the fishmeal price from 452 USD/t (2000) to 1596.54 USD/t (2018). The increasing trend of aquaculture production along with reduced fish‐in/fish‐out ratios (0.63 in 2000 to 0.33, 0.22 in 2010 and 2015 respectively) indicates the resilience of the aquafeed sector for fishmeal replacement. The wide availability, reasonable price and reliable nutrient content made an interest in plant protein sources, but their utilization was limited due to poor digestibility, imbalanced profiles of essential nutrients and the presence of anti‐nutrients. Numerous methodologies are invented in recent times to enrich the nutritional qualities for maximizing the utilization of plant proteins in aquafeed formulations. The present review concludes that the aquafeed sector should use climate economics and technological innovations for substituting fishmeal to formulate the cost‐effective feeds.  相似文献   

Bacterial community and abiotic environmental parameters in twelve freshwater aquaculture ponds were analysed. According to the major component of stocked animals, the ponds were grouped into four types: black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus, largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco and pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii ponds. Each type of pond was stocked with three species of Chinese carps (silver carp, bighead carp and gibel carp) to form a unique mode of fish polyculture or mussel–fish integrated culture. The bacterial composition was identified using 16S rDNA sequencing. Totally, 3701 and 11 150 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified from the water and sediment samples respectively. The number of OTUs, abundance‐based coverage estimator, Chao1 index and Shannon diversity index were lower in the water column than in the sediment, suggesting that diversity and stability of bacterial community were higher in the sediment. In the water column, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes dominated at the phylum level, and 26 dominant genera were identified. In the sediment, Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria and Nitrospirae dominated at the phylum level, and 25 dominant genera were identified. Bacterial compositions between the ponds with different aquaculture modes were similar at the phylum levels, but varied at the genus levels. The bacterial composition in the ponds was correlated with hardness, ammonia and total nitrogen in the water column. This study indicates that the type of aquaculture mode is a factor regulating the microbial community, which provides an insight towards microbial management through probiotic manipulation in pond culture.  相似文献   

卫育良  徐后国  梁萌青 《水产学报》2019,43(10):2060-2073
鱼粉短缺是当今水产饲料行业中亟待解决的难题,而水产品加工副产品占水产品的总重量超过60%,因此,充分利用水产品加工副产品,提高其营养价值,是解决鱼粉短缺的重要途径。水解鱼蛋白是水解水产品加工副产品而得到的富含游离氨基酸和不同肽链长度的蛋白寡肽,目前,越来越多的研究证明,其对水产养殖动物的生长性能具有重要的促进作用。本文从水解鱼蛋白的制备、营养特性及水产饲料中的研究和应用方面展开综述,系统论述近年来水解鱼蛋白在水产动物营养相关领域的研究成果,并提出在水产饲料中的进一步研究方向,以期为水解鱼蛋白在水产动物营养学研究及其在水产饲料中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

根据2006年和2009年对五里湖渔业资源和生态环境调查数据,利用Ecopath with Ecosim软件,构建这两个时期五里湖生态系统能量通道模型,比较分析了实施净水渔业前后生态系统的结构和能量流动特征。模型包括大型、其他食鱼性鱼类、湖鲚、鲤、鲫、野杂鱼、鲢、草食性鱼类、大型虾蟹类、软体动物、其他底栖动物、浮游动物、沉水植物、其他维管植物、浮游植物、碎屑等17个功能组,基本覆盖了能量流动的途径。营养网络分析表明,增殖放养滤食性鱼类和贝类,扩大了五里湖生态系统的规模,增加了生态系统的发育程度和生态系统营养级ⅠⅡ的能量转换效率,滤食性生物与生态系统其他功能组生态位的重叠程度也有所增加。该系统各功能组间的联系加强且系统趋向稳定,但生态系统的物质流转速度和物质再循环的比例有所降低。  相似文献   

长江中游宜昌江段鱼类早期资源现状   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为了探明长江中游宜昌江段鱼类早期资源状况,2014年和2015年连续两年于5―7月在长江中游宜昌江段对产漂流性卵鱼类进行监测,期间共采集鱼卵12209粒。通过分子生物学方法共鉴定出27种鱼类,隶属于2目、4科。其中鲤科鱼类种类数最多,占77%;其次是鳅科,占15%;平鳍鳅科和银鱼科最少,均为4%。鉴定出的27种鱼类中,产漂流性卵鱼类有22种。2014年和2015年长江中游宜昌江段产漂流性卵鱼类的产卵量分别为79.1×10~8粒和70.9×10~8粒,其中四大家鱼产卵量分别为5.65×10~8粒和6.13×10~8粒。监测期间共出现7次产卵高峰(2014年4次,2015年3次),集中在6月初及6月中下旬。四大家鱼产卵量日变化与长江流量日变化关联性较强。2014年宜昌断面采集的四大家鱼鱼卵来自采样点上游的葛洲坝下(坝下–庙咀)、宜昌(胭脂坝–云池)和白洋(白洋镇–关州)三处产卵江段,2015年的四大家鱼鱼卵则来自葛洲坝下(坝下–庙咀)、宜昌(胭脂坝–红花套)两个产卵场。和历史资料相比,长江中游宜昌江段四大家鱼产卵场位置略有下移,规模呈减少趋势。建议继续科学适宜地开展生态调度和增殖放流,满足长江中游鱼类繁殖需求。  相似文献   

Integrated aquaculture has been widely used for pearl production in the freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii farming in China, but the production technology has not reached the state of the art. This study explored the optimal stocking ratio of fish to mussel (fish–mussel) through a 90-day experiment conducted in land-based enclosures. The integrated system included pearl mussel, grass carp, gibel carp, silver carp and bighead carp, with four fish–mussel stocking ratios by number: 1:1 (R1), 2:1 (R2), 3:1 (R3) and 4:1 (R4). The pearl yield was higher in the R2 enclosures than in the R1 and R4 enclosures, whereas the fish yield was higher in the R3 and R4 enclosures than in the R1 and R2 enclosures. The phosphorus (P) utilization efficiency was higher in the R2, R3 and R4 enclosures than in the R1 enclosures. The wastes of nitrogen (N) and P enhanced with the increase of fish–mussel ratio. Regression analyses indicated that the fish–mussel ratio was 2.3:1 for the maximal pearl yield, and 3.6:1 for the maximal fish yield, and 1.6–2.3:1 for the minimal N waste, and 1.9–2.9:1 for the minimal P waste. This study indicated that the suitable fish–mussel stocking ratio was 2:1 in the integrated culture of H. cumingii, grass carp, gibel carp, silver carp and bighead carp.  相似文献   

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