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Objective  To evaluate a new procedure for fixation of prolapsed nictitans glands to the cartilage of the nictitans that will not interfere with the mobility of the nictitating membrane.
Methods  A prospective clinical trial utilizing a nonabsorbable suture to anchor the prolapsed gland to the cartilage of the third eyelid was undertaken. Fifteen eyes of 10 dogs were included in the study. A 4-0 nylon suture was passed from the anterior surface of the third eyelid through the base of the cartilage to the posterior aspect and then tunneled circumferentially beneath the conjunctiva over and around the prolapsed gland. The suture was then passed through the cartilage again to the anterior face of the third eyelid. The gland was replaced into its normal position as the suture was slowly tightened and then tied on the anterior aspect of the nictitans.
Results  Over a period of several weeks, the glands reduced in size and took on a normal appearance. All glands but one remained in place for the length of follow-up, which ranged from 2 weeks to 33 months.
Conclusions  This procedure results in acceptable cosmetic effects with the return of the gland to its normal position posterior to the nictitating membrane. The advantage of this technique over traditional tacking to the orbital rim is that the third eyelid retains its normal mobility and, thus, its protective functions. The procedure once mastered is very quick and can be performed in less time than many of the traditional replacement techniques.  相似文献   

The morphological and histological examinations of the third eyelid and superficial gland of the third eyelid were conducted in pig fetuses coming from the 20th, 24th, 27th, 30th, 35th, 50th, 63rd, 94th and 112th day of gestation. The morphological examinations were carried out by applying the method of macroscopic preparation with a forehead magnifying glass and binocular (magnification 1.5-5.0x). In order to make anatomical elements more visible, 60-80% absolute alcohol and 0.5-4% acetic acid solution were used for the examinations. On the 20th, 24th, 27th and 30th day of gestation, the whole fetuses were collected for the histological examinations. The whole eyeball with developing accessory organs was collected from the pig fetuses on the 35th day of gestation. On the 50th, 63rd, 94th and 112th day of gestation, only the superficial gland with the third eyelid was collected. Staining with haematoxylin-eosin (H-E) and Azan method was performed. On the 20th, 24th, 27th and 30th day of gestation, the primordia of the glandular epithelium were not found in the examined material. The process of the third eyelid and superficial gland formation starts on the 35th day of gestation. On the 50th and 63rd day of gestation, the gland surrounding the cartilage of the third eyelid is composed of the high amount of loose connective tissue and gland cells which give rise to excretory segments. On the 94th day of gestation, the gland lobes become visible, the efferent ducts form. On the 112th day, the cartilage of the third eyelid assumes the appearance of the mature hyaline cartilage. The excretory segments are composed of simple cuboid epithelium with a large, round nucleus arranged less or more peripherally. Their number increases 2- or even 3-fold at the end of gestation.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old Draft Horse gelding presented for evaluation of a large, fleshy, ulcerated third eyelid mass OD of 3 weeks duration. Complete ophthalmic examination, ocular ultrasound and skull radiographs revealed a large soft-tissue mass involving the entire third eyelid OD and extending into the ventral right orbit to the level of the globe equator. No other abnormalities were noted on physical or ophthalmic examination. Surgical removal via exenteration was performed 3 months after initial presentation. A lacrimal adenocarcinoma of the third eyelid was diagnosed based on histopathology. Concurrent asymptomatic intra-ductal and intra-acinar Demodex caballi parasites were found in the eyelid sebaceous glands, likely as an incidental finding. No tumor recurrence or metastasis has occurred 12 months after excision. To the author's knowledge, this case is the first reported primary lacrimal adenocarcinoma in a horse. Complete surgical excision was curative.  相似文献   

A case of extramedullary plasmacytoma of the third eyelid gland in a 7-year-old American Cocker Spaniel is reported. An enlargement of the third eyelid gland, abundant mucopurulent discharge, mild hyperemia and corneal pigmentation in the OD was present. Excisional biopsy of the mass revealed the gland was infiltrated and partially destroyed by a uniform population of neoplastic plasma cells. The neoplastic cells were positive for CD138, Ki-67 and λ light chain. CD20, CD3, κ light chain and cytokeratin were negative. Twelve months following surgery, no recurrence was observed. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first extramedullary plasmacytoma of the third eyelid gland reported in dogs.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old Belgian draft horse presented for a right eye third eyelid mass and red-tinged ocular discharge of 3 months' duration. The third eyelid was excised and submitted for histopathology. On histopathologic examination, the mass was composed of both hemangiosarcoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The horse developed thickened eyelids and hemorrhagic ocular discharge from the right eye approximately 16 months following surgery, and was euthanized. Necropsy and histopathology confirmed local recurrence and regional metastasis of the hemangiosarcoma. This was an unusual case because there were two distinct neoplastic processes composing the same mass that could not be differentiated grossly.  相似文献   

The effect of third eyelid gland removal on the ocular surface of dogs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
To evaluate the effect of third eyelid removal on the ocular surface of dogs, we operated on five young Beagle dogs and observed changes to tear function using the following tests: phenol red thread test (PRT), Schirmer tear test (STT-1), modified Schirmer tear test (STT-2), pH and tear break-up time (BUT). There was a significant decrease (37%) in STT-2 within 2 weeks after the excision and this declined further to 60% at 1 year. The pH value increased after excision. Presurgical pH was 7.17 ± 0.20 (mean ± SD), which increased to 7.55 ± 0.24 in the 14–60 days following removal, and further increased to 7.77 ± 0.65 at 1 year. The PRT and STT-1 decreased by 26% within 3–7 months compared to pre-excision values, but by 1 year the values recovered to near normal. The BUT pre-excision value was 24.0 ± 8.1 s, which shortened to 13.5 ± 4.5 s after 5 months and continued to decrease further during the study. There were no overt visual signs of KCS during the observational period. However, microinjury of the keratoconjunctival epithelium was observed for all operated eyes when vital staining was used at 1 year post surgery. Surgical excision of the third eyelid in Beagle dogs influenced tear quality level and affected the stability of the tear layer, and at 1 year there was evidence of microinjury to the keratoconjunctival epithelium.  相似文献   

The morphological and histological examinations of the deep gland of the third eyelid were carried out on pig foetuses coming from the 35th, 50th, 63rd, 94th and 112th day of gestation. The morphological examinations were conducted using the method of macroscopic preparation with a forehead magnifying glass and binocular (magnification 1.5-5.0x). In order to make anatomical elements more visible, 60-80% absolute alcohol and 0.5-4% acetic acid solution were used for the examinations. For the histological examinations, the whole eyeball with developing accessory organs was collected from the pig foetuses on the 35th day of gestation. On the 50th, 63rd, 94th and 112th day of gestation only the deep gland of the third eyelid was collected. Staining with haematoxylin-eosin and Azan method was performed. It was found during the examinations that the process of the formation of the deep gland of the third eyelid starts on the 35th day of gestation. On the 50th day of gestation, the gland cells are evenly distributed in the connective tissue stroma. On the 63rd day of gestation, the connective tissue divides the gland parenchyma into indistinct lobes composed of 6-15 lobules. On the 94th day of gestation, the gland lobes become visible; the efferent ducts are situated in the central part of the lobe. On the 112th day of gestation, the lobes are composed of a high number of lobules composed of two kinds of excretory ducts. The first type of the excretory ducts is lined with the simple cuboid epithelium whose nuclei are situated at the base of the cell. The other type of the excretory ducts is lined with the simple cuboid epithelium whose nuclei are round and arranged less or more peripherally.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the distribution and density of conjunctival goblet cells (GC) and to study the anatomy and microscopic characteristics of glands associated with the eye in the guinea pig. Procedures Twenty‐five guinea pigs were used. Meibomian gland openings were counted using biomicroscopy. Conjunctiva, eyelids and glands were embedded in glycol methacrylate and paraffin. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), periodic acid Schiff’s reaction (PAS) and Alcian blue (AB). Results Highest GC densities were found in the bulbar and palpebral region of the nasal conjunctiva (GC index: 13.7–16.4%). Lowest GC densities (GC index: 0.0–1.0%) were found in 3/4 limbal regions (nasal and temporal upper eyelid, temporal lower eyelid). Guinea pigs have 27.1 ± 3.0 (mean ± SD) meibomian gland openings in the upper lid and 25.7 ± 2.3 in the lower lid. Difference between upper and lower lid was significant (P = 0.037). Two subconjunctival sebaceous glands occur temporal to each eye. The Harderian gland is very large. In the lacrimal gland three different cell types were distinguished both according to the cell structure and histochemical staining. Conclusions Goblet cell densities are lower in guinea pigs than in dogs and horses. Positive staining with PAS and AB could be an indication that mucins are produced in the lacrimal gland. If so, they may contribute to the mucin layer of the tear film. Both the extraordinarily large Harderian gland and the subconjunctival sebaceous glands produce lipids and may contribute to the lipid layer of the tear film.  相似文献   

A case of congenital lacrimal cyst or dacryops of the lacrimal gland in an 8‐month‐old Neapolitan Mastiff dog is reported. The dog presented with a swelling dorsolateral to the left globe, which had been present since birth. In addition, hyperplasia and prolapse of the superficial gland of the left nictitating membrane, and bilateral macropalpebral fissure and ‘diamond eye’ conformation were apparent. On manual eversion of the upper eyelid, a subconjunctival mass was visible that was translucent and pink and affected the upper conjunctival fornix. B‐mode ultrasonography revealed the presence of an echolucent thin‐walled cystic structure measuring 15 by 12 mm and containing an echodense border and a distended tubular fluid‐filled structure that extended posteriorly. A viscous and transparent fluid was aspirated from the lesion. Surgery was performed to excise the lesion, reposition the nictitans gland, and correct the morphology of the palpebral fissure. Histopathology confirmed the mass to be a cyst and distended duct of the lacrimal gland. Although tear secretion was compromised, resection of the cyst was curative.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Himalayan cat was diagnosed with concurrent eosinophilic conjunctivitis, herpes virus, and a conjunctival mast cell tumor. Eosinophilic conjunctivitis was verified via cytology from a conjunctival scraping, which revealed 50% eosinophils and 50% neutrophils. Herpes virus was verified via a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Conjunctival scrapings for chlamydia immmunofluorescent antibody (IFA) and herpes IFA were negative. A mycoplasma was detected by a general mycoplasma PCR but the organism did not grow on the available mycoplasma media. The mass was excised and microscopic evaluation revealed a histiocytic mast cell tumor. The mast cell did not recur following local excision (at 1 year follow-up). The eosinophilic conjunctivitis was treated with both topical steroids and systemic megesterol acetate (Ovaban). When topical steroids were used, the herpes virus flared up and resulted in dendritic and geographic corneal ulceration. Therefore, the cat was treated with megesterol acetate and the eosinophilic conjunctivitis was well controlled. Treatment of eosinophilic conjunctivitis in the cat with megesterol acetate may be the treatement of choice due to the possibility of herpes virus.  相似文献   

Adenocarcinoma of the gland of the third eyelid in seven dogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adenocarcinoma of the gland of the third eyelid developed as a smooth, pink nodule on the bulbar aspect of the third eyelid of seven 10- to 16-year-old dogs. Tumors recurred in 4 dogs. One dog, which initially had the most infiltrative-appearing tumor among those studied, was euthanatized 7 months after the first excision, because of extensive local recurrence and suspected metastasis. Tumors did not recur after removal of the entire third eyelid as the initial or follow-up procedure. We recommend removal of the entire third eyelid to prevent local recurrence of the tumor.  相似文献   

Objective To report the sonographic findings, treatment, and outcome of horses with severe eyelid swelling, to describe the sonographic appearance of enlarged lacrimal glands, and to describe the clinical features of acute dacryoadenitis. Materials and methods Medical records of all horses with severe eyelid swelling that underwent an ultrasound evaluation of the globe and periorbital structures from 2004–2010 were examined. Cases were limited to those in which the eyelid swelling was so severe that the globe could not be visualized. Results Ten horses met the criteria for inclusion in the study. All cases were unilateral and acute. Marked enlargement of the lacrimal gland was found in five cases, and supported the diagnosis of acute dacryoadenitis. Eyelid abscessation was found in three horses, accompanied by mild to moderate lacrimal gland enlargement in two of the three. Enlarged lacrimal glands were slightly heterogeneous in appearance and could be differentiated from an abscess by imaging the protrusion of the gland from beneath the supraorbital rim. Only two cases of severe eyelid swelling were soley traumatic. Conclusions Severe eyelid swelling was often associated with dacryoadenitis and/or eyelid abscessation. The detection of marked lacrimal gland enlargement in horses with an acute onset of severe painful eyelid swelling is consistent with a diagnosis of acute dacryoadenitis. Ultrasonographic evaluation of eyelid swelling of any degree is warranted to determine if enlargement of the lacrimal gland, etiology notwithstanding, is an underlying or contributing cause.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the density and distribution of conjunctival goblet cells (GC) and study the anatomy and microscopic characteristics of glands associated with the eye in chinchillas (Chinchilla Laniger). Procedure 12 chinchillas were included in the study. Conjunctiva (divided into four regions), eyelids, and glands were embedded in paraffin wax, sectioned, stained, and analyzed. Results Highest GC densities were found in the palpebral region of the nasal and temporal conjunctiva of both eyelids (GC index: 25.1-18.2%), and lowest densities, in the bulbar and marginal region of the nasal and temporal conjunctiva of both eyelids (GC index: 1.5-0.0%). Meibomian glands extend along the entire length of both eyelids, and the whole glandular complex broadens toward the temporal canthus. This is macroscopically visible through the conjunctiva. The openings of the Meibomian glands are macroscopically not discernible. The light pink, smooth, and crescent-shaped lacrimal gland lies next to the aforementioned broadened part of the Meibomian glands in the temporal canthus. The whitish, 0.9-cm-long, smooth Harderian gland is firmly attached to the posterior part of the globe and extends nasally from the optic nerve to the equator. Furthermore, chinchillas possess two lacrimal puncta, situated on the inner conjunctival surface of both eyelids near the medial canthus. A pigmented lacrimal canaliculus originates from each punctum. The vestigial nictitating membrane is supported by a hyaline cartilage and is pigmented at its free margin. Conclusions Chinchillas possess a Harderian gland, a lacrimal gland, and Meibomian glands. The GC density in the nasal and temporal palpebral conjunctiva is higher than in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

选用军牧1号断乳仔猪45头,随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复3头,采用完全随机化设计进行生长试验,研究了不同来源(硫酸铜和蛋氨酸铜)和不同添加水平(5、125 mg/kg)的高铜日粮对猪胃底腺Ghrelin分泌的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,日粮中添加125 mg/kg硫酸铜和125 mg/kg蛋氨酸铜组平均日增重、绝对增重、平均采食量均显著提高(P<0.05),而不同铜源间差异不显著(P>0.05);试验组胃底腺Ghrelin mRNA水平显著提高(P<0.05);血液胃泌素含量显著增加(P<0.01),并且Ghrelin mRNA水平与血液胃泌素含量呈显著正相关关系。提示高铜可促进生长猪胃底腺Ghrelin的分泌,胃泌素的分泌与胃底腺区Ghrelin的基因表达有关。  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the results obtained in 353 dogs (420 eyes) using two different surgical techniques for correction of a prolapsed gland of the third eyelid: the Morgan's pocket technique and a technique combining Morgan's approach with a slightly modified periosteal anchoring technique of Stanley and Kaswan. The pocket technique was used in 234 eyes and the combined technique in 186 eyes. Successful repositioning was obtained in 95% of all cases, with recurrence occurring in 5%. The recurrence rate in large breed dogs such as the English Bulldog and Boxer was lower with the combined technique than with the pocket technique.  相似文献   

钙和磷是机体具有重要生理功能的矿物质,在配制猪饲料时,必须考虑适当的钙磷比,以充分吸收和利用这两种矿物质.小肠是钙主要的吸收部位,但结肠也可以吸收一部分钙,但需要更多的研究来验证肠道不同部位对钙吸收的程度.植物成分中的大部分磷通常与植酸结合,因此,由于猪体内缺乏植酸酶,对植物磷的消化率较低,在猪饲料中通常会添加植酸酶以...  相似文献   

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