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Detailed knowledge of the arterial system is an important prerequisite when interpreting experimental data in research, as well as in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease using imaging techniques such as Doppler echocardiography and contrast radiography. Thus, considering the importance of the aortic arrangement, the objective of this study was to describe the collateral arteries of the aortic arch of agoutis in order to establish the standard model, and therefore contribute to studies involving research related to heart disease, and produce information for a more accurate diagnosis in complementary imaging examinations. In this study, 14 adult animals were used, comprising eight males and six females. The vascular system was washed with 0.9% aqueous saline solution and perfused with Neoprene 450 latex coloured with yellow or red pigment, which was subsequently dissected and analysed. One male animal was used for the digital contrast radiography technique perfused with a liquid barium sulphate solution (Bariogel®) (1 g/ml) and Neoprene 450 latex, both diluted 1/3. The aortic arch of the agouti presented with only the brachiocephalic trunk as collateral branch in all the animals studied. Thus, agouti falls into type 1 for mammalian aortic arch vascular arrangements.  相似文献   

This research is a study about the arterial vascularization of pelvic cavity and pelvic limb in pampas deer. For this study, 25 dead animals were used. The vascularization of the organs was investigated using a latex injection technique. Two animals were injected in the common carotid artery with contrast to cardiac angiography, and then, radiographs were taken. The aorta showed the two external iliac arteries, and after a short course, the aorta ended in two internal iliac arteries. The median sacral artery was originated from the dorsal surface cranially to the emergence of the internal iliac arteries. The last one gave off parietal (iliolumbar, cranial and caudal gluteal arteries) and visceral (umbilical and internal pudendal arteries) branches. The external iliac artery gave as first branch the deep circumflex iliac artery which was divided into a cranial and a caudal branch. After a short distance from the external iliac artery, the femoral and deep femoral arteries were originated. The deep femoral artery gave origin to the pudendoepigastric trunk and to the medial femoral circumflex artery. Based on the arterial distribution of the pelvic cavity and pelvic limb in the pampas deer, it is concluded that the internal iliac artery has a pattern of intermediate development. In reference to the distribution of the external iliac artery and its branches, the pattern of development is the cranial tibial type.  相似文献   

Clinical signs are seldom observed in feline heartworm disease, and the pathophysiological changes in the lungs of infected animals remain undefined. The goal of this study was to evaluate the structural and ultrastructural changes in the lungs of cats experimentally infected with Dirofilaria immitis. Six healthy cats were each infected with two adult heartworms by intravenous transplantation (Receptor Group, RG). The control group consisted of two uninfected animals kept under the same conditions as the RG. At 42 days after transplantation, all cats were euthanized and necropsied for worm recovery and collection of lung samples for examination by light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy. By LM, lung sections from the six infected cats exhibited bronchial and bronchiolar lesions. Alterations in all tissues of the pulmonary arteries were observed in the infected animals. In conclusion, cats infected experimentally with D. immitis developed lesions in their lungs as a consequence of arterial disease and intense interstitial pneumonia.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to define the patterns of organogenesis and foetal haemodynamics during the normal gestation of healthy agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) kept in captivity. Thirty pregnant agoutis that ranged in size from small to medium and weighed between 2.5 and 3 kg underwent B‐mode and Doppler ultrasonography for the biometric evaluation of the foetal organs. The foetal aortic blood flow proved to be predominantly systolic, and the measured flow velocity was 78.89 ± 2.95 cm/s, with a maximum pressure gradient of 2.12 ± 0.27 mmHg. The liver was characterized by its large volume, occupying the entire cranial aspect of the abdominal cavity, and it was associated cranially with the diaphragm and caudally with the stomach. The flow velocity in the portal vein was estimated to equal 12.17 ± 2.37 cm/s, with a resistivity index of 0.82 ± 0.05. The gallbladder was centrally located and protruded cranially towards the diaphragm. The spleen was visualized as an elongated structure with tapered cranial and caudal extremities, and the foetal kidneys were visualized bilaterally in the retroperitoneal region, with the right kidney positioned slightly more cranially than the left. The morphological characterization and hemodynamic analysis of the foetal organs of black‐rumped agoutis via B‐mode and Doppler ultrasonography allow determination of the vascular network and of reference values for the blood flow required for perfusing the anatomical elements essential for maintaining the viability of foetuses at different gestational ages.  相似文献   

Blood and seminal plasma ionic parameters are essential for monitoring health status, detecting illnesses, fish stock conservation and development of artificial propagation methods via extender improvement. In this study, comparison of blood and seminal plasma ionic parameters in beluga, Huso huso (30–45 kg, 1–2 m, n = 10), was made. The results obtained show that Na+ (82.54 ± 5.46), Cl (15.95 ± 0.72) and K+ (3.57 ± 0.15) were predominant ions in the seminal plasma (as mm ). Blood ionic values (as mm ) were determined for Na+ (110.2 ± 1.26), K+ (3.77 ± 0.081), Cl? (60.12 ± 1.5), Ca2+ (2.05 ± 0.35) and Mg2+ (1.9 ± 0.16). Results of the comparison between ionic parameters of seminal and blood plasma indicated that the concentrations of all parameters of blood plasma with the exception of K+ were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of seminal plasma.  相似文献   

Based on recent literature dealing with the role of oestrogens in the male gonad, attempts were undertaken to reveal the site of aromatization within the testis of the European bison (Bison bonasus). Testes were collected from culled animals living in free‐ranging populations in Bialowieza Forest, Poland (nine males aged 8 months to 10 years). Moreover, to check for any alterations in the expression of testicular aromatase between American bison (Bison bison) and European bison, testes from one adult 10‐year‐old individual were also chosen for this study. For immunohistochemistry, 4% formaldehyde fixative was used. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations of immunohistochemical staining were performed. Leydig cells, Sertoli cells and germ cells exhibited a positive immunoreaction for aromatase in testes of immature and sexually mature bison. A marked increase in aromatase expression was observed in three adult European individuals with impaired spermatogenesis. Consistent with recent data and those of our own, it might be suggested that the strong expression of aromatase negatively affects spermatogenic function in bison testes and may serve as a possible explanation of specific sperm defects observed in European bison bulls. On the contrary, one cannot exclude that differences in the aromatase immunoexpression levels are attributed to the homozygosity, the cause of frequent disease in European bison.  相似文献   

Leptin is a peptide hormone secreted by adipose tissues in the various teleost fish and vertebrates. Leptin has been suggested to have an important role in a range physiological function, including regulation of food intake, reproduction, immune function, energy expenditure, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In this study, leptin levels in the blood serum of Cyprinus carpio and Capoeta trutta were determined. Then the results were compared between two species and between sexes of each species. In addition, leptin levels were also compared with the body weight and length of both C. carpio and C. trutta. Leptin level was analysed using available enzyme‐linked immunoassay (ELISA) kit (Rat leptin ELISA kit, catalog no: SK00050‐08). Leptin levels showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) that in relation to between two species and between sexes of each species. It has been shown that not significantly correlated when examined correlations between the leptin level in blood serum and body weight (r = 0.192, p = 0.380) or length (r = 0.102, p = 0.644) of C. carpio. Similarly, the correlations between leptin level in blood serum and body weight (r = 0.021, p = 0.959) or length (r = 0.123, p = 0.595) of C. trutta were also not significant.  相似文献   

This research presents morphological characteristics of adrenal glands and a demonstration of arterial vascularization in the Pampas deer, which is considered to be in extreme danger of extinction. A total of ten deer constituted the material of the study. Vascularization of organs was investigated by using latex injection technique. Left adrenal glands were basically supplied by coeliac, cranial mesenteric, renal and lumbal arteries. The arterial vascularization of the left adrenal glands was very complex in comparison with right adrenal glands. In two examples, branch of the lumbal artery was divided into phrenic caudal artery and cranial adrenal artery. In six examples, it was observed that the caudomedial and ventral regions of the left adrenal glands were also supplied by thinner branches that stemmed from second left lumbal artery. Besides, coeliac and cranial mesenteric arteries also gave off shorter branches supplying the cranial region of the left adrenal glands in five examples. It was determined that two branches originated from abdominal aorta directly for supplying left adrenal glands in only two examples. In four examples, two caudal adrenal arteries stemmed separately from left renal artery in a short distance. Arterial vascularization of right adrenal glands was more constant and supplied by lumbal and renal arteries. The adrenal glands were generally oval or round shaped. In only two examples, left adrenal glands were ‘V‐’ or heart‐shaped. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in sizes between right and left adrenal glands.  相似文献   

Apelin is a recently discovered peptide produced by several tissues in the various vertebrates and fish. Apelin has been suggested to have role in regulation of many diverse physiological functions including food intake, energy homoeostasis, immunity, osmoregulation and reproduction. In this study, apelin‐13 levels in the blood serum of Cyprinus carpio and Capoetta trutta were determined. Then the results were compared between two species and sexes of each species. Apelin‐13 level was analysed using the enzyme‐linked immunoassay (ELISA) kit (Rat apelin‐13 ELISA kit, catalog no: CSB‐E14367r). Apelin‐13 level in the blood serum of C. trutta was significantly higher than those of the C. carpio (p < 0.05). However, its levels were observed to be no significant difference (p > 0.05) that compared to between sexes of each species. There was a significant negative correlation (r = ?0.829, p = 0.0001) between the apelin‐13 level and body weight of C. carpio. However, no significant correlation (r = ?0.022, p = 0.924) between the apelin‐13 level and weight of C. trutta observed.  相似文献   

The presence and prevalence of tick-borne haemoparasites in water buffalo from the Hubei province, south China was investigated using the reverse line blot (RLB) hybridization assay and phylogenetic analysis of the parasite 18S rRNA gene. Theileria buffeli (19.1%) was the most frequently found species in all of the locations, followed by Babesia orientalis (8.9%), Babesia bovis (1.0%) and Babesia bigemina (0.7%). Only 12 (3.9%) of the samples had mixed infections. Eleven samples with single infections were selected for further characterization using 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the eight T. buffeli 18S rRNA gene sequences obtained grouped into four clusters, of which three grouped with the known T. buffeli types B and D. The remaining five grouped separately from the previously describe T. buffeli types, constituting new T. buffeli types. The two B. bigemina 18S rRNA gene sequences obtained grouped closely with B. bigemina Kunming; this serves as the first report of B. bigemina in the Hubei province. The B. orientalis Daye 18S rRNA gene sequence obtained grouped closely with the previously reported B. orientalis Wuhan strain and with Babesia sp. Kashi 1 and Kashi 2.  相似文献   

The white-eared opossum present a higher roadkill number in Brazil, and the vertebral column is often affected when some type of trauma occurs. Thus, this study describes the osteology and radiology of the vertebral column in white-eared opossum to serve as a basis for support in the veterinary clinical care, since the casuistry of care of this marsupial has increased every year. Radiographs of the cervical (C), thoracic (T), lumbar (L), sacral (S) and caudal (Cd) segments of the vertebral column were taken in thirty-five white-eared opossums (Didelphis albiventris). Furthermore, ten opossums without evident vertebral acquired or congenital abnormalities at the radiographic study were selected for anatomical study. Osteology was correlated with the radiographic images. The use of radiographs allowed the identification of congenital and acquired vertebral changes, as well as the identification of anatomical structures, their distribution and morphology and the number of vertebrae. The vertebral formula varied in the white-eared opossum. In 27 of 35 white-eared opossums (77.2%) with normal vertebral morphology, three vertebral formulas were observed: C7/T13/L6/S2 (62.9%), C7/T13/L5/S2 (5.7%) and C7/T13/L7/S2 (8.6%). Most of the specimens presented 27 caudal vertebrae. The anticlinal vertebra was identified as T10 in 77.2% and T11 in 22.8% of opossums. Cervical block vertebra was observed in two animals and sacrocaudal block vertebra in one animal. The haemal arches could be seen from Cd3–Cd4 in 80% and Cd2–Cd3 in 20% of opossums. The white-eared opossum showed a slender vertebral column with a relatively short thoracic region, a relatively long lumbar region and a highly flexible lumbosacral transition, suggesting that this animal is a fast-running and agile opossum. Therefore, these findings may serve as a basis for further research and support the veterinary clinical care, since the casuistry of care for this marsupial has increased every year.  相似文献   

This study aims to establish the hematological values of Crotalus durissus collilineatus snakes captured in Brazil as well as to verify the effects of hematozoan infection on these snakes. Eighty-three blood samples were drawn from C. d. collilineatus specimens for analysis. The sample set was composed of 30 males and 30 females, recently caught from the wild, and 11 males and 12 females bred in captivity. Blood samples were used to determine red blood cell counts, white blood cell counts, thrombocyte counts, hematocrit values, hemoglobin concentration, and total plasma protein. Blood smears were used to diagnose Hepatozoon spp. infection and to calculate the parasitic load in the sample as well as the percentage of immature red cells. Results obtained for the wild-caught animals, with and without parasites, were compared among themselves and with the values obtained for the captive-bred animals. Hematological values for C. durissus were established. Wild-caught snakes had an infection rate of 38.3%, while no Hepatozoon sp. infection was detected in the captive-bred animals. The snakes which were not infected by the Hepatozoon sp. exhibited average weight, length, and weight-length ratios higher than those of the infected animals. An increase in immature red cells was noted in the Hepatozoon-infected snakes.  相似文献   

We described the macroscopic anatomy of the intestines and their peritoneal folds of five adult pampas deer ( Ozotoceros bezoarticus ), a cervid species considered to ingest a high proportion of grass in its natural diet. The mean (±SD) body weight was 17 (±2) kg. The small intestine and the caecocolon measured 495 (±37) cm and 237 (±24) cm in length, respectively, with an average ratio (small intestine:caecocolon) of 1.9 (±0.1). The ascending colon had two and a half centripetal gyri, a central flexure and two centrifugal gyri. The spiral ansa, which was similar to an ellipse, was fixed to the whole left face of the mesenterium. Apart from the peritoneal folds described in the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, three additional, hitherto not described folds were found: a fold that fixed the caecum to the proximal ansa of the ascending colon, one that joined the terminal part of the proximal ansa to the last centrifugal gyrus of the spiral ansa of the ascending colon, and one that linked the ascending duodenum to the proximal ansa of the ascending colon. When compared with published data from other cervids of different feeding niches, it appears that, among cervids, the ratio of small intestine to the caecocolon length does not reflect the natural diet.  相似文献   

Medical records of 26 cats with non‐lymphoid vertebral and spinal cord neoplasms treated surgically were reviewed to determine outcome and prognostic factors for survival. Of the factors examined, only tumour phenotype was significantly associated with survival. Osteosarcoma (3/26 cats) and meningioma (16/26 cats) were the most common malignant and benign tumours, respectively. The median survival time for cats with malignant neoplasms was 110.5 days, compared with 518 days for cats with benign tumours. Cytoreductive surgery resulted in clinical improvement in 25/26 cats, but local treatment failure occurred in 10/26 cats. Overall, 19/26 cats died of confirmed (12/19) or suspected (7/19) tumour‐related causes, including all eight cats with malignant neoplasms. Results suggest that contemporary neurosurgical techniques commonly result in incomplete excision of feline non‐lymphoid vertebral and spinal cord tumours but are efficacious at palliation of clinical signs of spinal cord dysfunction.  相似文献   

The presence of Moniezia expansa (Rud, 1810) Blanchard, 1891, is reported in domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica Linnaeus, 1758). Four tapeworms were collected and identified as M. expansa. This is the first report of M. expansa collected in a domestic pig in Perú.  相似文献   

In Equidae, the limb structure adapted for fore and aft running motion first developed during late Paleocene (Hyracotherium). Since then, almost all the modifications contributed in developing a limb structure in which flexion and extension were primary movements. In Hyracotheriinae and Anchitheriinae, the hip and stifle joints were more flexed and had stronger semitendinosus muscles for fore and aft motion of the limb than in Equinae. Hyracotheriinae and Anchitheriinae had unstable hock joint and had significant intertarsal movement. In Hemphillian and earlier Equinae, the intertarsal movement was considerably reduced and in post Hemphillian Equinae it was negligible because of the presence of strong intertarsal ligaments. In the evolution of the horse the development of intertarsal ligaments, reduction of lateral digits and shortening of the astragalar neck contributed in providing the stability at the hock joint. Four types of limb structures are recognized in Equidae: (1) Hyracotheriinae, (2) Anchitheriinae, (3) Tridactyl Equinae, and (4) Monodactyl Equinae. Monodactyl tendencies appeared for the first time in Hemingfordian Parahippus (reduced metatarsals II and IV and their phalanges). The foot structure of this group is more like Equinae rather than Anchitheriinae, and is considered one of the Equinae in this paper. Early Clarendonian Pliohippus was the first equid to achieve monodactylism, but is not in the directancestry of Equus. Dinohippus became monodactyl at about the same time and has more in common with Equus (skull and dental characters) than Pliohippus.  相似文献   

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