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一、猪流感和猪感冒的区别1、猪流感。猪流行性感冒是由猪流感病毒引起的一种呼吸道传染病。临床特征为突然发病,迅速蔓延全群。该病毒主要存在于病猪的呼吸道分泌物中,排出后污染环境、饲饮用具等,病猪、飞沫、空气、老鼠、蚊蝇等都是此病的传播途径。猪流行性感冒发生之初,病  相似文献   

非典型猪瘟与猪瘟持续感染的防制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪瘟(HC)是目前危害我国养猪业发展的主要疫病之一。虽然我们进行了以疫苗接种为主的综合防制措施,有效的控制了猪瘟的发生与流行。但近年来.猪瘟的流行特点发生了很大的变化.出现了非典型、温和型猪瘟。造成相当危害的猪瘟病毒持续感染(亚临床感染).出现胎盘感染、出生仔猪先天性震颤、妊娠母猪繁殖障碍等。给猪瘟防制工作带来很大困难.并造成巨大经济损失。  相似文献   

The hematological and clinicochemical profiles of healthy swine and swine with inflammatory processes were investigated. Blood was collected at slaughter and postmortem examination was performed to select healthy swine and swine with pleuritis, pneumonia or abscesses. In healthy swine, the values of several variables revealed significant differences between gilts, barrows and boars. This was caused predominantly by the values obtained for boars. Inflammatory processes altered the values of most variables investigated, particularly for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hemoglobin and hematocrit, for the activity of alkaline phosphatase, and for concentrations of iron, phosphate, albumin and fibrinogen in plasma. Compared with healthy swine, differences were largest for swine with metastatic abscesses and swine with both abscesses and other pathological lesions; differences were less pronounced in swine with solitary abscesses and were minor in swine with pneumonia and swine with pleuritis. Porcine hematological and clinicochemical profiles reflect the degree of inflammation.  相似文献   

猪传染性胸膜炎与猪瘟混合感染的检疫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,猪瘟的发病率呈上升趋势,病猪临床症状表现为多样化,主要以非典型猪瘟为主.患有非典型猪瘟的病猪不易被发现,易在猪群中散播病毒,使猪体抗病力降低,极易并发其他细菌感染,造成大批死亡.猪传染性胸膜肺炎是由胸膜炎放线杆菌引起猪的一种呼吸道传染病,以呈现胸膜炎症状和病变为特征.当猪瘟与猪传染性胸膜炎混合感染时,猪的发病率、死亡率均很高.  相似文献   

Because of the clinical and pathologic similarity to common endemic diseases, introduction of CSFV or ASFV strains of moderate to low virulence represents the greatest risk to North American swine herds. Producers, veterinarians, and diagnosticians should increase their awareness of these devastating diseases and request specific diagnostic testing whenever they are suspected. Production practices that improve biosecurity will reduce the risk of introduction of CSF and ASF and limit the spread if an incursion occurs. Additional resources. The following Web sites contain excellent color photographs that will assist producers and practitioners in identifying clinical signs and gross lesions associated with CSFV and ASFV: http://www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/gray_book/FAD and http://www.pighealth.com. The latter Web site and the OIE Web site (http://www.oie.int) offer updated information on current worldwide epizootics of ASF and CSF and other swine diseases. Details of biosecurity procedures can be found at http://www.agebb.missouri.edu; see publication G2340.  相似文献   

为了解临床猪病中猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒和猪瘟的感染情况.本研究根据 GenBank 中已发表的相关序列,建立并应用两组 RT-PCR 方法,对 2007 年 6月至2009年 7 月期间收集于江苏、江西地区的 323 份临床猪病料进行了检测.结果显示 PRRSV 阳性率为 85.14%(275/323),HCY 阳性率为 56.66%(183/323),PRRSV 和 HCV 的混合感染率为 40.87%(132/323).表明在猪临床疾病中 PRRSV 和 HCV 普遍存在,且混合感染非常严重.  相似文献   

“非洲猪瘟和饲料禁抗”后,猪场对生物安全、猪只免疫营养、肠道健康等的需求进一步加强。文章从猪场需求转变着手,着重从配方设计理念、添加剂筛选、发酵饲料的应用、饲料加工体系和猪场饲喂体系等方面系统阐述对行业变化的应对思考,以期为生猪高效养殖提供实践依据。  相似文献   

猪瘟疫苗及“猪三联苗”是在我国养猪生产中使用几率最多和数量最大的疫苗,但我们发现在不少地方使用这些疫苗后仍然免疫效果不好,甚至免疫失败,查其主要原因是对疫病和疫苗的特点及其性能认识不足甚至误识,再是使用技术失误,为保证免疫效果,现就其关键技术以问答形式做如下叙述,以供在生产实践中应用。  相似文献   

猪旋毛虫对猪,犬的感染性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用消化法所得的猪旋毛虫蚴分别接种猪,犬,结果表明:猪旋毛虫对猪,犬的感染性存在着明显差异,在猪的繁殖力指数为117.04,而在犬为30.60,说明哈尔滨地区猪旋毛早相当于旋毛形线虫;其对猪感染性较高而对犬感染较差,但能通过犬的感染而对人体健康构成威胁。  相似文献   

This paper describes major pathogenetic mechanisms of African and Classical Swine Fever virus infections. The interactions between both viruses and the monocyte-macrophage-system result in the release of mediator molecules, which are important for the further progression of the diseases. The causes of the thrombocytopenia and the mechanisms of the haemorrhages, which are characteristic in both infections, are described. Apoptotic cell death is regarded as the predominant cause of lymphopenia in both virus infections.  相似文献   

Passive protection of segmented swine colonic loops against swine dysentery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Swine-ligated loops were used to demonstrate passive protection against swine dysentery. Loops inoculated with immune sera containing complement and with homologous Treponema hyodysenteriae were normal at necropsy. Loops inoculated with heat-inactivated immune sera and heterologous T hyodysenteriae were not protected. Loops inoculated with heat-inactivated immune sera and homologous T hyodysenteriae were partially protected. Positive control loops inoculated with isolate B204 (88%) or B234 (44%) T hyodysenteriae and normal sera developed lesions typical of swine dysentery, whereas negative control loops inoculated with nonexposed sera only were normal.  相似文献   

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