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王兴金 《野生动物》2007,28(5):8-11
小熊猫作为一种高度特化的素食性食肉目动物,在分类、系统进化及生态学等领域具有十分重要的研究价值,也是动物园里具有很高观赏价值的一种动物。为了更好地保护小熊猫免受疾病侵扰,做到有针对性的疾病预防,对近年来有关小熊猫疾病的报道进行了总结,并按病毒病、细菌病、真菌病、寄生虫病、代谢病、中毒病等进行了分类介绍。  相似文献   

讨论了广州地区圈养繁殖小熊猫的技术要点,基于小熊猫行为研究的笼舍环境设计,以及圈养小熊猫的日粮组成和营养水平,提出了适度驯化有助于动物管理、生物安全防制疾病的观点.  相似文献   

2007年7~10月,昆明动物园对1只小熊猫幼仔进行人工育幼,提供适宜的育幼条件,采用兔奶与人工乳制品相结合饲喂,终于获得成功.同时结合前几年昆明动物园小熊猫人工育幼失败的教训及其他动物园成功的经验,指出了小熊猫人工育幼成败的关键因素在于适宜的环境条件,合理的饲料配给,精心的护理,特别是饲喂适合的动物乳汁可大大提高人工育幼条件下小熊猫幼仔的成活率.  相似文献   

对小熊猫进行常规行为训练的目的是减少人为应激对小熊猫的影响,方便兽医对小熊猫进行疾病预防、诊断与治疗,同时有助于了解小熊猫的生长状况,更是为了增进人和动物的和谐关系,提高动物福利.小熊猫的行为训练在正常饲喂时间进行,主要在小熊猫采食牛奶稀饭或苹果的过程中对其进行分步式、渐进式、强化式训练.通过1a时间的训练,动物园内饲养的4只小熊猫都能主动配合训练者完成肌注、采血、心率测定、体温测量、体重称量、眼睛检查.  相似文献   

兰存子  刘旭  刁丽丽  刘振生  张明明 《野生动物》2011,32(4):191-193,227
2008年11~12月,在姚家坪小熊猫繁育基地采用目标取样法和瞬时扫描取样法对19只圈养小熊猫指名亚种的活动规律进行了研究。结果表明,圈养小熊猫1d大部分时间用于休息(56.2%),其次是运动(25.1%)和采食(9.9%),其余行为分配的时间较短。在行为节律上,休息行为除9:00~9:55外,其余时间均为所占比例最高的行为,出现4个休息高峰,分别为8:00~8:55、11:00~11:55、14:00~14:55和17:00~17:55,在9:00~9:55出现极低值16.3%,此时是运动和采食的高峰;运动行为在9:00~9:55、13:00~13:55和15:00~15:55形成波峰;采食有2个高峰,分别为9:00~9:55和19:00~19:55;标记行为在9:00~9:55、10:00~10:55和13:00~13:55出现频率较高,超过5%,修饰行为在9:00~9:55超过5%,其余时间标记和修饰行为均低于5%;其他行为所占比率较低。不同年龄组间小熊猫的行为时间分配有差异,老年在休息行为上明显高于幼年和成年,约占总行为的72%;幼年在休息、运动和标记行为上略高于成年;成年的修饰行为明显高于幼年和老年。  相似文献   

建立小熊猫人工种群开展繁殖研究是减轻野生种群压力,有效保护小熊猫的措施之一。为探索提高人工条件下小熊猫繁殖水平,2011年以来成都大熊猫繁育研究基地对圈养小熊猫的环境条件等进行了改进提高。通过对小熊猫的饲养、繁育环境条件的改善,小熊猫的繁育情况有了一定的提高,初步结果显示,改进后,小熊猫的发情率、受胎率没有显著变化,但其繁殖成活率从改进前的55. 5%极显著地提高到改进后的76. 26%(P <0. 01)。  相似文献   

为探明死亡圈养小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)体内分离大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli,MT820501)的耐药情况及致病性,对分离菌株进行药敏特性分析,同时以小鼠感染实验检测其致病性。结果显示:该分离菌株对哌拉西林、头孢西丁、头孢曲松、头孢吡肟、美罗培南、哌拉西林-他唑巴坦、氨苄青霉素-舒巴坦、卡那霉素、丁胺卡那、新霉素、米诺环素、左氧氟沙星、呋喃唑酮、多黏菌素B敏感,对大部分β-内酰胺类药物及少部分氨基糖苷类药物耐药;小鼠感染实验结果显示,分离菌株半数致死量为8.42×107cfu/m L,死亡小鼠体内分离出与小熊猫体内一致的菌株,病理表现为各实质脏器出现不同程度水肿、充血及炎性细胞浸润,与死亡小熊猫病理损伤特点高度相似,但不完全相同,这可能与感染方式、种属差异、耐受性等相关。  相似文献   

以广州动物园小熊猫体内分离出的蛔虫为研究对象,运用PCR方法,以保守引物NC5和NC2扩增其核糖体DNA(rDNA)的内转录间隔区(ITS)和5.8S序列,并对扩增后的片段进行纯化、克隆至pGEM-Teasy载体、转化、测序和序列分析,以鉴定小熊猫蛔虫的种类。结果显示2条蛔虫样品的ITS及5.8S rDNA序列基本一致,总长为913 bp,样品间序列相似性为99.7%。将序列与GenBankTM公布的相关序列进行比较分析,结果显示2条蛔虫的ITS及5.8S序列与黑熊横走贝蛔虫(Baylisascaris transfuga注册号AB571304)相似性分别为98.1%、98.4%,与大熊猫西氏贝蛔虫(Baylisascaris schroederi注册号JN210912)相似性分别为96.9%、97.1%,与猪蛔虫(Ascaris suum注册号AB571302)相似性分别为89.9%、90.1%,与人蛔虫(Ascaris lumbricoides注册号AB571296)相似性分别为89.8%、90.1%,ITS-1序列与浣熊贝蛔虫(Baylisascaris procyonis注册号AB053230)相似性分别为92.0%、92.3%。研究结果表明小熊猫体内分离的蛔虫可能为贝蛔属蛔虫,从而为蛔虫的进一步分类、鉴定和遗传变异研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A debilitated 9-yr-old female red panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens) with a recent history of corticosteroid administration displayed anorexia, depression, and diarrhea for 2 days. Blood work revealed a moderate nonregenerative anemia, leukocytosis, hypokalemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and mildly elevated alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. Serology was negative for occult heartworm, Toxoplasma gondii, feline leukemia virus, feline infectious peritonitis, feline immunodeficiency virus, and canine distemper virus. Electron microscopy of the feces demonstrated corona-like virus particles. The panda died 3 days after initial presentation. Histologic findings included multifocal, acute, hepatic necrosis and diffuse, necrotizing colitis. Liver and colon lesions contained intracellular, curved, spore-forming, gram-negative, silver-positive rods morphologically consistent with Clostridium piliforme. This panda most likely contracted Tyzzer's disease subsequent to having a compromised immune system after corticosteroid administration and concurrent disease.  相似文献   

李世宗  徐麟木 《野生动物》2012,33(5):258-259,263
使用荷兰英特威(intervet)公司生产的犬用犬瘟热(Canine Distemper)弱毒疫苗,接种了云南野生动物收容拯救中心、云南野生动物园和南京市红山森林动物园3处不同地点、不同饲养环境条件下的72只小熊猫,历时12 a,先后共接种302次,接种前所有小熊猫经过检疫、检查,无任何疾病,健康状况良好.抽检其中4只小熊猫作抗体变化测定,接种前中和抗体效价平均为1∶44,经犬用犬瘟热病弱毒疫苗接种后中和抗体效价提高到1∶1976,经多次接种试验,除1只发生不良反应出现死亡之外,其余接种的71只健康状况良好,多年来未发生犬瘟热病,通过此次试验,证明使用荷兰英特威公司生产的犬用犬瘟热弱毒疫苗接种小熊猫较为安全,中和抗体效价比接种前提高了45倍,有很好的免疫效果,是国内动物园预防小熊猫犬瘟热较为理想的疫苗.  相似文献   

The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is a quadrupedal arboreal animal primarily distributed in the Himalayas and southern China. It is a species commonly kept in zoological collections. This study was carried out to describe the morphology of the pelvis and hind limb of the red panda evidenced by gross osteology, radiography and computed tomography as a reference for clinical use and identification of skeletons. Radiography of the pelvis and right hind limb was performed in nine and seven animals, respectively. Radiographic findings were correlated with bone specimens from three adult animals. Computed tomography of the torso and hind limb was performed in one animal. The pelvic bone had a wide ventromedial surface of the ilium. The trochlea of the femur was wide and shallow. The patella was similar to that seen in feline species. The medial fabella was not seen radiographically in any animal. The cochlea grooves of the tibia were shallow with a poorly defined intermediate ridge. The trochlea of the talus was shallow and presented with an almost flattened medial ridge. The tarsal sesamoid bone was always present. The lateral process of the base of the fifth metatarsal (MT) bone was directed laterally. The MT bones were widely spaced. The morphology of the pelvis and hind limb of the red panda indicated flexibility of the pelvis and hind limb joints as an adaptation to an arboreal quadrupedal lifestyle.  相似文献   

Fourteen cases of dermatophytosis were identified from medical records of red pandas (Ailurus fulgens fulgens) housed at the Knoxville Zoo between 1980 and 1996. The median age of affected animals on initial presentation was 8.5 wk (3 wk-11 mo). Clinical signs included crusting, purulent exudate, alopecia, thickening of affected skin, ulceration, and necrosis. Seven animals had mild lesions with signs restricted to crusting and/or alopecia, and six animals had more severe infections, with ulceration, skin necrosis, and purulent exudate. Five of the severely affected pandas had tail involvement. The severity of disease affecting one individual was not recorded. Dermatophytosis was confirmed by culture, cytology, histopathology, or culture followed by histopathology. Microsporum gypseum was the only fungal organism cultured. Six animals were treated for mild disease, and all clinical signs resolved. Partial tail amputation was required as part of the treatment regimen for two of the six severely affected animals, and two others had ulcerated tail lesions that left circumferential scarring after resolution of infection. Itraconazole (5 mg/kg p.o. q 12-24 hr) was the most frequently used systemic antifungal agent in animals with severe lesions. All fungal infections resolved, although one panda died from unrelated causes early in the treatment period.  相似文献   

为了解小熊猫卵巢肥大细胞分布情况,收集15只成体小熊猫的卵巢,按常规组织学技术制作组织切片。根据甲苯胺蓝染色结果,肥大细胞主要分布于血管壁与卵泡动脉外膜的结缔组织中,其数量随着发情周期呈规律性变化,发情期最高,乏情期次之,妊娠期数量最少,不同时期之间肥大细胞数量差异极显著(P0.01);阿尔新蓝-番红花红(AB-S)染色将肥大细胞可分为黏膜型、结缔组织型与混合型。肥大细胞可能对小熊猫的受精,胚胎着床,妊娠有调节作用。免疫组化染色显示,小熊猫卵巢有组胺阳性细胞,这些细胞分布也是随着发情周期呈规律性变化,卵母细胞和生殖上皮细胞呈现小鼠脉管同系物(MVH)阳性反应,说明小熊猫卵巢内存在生殖干细胞。  相似文献   

Chromobacteriosis in a Chinese red panda (Ailurus fulgens styani).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An adult Chinese red panda (Ailurus fulgens styani) transported by airplane from Florida to a North Dakota zoo died 1 week after arrival. Grossly, an interscapular abscess, subcutaneous inflammation, lymphadenitis, and pulmonary abscesses were observed. Microscopic findings included necrotizing inflammation in liver, lung, lymph node, and spleen. Chromobacterium violaceum was cultured from the interscapular abscess, liver, lung, and spleen and was injected into Swiss Webster mice. These mice died 18 hours postinoculation, and C. violaceum was cultured from liver, lung, and spleen. Chromobacterium violaceum is a sporadically reported but highly virulent pathogenic bacterium of both animals and humans typically found as a soil and water inhabitant of tropical and subtropical regions.  相似文献   

A 17-mo-old captive-born female red panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens) presented with a sudden onset of lameness in its left hind leg was diagnosed radiographically as having possible severe, bilateral Legg-Calve-Perthes disease with fracture of the great trochanter of the left femur. Surgical repair of the fracture was performed using pins and a tension band wire through a lateral approach to the hip. This is the first case reported at Madrid Zoo-Aquarium, where 63 individuals have been bred over 15 yr.  相似文献   

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