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Multiple greyish‐white visceral nodules containing abundant rapidly growing and acid‐fast bacteria, subsequently identified as Mycobacterium salmoniphilum, were detected in moribund and newly dead market‐sized fish during a period of increased mortality in an Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, farm in western Norway. Isolates cultured from diseased fish were phenotypically consistent with Mycobacterium sp. previously isolated from Atlantic salmon [MT 1890 (= NCIMB13533), MT1892, MT1900 and MT1901] in the Shetland Isles, Scotland. Partial sequences of 16S rDNA, ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1), 65‐kDa heat‐shock protein (Hsp65) and β subunit of RNA polymerase (rpoB) revealed 97‐99% similarity with M. salmoniphilum type strain ATCC 13758T. The source of infection was not confirmed. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled following experimental challenge of Atlantic salmon with field isolate NVI6598 ( FJ616988 ). Mortality was recorded in experimentally infected fish; however, the infection remained subclinical in the majority of affected fish over the 131‐day challenge period.  相似文献   

We report the first isolation, identification and characterization of a group of Chilean strains of atypical Aeromonas salmonicida isolated from freshwater farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Affected fish showed superficial ulcers and pale liver with or without petechial haemorrhages. Outbreaks of the disease occurred in two farms in the south of Chile about 2200 km apart. Five strains were isolated in pure culture and identified by serological assays and immunofluorescence tests as belonging to Aeromonas salmonicida. Although the bacterial isolates were phenotypically homogeneous, minor differences with the reference strain A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida ATCC 33658 were noted. Three specific primer sets and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing allowed the identification of the Chilean isolates as atypical A. salmonicida, with A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes and A. salmonicida subsp. masoucida as their closest relatives (100% sequence similarity). Molecular typing indicated that the atypical isolates belong to two genetic groups that were associated with the geographical origin.  相似文献   

Investigation of cranial and spinal deformities in Atlantic salmon smolts from Chile immediately after sea transfer, over two successive crops, demonstrated ankylosis of the mandibular articulation, spinal foreshortening, fracture of vertebrae and rarefaction of osseous and cartilaginous tissues including the operculum. As a result the mouth was permanently agape and opercula could be folded back on themselves. All affected fish had been transferred to sea water at 20 °C plus and fed on particular commercial diets. Fish in cooler areas, or on diets high in vitamin C and phosphorus in the high temperature zone, were clinically normal. The condition has not recurred following dietary adjustment.  相似文献   

Moderate to severe anaemia and hypoproteinaemia were reported in a Canadian outbreak of 'haemorrhagic kidney syndrome' in Atlantic salmon, later shown to be caused by a variant of infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV). The progressive anaemia associated with ISA has been previously reported, but hypoproteinaemia in salmon infected with European isolates of ISA virus has not been well documented. The present study showed a very significant positive correlation between decreasing haematocrit values and total plasma protein concentrations in Atlantic salmon infected with two Canadian and two Norwegian ISA viral isolates. However, variations in the concentration of individual plasma proteins, typical of acute phase responses in higher vertebrates, were not observed.  相似文献   

Piscine mycobacteriosis causes losses in a number of fish species both in the wild and in aquaculture worldwide. Mycobacterium salmoniphilum infections have on several occasions been reported in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. The present study tested and confirmed the susceptibility of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., an important yet relatively novel aquaculture species, to infection with M. salmoniphilum. Atlantic cod injected intraperitoneally with a suspension of this bacterium were maintained together with cohabitant (COH) fish in a flow-through marine water system at 10-11 °C. The fish were supervised daily and samples taken at 2, 7, 14, 23, 34 and 53 weeks post-infection and examined pathologically, bacteriologically and using molecular biology. Injected mycobacteria were re-isolated in high concentrations from both injected and COH fish groups. Death attributable to mycobacterial infection was observed in both injected (47%) and COH (28%) fish groups. Extensive development of granuloma in visceral organs, mainly the mesenteries, spleen, kidney and liver (lesser extent) and at later stages of the infection in heart tissues and gills, was observed in both injected and COH fish. Granulomas underwent a temporal progression of distinct morphological stages, culminating in well-circumscribed lesions surrounded by normal or healing tissue. Acid-fast bacilli were detected in both granulomas and non-granulomatous tissues. This study confirms that Atlantic cod is highly susceptible to M. salmoniphilum infection and that this bacterial species may be a threat to cod both in the wild and in the aquaculture.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to model sea lice levels and the effect on reproduction by a stochastic simulation model and to evaluate the uncertainty of lice estimates based upon counts. Two empirical data sets were examined to parameterize the models. An overall fit of the data to the Poisson distribution was found and thus was used as the base of the stochastic models. In the model, salmon lice reproduction is not linear with the number of adult females and at low lice loads a smaller proportion of the adult female lice will reproduce. Depending on the variance structure, it was estimated that between 40% and 60% of the adult female lice will reproduce at an abundance of 0.5 adult females per fish. Lice counts, especially when examining few fish at low lice loads, are uncertain and at a true abundance of 0.1 one may count between 0 and 5 lice when examining 10 fish. Understanding the dynamics of sea lice reproduction is a key factor in the development of sustainable control strategies.  相似文献   

Dietary phosphorus requirement of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The objective of this study was to determine the dietary phosphorus (P) requirement of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmon salar L. Triplicate groups of fish (mean initial weight 1.4 g) were fed semipurified, casein-gelatine-based diets containing one of five levels of P (4, 8, 10, 15 and 25 g kg−1) from Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O, or a commercial feed (17 g kg−1 P) for 9 weeks. Weight gains did not differ significantly among treatment groups fed the experimental diets but were slightly less than gains in fish fed the commercial feed. Feed efficiency (wet weight gain/dry feed consumed) was similar in all groups, averaging 1.45. Availability of dietary P, estimated from apparent retention and apparent digestibility, was 86%. Whole-body P concentrations declined in fish fed diets containing less than 10 g kg−1 P. Fitting a logistic curve to dietary P vs. whole-body P concentrations indicated that a minimum of 11 g kg−1 dietary P (9 g kg−1 digestible P) was required by juvenile Atlantic salmon to maintain whole-body P concentrations at initial levels. Calculation of a dietary requirement using a simple factorial model which incorporated measurements of P availability, feed efficiency and normal whole-body P concentration indicated that the dietary requirement was approximately 10 g kg−1. The dietary requirement established in this study (10–11 g kg−1) is higher than previously reported for Atlantic salmon or other fishes. Possible reasons for the wide range of reported dietary P requirements in fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

Individually tagged Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were fed three different adaptation diets containing low, medium or high levels of extruded starch, before intraperitoneal injection of glucose. The injections were done at winter and at summer temperatures. This was to investigate whether the tolerance for glucose varied according to adaption diet and/or according to season. The results showed a temperature-dependent response. At winter temperatures (2°C) the Atlantic salmon had problems adapting to both medium and high levels of dietary starch. This was indicated by lower growth response in the adaptation period, as well as by delayed glucose regulation. At summer temperatures (12.5°C) the Atlantic salmon could tolerate and utilize both medium and high levels of dietary starch. In summer also all groups responded evenly to the tolerance tests with respect to blood glucose regulation. Incorporation of liver glycogen was higher at summer than at winter temperatures in the high- carbohydrate group. No effect was found on haematocrit values as a response to diet or season.  相似文献   

Abstract In recent years, there has been increasing pressure from user groups in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, to manage Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., on a river-specific basis. The requirement to maximize benefits to users while ensuring that conservation goals are met has resulted in an initiative to develop river-specific target spawning requirements. In Newfoundland, anadromous juvenile Atlantic salmon make widespread use of lacustrine habitat for rearing. Depending on the river, lacustrine habitat can account for a substantial proportion of total production. Therefore, target spawning requirements for a number of rivers in several management areas were derived in terms of the contribution of both riverine and lacustrine habitats. The approach adopted, and derivations of associated parameter values, are reviewed, and limitations and research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

A clinical and histopathological review was carried out of 21 outbreaks of acute infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) in Scottish Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms (13 marine and eight fresh water) during 1991-2004. A distinctive syndrome was evident in both post-smolts in sea water and fry in fresh water, where liver lesions, which had not previously been associated with IPN, became a consistent finding in addition to the more typical pancreatic and intestinal changes. Initial cases were described in post-smolts in Shetland, but by the end of the period of investigation this type of pathology had extended down the West coast of Scotland and into Ireland. Limited viral strain analysis suggested that similar strains were involved in both fresh water and sea water and that these differed from earlier isolates from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). In fresh water, recovered fish frequently developed a greatly distended intestine associated with accumulation of undigested food. In sea water, after the initial, often significant (50% or more), losses, there were many fish which failed to grow and became chronically emaciated and prone to sea louse infection. Although use of transfer diets containing immune enhancers and the selection of IPN resistant broodstock has reduced losses the disease remains a serious cause of economic loss.  相似文献   

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