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The catch per unit effort of Oreochromis mossambicus, Clarias gariepinus and Cyprinus carpio at different localities at Hartbeespoort Dam was investigated. Catches of the three species were between three and ten times higher on the southern shore of the lake than on the northern shore. The gradient of each locality was found to be the most important variable determining catch. Gill-net catches of O. mossambicus from littoral and limnetic stations indicated equal abundance of the species in these two habitats. The implications of the results for improved predictions of fish yield from lakes, and for management are discussed.  相似文献   

In arid or semi-arid areas of southern Africa, frogs are typically active nocturnally and seasonally. They may adopt a variety of strategies to conserve water during the day or during the unfavourable part of the year. Aquatic frogs (e.g. Xenopus, most species of Sana, Ptychadena and Phrynobatrachus) do not normally have a water conservation problem except when the water in or near which they are living dries up. Burrowing frogs (e.g. Bufo, Pyxicephalus, Tomoptema and Breviceps) are able to select microhabitats in the soil which reduce evaporative water loss. Burrowing may, in particular cases, be associated with the formation of a keratinized cocoon of stratum corneum which appears to offer a barrier to outward water movement. In arboreal frogs (Chiromantis xerampelina and Hyperolius spp.) the most interesting adaptations are found. Evidence is given in the case of HyperoUus nasutus for low evaporative water losses at the end of the dry season, when the frogs sit exposed to the sun and dry air, in flowers. During the rains when H. nasutus is in breeding aggregation the evaporative water losses are high. Chiromantis xerampelina is uricotelic and resistant to desiccation.

The three approaches which anurans have adopted in response to water conservation problems have their correlates in bladder size and function. hormonal regulation of water balance and the extent to which water loss can be tolerated. The potential that the southern African amphibian fauna offers for physiological research is emphasized.  相似文献   

Southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina selected mainly the gently sloping, smooth-surfaced beaches and vegetated areas of the sheltered north-east coast. Mainly adults hauled out during the spring breeding season, with all pups being born by late October and the majority of the pups dispersing from their birthsites by December. Subadults were most abundant at the onset of the summer moult haul-out, with bulls and some subadult males being most abundant towards the end of the moulting season. Moulting seals preferred vegetated areas to exposed beaches. During the 1977/78 summer, total population was estimated at 163 suggesting a slight decrease since 1955/56. Harems were small and few in number, and pregnant cows showed fidelity to previous pupping sites. Spatial and temporal separation of the breeding populations of elephant and fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis) precluded competition for haul-out sites.  相似文献   

笔者研发了一种新型的隔离器袖管密封夹,它操作简单,装卸快速,且制作材料结实耐用,耐腐蚀,使用寿命长。在操作隔离器的过程中,隔离器袖管密封夹可以切断隔离器内环境与外部环境连通,避免造成隔离器内部微生物污染,实现快速、简便、安全地更换隔离器手套。本实用新型可以广泛应用于实验动物生产和动物实验领域。  相似文献   

Vibrissae (whiskers) play a key role in underwater orientation in foraging phocids through vibrotactile sensation processing. Our aim was to evaluate the structure of northern elephant seal (NES) vibrissae by means of light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), in order to elucidate their function. Vibrissal follicles were processed using standardized laboratory methods and LM/TEM techniques. Individual follicular axonal numbers were counted and axonal diameter measured and averaged. NES have mystacial, rhinal, supraorbital and labial vibrissae. The vibrissal follicles are histologically subdivided into a ring, upper and lower cavernous sinuses (LCS). Each vibrissa is innervated by the deep vibrissal nerve. The average number of axons per large mystacial vibrissa is 1804 (±123), rhinal 985 (±241), supraorbital 1,064 (±204) and 374 (±65) in labial vibrissa. The entire vibrissal system carries an estimated 148 573 axons, and mystacial vibrissae alone have 125 323 axons. Axonal conduction velocity for each vibrissal type is 55.26 m/s for labial, 56.58 m/s for rhinal and 35.88 m/s for mystacial vibrissae. TEM and LM revealed a plethora of mechanoreceptors within the vibrissal follicles: Merkel cell‐neurite complexes, lanceolate and pilo‐Ruffini end organs. A vast number of sensory axons projecting from the entire vibrissal system indicate that the vibrissal sensory area takes up a large proportion of phocids’ somatosensory cortex. In conclusion, NES has highly sensitive and finely tuned vibrotactile vibrissal sense organs.  相似文献   

杭州动物园淡水饲养的海豹 (6只 )首次发现感染了半眉虫 (Hemiophrys) ,斜管虫(Chilodonella cyprini)和杯体虫 (Apiosoma)等纤毛虫。病海豹表现为离群独居、漂浮水面、流泪眨眼、食欲减退、感染区被毛脱落并覆盖一层白色薄膜。采用浓度 0 .55mg/ kg硫酸铜加浓度0 .2 mg/ kg硫酸亚铁合剂 ,内池药浴 1 2 h后 ,转外池 (0 .3mg/ kg硫酸铜 )饲养 ,隔日一次 ,疗程为 1 4天 ,取得了较为理想的治疗效果。  相似文献   

Population size of Arctocephalus tropicalis on Gough Island was determined by direct censuses of parts of the coast during the summers of 1974 – 1976 and 1977 – 1978 and correction factors for undercounting and seasonal cycles were applied. Present population size is approximately 200 000, giving an intrinsic rate of increase of 15,9% per year since 1955/56, but is now approaching the negative acceleration phase in population growth as a result of optimal breeding space becoming limited. An extension of breeding colony sites has also occurred since 1955.  相似文献   

本文对屠宰环节现行检疫验讫印章在管理和使用方面存在的管理机制不完善、印章样式不统一,以及印章字迹不清、印油使用等印章使用不规范问题进行了探讨,并针对问题提出相应建议,供在《动物检疫管理办法》修订中参考。  相似文献   

黄渤海斑海豹种群现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王丕烈  韩家波  马志强 《野生动物》2008,29(1):29-31,39
2003~2007年,对斑海豹在渤海的繁殖区和辽东湾北部双台子河口、大连旅顺虎平岛及渤海海峡的庙岛群岛3个栖息地,分别进行了斑海豹种群数量调查,并对黄海北部韩国白翎岛斑海豹度夏栖息地进行了现场考察.调查结果表明:渤海3个栖息地斑海豹数量处于动态变化之中,空间分布格局虽未发生明显变化,但斑海豹种群数量有下降趋势.白翎岛栖息地斑海豹数量波动与渤海3个栖息地斑海豹数量密切相关.由于生态环境不断恶化,尤其近年偷猎现象增多,严重威胁着本种群的生存.为此,亟待加强对斑海豹资源的保护.  相似文献   

The sharp-nosed reed frog is widespread in Africa. Although currently recognized as one species, suggestions have been made that more than one species might exist. We analysed 237 calls of 69 males from 19 localities in the western to southern parts of Africa. Calls fall into three groups, which we recognize as cryptic species. Of eight published sound spectrograms, all can be assigned to one of the three species. We recognize Hyperolius nasutus, distributed from western Africa to the Okavango Delta in Botswana; Hyperolius viridis, from the central highlands of northwestern Zambia to southern Tanzania; and Hyperolius acuticeps> which occurs from the Ivory Coast to the southeastern coast of South Africa. We assign published names to the synonymies of these three species. No call data are available for populations in the Congo basin.  相似文献   

The gross anatomical structure of the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) gastrointestinal tract is poorly described and often veterinary anatomical terminology is not used. Although the basic abdominal visceral pattern corresponded to domestic carnivores, significant differences were noted. The stomach was an elongated sharply bent tube (u‐shaped) with the pylorus and fundus juxtaposed. The elongated jejunum measured up to 15.6 times body length and had 37 jejunal arteries from the cranial mesenteric artery. The pancreas was asymmetrical with a small right lobe and a large left lobe. The unusually short greater omentum negated formation of deep and superficial leaves. The most remarkable difference was the separation of the liver parenchyma into three physically separate masses, held together by hepatic ducts, veins and arteries. The topography and position of the liver was dependent on the amount of blood in the hepatic sinus (distended hepatic veins and hepatic portion of vena cava). Thus, as the hepatic sinus filled, the lateral liver masses separate from the central mass by moving caudolaterally. This was facilitated by modified coronary and triangular ligaments which did not attach directly to the liver, but instead to the hepatic sinus. These anatomical adaptations are apparently advantageous to ringed seal's survival in a deep marine environment.  相似文献   

The ringed seal (Phoca hispida), as well as other seals, exhibit some unique anatomical properties when compared to their terrestrial counterparts. In the ringed seal, the most conspicuous adaptation is the aortic bulb, a large dilatation of the ascending aorta, which is comparable to that found in other seal species and marine mammals. Coronary arteries are similar to those of terrestrial mammals. The branches of the ascending aorta (brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery) are similar to those of higher primates and man. The pulmonary trunk originates from the right ventricle near the ventral midline of the thorax. The peculiarities of the venous system are three pulmonary veins, a pericardial venous plexus, a caval sphincter, a hepatic sinus with paired caudal vena cavae and a large extradural venous system. Generally, three pulmonary veins (right, left, middle) empty into the left atrium. The right and left pulmonary veins drain the cranial and middle lung lobes of their respective lung, while the middle pulmonary vein drains both caudal lung lobes and the accessory lobe. The pericardial venous plexus lies on the pericardial pleura on the auricular (ventral) surface the heart. The azygous vein is formed from the union of right and left azygous veins near the 5th thoracic vertebra. The caval sphincter surrounds the caudal vena cava as it passes through the diaphragm. Caudal to the diaphragm, the vena cava is dilated excessively (the hepatic sinus) and near the kidneys it is biphid. Cardiovascular physiological studies have shown some of these anatomical variations, especially of the venous system and the ascending aorta, to be modifications for diving.  相似文献   

生猪屠宰监管职能移交之后,农业部把肉品品质检验作为一项重点工作来抓。目前肉品品质检验中共有印章10枚,其中的复制印章归为"病害生猪及生猪产品无害化处理印章",用于母猪、晚阉猪肉等肉品进行深加工的标识印章。笔者认为复制印章不该归为无害化处理印章。建议在新的屠宰证、章、标识使用规范中,将复制印章从"病害生猪及生猪产品无害化处理印章"中拿出,单独列为一项,避免造成误解。  相似文献   

This investigation serves to document the normal anatomical features of the lower respiratory tract of the ringed seal [Pusa (phoca) hispida]. Evaluation of embalmed specimens and tracheobronchial casts showed that the right lung of this seal consists of four lobes while the left has only three lobes. The ventral margins of the lungs do not reach the sternum causing them to form the boundary of the broad recessus costomediastinalis. Lung lobation corresponds with bronchial tree division. Pulmonary venous drainage includes right and left common veins draining ipsilateral cranial and middle lung lobes, and one common caudal vein draining both caudal lobes and the accessory lobe. The right and left pulmonary arteries divide into cranial and caudal branches at the level of the principal bronchus. The ringed seal has three tracheobronchial lymph nodes. The trachea has an average of 87 cartilages that exhibit a pattern of random anastomoses between adjacent rings. The trachea exhibits to a small degree the dorsoventrally flattened pattern that is described in other pinnipeds. The tracheal diameter is smaller than that of the canine.  相似文献   

This work aimed at applying geometric morphometric analysis techniques to the skull of the Mediterranean monk seal ( Monachus monachus , Hermann, 1779). Inferential analyses were performed using a non-parameteric permutation framework based on a series of skulls of different age classes belonging to individuals of both sexes. Our goal was to establish whether a statistical approach based on osteometric measurements and surface analysis of photographs of the left lateral plane of the skull may lead to a different and scientifically sound method of age and sex classification in this critically endangered marine mammal. Our data indicate that non-parametric combination methodology enables the researcher to give local assessment using a combination with domains. Developing geometric morphometric techniques in a non-parametric permutation framework could be useful in solving high dimensional and small sample size problems as well as classification problems, including zoological classification of specimens within a specific population. The Mediterranean monk seal is believed to be the world's rarest pinniped and one of the most endangered mammals of the world, with fewer than 600 individuals currently surviving. The use of shape analysis would allow new insights into the biological characteristics of the monk seal by simply extracting potentially new information on age and size from museal specimens.  相似文献   

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